Keys To Real Life (student)

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 35
GET THE “KEYS” Introduction Jesus’ purpose for us is clear. He wants us to experience real life in and through Him (John 10:10). This life is already ours at a time of our new birth, when we repented of our sins and trusted in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He gave it to us by grace through faith when we were saved (Eph. 2:8-9). Why “Keys?” Matthew 16:19 1.Jesus _______ us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. 2.We need to ______ them to “bind” or to “loose” things here on earth. The “Keys to Real Life” REDEEM your past 1.R_______ your past (so far) 2.E________ your emotional freeze points 3.D_____ with demonic strongholds 4.E________ your past mistakes 5.E____ untied transitions 6.M_______ past misbeliefs TEST your present 1. T______ God for every spiritual blessing 2. E________ your present lifestyle 3. S______ any destructive behavior or attitude 4. T______ yourself to be godly PLAN your future 1. P________ a life purpose statement 2. L_____ future goals 3. A____ wisely and faithfully for the future 4. N______ your memorial markers


JOIN A HEALTH GROUP Introduction A very important aspect of this course is your involvement in a HEALTH group. The word “HEALTH” is actually an acronym which means “Helping Everyone Attain Liberty through the Holy Spirit.” It’s a closed group of five to eight people who are all journeying together toward a life of freedom and grace in and through the help of the Holy Spirit. Each HEALTH group is facilitated by a HEALTH Counselor. He or she is someone who has gone through the same process that you are about to go through. In other words, they will be fellow-travelers with you. Why you need a HEALTH group Biblical reasons: 1.We are commanded to ________ each other’s burdens (Gal 6:1-5). 2.We can stand _________ together with others (Eccl 4:9-12). 3.We are part of a body and therefore ________ the whole body (1 Cor 12:26). 4.We are sometimes unaware of our own _____________ (Heb 12:15). 5.We need __________ from each other (Heb 10:25). Practical reasons: 1.We receive ______ from one another. 2.We are ______________ by the realization that we are not the only ones who have the same problem. 3.We receive important _____________ from one another concerning our problems. 4.We experience a sense of being ___________ to others. 5.We experience a sense of _______ and _______________ that may have been absent in our family situation. 6.We learn how to _________ with others. 7.We gain __________ as we observe and imitate others. 8.We feel _______ to express our emotions without being judged or condemned because of them. 9.We are ___________ in our own uniqueness. 10.We begin to deal with our own ___________ and other internal __________.

3 Principles to remember 1. Not everyone can benefit from a HEALTH group. 2. There must be compatibility among the members of the group for it to succeed. 3. Counselors are mere facilitators. Only Christ working in and through each by the power of the Holy Spirit can bring about true healing. 4. HEALTH groups must have some structure in its meetings but that by itself will not guarantee success. Choice is still the number one criteria. 5. Mere sharing does not help members of a HEALTH group unless there is true empathy and understanding. 6. Counselors as well as members must understand group processes in order to participate in the work of the Holy Spirit. 7. You don’t have to be dysfunctional to benefit from a HEALTH group. 8. The HEALTH group is not the place to get emotionally high. It is a place to be healed by the Holy Spirit. 9. The HEALTH group is not there to cater to your whims and desires. You are there to reach out to others in constructive ways. 10. Ultimately a HEALTH group is only as good as the commitment of its members to risk self-disclosure and problem solving. HG Session: Go to your respective HGs. Introduce yourselves to each other. While having your coffee break, share about your expectations for this weekend seminar. Are you excited? Are you afraid? Talk about your feelings. End in prayer for each other.


RECALL YOUR PAST (SO FAR) Why you need to recall your past 1.To _______________ God. 2.

To __________ your identity.


To _______________ the people who played a significant part in your life.


To ________ wrongs – either those you’ve done or those done to you.


To ___________ wisdom.

How to recall your past 1. _______ and ask God for protection. 2. Draw a _____________. 3. Divide the timeline into significant ______________. 4. Indicate ___________ experiences. 5. Indicate when you got _________. 6. Share your timeline with your _______________. Important reminders 1. Do not be afraid to remember your past. 2. Do not focus on your past too much. 3. Be specific about your past as much as possible. 4. Find themes or patterns in your past that you can use to share Christ in the present. 5. Begin to trust others by sharing yourself. HG Session: Make a time line depicting your life so far. Divide the time line according to fiveyear periods. Indicate the time you got saved. Identify key events in your life that you would consider to be positive. Share your time line with your HG group.


EVALUATE YOUR EMOTIONAL FREEZE POINTS What are emotional freeze points? 1. They are negative emotional experiences in our past that continue to ________ us in the present. 2. They are experiences that are _____________. 3. They prevent us from fully experiencing and enjoying the present because we are emotionally __________________. 4. They ________ our way of looking at present relationships or circumstances. 5. We are prevented from _________ or sharing ourselves to others because of these experiences. Indications that you may have emotional freeze points 1. Unhealthy _________________ 2. Addictions or unhealthy use of ________________________ 3. Unhealthy ___________________ or experiences 4. Chronic _____________ 5. Unstable ________________ 6. Unstable ________________ 7. Frequent relational ____________ or short-lived relationships 8. Over-sensitivity to words or always perceiving _________ 9. Clinging behavior or _________________ Why emotional freeze points happen 1. We live in a __________________ (Gen 3:15-19; Rom 8:22). 2. We were _____________ of sin (Eph 2:1-3; Rom 1:28-32; 3:10-18). 3. There are principalities and ___________ influencing the world (Eph 6:12). 4. We were ignorant of God’s ____________ (Eph 2:11-12). 5. Satan’s intent was to ___________ us (John 10:10). 6. We were under a _________ (Rom 2:8-9; Gal 3:10). 7. We were broken and ____________ apart from Christ (Matt 9:36).

6 Why we evaluate our emotional freeze points 1. So that we won’t have to ______ from it anymore. 2. So that we can _________ it with others (James 5:13-16). 3. So that we can begin to take _________________ for our lives (Gal 6:1-5). 4. So that we can experience God’s _________ (2 Cor 12:9-10). 5. So that we can be truly _______ (John 8:31-32). How to evaluate emotional freeze points 1. Pray for God’s protection and deliverance. 2. Verbally declare your authority in Christ (Luke 10:19). 3. Review your timeline again. This time indicate your emotional freeze points (e.g. trauma, abuse, etc.) 4. Meet with your HEALTH group and share your emotional freeze points. 5. Talk about how you felt when it happened and after it happened. Be honest. HG Session: Discuss your emotional freeze points with your HEALTH Group. Be as open and as honest as you can. Listen well when somebody is sharing his or her own time line. Try to avoid any interruptions. Feel free to clarify or confirm any information. Avoid fixing each other. Instead listen with compassion and understanding.


DEAL WITH DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS Introduction In order to defeat our enemy rather than be defeated by him, it is critical that we understand who he is, where he came from, where he gets his power, the means he uses to attack us, and the deceitfulness of his methods. Ephesians 6:10-12 Satan is a counterfeiter 1.He offers a counterfeit __________ (Matthew 13:37-43) 2.He proclaims a counterfeit ___________ (Galatians 1:6-9) 3.He raises up counterfeit ___________ (2 Corinthians 10:13-15) 4.He teaches a counterfeit form of __________________ (Romans 10:3) 5.He creates a counterfeit form of ___________ (Matthew 4:8-10) Satan’s strategy 1.He ___________ us of our past. (Zechariah 3:1-4) 2.He ___________ us in our present. (Ephesians 2:1-3) 3.He ___________ us of our future. (Hebrews 2:14-15) What are demonic strongholds? (2 Cor 10:1-6) 1.They are ________ of our lives where the enemy has gained more than a foothold (Eph 4:27). a.

In our ________ (2 Cor 4:4)


In our ________ (Acts 5:3-6)


In our ________ (1 Tim 5:15)


In our ________ (Luke 13:16)

2.Satan uses them to ______________ and to limit our freedom by accusing us of guilt and shame (Zech 3:1-4). 3.It hinders us from _______________ in God’s work (Matt 16:23) 4.Sometimes Satan may use them to ________ us into doing his will (Luke 22:16). 5.Satan takes a ___________ on these areas and would not let go easily (Mark 3:23-27).


Indications of demonic strongholds (Mark 5:1-13) 1.Difficulty in maintaining normal relationships (v.3) 2.Unexplained rebelliousness or violence toward others (v.4) 3.Self-destruction (v.5) 4.Reacts or becomes uneasy in God’s presence (vv.6-8) 5.Adopts different personalities (vv.9-10) 6.Lack of personal hygiene or animal-like behavior (vv.11-13) Examples of demonic strongholds 1. Unforgiveness, bitterness or _________ (Eph 4:26-27) 2. Practicing ______________ (Acts 19:17-20) 3. Constant lying or unwillingness to ____________________ (Acts 5:3) 4. Obsession with power or _____________ (Acts 8:18-19) 5. Rejection of the ____________ (Acts 13:6-12) 6. Teaching or enjoying _____________ (2 Cor 11:13-15; 1 Tim 1:18-20; 4:1-2) 7. Getting involved in _________________ (1 Cor 10:20-22) 8. _______________ (1 Tim 5:13-15) 9. Excessive fear of death or ____________________ (Heb 2:14-15) HG Session: 1.Examine your time line again to see if you have demonic strongholds. 2.Share your feelings and suspicions with your HG. 3.Let someone pray for you (Acts 8:24). 4.Confess any sin (James 5:16). 5.Surrender or destroy any object that Satan might use (Acts 19:17-20). 6.Re-submit your life to God (James 4:7-10). 7.Ask your HEALTH Group to hold you accountable. 8.Put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:10-18).


EMBRACE YOUR PAST MISTAKES The Need to Embrace Past Mistakes 1._____________ has had past mistakes (Eph 2:1-3). a.

We followed the _______ of this world and of Satan.


We gratified the ____________ of our sinful nature.

2.Past mistakes are _____________ already and we cannot go back to undo them (Phil 3:12-14). 3.God chooses _________________ our past mistakes anymore (Isa 43:25). 4.God can still ___________ in spite of our past mistakes (Luke 5:1-11). 5.It can be an occasion of _________ (Gal 1:22-24). 6.Our past mistakes makes us realize God’s mercy and _________ upon our lives (1 Tim 1:15-17). 7.Our realization of past mistakes and how they are forgiven by God enables us to ______________ all the more (Luke 7:41-47). Why it’s hard to embrace past mistakes 1._________ accuses us all the time (Zechariah 3:1-2). 2.________________ would often accuse us of wrongdoing (1 Peter 2:11-12). 3.We tend to be very _________ on ourselves after we’ve committed a mistake (Matt 26:69-75; cf. 27:1-5). The Vicious Cycle of Self-condemnation






10 How to embrace past mistakes (Psalm 51) 1.

________ a. Admit your past mistakes before God (vv.3-4) b. Admit your inherent sinfulness before God (v.5) c. Admit your need for integrity (v.6)


_______ a. Ask for mercy (v.1, 9) b. Ask for cleansing (v.2, 7) c. Ask for renewal (v.8, 10) d. Ask for empowerment (v.11, 12)


_______ a. Act by teaching others (v.13) b. Act by praising God (vv. 14-15) c. Act by offering yourself (vv. 16-17) d. Act by praying for future protection (vv.18-19)

HG Session: While in your HEALTH Group, begin confessing your sins to one another (James 5:16). If this is too much for some of you, at least confess to the HEALTH Counselor in private. Set an appointment with him or her. It is important to confess our sins because this shows that we are truly sorry. At the same time, healing can only come to us through the prayers of trusted friends. Remember it is important to admit our sins first before we ask for forgiveness. Sometimes we may need to ask forgiveness directly from those we have offended. At other times, this may be impossible. So we simply ask God to forgive us. There are also times when we need to make some kind of restitution. Be sure to ask God in prayer how you can do this. Then ask your HEALTH Group.


END UNTIED TRANSITIONS Introduction Transitions are those external changes in our lives that require internal changes in our hearts and minds. Transitions will always be part of our lives

1.________________ Transitions 2.________________ Transitions 3.________________ Transitions 4.________________ Transitions 5.________________ Transitions 6.________________ Transitions How transitions in the past can affect the present 1.We _________ to accept the change 2.We _________ to live in the past 3.We _________ the past to justify our fear of the present 4.We _________ the present by comparing it with the past 5.We _________ the past with the present The Five Phases of Transitions Phase 1: _______________ of impending change Phase 2: ___________ to stop change Phase 3: ______________ of actual change

12 Phase 4: ___________ after the change Phase 5: ____________ the change How we can end untied transitions 1.


__________ of the past. •

Accept the fact that the past is over.

Be honest about what you’ve really lost.

Let go of your old identity clutches.

Allow yourself time to grieve.

“Mark” or celebrate the ending, if at all possible.

Be open to new understandings and values.

___________ the new beginnings. •

Recognize that the journey from one phase to another may be hard.

Expect ambiguity and confusion.

Ask questions, seek new solutions, and accept new identities.

Be creative and explore new and unusual ways.

Embrace setbacks and losses as entry points for new solutions.

Recognize that new beginnings follow the timing of the mind and heart whereas a new start follows the timing of a schedule.

Celebrate the successful beginning at the end of a transition.

HG Session: While in your HEALTH Group, explore your time line again. Look for key transitions in your past. Have you let go of the past and have moved on to your present? Have you learned to accept that the past is over? Are you now living your life with a sense of denial? Make confessions to your group if you feel that you have not yet adjusted to some new realities in your life. Make a commitment to tie up any untied transitions.



Actions motivated by emotions


Emotional reactions

Interpretations coming from beliefs

The Source of Misbeliefs 1.










Wrong message we receive SELF-WORTH = ______________ + __________________________

14 Four Major Misbeliefs and their Negative Consequences 1.“I must meet certain standards in order to feel good about myself.” Negative consequence: ______________________ Manifestations:

2. “I must be approved or accepted by certain others to feel good about myself.” Negative consequence: _____________________ Manifestations:

3. “Those who fail are unworthy of love and deserve to be punished.” Negative consequence: _____________________ Manifestations:

3. “I am what I am. I cannot change. I am hopeless.” Negative consequence: ________________________ Manifestations:

How to overcome Misbeliefs

1. Be ___________ about yourself (Psalm 139:23-24; Romans 12:3-5) 2. Look for affirming ____________________ (Eccl 4:9-12) 3. Practice ___________________ (Phil 4:8) 4. Grow in the grace and _______________ of God (2 Pet 3:18) 5. Live by __________ always (Eph 2:8-10) God’s answer to each of our misbeliefs:

15 1. “I must meet certain standards in order to feel good about myself.” God’s answer: We are already ______________ by the grace of God (Eph 2:810; Phil 3:7-11).

2. “I must be approved or accepted by certain others to feel good about myself.” God’s answer: God already ______________ us as we are because of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (Col 1:21-22; Romans 14:1-4) 3. “Those who fail are unworthy of love and deserve to be punished.” God’s answer: Christ ______________ for us so that we may no longer suffer the wrath of God (2 Cor 5:21: Romans 5:1-2). 4. “I am what I am. I cannot change. I am hopeless.” God’s answer: If anyone is in Christ, he is a ______________ (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15) HG Session: Meet with your HEATH Group and examine whether you have misbeliefs in your life. Do you have the tendency to look at yourself negatively? Are you prone to bouts of self-pity? Are you having difficulty in maintaining relationships? What kind of misbeliefs have you been entertaining lately?


THANK GOD FOR EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING . Why be thankful 1. God has ___________ us with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:3) 2. We are _____________ to be thankful (Psalm 50:14) 3. _________ set us an example (Matthew 11:25) 4. Other ____________ set us an example (e.g. David, 1 Chron 29:13) 5. The heavenly ________ set us an example (Rev 4:9) 6. The wicked shows us a ____________ example (Rom 1:21) 7. We ___________ from being thankful (Phil 4:6-7) When to be thankful 1. In _________ worship (Daniel 6:10) 2. In _________ worship (Psalm 35:18) 3. Upon the completion of great _______________ (Neh 12:31,40) 4. Before receiving any ____________ (John 6:11) 5. When _______________ for others (1 Tim 2:1) 6. Whenever you enter God’s _____________ (Psalm 100:4) 7. _______________ (1 Thess 1:2) What to be thankful for 1. For the goodness and ________ of God (Psalm 106:1) 2. For the gift of __________ (2 Cor 9:15) 3. For deliverance from _______ (Rom 7:23-25) 4. For victory over death and _________ (1 Cor 15:57) 5. For our appointment to __________ (1 Tim 1:12) 6. For the nearness of God’s ____________ (Psalm 75:1) 7. For ______________ (2 Cor 9:11)

17 HG Session: Read Ephesians 1:3-14 and discuss the following: 1.What are the spiritual blessings that God has given us in Christ? 2.How does it feel to receive all these blessings? 3.Why is being thankful so important in experiencing real life? 4.Have you been thankful to God lately? In what ways have you been less thankful? End the session by actually thanking God for every spiritual blessing in Christ. Be specific. Ask God to develop the attitude of gratitude in your hearts.


EVALUATE YOUR PRESENT LIFESTYLE The components of lifestyle •

Your use of ____________ (Eph 5:15-17)

Your use of ____________ (1 Peter 4:10)

Your use of ____________ (1 Tim 6:6-10)

The need to integrate your faith with your lifestyle (Phil 2:12-13) 1. Obedience to God must be __________________. 2. Obedience to God must be __________________. 3. Obedience to God must be __________________. 4. Obedience to God must be __________________. How to integrate your faith with your lifestyle 1. Renew your ________ (Rom 12:2). 2. Develop _______________ (2 Cor 4:13) 3. Learn to think _______________ (Phil 4:8) 4. Be accountable for your actions and ________________ (Eph 4:20-24) 5. Practice what you ____________ (Phil 4:9) HG Session: Examine your present lifestyle. Confess to your HEALTH group if you have not been faithfully obeying Christ in your life. Be specific. Share how you really feel about these failures and let your HG minister to you. Learn to speak the truth in love with each other.



There are seven destructive behaviors and attitudes that you should stop… 1.___________ (Eph 4:25)

2._________________________ (Eph 4:26-27)

3.________________ (Eph 4:28)

4.____________________ (Eph 4:29-30)

5._________________________ (Eph 4:31-5:2)

6._________________ (Eph 5:3-7)

7.______________________ (Eph 5:15-20)

HG Session: 1.Which of the seven destructive behaviors or attitudes seem to be present in your life right now? Why do you say so? 2.Are you convinced that they should be stopped right away? Why? 3.Do you think it would be easy? Why or why not? 4.What particular obstacles do you foresee that you will encounter once you begin to deal with these behaviors and attitudes? 5.How do you plan to deal with them? Make a covenant with each other to hold each other accountable before the Lord in stopping these destructive behaviors and attitudes beginning today.


TRAIN YOURSELF TO BE GODLY What it means Godly training is the process whereby a believer in Christ takes responsibility for his or her own spiritual development by pursuing and practicing the six godly habits of highly fruitful disciples. Why godly training 1.It is ______________ in Scripture (1 Tim 4:7-8). 2.It results in personal ____________ (2 Peter 1:5-11) 3.It is our role in the process of ___________________ (Phil 2:12-13) 4.It gives us victory over _____, _________ and the _______ (1 Tim 6:11-16) 5.It protects us from _________ in sheep’s clothing (Acts 20:25-31). 6.It maximizes our ministry ________________ (Rom 12:11). 7.It helps us finish the ________ (1 Cor 9:24-27). 8.It assures us of our ______________ (2 Cor 13:5-9). 9.It crucifies our ________________ (Gal 5:16-18, 22-25). 10.It results in a harvest of __________________ (Gal 6:7-9; Phil 1:9-11). Godly habits to develop 1.

_____________ God with your time, talents and treasure.


_____________ to your daily communion with God.


_____________ your knowledge of God.


_____________ yourself in the family of God.


_____________ of your family as God does.


_____________ your faith in God with others.

HG Session: Discuss the following questions in your HG. 1. How would you describe your Christian life right now? Would you say that you are training yourself to be godly? Why or why not?

21 2. Which of the six habits are you having difficulty with? Which one would you like to work on starting this week?

PREPARE A LIFE PURPOSE STATEMENT Why prepare a life purpose statement 1.God __________ to fulfill His purpose for our lives (Rom 8:28-30). 2.God is first interested in who we are _____________ before He can use us for His purpose (2 Tim 2:20-21). 3.God’s purpose for our lives is revealed in _________ (Gen 37:5-11; 45:4-7). 4.God’s purpose for our lives is where we will experience the greatest __________________________ (John 4:34). 5.God’s purpose for our lives is only ________ of His larger purpose for the kingdom of God (Eph 1:9-10). To discover our life purpose, we need to listen to our destiny clues 1.










Sample of a life purpose statement My purpose in life is to become a faithful disciple who helps others become faithful disciples so that they can fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, because I believe in the Great Commission wholeheartedly.

HG Session: Make your own life purpose statement 1.What do you believe God wants you to become? My purpose in life is to become a __________________________ (adjective and/or noun) Ex. My purpose in life is to become a faithful disciple


2.What do you believe God wants you to do? who _____________ ______________________ _____________ (verb or verbs) (adjectives and/or nouns)


Ex. who helps others become faithful disciples 3.What do you believe are the results or the fruits of your life that God wants you to accomplish? So that ___________________________________________ (results or fruits) Ex. so that they can fulfill God’s purpose for their lives 4.Optional: What are your underlying reasons, values or beliefs upon which the above are based? because ____________________________________________ (reasons, values or beliefs) Ex. because I believe in the Great Commission wholeheartedly A ROUGH DRAFT OF YOUR LIFE PURPOSE STATEMENT _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


LIST DOWN YOUR FUTURE GOALS Introduction A future goal is simply a statement of what you want to accomplish by God’s grace at a certain definite time in the future which is in accordance with your life purpose statement. Why list future goals 1. To reach our maximum ____________ in Christ (Phil 3:12-14). 2. To focus our God-given ____________(Matthew 25:14-30). 3. To promote unity and harmony in our _________________ (Romans 15:23-24). 4. To accomplish the _________________ (Romans 12:1-2). 5. To live _______________ lives (1 Thess 4:11-12). 6. To follow biblical ______________ (Phil 3:17-4:1). 7. To give glory to ________ (Colossians 3:17). The three laws of the harvest 1. You will ____________ reap what you sow. 2. You will always reap __________ than you sow. 3. You will always reap _________ than you sow. How to list your future goals 1.


__________ yourself to a proactive life. Ask God to reveal to you His plan for your life. Then by faith proceed to the next step. __________ SMART goals that inspire you. Use any of the following approaches:

AREAS OF LIFE  Spiritual  Financial  Marriage/Family  Physical  Educational  Personal/Social  Professional

_______________ approach – Think of various areas in your life (see box) and ask the question, “Am I satisfied with what is happening in this area of my life?” For those areas where you are not satisfied, come up with goals

_______________ approach – Come up with a list of all possible goals in each area of your life (see box). Then choose those goals that inspire you.

24 •


_____________ approach – Think of each area of your life (see box) and come up with a wish list, i.e. what you wish to happen in that area of your life. ________________ your goals. Write your goals in pieces of paper and then categorize them… •

In terms of _____________

In terms of ________

In terms of ________

In terms of _____________ 1)







________________ your goals by faith


________________ the fulfillment of your goals

Individual Session: Come up with at least two or three future goals. Be sure that you are excited with these goals. Ask God to guide you. Come up with SMART goals. HG Session: Share your goals in your HG. Explain why you have such goals. Sharing your goals is also tantamount to sharing yourself. Learn to trust others. Learn to listen to others also when they are sharing their goals. Conclude with prayer for one another.


ACT FAITHFULLY AND WISELY FOR THE FUTURE Introduction God wants us to live our lives by faith (Heb 11:1). Listing future goals alone will not bring about an experience of real life. We need to act faithfully and wisely for the future. How do we do that? Test your future goals 1.The test of ______________________ (Mark 10:35-40) 2.The test of ______________________ (Acts 16:6-10) 3.The test of ______________________ (Eccl 4:9-12) Believe God for your future 1. Believe that God has a _______ for your life (Jer 29:11) 2. Believe that God works out everything for the _________ of His people (Rom 8:28) 3. Believe that God is in ___________ over every aspect of your life (Eph 1:11) 4. Believe that God’s will is greater than all your _________ (James 4:13-17) 5. Believe that God will ___________ your faith (2 Thess 1:11-12) Start accomplishing your future goals by faith 1.Break it down to __________________ units of work. Example: If your goal is to become a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, you can break it down into the following •

Have a daily quiet time at least three times a week

Share my faith with at least 2 people each month

2.Slim it down into _____________ steps. Example: If the unit of work is “have a daily quiet time at least three times a week,” you can come up with the following steps: •

Buy a good quiet time tool

Buy a journal

Start having quiet times with the Lord

26 3.Take it down to a _________________ schedule Example: If you want to do the above steps, you can schedule it as follows: •

Sunday afternoon, after SWC – Buy a good quiet time tool and journal

Monday morning, Wednesday morning, and Friday morning, at exactly 6 am – Start doing your quiet time

Be wise in your significant decisions 1.___________ upon the Lord (Psalm 130:5-6) 2.___________ from the Word (Psalm 1:1-3) 3.___________ godly counsel (Proverbs 2:1-8) 4.___________ your motives (James 4:1-3) HG Session: Go back to your future goals and start testing them. Are they worthwhile goals? Will the Lord be glorified in your life if you fulfill them? After you have verified your future goals, start making plans to fulfill them. Break them down into manageable units of work. Then convert them into doable steps. Then take them down to a workable schedule. Share what you’ve done with your HG. Ask them what they think. Help each other fine tune your plans. End by praying for each other’s success.


NAME YOUR MEMORIAL MARKERS Definition of a memorial marker MEMORIAL. That by which the memory of any person or thing is preserved. Thus the feast of the Passover was a memorial of Jehovah's sparing the firstborn of Israel in Egypt (Ex 12:14); the heap of stones left in the bed of the Jordan was a memorial of the Israelites' crossing it (Josh 4:7); the two engraved stones upon the shoulder pieces of the high priest's ephod were "for a memorial" (Ex 28:12), as were also the names engraved upon the jewels of his breastplate (v. 29). The sacrifice in the case of jealousy was called a memorial because it brought iniquity to remembrance (Num 5:15). A memorial was also a record (Ex 17:14; "book of remembrance," Mal 3:16). The act of Mary in anointing the feet of Jesus was to be spoken of in "memory of her" (Matt 26:13; KJV and NIV, "memorial"; Mark 14:9; cf. Acts 10:4). (From The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (c) 1988.) Characteristics of a memorial A memorial is something that is… 1.

M_______________ It connotes a deeper meaning than what can easily be understood. In other words, people need to ask further in order to know its true meaning.


E___________________ It is focused upon a particular event that transpired which has deep meaning for those involved. It is not just a random act. People see intentionality in the events that happened.


M_______________ The event is significant enough that it can be remembered even after a certain time has passed. It can easily be recalled with vividness and feeling if necessary.


O__________________ The purpose of the memorial is for others to recall or remember. It is not really for those in the present. Memorials always pertain to the past, but they can be anticipated even in the future (for example, Isa 56:4-5; Zech 6:9-15, i.e. people in the future will remember the past because of the memorial that is anticipated.)

28 5.

R______________ A memorial seeks a response from those who can understand it. It is not just a fond memory but a challenge for faith in the present. The memorial will challenge the people who will see and understand the memorial in the future to trust God for their present.


Y________________________ There will always be a yearning to see God’s renewed action in the present once a past memorial is recalled (e.g. Psalm 77:10-15). Those who understand the memorial are motivated to ask God for a similar display of grace or compassion in the present time.

Examples from Hebrews 11 •

Cain and Abel (verse 4) - his _____________ of the lamb demonstrated his belief that God would one day send a way to save them from sin.

Enoch (verses 5-6) – he ___________ with God

Noah (verse 7) - believed that God would send _______ even though he had never seen it before.

Abraham (verses 8-19) - willingly left for an unknown land and trusted that God would keep his promise to make him ___________ of a great nation even though his wife had no children.

Isaac (verse 20) - by blessing his sons he continued the ____________ of faith

Joseph (verse 22) – had faith that his people would ___________ to the promised land

Moses (verses 23-29) - _______ the people even against difficult odds.

Rahab (verses 30-31) - ______________ that the Israelites were God's people and wished to join them.

Gideon (verse 32) – believed that God would use him to defeat his enemies even though he felt _________________.

Samson (verse 32) – believed that God could still use him despite his _____________.

David (verse 32) – believed that God can use even young and ________ people!

Samuel (verse 32) - listened to God's instructions and ___________ them.

29 HG Session: Fill-up the blanks individually. Then share what you have written in your HG. Affirm each other’s memorial. Pray for each other that God would use each of you to accomplish great and mighty things for His glory. • I would like to be remembered by my family for the following: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ • I would like to be remembered by my friends for the following: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ • I would like to be remembered by the Christian church for the following: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ • I would like to be remembered by the world for the following: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

30 APPENDIX A LIST OF POSSIBLE STRONGHOLDS Strongholds in the spiritual realm: Have you had any involvement in the past with occult practices? (example, spirit of the glass, going to faith healers, tarot card, etc.) Have you been a member of cultic groups or false religions? Do you keep in your possession any idol or anting-anting or any object that is said to give you luck or blessing? Do you believe in omens or bad luck? Do you experience nightmares involving demons? How often? Do you hear voices even though you’re all alone? How often? Do you see appearances of spirit beings? How often? Do you read new age books or dwell on new age thoughts or practices (pranic healings, crytals, feng shui, good luck charms, fertility gems, etc) Do you have special powers like the ability to know the future, move objects, etc? Do you experience uneasiness, mental blocks or confusion when you are listening to a sermon or Bible teaching? Are you sometimes overcome with terror for no apparent reason? Do you sometimes feel an urge to kill or hurt yourself or others for no apparent reason? Strongholds in you mind: Do you get easily hurt when people criticize you? Do you always want to be the center of attraction? Are you always interested in having a good image? Do you tend to focus more on yourself whenever you’re talking? Do you find it hard to listen to other people? Do you always find yourself lying or pretending for no reason? Do you find it difficult to be honest? Have you been indoctrinated by false religious teachings in the past? Do you find it difficult to accept or understand the basic teachings of the Bible while you’re listening?

31 Do you have religious beliefs right now that you know are contrary to biblical teachings? Do you resent certain types of people? Are you afraid that your children might turn out to be like those you don’t like? Do you tend to let things happen and not care at all? Are you unaffected by things around you even though they are important? Do you accept what others are saying even though it disagrees with what you believe, just because you’re afraid of conflict? Do you find yourself judging others too hastily based on your standards? Are you easily irritated by the failures of other people? Are you afraid of something for no reason? Does your mind always dwell on unprofitable things all the time? (ex. chismis, politics, slander, revenge, etc.) Strongholds in the area of our emotions Do you feel hatred for certain people in your past? Do you feel uneasy whenever those people are around you or near you? Do you sometimes find yourself planning revenge against those people? Do you find it hard to mention the names of those people? Do you find it difficult to forgive these people? Do you say to yourself and others that you have already forgiven these people and yet feel uneasy when they are around? Do you blame certain people for the wrong things that have happened in your life? Are you constantly feeling sorry for yourself? Do you feel depressed most of the time? Do you feel like giving up or walking away from your present situation? Are your emotions like a roller coaster, up and down? Do you tend to be overly anxious about a lot of things? Do you have a secret desire to be better than somebody you know? Do you secretly desire to have what somebody else has? Do you sometimes find it hard to concentrate because you’re always thinking that other people have more than you? Are you often irritable with other people or yourself?

32 Do you find yourself raising your voice or clenching your fist every time you get disappointed? Do you feel self-condemned because of your past sins? Do you feel that you need to pay for you past sins? Do you sometimes feel that you do not deserve a better life right now because of your past sins? Do you believe you have been so bad God himself cannot forgive you? Do you find it difficult to admit certain sins with other people? Do you feel ashamed when people discover your past sins? Would you rather be anonymous rather than known by others? Are you afraid of personal questions? Do you find it awkward when people ask others personal questions? Would you rather forget about your past than deal with them? Strongholds in the area of our wills: Do you often feel compelled to do something even though you know it’s wrong? Do you find it difficult to say “no” to people? Do you often feel “forced” or “manipulated” by other people? Are you always doing something that you know is not right simply because you enjoy it? Do you find it difficult to stop something in your life even though you know it’s destroying your life? Do you have secret sins that you can’t get rid of? Are you doing something right now that you would be afraid to tell someone especially someone in the church? Are there bad habits in your life that you have not surrendered to the Lord? Do you find it difficult to do your quite time or to pray? Are you sometimes afraid that people will find out the real you? Do you do things in secret and then feel ashamed, but then do it again? Do you find it difficult to make time to read your Bible? Do you often rationalize your lack of self-control when people confront you about your bad habits? Do you always spend beyond your income? Are you always getting into debts?

33 Do you try to borrow more money to pay off existing debts? Are you always out of budget? Are you living beyond your present ability or income? Do you have trouble choosing the right thing in your life? Do you find it difficult to obey God even in simple matters? Do you feel that your life is spinning out of control? Strongholds in our bodies Are you always struggling with lustful thoughts? Do you always find yourself daydreaming about sexual escapades? Are you distracted by lustful thoughts toward people to talk with? Are you enslaved by the desire to masturbate? Do you find yourself always thinking about gaining power, having lots of money, or having sex? Do you often fantasize about having so much money that you can buy anything you want? Are you always taking about money? Do you often find yourself just lying around, not wanting to do anything productive? Do you hate working, or maybe you just work because you have to? Have you had or do you still have homosexual relationships? Do you daydream having sex with the same sex? Are you attracted easily to the same sex? Do you engage in pornography of any kind? Have you had sexual relations with the same sex before? Have you had several sexual partners before? Do you engage in internet pornography? Do you eat so much to the point that you are about to vomit? Do you sometimes force yourself to vomit just so you can eat more? Do you rationalize eating too much by making all sorts of excuses? Are you too figure-conscious and avoid eating less than you should? Do you find pleasure and strong longing to certain kind of food that you think gives you some kind of relief? Have you or are you taking drugs or any addictive substance?

34 Are you prone to hitting people physically? Are you afraid of being hit physically? Do you enjoy seeing people hit each other physically? Do you always love to go out and enjoy yourself, forgetting other important matters like your spiritual life? Are you prone to pamper yourself but fail to take care of your own body in the right way? Do you fail to exercise often? Do you torture your body? Are you a workaholic who never rests? Do you have many sleepless nights? Do you fail to balance your time often? Do you have a perennial sickness that never gets healed? Have you tried going to doctors for your sickness but it seems to get worse each time? Do you suspect your sickness to be spiritual in origin? Do you have sicknesses from your generation that you think may have been passed on to you (generational curses)? Do you feel lazy about spiritual matters like ministry, quiet time, etc.?

35 Appendix B

Memorial for William R. "Bill" Bright, Founder of World's Largest Christian Ministry - Campus Crusade for Christ ORLANDO, Fla., July 19, 2003—William R. “Bill” Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, the world’s largest Christian ministry, died today from complications related to pulmonary fibrosis. He was 81. Fueled by his passion to present the love and claims of Jesus Christ to "every living person on earth," Dr. Bright spent more than five decades building and leading the Orlando, Florida-based Campus Crusade for Christ. As the world’s largest Christian ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ serves people in 191 countries through a staff of 26,000 full-time employees and more than 225,000 trained volunteers working in some 60 niche ministries and projects ranging from military ministry to inner city ministry. Bright was so motivated by what is known as the Great Commission, Christ’s command to carry the gospel throughout the world, that in 1956 he wrote a booklet titled The Four Spiritual Laws, which has been printed in some 200 languages and distributed to more than 2.5 billion people, making it the most widely disseminated religious booklet in history. In 1979, Bright commissioned the JESUS film, a feature-length documentary on the life of Christ, which has since been viewed by more than 5.1 billion people in 234 countries and has become the most widely viewed, as well as most widely translated, film in history (786 languages). In 1996 Bright was presented with the prestigious Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, worth more than $1 million. The Templeton Prize is the world's largest financial annual award. Bright donated all of his prize money to causes promoting the spiritual benefits of fasting and prayer. “He has carried a burden on his heart as few men that I’ve ever known. A burden for the evangelization of the world,” said Rev. Billy Graham, a long-time friend of the Brights. “He is a man whose sincerity and integrity and devotion to our Lord have been an inspiration and a blessing to me ever since the early days of my ministry.” Bright’s work through Campus Crusade for Christ will continue under the leadership of Steve Douglass, a long-time associate whom Dr. Bright tapped in 2001 as his successor. “Not only have I lost a dear and lifelong friend in Bill Bright, but the world has lost one of its greatest visionaries and faithful servants of Jesus Christ,” said Douglass.39

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