Keno Amon Hoi

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 114
  • Pages: 1
‡Kb Ggb nq 3/3/08 DËiv hv‡K Luy‡RwQ Avwg eû eQi Av‡M, GLb †m mvg‡b Avgvi,e‡jv ‡Kgb jv‡M? hw`I Avgvi wn`qUv AvR †e`bvi AvNv‡Z, wQbœ wfbœ RivRxY©, cÖvb ‡bB AvR Zv‡Z| RxebUv ‡Kb †h Ggb, hLb hv PvB, ZLb bv †c‡j wK Avi myL cvIqv hvq| ‡QvU †ejvq kL wQj Nywo Dov‡bvi, evevi c‡KU †g‡i ZLb n‡qwQ †h †Pvi| mvB‡K‡ji kL wQj K‡j‡R hLb cwo, GLb Avwg mvB‡Kj wKb‡Z cvwi fwi fwi| fvwm©wU‡Z covi mgq wQj bv †ekx UvKv, eB †Kbvi kLwU ZLb Afv‡e co‡jv XvKv| GLb hw`I wKb‡Z cvwi kZ kZ eB, fvwm©wUi ‡mB Ajm mgq GLb cv‡ev KB ? mgq Kv‡j A‡bK Luy‡RI cvqwb Zvi †`Lv, me wKQy †_‡KI Avgvi gbwU fxlb GKv|

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