Infamous: Amon Tobin

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 306
  • Pages: 4
Ori gi nalSoundtrackfrom theVi deo Game

COMPOSEDBYAmonT obi n, Ji mDool e y , Me lWe sson, Jona t hanMa y e r&Mar t i nTi l l man

ORI GI NALSCORECOMPOSED BY AmonTobi n,Ji m Dool ey,MelWesson, JonathanMayer& Marti nTi l l man


Composedandperf ormedbyWorki ngForaNucl earFreeCi ty P 2009 So nyComputerEntert ai nmentAmeri caI nc. © 2009 SongsofSCEA [ ASCAP]

Producedf orSCEA byJonathanMayer RecordedatSCEA Recordi ngStudi os FosterCi ty,CA byMarcSenasacandJoelY arger Ori gi nalScoreperf ormedby: Marti nTi l l man-El ectri cCel l o JonathanMayer-DrumsandPercussi on ChuckDoud-Bass Cl i ntBaj aki an-Gui t ar Mi xedbyAmonTobi n,MarcSenasac,JoelY arger andJonathanMayer MasteredbyMarcSenasac Addi ti onalSoundtrackEdi ti ngbyScot tHanau

1.Rabble Rouser

11.Tent Ci ty

2.Stampton Bri dge

12.Hunt For The Ray Sphere


3.Meet The Reapers

13.End Of The Road

4.The Fi rst Sons

14.Anythi ng For Tri sh

5.Alden Stri kes


6.The Escape

16.Mysteri ous Si gnals

7.Di nner W i th Sasha

17.The Truth

8.The Couri er

18.Genesi s

9.Secrets Revealed

19.Pleasant Empi re


20.Si lent Melody

Di rectorofMusi c-ChuckDoud Sr.Musi cManager-Cl i ntBaj aki an SoundtrackCoordi nati onbyT ammyTsuyuki Manager,Musi c andLi censi ng-JasonSwan A&R Manager-Al exHackf ord


ShuheiYoshi da,Scot tRohde,Ri chardLee, Davi dMurrantandConni eBooth

Save what’ s left. . .

or destroyi tall.

i nF a mous© 2009SonyComput e rEnt e r t a i nme ntAme r i c aI nc .De v e l ope dbySuc k e rPunc hPr oduc t i onsLLC.“ Pl a y St a t i on” ,“ PLAYST ATI ON” a ndt he“ PS”F a mi l yl ogoa r er e gi s t e r e dt r a de ma r k sa ndPS3i sat r a de ma r kofSonyComput e rEnt e r t a i nme ntI nc .

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