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  • Words: 3,998
  • Pages: 14
Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

Total Number of Episodes: 98 Total Playback duration:

95 hours

Compilation provided by: Anand Vrindavan

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

Page 1 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Kathopanishad Pujya Swami Shri Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Katopanishad Pravachan Lec 1 :

P2 P9-12 P3-8 P15


Discussion regarding Daan continues Nature of Agni ( Nachiketas )



Nachiketas thoughts regarding his fathers anger Thoughts regarding following orders, Fear, Delusion, Ashram of grahastha ,sanyasi etc.


1-1-7 &8

How to treat a guest ( Athithi ) Vairagya of Nachiketas in renouncing everything for three days Athithi discussion continues A common duty for all regarding treating guests Yama grants three boons to Nachiketas Nature of a Tatva jnani First vara


1-1-9 1-1-10 &1

Lec 3 1-1-12 1-1-13

1-1-14 1-1-15 1-1-16

Lec 4 1-1-17 1-1-18&19 1-1-20

Lec 5

Pages in Vol 1

Introduction of story of Nachiketas Shanti path meaning ( Sahanvavaatu etc. ) Mangalacharana of Bhasyakar Shankaracharya Daan ( Alms ) of Vaajashravas


Lec 2

Vol 1 1999

1-1-20 1-1-21 1-1-22 1-1-23-25

Veethamanyuh = Reduced anger Thanks giving to parents, Guru etc. Second Vara of Nachiketas Description of Heaven Nachiketas is the " SEER " of Death Ananda through Agni Upasana of Agni & Virat Jnanagni & identification with totaility (ISAVARA ) Swarga is identification with totality giving up Ego Shradda (Existence )+ AAdhadhana "Nachiketas"= One who only seeks Paramatma Ishta through Agni chayana Extra vara for Nachiketas

P32-37 P38-41 P41-43 P44-48

P48-51 P52-54 P54-58

P59P60-64 P65-66 P66-67 P67-69

Nature of saakshi Brahmaloka attainment for Trinachiketa agni performer Swarga for the Nachiketa Agni Third boon Question regarding the existence of Atma after death Discussion on Vairagya Question regarding the survival of Atma after Death

P69-71 P71-75 P75-78

Discussion on nature of Yama Discussion of Guru & Shishya Even gods are confounded by this knowledge Different darshanas view atma differently Drdatha of Nachiketas (determination ) Nature of an Atmavit Nature of Vairagya


Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


P100-105 P106-114 P114-118

Page 2 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 6


Nachiketas refuses all pleasures Discussion on Dharma

P119-122 P122-131

End of First Valli of first Adhyaya Lec 7


Shreya- Preya Viveka


Lec 8


Brave choose only the Shreyomarga The right to choose between the two ways Shraddha discussion Dheera - Various meanings Manda discussion


Lec 9

1-2-4 1-2-5 1-2-6


Vidya & Avidya marga are divergent ways P178-186 Avidya alone is the pratibhanda for attainment of Parmatama Shortsightedness of an Avidyavaan P187-189 Saamparaya is not available for those P190-197 deluded & distracted with wealth etc.

Lec10 1-2-7

Rare is the listener & speaker of BrahmaVidya Important discussion on why Jnana does not happen even after listening many times


Lec 11 1-2-7 *****

Speaker of Brahmavidya should be a "Vara" Discussion continued on rarity of this knowledge Who is eligible to teach this knowledge


Lec 12 1-2-9

The culmination of all negation The true nature of a seeker Discusion continued from 3rd para of 249 Parama Prem is necessary for this Brahma Vidya Nachiketas more eligible than himself - says Yama Vairagya alone is Abhaya Praise of Brahma Jnana


Discussion continued Buddhi Guha - Parameshwara's light in Buddhi makes us determine things - seek that light ! Without Anubhavi no experience


Praise of Nachiketas The nature of a mortal The nature of Sukh Nachiketas basic question


1-2-10/11 1-2-12

Lec 13 ******

Lec 14 1-2-13


P249-255 P256-259 P260-263



This question is the basic question of Upanishad as well Dharma & Adharma discussion

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

Page 3 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 15 1-2-15

That which is beyond Dharma & Adharma That which is beyound cause & effect Yama starts the teaching with Omkar Upadesh Parameshwara alone is to be known is the teaching of all vedas & is known through vedas alone as well

P287-293 P294- 298

Lec 16 1-2-15

Discussion continued Culmination of all seeking is the Self - Say Tapas discussion - Shanti itself is Tapas Brahmacharya is of different kinds

Lec 17 1-2-15

Pranava discussion P311-322 Siddha vastu needs no process OM is a succinct teaching of all means to that one end called Brahma

Lec 18 1-2-16/17

Greatness of Om upasana Nature of akshara tatva Swarupa of atma - Avinaashitva Nature of jnana & the uniqueness of vedas in talking of this jnana


Lec 19 1-2-18 1-2-19

Lec 20 1-2-19


P323-328 P329-335

Discussion continued P337-345 Neither dies nor causes death & devoid of all attributes Akarta nature of atma P346-349

Changeless nature of Atma discussion continues Brahman alone is both for jnani & ajnani -one knows the other sees the form alone Shoka removal by atma darshana


Lec 21 1-2-20 1-2-21

Veethashoka discussion continues Who knows Atma? He Himself !

P361-365 P366-374

Lec 22 1-2-22

No grief for the Knower of Truth Sadhya- Sadhana expounded in detail


Lec 23 1-2-23

Atma attained by " Varan " purusha Pratyak nature of Atma - Non-mediated self Paramatma & his nature How to attain Him


Lec 24 1-2-24

Nature of the sadhaka for atma vidya The four qualities needed for a seeker


Lec 25 1-2-25

This Knowledge cannot be assimilated by Unprepared sadhakas Deep desire on the part of seeker needed


Lec 26 1-3-1

The dual nature of atma Nature of Isvara & Jiva



Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


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Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 27 1-3-1 1-3-2

How this mantra is interpreted in Brahma Sutra Both Para & Apara Brahma are to be known

P432-438 P439-442

Lec28 1-3-2 1-3-3 & 4

Discussion continued on dual view of Brahma Illustration of a charriot to show jiva's complex Meaning of Samsar - Ever changing The nature of Pure Awareness

P442-446 P447-454

Lec 29 1-3-5 to 7

Nature of an Avijnavaan & Jnanavaan Description of goal of Jiva 5&6 sadhana pradhana 7,8&9 are regarding phala of sadhana


Lec 30 1-3-8/9

Who attains Parmatma ? Only to a Viveki & Buddhimaan Five tips to attain Pavitrata


Lec 31



Lec 32 1-3-10/11

Pratyagatma is the nature of Vishnu's Param Pada Discussion on Indriyas Discussion on the nature of buddhi Nature of Purusha or Brahma How to know Purusha?


Pratyagatma can be known by an alert mind No rebirth for the one who knows that Paramatma Nature of Gathi - 4 meanings All vishaya jnana is praatitik ( appearence only ) Nature of Avidya & Maya Two types of sanskaar Ekagratha & Sukhshmata of buddhi through Layayoga


Lec 33 1-3-12


Lec 34 1-3-13


How to use Yoga to see Subtle things Nature of Brahma Vasthu How to merge individualness of buddhi into totality Call to wake up!


P513-516 P516-520 P521-522



Lec 35 1-3-14

Nothing beyond this purusha P537-550 Purusha = Atma All things to be resolved into it Vedanta jeevan is samasyaheen Jeevan (NO SAMASYA) Why is this vidya durgama?

Lec36 1-3-15

Utter subtleness of Atma Jananam alone is Bhoga in truth

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


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Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 37 1-3-16/17

Knowing Atma will liberate one from cycle of death & birth Mahima of Listening ot Nachiketa story P560-572

End of Part I of book

Second Adhyaya Begins ( Book II ) Lec 38 2-1-1

Who can attain the vision of pratayagatma? Difference between Drsya & Karya Different meanings of Dheera


Lec 39 2-1-1

What is the obstacle in Pramatma's Darshan? Four sadhanas to see antaratma


Lec 40 2-1-2

Difference between Viveki & Aviveki Amrtatvam word desription continues Medha word described


Lectures on 2-1-3 to 2-1-6 are not available

Lec 41 2-1-7


Lec 42 2-1-8


When true knowledge occurs then my knowledge & I are not two independant things Until then Sadhana should not be discarded Aditi Deva is Atma P31-37 Meaning of Aditi This Agni in the arani is Brahma P38-43 Guru's Pravchan itself is Agni manthan to kindle Jnanagni

Recap of mantra Without Mahavakya teaching no one can see poornatva Discussion on Jnanagni Manthana Brahma is that in which Sun rises & sets P44 Discusssion on nature of Isvara Condemnation of Multiplicity

Lec 43 2-1-10

Condemnation of multiplicity continued P44-56 How one goes from death to death on seeing duality in things Nature of avidya

Lec 44 2-1-11

Nishedha of Multiplicity P57-68 Important discussion on nature of Vijnanam unless one experiences Ekarasa , he is deluding himself due to his own samskaar How to obtain Paramatma

Lec 45 2-1-12/13

In the lotusshped heart is the thumbsized( Anghushta ) P69-79 Brahma purusha Why does bondage exist? Why is man reborn? - Because he does not recognise Paramatnma as Ekarasa in everythig Nature of moha ( Delusion )

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

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Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 46 2-1-13 2-1-14/15

Discussion continued on Anghushta Purusha Condemnation of Bhedha darshana in Brahma & Result of Abhedha darshana

P79-85 P86-87

Lec 47 2-2-1/2

Only the liberated can become liberated ! Shankara bhasya of 2-1-15 discussed Brahma Sutra 3-4-26 discussed


Lec 48

Sahana avatu mantra explained Nature of drsta Differences between Vedanta & Sankhya Uniqueness of Advaita Vedanta Where is sadhana needed & why

Lec 49

Viveka & Anubhava - two things Paramatma cannot be away from samsar Entire universe is the abode of that Lord Bandhan & Moksha are both false

Lec 50

Avakrachetas word described The liberated is freed as it were The illusion of inside / outside leads to Desh (Space ) Nature of a Jnanai Same Atma is in all bodies That which destroys duality is Hamsa


Lec 51




Atma pervades the entire Universe is essence of MantraP117-134 Atma is not confined to this body but to all bodies Remaining in Ignorance, there is Delusion In Brahma, there is never Ignorance Sanatana Dharma accomodates all views Vedanta's Prakriya is I am different from Body not Body is seperate from I Love for Iswara induces Vairagya

Lec 52

Rtam discussion P134-144 Rtam is that which is Unnegated in all Times, Places & Things How to have Brahma Darshan ? Operation of Pramanajanya Jnana negates Ignorance Samanya Jnana does not remove Ignorance but Vishesha Jnana

Lec 53 2-2-3

Indicator ( Linga ) of Atma's swarupa P145-160 Vamana Discussion Nature of Trivikrama Brahma neither produces Vidya or removes Ignorance All love is for the sake of one's own Happiness How things are cognised in the mind Never try to catch the images & see things for what they are

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

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Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 54 2-2-4

Atma is that without which there is nothing in Deha P161-174 What is Jiva & What is Body? Jiva is Shesha & Parameshwara is Sheshi Vedantas Siddhanta - Tattva Jnana is independent of Karma, upasana & Yoga Vedanta negates itself after having given knowledge of Brahma

Lec 55 2-2-5

Body is sustained not due to Prana but Atma Nature of Bija & Jiva Birth is only because I consider myself Limited Nature of Prana Dharana


Destination for an Ajnani Jiva after Death Drsta's Swarupa How are things perceived through eyes Guhyam word described



Lec56 2-2-7

Discussion continues P191-204 What happens to a Jnani after Death Prevasion of Buddhi alone is real not of the body No Brahma Jnana as long as Drsya is seen seperate from adhishtana Drsya Prapanca is only due to ignorance of Swarupa's Anantata In Adhishtana no dofference of Vyashti & Samashti One's Brahmatva can never be Drsya for Sakshi

Lec 57 2-2-8 *****

Description of Guhya Brahma Sanatanam P205-216 Sanatana dharma first creates Adhikari & then Kartavya Jivatma is a Karta & not a Drsta Antahkarana by mere proximity to Sakshi cannot create It needs vasanas Objects are non seperate from Delusion Sarva & Ananta are two different things Advaya is unopposed to Pratiti

Lec 58

Shukram Brahma discussion continues Shukram means free of mixing up with Dwaita One's ignorance is a matter of seeing in all 3 states No Kartrtva for Jiva in Swapna Swapna is not a creation of Jiva Jiva creates Dukha due to Ahanta & Mamata Who is a samsari ?


Lec 59

Mahavakya Discussion All idam meaning is dependent on Aham Aham is unattached to all things in all states One Inner Atma appears as many in Upadhis



Lec 60

Discussion Continues P247-260 I am Limited is also Ahankar One whose mind is not one pointed, will see manyness Nature of Brahma not opposed to either Vidya or Avidya Brahma as Prakashak & Dahak of Ignorance

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

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Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 61 *****

Bhuvanam Discussion continues P260-273 Praathibhasaka Sattha & Vyavahar Sattha discussion From Paramartha, even Vyavahar Sattha is Praatibhasika Roopam Roopam Prati Roopa

Lec 62

Pervasiveness of Sarvantaratma Pravesha Vicara Nature of Vyapti Sarvabhootantaratma discussion

Lec 63 2-2-11

Atma being Non-Dual is still unaffected by Sukha/Duka P285-298 Bhootantaratma discussion continues Analogy of Aditya Vedanta does not accept Avidya in Atma or Brahma Brahma Vidya is attaining Independence from all supports

Lec 64

Discussion continues On Suka Atma untainted by Dukha Atma Darshi alone is always happy Kartratva & Bhoktratva are the causes of Dukha Ekam word description


Lec 65


Discussion continues P311-324 Vashi description - Inner controller Existence is non separate from Atma They are One One who does not know how to remove Dukha will start to enjoy it Vedanta cause a Paradigm shift in the attitude

Lec 66 2-2-13 2-2-14

Lec 67


Lec 68


Anupashyanti description Chetanaschetananam discussion Knowledge of Atma alone is the Parama Sukha Sukham alone is shining in the world


Sukham discussion continues P345-354 Tattvajnana is not possible for those whose mind is full of Vasanas. Till Atmajnana is acheived one should not indulge in social work Eshana discussion Any Darshana that creates fragmentation is not a means for liberation Atma is Syamprakash & is not Prakshya P355-359 Discussion on prakashatva of various things Paramatma is not revealed due to any other thing or Sadhana

How to know Paramatma? P359-369 Does he Shine by himself or Shines after something else ? How knowledge of things takes place Sadhana for attaining Brahma Vidya Differences between Swapna & Jagrat Avasthas Shraddha is the precursor of Nishta of Tattva Jnana Anubhava alone is drsta,drsya & darshana

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

Page 9 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 69 2-3-1

Aswatha roopa Samsar vraksha ( Tree) Brahma is its root Mithya Jnana is neither cause for Pravritti or Nivritti Pravritti & Nivritti is due to Dosh or Guna Buddhi Unknown Atma is Iswara alone

Lec 70

Mithya discussion continues P383-392 Mithya knowledge is not useful for vairagya says Vedanta It is very essential for mithya vasthu to shine in a locus where it is not present Atma Jnana alone happens not Vijnanam of Atma

Lec 71 2-3-1

Oordhwamoola Discussion P392-405 Aswatha & Vraksha - both for vairagya Vairagya is atahkarana shuddhi & in such a person Raaga Dwesha vrittis do not come Moksha is not a product of some sadhana but sadhana removes all impurities in antahkarana Different meanings of the word Moola

Lec 72

To whom will Vedanta grant Jnana ? P405-420 Nature of an Adhikari for Vedanta Vaakyartha discussion - Jahat Ajahat lakshana Prakriya for Atmajnana - Give up completly the meaning of THIS Parallels between Abhavavada & Avachedavada A Totally Unopposed Life - Vedanta's Siddhanta

Lec 73 2-3-1

Aswathah description to induce Vairagya P420-433 Shanti for both Sadhak & Guru is the prayer What is the locus of Ajnana ? Shruti alone is Pramana regarding Aikyatva of Atma & Brahma External & Internal Sadhanas Asangha Shastra for cutting of this identification

Lec 74

Vritti Discussion Four types of vivarta anandas of Brahmananda Shukram discussion Amrtam indicates unfragmentedness in Brahma Shad oormis in creation - 6 changes Ekatmapratyayasara nature of Brahma


Adhyasa discussion P441-454 Appearence & seeing are two different things Parichinnata is not swarupa Jnani only differs in his Buddhi & not in any worldly sense Appearence is sight of duality & fragmentation but conclusion that it is real is called Delusion ( Brama) Drsya is seperate from Drsta but Drsta is non- seperate from Drsya Nature of Jignasa No Angi / Anga bhava in Jnana

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj



Page 10 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 76 2-3-2

Attainment of Amrtatva by knowing the source of creation P455-468 as Atma alone Vidya & Avidya are both Maya Vrittis Good & Bad are nothing but Vivartha expressions of Paramatma Nature of Shraddha & Brahma Jnana Nature of Prana as Brahma Discussion on Sphurana

Lec 77

The order of Omniscient Brahma That in which all movement is cognised is Amrtam Nature of Fear All movement is within Jnanam alone

Lec 78 2-3-4/5

Teaching for Liberation in this Life alone P484-498 Shraddha is Sadhak & not Tattva Avidya alone is Bandhan & Bandhan itself is Dukha Not knowing one's true nature is Ignorance In Brahmaloka , Atma darshan is possible or in This Loka but not in any other lokas

Lec 79 2-3-5

Mirror analogy to illustrate things in Atma P498-506 Moksha must be attained in this life time & not postponed to next life Vicara & Ekagratha ( Reasoning & One pointedness ) are two capacities of Human mind It is possible to see Self in a pure antahkarana Vedanta Siddhanta & Vedanta Sampradaya are different How is AtmaJnana attained P507-514 All things put together are for the sake of another Discussion on Indriyas Not reasoning is the entire problem Beautiful description of how to conduct enquiry





Lec 80

Discussion on Vicara continues All Sukha & Dukha are in Mind & Disappear in sleep Two Buddhis- Vasana dependent & free Ahankar is Kriya following Sanskar Sakshi is witness of Jagrat, Swapna & Sushupti Whatever Iswara is doing it is for my Good alone Qualities of a Jivanmukta - Sahishnutha & Dheera

Lec 81 2-3-7/8/9

Innerness of Atma & Phala of Atmajnana P529-544 Ajnana is removed only by Jnana Not by another means Pramana is Not just Shlokas "I am" need not be established BUT "What am I" is to be established Piaprti iti Parah That which supports/enables/inside Without mind, no indriyas & without Indriyas no Vishayas Mind itself has Buddhi as its substratum

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


Page 11 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 82

Discussion continues on the Inward Journey P544-560 Are there any differences in Avyaktva state between things from Tattva 's point of view? Prakriti & Jada are not same Knower & Known are both Prakriti Kriya alone Prakriti is that in which both Buddhi roopa & Padartha roopa is seen Purusha is Para (different / prakashak) from Avyakta Bhamathi & Vivarana differences Where is Karanatva( Pramithi ) in Karma ?

Lec 83

Discussion continues on how Purusha is Para P560-585 No reality of mind without Buddhi Vyapakatva of Vasthu or Paramatma Nature of " I " is Jnanam alone & Omnipresent Avachedha Prakriya discussion What needs to be done to obtain this Knowledge of Self Neti Neti or Apavada to know the Self

***** *****

Lec 84

By What Linga is Atma Darshana to be had ? Paramatma's swarupa is not Drsya for Drsta Sandrshe discussion It is the very nature of Drsta ! What are the prathibhandanas for this Vision ? Four Prathibandhanas- Mandata of Buddhi, Kutarka, Viparyaya - Duragraha & Vishaya aasakthi Know Thyself .Thou are Tattvam ! Brahmaakar Vritti discussion Manisha Discussion


Lec 85 2-3-10/11

Parama Gati & Yoga Sadhana Vairagya is essential for this knowledge Tips to focus the mind Nature of Adhishtana Drsta or Brahma Drsta Yoga is Dukha sanyoga Viyoga


Lec 86

Yoga discusion continues P603-616 Ekagratha as propounded by Vedanta Shastra Knowledge Cannot be Known By Knowledge- Vedanta's Siddhanta Five things cannot happen with AtmaJnana Apramada is not identifying with knowledge of Vishaya Jnana Prabhavapyayou - Rising of Mukti & Setting of Bandhana

Lec 87 2-3-12/13

Brahma Exists is the starting point of sadhana Remaining calm & alertful is in itself sadhana Never be slothful in Brahma Nishta Two ways of getting rid of Parichinnatha 1. Neti Neti & 2 Aparichinna Bhavana in things Aham & Antahkarana discussion No buddhi seperate from existence

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


Page 12 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 88

Discussion on ASTHI continues P632-646 One who says Asthi is non seperate from that existence Even Abhava is cognised as existence alone Four abhavas of Naiyayika's & how it is different from Vedanta Knowing I as Sakshi is not enough but Sakshi as Brahma is. Brahma is known both as Savishesh & Nirvishesh forms Tatvam Discussion Anand word discussion - Is it an experience or seperate from it ?

Lec 89 2-3-13

Asthi discussion continues P646-660 Atma to be obtained not only as "IS" but also Tatvatah Iswara as seen through Vedanta Discussion on Shrishti ( Creation ) in various darshanas

Lec 90

Dharma discussion P660-672 No Dharma without some defect Tattvabhava discussion No truth in Karya Karana Bhava only for teaching Lakshana of Sat - not negatable by anything, anywhere What is the pramana regarding Sat The Mortal becomes Immortal therafter P673-674


Lec 91 2-3-14/15

Discussion continues on Mukti P674-686 Samashnute = praptasya prapti Discussion on Kama ( Desire ) & its relation to Atma Jnani & his desires Aptakama discussion

Lec 92

Mortal is he who has not negated kama from swarupa Rebirth according to one's desires All desires are dependent on one's desire for self Difference between Ajnana & Brama ChidjadaGranthi is due to to not knowing one's self Jadatva of Kama is in Sankalpa

Lec 93

Destruction of kama & Moksha P701-714 Kamana is in mind & never in Atma Vidya Dadati Vinayam Tyaga of Chitta alone is Sarvatyaga Dependence alone is the reason for not negating Chitta Granthi discussion

Lec 94

All actions of Humans are desire based P714-729 Formless Tattva is sought after as formed - a mistake 4 Vadas - Drsti-srsti, Avachedha, Abhasa, & Pratibimba Vyaktitva is only due to tadatmya with things Granthi resolution is by knowledge alone Sitting on the vasanas is in itself Mrutyu Considering this is "I" alone is Granthi

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj


Page 13 of 14

Kathopanishad Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 95

Mukti in this life alone P729-736 There can no be no Death for Vasthu Vedanta says You are liberated by Just Knowledge Alone Ayam Hasto Bhagavan Ayam me Hasto Bhagavattarah Knowing Whom Is Liberation Possible? No One has seen his own Death ! Samashnuthe means your Vyapakatva - ALL PERVASIVENESS

Lec 96

Liberation in this life alone Obstruction for this is in the form of Vasanas Knowledge is never bound in all of Creation ! Granthi gramatically means Koutilyata Phala of Brahma Jnana Brahmajnani is BRAHMA HIMSELF


Travel for Ajnani after Death Nadi = Pranali or Process or Technique for Dhyana 3 Types of Upasakas



Lec 97 2-3-16 *****


Lec 98

2-3-18 *****

The entire creation in a subtle form within this body For the one who looks inside ,He sees He is Himself Brahma Substance of entire Kathopanishad P762-764 Knowing the Oneness of Tat & Tvam Pada is the Secret of this Upanishad Angushtamatra Purusha

AngustahmatraPurusha discussion


Boldness of Viveka needed Mahavakya as lakshya for the enquiry Extolling of Vidya & Conclusion of Story


What is this Vidya ? Four things essential for Jnana Nature of A Human Being in His Core Personality Dharma & its Role for a Sadhak Role of Iswara Vedanta teaches Yatartha Jnana - Knowledge of things as they are

OM TAT SAT -: End of Document :-

Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj

Page 14 of 14

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