Karma Vidya - Some Studies

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Implications of True Zodiac in Karma Vidya K. Chandra Hari

1. Karma Vidya in Modern Times – An Introduction In recent times there have been a proliferation of predictive astrological books dealing with well-known and little known predictive techniques under the guise of astrological research. How much significant are these works is a moot question the answer of which can only be realized by the blessings of Sārada. Traditions and conventions tend to exercise great control over human faculties of reasoning and also many become victims of their own ambitions and obsessive thinking. It is therefore meaningless to criticize any work or author – astrology is the science of enlightenment, Jyotisāstra – and as disciples of Sadāsiva it is the responsibility of all connoisseurs of this great science to diligently observe and understand the subtleties and the truth underlying the Jyotisha. We should not limit ourselves to a few books or a few wrongly cast horoscopes alone, study must involve multifarious intellectual efforts to critically examine the so-called research outputs and commentaries on ancient works in the light of appropriate data and this involves a devoted occupation and an unbiased mind. Knowingly or unknowingly if we become enslaved to narrow considerations of money or fame or other such mental handicaps, our efforts are bound to falter from the path of truth. The present work is an attempt to share some thoughts with people who are interested in a graceful conflict of thought with thought about certain fundamental aspects of astrology. Astrology in the language of modern science attempts to delineate the biological evolution of life as a function of Time. The ‘Time’ that we mention here is not the mysterious or elusive philosophical time but it is the time that is computable, recognizable over a wheel of Time (Kālachakra) in terms of visible planetary longitudes or apparent positions. It is very important to understand that in astrology, we are not dealing with the actual spatial positions of the planets or stars - we consider the planetary rhythms in terms of their apparent positions over an imaginary celestial sphere and accordingly we have got all “our planets (Grahas including Rāhu & Śikhi) and nakshatras” at the same radial distance from us. In astrology, we deal with the Sun, Moon and other grahas in the same way was Rāhu & Sikhi i.e., geometrically and this is well evident from the fact that the distances of planets from the earth has no application in astrology. We have Mars near to us than Jupiter or Saturn and Moon is near to us than Sun (which is away from all stars and the distance is expressed in terms of “light minutes”) but the different distances of these planets are of no relevance in astrology. In the same way, we refer to stars as divisions of a great circle of the celestial sphere that is traced by the apparent geometrical longitudes of Sun and other Grahas. Even though it is well known, for clarification sake, I would like to add that the Sanskrit term “Graha” is not an equivalent of the English word “Planet” or vice versa when we consider the application of the term in astrology. ‘Graha’ of astrology means the apparent geometrical longitudes that serve as indicators of time or time as niyati or the visible apparent positions of light that gives us a feel of time or the apparent geometrical longitudes that renders a computable experience of time. There is absolutely no scope for

any doubt, if we study the Jyotihsāstra as Sāstra, in this respect. It’s only conventional method of referring and the unscientific traditions in astrology that tend to look upon astrological references to planets as referring to the actual planetary bodies and then attempts to make explanations in terms of radiations and other physical phenomena to explain the astrological phenomena. What we experience as “niyati” has nothing to do with the physical effects of planets. Niyati evolves out of Karma and astrology deciphers the distribution of the fruits of Karma in terms of the Zodiac and the associated symbolism and mathematical constructs based on the periodicity of the apparent geometrical longitudes. Hence, Jyotihsāstra, in ancient works has also received the name “Karma Vidya”.

2. Karma Kundalini or True Sidereal Horoscope Kundalini is a term that we are all familiar with – it refers to the Yogasakti arising in human beings. What has Yogasakti to do with Jyotisha, niyati or horoscope? What is Yogasakti – Sakti that unites man with the fruits of his Karma or actions? According to the principles of Tantra, Karma is Māya or Māyasakti and Māya and Yoga are the negative and positive forces that reign over the realm of human existence. When Māya is 100%, Yoga is zero and when Yoga is 100%, Māya is zero, Karma is exhausted – Yogasakti or Kundalini carries the signature of Karma and is thus the fulfillment of one’s Karma. Karma Vidya therefore makes use of Karma Kundalini, an astro-mathematical projection of the Yogic body onto the apparent solar orbit for deriving the mathematical construct that we refer normally as Zodiac or Rāsi Chakram. I hope the esteemed readers must have taken note of the fact that the true zodiac is Mūlādhāra Rāhu Sikhi Cakra – a description/title that highlights the Yogic dimensions of astrology, which was explained my previous paper “The True Essence of Jyotihsāstra”. As have I pointed out there-in, in brief terms, Horoscope is a mathematical modeling of the temporal course of life – a yogic projection of life as a function of time on to the celestial belt of planetary rhythms that renders computable experience of the enigmatic flow of time. I shall not go into the details of the Yogic vision that created Jyotihsāstra as we ordinary humans are incapable of re-discovering or grasping the same in toto. I have detailed the glimpses I had with relevant mathematical proofs understandable to the scholars in my book ‘Hindu Zodiac & Ancient Astronomy’1 which the interested readers may refer to. The true ayanāmsa accordingly for the Mūlādhāra Rāhu Sikhi Chakra for the epoch J2000.5 (3rd July 2000, 03:00 GMT) is 24035’33”.76 which is more than the Chitrapaksha value by nearly 44 minutes of arc. So the true sidereal longitudes shall be less than the Chitrapaksha values by 44 minutes of arc and this correction needs to be made in deriving the true horoscopes. What impact does this correction makes in predictive astrology is the subject matter of this paper.

3. Analysis of Horoscope – A Note Whether we accept or not Jyotisha has two dimensions viz., 1

‘Hindu Zodiac & Ancient Astronomy’

(a) ‘Wisdom’ that enables a glimpse of the possibilities/likelihood in future can be gained by assimilating the vast expanse of Jyotisha Samhitas or astrological knowledge. (b) ‘Siddhi’ that provides transcendence over ‘maya’/confusion can be gained through the path of Yoga and brings to the mind a vision of future with definitiveness. The inference drawn from a logical analysis of the decisive astrological factors need not be a true or complete picture always. On the other hand vision is always un-ambiguous and complete, but the task of gaining mastery over such occult powers is very difficult if not impossible for ordinary men. Astrological thinking in fact is akin to a train moving over these two inevitable rails between which the emphasis may shift very often as ordained by fate or other mysterious reasons. The success of an astrologer depends on the effective synthesis of both the above factors. In Kerala, where the roots of the classical practice of astrology are existent even today astrologers make use of Prasna to access the element of ‘siddhi’ while giving shape to their predictions. As is generally understood Prasna is not exclusively a ‘chart’ business that relies on logical reasoning. It brings into play the Yogic powers of the individual to interpret the breath (Ida & Pingala) as well as ‘nimitta’ as un-ambiguous verdicts on the questions that loom over his mind. Without these latter elements a ‘Prasna’ is never complete and “incomplete chain of factors and reasoning” renders equal probability for the conclusion to be true or false. A similar view is not that untenable in the case of horoscopes and perhaps this may be the major cause of failures in the astrological business. Apart from the above fundamental limitation, in astrology we have to grapple with a corpus of literature that evolved through millenniums carrying of course the wisdom of the bygone ages as well as a good amount of dirt that does not qualify for use in astrology. Quite unwarranted, unscientific, logical extension of fundamental principles has brought forth many so-called “predictive techniques” and “wonderful researches” especially during the last two decades. What we consider as ‘classical’ too is not beyond question. It is widely believed that the classical rules being exclusively of the Sages are all infallible. This is not true as can be seen from Brhatjātaka where-in Varāha Mihira chose to reject many of the methods for the determination of longevity like ‘Uccadasāmārga’ (Maya-Yavana), Svarāmsa siddhānta of Jiva Sarma etc., as wrong while accepting the ‘navāmsa-ayurdāya’ of Satyācārya as correct. It is very difficult today to identify the original principles of Kausika, Garga or Parāsara and as such any notion of infallibility may adversely affect the aim of research as reflected in ‘Tamaso mā jyotirgamaya’. In the modern history of astrology there have been even such unscrupulous men who generalized (and published) the single instances of observation as Yogas for gaining credit. There is no reason to believe that the classical history is devoid of such attempts as astrology in its known history is devoid of institutionalized studies governed by precise rules of genuine research as in other disciplines. Fraudulent researches by unscrupulous and over ambitious men are the greatest bane of astrology today. The metaphysical stain that characterizes Indian thinking, the mystique background and the legends of Ārsha tradition has now become a bane for India as the

above mystique background is offering a haven for perpetuators of frauds/pseudosciences to strive under the garbs of Siddhas/Rishis/Gods.

Basic Controversies of Astrological Formalism I shall refer to just two issues that I consider as of vital importance in the interpretation of horoscopes viz.,

1. The true definition of birth time & 2. The true definition of Vargas, especially Dasāmsa 1. Birth Time in Astrology

As I have already discussed in the aforementioned book, the birth time in Jyotisha according to Tāntric precepts is the time of first cry. This time or the yogic births do not occur at random – there exists patterns of life /slots of destiny to which the individuals are born and these patterns are represented by the Lagna in correlation to Chandra. The fundamental equation that defines a Yogic birth is: Lagna x 81 = Chandra or Chandra ± 1200 i.e., Kunda-Lagna = Chandra or its triangular longitude This in turn means that Chandra represents the Kunda-Lagna in terms of longitude and the Vimsottari dasa will be the same from both Chandra as well as Kunda-Lagna. In fact, the basis of the Vimsottari technique itself may be Kundalagna, which due to difficulties of computation of Lagna was easily not derivable in ancient times. On the contrary Moon could be observed and computed to serve as an approximation to Kundalagna. The above fact also explains the rationale of raising Chandra Kundalini – Chandra’s longitude in the various houses represents the respective Bhāvasphuta in Kundāmsa i.e., Rāsix81. Lagna, rectified by Kundaganita appropriately only shall be representative of the first cry of the child that represents the first pulse of a sequence of events that forms the temporal course of life. Such Lagna too can be used for deriving Vimsottari sequence as observed by Satya. No verbatim application of the above aspect is called for. The method will work satisfactorily only in the case of the Mūlādhāra Chakra. Everyone must make a diligent study of the principle with large number of horoscopes and learn by himself the methodology involved before making practical application.

2. Vargas (Hindu Harmonics)  Houses → Hindu astrology stipulates the equal house division for the 12 Houses and these 12 houses or 12 departments of life are in turn represented by the 12 Vargas (harmonics) or 12 integer multiples of the Rāsi Chart.

 The “mathematical Bhāva” concept is non-sense and runs contrary to the Varga concept in predictive application, as may be illustrated using practical examples of true horoscopes. Apart from the twelve Bhāvas that signify the 12 departments of life, Jyotisha makes use of numerous derivatives of the Rasi chart to assign as well as understand the functional roles of the Planets. Many of these supplementary charts like Saptāmsa , Navāmsa etc. are obtained from the ‘Rāsi’ by way of multiplication but certain Vargas like Horā, Drekkāna etc., have incongruous definitions that do not reflect a common rationale. Despite their references available in almost all classical texts under schemes like ‘Shadvarga’, ‘Saptavarga’, ‘Sodasa- Varga’ etc., astrologers are generally ignorant of their application in interpreting the horoscopes. The exposition of Shodasa-Varga available in Parāsara Horā is confusing and the astrological intelligentsia is yet to arrive at a consensus as to what is the right method of derivation. For example, consider the ‘ Horā’, which involve the division of a sign into two. Slokas III.55 & III.56 of the Parāsara Hora are contradictory to each other: III.55 → Suryendorvishame rāsou same tadvipareetakam2 III.56 → Rāserdhambhavethorā tāschaturvimsath smrtāh Meshādi tāsām horānām parivrttidvayam bhavet

III.5 depict the traditional concept in which only Sun & Moon have lordship of the Horā divisions of a Rasi. Varāha Mihira also repeats the same in Brhatjātaka but nothing is known about the utility of such a division in assessing the financial prospects, which the horā supposedly signifies. All the Planets will be found grouped across Cancer & Leo - a configuration devoid of any astrological sense. III.56 on the other hand explicitly display a contradictory sense: “The 24 halves of Rāsis those constitute the Horā-Cakra form two cycles of signs beginning with Mesha” No amount of intellectual exercise may succeed in reconciling the two diverse statements. In my opinion III.55 is an interpolation arising out of the ‘Yavanajātaka’ while III.56 is reflective of the original concept i.e. ‘Horā’ being the second harmonic signifying the IInd House or the Varga Rāsi×2, the Horā-Cakra is of arc-length 360×2=720 degrees = 24 Rāsis. As such the ‘Horā’ can be erected by the multiplication of all longitudes with 2 i.e. simply as “Horā = Rāsi × 2”. The ‘extant Parasara Hora’ (text as available now) is ambiguous as above, in the description of Drekkāna as well. Drekkāna being representative of the IIIrd House, the description of Drekkāna or the 3rd harmonic visible in sloka III.57, i.e. 2

Brhat Parāsara Horā, published by Khemraj Srikrishna Das, Mumbai

Rāsitribhāgā drekkānāsteca shadtrimsadeeritāh Parivrttitrayam teshām Meshādeh kramaso bhavet “The 36 Decanates in succession form three cycles of Rāsis beginning with Mesha” must be taken as correct. With this definition the Drekkāna could be charted in accordance with the simple rationale- “Drekkāna = Rāsi×3”. For the substantiation of the above interpretations we need to look upon only the more popular Vargas like Saptāmsa and Navāmsa, about which there is universal agreement. In both these the underlying rationale is multiplication of Rāsi respectively by 7 & 9 to produce the 7th and 9th harmonics. The crux of the matter is the term “Meshādi parivrtti” which means the ‘regular cycle of Rāsis from Mesha to Mina’ and it appears only in the Parāsara Horā though in a mix-up with the Varāha Mihira’s version. The terms Varga, parivrtti & amsa point towards the correct definition as well as the underlying common mathematical rationale. Varga - Multiple or a repeating cycle Parivrtti - Regular cyclic order from 0° to 360° or From Mesha to Meena Rāsi Amsa

- Angle or longitude or the cycle of 360°.

The terms like Saptāmsa, Navāmsa, Dasāmsa, Dvādasāmsa etc., all refer to the multiplication of Rāsi longitudes by the number they respectively suggest. The Vargas as such is nothing but the harmonics - from Hora (R×2) onwards R×3, R×4, R×6... R×12 respectively signifies the Bhavas (Houses) from IInd to the XIIth. The subject of significations of the Vargas also is controversial - as for example - the Saptāmsa is indicative of children according to the traditional wisdom but the mathematical rationale puts the VIIth house under its domain rather than Vth. We can allow for a logical absurdity if it can be shown by research that the Saptamsa is truly reflective of children rather than the VIIth house. Similar is the case with navāmsa also. Theoretically, navāmsa should have signified the ninth house but in actual practice it was found to represent the marital life, the department of seventh house.

Dasamsa, the Varga that Signify Tenth House As the term implies, Dasāmsa is reflective of the prospects of the Xth house but the “Dasāmsa-Chakra” we find in the classical texts is anomalous. The dasamsa-rāsis of Aries follow the mathematical rationale of multiplication by 10(R×10) but those of Taurus follow the equation (R×10 - 30°) i.e. the first dasāmsa of Taurus is up to 33°×10 30= 330° ─ 30 = 300° i.e., the sign Capricorn (Makara). This overlap of the last dasāmsa of Mesha and the first of Vrsha is logically untenable but still the traditional view upholds this bogus description. The dasāmsa-Chakra falls short of the ten ‘Meshādi parivrttis’ required. Further, the traditional dasāmsa of Mithuna as in Parāsara Horā available now, begins with Mithuna while the previous chain had ended with Tula rāsi. The traditional method is therefore wrong and the same should not be used any more in

the analysis of horoscopes. Certain researchers have claimed the traditional dasāmsa to be true, as they have never experimented with the true definition of Dasāmsa and true longitudes. Similar arguments hold good for the Dvādasāmsa also. Traditional method implies for Aries the formula R×12, but for Taurus it is (R×12)+30°, Gemini→(R×12) +60° Cancer→(R×12)+(30°×3)... Pisces→(R×12)+(30×11)=(R×12)+330= (R×12) ─30° (by eliminating360°). This mathematical rationale that varies across the 12 Rāsis have no sense at all and must be rejected.

4. Horoscopes Illustrative of True Ayanāmsa (a) Indira Gandhi’s Horoscope→ Birth Data: 19.11.1917, 23:11, at Allahabad Guru (R)

Rāsi Chand

Sikhi Lagna Sani Kuja

Lagna Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru (R)

Sukra Rāhu

Śukra Śani Rāhu

Surya Budha

116042’ 213024’ 274052’ 135038’ 222031’

Guru (R) Lagna Chandra


44 16’


260017’ 111005’ 248035’




Kuja Surya

Budha Sukra


Ayanāmsa Used: 23 26’.

115059’ Surya Nodes

Kuja Sukra Rāhu


Lagna Guru, Budha Sukra


Dasāmsa as Rāsix10


Dasāmsa as in Brhatjātaka Kuja


Lagna Budha

Sani Chandra


Surya Sikhi

 Conventional Event Based Verification of Ayanāmsa

1. Marriage on 26 March 1942, as per true ayanāmsa occurred during Rāhu dasa – Guru bhukti: Guru-bhukti was to expire on 16 April 1942 and Sani bhukti to have the beginning on 17 April. The normal interpretation is to declare the Guru bhukti and the ayanāmsa as wrong but a look at the Navāmsa as signifying marital life offers a valid reason for the Guru bhukti to cause marriage. Guru, here is the lord of Navāmsa-Lagna placed in the 11th

House as Vargottama and also the dispositor of Rāhu and thus Rāhu himself represented Guru. Dasa and bhukti lords thus carry the influence of Navamsa-Lagna. How valid or absurd is the above interpretation can be understood from the agreement of other events with the well known classical principles. 2. Widowhood on 08 September 1960 during Guru dasa – Budha bhukti What explanation can we give for this event without looking at Navāmsa? Only Navāmsa offers a valid explanation for widowhood in Guru dasa – Budha bhukti → Budha is the eighth lord of Navāmsa while Guru owns the second and eleventh in Navāmsa. It is also important to note that the Chidram (antara) or sub-sub period prevailing on the above date was of Sukra (up to 10.09.1960) placed in the 6th house of Rāsi in the company of Rāhu. 3. Becomes Prime Minister on 24 January 1966 in Guru (d)-Surya(b)-Guru(c)-Sukra(s)3. Have a look at the Dasāmsa (Rāsix10) chart – note the Guru-Sukra association in Lagna and placement of Sun in the 10th there-from in Meena rāsi. Configuration in Rāsix10 is better than that of the classical dasāmsa. 4. War of 1971 was during Sani dasa – Sani bhukti followed by the craze for power in Budha bhukti and fall during the bhukti of Sikhi placed in the 12th house of Rāsi. Budha as lord of Dasāmsa-Lagna and 12th lord in Rāsi paved the way for downfall even though during the Budha-bhukti, Budha made her a dictator and gave monstrous powers. Sukra bhukti brought her back to power as the bhukti lord is in exchange of houses with Guru in Rāsi and occupies R4x10 Lagna. The parivartana yoga we see in Rāsi between 6th and 11th lords (Guru&Sukra) becomes Rājayoga in Rx10. 5. Death on 31st October 1984 → Sani dasa – Rāhu bhukti had its beginning on 24 October 1984 → for the Moon’s longitude of 274052’. If the correct Moon is 274049’, death occurred at the end of Mars bhukti – Mars is in the 8th from Lagnapati Chandra and aspects the 8th House. Mars is also the lord of Ashtāmsa (Rāsix8)-Lagna. It is important to remember here that the computation of Moon is a very tricky issue as the orbit is prone to innumerable perturbations and as such a 3’ variation in the computed Moon is not improbable.

 Application of the Kunda – Lagna Principle & Rectified Lagna Chandra = 274052’, Lagna = 116042’: Rectified Lagna is 115059’09”.63, which demands a correction of nearly three minutes in the birth time. Also, according to the rectified value the navāmsa-Lagna is Kumbha and Dasāmsa-Lagna is Mithuna. A look at Dasāmsa suggests that the Lagna cannot exceed 270 of Kataka for the Rx10 Lagna to be Mithuna. 3 4

(d)→ dasa, (b) → bhukti, (c)→ chidram, (s)→ sookshma chidram R →Rāsi chart

For the given position of Chandra Lagna could have been either 117028’2”.96 or 115059’09”.63 for the minimum corrections (±) to birth time. The choice between them is a matter of wise selection based on other divisional charts or Vimsottari dasa patterns derived from those longitudes. Vimsottari dasa from the rectified Lagna of 115059’09”.63 is 05 years 01 month 12 days of Budha dasa. Sikhi dasa from 01.01.1923 to 01.01.1930, Sukra dasa from 01.01.1930 to 01.01.1950, Surya1950 – 1956, Chandra 1956 – 1966, Kuja dasa from 01.01.1966 to 01.01.1973 and then Rāhu dasa. The beauty of astrology may be realized from comparing the Vimsottari dasa patterns emerging out of both Chandra and Lagna.


1. Mother’s death on


Lagna based sequence

Moon based sequence

Sukra (dasa) – Kuja (bhukti) →note here that from Lagna, Sukra is the 4th lord and Kuja is the 5th Lord – the former representing mother and latter maraka for mother.

Kuja (dasa) – Sukra (bhukti) →note here that from Moon, Kuja is the 4th lord and Sukra is the 5th Lord – the former representing mother and latter maraka for mother.

See the correlation of the periods – dasa & bhukti lords derived from Lagna and Moon carry the same signature of the houses when considered with reference to them. As the Moon is in Makara directly opposite Karka Lagna, the 4th lord from Lagna became 5th lord from Chandra. Same principle is in manifestation whether we derive Vimsottari from Lagna or Moon.

2. Marriage on 26 March 1942

Sukra (d)-Guru(b)→ 2nd March 1940 to 31st October 1942. Sukra was the 11th lord and Guru was placed in the 11th house → the triangular houses of marriage are 7, 11 and 3rd.

Rāhu (d)-Guru (b)→ Rāhu here duplicates Sukra by association and it is the Guru – Sukra exchange that has played a critical role in the marriage when the chart is viewed from Lagna or Moon.

Here we have another remarkable illustration of the astrological phenomena apparent in Vimsottari dasa.

3. Death of Father on 27.05.1964

4. Prime Minister: 24.01.1966

Chandra(d) – Sukra (b) → Sukra is the 8th lord from ninth house of father.

Guru (d) – Sukra (b) → Sukra is the 8th lord from ninth house of father.

Mars dasa had its beginning on 01.01.1966 and within 24 days it made her the PM as Mars is tenth lord in the royal sign Leo and exalted in

Here the Dasāmsa is more apparent than lordship of tenth house. Surya bhukti of course is justifiable in terms of lordship as Sun is in

Rāsi ×10. Dasa lasted for 7 exchange of houses with years, till 1973 and was of Mars. course the best period of her professional life. The critical influence that Mars played in the life of Indira Gandhi is apparent only when we rectify the Lagna by Kundaganita and Vimsottari is derived from the same. Rāhu dasa – Rāhu bhukti → Budha bhukti of Sani dasa 01.01.1973 to 14.09.1975→ ruled this turbulent phase of 5. Judgment of Allahabad Indira’s life. Budha is the Rāhu in the 6th house High sixth lord from Moon and the associated with the GuruCourt and Emergency sixth house from Moon is the Sukra parivartana Yoga 12.06.1975 & 26.06.1975 Rāsi ×10 Lagna placed in the caused the greatest 12th house of Moon. turbulence of her life → Note also Rāsi ×10. Note here that Rāhu and Budha are related to the 6th house respectively from Lagna and Moon. In addition Rāhu is in the 10th in Rāsi ×10 while Budha is Lagnapati in Rāsi ×10.

6. Back to Power: early


7. Death on 31.10.1984

Rāhu dasa – Guru bhukti → Sani dasa-Ketu bhukti 14.09.1975 to 06.02.1978 caused the defeat → Ketu in and Sani bhukti from the 6th of Moon: Recovery in 06.02.1978 to 12.12.1980: Sani dasa – Sukra bhukti, th Guru as 6 lord caused the Sani is lord of Chandra-lagna defeat of 1977 and Sani the and Sukra lord of 10th house return to power in Rāhu dasa. there from. Sukra killed her Rāhu(d)-Sani(b), killed her son, being the 5th lord from son as Rāhu is in the 8th and Moon placed in 12th in the Sani is 8th lord of Saptāmsa company of Rāhu. (Rāsi x 7). For the rectified Lagna, 0 Rāhu(d) – Sukra(b)→ Sukra Moon is 274 50’ and the killed her being a malefic for Mars bhukti of Sani (d) ends Karka Lagna and is heavily on 29 October 1984. As we afflicted as 11th Lord. Rahu discussed earlier she died at the endpoint of Mars bhukti and Sukra occupying the sixth house caused death by and the 2-day deviation is due to the microcosmic error weapon and injury. in Chandrasphuta. Sani & Mars are in the7th and 8th from Moon.

(b) Horoscope of Jawaharalal Nehru Nehru’s birth time as reported by Sri BV Raman is 1130 PM, LMT at Allahbad, which means 23:32 IST. This time gives Lagna as 118004’ for an ayanāmsa of 2302’47”, which is more than 02010’ of Raman’s ayanāmsa. So for Rāman’s ayanāmsa, the Lagna of Nehru is Leo, when the horoscope is cast correctly. As I have already explained, I have my own reasons to check the validity of the birth time reported. To my mind Lagna can be either 118021’44”.4 or 116052’51”.1and from a look at his life events I have taken the latter value 116052’51” as representing the destiny of Nehru. This in turn spells out the correct birth time as 23:24:18 IST – almost eight minutes behind the reported birth time. Rāhu Lagna Moon Rāśi Sani Ravi Budha Sukra

Śikhi Guru


Moon Nodes

Lagna Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Śukra Śani Rāhu


Lag. Sukra

116053’ 209034’ 107019’ 159016’ 196027’ 254027’ 186039’ 130004’ 70043’

Lagna Kuja



Sikhi Sani

Navāmśa Rāhu Moon

Budha Sikhi


Mihira D-10

True D-10




Rāsi x 10 Ravi


Kuja Budh.


Lagna Sani

Kuja Chand. Rāhu

 Note the placement of Sun in Rāsi → with the true ayanāmsa Sun shifted from Vrscika to Tulā to aspect the tenth house.  Lagna and Moon sandwiched between malefics → caused incarceration and solitude in life. Events

1. 2.

Lagna based sequence

Moon based sequence

1905 → separation from home Sukra dasa – Chandra bhukti, had begun Budha dasa – Sani bhukti: Budha is the 12th lord on 11 March 1905. Moon is in between that signifies foreign lands and Sani the 7th lord for schooling at Harrow, malefics. that signify long journeys. England Ketu dasa. Budha bhukti of Ketu dasa caused the 1905 – 1912: Stay in England Moon, Mars and Rāhu bhukti covered return to India. Budha occupies the 4th house and and return to India in 1912. the six years from 1905 – 1911. is also the lord of Dasāmsa-Lagna.


Association with Congress also Sukra dasa – Guru bhukti, had begun on Under the influence of Budha who signified began in 1912 January 9, 1911. Nehru’s career as lord of Dasāmsa-Lagna.


Sukra dasa began on 20th January 1913. Marriage on 8th

Sukra dasa-Sani bhukti between

During own bhukti of Sukra. Chitrapaksha

February 1916.



09.09.1913 to 09.11.1916. Sani, is the seventh lord.

Sukra dasa- Budha bhukti: See the Indira was born on 19.11.1917 Saptāmsa, Budha is in the 7th of (Rāsi x 7) – Lagna. Chandra dasa – Sukra bhukti, Sukra being the eighth lord of Navāmsa, killed the wife: Nehru’s horoscope has the first and fourth houses afflicted by malefics placed between and hence the fatality of Moon and Venus to family life.

Death of Kamala Nehru 28.02.1936

ayanāmsa places marriage in the bhukti of Sun, 2nd lord placed in the 5th in rāsi-sandhi. Sukra dasa-Chandra bhukti → Chandra being lord of Saptāmsa-Lagna and Lagna. Lagna, Vargottama in Rāsi x 7. Citrapaksha matches here but note the mismatch in the case of marriage. Surya dasa-Sani bhukti → see the appropriateness of dasa lord – debilitated 2nd Lord and Sani – the malefic 7th lord placed in second in the sign of Sun. Chitrapaksha places the event in Budha bhukti.


15.08.1947, Nehru becomes Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy.

Rāhu dasa – Guru bhukti, note the position in Rāsi of Guru and Rāhu.

Chandra dasa – Sukra bhukti. Chandra dasa had begun on 21.01.1939. Moon being between malefics caused struggle and imprisonment (1942: Guru bhukti→6th lord) also earlier. Note Rāsi x 10 and placement of both Moon and Venus.


27.05.1964 Death

Guru dasa-Sani bhukti, Sani is 8th lord aspecting the 8th house.

Rāhu dasa- Budha bhukti began on 3rd January 1964.

Guru dasa had its beginning on 9th Nov. 1961

Here both Lagna and Moon are in the same Nakshatra, separated by 09034’ = 12 years 02 months 11 days in Vimsottari dasa. But both the sequences provide adequate justification for events as we have used the true ayanāmsa here. With Chitrapaksha ayanāmsa incongruities crop up in both the sequences.

(To be continued)

Lata Mangehkar Birth Details: 28 September 1929, 22:45:23


Lagna Guru Chand Sukra

Kuja Sikhi



Ayanāmsa Used: 23 36’09”.

Ravi Budha®

Lagna Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha® Guru Śukra Śani Rāhu

59005’ 161029’ 106025’ 181009’ 179015’ 52044’ 130006’ 241004’ 19015’


Ravi Sani




Sukra Guru

Lagna Budha Rāhu

Chand Budha


Sikhi Budha

Dasāmsa as Rāsix10


Sukra Lagna


Dasāmsa as in Brhatjātaka Guru Ravi



Sukra Rāhu

Chand Guru Ravi

Kuja Rāhu Lagna







Lagna Budha

Kuja Sani



Lagna Ravi Guru

Guru Lagna Budha

Sani Śukra


Lagna Guru

Rāsix12 Surya Sukra



Mihira D-3


Surya Chand

Sukra Sani



Mihira D-12





Salient Features A unique horoscope that offers substantiation to many astrological principles: 1. Spinster → generally people explain the situation by pointing to the seventh house sandwiched between malefics. I have something more to say - note the Navāmśa, KanyāLagna, occupied by lord Budha afflicted by the Nodes Rāhu & Sikhi and the eigth house holds Ravi and Śani under the aspect of Mars placed in the second house. The Rāsi positions too indicate lonely life as eighth lord is in Lagna and the houses 1st to 5th are placed between Mars, Nodes and Saturn. Further, Moon is debilitated – the Varga in which Moon is debilitated suffers. 2. Benefics Guru, Sukra and Budha are well placed in Kendra/Kona and the malefics are placed in trikas (6th, 8th &12th) – a rare configuration. 3. Mahābhāgya yoga as Lagna, Chandra and Surya are in even signs for the night birth.

4. Note the difference between Rāśix10 and the MihiraD-10 → in Rx10 note the Sukra placed in Lagna, Chandra & Budha in 5th and Guru & Ravi in the 11th – all in even signs. 5. Note the different configurations of Rāśix3 and the Mihira-Drekkāna. Lata’s talents receive the best reflection in Rx3 than in D-3. She had two younger sisters and a younger brother. Budha daśa followed immediately after her birth – exalted lord of Lagna in Rx3. 6. See Dvādaśāmśa from which the fate of parents can be deciphered. Mihira- D12 is meaningless and gives no clue about parents. But not the Rx12 that has both Budha and Guru debilitated in relation to Lagna – indicative of little parental support. In fact, it was the ill-placed Budha & Guru of Rx12 that paved the way for her early steps in to an artistic career.

7. Birth in Pushya nakshatra (4th quarter) – DAB: 00Y – 04M – 08 D of Śani, followed by Budha up to 06.02.1947, Sikhi up to 06.02.1954, Sukra (06.02.1954 -1974), Ravi (06.02.1974 –1980), Chandra (06.02.1980 – 1990), Kuja (06.02.1990 – 1997) and Rāhu since 06.02.1997.

Course of Life Events 1




Lagna based sequence

Moon based sequence

Budha dasa-Guru bhukti began on 22 Feb 1942. Note the Rx12 features described 1942: Death of father above – Guru & Budha are ill placed in Rx12. 31.12.1942 → Shift of the Rāhu daśa – Budha bhukti: Note the Same influences as above. Rx12 signify movement. In 1941, the family had moved family to Kolhapur from debiliation of Budha in Rāśix12. Migration to Pune under the impact of the 12th house th to a different place falls under 12 House. Rāhu. Pune Ketu dasa had its beginning on 6th Feb ’47 th 9 April 1945→ her artistic career had its – Sukra bhukti from 6th July 1947. Ketu Singing career 1947 beginning with the advent of Sukra bhukti. occupied the house of Sukra in both Rāśi and Rāsix10. Venus (d) – Moon (b) began on 8th June ’58. Dasa and bhuktis of Sun & Moon 1958 → Filmfare award were favorable. Rāhu daśa – Budha bhukti: Note the debiliation of Budha in Rāśix12.

5 1969→ Padmabhushan

Sukra (d) – Sani (b)

1974 → Entry in Guinness Book of World Record 1984 → Maharashtra 6 Govt. instituted a prize in her name.

Sūrya daśa began 7th February 1974.

7 1999→ Padmavibhushan

Rāhu (d) – Rāhu (b)

8 2001→ Bhārat Ratna

Rāhu (d) – Guru (b)


Chandra (d) – Guru & Sani bhuktis covered 1984.

Kiran Bedi IPS: Birth Details: 09 June 1949, 14:05 [rectified time]5


Guru (R)

Surya Budha Kuja


Rāsi Sani Chandra



Lagna Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha® Guru (R)

Śukra Śani Rāhu

165036’ 54018’ 213052’ 35038’ 46019’



Lagna Budha

Kuja Navamsa Chand. Ravi


07 41’ 68029’ 126043’ 00038’





Ayanāmsa Used: 23 52’38”.

Cha Kuja


Śukra Dasāmsa as Rāsix10





Sani Ravi



Dasāmsa as in Brhatjātaka


Sani Sikhi Lagna

Cha Sukra Ravi

Salient Features 1. Budha and Śukra are in parivartana (mutual exchange of houses) as 10th and 9th lords – a powerful Rājayoga favored by the dasa sequence is in operation and gave a notable career as well as fame. 2. From both Lagna and the Moon, the 5th lords representing children are ill disposed. 3. Guru is neeca but well placed in Rāsix10. 4. Navāmsa-Lagna is Vrshabha having Budha – not at all Mithuna holding Śani and aspected by Śukra. 5. Note the Daśāmśa, both Rāśix10 and that of Mihira. Mars as Rx10-Lagna explains her IPS career. Mihira Daśāmśa is quite inappropriate.


Few authors have used the time 1410 which I have found to be in error by (+)5 minutes.

Course of Life Events


Lagna based sequence

Budha dasa – Sukra bhukti since 29th January 1971: Both dasa and bhukti lords Rāhu daśa – Budha bhukti from 11 March are related to navāmsa-Lagna. Sukra is the 1970 to 27 September 1972. Budha gave lord of navāmsa-Lagna occupied by marriage being placed in R9-Lagna. Budha. Cidram (sub-sub period) was of Rāhu.

9 March 1972 → Marriage



Moon based sequence

16 July 1972 – Joined Indian Police Service.

Budha bhukti also gave success in Civil Budha(d)-Śukra(b)-Guru(c) →10th lord – Service examination (IPS) as Vidyākāraka th 9 lord – 4th lord. Guru is neecha but well and 10th lord causing Rājayoga. Budha placed in Rāśix10. Rājayoga had its signifies both marriage and career only beginning… when the right ayanāmsa is used.

24.10.1981to 06.02.1983: Guru dasa began in 29 March ’80. 3. Headed Delhi traffic Guru (d) – Sani (b) began on 18 May police 1982.

New assignment at the end of Budha (d) – Guru (b); dasa & bhukti lords are placed mutually in trines.

Transfer to Goa occurred during Guru 25 March 1983 to 22 dasa-Sani bhukti. Note the sequence based 4. July 1984 → in charge of on Chandra and the role of true ayanāmsa Goa traffic. in synchronizing both the sequences.

Transfer to Goa and the tenure occurred in Sani bhukti of Budha dasa (ended on 5th September 1984). Sani, is placed in the 12th house of Rāsi and Rāśix10. Anguish on account of the sick child and career conflict in December 1983.


12 April 1988 to 30 April Ketu – Rāhu: 06 Aug 1987 to 23 Aug ’88, 1990→ Deputy Director, Guru (d) – Venus (b) from 10 Feb 1988 to then Guru(b) up to 30 July 1989 and then 5. Narcotics Control Bureau. 10 October 1990. Sani (b) till 07 September 1990. Ketu (d) – Sani (b): Sani is in the 12th house of Rāsi and Rāśix10. Venus dasa 1st May 1990 to 10th began on 6th September 1991. She had to 6. September 1992: Transfer Transfer occurred in Guru (d) – Venus (b). flee the state overnight during Sukra dasa to Mizoram as DIG. – Sukra bhukti in a controversy. Sukra is 12th Lord in Rx10 and Lagnapati in Rx12. 1st May 1993 to 3rd May ’95, at the height of fame 7. as IG of Tihar prisons. Won the Magsaysay award in 1994.

Guru (d) – Kuja bhukti from 28 November Sukra (d)- Sukra (b) from 5th September 1992 to 3rd November 1993 and then Rāhu ’91 to 4th January 1991. Note the lordship bhukti up to 28th March 1996. Here the of Sukra and the Rājayoga caused by influence of Rx10 is evident. Kuja owned Sukra and Budha. She was displaced in Rx10 Lagna and also is the dispositor of Surya bhukti as Surya is the 12 lord of vargottama Rāhu. Rāsi placed in the 12th of Rāśix10.

Daśamsa reflects her career as IPS Officer while it is the Rāsi and Navāmsa that reflects her life in general as an intellectual, author and reformists. Budha’s dominant influence gave her fame through the works she authored. Mercury as 10th lord aspecting the 3rd house gave proficiency in outdoor games.

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