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4 Meeting

4.1 Fashion Consultant Listen to a fashion consultant giving advice on what to wear for a job interview. Complete the chart. Women Men Nails: Well groomed, neat, extremely long or dirty uncut

Hair: Preferably medium length or short and well groomed

Jewelry: Don’t wear jewelary that jingles, no more than two

Suits: Don't wear suits that have wide lapels 3 inches or more

nails or real turn off

rings per-hand or one earing per-ear, don’t wear any face jewelry or ankle bracelet.

Shoes: Backless shoes shouldn't be worn, should wear conservative pumps with a low heel

or too narrow 1 inch or less, style for men's jackets is full body and looser rather than fitted or tight.

Colors: Conservative colors in various shades of blue and grey or best, wearing black to the interview could be viewed as too serious

Stockings: If bare legs have to wear stocking even in humid Leather jackets: Leather jackets and blazer are not good to interview they look like outdoor wear.

summer weather stocking should be neutral colours

Skirt: Hemlines shouldn't be more than 3 inches above the

Shirt and tie: Blue shirt is a good choice altought ties are not required by some companies it is preferable.

knee, don't wear short pants or leggings doing interview.

Handbags: Purses and briefcases should be conservative and inconspicuous

Shoes: Men should wear a pair of formal dark lace up shoes or loafers.

Exercise 4.2 Future Desire What do you want to be? No


Aspire Job

Future Desire




Can travel and see the world




Be famous




Can work for magazine like National geographic




Discover something that will help the world

Exercise 4.3 Description things_Dream 1. Who has to resolve some problem? a. Rachel c. Ross b. Carol d. Ben 2. Who has connection between the consciousness and unconsciousness? a. Rachel c. Ross b. Carol d. Ben 3. Who is actually expecting freedom?

a. Rachel c. Ross b. Carol d. Ben 4. What is the symbol of protection and warmth? a. Ex‐girlfriend c. Flying b. Hair d. Dolphin 5. Dolphin symbolized the following, except: a. Friendliness c. Vanity b. Rescue d. Affection

4.4 Mike’s Consultation Answer the questions about Mike’s Consultation a.

Why does Mike feel bad? Because his self-esteem is low.


What should he do? He should exercise regulary


What should he eat? He should eat lot of salad.


What are his favorite foods? Hamburger and fries


What shouldn’t he eat? Hamburger, fries and much sugar

4.5. Problems Listen to the problem. Mark (√) the correct suggestion for each problem! 1.


You should see a vet.


Why don’t you go to the dentist?



You should call the mechanic


Why doesn’t she change the tire?



He shouldn’t go out so often.


He should take some medicine



He shouldn’t be an artist


He should study art



Don’t cry if it’s broken!


You should fine a new one.



Put on your uniform


You shouldn’t wear glasses.

4.6.Don’t forget these memory tips! Listen to the monologue and fill in the blanks! Don't Forget these Memory Tips! co You may not want to … …m …p…e…te… against Britain's World Memory Champion Ben Pridmore, who

em iz… e the order of a pack of cards in 32.13 seconds, or Germany's Clemens Mayer, who can m …… …o …r… can rem ……e …m …b …e…r170 names and faces after having studied them for just 15 minutes or 104… 0… n… um er… s after …b…

studying them fo r just 30 minutes. But there are ways to help you improve your e… e… as…ie…r. Here are ten tips. memory, or at least make your lif …… 1.

Try to have a memory place.

la… ss…e…s…, pills, … no…t… es… to yourself, etc. This tip may not exactly improve your This is a special place for keys, …c… memory, but it might make your life easier. to be remembered

2. Put an item ………………in an obvious place. For example, put clothes to be taken to the dry cleaners by the front door. 3.

Use technology. appointment Electronic organizers make it simple to schedule and remember ………………. Set the alarm clock or oven timer to help you remember to do something at certain time. Leave yourself 4. ………………a message on your voice-mail about something important you must do. o… ca…ti… o… n in your personal life, In addition, e-mails to yourself can also help you ember special l… email programs a… ut… o… m… a… ticlly as birthdays and anniversaries. M any ………………allow you to keep a record of such dates and … send reminders on the day. 5.

re…li… ab e way to keep track of things you … n… ee…d…t… o. do Making a list is the most … …l… by your bed Try keeping a notepad in your pocket , ………………, and in your car. If a notepad is not available, write on your hand. Remember to cross items off the list as you complete them. conspicuous 6. Write notes to yourself, and post them in ……………… places. s… hb…o…a… rdof your For example, leave a reminder on a sticky note placed on your bathroom mirror or on the d…a… car. 7.

Use object cues or memory aids.

This is similar to tying a string around your finger. For example, turn your watch around or put a shoe on are supposed to the kitc…h… e… n… ta…b… le. Noticing something different about the object will remind you that y ou ………………remember something. Review the association often so you don't forget what the changed object represents. Avoid putting 8. ………………things off. Do it now! Then there is less opportunity for fiyie 9.

Talk to yourself as you do something:

to be done pick up "I'm turning off the stove. The stove is off.," or for things ………………in the future: "Have to ………………my girlfriend at five." 10. Repeat! n…id…e… a…, a fact, …a…d…a…te……, or a name, you need to repeat the information to yourself until To memorize …a… i… t… st… ic… ks……in your head. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Find words in the script that mean: 1.

to be in contest against someone (first paragraph)

com … ……p …e…te … re…li… ab e… … …l…


trustworthy (item 5)


easy to notice (item 6)


panel under the windshield (item 6)

re…m nd…e…r … …i… d… as…h…b… oa … …rd


to postpone (item 8)

a… vo…id……… …

Answer the questions about the text.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What can you do to remember to take the clothes to the dry cleaners? Put an item to be remembered in an obvious place. How can you use electronic organizers to help you remember things? Set the alarm clock or oven timer. How can voice mail and e-mail help you? Many email programs allow us to keep a record of such dates, and automaticlly send reminders on the day

What can a notepad be used for? notepad can be used for remembering things that should we do How can sticky notes help you? the sticky notes can be sticked everywhere and help us to remember What should you do to remember facts, dates, and names? We have to repeat

4.7 Safety Trips for travelers Listen the “Safety Trips for travelers” and give complete information for each point of the tips! a.

Planning You should work with your travel agent, contact consulates or tourist bureaus, read guide books and search the internet to get information about your destination. For a trip without unpleasant surprises you had better to learn about legal health and safety issues for the countries are visiting visa requirements


health conditions and crime Packing Carry the minimum ammount of valuables necessary,avoid wearing flashy clothing or so casual clothing, little or no jewelry and take nothing you could not replaced.


Documents, Cash and Credit Cards If you wish to carry the documents cash and credit cards with you conceal them in the several places, putting them all in one wallet or pouch, avoid using fanny packs and handbags outside the pockets, the safest places to carry valuables is in a pouch or money belt that you were underneath your clothing. you should always fotocopy important documents such as pasport, visas, airline tickets and credit cards at home.


Health Insurance when your health insurance does not cover you,you should consider producing short term health emergency sistem policy design for a travelers.


Hotels Upon entering your room, you must do a through security check. For safety, the door should have a people as well as safety chain or latch that operate from the inside. Make sure to use the locks. Don't open your hotel room door without verifying who is outside. Always carry your hotel address with you.


Thieves in order to protect yourself be observant at all times. Most thieves, working team of three or more one to distract you, one to do the deed and one to keep an eye out. the most common areas for

robberies, are market, train and bus stations on subways trains or any other else.

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