READ ME FOLDER CONTAINS FILES REGARDING 4 NECESSARY STEPS IN UNIFORM AFFAIRS: [JUNE07] PRICE LIST FOR WARES OF SSISS a) Ask about price and modify the price list for latest from certain provider b) Confirms the provider and is suggested do not make changes c) Updates the terms of service always d) Corrects the grammatical error always [JUNE07] CUSTOMERS' ORDER FOR WARES OF SSISS a) Use this to jot down the customer name, class and their order. b) Its function as the reference before do the statistic c) Besides that, its also convenient to buyer (us) when deliver the ware either once at all or partially. [JUNE07] STATISTICS FOR WARES OF SSISS a) The last step is make a statistic by recording. b) Total sum of ware to buy must be clear. c) Prevent to buy excess ware. d) Besides that, if buying do at different times, this document may helpful. [JUNE07] CARA MEMAKAI UNIFORM PENGAKAP LAUT [EDISI MELAYU] a) Customer will ask about the position of badges. b) Please update the information regarding the position of badges always through interaction with outsiders. c) After all, Malaysian Sea Scout none yet has certain scouting guide which is suitable for Sea Scouts. d) AJK Uniform is responsible to translate the current version into English version. 25JUNE2007 BY ALOX