June Snapshot 2009 Asymca

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  • Words: 1,646
  • Pages: 6
San Diego Armed Services YMCA


Volume 4, Issue 6

Serving over 6,000 activeduty junior-enlisted military service members and their families each month with free programs!

The ASYMCA Murphy Canyon parking lot was a flurry of activity on the morning of Thursday, May 28th. This marked the beginning of the San Diego ASYMCA’s new monthly Neighborhood Exchange Program for military and civilian families. A generous donation by Sempra Energy and a wonderful partnership with the San Diego Food Bank make this program possible allowing families to stretch their budgets in this time of increasing gas and food prices. Hundreds of families gathered at the ASYMCA Paul Hartley Complex for this morning food distribution event. At points it was difficult to tell that food distribution was the main activity as families also spent time drinking donated Starbucks coffee, sifting through free book bins, and socializing with neighboring families. Children were entertained by energetic balloon artists while parents and their children gathered for a special outdoor Mom & Tots class. This Neighborhood Exchange will be a monthly Family Outreach Department event, thanks to the support of Sempra Energy and the San Diego Food Bank! Please visit our website for more information about our Neighborhood Exchange events.

Neighborhood Exchange

“This morning was great... my family and I really appreciate all that everyone does for the military... thank you for all you do. The volunteers were helpful and nice. I like being served for a change”.

In this issue NICU Reunion ………………………....2 Naval Medical Center 2,000th Quilt ………..………………… 3 Youth & Community Outreach River & Beach Clean Ups……..…..4 Military Volunteer Program 20+ Year donors……………………….5 Partner Member Program

Plus This monthly event would not be possible without the strong support from Sempra Energy and the San Diego Food Bank Compiled & Edited by Katie DesBois

Thank you Athleen Bassett, Cathe Robling, and Armed Forces Bank

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NICU Reunion

Morning drizzle on Saturday June 13th gave way to a bright sunny day when the Armed Services YMCA hosted the 26th Annual NICU Reunion. This event brought 120 families and more than 500 guests. The Naval Medical Center courtyard came alive in the early morning hours as 54 ASYMCA volunteers helped staff turn the area into a children’s playground. Starting at 11 a.m., reunion guests listened to live music, ate a BBQ lunch, took family photos and decorated picture frames. Children ate cotton candy and popcorn, jumped in the AstroJump, dunked NICU staff in the dunk tank, rode ponies, and even won prizes in the raffle drawings. Party guests were also greeted by Sea World’s Shamu, Cinderella, Tinker Bell, Snow White and Star Wars characters. This annual event is an opportunity for NICU graduates and their families to reconnect with NICU staff as well as other graduates from years past. It’s a tradition and while some families are local many travel from other states to attend. Because of the support from volunteers, the NICU staff, and TRIWEST, this event was once again a great success. Smiles all around, families can’t wait for next year.

Naval Medical Center

There’s nothing like a hug to brighten your day. Thanks to the Armed Services YMCA & Assistance Leagues of San Diego and Rancho San Dieguito, 12 Pediatric Patients hugged their new Hug-A-Bear. These stuffed bears are donated once a month for children in the Emergency Room & Pediatrics.

40 years at the ASYMCA Athleen Bassett poses with family, Charty and Brant Bassett, in front of a photo of former ASYMCA employee and friend Phyllis Mondoc. Athleen began working for the San Diego Armed Services YMCA in 1942 and worked for 40 years before retiring in 1981. Athleen joined the current ASYMCA staff for lunch on May 29th to catch up on programs and be thanked for her tremendous service to the San Diego Armed Services YMCA.

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2000th Quilt—YCO 2,000 is a large number! But not too large a number for our spectacular American Sewing Guild Volunteers, who have, just this month, completed their 2000th Kid Comfort Quilt. This June, Rhoda Keegan of the American Sewing Guild, presented the 2,000th quilt to Karena Vigliotti, Youth and Community Outreach Director. Since the program’s inception in 2005, Operation Kid Comfort has been providing children with free photo transfer quilts bearing images of their deployed or deploying family member. These beautifully hand crafted quilts help children cope during a parent’s deployment. This is one program that the San Diego Armed Services YMCA would not be able to offer without the dedication and support of hundreds of volunteers. The number 2,000 is even more remarkable when you take into account the time spent on each quilt—each volunteer spends 8-10 hours carefully crafting each quilt! Thank you American Sewing Guild Volunteers for your time and expertise!

Families, don’t forget – Get your requests in early via our Operation Kid Comfort webpage!

Thank You Cathe Robling Thank you Cathe Robling for your service to the San Diego Armed Services YMCA! We all look forward to welcoming Cathe and General Robling back to San Diego in the future.

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Military Volunteer Program Military volunteers donated over 620 hours of their time during the month of May!

Our San Diego Rivers and Beaches are a little cleaner today because of the hard work of many military volunteers and their families. In April, volunteers got together for the Silver Strand Beach Clean Up and in May, the San Diego River Park Foundation Fashion Valley Clean Up.

On May 26, 2009 Aynn McGuire presented the San Diego ASYMCA with a $3,000 donation check from Armed Forces Bank for ASY Programs. Thank you Armed Forces Bank!

Calendar of events July

4th—4th of July at ASW Base 15th—Healthy living Walking Group Outing 17th—KUSI Shopping Spree; NMC 23rd—Computer Giveaway 23rd—ASYMCA Neighborhood Exchange July—YES Program


19th— KUSI Shopping Spree; NMC 27th—Computer Giveaway 27th—ASYMCA Neighborhood Exchange August— YES Program August— Camp Hero Visit our Website Event Calendar for updates and free ticket giveaways!

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The San Diego Armed Services YMCA would like to extend a special thank you to those who have contributed for over 20 years PARTNER MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS

30 Years

Ms. Athleen Bassett Capt & Mrs. Charles Bishop Miss Jessie Burrows Mrs. Charlotte Hartley Mrs. Vital Haynes, Jr. Mrs. Falck Nielsen

25 Years

Capt Ernest F. Latham, MC, USN(Ret) RADM Lee L. Levenson, USN(Ret) RADM T.W. McNamara, USN(Ret) Mrs. James Taggart Judge & Mrs. G. Thompson, Jr.

20 Years

Mr. Fred Harris Mrs. Sarah Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Clark Higgins Mr. George Jessop Mr. Donald Tartre Mr. Vincent Nares Capt C. G. Farnham, USN(Ret) RADM Albert Monger, USN(Ret) Capt John O’Neill, USN(Ret) Mrs. Nina Sharp RADM William Walsh, USN(Ret) Mrs. Jane Beers MAJGEN Robert & Mrs. Scur lock,USAF(Ret)

Thank you for your continuous support and commitment to the Armed Services YMCA and the many military families of San Diego.

Our Latest donors… Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation GEICO Armed Forces Bank Sempra Energy San Diego Food Bank Rescue Task Force Gold Wing Riders Association Blooms from the Heart

Petals for Patriots Lambs Players Theater Lash Foundation Navy Old Goats Warrior Foundation San Diego Yacht Club Live Nation House of Blues The Padres San Diego Fair KSON Starbucks

Thank you Corporate Partner Members...

Final thoughts... From the Desk of Executive Director Paul Steffens: As I look, again, at the pictures of the many individuals participating in recent events I am reminded of Ben Stein’s Final Column. Ben Stein wrote a bi-weekly column called “Monday Night at Morton’s” - a famous steakhouse frequented by movie stars and famous people. His columns were filled with items about the Hollywood stars. In his last column, he states that he no longer thinks Hollywood stars are terribly important and, while they can be interesting and nice they were no longer his heroes. He goes on to note the actions of many military service members and firemen. He states that he came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters. Ben Stein noted that after he cared for his father as he got sick, entered a coma and died, he realized that was the only point at which his life touched the lives of soldiers in Iraq or the firefighters in New York. He came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that his duty, in return to the good life that God gave him, is to help others that God has placed in his path. While the individuals pictured in this SHAPSHOT, as they help each other, may not know Ben Stein, they practice what Ben realized—that life lived to help others is the only one that matters. We can all learn from Athleen Bassett who started helping at the ASYMCA in 1942 and continued until 1981.. Or from the American Sewing Guild Volunteers who recently delivered Operation Kid Comfort Quilt number 2,008!! Then there are the thousands of volunteer hours of service that our military volunteers contribute to the San Diego Community and the hours contributed by the volunteers at the Naval Medical Center. Yes, life lived to help others is alive and well in the San Diego Armed Services YMCA. All our volunteers make it possible for us to maintain our current programs and introduce new programs to meet the needs of military families. We are also dependent on grants and donations. We were most fortunate this past month to receive two grants that are making a positive difference in our efforts. The Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Women’s Military Fund awarded us $30,000 for our family counseling program and Sempra Energy Foundation awarded us $20,000 to support our family support programs, including the Neighborhood Exchange Program shown in this SNAPSHOT. For more information on how YOU can make a difference… [email protected] 858.751.5755 www.militaryymca.org

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