June 7, 2009 To Aurora Village Board: On May 20, 2009, John Place was allowed to address this board with comments and accusations regarding his private property lawsuit against Susanne Holland – a lawsuit that he initiated. His comments included numerous slanderous claims regarding me, my family, and our home. His claims - including those about my relationship with my father, my mental health, lights shining into his house, my car horn, etc. – are untrue. His claims are malicious fabrications. These are scheming lies, delivered with the intent of manipulating the village board and public opinion to his side of a dispute that he initiated. It is my understanding that the Village Board allowed Place to present these lies at some length. The function of a village government is the enforcement of laws and administration of village business and budgets. Place’s venting and slander is not what our government should allow itself to be used for. I cannot stop these people from spreading their lies about me, my family, and my home at their dinner parties, faculty gatherings and lunches at the Fargo. But as a resident of this village, I have the right to insist that my village government not allow itself to be used as a vehicle for Place’s kind of self-serving propaganda. Thank you,
Laura Holland