June 16 2009 Newsletter

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JUNE 16, 2009

The Colonial News (423) 239-6031 or 6081 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chumckpt.org The mission of Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is that by the Grace of God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will LEAD people to Christ, DISCIPLE people in Christ, and SERVE people for Christ!






9:00 AM—12:00 PM $50 NAME: ______________________________________________________________

AGE: ___________





SCHOOL: _____________________



SHIRT SIZE: ___________________


Everyone is invited to a special farewell dinner and time of fellowship for Pastor Angela on Sunday, June 21 at 5:30 PM in the Ministry Center. This will be a covered dish dinner with lots of music and times of sharing. There will be a love offering for Pastor Angela. Come and share with us as we bid her a fond farewell. She will be so missed!


The Front Porch Traditional Service

89 151

Total Worship


Sunday School



Receipts 6/7

$ 17,654

OUR SERVICE JUNE LECTOR Jill Herren Please sign up at the Welcome Center to be a Lector in 2009. JUNE OFFERING STEWARD Robert Shelton & Jack Christian

HOMEBOUND MEMBER OF THE MONTH Paul Bragg Holston Manor 3641 Memorial Blvd, RM 506 PO Box 3768 Kingsport, TN 37664 Please let Paul know how much he is thought of and cared about by sending a card, calling, or visiting.

UPPER CRUST NEWS United Methodist Men—Monthly Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, June 18 at 8:00 AM at Shoney’s.

Golden Oldies in Wytheville

Pastors, Staff and Ministries of CHUMC Our children and youth Paul Bragg Dot Campbell

Long-Range Planning Committee—Meeting on Thursday, June 18 at 7:00 PM in the Upper Room Sunday School Classroom.

Kids in the Kitchen— Tuesday, July 7 at 9:00 AM. Call Traci Horne for more information. Jr. High Summer Retreat - July 30—August 3 at Camp Lookout.


Given By:

Tom & Doris Little Jane Sarnoff

Verlin & Vivian Droke Bill & Dianna Haile

Janice Fields Kent and Angie Harris (Jane Harris’ son & daughter-in-law)

Thank you CHUMC Flower Ministry for the beautiful vases of flowers from Sunday services and to Kay Calhoun and Judy Reece for your deliveries. —Valice Hawkins

Ferril Harrison

In Honor Of:

Given By:

Brad Jefferson Janet Manning’s father Arthur McNutt Betty O’Leary

THOUGHTS ON PRAYER We have looked at Adoration and Confession. Today I would like to look at Thanksgiving the T of ACTS. If you have a computer you have probably seen the email about the seven modern wonders of the world. A class was asked to list the seven wonders of the modern world. Many students listed buildings and monuments. One little girl had difficulty choosing among the many wonders. She listed: to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to smell, to love, to be loved. I think it would be fun to take a day and thank God for things that I can smell, or a day to thank God for things that I can hear. This could be difficult if you are deaf or blind but the other senses are still available. Psalm 34:8: Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

Karen Little and family on the death of her mother, Lorraine Smith and the family of Albert Gilliam

To My Church Family—I want to thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, cards, visits, and food following my recent surgery. Bob especially enjoyed the meals—he didn’t have to cook. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Carol Shelton

Nancy Collins

Youth Cookout/Pool Party—Tuesday, June 23. Check for details at youth.chumckpt.org.

The Food Pantry currently needs boxed spaghetti and canned pinto beans, peas, pork & beans, fruit, and spaghetti sauce.

If anyone has found a periwinkle rain jacket at the church, please call Jane Miller in the church office.


Natural Tunnel - bring a packed lunch - meet at CHUMC at 10:00 AM

United Methodist Women—Meeting on Thursday, June 18 at 7:00 PM in the church lounge.





Psalm 100:4: Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name

Michael Putman (Frances Reed’s grandson) Edie Roach Mary Schwartz Harold Shell Betty Starnes Rhea Starnes Wanda Stewart Mack Whitlock Our At-Home Members Those who are in a nursing home/assisted living All serving in our military

Try thanking God everyday and have fun doing it. (If you would like to be removed from this list, please contact Jane Miller in the church office.)

You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Holly Stroud and Zachary Jacobs (son of Don & Vicki Jacobs) on Saturday, June 20 at 2:30 PM at Main Street Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Kentucky Holly & Zachary are registered at Walmart and Belks.

Why should you come to Calling All Men?


Someone to keep the Lebanon Road sign updated.

The golf cart has been repaired and upgraded and is now in service. Drivers are needed for the 9:00 worship service, 10:00 Sunday School, 11:00 worship service, and 12:00 after the service. Usually the cart is available 15-20 minutes prior to each time. Some have combined times (ex. some have volunteered to drive both before and after the 9:00 service, which would include the 10:00 schedule , or before AND after the 11:00 service). All times are flexible and your availability at one time slot and/or more is up to you. Please consider this vital ministry. A sign-up sheet is on the welcome center. Volunteer today!

Must be able to spel. Contact Danny Fleming if interested.

FALL CHURCH BAZAAR Beginning the week of June 1 and continuing through the summer months, we will be collecting items for the October Bazaar Garage Sale by appointment. Please call Edna Vesley (239-8955), Nancy Locke (239-9083), or Lesa Worsham (349-5740) to set up a time to deliver your items. Please remember to price your items and no clothing please.

UNITED METHODIST MEN The UMM meet for dinner on the 1st Thursday of each month. The next meeting is July 2. An excellent meal is prepared for us each month—the menu will be announced nearer to meeting time—and a variety of programs are planned for the coming months. Meeting time is 6:30 PM. Every man in the church is a member and encouraged to attend regularly. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this program of the church. You are needed! The 3rd Thursday of each month a group of men from CHUMC meet at Shoney’s at 8:00 AM for a prayer breakfast—a short devotion and time of prayer for the church, followed by breakfast and fellowship. We leave as we need to. Some of the wives are coming and usually meet separately. Reserve the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 8:00 AM.

Hope to see you on the 22nd of August

for Morning and Afternoon Sessions Legacy Session 1: Sharing Your Faith in Hard Times What do you say when a friend has lost his job or there has been a tragedy in your own life? Sharing our faith during these hard times can be difficult and intimidating. Learn how to be ready to live a life that leaves a legacy. Leader: Rev. Jason Roe

How we can strengthen marriages, beginning with our own. Leader: Ginny and Rev. Pete Rowlett

Legacy Session 3: Facebook: You and God are Friends Are you a Facebooker? If so, then you are putting yourself out there for the world to catch a glimpse of who you are, what you stand for and where you are going. Is it accurate? Are you living your life in such away that honors God? You are invited to join the chat; your friends will be online with you. Who knows what might get posted on your wall!

AM only - Youth Session (Adults Welcome) Leader: Roger Williams

PM only - Young Adult Session (Adults Welcome) Leader: Rev. Brad Hyde

Legacy Session 4: Breathing In, So We Can Breathe Out Breathing in the things of God through prayer and other spiritual disciplines; so we can breathe out a life that leaves a legacy that reflects the image of Christ. Leader: Rev. Mickey Rainwater Legacy Session 5: Fatherhood Legacy (Parenting) Being a Godly father centers around our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Living out Biblical truths in our own lives translates into relationships with our children. Our Legacy is our family and our relationships. Leader: Rev. David Graves

Legacy Session 6: A Man, A Can and A Plan The recipe for Financial Security in Challenging Times. Leader: Cliff Amos

August 22, 2009 from 6 am until 6 pm Mark your calendars now.

Turn your worries into prayers. Bring these concerns before the Lord. Help all of us to do this by placing your concerns in the Prayer Concerns Box in the back of the church or ministry center.

Legacy Sessions:

Legacy Session 2: Christian Marriage is a Holy Covenant


Do you have concerns about our church? Do you have concerns about our schools?

As a dad, granddad, or just as a man, what kind of legacy do you want to leave in this world? Your legacy is an expression of your personal values, priorities, intentions and is designed to help guide and inspire others. We believe that coming to this gathering will help strengthen your journey of godliness and righteousness.

MAGNETS Please save the magnets from the lawyers that were on all the new telephone books. They can be used in craft projects at Community United Methodist Church’s children’s program called Terrific Tuesdays. You can turn them in to the church office.


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