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This chapter deals on the procedure followed, Research Design, Methodology, Source of data, Data Gathering Procedure, Instrumentation and Statistical Tool used inthe study.


In this study, the researcher used their imagination and at the same time, the developmental method of research applying the gathered knowledge in developing the Jig and Fixture for Motor Rewinding.


The researchers used a developmental method of research in developing the device. It consist of several activities, planing, designing, and construction of the prototype. Theresearchers also used conversion of

techniques, small group discussion, and brainstorming. Then gathering of related srudies and literature about the development of the device, After the methods, techniques, and processes have made the study was held for testing and revising.


The suoreces of data were gathered by the researchers through the collection of information from encyclofedias, dictionariea, under graduate thesis, magazines, newspapers, and internet. From the gathered information, the researchers have come up wiht the related studies and literature which served as the basis for the possible sulotions of the research.


The researchers followed a spicific format in constructing the JIG AND FIXTURE FOR MOTOR REWINDING, in order for the device to be functional.

These steps were as follows:

Step 1: Identification of the problem. The researchers conducted an observation to be able to identify a certain problem. The researchers also solicited opinions in order that the product would be functional, convenient, and easy to use.

Step 2: Gathering Data. The researchers gathered some data which will give them the additional information about thier study.

Step 3: Planning and Designing. The researchers planned all the necessary means which can be employed in the producing the hardbound copy of the research study, which is the Jig and Fixture for Motor Rewinding. It also includes the format of materials, and when will the production of materials be done.

Step 4: Procument of Materials. The researchers contributed a certain amount of money to be able to start the encoding of the research study. Also the researchers considered the place wrer to encode to have a good quality of work.

Step 5: Preparation of Materials. The researchers prepared the necessary material to be used in making the roug draft of the research study.

Step 6: Compilation of Parts On this stage, the researchers had compiled all the materials being computerized to be arranged in chronological order, starting from the very first page up to curriculum vitae.

Step 7: Testing. This is ther stage wherin the device ws critezied hby the respondents.

Step 8: Revising. This is the stage were the thesis was revised to be ready for the hard bounding.

Step 9: Hard Bounding. This is the stage were thw researchers had submitted thier thesis writings for hard bounding.



A new technology is born because there is a need for it just as human beings desire for food, shelter, and clothing. Each day, new inventions and innovations of tools, gadgets, and equipment were made that brougth tremendous changes from past to present and from simple to modern living. Yet, despite of todays advancement of technology man still craves to look for another alternative that will siut thier everyday needs. The necessity of man to produce something better lead them for further discoveries of new things. These action have contributed much in a major way to the nations modernazation.

As time goes on, the rapid growth of technology increase. Many devices are now invented and innovated by different people from different part of the world. One purpose of these devices is to lessen up the work of the people. These innovations and invention are used for massive production of several goods that are highly needed by man. As the advancement of technology is continuously growing, the faster the people seek for it.

One of the major contribution to any succes of todays hitechnology in the field of electrcity is the used of electric motors and genarators such as refregerator, water pump, blower, electric fan and many other appliances operated by electric motors.

These appliances encounters troubles that the researchers had been experciencing such as worn bearing, benshop, short circiuts winding, open ciruit and burn winding.

From these experciences the researchers promted to develop more sophistecated jig and fixture for motor rewinding to substitute the two types of form that is being use at present in rewinding of motors and generators such as metal form and wooden form.


Jig and fixture for motor rewinding is a device used in rewinding a motor. Spicifically, this study will sought answer to the following qeustions.

1. How was a jig and fixture for motor rewinding be constructed.

2. What was the functionality of the device in terms of its a. Speed b. Accuracy c. Effectiveness


The prototype will be made out of materials that can be bought in local hardware. This study will cover the appropriate design, needed materials including the cost, tools labor and some basic operations that could be performed using the finished device. The functionality of the device will given the highest priority. The said device will tested in terms of its speed, accuracy, and on the different size of wires to be used in motor rewinding.


This study is deemed significant to the following.

TEACHERS: As an instructional material, the result

of this

developmental study would help the teachers to improve thier method of instruction or strutegies in teaching partcularly in demonstrating the proper way of rewinding a motor.

STUDENTS: This study would give the students easy way to learn how to rewind a motor. Therfor this study may help them improve and develop thier skills and abilities.


would provide the

technicians easy way in doing thier job. They can also save time and effort for a large-scale production.

OTHER REASERCHERS: The result of this study would encourage other reaserchers to conduct more studies and develop other useful devices. And this will serve as a guide and references for the future reaserchers. The contents of this reaserch can be used, and it may help them in thinking other topics related to nthe present study.


This chapter presents and shows the literature and studies to the present under taking study. It also includes the synthesis of the art, gap bridge by the study, the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of the study. Technical terms likewise have been conceptually and operationally defined for a better understanding of the text.


Fales et. Al., pionted out that the continuous progress in technology, including innovations, has profoundly affected our lives in many ways. It has also affected even the construction industry.1 Because of the advancement of technologies; more work can be done faster, easier, and better. The study relates to fales’ view, which focuses on the development of technologies, the same way as the present study came up with a new functional device that will be developed from an existing model.

Everyone is potentially creative, in fact, today’s advancement of technology are all products of man’s creativety. According to Lowenfield et. Al., the development of creative thinking has tremendous importace for us, both as individual and as a society. It offers a change from what is and has been, to what might be or what is to be discovered and developed.2 In like manner, the present study highly involoved critical creative thinking, every aspect undergo extensive study.

Agpaoa made mention of the home made rewinding stand that can be use in rewinding. It is manually operated transformer rewinder. To record the number of turns, a counter can be attached at the rewinding shaft where the bobbin can be mounted. If no counter is available, one can record the number of turns.3 The idea brougth about by the said model of a traditional rewinder was applied by the researchers in this study as a reference in constructing the prototype. The device has similar function and some parts can be found in the said model.

In the past years, man has developed many techniques for harnessing elctricity and putting it to use. All industrial societies have been drastically transformed by the ability to generate electric power and transmit it over long distance. Electrid power runs elictric motors in

fabrics and provides ligths in homes and cities.4 In like manner; the device was supplied with electric power in order for it to operate.

Rotating electrical machines are commonly used for converting energy from one form to another. One of the most frequently used types of such machines is the motor that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. According to Siskind, when an electric motor is in operation, it is supplied with electric energy and develops torque. And if the rotating element of the motor is free to turn, it will do so and thereby cause mechanical rotation of it self and its application.5

Today, electric motors are widely used in many applications such as funs, pumps, portable drills, advertising devices, and sewing machines that is why the progress of motor technology over the past several decades can not be understimated. This advancement was made possible through a combination of improved design, materials and manufacturing process. It even provides longer service life in much more several environments than any of its predecessor design. Jordan pointed out that the relatively inexpensive energy conversion from electrical to mechanical form provided by electric motor has enjoying today.6

Smith cited that one of the major problems of the magnitude in the school of developing countries is the scarcity of equipment, both in terms of machines and hand tools. In most class, these can not be purchased however it is possible to design and build simple tools and devices, which can be used to increase production to aid home industries and improve the shop program.7 Accordingly, this study aimed to develop a device that can be used in school shop as a material for instruction and demonstration, which improved the industrial program. This would provide students experiences and training to develop their skills so that later they would become highly competent and skilled manpower, who would led to the increase of production.


Serrano et.al study focused on Electrically operated Grater an innovative study, a motor is used to operate the grater. The electric motor drive’s the grater that ensures safe and fast preparation of food. The device is intended customarily to eliminated difficulties in grating Cassava and other hard root crops. The present study is similar to the previous study since they both used electric motor was used in the prototype to ensure safe and fast rewinding.

The study of

Polo and Guarte,”pedal operated slicer”, the

efficiency of their machine is being demonstrated to slice cassava into uniform sizes and thickness the innovative design of this mechanical slicer makes food processing a lot easier and less time consuming. With the machines large capacity of 50 kg/hr it is not only ideal for classroom use but also for large scale production. For the present study, the device is not only intended for classroom instruction but also for industries to be used by technician.

The study of Musa et.al,”Portable Transfomer rewinder (A Utility Model)”, focused on the design and constracting of transformer rewinder with an motor to speed up the rewinding process. The device helps reduce the time in rewinding and becomes portable for the user. This study is similar to the present since they both used a motor on their prototype.

The Sensing device of Montas could be installed in electric water pump to protect its motor from any serious damage that may araise from a low suction pressured. It has been proven that the device is an efficient instructional device particularly in demonstrating the functional relationship between the various parts of electric pumps. This study is similar to the present since the device was developed as a tool for effective instruction specially in the proper way of rewinding motor.

The study of Navera “A three-phase circuit demonstrations board for quality teaching” provides an innovative device that can be used to improve the performance skill of the students in the field of electrical technology. Likewise, in this present study, it also aimed to improve the performance skill of the students particularly in motor rewinding.

The study of Barquilla and Batiancila, “Motor Controlled Transformer Rewinder”, focuse on the design and construction of transformer rewinder with an speed controller to speed up rewinding process. This study is similar to the present in terms of its function, however the present study tried to use a motor on the device for more precise and convenient job.

Another developmental study of Moron et. Al, “An Electronic Lighting Arrester for Appliances: a developmental study”, had proven that protects all appliances automatically and sensitively. The finding shows that the device has the qualifying quality, which can enhance the assurance of the fortification of the appliances. The researchers of the present study assure that the device has the quality to protect the windings from any damage of failures.


All the related studies reviewed are found similar to the presents study in terms of input and throughput that involved planning and designing, tools and equipment, and in terms of the process which involve constructing and testing. The difference was in the output of the study. There were studies that have similarities with the present study in purpose that is to serve as a model, instructional device and skill development. The design and construction of the device as well as the safety precaution were also emphasized. In the study of Navera and Montas are similar to the present study that is to provide efficient instructional materials and to improve the performance skill of the students. The study of Musa et. Al., and Serrano et. Al,. and Barquilla and Batiancila use electric motor in their study same as with the present study to speed up the work being done. The study of Moron, and Polo and Guarte assure safety and precaution as well as conserving time and energy. The present study is similar in terms of the method used, the developmental method as well as the designing and construction of the device.


Generally, the previous studies reviewed have led the present study in developing, improving the functions, and features of the existing model. A similar device used in electrical technology is the “motor controlled transformer rewinder” of Barquilla and Batiancila, which has using an electric motor with 3-speed controller motor. Using this transformer rewinder you can adjust the speed of the motor if needed while doing the winding. The present study tried to develop a “JIG AND FIXTURE FOR MOTOR REWINDING” using a motor and a gear with a constant speed of 60 rounds per revolution. This was the gap the researchers tried to bridge.


The study was anchored on the use of several theories as basis of the development of “Jig and Fixture for Motor and Rewinding,” The theory of creativity according to Wallace involve the imagination and formation not yet visible in order to develop a certain device, it must first be based on the imagination and creativity of man, on how to formulate certain develop using the mind, which is very important function in the

development of the devices. Also according to Lester G.Telser’s” theory of innovation, he stated that competition in the modern economy is not the impersonal kind popular in may textbook, there is instead keen rivalry among firms to kind better products and cheaper ways of waking them. The winner of this contest may obtain large profits and this stimulates the research,”It is said in the theory of innovation that making make a research make better than the existing one. This is what the researchers have though of, that is to construct the Jig and Fixture for Motor Rewinding, to surpass the function of the already existing Motor Rewinder.

The statements said above are our basis to make this device “Jig and fixture for motor Rewinding.” the innovations, invention and creativity of this device used for massive production of highly needed by man, while the Technology is continuously improving the faster the people seek for it. One of the purposes of this device is to lessen up the work of people.







Figure 1.

These theory and purpose of the researcher were combined by the researchers as a good intention also a guide in the development of the device. With all the collaboration of theories and purpose, the proposal tool is conceptualized and eventually develop


Upon Basing on the theoretical framework of the study the researchers develop a conceptual framework. this study serve as the best guide in the field of operation and the development of the study

The input of the study are the needed information for the development of the” Jig and Fixture for Motor Rewinding.” Concepts, studies, theories and ideas are the methods used and other information gathered from book,journals,enncyclopidia, manuscript, related studies and gained experience and knowledge by each member.

The throughput of this study is consist of the processes involved in the Department of the” Jig and Fixture of Motor Rewinding,” such as designing constructing testing and revising.

The execution of the procedures to came up with the product, the functional “Jig and Fixture of Motor Rewinding.”

The revision in the study is one of the very important factor in developing device. The revisions of

the study will come from the

comment and suggestions written by the respondents in the survey questionnaire checklist



THROUGHOUTPUT Design and construction Testing of the performance Revising




Motor----------------A rotating machine that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy

Design----------------Refers to the plan for making the device in the form of detailed drawing

Transformer---------An electrical device used to to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another by means of electro-magnetic induction

Jig and Fixture For Motor Rewinding-------- A device used for rewinding motor propelled by an electric motor..

Performance of the Device--------refers to the ability of the device in viewing a motor.

Speed-----------------Refers t the motion or performance. It is the distance over time.

Rewinder-------------This is a device used to rewind the wire in the bobbin of an x-former

Primary Winding --- This excites or magnetize the core and provides a magnetic flux to induce the desired voltage in the secondary winding. The number of turns and the size of wire will depend on the applied voltage and the power rating.

Secondary Winding-This receives the induced voltage set up by the primary flux.



James F. Fales et. Al, Technology: Today and Tomorrow, New York:

Glencoe Publishing Co., 1988. p.325 2

Victor Lowenfield et. Al, Creative and Mental Growth, Sixth edition.

New York: Mac Millan Publishing Co. Inc. 1975 p.63 3

Agpaoa, p.50


The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 10. USA. Grolier Incorporated.

1995. p.134 5

Charles S. Siskind, Elecrical Machines: Direct and Alternating Current,

Second Edition. Tokyo: Mac Grow-Hill International Book Co., Inc., p.1 6

Howard E. Jordan, Energy Efficient Electric Motors and their

Application, New York: Van Noster and Reinhold Co., Inc., 1983. p.1 7

Paul Smith, Production Skills of Vocational Training, New York: Mac

Millan Publishing Co., Inc., 1987 *

Leo LI. Serrano et.al ,”Electrically Operated Grater :An Innovative

Study”; (

Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis. Bicol University Legazpi


*H. Polo and Guarte “Pedal Operated

Slicer,” Compendium Of

Philippines Fabricated Machine and Equipment.1996


Study of Musa et.al,”Portable Transformer Rewinder ( A Utility

Model ) (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, BUCIT , Legazpi, City 1998)








Unpublished Seminar Paper. Bicol College Of Arts and Trades, Naga City. 1991)

*Edson Navera,” A Three Phase Power Circuit Demonstration Board for Quality Teaching,” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Bicol College Of Arts and Trades,Naga City.1994).

* Christian Barquilla and Enn Batiancila,” Motor Controlled Transformer Rewinder,”

( Unpublished Undergraduate thesis, BUCIT , Legazpi

City 2007)

*Emmanuel Moron et.al,” Electronics Lighting Arrester for Appliances: A Developmental Study,” Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis.Bicol University Legazpi,City 2006

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