July 24, 2009

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July 24, 2009

Henry Louis Gates Arrested Professor locked out; breaks into own home

Police: professor was “acting suspiciously” Pres. Obama: police were page 3 “acting stupidly”

The Gantt Report

"Time For Black Men To Stand Up" See page 2

o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m

the Advocate Credo of the Black Press

“I shall be an ADVOCATE of the full practice of the principles implicit in “Life, Liberty and Justice for All.” I shall be an ADVOCATE for these human and civil rights on behalf of those to whom they are denied, and I shall turn the pitiless light of publicity upon all men who would deny these rights to others. I shall be an ADVOCATE for my country, my state, my city, and my race, but I shall ever be on guard that I will not forget the greatest good for the greatest number while seeking benefits for the small segments who are disadvantaged by their denial.”

Tel. 407.648.1162 Fax 407.649.8702 email [email protected] http://orlandoadvocate.com Publisher Kevin Seraaj Managing Editor Louise Seraaj Production Manager Dihon Seraaj ~ Contributing ~ Writers/Reporters Frank Butler Cynthia Harris Sharon Fletcher Jones Lela Salter Columnists Judge Greg Mathis Sandra “Sandy B” Brown Derrick Drake Mary “Action” Jackson Basil A. Jones Kevin Seraaj Keysha Williams, Esq. Prophetess Yolanda Dean Photographers Janice LaBord Madonna Alexis Jennissha Casillas Paul Graine Circulation Manager Robert Brown Sales Derrick Drake, Manager The Adams Group Feotis Dean Lela Salter The Advocate is published weekly by Cornerstone Community Development Corporation of Orlando, Florida, and is available free of charge. ISSN: 1060-5715 This publication services the tri-county Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area, consisting of Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Alachua Counties. It focuses on local issues; and features political, business and entertainment personalities. Views from across the political and social spectrum will from time to time appear in these pages; they do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the publishers. Memberships: National Newspaper Publishers Association, Southeastern Black Publishers Association, Florida Press Association.

2 The Advocate

The Gantt Report

Now Is The Time For Black Men To Stand Up and Speak OUT Lucius Gantt The Gantt Report encourages all Black males to attend the second annual 1000 Man Rally on August 14-15, 2009 in Quincy, Florida. Quincy is a predominately Black town about 30 miles north of Tallahassee, the capitol city of Florida and site of the first rally in 2008. The theme of this year’s rally is “Men Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace”! I support this event because it was started from the ground up and not from the “top” down. The vision for the event came from Minister Greg James who served over 13 years in prison. The idea is supported by former inmates who desire to improve themselves and their lives by improving their commuinties and communitiy institutions. Don’t get bent all out of shape because I said the word inmates. All of us have either been jailed or we have family members, friends or neighbors that have been behind bars. In fact, all African Americans have ancestors that have been locked up. Our people didn’t come to America on the Mayflower. We didn’t sail here on a Carnival or Royal Caribbean cruise ship. We first arrived here on slave ships, handcuffed to each other in the worst of conditions. Back then, the handcuffs were called shackles. Men, women, children and babies tied together with iron restraints to come to America and other places to serve as slaves for the devilish you know what. Anyway, back to the 1000 Man Rally, you have to know there are some very smart and talented people that have served time. If you can make a living, buy things and pay bills without punching a clock, that’s smart. If you can stand up and speak out for what you believe in without fear of the consequences, that’s courageous. If you can find God and share God’s truth with the poor, the meek and the powerless and help others stay out of trouble, that’s worthwhile. Those are some of the ways to describe many of our and the world’s heroes that are now former inmates. All of us have been impacted in some form by having a family member, friend or negihbor that have been behind bars and many others have been there and want to keep it on the down low. Even the editor of the Gantt Report has been in jail so I have a special fondness for brothers and sisters that have overcome mistakes that led to jail terms Minister James heads an organization called Reclaiming the Land Ministries, Inc. and speaks about the events purpose. “This is a call for our men to speak not just with words but actions,” said Minister James, “and become the galvanizing force for restoration of homes, our communities, our state and ultimately our nation.” Last year’s key speaker was former National Baptist Convention Chair and former inmate Rev. Henry Lyons. This year, a key speaker will be Rev. Billy Neal Moore, a former inmate that was spared only seven hours before his scheduled execution. Rev. Moore once spent 16 and 1⁄2 years on death row but is now a world famous author and speaker. The National Exhoodus Council (see www.thenec.net), an organization of former inmates whose motto is “Serving our country after serving our time”, will be joining the 2009 1000 Man Rally. Also, on August 15th, Minister Greg James will be affrimed as the National Exhoodus Council chair person for the State of Florida. Chairpersons for the 2009 1000 Man Rally are Florida State Rep. Alan Williams and Quincy Mayor Pro Tem Derrick Elias. Co-chairpersons are Gadsden County Sheriff Morris Young and Gadsden County Commission Chair Eugene Lamb. Minister James says, “We must become the voice for our children in jail, those who have dropped out of school, those who are sleeping in substandard housing, those who are joining gangs and those whose vocabulary has become a foreign language to us because their teacher is Hip Hop. Young Black males are demanding that Black men stand up. We must speak now! If you can’t join The Gantt Report and others at the rally, you can contribute to the event’s success or have your business sponsor some event activities. For details about the 1000 Man Rally and how you can participate and or assist, you can reach the event coordinators at 1000 Man Rally, RTL/ICC, Box 6356, Tallahassee, Florida 32301; 850-210-8837 phone; 850-875-9875 fax. If you can get a million of us to attend an inauguration party, we ought to be able to get a few thousand to show up for progress, equal rights and justice! With your help, this event can be spread nationwide and even worldwide. Don’t act like Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and other Black world leaders didn’t know what a jail cell looked like and how community activists around the globe have been incarcerated for wrong reasons or on bogus charges. Visit the web site of the 1000 Man Rally at www.1000manrally.com and join together with Black men and men of all races, creeds and color that are destined to make their lives, families and communities better. (Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing’ or contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)

July 24, 2009

Harvard Professor Arrested The President comments, Cosby weighs in, Cambridge apologizes, charges are dropped, but it ain’t over . . . Compiled by Frank Butler | Orlando Advocate BOSTON — Prosecutors dropped a disorderly conduct charge Tuesday against who was arrested after forcing his way into his own house in what he and other blacks say was an outrageous but all-too-common example of how police treat them. Prominent black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. , 58, director of Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research and a documentary host, was arrested July 16 after he returned home from China, where he working on his latest film. When he got home he realized his front door was jammed and he couldn’t get into the house he rents from Harvard. He asked his driver for help. A female neighbor called police, saying she saw “two black males with backpacks on the porch,” and that one of whom was “wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry,” according to a police report. Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge Police Department responded to this report of a burglary and when he got Gates was already inside and on the phone with the real estate company that manages the property. He had gotten in through the back door and shut off the alarm, he said.

after he yelled at Crowley, accused him of racial bias and support my position, too.” “refused to calm down.” Bill Cosby waded in on the controversy, saying he But Gates’ lawyer, fellow Harvard scholar Charles was shocked by the President’s comments, saying that Ogletree, tells a differif he were President and someone wanted to make an ent story. According to altercation of this sort a racial issue, he would have kept Ogletree, Gates showed his mouth shut. Crowley both his driver’s The city of Cambridge called the arrest “regrettable license and Harvard ID and unfortunate,” and police and Gates agreed that drop– both with his photo ping the charge was a just resolution – though not one – and repeatedly asked that quelled the anger of one of America’s top academics. for the name and badge Prosecutors subsequently decided to drop all charges number of the officer, against Gates. Gates, though, is still fit to be tied. who refused. He says that “I’m outraged,” Gates said in extensive comments Crowley was then leaving made to TheRoot.com, a Web site he oversees. “I can’t the house and Gates folbelieve that an individual policeman on the Cambridge lowed the officer outside police force would treat any African-American male this onto the front porch, still way, and I am astonished that this happened to me; and demanding Crowley’s more importantly I’m astonished that it could happen identification, and it was to any citizen of the United States, no matter what their there that Crowley arrace. rested him. “There are 1 million black men in the prison sysGates said that he tem, and on Thursday I became one of them,” he said. doesn’t know the woman “I would sooner have believed the sky was going to fall who called police, Lucia from the heavens than I would have believed this could Whalen, and that “she happen to me. It shouldn’t have happened to me, and it was probably shouldn’t happen to doing the right anyone.” thing.” Whalen Gates said he didn’t respond harbors more anger toward the officer Gates still angry. to Associated Press requests who arrested “the first for comment. black man” he saw President Obama was asked about Gates’ and arrested him on a arrest at the end of a nationally televised “trumped-up charge.” news conference on health care and began his He said he wants response by saying Gates was a friend and he an apology from didn’t have all the facts. Crowley, but Crowley “But I think it’s fair to say, No. says he isn’t biting. 1, any of us would be pretty anMeanwhile, augry,” Obama said. “No. 2, that the thorities dropped all Cambridge police acted stupidly charges against Other in arresting somebody when there prominent blacks was already proof that they were in called the confrontatheir own home. And No. 3 -- what tion a clear example of I think we know separate and apart racial profiling. from this incident -- is that there “Under any acis a long history in this country of count ... all of it is African-Americans and Latinos totally uncalled for,” being stopped by law enforcement Bill Cosby “shocked” by Obama’s comment said Earl Graves Jr., disproportionately, and that’s just CEO of the company a fact.” that publishes Black The Cambridge Police Department fired Enterprise magazine. off a scathing retort, calling the President’s The Rev. Jesse Jackson said he was unsatisfied with remarks “misdirected,” and made worse “by the resolution. suggesting somehow this case should remind “The charges have been dropped, but the stain us of a history of racial abuse by law enforceremains. ... Humiliation remains,” Jackson said. “These ment.” incidents are so much of a national pattern on race.” Meanwhile, Crowley said he was disapGates joined the Harvard faculty in 1991 and holds Obama ready to move past “stupid” comment; nation has more pointed by the President’s comments, adding: one of 20 prestigious “university professors” positions urgent issues. “I support the president of the United at the school. He also was host of “African American States 110 percent. I think he was way off Lives,” a PBS show about the family histories of promiCrowley saw him in the house, entered and apbase wading into a local issue without knowing all the nent U.S. blacks. In 1997, he was named by Time magaproached him and demanded identification. Police said facts as he himself stated before he made that comment,” zine as one of the 25 most influential Americans. Gates was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct Crowley told WBZ-AM. “I guess a friend of mine would July 24, 2009

The Advocate 3

Local News Rep. Corrine Brown Blasts Gov. Crist for Opposition to Judge Sotomayor (Washington, DC) Congresswoman Corrine Brown today affirmed her support for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, and blasted Gov. Charlie Crist for his declared opposition to her nomination. “Judge Sonia Sotomayor has a compelling personal story and a distinguished judicial record, and has dedicated her career toward ensuring that every American receives a full and fair hearing in a court of law,” Congresswoman Brown said. “Her outstanding intellectual achievements as a student, lawyer, and judge make her one of the most qualified nominees in American history, and lead Floridians of all parties to believe she would be an outstanding Supreme Court Justice.” Congresswoman Brown added that in a state such as Florida, which has a Latino population of nearly 21%, it is especially important that

the courthouse doors be perceived as open to all comers. “For far too long, AfricanAmericans and Hispanics alike have been ignored by the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts’ recent remarks questioning the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act only underscore the degree to which the interests of minorities are consistently minimized. Judge Sotomayor would add an important and unique voice to this court – and a desperately needed one.” Governor Crist, she added, had cast his lot with the extreme right wing of the Republican Party in a blatant effort to win their support for his Senate race – and in so doing, has embraced the national party’s hostility toward Hispanic Americans. “For the Governor of Florida to cast his lot with the Rush Limbaughs and Newt Gingriches of the world in opposing the nomination of this

eminently qualified Latina woman is shameful,” Rep. Brown said. “How he can reject her candidacy with one hand and then reach out for Hispanic support with the other I don’t know. But I do know this: Florida voters and the members of our Hispanic community are smart, very smart, and they will see through the governor’s hypocrisy.” Fourteen percent of the 2008 electorate in Florida was comprised of Hispanic voters, Congresswoman Brown added, including Judge Sotomayor’s mother, who lives in south Florida, and Gov. Crist has now turned his back on those voters. “Judge Sotomayor’s experiences and understanding of the law will make her a strong voice for fairness on the Supreme Court; we all know that. I’m just sorry that the Judge’s mother has to see the embarrassment that our governor is bringing to our state.”

Florida AG Sues Florida Companies for Foreclosure Rescue Fraud TA L L A H A S S E E , FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that his office has filed a lawsuit against four related South Florida companies that allegedly charge up-front fees for loan modification services to homeowners facing foreclosure. FHA All Day.Com and owner Jason Vitulano, as well as three other affiliated companies, purportedly collect up to $1 million in up-front fees on a monthly basis. The companies were allegedly soliciting hundreds of consumers nationwide via the internet and though telemarketing robo-calls which illegally used President Obama’s voice. An investigation conducted by members of the Attorney General’s Economic Crimes Division, working as part of the Attorney General’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force, indicated that Vitulano and his com-

4 The Advocate

panies were charging upfront fees as high as $5,000 for foreclosure-related loan modification services. Vitulano also allegedly claimed to have an attorney on staff available to assist homeowners, but investigators believe no attorneys are currently working on any of the loan modification files. Consumers who complained to the Attorney General’s Office also reported that the companies have not performed the promised services and that they were unable to contact the companies or get refunds. The Attorney General’s Office has received over 300 complaints about Vitulano and his related companies. The lawsuit seeks to prohibit companies from charging up-front fees, restitution on behalf of all victimized consumers, civil penalties of $15,000 for each violation of the Foreclosure Fraud Prevention Act, and reim-

Meek Endorsed by Former U.S. Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham Miami Gardens, FL – U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Miami) was endorsed today for the U.S. Senate by former U.S. Senator and Florida Governor Bob Graham. “Senator Graham is the role model U.S. Senator and throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed firsthand how Senator Graham was able to better the lives of the people he represented,” said U.S. Congressman Kendrick Meek. “He worked for Floridians, but also with Floridians by joining us in our everyday lives. Senator Graham understood the challenges our teachers face or the responsibilities our police officers undertake because his primary concern was the well-being of people. I will continue to seek out the guidance and counsel of Senator Graham throughout

this campaign and beyond. I am honored to accept his endorsement.” “Kendrick is a son of Florida who has lived a life of public service,” said Senator Bob Graham. “As a Trooper, he patrolled the highways and byways of our state keeping Floridians safe. When he was elected to the state legislature, Kendrick made education the centerpiece of his agenda, and now in Congress, he is giving Floridians a much needed voice at the legislative table as the public policy issues affecting the nation for generations to come are debated. He has always put the needs of our state first and during these trying times, it is people of deep substance like Kendrick Meek who will help guide our economy from recession to recovery. Endorsing

Kendrick is an honor and I look forward to spending time with him and the Meek family on the campaign trail.” U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek is serving in his fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the 17th Congressional District of Florida, which includes parts of Miami-Dade and Broward counties. He is the lone Florida Democrat sitting on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Meek also serves on the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and is a member of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Prior to his election to Congress, Meek served eight years in the Florida House and Senate and was a captain in the Florida Highway Patrol.

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bursement for fees and costs related to the investigation. The companies are currently located in Deerfield Beach, Florida, but were previously located in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, Florida. Consumers may file a complaint or fill out an affidavit about FHA All Day.Com, Safety Financial Services, Inc., Housing Assistance Law Center, Housing Assistance Now by visiting the Attorney General’s website at http://www.myfloridalegal.com/ mortgagefraud or by calling the fraud hotline at 1-866966-7226. A copy of the lawsuit is available online at: http://myfloridalegal.com/ webfiles.nsf/WF/MRAY-7U6KWB/ $file/FHAComplaint.pdf A copy of a consumer affidavit form and instructions is available online at: http://myfloridalegal.com/ webfiles.nsf/WF/MRAY-7U6KVQ/ $file/FHAAffidavit.pdf ��������������������������������������

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Lifestyle Orlando Advocate Special Section

Kevin Cossom Thanks

to the winning recipe of a voice that stirs the soul and boynext-door charms, Kevin Cossom is easily poised to be R&B’s next breakout star thanks to both his undeniable vocal skills and his phenomenal songwriting capabilities. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s the first artist signed to red-hot producer Danja’s ‘New Age Rocks Stars’ (N.A.R.S)/JIVE imprint either. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Orlando, Florida, Kevin Cossom first found his love and talent for song in church. Kevin’s mother- an educator and founder of a performing arts academy- was her son’s first supporter, encouraging him to perform his first solo at the tender age of three. He later joined his first group, a gospel act his mother assembled, at the age of six. However, the young singer/songwriter didn’t realize that he wanted to make music his life until he was 14. Once the high school-aged

Kevin met Rashad Tyler, his manager, that’s when things began to click for the young upstart. It didn’t take long for the hungry rookie to get put on. In 2004, he was featured on his first song, Lloyd Banks’ ‘Karma.’ Thanks to fellow Orlando sons/producers The Runners, Kevin followed that up with his first songwriting credit when he penned the R. Kelly hook on Young Jeezy’s ‘Go Getta.’ He has also been featured on albums from Beanie Sigel, Rick Ross, Chamillionaire, Trey Songz and Rocko, among others. “For me, songwriting was a way in… I thought that other songwriters didn’t take me seriously because I was just placing hip-hop hooks,” says Kevin. They’re taking him seriously now…in fact it was those guest appearances that scored Kevin an audience with Grammy award winning producer Danja (Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Justin Timberlake). “I went to work with Danja in Miami as a songwriter for a girl group he was working with,” says Kevin. “It was like instant chemistry.

He asked me if I was just a writer, and I told him no, it was just another passion and something I did to pay the bills. We talked some more, he heard me sing and the rest is history!” With the support of Danja, Kevin is gearing up for the release of his as yet untitled debut album, which he describes as a direct reflection of who he is—part urban, part suburban and part spiritual. “My music is really eclectic. Not backpack or playing on the conga eclectic, but I am inspired by anything that pushes the music to another level. I would definitely describe my sound as unpredictable, but at the same time safe enough to understand. Its feel good and it’s fresh.” In an age of reality stars and hardcore hip-hoppers, it’s good to see that there are some artists who are still doing this for the love of the music. Whether it’s his moving voice or his soulful songwriting, Kevin’s love and passion for the game is what will have his fans wanting more.

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Leading or Lording? Reality Check: What Are Your Roadblocks to Col. 4:1 Bosses, grant to your workers justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven. -The Message


he way you treat others is the way you will be treated. But be careful not to mistreat others because you have been mistreated! There is a spiritual pattern there. If you have been hurt, neglected, misused, mistreated, etc. be careful, because it is very easy for that spirit to manifest itself in you. If it does, you will begin to treat others with the same unfairness that you have experienced and you may not even know it. Be fair in how you deal with others. Especially if you are over people on your job, in your home, or in the church of God. We should never take our position that we have over someone and use it for an occasion to unjustly lord over a person and mistreat them because of our emotional state.

God wants us to use our position that we have over someone to serve them. You are the boss or in charge already and your position has power without you giving it power. There are even corrupt people in positions that God still works through because the position has power, not the person. King Saul was evil, but God warned David not to touch him because he was King, or in other words, the position that he had needed to be respected. Your position over people has power already. So it is not necessary to exercise your power over people and abuse it just to work out your own insecurities and issues. No matter how you have been mistreated or what you are dealing with, you can counteract it by showing love, kindness, and fairness to those that you are responsible for. You see, Jesus taught us to repay evil with kindness and we should never take out our pain on people. You may not like a person, or feel that certain people don’t deserve your kindness, but you have no idea how they got that way, or whether or not they are dealing with the same things you are facing. So, that makes it our responsibility to show God’s love to them at all costs. When we are going through, that’s when it’s time to sow love! When we are suffering, that’s when it’s time to sow mercy. When we are being mistreated, that’s when it’s time to sow fairness. When we are being persecuted, that’s when it’s time to sow kindness and humility. Remember, you reap what you sow and sowing the right thing can cause you to reap your way out of your present state. Suggested Reading: Rom. 13:10, Rom. 15: 2, James 2:8 ©2009 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved http://www.exministries.com

6 The Advocate

Finding Romance the Second (or Third) Time Around? Nicholle Williams, faithmate.com


ou’ve been telling yourself that you’re ready to look for love again. You’ve been promising the people in your life that you’ll get back out there and at least make yourself available. While you’re basically happy and grateful for all your blessings, you know deep down that you’d like someone to share things with. You’d like to take a second (third, or fourth) shot at love. But something is holding you back. The question is, What? I’m a believer that if you are stalled on your path to putting yourself out there, you need to first do two things: Identify what is holding you back, and then figure out how to overcome it. In the article “‘Quick 10’ Dating Checklist: Ten Things to Do to Get Ready to Date Again,” June 2009, I bring up the subject of roadblocks…or those things that are keeping you from getting out there—physically or emotionally—to find someone to share your life. Because when we are hesitant to date again, we tend to have two categories of issues: Excuses (which will be addressed in another article) are the untruths we tell ourselves as to why we won’t be able to find love. On the other hand, roadblocks are the real deal…the real reason(s) we are gun shy about taking the risk for romance. Identifying and overcoming roadblocks While there’s a range of roadblocks as vast as those stumbling over them, many issues fit into the following categories. Read the list below with an open heart and hone in on those most applicable for you. Roadblock: You’re insecure about how to act Less like a roadblock, more like a detour the size of a small continent, insecurity is the mack daddy of all obstacles. In this form, it centers on not knowing how to act in a dating situation, not knowing how to meet people, or not knowing what to do should you start seeing someone. If you haven’t dated in a decade—or even in a couple years—this is a very valid concern. Reality: Sure courtship changes, but there are easy ways to get up to speed (see “Readying Yourself for Romance Part III: Brushing Up on Behavior,” December 2008). More importantly, you’re far from alone! And being out of the dating scene while raising kids or focusing on your career is endearing and makes you human. So rather than pretending to be up on every dating practice, cop to not knowing. Fessing up to your unfamiliarity with recent romance can be a real icebreaker and create a bond with someone who has been doing the same. Roadblock: You’re insecure about your appearance or age Reality: In the article, “Christian Singles: Tips for Overcoming Insecurity,” June 2009, I discuss the difference between physical attractiveness and physical attraction as well as other tips for conquering insecurity. When it comes to appearance, more than anything,

confidence and carrying yourself in a way that suggests a level of comfort with your body is sexy. Being able to laugh, having integrity, and believing that you are a catch are really the keys. With regard to aging, everyone gets older. But with age comes wisdom and a stronger sense of self. Anyone who would only want to be with someone younger—as opposed to someone at their own level of life experience—is shallow and superficial. And that should be a turnoff to you. Roadblock: You’re too picky This is the case of the man or woman who wants perfection…but forgets about falling in love. If this is you, you don’t bother dating because you feel you’ll never find someone who is well-off, attractive, kind, Christian, and free from baggage or obligations. Reality: Unfortunately, you probably won’t. But you are forgetting to focus on the “X Factor”—that special something that causes you to fall for a person, regardless of whether they meet every item on your criteria checklist. The better news is that you don’t have to settle; because every day people meet their soul mates, partners who come in a form they never would have expected…but who blow them away just the same. Suddenly, living on less—or the fact that he has four kids—doesn’t seem to matter. In fact, it may even be fun. Roadblock: You think you don’t deserve to find love This is a biggie. Especially if your family of origin or past partners have made you feel less than or guilty for not succeeding in the romance arena, this can subconsciously stall you. Reality: As a child of God, you deserve happiness. If this is you, stop and let this sink in. Whatever may have been your sins or shortcomings in the past, we all have them. “Punishing yourself” by forgoing love is not going to accomplish anything…except to make you even more miserable and less the positive person people want to be around. Roadblock: You worry about looking desperate You might worry others will view you as desperate. And this may cause you to act aloof, as if you don’t care about meeting someone at all. Unfortunately, you come off as if you don’t care about meeting someone at all…which is not very inviting for potential suitors.

Reality: There is absolutely no shame in showing interest in someone…or being interested in finding someone to share your life. As long as you don’t become consumed, or take what you have for granted, being vulnerable is, again, endearing. Roadblock: You fear failure and being hurt… Again. Whether you are 29 or 59, if you’ve been hurt in the past, you’re probably not in a rush to risk again. Reality: It may sound grim, but it is a physical impossibility to find love without taking some risk. Think about it: Even if you fall in love, get married, and ride off into the sunset, there are no guarantees of eternity. Ever. Therefore, your best bet is to recognize the inherent risk in the reward…and decide to do it anyway. Roadblock: You fear rejection Some people never put themselves out there because they worry that someone may not want them. Reality: It’s a fact: Someone will not show interest in you. Actually, a number of people won’t. Because after all, finding love is to some degree a numbers game. That being said, eventually, someone will. When the one you want wants you, it will be well worth the wait. The final word If you have been considering giving love another shot but unable to open up or take action, one of the first steps is to get real about what’s holding you back. Because if you don’t know what’s tripping you up, how can you ever overcome it? Read the list of roadblocks above and consider possible others. With each, you’ll recognize there is a reality that makes dating again much less daunting. July 24, 2009

Spice up your cookout with new Red Stag Organizing a barbecue that really cooks isn’t always a cinch. In fact, between the tasks of planning, cooking and arranging all of the necessary details, a mismanaged cookout can fizzle faster than ice on a hot grill.

their own snacks and sauces, so you can transition between courses while always offering food specifically made to complement your drinks.

To ensure that your next barbecue is a success, check with your guests ahead of time to find out if they have any food allergies or other special needs. You may want to prepare some vegetarian entrees, and it’s best to know this ahead of time.

For ribs and grilled steaks, try Jim Beam’s new flavored bourbon Red Stag. With an authentic black cherry flavor, it also pairs well with grilled Italian sausage. Known for their fabulous mixes, Red Stag will complement nearly any barbecued entree.

Before the meal, keep your guests happy with an assortment of appetizers and finger foods. Fresh fruits or crackers with spreads can whet your guests’ appetites without filling them up too much. Jim Beam even makes


Forbidden Fruit 1.50 oz. Red Stag .50 oz. DeKuyper Pomegran-

1.0 oz. Fresh Sour 1.50 oz. Pineapple Juice Shake all but the Pomegranate with ice and strain over fresh ice in a Hurricane style glass. Slowly pour the Pomegranate so that it flows through the cocktail. Garnish with a mint sprig and a pineapple/ cherry stack on the rim. Running Stag 1.50 oz. Red Stag .75 oz. DeKuyper Vanilla Delight 3.0 oz. 1⁄2 & 1⁄2 Shake with ice and pour all into a double Old Fashioned glass.


Red Manhattan

Sponsored by

Red Manhattan 2 oz. Red Stag .5 oz dry vermouth .5 oz. sweet vermouth

Prepare in a shaker over ice. Strain into a martini glass with a long stem. Garnish with a cherry. Cheeky Stag 1.0 oz. Red Stag .50 oz DeKuyper Apricot Brandy 1.50 oz. Fresh OJ Shake with ice and strain into rocks glass.


Chocolate Cherry Smoothie 1.50 oz. Red Stag .75 oz. DeKuyper Dark Crème de Ca-

5.0 oz Heavy Cream Place all ingredients in a blender and cover with just enough ice so that the liquid is level with the ice (or you can build in an ice filled hurricane glass first then pour all

ingredients into blende). Blend until smooth then pour into hurricane style glass that has been drizzled with chocolate. Garnish with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and a cherry on top. “Call of the Wild” Sweepstakes Red Stag By Jim Beam gives consumers a chance to enter the “Call of the Wild” sweepstakes, which grants one winner and three friends an all-access weekend to see Kid Rock perform live in Las Vegas, among other prizes. The sweepstakes runs from July 6, 2009 to August 31, 2009 and will be available through mobile text messaging (SMS) as well as online at www.TheRedStag.com. Entry into the sweepstakes can also be found at www.jimbeam.com, as well as on Facebook through the Red Stag and Jim Beam fan pages.





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July 24, 2009

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The Advocate 7 7/16/09 7:44:31 AM

Health Healthcare Execs Favor Reform Initiatives NU


in the economic recession. “Middle market healthcare executives are optimistic about the positive impact that the Obama administration’s plans for healthcare reform will have on their businesses,” said Margaret Au Brown, president and co-head of CIT Healthcare. “While other industries have decreased borrowing activity, we see our middle market healthcare clients continuing to borrow at a steady pace as they prepare for the costs associated with these healthcare reform initiatives.” The healthcare industry has several reasons to feel hopeful. Unlike many other industries, people cannot opt out of healthcare when they need medical service. Also, the current workforce may allow companies to recruit new talent -- healthcare companies are still hiring, with 43 percent planning to expand their

ospitals, group practices, nursing facilities, medical device makers and other healthcare companies agree -- by a near two-to-one margin, they favor President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform initiatives. The President hopes to ensure nearuniversal health coverage, improve quality, lower costs, support technological development and research, and improve preventative care. And most middle-market healthcare companies - those with annual revenues of $25 million to $1 billion -- believe that Obama’s plan will be good for business. According to the research report “U.S. Middle Market Outlook 2009: Resiliency in the Healthcare Sector,” 56 percent of respondents call for reform in general. Released by Forbes Insights and CIT, a leading provider of financing to small businesses and middle market companies, which surveyed more than 100 healthcare executives, the study noted that the executives also supported some of the specifics outlined in Obama’s plan. Eighty percent of hospital and medical center executives think that the plan’s push for electronic health records would help their businesses while also reducing errors and ensuring privacy. A greater focus on preventative care, like routine screenings and better nutrition, The Obama administration’s plans for healthcare reform could will give health- benefit hospitals as well as patients. care companies workforce in 2009. regular business. For a complimentary copy of “U.S. On the other hand, only 28 percent of executives want to see Medicare and Middle Market Outlook 2009: Resiliency in the Healthcare Sector,” visit http: Medicaid reimbursements changed. Still, the healthcare industry re- //middlemarket.cit.com. mains positive about its prospects, even

8 The Advocate

July 24, 2009

Opinions/Commentary/Forum Gates’ Real Crime? Not Deferring to White Privilege

Increase Africa’s AIDS Medication Funding


The Gavel


enry Louis Gates Jr. has a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University. He holds a doctorate in English from Cambridge University. He also holds more than 50 other honorary degrees. But as a black man in America, Gates also holds a place in the collective fears of many white folks. And because of those fears, none of Gates’ pieces of paper could insulate him from the one that litters the lives of far too many other black males. That one piece of paper being an arrest report. Recently Gates, one of this country’s top scholars of African-American history, saw his life imitate the reality that governs the lives of scores of other black males. Upon returning to his home in Cambridge’s Harvard Square from China, where he had been working on a documentary, Gates found that the door was jammed. Gates told The Washington Post that he and his driver, who was dressed in a black uniform, pushed for 15 minutes until they got the door open. But somehow, a passerby didn’t see a uniformed driver or a middle-aged black man with a cane. She didn’t see a scholar or a worker. All she saw were two black men who, by dint of being black, had to be up to no good. Before Gates knew it, a police officer was at his door, demanding that he step outside. Gates refused, but did provide the officer with his Harvard ID and driver’s license. That should have been enough to satisfy the officer that Gates wasn’t a burglar. That should have been the end of it. Sadly enough, it was just the beginning. The officer, it seems, didn’t like it that Gates, this uppity Negro, wanted his name and badge number. Didn’t like it that Gates called him a racist and allegedly smarted off to him by saying, “I’ll speak with your mama outside.” So after summoning a posse of other police officers – he apparently needed them to help him take down the unarmed, 150-pound, 58-year-old man – he arrested Gates for disorderly conduct. That’s a charge that police tend to tweak into something terrifying if the

Tonya Weathersbee person they’re dealing with isn’t as deferential as they would like them to be. In fact, this part of the cop’s own report says it all. “While I was led to believe that Gates was lawfully in the residence, I was quite surprised and confused with the behavior he exhibited toward me,” the officer wrote. Surprised? Confused? For coming onto a man’s porch and arresting him after he proved that he wasn’t a criminal? The way I see it, the only thing that had this cop confused was the notion of white privilege – something that, when coupled with police power, tends to mutate into a life all its own. It’s the notion that led this police officer to continue to question Gates – who has since been released – even after he had the information he needed to dispel any notions of a supposed break-in. It’s the notion that made the officer oblivious as to why someone like Gates, a world-renowned scholar, would be upset about being badgered over a misunderstanding that emerged from suspicions of him being a burglar. Most of all, it’s the notion that a black man like Gates doesn’t even deserve the dignity of being left alone in his own home or on his own premises if he doesn’t conform to a police officer’s standards of deference. No matter that it isn’t against the law to yell at a cop. Could Gates have handled the situation better? Perhaps. But I don’t believe it was on Gates to do that. I believe it was on the cop to walk away and leave him alone after he provided the information he requested. But this is America. This is a place where many people in authority care more about order than justice – especially when it comes to black males. This is a place where many folks believe that black men are to be broken, not nurtured – lest they get too high and mighty. As Gates just learned, no black man is immune from that sort of indignity – no matter who they are. And no matter how many pieces of paper hang on their walls.

The Advocate welcomes letters to the editor and encourages submission via email to [email protected]. Letters may be edited for length, or clarity, and must include your name and contact information. July 24, 2009


he World recently celebrated the 91st birthday of Nelson Mandela , freedom fighter and former President of South Africa. Celebrities came to toast his life and work, starring in concert tributes that paid homage to his legacy. While Mandela is definitely worthy of praise, I’m sure he’d much rather the efforts put into planning the celebrations have been put toward reducing AIDS deaths in sub-Sahara Africa, where his people are suffering greatly. Doctors Without Borders, an organization of healthcare professionals who provide critical medical support to impoverished and war torn nations, reports that a shortage of drugs needed to treat AIDS in six African countries will eventually lead to the loss of thousands of. At last count, over 30 million people across the world were living with the HIV virus that causes AIDS; 2/3 of these people are in sub-Sahara Africa with Zimbabwe, Congo, Malawi, Uganda, Guinea and South Africa being the most affected. Mandela’s native South Africa has the highest rates of HIV infections in world. The shortage in medication can be attributed largely to the fact that those who make funding commitments in the past don’t actually meet them. Between $3 and $4 billion in promised funding has not made its way to

Judge Greg Mathis Doctors Without Borders and nations across the globe that have promised to help Africa haven’t made good on their word. One of the few – perhaps the only –bright spot in the Bush Administration was the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. $15 billion was pledged over five years to fight the global AIDS epidemic. Despite all of the money the U.S. has funneled into fighting the disease on the continent, more can be done. President Obama has promised to expand Bush’s efforts by $1 billion a year; we haven’t seen the funds from this commitment made available. Fighting AIDS in Africa must be made a priority. African nations debilitated by AIDS would not make strong trading partners as America and other developed nations seek to expand their global impact. There can be no trade relationship with countries that lack a healthy workforce. Furthermore, nations such as Britain, France, Portugal and the U.S. have benefited greatly from the continent of Africa having raped the land of its natural and human resources for generation. It is only just that, in this time of great need, these countries give back by expanding their commitment to fight AIDS on the continent and working to make sure they fulfill those promises.

Letter to the Editor

I am disappointed to learn that the people who run government in Washington have failed to provide a solution to the health care crisis in this country. Like many people in America, I’m directly impacted by this crisis on a daily basis. We pay over $600 monthly for health insurance for me and my husband. We each have $2,500 deductibles each year, and a twenty percent copayment. When we were both hospitalized last year, we paid $15,000 out of pocket in addition to the over $7,000 in premium. This $22,000 does not include the cost of the drugs we now have to take to maintain our health, which cost over $1,000 last year. Many people have to pay a lot more for drugs, but one of the benefits of insurance is that the insurer pays most of the cost of the drugs. I’m still paying some of my doctors bills. You’d never believe how many of them there are whenever you’re hospitalized. Whenever I’ve contemplated dropping the insurance coverage because of the cost, one look at my husband’s hundred thousand dollar hospital bill before insurance cut charges and paid their portion has quickly changed my mind. President Obama made a reasonable request that Congress provide him with legislation to sign before the summer recess. That they have failed to do so, when there is no greater issue before them is unconscionable. I hope that every working person dependent on their employer’s health insurance coverage would understand that as soon as they lose their job, they lose their health insurance. Forget COBRA. It’s priced so that no one who really needs it can afford it at most companies. Once everyone recognizes how vulnerable they are, maybe then they will begin to put pressure on their Congressperson and Senator to get the job done that we elected them to do. L.H. Dixon, Orlando The Advocate 9

Black Reporters Roundtable on Air Force One NEW YORK (NNPA) When seven Black journalists are invited to fly on Air Force One with the president, you know there’s been a dramatic change in the White House. Moreover, the journalists had an exclusive roundtable interview with President Obama, and he was as accommodating as the commodious surroundings. For more than twenty minutes on a flight from Andrews Air Force Base to Kennedy Airport in New York where he was scheduled to address the NAACP’s centennial convention July 16, Obama fielded a range of questions. When Kevin Chappell, a senior reporter at Ebony, mentioned disparaging comments by Michael Steele, chair of the Republican National Committee, Obama said, “I think Mr. Steele should focus on the Republican Party.” What the president chose to focus on at the moment was entrepreneurship and urban affairs, “and we must particularly target communities most in need.” Equally important to the Obama administration is the issue of health care and he told Cynthia Gordy of Essence magazine that “it is critical that we close some of these gaps in health care for all Americans, but particularly for Blacks and Latinos,” where the incidence of HIV/AIDS is disproportionately high. As the veritable flying White House touched down, Obama elaborated on health care reform in response to a query from BET.com’s Pamela Gentry concerning the impact of his plans on African-Americans and the single-payer option. “We don’t have a final bill yet,” he began, “And as I’ve said before, there are countries where single-payer plans have worked well, but we have a tradition of an employerbased health care system…if people are happy with their health care, we don’t want to change it. “But for those who don’t have health care because their employer doesn’t offer it, then they have an option,”

10 The Advocate

by Herb Boyd Special to the NNPA from the Amsterdam News Obama added. “And we are a point that was clarified by confident that the bill we Valerie Garrett, one of his produce will provide a level chief aids at the roundtable. of subsidy that will guarantee Obama believed that the affordable health care for all main problem confronting Americans.” small and minority busiWith the NAACP on his nesses was not so much the agenda, as a reporter with the lack of capital, despite its Amsterdam News, I wanted critical importance, but the to know the extent to which overall dismal shape of the he would deal with race rela- economy. tions, reminding him of a reForeign policy and cent comment by Julian Bond, Africa were among several chairman of the NAACP’s issues posed by April Ryan board. While Obama’s daugh- of American Urban Radio, ters can fly on Air Force One, and the president listened little Black girls in the suburbs intently. of Philadelphia are banned “In terms of foreign from a swimming pool, Bond policy, that’s one of the reaobserved. sons I just came back from “Obviously, this is a re- Ghana,” he stated, “and that minder that because of my was to focus attention on the election that racism is no fact that Africa was not just a longer an issue in America, side note in our foreign policy, and that is not true,” Obama but a central concern of our asserted. administration.” What needs to be done The encouragement of to eradicate the racial dispar- economic development and ity, he continued, promising good governance are among to address this issue during some of the key points in his speech at the NAACP, providing aid to African nawas “to improve substan- tions, Obama stressed, and dard schools…to focus on he mainly reiterated a policy economic parity, economic he outlined during his speech development and access to before the Ghanaian parliahigher education.” ment. Derek Dingle, editor-inCommentator Roland Martin of CNN had the final question and he touched on the issue of vouchers and education, which the president agreed was the most important issue for the African- American community. If we can close the achievement gap, then a chief of Black Enterprise, keyed his question to the big chunk of the economic condition of small businesses inequality is diminished,” and to what degree they Obama noted. “We have got to could expect support from get our kids up to speed. Now, how do we do that? Better the Obama administration. “First of all,” Obama said, teachers, greater accountabil“we are focusing on small ity, more resources combined with more reform.” businesses already.’’ He then invoked his The Small Business Secretary of Education Arne Administration (SBA) has increased its guarantees in Duncan and applauded his terms of lending and it has push for more aggressive been much more aggressive reforms. We had been on the in trying to fill the gap as private lending contracted.” ground for 15 minutes and He recounted a recent meet- gradually he was surrounded ing with minority automo- by his aids, beckoning him for bile dealers to discuss their departure to the next stop in New Jersey and then on to the plight. “And the SBA is one of NAACP where much of what the primary tools to make sure he shared with the reporters those minority dealers are able would be revisited with gusto to get the money they need to at the Hilton. operate a show room.” It was

Federal Minimum Wage Increases To $7.25 WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor reminds employers and employees that the federal minimum wage will increase to $7.25 Friday, July 24. With this change, employees who are covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will be entitled to pay no less than $7.25 per hour. “This administration is

Minimum Wage Act of 2007, which amended the FLSA to increase the federal minimum wage in three steps: to $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007; to $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008; and now to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. The latest change will directly benefit workers in 30 states, where the state minimum wage is currently

minimum wage provisions must post, and keep posted in each of its establishments, a notice explaining this act. The notice must be posted in conspicuous places to permit employees to readily read them. Posters and other compliance assistance materials concerning the minimum wage increase are available free of charge from the Labor Department’s

committed to improving the lives of working families across the nation, and the increase in the minimum wage is another important step in the right direction,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “This welldeserved increase will help workers better provide for their families in the face of today’s economic challenges. I am especially pleased that the change will benefit working women, who make up two-thirds of minimum wage earners.” This increase is the last of three provided by the enactment of the Fair

at or below the federal minimum wage or there is no state minimum wage. It will also benefit workers in the District of Columbia, where the minimum wage is required to be $1 more than the federal minimum wage. A family with a full-time minimum wage earner would see its monthly income increase by about $120. The benefits are not just for fulltime workers. About half of minimum wage workers are part-timers, and they, too, are going to see a very welcome boost to their incomes. Every employer of workers subject to the FLSA’s

Wage and Hour Division and may also be obtained from the agency’s Web site at www.wagehour.dol.gov. Many states have minimum wage laws with provisions that differ from the federal law. When an employer is subject to both, the employer must pay the higher of the two rates. Employers and employees seeking more compliance information on the increased minimum wage may call the Wage and Hour Division’s toll-free helpline at 866-4US-WAGE (4879243).

The first fiber-optic cables connecting East Africa to the rest of the world were switched on Thursday, bringing hopes of cheaper and faster communications to some of the globe’s least connected. The 9,300-mile cables, run by Seacom, a private company, will connect the region to India, Europe and the Middle East. It could not come too soon. Up to now, many African countries relied heavily on satellite connections for internet and telephone calls. Developed countries in Europe, North America and Asia embraced fibre-optic technology several years ago, and now boast over 500 cables. But the developing

world is far behind; Bangladesh - with a population of over 150 million people - has three fibre-optic cables, and the whole of Africa has just 10. Seacom cable will be followed by the East African Marine Cable System (EASSy) - which is being funded by the private-sector arm of the World Bank as well as by regional telecommunications companies. It is expected to be ready in time for the World Cup in 2010 in South Africa. The third cable being laid is The East African Marine System (Teams). It is being spearheaded by the Kenyan government as a response to the EASSy cable, and what it sees as

terms in that project that are too favorable to South Africa. East Africa has never had intra-African or international cable connections before. As a result, it has been reliant on satellite connection. Fibre-optic cables seem a much better proposition, as they are cheaper than satellites and transform signals into light, and so can transmit over long distances at high speeds. Broadband will be much more easily available at a cheaper cost - bringing with it access to telephone services , film and audio downloads, and online services such as mobile banking can grow.

East Africa Joins Broadband Revolution

July 24, 2009



100 Legal Notices NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: DR09-9442 KELEESHA FERRILSITAL Petitioner, and CLAN C. SITAL, Respondent TO: CLAN C. SITAL ADDRESS UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, KELEESHA FERRIL-SITAL whose address is 1015 MILDRED DIXON WAY, WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 34787, on or before August 6, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 320, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated June 25, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Marc LaRusso Deputy Clerk Pub 7/3, 7/10,7/17,7/24/09 4x

July 24, 2009

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The Advocate 11

BackPage the Orlando Advocate

Mama Nem’s named finalist in Hoodie Awards “Hillshare Farm® Best Soul Food” Category DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. (July 22, 2009) – Sara Lee North America Retail announces its Hillshire Farm brand will sponsor the Best Soul Food Place during the Seventh Annual Hoodie Awards hosted by nationally syndicated radio personality Steve Harvey in Las Vegas on August 15, 2009. Orlando’s own, Mama Nem’s Soul Food on Kirkman Road is a finalist and will contend for the Hillshire Farm Best Soul Food Place category along with bragging rights and national recognition. Mama Nem’s Owner Jonathan McKnight has been notified and is thrilled about the opportunity to let everyone know about Orlando’s best soul food.

Hillshire Farm will also sponsor serve. Categories include best high the Freedom Friday White Party at school, car wash, soul food place, the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino on August 14, 2009 at 7 p.m. Harvey started the Hoodie Awards in 2001 as a way to honor the nation’s best small businesses, educators and community leaders in Pastor Jonathan McKnight, owner of Mama Nem’s, with sample a variety of catentree and dessert. Photo: Orlando Sentinel egories for their nail shop, barbershop, fried chicken, contributions to the areas they high school teacher, barbecue place, beauty salon, church, church choir and community leader. Hillshire Farm, a Sara Lee North America Retail brand, became a sponsor in 2007 as a way to show its community involvement and commitment to bringing great food to the African American community. “Good food should be celebrated by everyone,” said Tim Roush, Vice President, Hillshire Farm. “Hillshire Farm is delighted to be a sponsor of the Hoodie Awards, kick off the event with the Freedom Friday Tailgating Party and help bring glory to the nation’s Best Soul Food Place.” For more information about the 7th Annual Hoodie Awards, please visit http://www.gomeat.com/ mamaskitchen/harvey.

July 24, 2009

Magic Sign Free Agent Matt Barnes Orlando, FL – The Orlando Magic have signed free agent forward Matt Barnes, General Manager Otis Smith announced today. Per team policy, terms of the deal are not disclosed. “Matt (Barnes) is a versatile player that fits very well with our style of play,” said Smith. “He is a good defender, can knock down the open shot and is coming off his best season as a pro. We’re happy to welcome Matt to the Magic family.” Barnes (6’7”, 226, 3/9/80) played in 77 games last season with Phoenix, averaging career-highs of 10.2 ppg., 5.5 rpg. and 2.8 apg. in 27.0 minpg. He made 40 starts for the Suns, averaging 12.6 ppg., 6.1 rpg. and 3.2 apg. during that span. Barnes led (or tied) the team in scoring twice, in rebounding 11 times and in assists four times. He scored in double figures 36 times and had eight games with 20+ points, including a season-best 26 points on Mar. 1 vs. L.A. Lakers. Barnes also recorded five double-doubles and dished out a career-high 11 assists on Mar. 15 @ Golden State. Originally selected by Memphis during the second round (46th overall) of the 2002 NBA Draft, Barnes has played in 363 career NBA regular season games with the L.A. Clippers, Sacramento, New York, Philadelphia, Golden State and Phoenix, averaging 7.0 ppg., 4.1 rpg. and 1.8 rpg. in 20.3 minpg. He has also appeared in 11 career playoff games, averaging 11.1 ppg., 5.7 rpg., 2.4 apg. and 1.45 stlpg. in 30.0 minpg. For Orlando Magic ticket information, call (407) 89MAGIC or log on to orlandomagic.com. Also, follow the Orlando Magic on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Orlando_ Magic

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