24 July 2009

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MIDDLE ROAD, (PO BOX 1261)DEVONPORT Phone: 6420 8100. email: [email protected]

Issue 4


24 July 2009

From the Principal’s Desk Appearance We are very concerned about two things at the moment. One, is the number of students who are out of uniform and two, is the number of girls who are coming to school heavily made up. The regulations are very clear around the wearing of uniform; if you don’t wear full school uniform then you can not participate in some out of school events or attend any formal events. At break times students who are out of uniform will be limited to the canteen courtyard and if students can not abide by this regulation then there will be further consequences. If there is a cost issue then please contact the school; however there are too many students who say they can not afford school uniform which is very reasonably priced but they can wear brand named items which are very expensive. There is also a group of students for whom we have purchased uniforms and they are still choosing not to wear them. It is about choices and this group of students are choosing not to do the right thing. In recent weeks I have had several complaints from the school attendants and grade 7 and 8 female teachers about the state of the toilets. The issues have been raised with the students but the biggest issue is that some girls spend all their spare time in the toilets applying layer upon layer of make up and there is foundation, mascara and eye shadow across all the surfaces, every where! If any girl is found in the toilets with hair straightners or other products they will be confiscated and parents will be asked to collect these possessions from the front office. It is unrealistic to say that there will be no makeup but excessive eye shadow in bright and gaudy colours, along with heavy black eye pencil will not be tolerated. We have asked girls to make sure that what they wear is appropriate for school but if there is no improvement we will be ringing families to ask them to take their child home and remove the make up or give us permission to provide cleanser at school. This problem is at its worst in grade 8 but it exists in other grades. The message is clear to all families and all people who wear makeup, to make sure it is appropriate; we come to school to learn not to spend time applying makeup. Whether we like it or not, we are all judged by our appearance Sheree Vertigan Principal

Ree ce H igh S chool

Mid Year Reports and Three Way Conferences Reece High School invites all families and their child to attend 3-way Conferences between Monday 3rd August and Thursday 6th August 2009. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child's achievements in detail and for teachers to explain more fully the Tasmanian Curriculum and SARIS (Student Assessment and Reporting Information System). Appointments can be made at the school reception desk or by phone (64208100). To assist with school organisation all appointments need to be made by the close of business Friday 31st July. As a general rule, all teachers will be available for appointments at the following times: Grade 7-9 Monday 3rd August Tuesday 4th August Wednesday 5th August Thursday 6th August

3pm-6pm, 3pm-5pm, 3pm-6pm 3pm-5pm

Grade 7 principal teachers only Wednesday 5th August


Grade 8 principal teachers only Thursday 6th August


Grade 9 principal teachers only Tuesday 4th August

10.40am- 2.45pm

Grade 10 only Monday 3rd August Tuesday 4th August Wednesday 5th August Thursday 6th August

10.40am-5pm (grade 10 principal teachers only from 10.40 - 3) 3pm-5pm, 3pm-5pm 3pm-5pm

In addition following a presentation by an Academy (Don College) representative at 6.00pm all grade 10 principal teachers will be available to speak with parents in this year group until 8pm on Monday 3rd August (Further details will be forwarded in a letter for all grade 10 parents). Reports will be distributed at 3-way conferences. Students will not be issued their reports. Please contact the Principal on 64208100 should you have any difficulty organising an appointment. We are currently reviewing our values and purposes. Parents will have the opportunity to have input into this process via an optional survey during 3-way conferences.

MINDMATTERS YOUTH EMPOWERMENT What is the Youth Empowerment Process? An off shoot of the national Mind Matters Resource, The Youth Empowerment Process, or (YEP), aims to develop and encourage the leadership roles that young people play when instigating, leading or furthering a whole school or community approach to mental health and wellbeing promotion. Topics in the workshops include: Stress and Coping; Bullying and Harassment; Creating Our Space; Creating Connections; Supporting peers. Students then use this information to take action in their school.

MindMatters: A Mental Health Promotion Resource for Secondary Schools Leading mental health & wellbeing www.mindmatters.edu.au

The Major Project:

Our School:

We ran two day sessions at Camp Clayton, inviting schools from all over the North-West of Tasmania. In all there were over 80 high school students who participated from Smithton, Wynyard, Sheffield, Penguin and King Island. The purpose of these workshops was to; increase the students’ leadership skills; discuss resilience and drug & alcohol related issues for young people; and, to improve the knowledge of the YEP program amongst other schools. Feedback on evaluation forms was very positive and some schools have requested further involvement with our program.

So far this year, the Prefect Board have used their YEP training from last year and knowledge from the facilitators’ manual to create a safe and comfortable environment for students to share ideas and issues which affect their mental health and wellbeing, and concerns around ‘partying’. We ran sessions using aspects of YEP with grade 79 classes to break down barriers and begin the process for future sessions. From these sessions we found only a small number of students actually were directly involved in weekend partying, although people thought ‘everyone’ did it. Lots of students were worried about safety and feeling happy at school. As a result we developed a plan to decrease bullying through the use of surveys, discussions and a ‘Bullying Area Map’. We also hope these sessions will continue to provide a way for the concerns of all the students can be heard and taken into consideration. We want to help students feel supported and more connected at

SYDNEY! On Saturday 27th of June six members of our prefect board, along with Mrs. Richardson, set off to be a part of the Youth Congress and Mind Matters-Next Generation held at the Novotel Brighton Beach, Sydney. Reece High School has been involved with Mind Matters Youth Empowerment Process since 2006, and was acknowledged for all the work we have done regarding the process. People who were interested in continuing the process nominated themselves and names were drawn from a hat. The six lucky prefects drawn were: Maddie Cole, Trent Coleman, Sophie Smith, Tim Kariotis, Caitlyn Walker and Amy Baldock. We participated in two days of the conference. The first day we were involved in the Youth Congress giving feedback and ideas for the new section of the facilitator’s manual. There were students from schools all around Australia participating. The second day consisted of several workshops as part of The Next Generation Conference. We participated in: Student Leadership in Mental Health Promotion; Mind Matters Youth Empowerment Process Approaches; Cyber Bullying and Young People, and: Young People - Takin’ It Forward (planning for action in our own schools). There were some interesting speakers including Mark McCrindle and Professor Donna Cross. Donna spoke about the connection between bullying and loneliness, this was interesting as we had already recognised this in our own school and had already planned to implement a process to address this issue. After these sessions we finished off the day with the official launch of the published version of the new Student Empowerment Resource Manual followed by a cocktail party (non alcoholic for students!). We would particularly like to thank Vanessa Houltby, MindMatters Youth Empowerment Project Officer, for her continued support and inspiration – it was great to meet her in Sydney! By Maddie, Sophie, Tim and Trent

Grade 10 dinner and final assembly for Tuesday Dec 15

DEVONPORT JAZZ - BE PART OF IT! Big Band Workshop with James Maddock Swing 4 When: 11am-12.30pm, Saturday 25th July Where: Jazz Junction, 7 Victoria Parade How much: Free Bookings at the Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre on 03 6420 2900


Grade 10 D&F Work Experience

August 3-7

3-Way Conferences


Colours Assembly


Ski Trip


School Social

September 4


CONTACT DETAILS Reece High School, Middle Road, Devonport Tas 7310 Ph (03) 6420 8100 Fax (03) 6420 8199

Email: [email protected]

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