July 14 2009 Newsletter

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Colonial Heights United Methodist Church PO Box 6027 Kingsport, TN 37663 Return Service Request

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JULY 14, 2009

The Colonial News (423) 239-6031 or 6081 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chumckpt.org The mission of Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is that by the Grace of God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will LEAD people to Christ, DISCIPLE people in Christ, and SERVE people for Christ!

This Spring our congregation enrolled in the “lay care giving system” called THE STEPHEN MINISTRY. We did this to enhance the care we can give our members and community. The Stephen Ministry trains people in basic skills necessary for helping others. The training is done through lecture, discussion, video, experiential activities, and more. We believe that our congregation will reap many benefits and blessings through involvement in this ministry of care. The training is extensive but also exciting. The commitments are all left up to you. Those who chose to become “Stephen Ministry Care Givers” will be part of a system and never left to walk alone in ministry. God is using this system in several thousand churches to effectively give loving care in the name of Christ. An interest meeting will be held on Sunday, July 26 at 6:45 PM. Classes are projected to begin Sunday, August 16. This meeting and the training are open to everyone.

HOLSTON CONFERENCE NIGHT AT SMOKIES STADIUM Sunday, August 2 Let’s all get together to watch the Smokies vs. Carolina Mudcats, followed by a Christian Concert by SONICFlood. Sign up at the Welcome Center to ride the bus and for tickets. We have already purchased 30 tickets for CHUMC and will buy more if needed! The game starts at 5:00 PM and cost is $11.

CAMP MEETINGS Sulphur Springs, Monday, August 3 Jonesville, Tuesday, August 4

CALLING ALL MEN Saturday, August 8 United Methodist Men at Sevierville Events Center All men interested in attending are welcome to go. The bus will be going to all events.


The Front Porch Traditional Service

86 154

Total Worship


Sunday School


UPPER CRUST NEWS United Methodist Men—Prayer breakfast on Thursday, July 16 at 8:00 AM at Shoney’s. All men of the church are welcome.




Receipts 7/12

$ 11,451

OUR SERVICE JULY LECTOR Mark & Susan Pavlin Please sign up at the Welcome Center to be a Lector in 2009. JULY OFFERING STEWARDS Phil Smith & Paul Worsham

HOMEBOUND MEMBER OF THE MONTH Bob & Ann Cross 310 Lake Aire Drive Kingsport, TN 37663 239-8867 Please let the Crosses know how much they are thought of and cared about by sending a card, calling, or visiting.

CHUMPS We currently have openings for children aged 6 weeks—5 years, full-time, part-time, and half-day programs are available. Contact Vicki Jacobs for more information.

Old-Fashioned Church Bazaar Team—Meeting on Sunday, July 19 at 4:00 PM in the Fellowship Classroom (Room 254). Please have your team’s plans finalized before this meeting. We will iron out any “problems” that we identify during this meeting and then deal only with logistics at our last meeting. What a wonderful opportunity this is for us to get to know each other better as we work for the Lord. Keep your hearts open to include others who might want to take this journey with us.

Bays Mountain Planetarium and cookout - meet at CHUMC at 10:45 AM - Pastor Tom will cook hamburgers and hotdogs. Bring a side dish, drink, or chips if you wish. Storytelling in Jonesborough - Sherry Norfolk is storyteller (currently serves as Chair of the National Storytelling Network Board of Directors - Cost is $9.00 - leave CHUMC at 10:00 AM


Given By:

Mary Schwartz Lorraine Smith Lorraine Smith Lorraine Smith Melton Smith Melton Smith

Verlin & Vivian Droke Abiding Friendship Circle Tim & Vicky Pinto Owen & Marianne Way Owen & Marianne Way Tim & Vicky Pinto

In Honor Of:

Given By:

CHUMC PRAYER LIST Pastors, Staff and Ministries of CHUMC Our children and youth Allene Boyd

Donald Robert Jacobs, son of Donald & Vicki Jacobs, will graduate from Naval Boot Camp on July 17th at the Naval Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois.

Paul Bragg Dot Campbell Jack Christian Nancy Collins Jason Cox Janice Fields

Colonial Heights United Methodist Church—With sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses and prayers by the people of the church, as well as Pastor Tom and Pastor Angela, for my wife Mary and myself during her illness and after. With Love, Irv Schwartz

Kent and Angie Harris (Jane Harris’ son & daughter-in-law) Ferril Harrison


Valice Hawkins

The Food Pantry currently needs canned peas.

Brad Jefferson Janet Manning’s father Arthur McNutt

Visitation Te a m — Meeting on Sunday, July 19 at 4:30 PM in the Epworth Classroom (Room 262).

Betty O’Leary Michael Putman (Frances Reed’s grandson) Edie Roach

Long-Range Planning Committee—Meeting on Tuesday, July 21 at 7:00 PM in RM 255. Prayer Vigil—Take your care and burdens to the Lord. Ask Him for His direction for your life and our church. Ask Him what He is doing and how we can be a part of it. Join us in the chapel on August 22 anytime between 6 AM and 6 PM. Stay as long as you like. Also join us for a service of celebration at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.

August 16th is Promotion Sunday. To celebrate, we will be having a church-wide breakfast in the Ministry Center. Breakfast will be served from 8 – 10 AM. Please drop-in for a time of fellowship with your church family! Have you ever wondered what Sunday School programs are offered at CHUMC? Now is your chance to learn! As part of this event, each Sunday School class will be sharing information about their class. Afterwards, classes have the option of either remaining in the Ministry Center for a devotional given by one of our teachers or may proceed to their classrooms during the Sunday School hour (10 -11 AM). At 11 AM, we will have a combined service in the Ministry Center. Old-time Bluegrass/Gospel songs will be shared by the Front Porch Singers. This is a great opportunity for our church to come together in one service to worship the Lord!

Mary Schwartz Harold Shell Wanda Stewart Mack Whitlock Joann Wood Our At-Home Members Those who are in a nursing home/assisted living All serving in our military (If you would like to be removed from this list, please contact Jane Miller in the church office.)

We are excited to announce that we will again be offering Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. This is a great ministry to get your priorities straight with your finances. Dave covers so much more than just getting out of debt. The orientation will be on Tuesday, August 4th at 6:30 PM in RM 254. Anyone can attend this to see if you are interested in taking the class. Classes are on Tuesday evenings, August 18th-November 10th. Tell your friends and family! Contact Traci Horne for more information.


UNITED METHODIST MEN The UMM meet for dinner on the 1st Thursday of each month. The next meeting is August 6. An excellent meal is prepared for us each month—the menu will be announced nearer to meeting time—and a variety of programs are planned for the coming months. Meeting time is 6:30 PM. Every man in the church is a member and encouraged to attend regularly. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this program of the church. You are needed! The 3rd Thursday of each month a group of men from CHUMC meet at Shoney’s at 8:00 AM for a prayer breakfast—a short devotion and time of prayer for the church, followed by breakfast and fellowship. We leave as we need to. Some of the wives are coming and usually meet separately. Reserve the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 8:00 AM.

CHUMC’s “Got Talent” Variety Show will be held on October 24th as part of the Church-wide Bazaar. As the final event of the day, we need some enthusiastic volunteers! If you want to be a part of this exciting event, please let us know. Please note that talent is not a requirement! We would like to encourage individuals of all ages, as well as groups (for example, Sunday School classes, circles, youth, etc.) to participate. Come with your own ideas/act or if you need some ideas, our team has some skits available. All we need are volunteers to fill the spots. A sign-up sheet is located at the Welcome Center or you may contact Mike/ Melissa Shelton (349-9919) or Shannon/Jeanita Large.

The golf cart has been repaired and upgraded and is now in service. Drivers are needed for the 9:00 worship service, 10:00 Sunday School, 11:00 worship service, and 12:00 after the service. Usually the cart is available 15-20 minutes prior to each time. Some have combined times (ex. some have volunteered to drive both before and after the 9:00 service, which would include the 10:00 schedule , or before AND after the 11:00 service). All times are flexible and your availability at one time slot and/or more is up to you. Please consider this vital ministry. A sign-up sheet is on the welcome center. Volunteer today!

THOUGHTS ON PRAYER This week I struggled with how to present the prayer vigil. Last week I heard, "I am worried to death about our church." In the past months I have heard worries about our country, our economy, our families, our youth, our jobs, our children, etc. In these times of uncertainty I think of the hymn "My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Than Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness." Christ is indeed the ROCK on which I build my life. He is the anchor who keeps me from being tossed about by the storms of life. In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus says, "come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens; and I will give you rest." He really means this. When I turn my burdens over to Him, I have the energy to go on with what He wants me to do. When I don't know what to do (Matthew 11:29) He says, "Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls." What an honor to be yoked with Christ who will never falter or fail. He never gives up on us. Try trusting Him with your worries and sorrows. Build a history of trust with Him. He is always faithful but how will we know that unless we continue to put things into His hands

SR. HIGH AND JR. HIGH “FAITH GROUP” As part of the recent restructuring of our youth ministry programs, we’re focusing more on building relationships with each other and God. These “faith groups” are designed to strengthen your faith, while having fun! The Sr. High Group will begin studying “In Pursuit of Jesus” beginning Monday, July 13th at Conti & Cham McMilliin’s House starting at 6pm. Pizza will be provided! If you need directions, let Michael, Cham or Conti know. Jr. High “Faith Group” will continue meeting for now at the church on Sunday afternoons, 4:30-6:30. Hope to see you there!

HIKING AT MARGARETTE July 21st, 24th, or 25th (will be announced by Fri. 17th) Join us for this easy, beautiful hike at the base of the mountains in Greene County. It’s a fairly easy hike but make sure you bring good shoes, water, and a camera. We’ll meet at the church at noon and we’ll return around 5. We’ll get some lunch on the way. Hope to see you there and invite a friend!

KIDS SPLASH DAY AT WETLANDS WATER PARK TUESDAY, JULY 28 We will meet at the church at 10:00 AM and carpool to Jonesborough. Bring enough money for lunch and snacks.

YOUTH PARENTS/VOLUNTEERS MEETING Tuesday, July 14th All Parents and Volunteers for our youth ministry are invited for a casual gettogether where we’ll discuss the future of the Volunteer and Parent roles in our youth ministry. Hope to see you there! Coffee and other refreshments will be available.


We’ll leave Kingsport early on Friday, July 31st and head down to Camp Lookout (just south of Chattanooga) for a weekend of fun, worship, and fellowship! All upcoming 6-8th graders are invited. We’ll be staying in the Sunset Lodge and there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor fun. We’ll also spend an afternoon in Chattanooga, and on the way home Sunday morning, we’ll stop for worship at Wesley Memorial UMC in Cleveland, TN and we’ll meet up with everyone else from CHUMC at the Smokies game in Sevierville Sunday evening. More details will be provided upon signup or request. Sign up by July 20th by sending an email to [email protected] or giving us a call.

We need individuals to sign up to work the Bristol race on Friday, August 21 and Saturday, August 22. The more people that work, the more money will go toward the playground. Let’s work together as a church towards completing the new playground. Children are a priority at Colonial Heights United Methodist Church; let our facility show it.

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