July 09 Newsletter

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Issue 17 - July 2009

From the Master This is my last newsletter as Master -at the Court meeting on 7th July, Roger France was confirmed as the MasterElect to be installed in September. It has been a privilege to have served the Company and it has been a fantastic experience. One decision making process I will be pleased to leave behind is that of selecting dates for functions. The Banquet at Drapers’ on 1st April coinciding with the G20 protests was then followed by the Summer Banquet being held on a day of fire and brimstone; hopefully nothing to do with our new Chaplain, Reverend Canon David Parrott, who gave his first sermon to the Company at the Service prior to the dinner. Some of my guests came from the Palace Garden Party, having been completely soaked through by the storm, while others had difficulty in getting to the Vintners Hall due to flooding. However, the banquet was a successful evening and I very much thank those who were able to attend. A significant event in a Master's Year is that of the Livery weekend at Ironbridge, a prodigious task of organizing so many Masters and consorts, including the Lord Mayor. Coalbrookdale is a world heritage site, and has ten museums, including Blists Hill, a preserved Victorian Town which demonstrates many of the trades to be found at that time, including blacksmiths, saddlers and even an architect's office. A Lloyds Bank will even change your money to that of the time. Many Companies, including our own, have contributed to the Ironbridge Trust. In the time available it was only possible to get a flavour of the place, but it is certainly worth a visit. The founder of my Practice, Capt. Stanley Peach, was responsible for Wimbledon Centre Court and I recently Master of Company of Cooks and Lord handed over all the remaining archive material to their Mayor preparing to present a plaque to Museum. In return, Ann and myself were gifted a day at the Championships in the Royal the Fish and Chip Shop, Blists Hill. Box, which was a wonderful experience. In addition, I have been able to arrange a visit to Wimbledon at the end of July to look around the museum and have a guided tour of the new courts and, of course, the newly refurbished Centre Court with its folding roof. On the 11th July a Fair celebrating the 8ooth Anniversary of the first London Bridge was held. The Company was allocated a tent, in which the winning and other entries from the Living Bridge Competition were displayed, engendering considerable public interest. The Clerk is to be thanked for his organizational skills in setting up this very successful competition, in conjunction with Past Master Richard Saxon and the RIBA, which has received such good publicity for the Company. The day was predictably wet and showery; however your Master took firm grip of his sheep and joined with other Masters and Freemen in escorting said animals over the bridge, all in aid of the Lord Mayor's Charity Appeal. With the coming of the summer holidays there will be few more events and it is time to reflect on the fabulous year Ann and I have had. However, it is your support and the unstinting help of the Clerk that has made it all possible. In my first newsletter, I wrote that I wanted to continue the long term aims of the Immediate Past Master, Jonathan Ball, including the 2012 legacy project, aligning with Tower Pier Life Boat Station, and enhancing our profile in the City, particularly with the other Liveries. I believe that I have remained true to those objectives. www.architects-livery-company.org 1

News from the Court The Election Court meeting took place in the historic setting of the Court Room at Vintners' Hall - one of the oldest such rooms in the City and one which survived the Blitz practically unscathed. It seemed unlikely that the matters up for discussion would shake the timbers of the establishment. On the recommendation of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, the following were elected to serve as the officers of the Company for the coming year: Master - Roger France Upper Warden - Edward King Renter Warden - Michael Wilkey Junior Warden - Mervyn Miller Jonathan Ball will serve as the Deputy Master. The Clerk and Beadle were reappointed in their roles and committee memberships were agreed as follows: Charity & Education Committee The Renter Warden - Michael Wilkey The Master - Roger France The Upper Warden - Edward King The Junior Warden - Mervyn Miller The Almoner - Tom Ball The Master of Students - Jaki Howes Clerk to Trustees - Alan Downing David Falla Geoffrey Purves John Drake Ronnie Murning Richard Brindley Guy Booth Rosemary Curry Prof Dennis Sharp Jane Lamb Events & Promotions Committee The Junior Warden - Mervyn Miller The Master - Roger France The Upper Warden - Edward King The Renter Warden - Michael Wilkey Tom Ball Dorian Crone Jeff Robertson Patricia Stefanowicz James Walker

Richard Biggins Stephen Wagstaffe David Penning Promotions Sub-Committee Michael Wilkey David Falla Howard Copping Peter Murray William Murray Finance & General Purposes Committee The Upper Warden The Master The Renter Warden The Junior Warden The Deputy Master Immediate Past Master Ian Head Past Master Brian Waters had come to the end of his seven year period on the Court following his Mastership and is to stand down to allow himself more time to fulfil the role ( to which he has brought great distinction) as President of the Association of Consultant Architects to which post he has recently been reelected. Through his unique contacts in the profession Brian has brought many benefits to the Company during his time on the Court. His term as Master in 2002 is particularly remembered by his initiative in raising the funding for and putting in place a bursary which enabled its recipient to benefit from his A Level Course at the City of London School for Boys. This was arranged in memory of Stuart Murphy who had, like Brian, been an Old Citizen and had also designed the current school premises while he was City Architect and Planning Officer. While Brian's contribution to the Court will be greatly missed he has assured the Master that he will remain a keen supporter of the Company and be willing to assist if called on for advice or practical help Applications for admission to the Freedom of the Company from Jolyon Brewis - a Director of Grimshaws and Richard Davies - founder of his own practice MRDA Architects and a conservation specialist were considered and we look forward to welcoming both at the Installation Court Meeting in September. Also welcomed at that meeting will be new student Eleanor Brooke to be indentured to Dr Mervyn Miller. 2

The following charitable disbursements were agreed by the Court: Stuart Murphy Travel Award City School Art Prizes (Books) Team Build Student Hardship (via RIBA) Lord Mayor's Appeal Master's Donations Architects Benevolent Fund Sheriffs' & Recorder's Fund Almoner's Expenses Master of Student's Expenses Clerk to Trustees Expenses Unallocated Sum

£2,000 £ 140 £1,200 £1,000 £ 800 £ 500 £ 650 £ 250 £ 125 £ 125 £ 100 £ 110



After consideration of the proposed budget it was reluctantly agreed that there should be a small increase (£10 for the full year) in the level of quarterage.

Recent Events The annual excursion to St Katherine’s Dock for a lunch gathering on the SB Ardwina took place on Wednesday 3 June. The guest speaker was Deputy Christine Cohen OBE, Chairman of the City Planning and Transportation Committee and at that point also Master of the Gardeners’ Company. The subject of the talk was 'The Landscaping of Public Open Spaces in the City'. She gave an overview of the steps that have been taken by the Corporation to humanize the Square Mile by making it more of an area that workers will enjoy working in. She talked of 'pocket parks'; of incorporating sculpture and mature planting and of ensuring publically accessible spaces in the current and coming larger buildings. Her talk was preceded by a glass of bubbly al fresco on deck before the group descended into the cabin for a fish and chip lunch organized by David Penning (pictur-

ed here offering silver service to Christine Cohen and Past Master Peter Luscombe). This was washed down by a glass or two of wine procured by Master of Wine Patricia Stefanowicz. The surplus funds generated the event are donated to the RNLI. A Tasting of Swiss Wines and Cheeses took place on 4 June at the Swiss Embassy. This event was shared with the Comstructors’ Company and guests from the Swiss banking community in London. This was an interesting collection of wines and the evening was was finished off (along, possibly with some of those present) by a curious strawberry dessert wine of impressive strength which was liked by some and regarded by others as a 'waste of good strawberries'! Not one for the feint hearted. The Master Constructor thought the same description might be applied to the riotous shirt and bow tie worn by his opposite number was of a colour (or selection of colours) which had affected his judgement of the subtle hues of the wines he was attempting to assess A fuller description of the event can be found on the blog site. Common Hall on 24 June offered a little more drama than is usual on these occasions. For the first time in 10 years there was a contested Shrieval election with three candidates for the two posts.The customary show of hands was inconclusive and a recount was taken with numerous Guildhall staff tallying support for the candidates. It was announced that the election had fallen to Alderman David Wootton and Peter Cook. A poll was called for by the supporters of the third candidate Tim Oliver. The lunch that followed at Farmers’ and Fletchers’ Hall was delayed by these proceedings but was still enjoyed by the record number of Liverymen who turned out to vote. A good number also turned out for the poll at Guildhall on 8 July which saw the results from the show of hands at Common Hall upheld with Peter Cook enjoying a substantial majority over his rival for the Lay Sheriff position. The Annual Service held in St James Garlickhythe on Tuesday 7 July. It was led by the Rector - The Rev Dr Alan Griffin with the sermon being preached by our new Honorary Chaplain Rev Canon David Parrott. The choice of both readings and music had something of a maritime theme - very much in keeping with the weather outside. The music, directed by Alderman Andrew Parmley (the Church’s Music Director) was excellent - the preacher’s microphone was not - perhaps it represented some sort of trial by fire. www.architects-livery-company.org 3

The Election Court Dinner at Vintners’ Hall was a happy occasion. We enjoyed the company of several Masters, two helmsmen from the Tower RNLI Station and representatives from the Architects Benevolent Society there to witness the presentation of the Award which the Company makes each year to the person or persons who has made the most significant contribution to fund raising for the Society. The platter, decorated this year by John Lyall, was won by Malcolm and Elizabeth Thirkettle who, for many years, raised substantial sums of money for the well being of the

Malcolm & Elizabeth Thirkettle with the Master

residents of the ABS home at Frenchlands Hatch. A donation from the Company was presented to Norman Webster of the ABS by the Almoner Tom Ball.

illustration of just how varied the life of a Master can be, below are two photographs - one of the Master with the Lord Mayor and the second obliging a ‘genuine and professional autograph hunter’ (who may well have been under a misaprehension about the status of a Livery Master in the great scope of things) and the third of the Master exercising his right as a Freeman to do things with sheep on London Bridge.

Plans to include a third photograph showing the Master droving his ‘rent-a-sheep’ over the bridge have, sadly, not eventuated - perhaps something to do with animal cruelty or maybe just water on the lens at the time . The Company tent had a constant stream of visitors all interested in the variety of ideas put forward by winning and other schemes on display.

The principal guest was John Makepeace OBE FRSA FSCD - probably the best known furniture designer and maker in Britain. He spoke engagingly about his work with Buro Happold and Ted Cullinan on projects aimed at a creating better understanding of the use of indigenous timbers in construction. He too was hit by gremlins in the form of a misbehaving power point presentation but his talk was, nonetheless, a delight and greatly appreciated by all present.

Coming Events

There is a report and some supporting photographs of the events at the London Bridge Fayre on Saturday 11 July on the blog site. The weather lived up to its billing with generous amounts of rain falling at intervals during the day. Proceedings were opened by The Lord Mayor progressing down the line of Livery Company and other stalls lining the east side of the bridge (conveniently closed for the day) before taking charge of a sheep for the more or less obligatory drive across the bridge. He then invited the Master to join him on the platform for the presentation of the prizes to the three winners of the Ideas Compatition for the Design of a New Inhabited Bridge. More of this later. By way of

The Installation Court Lunch will be held in Watermen’s Hall on Monday 14 September. The Master Elect will welcome your support at this event which is the first under his stewardship. His principal guest speaker will be the newly installed President of the RIBA - Ruth Reed. A calling notice for the event in enclosed with the newsletter.

A visit to the LTA Wimbledon complex on Thursay 30 July has been arranged by the Master. This will include a visit to the museum and then a tour of the site including the Centre Court and Courts 1 and 2 and the Millenium Building. There will be refreshments at the end of the visit. There will be a charge of £27 per head and guests will be welcome.

Open House Weekend Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September. Stephen Wagstaffe and Patricia Stefanowicz will be organizing the Churches they have persuaded to open and matching them with volunteers They will welcome help from those who can spare a 4

morning or afternoon on the days. Your willingness to help will be rewarded with a priority pass getting you easier access to other open buildings. During the course of the weekend it is planned to display the entries in the Living Bridge Competition in St Mary-at-Hill Church in Lovat Lane. The exhibition will run from Wednesday 16 until Tuesday 22 Sepember and will be opened with a talk to be given by Mark Latham - a doctoral student at the University of Leicester ‘s Centre for Urban History - on Wednesday 16 September. He has just submitted his PhD thesis which ’seeks to elucidate the reasons behind the removal of the houses and shops from London Bridge and therefore its “death” as a living structure in 1756’. We hope to attract a wide audience to this event. More details will be issued as soon as possible. Common Hall for the Election of the Lord Mayor should, in comparison to the June event, be uncontentious. Although there are an number of Aldermen who have served as Sheriffs, Alderman Nick Anstee is a clear favourite for the popular vote. The event will be followed by a lunch - further details will follow soon. The Master Elect has planned a visit to the Palace of Westminster for a small group on Friday 2 October. The Host will be Lord Naseby and the tour will be guided by the Estate’s Conservation Architect Adam Watrobski. A calling notice is attached and places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Roger France has organizing his Master’s Reception for a Tuesday 10 November (6.00 to 9.00pm) Again, details will be circulated as soon as possible. This will take the form of a visit to the the Church of St Stephen Walbrook, London EC4. After St Paul’s, this is regarded as being Wren’s greatest City Church building and it has the added interest of the controversial Henry Moore travertine altar. The Venerable Peter Delaney MBE - the Priest in Charge of the Church will give a talk on its history and there will be refreshments. The Lord Mayor’s Show on Saturday 14 November will feature participation by Company as part of the Modern Companies’ Float. The Master, Wardens and a couple of Students will take part - they will welcome your cheers en route. Those wishing to watch the proceedings in comfort may do so from a seat in the St Paul’s Grandstand obtainable by phone (01908 300106) or on line at www.lordmayorshow.org. Lunches will be available at Plaisterers’ Hall - please advise the Clerk if you wish to reserve places. The cost is to be advised.

Our annual shared Christmas Carol Service with the Furniture Makers’ Company will be held at St Mary-leBow and be followed by a supper at Furniture Makers’ Hall on Wednesday 16 December. Costs are yet to be resolved but these will be communicated as early as possible - please mark the date in your diaries. Other dates for the coming year are as follows: Tuesday 26 January - New Year Court and Lunch - as is customary on this occasion. places are offered to members of the Livery. Friday 19 March - United Guilds Service at St Paul’s Cathedral be followed by lunch at Plaisterers’ Hall. Tuesday 13 April - The Annual Livery Banquet at Ironmongers’ Hall - a new venue for the Company. It will be preceded by the meeting of the Accounts Court Thursday 17 June - to Sunday 20 June - Master’s Weekend Visit to Bath where Roger has arranged talks by / walks with David Beeton (Chairman, World Heritage Steering Group), Tony Crouch (World Heritage Manager, Bath City Council), Dr Michael Forsyth and Marion Harney (Directors of Studies in the MSc Course at Bath University) and Conservation Architect, David McLaughlin. Based on 20 people attending, costs of bed and breakfast accommodation and the majority of the visits (excluding the optional Sunday morning excursions) will be in the region of £275 per head depending on acommodation options selected. An early indication of support will enable bookings to be firmed up. A notice with further details is attached. Thursday 24 June - Common Hall for the election of Sheriffs followed by a Livery Hall lunch . Tuesday 6 July - the Annual Service and Election Court Dinner will be on . Monday 13 September - the Installation Court Lunch. Wednesday 29 September - Common Hall for the election of the Lord Mayor. In addition it is expected that there will be another Ardwina lunch in June and plans are being made for a Milo Lecture to be held earlier in the year. www.architects-livery-company.org 5

Company Activities Progress is being made on the ‘London Gateway’ project which is being orchestrated by Peter Murray on behalf of the Company. The aim is to initiate an architectural competition for a structure to stand at the western end of what will be High Street 2012 at the junction of Aldgate High Street and Mansell Street. We have received agreement in principle from a number of other Construction related Livery Companies to press ahead to develop a design for an arch or gateway that would celebrate the Olympics, mark the entrance to the City and provide a televisual landmark for the marathon races. Encouraged by the response to the recent London Bridge Competition we are hopeful that a significent number of entries would be attracted. Talking of the London Bridge Competition you will be able to see a selection of the entries - those that were short-listed in the selection process on the Company’s blogsite - www.architects-livery-company.blogspot.com together with a copy of the assessors’ report. As noted above, all the entries are to be displayed in St Maryat-Hill Church in Lovat Lane. The exhibition will run from Wednesday 16 until Tuesday 22 Sepember. Please be sure to visit the Church to see the range of imaginative schemes submitted. As a tempter, the winning scheme by Company member Laurie Chetwood’s practice is illustrated below.

News of Members Azar Djamali has been elected Chairman of London Region of the RIBA She is to be congratulated on taking on this role in charge of what is, by some distance, the Institute’s largest Region. The Company will offer what support it can as she wrestles with the problems of communicating with and enthusing a large number of architects in what are difficult times. Those with any experience of RIBA regional affairs will know that in prosperous times, funding for the regions is far from generous - it is considerably worse when the going gets tough. Emeritus Professor James Stevens Curl was recently one of the main speakers at a major conference at Goldsmith’s College to mark the 400th anniversary of the Plantation of Ulster. The City’s role in this venture has been extensively catalogued and James has written two books on the subject. His presence in London for the Conference enabled him to attend Common Hall and join other members of the Company at the lunch at Farmers’ and Fletchers’ Hall. Dr Geoffrey Purves, who has relatively recently been awarded his Doctorate from Durham University where he is an Honorary Research Assistant when he is not running his practice in Newcastle upon Tyne, has just published the second edition of his ‘Primary Care Centres - a Guide to Health Care Design’. He has generously made a copy available for the Company Library Jonathan Ball reports that, following his meeting with David Taylor - one of the Helmsmen from the Tower Lifeboat Station - at the Election Court Dinner, he ‘was able to pull a few strings and get David launched on exercise with the Bude lifeboat. He is pictured here as he is about to meet the Atlantic Ocean. Poor weather and visibility but small surf which,’ Jonathan advises, ‘was probably just as well as if there had been the regular double decker buses coming through he would have needed bicycle clips to his dry suit and would have been asked to stay ashore.’ David Cole-Adams The Clerk The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects 82A Muswell Hill Road London N10 3JR www.architects-livery-company.org www.architects-livery-company.blogspot.com

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