Jpc Newsletter March 1

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MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Newsletter of the Justice and Peace Commission of Archdiocese of Gulu -

“If you want peace, work for Justice”

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JPC staff contribute a point during training. JPC Gulu participated in a series of trainings together with JPC Soroti to strengthen the capacities of church structures in order for them to be able to better serve the communities, which especially in the North need substantial support after the long years of conflict.


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Cross border peace building: Acholi-Jie

Godfrey Toolit the Programme Officer for JPC Kalongo Pader Branch enjoys Karamojong dance with the Karacunas and women peace builders in lakomebuu, Kotido District The communities of Kotido district have expressed their commitment to reconcile and live in harmony with the Acholi population.

capacity of the Peace Animators to enhance Community dialogue, Reconciliation & Peace building between the community of Acholi and Karamoja.

This came out during a three days training workshop organized by the Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) Gulu Archdiocese Pader Branch Office in Kalongo. The training was in collaboration with the Justice and peace Commission Kotido district.

The Programme officer in charge of AcholiJie programme, Godfrey Toolit said twenty two Peace Animators selected were trained and returned back to their own communities to continue with the task of promoting harmonious co-existence in the community. They hail from the districts of Abim, Kabong and Kotido.

JPC of the Archdiocese of Gulu has been promoting peaceful conflict resolutions, Cooperation, Harmonious co-existence, Human Right protection and Reconciliation among communities in Acholi and Karamoja land, since 2005. The workshop was opened by the District Chairperson of Kotido District and closed by the Administrator of Kotido Catholic Diocese. It was held in Kanawat Catholic Parish, Kotido diocese. The training workshop aimed at building the

During the three days training, Toolit added that the participants were helped by Rev. Fr. Samuel Lotuk and Mr. Romano Kapel to have an insight of ho the Bible and the Social Teaching of the Church is a basis for peace and peace building. The trainees were also given skills on conflict management and resolution, mediation and reconciliation processes. It is hoped that the skills given would help the trainees transform communities in Karamoja. More training will be done if the JPC secure

another funding. Through the participatory approach to the workshop, participants were able to bring out their local experiences during group discussion and plenary presentations. The training was programmed in such a way that in the morning hours, participants under took the theoretical part and conduct sensitizations practical sessions in the afternoon. During the sensitization sessions which was done in Kanawat Parish and the the different neighborhood of the Parish, the youth, women and the elders condemned the atrocities committed by the Jie during cattle raids and pointed out the several effects of such raids. Amongst which include; orphanage, widows and poor social relations between the Acholi and Jie, Langi and Jie and other neighbouring ethnic communities. The current famine in Karamoja is also as a result of poor social relations as put by one of the elders in Panyagara Village during the sensitization session.


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Lango Muslims call for cooperation and unity The Muslim community in Lango sub-region has said they highly appreciate organization of the Annual peace week by the Catholic Church of Gulu province. To redress the negative effect of wars, confront prejudices, amend and renew relationships among individuals in our regions that have been drawn apart over the years, Sheik Al Hajji Ibrahim Angiro said several things have to be seriously considered, ranging from cooperation, unity , reconciliation and genuine prayer. Sheik Ibrahim, who is also the District Khadi of Lango said Muslim community in his distirct thinks that the best way to combat poverty is to have in place; a dynamic , organized, progressive , self sustaining , self sufficient and united in diversity communities. According to him, this can only be achieved by applying affirmative action where possible. Ibrahim added that there is no any better way of building peace apart from eliminating prejudices as a result of wars. “We should also strengthen relationships among communities and individuals.” He said Lango Muslim community would encourage peace talks to continue as one way towards building peace.

Lango War Dance: This time, it is meant for peace dance

Pope calls Catholics to sacrifice during Lent Pope Benedict XVI has called on Catholics to enter the period of conversion through frequent contact with the Word of God, more intense prayer and a penitential lifestyle. He was at the end of February presiding over Mass at the Church of Saint Sabina and said “let these be a stimulus to convert and to love our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and needy." At the same time, Catholic News Agency reported that the Pope received ashes from Cardinal Jozef Tomko, after which he imposed ashes upon a number of faithful including cardinals and bishops. The tradition of Catholics wearing ashes on their foreheads on the first day of Lent comes from the Jewish practice of placing dirt or ashes on their foreheads as a sign of repentance.

Likewise, Catholics the world over begin Lent—a 40 day period of fasting and penance— using the same outward expression of their sorrow and intention to seek deeper conversion. In his homily the Pope highlighted that "the call to conversion emerges as the dominant theme" in the Ash Wednesday liturgy.

Recalling that the Church is celebrating the 2,000th anniversary of St. Paul’s birth, he pointed out that the Apostle was "aware of having been chosen as an example.” Because of this awareness, "St. Paul recognized that everything in him was the work of divine grace, yet he did not forget the need to accept freely the gift of new life received at Baptism."

Pope Benedict XVI calls for penitential lifestyl


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Turn to God in a world lacking hope - Pope passes the whole of reality and Who can bestow upon us what we, by ourselves, cannot attain,'" he answers. Looking at the profound lack of hope in the modern world, the Holy Father points out that those societies which ignore God, experience "a loss of direction" that results "in loneliness and violence, discontent and loss of confidence that can often lead to despair." This death of hope can only be filled by God, says Benedict XVI as he repeats John Paul II's call of for a new evangelization.

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI made public his message for the 24th World Youth Day, which will be celebrated at the diocesan level this year. In his message, the Pope calls on young people to seek out true hope, a firm and reliable hope rooted in a personal encounter with Jesus.

"To you young people, who are in search of a firm hope, I address the very words that St. Paul wrote to the persecuted Christians in Rome at that time: 'May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.'" "For Paul, explains Pope Benedict, "hope is not simply an ideal or sentiment, but a living person: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ... If we are not alone, if He is with us, even more, if He is our present and our

future, why be afraid?" The Pope also provides practical advice on how to encounter Jesus, encouraging young people to "Make space for prayer in your lives!" While praying alone is good, Benedict XVI grants, "it is even more beautiful and fruitful to pray together, because the Lord assured us He would be present wherever two or three are gathered in His name." The Holy Father's message also emphasizes the importance of the role played by young people in the Church, saying, "The Church depends on you for this demanding mission. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties and trials you encounter. Be patient and persevering so as to overcome the natural youthful tendency to rush ahead and to want everything immediately." Bringing his words to the youth to a close, Pope Benedict asks Mary, Mother of Hope to intercede for young people the world over.

The theme for the 2009 World Youth Day, to be held on Palm Sunday, April 5, is: "We have set our hope on the living God." Delivering his message on March 4th, he said, “Youth is a time of hope”. He that it is a a time when "we cherish ideals, dreams and plans. Youth is the time when decisive choices concerning the rest of our lives come to fruition." Pope Benedict then goes on to ask, "where can I obtain and how can I keep alive the flame of hope burning in my heart?" "Experience shows that personal qualities and material goods are not enough to guarantee the hope which the human spirit is constantly seeking. ... Politics, science, technology, economics and all other material resources are not of themselves sufficient to provide the great hope to which we all aspire," the Pope said. "This hope 'can only be God, Who encom-

YOUTH IN IDP CAMPS: Most of them lacking hope

MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3


Mato Oput cemented

West Nile-Acholi

The Chairperson of the Arua Elders Association, Thanked Gulu Archdiocese for inviting them for the Provincial Peace Week as partners and promoter of Peace, not only in Nofthern Region but the entire Country as a whole. Avutia Jason said that was not the first time Gulu Archdiocese have invited them to share experiences on issues related to peace. “You will recall, I have been together with you in Soroti, Lira, Gulu, Arua, Kampala, Fort portal and Juba but only to mention a few, As examples. The elders participated jointly with their counterparts in the Acholi Sub-Region to Conduct MATO-OPUT at Labworomo TTC on 8th February 1986 which has cemented our relations with our brother and sister in the Acholi Sub-Region to date,” he added. Avutia continued that on 29th January 1986, the Arua elders gave up their lives for peace when they negotiated for No armed confrontation with NRA/M by our armed sons from the then Uganda Army, marines and Air force. A resolution, which has resulted in the present peace prevailing in Arua and West Nile as a whole’ So we hope that this 4th provincial Peace week celebration will effectively avoid wars completely because we would not wish to witness any destruction of properties of our people again.’ Insecurity can only be fought by speaking the truth, having fear for God and sincere prayers at all times. The gun which we do not make but some of us love, will never solve our problems” God created people on the Acholi land he created Banyoros, Lugbara, Alur, Madi, Kakwa and many other tribes for a purpose.’ No any authority can eradicate these tribe on the Uganda map. No regime however powerful it may look is really not strong. Great empires like Babylonian, Persian, Roman and the Greek which appeared strong have ceased to exist. “All strong and great leaders we knew are no more. This being the case why do we not follow God’s ways. I wish to assure all of us gathered here that we shall never solve our problems by wars, violence or conflicts” Avutia said. He said peaceful resolution of conflict is not only cheap but effective and it minimizes poverty, hunger, injuries and many other things. Once the region is peaceful as it is now we can knowedge to plan the best way forward to minimize povenry, hunger, disease and many other developments necessary for the good of mankind.

Madi Elders walking to the stage and right is the Lugbara traditional dancers entertaining pilgrims during Peace Week in Gulu


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO 3

Networking for Peace building and Human Rights

JPCand other members of Northern Uganda Partnership for Human Rights and their host in Nairobi pose for group photo during a working tour to share experiences from Uganda and Kenya of activities of Human rights and other protection issues. Networking is the basis of any development regardless of the area, topic or type of work. Through exchange we learn, we get new ideas and frequently also avoid mistakes that others have already made and therefore we should not repeat. Due to time constraints and work overload organisations often perceive networking as an additional activity that is only observed and carried out if there is time and resources left and otherwise not on “top of the list” of the daily tasks. This is very unfortunate since it limits the horizon and the creativity of the organisation and consequently has negative impact on their long-term planning and thinking and on their vision. Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) was always active in networking with others. However, this was frequently taking place on a rather informal basis in meetings and discussions with members of different NGOs. The above mentioned constraints and limits were also felt in JPC offices and sometimes it was difficult to keep up the

idea of sharing and exchanging while the daily work was piling up on the desk. Kamila Krygier, the JPC Advisor writes that, since early this year, however, a part of the networking effort became official when JPC joined the newly evolving Northern Uganda Partnership for Human Rights together with 8 other local NGOs working in similar areas. Already many new ideas came up and are developing into a close cooperation in various new projects that will be carried out jointly to achieve a greater impact for the people in Northern Uganda and positively influence the human rights situation in this region. As part of this new cooperation everyone agreed that we could always improve on our knowledge and skills, which resulted in some trainings and an exchange visit to Kenya that took place last month. The delegation that travelled to Kenya consisted of representatives of 3 organisations,

members of the partnership that are involved in paralegal training, HURIFO, GWED-G and JPC. The hosting NGOs in Kenya were Legal Resource Foundation (LRF) and Amani Peoples Theatre (APT). LRF has longstanding experience in training paralegals. They were a driving force in the development of the Paralegal Support Network (PASUNE) in Kenya that presently consists of more than 20 national and international NGOs. It was very encouraging and inspiring for us, who are just at the beginning of the long journey towards a strong and independent paralegal network, to see how organisations in a neighbouring country managed to overcome similar challenges and establish PASUNE. The idea in Kenya is that paralegals should become independent from the NGOs, which trained them. Turn to page 10


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Acholi King colaborating with JPC to build peace The Paramount Chief of the Acholi David Onen Achana II has said Peace week was held during a critical moment when there is peace in Northern Uganda, but there is no peace in the community in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, because the source of insecurity has now shifted out of our region. He said this has made us restless, but it should not make us relax, lose hope, or direction while working for peace in our region. “I am aware of the tremendous roles the cultural and religious leaders have played to bring peace in this region and Uganda as a whole since the emergence of insecurity in the country. We the cultural and religious leaders have been in the Centre of the peace talk in Juba, and we still have a crucial role to play in as far as community peace and reconciliation is concern despite the collapse of the Juba Peace Talks,” he Onen Achana added. Justice and Peace Commission has been colaborating in several ways in the peace building process. One of the major one has been UgandaSudan Cross Border Peace Building apart from being a bridge between the Lord Resistance Army rebels and the Uganda government as a way of initiative dialogue. Onen Cana II said cultural leaders must work for the preservation of our community whom we inherit from our forefathers, they are Rwodi because of people, so they must work tirelessly to see that the life of our people is not threatened in any way, whether through war or hunger. “We definitely cannot do this alone, we therefore, have to work with all stakeholders to achieve this,” he said. In his peech read by the Prime Minister Kenneth Oketa, Onen Achana said it should be noted that to achieve peace and reconciliation in Northern Uganda, we should pass one message, as Acholi, but not fragmented messages as Rwodis, Religious leaders, MPs, LCs or RDCs, Acholi in Diaspora and so on. This will not make us achieve our objective. The people and the country or the world wants to here what the Acholi are saying not what the various leadership structures or individuals of Acholi are saying. As far as the LRA war is concern, we the cultural leaders have a lot of information and contacts but we just don’t disseminate it to show that we are in the know, but, we use it to coordinate other efforts to bring peace in our area. “I therefore, request other leaders to do likewise, because what is destroying Acholi is passing wrong, or irrelevant information that cause confusing and spread conflict instead of resolving it,” he added. He also advised that we should also know when to pass information or make pronouncement on information we have, for example now that there is military operation in Congo and Sudan, aftet the failed peace talks, we should be careful in whatever statement we make as Acholi, because we may be mistaken by other stakeholders.

Now that fighting in taking place in Sudan and Congo, why should we speculate that we Acholi are the one suffering, and yet there is no fighting in Uganda at the moment, and therefore start by condemning the allied forces, whose citizens are being killed by the LRA. In the event that the LRA returns to Uganda, it is not a must that they should return to Acholi, they may enter Uganda, and Uganda government will have to take responsibility, but at the moment they are not in Uganda. So, the statement we make on peace and reconciliation can have negative effects on other stakeholders including government. He also said the Rwodi have been working with the Rwodi of South Sudan to reconcile the two communities, “because before we started sharing information with the Sudanese Chiefs on the LRA war they had a strong believe that it is the Acholi who are killing them and they extended their wrath to all Acholis, including the Acholi of Sudan.” But for the last four years we have been having exchange visits and they now understand.” It is therefore very important that we leaders work as a team with one voice on this question of peace in Northern Uganda. Another evil we should desist from is the blame game. We should organize and build capabilities where it is lacking instead of blaming every stakeholder on this peace issues. Many times we waste a lot of time blaming one another or various institutions, and yet we do not offer any solution. We should look for solutions to this problem, rather than blaming. “Me I have interacted with Kony and the LRA, The government of Uganda, The Government of Sudan, UN system, ICC, President Chissano, among others, on the issue of peace in Northern Uganda, and that is why I am very careful with the statement I make, and I don’t blame any body instead I coordinate efforts.”

private investors or the local communities, it has to come, because it is demanded by the society. So even if we are not supporting Madhvani Sugar Project, there will always be other development that requires land. But we should not just oppose the project for the sake, but weigh all the pros and cons and come out with a decision which benefit Acholi as a whole while putting the future of our children in this modern time foremost. So it should not be individuals to reject investments or projects, but Acholi as people, because Acholi want development and to benefit from economic growth, which is engineered by investors. Now there is oil in Amuru, as Acholi we should start discussing how we can work with other stakeholder to exploit it for the benefits of our people. So we must prepare to address land conflict in a mature and developmental manner. The issue of land conflict between Acholi and Jonam, and the Acholi and Madi, or Pabbo and Lamogi and other individual conflicts will always arise but we should not allow them to escalate by making it sensational to the community to the extent that it retards development and cause tensions and occasionally loss of live. He added that, “We in Ker Kwaro have been working hard to harmonize to reduce conflict, we have also produce customary land by laws which we are circulating to the communities for consideration. The ultimate point here is that we must work as a team and address issue not according to our individual or orgatization interest, but in the interest of the community with proper guidance and leadership.”

Onen Achana advised that as leaders therefore, we need to put our heads and hearts together in this quest for peace. We should also not bother about measuring our efforts, on who has done how much, or who is now doing a lot as this will not take us anywhere. Peace is a collective effort, backed with blessing from God. As we work towards peace in Northern Uganda we should be aware also that other form of conflicts are emerging in Acholi, and we must address them. The most serious one, which may even, be more than the LRA is Land conflicts. Development is coming and as such it comes with demand for land and we must be careful the way we address them as leaders. We should know that we are not going to stop development, be it by government,

David Onen Cana II, Paramount Chief of Acholi


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Peace Begins With You Ooh people of Northern Uganda, It's not all about singing and talking about peace in our dreams only. It's all about fair treatment to the young ones It's all about caring for the elderly, needy and orphans Let's not think the peace talk of LRA only But also humanity, togetherness and forecast Let us believe that every problem has its own solution. As the young generation, we wouldn't wish to see our brothers and sisters die helplessly in the bush. Please! We ask the government of Uganda and other international bodies to look deeper in to peace building process, which does not call for any military methods Our sisters, brothers and parents were never interested in living such miserable and tricky lives To have a peaceful environment is our own aim now. Let us wait for, if the slow process will bring us to

ever lasting peace. Let the young ones know and live a peaceful life if, our culture must live on well Reconciliation should be our best memory of the wars. Parents let peace prevail in you first, let education take part of your children's lives Hopping for the fruits of foil abounds, life is what we make but it never makes us. We shouldn't get exhausted at the last steps of hope, listening to our religious, political and cultural leaders should make a difference Let's work for justice if we want peace, put lives of other humans to be as vital as yours Let us take violence as the worst visitor, for we don't yearn for more. Christians and all children of God, lets build a temple of peace within ourselves then we shall have an ever-lasting peace. Okema James Okullu PEACE CLUB/HEAD PREFECT POPE PAUL VI S.S ANAKA

Networking and its benefits From Page 8

Some groups of paralegals register as CBOs and subsequently carry out their own fundraisning. PASUNE is there to provide training, give advice and educational as well as legal services. Through a jointly developed curriculum, handbook and training manual a harmonized training for paralegals across the country has been achieved. Apart from the community work paralegals in Kenya are also very active in prisons where they provide assistance, training and information to remand prisoners, who would be otherwise left without any legal support. The open door policy in Kenya enabled the prisons, on a voluntary basis, to give para-

legals access to prisoners and allow them to establish offices in prison buildings. Apart from civilians also several prison officers are being trained as paralegals. One of the methods used by the paralegals in their prison and community work is participatory theatre. This very effective and innovative method is propagated and trained by Amani Peoples Theatre (APT), our other host organisation during the Kenya visit. It is a very effective method to solve conflicts in communities and support people in developing own and creative solutions for their problems. As APT points out the method is rooted in traditional African models of communication. Apart from only initiating a problem solving process or providing solutions the

method rather allows people in the communities to sustain a dialogue on key issues affecting their daily lives.

Through this visit the Ugandan partner organisations realised how important exchange and networking is – not only local but also with neighbouring countries in the region. Apart from new and creative ideas, inspiration and encouragement that the challenges we are facing too can be overcome, we found new friends and partners. We hope the newly established contacts will continue and possibly develop into a closer cooperation. As stated by John Donne, a poet of the 16th century, “no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of a continent”. The same applies to organisations.


Onono counsels MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

Pilgrims on poverty The Rt. Rev. Nelson Onono-Onweng has stated that nobody is doomed to poverty and never to experience joy. He was giving a key note address on how to fight poverty as a means of building peace.”

community should also get interested to go to school. Women should be empowered by lifting some of the burden which makes their backs bend over. At family level, there should be a spirit of equal participation, where possible should go beyond cultural division of labour.

Onono, who is the bishop of Northern Uganda Diocese was speaking during the Peace Week celebration. He said it is wrong and totally unacceptable to live here on earth as if we were already in heaven. We must face the realities of this world. He disclosed that in every three second, a child is dying because of poverty and hunger. Besides, the world is full of messages. “If you cling to the past messages and the past is ruling you, it is dangerous. In the present global village, there are rapid changes, flowing with messages. Make effort to get the right information to combat poverty.” The bishop said One of the most effective ways to fight poverty is to help people know how to read time. The word of God says “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven (Ecc. 3.1). Unless people learn to be orderly, in managing time it becomes a big challenge to fight poverty. He advised people to know when to act and when the time is ripe, we should engage poverty. With determination and courage, you will succeed, for you have the power of knowing how the word of God, and, people are perishing because of lack of knowledge. People are also poor because of lack of awareness. A genuine and viable community should be aware of what is happening elsewhere and also what is affecting their lives. Poeple should not fail to cope up with the difficult situation as if they are doomed to poverty and suffering. The poor should learn to work together productively. Very often, the poor are manipulated and exploited because they are alienated and disorganized. This makes them powerless and they remain perpetually poor. Onono Urged leaders to work with the poor to enhance their re-discovery of their resourcefulness. The world has resources and the know-how. But Millions of people in Uganda are trapped in hopeless poverty. He said the church leaders should face the

Children should be brought up with a firm equal participation in the family work. He quoted Archbishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo as one time saying that whatever you do, do it knowing that you will live for a thousand years. Therefore do it to perfection.

Bishop Onono-Onweng of CoU challenge of speaking and preaching the word with strength. There is always weakness because of identifying with failures and tribulations for once they get lodged in you, you get discouraged and, eventually give up. But if you put faith to action, you do extra ordinary things. It is therefore important for you to identify with the word of God. To cite a few leaders in the Bible will encourage you in your leadership. Joseph was able to foresee the problem of the land having no food so with the political leaders, they planned and prepared for the difficult future. Nehemiah was able to draw community together to take appropriate action to change their disgraceful situation. Amos called upon political leaders to repent because of injustice and corruption. John the Baptist rebuked Herod for committing adultery with his brother’s wife and the other evil things he did. Therefore, with God, everything is possible. “This gives me the confidence to say that we are all capable of combating poverty” he said and proposed that, The doors of all primary schools for adult functional literacy should be opened. It will provide mass education which will enhance the whole range of development activities designed to improve better living conditions, health and economy of the people. Onono however, challeneged teachers to be willing to teach the adult classes in the evening and at the weekend. The local

This should help us to get rid of our stereotype attitude that we are poor and nothing can be done about it. We should develop the spirit to be mentored by someone. Learn from your mentor to do better. He noted also that eradication of hunger should be the first step for rural community to fight poverty. Trying to produce every crop single handed is unproductive. It is therefore crucial to fall back to the cultural effort of communal work. It increases production. Note that it has been found out through many studies that increase in agricultural production has much impact on reducing poverty. He gave four ways of ensuring food security. The availability of food, access to food, quantity and nutritional value of food and stability in provision of food. He reminded the pilgrims that the first temptation of Jesus Christ was about food, and also a hungry person is violent. The first Millennium Development Goal ([MDG) is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Peace, he siad, does not come on a clean plate. It is expensive. “Let it be your obligation to live in good relationship. WaIk in the light and have the spirit of belonging where you have one heart and one mind. I must also tell you that forgiveness is a blessing. Forgive one another.” He left the pilgrims with the ward of advise that the world is full of tribulation and evils. But in christ, we are victorious. Move on and start laying foundation for your financial infrastructure. Talking and talking will not change your poverty situation. Be persistent and consistent in your move to get money. AIso as the Bible says, if it depends on you live in peace with one another.


MARCH 2009, VOL. 9 - NO.3

JPC capacity building to improve community services

The National Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (JPC), which encompasses the JPC’s on diocesan level, started a project with the aim of developing the capacities of various Justice and Peace Commissions in Uganda. Kamila Krygier Justice and Peace Commission’s Advisor writes that the JPC Gulu is participating in a series of trainings together with JPC Soroti. The idea is to strengthen the capacities of church structures in order for them to be able to better serve the communities, which especially in the North need substantial support after the long years of conflict. The transitional phase from conflict to peace is in most cases a difficult one. Displaced people return home after many years, facilities and infrastructure are missing, social structures and values that were holding ethnic groups and families together are frequently severely damaged. For years JPC’ s of the North were providing support by filling the gaps created through the conflict. Since the services delivered depend on the resources, knowledge and skills of the organizations themselves the National Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace assigned the Community Development Resource Network (CDRN) to design and carry out trainings and workshops in some crucial areas. Since the trainings are organized for several JPC’s together the project has an additional value of strengthening the links between the various Catholic Church institutions. By sharing our experiences and lessons learnt we can continue

JPC Staff have been participating in TOT training to effectively facilitate the above kind of traing improving for the benefit of mainstreaming only about problematic and complex issues. Any the people in our regions. supporting and uplifting structure and institution that wants to women? develop has to embrace challenges and The first phase of the training criticism and seriously confront itself project included an organiza- Due to the good quality of the with diverging points of view. tional self-assessment, fol- training most of the open lowed by a training on questions were discussed The question, which role women are Planning, Monitoring and and answered. It was supposed to play in the church in future Evaluation (PME). explained that the term is still open and the views on that issue Gender Mainstreaming was differ. Further topics will include chosen exactly to emphasize Advocacy and Lobbying, that this topic is not about However, regardless of the topic, genHIV/AIDS and IEC material women only. The aim is to der, culture, age or point of view, the production. By the end of reach equality in the society modern people of this world need good February, a training on and uplift whichever group is answers for their questions and good Gender Mainstreaming was marginalized or oppressed. arguments to be convinced. We can all carried out in Lira. The think for ourselves, and this is he most emphasis lay on the organi- Since the group was mixed important conclusion of the last workzations – how to ensure an in terms of gender, culture shop with CDRN and JPC Soroti. equal participation of all gen- and age, we could identify ders in all phases of the proj- many positive changes and ect and in the everyday developments over time in work? different places. But we also OUR ADDRESSES realized that there is still a Justice and Pecae Commission During the workshop several long way to go to achieve important issues came up. real equality. Gulu Archdiocese How can the feelings of P.O. Box 200 some men be tackled of Gender Mainstreaming is of GULU - UGANDA being recently more and course a difficult subject for Tel: +256-(0) 471-435 951 more excluded in develop- catholic organizations but it justice.peace.commission@gmail. ment projects? Are those was great to see how open com feelings justified? Is gender everyone was to discuss the

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