March Newsletter

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C HRONICLE Saint John's Lutheran Church 1065 Cove Rd, Accident MD 301-746-8466

Volume 13, Issue 2

The Pastor's Pen “Death to Life”

March 2009

One of my favorite aspects of the season of Lent is that it usually comes during the transition from the cold of winter to the warming air of spring. This year is no exception. As I write this newsletter article, the air is cold, but the sun is shining and pointing forward to warmer days ahead. Because of the time of the year during which Lent and Easter fall, the church has adopted many symbols from spring and summer to confess the joy of Easter Day. One of the most recognizable of these symbols in the Easter lily. Because they are flowers, lilies are a beautiful symbol of the renewing of creation in the Spring. Because they are white, lilies have often been associated with Christ's purity and holiness. This is also the reason that the church uses white as the color of Easter. Another beautiful Easter symbol is that of the butterfly. The butterly confesses Christ's death and resurrection by its life cycle. As you know, butterflies are not born the beautiful creatures that we see in the summer. They are born as

caterpillars and after eating their fill of leaves in the spring, they build a cocoon and slowly transform into the beautiful butterflies that we see later. This is a wonderful picture of what we confess about Christ during the seasons of Lent and Easter. Before our Lord's resurrection, He hid his glory in weakness and was willing even to suffer death on a cross. But after three days in the tomb, Jesus revealed Himself fully to be who He always was. Though certain sorts of miracles are rare before the resurrection (walking through crowds without being touched), after the resurrection Jesus no longer hides his glory from His disciples. We can even see something about Christ when we look at some of the nonChristian symbols that have arisen around the season of Easter.

The Easter bunny and Easter eggs probably had their origin as Pastor's Pen symbols of the fertility and Treasurer's Report new life that comes in spring. Both of these Studying Genesis symbols appear to have Where are the hymnals? been used in ancient Egypt. In the sense that the Easter Booking the Pavilion bunny is a symbol of new Monthly Puzzle life, even our furry friend cannot help but point to March Calendar Jesus' passing from death to

In This Issue

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life on Easter morning. All around us, the world is changing during this Lenten season. But there are a few things that we can always count on and that we know will never change. Christ has died once for all to win forgiveness for all your sins. The Father has shown His love to you in a way that absolutely cannot be taken back. He has sent His Son into your human flesh to suffer and die to atone for all of your sins. And so, even while we live for a time in a season of somber repentance, it is also in eager anticipation of the joy that will come during the season of Easter.

are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:32-39). Pr. Lehmann Special Services for the Season of Lent Wed., Mar. 4th, 7:30 p.m., St. John's

“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Wed., Mar 11th, 7:30 p.m., Zion

“Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died--more than that, who was raised--who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.

Wed., Mar 25th, 7:30 p.m., Zion

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we

Good Friday Tre Ore, Apr. 10th, 12:00 p.m., St. John's

Wed., Mar 18th, 7:30 p.m., St. John's

Wed., Apr. 1st,. 7:30 p.m., St. John's Maundy Thursday, Apr. 9th, 7:00 p.m., St. John's

Good Friday Chief Service, Apr. 10th, 7:00 p.m., St. John's

News from Saint John's in the Cove Treasurer's Report From February 1st through 24th Total Income Expenses Net Income

$ 5,095.73 $ 4,476.88 $ 619.05

Year to Date Total Income Total Expenses Total Deficit

$ 9,551.73 $ 10,011.86 $ 507.82

submitted by Tina Devine

Still a great time to book the pavilion! With spring on its way, now is a great time to think about booking the pavilion for a summer picnic or reunion. There are many open dates in 2009, so please think about having your gathering here. The kitchen, bathrooms, and play area provide all the convenience you need.

A small fee of $50 is asked which helps to pay for the mowing, paper products, etc.

The Genesis Bible Study continues!

Share this information with friends and neighbors—anyone may use the pavilion, but no alcohol is permitted on the grounds.

Our midweek study of the book of Genesis is continuing on Thursday nights at 7:00. We are currently meeting at Jim and Ruby Margroff's house so that we don't have to heat the church during the cold winter months.

To reserve a day at the pavilion, please call Ruby at 301-746-8514.

Where in the world did all the old hymnals go? A few months ago the council was asked if the remaining old hymnals could be donated to the Emmanuel Lutheran Church and Ministries in Hampton, VA. A few weeks ago the remaining hymnals were delivered. They have greatly appreciated the hymnals and are using them at the present time. A few people had to use the magnifying glass in order to see and are now using the large prints Hymnal and Liturgy books. They are very happy to have those books. The organist is quite happy to have the hymn accompaniment book. She had been using a hymnal. The members of the congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and Ministries want to give Saint John's a big, “Thank You” for the hymnals.

submitted by Karl and Ann Marie Oester

Midge has moved! Midge Baker has moved from home into Saint Vincent DePaul Nursing Center in Frostburg. If you would like to send her cards or notes, you may do so at the following address: Mildred Baker St. Vincent DePaul Nursing Center 48 Tarn Terrace Frostburg, MD 21532

During the months of January and February we studied creation, the fall into sin, Cain and Abel, and the genealogies up to the time of Noah. Come join us this month as we continue into the story of Noah and the flood, the promise of the rainbow, the tower of Babel, and the calling of Abraham. It is a joy to study the Word of God and find that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He continually makes promises of life and salvation to His people and provides them with all that they need.

Events for April and May As the spring comes, we have some wonderful opportunities ahead of us to get together and enjoy one another's company. Confirmation is fast approaching on May 17th. But there is no reason to wait that long! If you have ideas of activities that we could enjoy together as a congregation, please contact Pastor Lehmann with your ideas. Let's plan now to take advantage of the lovely weather that is headed our way!






74. Eskimo canoe

Genesis 6 (1) 6












21 24





30 33




















48 52




























John Kapteyn



Created by The Word Puzzles ( using Crossword Express (

ACROSS 1. Noah found ___ in the eyes of the Lord 6. Quick sharp bark 10. Greek god of love 14. Alert 15. Sewing case 16. Engrossed 17. Cup or chalice 18. First-class 19. Fencing sword 20. The ___ of the Lord 21. Crotchety 23. Wrath 24. Rowing implements 26. Taillike 28. A hundred and ___ 31. Great age 32. Electrically charged atom 33. Increase in size 36. Cupola 40. Method

42. Self-esteem 43. Comply 44. Otherwise 45. General tendencies 48. Single unit 49. Monetary unit of Angola 51. Greek god of the winds 53. Academic themes 56. Coloured 57. Weeding implement 58. Trouble 61. The thoughts of his heart was only ___ 65. Admirable 67. Heroic 68. To one side 69. Ireland 70. Underground part of a plant 71. Pale green mosslike lichen 72. Having eyes 73. Rectangular pier

DOWN 1. The ___ of the earth 2. Apart 3. Dell 4. Prayer 5. King 6. A hundred and .... ___ 7. School 8. Crescent-shaped figure 9. Perforated 10. Before 11. Swift 12. Musical drama 13. Refined iron 21. Large African antelope 22. Legendary emperor of China 25. Consumed 27. Untie 28. Evil all the ___ 29. Fleece 30. Finishes 31. Soon 34. Persian fairy 35. Period of human life 37. Ancient Greek coin 38. List from which to choose 39. Sight organs 41. Long fish 45. Small piece used in mosaic work 46. In those ___ 47. Perceive with the eyes 50. Rainy 52. Seaport in the S Ukraine 53. Noah had ___ sons 54. White with age 55. Strange and mysterious 56. Judicial rulings 59. Atop 60. Public disturbance 62. Resembling vines 63. Notion 64. Escaping fluid 66. Put an ___ to all people 68. Diving bird

Answers from last month: Across: 1. WOMAN, 6. CHAR, 10. ABBE, 14. IRATE, 15. ROBE, 16. PIRN, 17. FAGOT, 18. ASEA, 19. ERIN, 20. EDEN, 21. SWELLS, 23. TAU, 24. EVIL, 26. TISHRI, 28. CURSED, 31. HOST, 32. ORE, 33. TEMPER, 36. EAST, 40. ODDS, 42. ERA, 43. TWAS, 44. LUSH, 45. HOODED, 48. ETA, 49. AVOW, 51. WEEDER, 53. ARTHUR, 56. MEND, 57. DEW, 58. GRATIS, 61. IDOL, 65. OLIO, 67. ELAN, 68. USURY, 69. BAND, 70. NARC, 71. SONAR, 72. EYED, 73. TREE, 74. ANGLE \Down:

1. WIFE, 2. ORAD, 3. MAGE, 4. ATONES, 5. NET, 6. CRAWL, 7. HOSE, 8. ABEL, 9. REALTOR, 10. APE, 11. BIRTH, 12. BRIAR, 13. ENNUI, 21. SIDE, 22. SIS, 25. VET, 27. STET, 28. COOL, 29. URDU, 30. REDS, 31. HEAD, 34. MEOW, 35. PRO, 37. AWED, 38. SATE, 39. TSAR, 41. SHAH, 45. HORRENT, 46. EWES, 47. DEN, 50. VUG, 53. ADOBE, 54. RELAY, 55. TWINE, 56. MINCE, 59. ALAR, 60. TARE,

62. DUNG, 63. ORAL, 64. LYRE, 66. ODD, 68. USA

Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters!

He who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price... Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in the richest of fair! Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David. Isaiah 55:1-3

God comes to you each Sunday with His rich gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation! Come, be fed by the word of life that Jesus has for you! Receive the gifts He won for you on the cross! Divine Service:

Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

Bible Study:

Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Saint John's Lutheran Church 1065 Cove Road Accident, MD 21520


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