Journal Of Technical Education And Training Uthm

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  • Words: 1,025
  • Pages: 2
'CALLS FOR ARTICLES THE JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Dear Readers, I am honoured to introduce you to our new Journal of Technical Education and Training. Below are a brief introduction of the JTET and format of submission to for you to adopt in contributing your scholarly papers to our journal. Frequency of Publication. For the moment we only publish biannually (June and December)in printed hardcopy only. We do have plan to enhance our visibilty in electronic format in the future. For the forthcoming issue the theme is Lifelong Learning in TVET the closing date for article is on 15/09/2009 Introducing the Journal The Journal of Technical and Training (JTET) is a fully refereed journal produced half-yearly, every June and December by the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia for the international TVET community. At present our university is the recognised UNESCO-UNEVOC centre for the country. We hoped to expand our role to become a referral centre of excellence in TVET for the Asia Pacific region and this journal is part of the significant efforts towards achieving this vision. Currently, the Asia Pacific region is witnessing rapid development in almost every aspect of TVET. Hence we take a multi-disciplinary view of TVET works of both international and inter-professional perspectives. Presently, there is no fee to the contributors and we welcome scholarly articles in the form of position papers and academic analyses such as research reports and theoretical discussions, evaluation of policies and practices, and also professional experiences in TVET. All articles submitted are scrutinised through a rigorous and anonymous review process. We strive to benchmark the criteria of the Thomson ISI Index and hoped to be among the respected journals in the area of TVET. Specification for Manuscripts Contributors may submit a copy of manuscript through email to the Editorial Manager of the JTET to [email protected]. Manuscript should be in Microsoft Words for Windows and be typed on A4, upper and lower case, double spaced entirely, with 1–inch margins on all sides. The type size should be at least 12 point. Subheads should be at reasonable intervals to break the monotony or lengthy text. Words set in italics should be in italics, not underlined. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out at first mention unless they are well known to the readers. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page. Mathematical symbols and Greek letters should be clearly marked to indicate italics, boldface, superscripts and subscript. Abstract An abstract of not more than 200 words in one paragraph should be submitted. It should be a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, and is understandable without reference to the rest of the article. Keywords used in the article, preferably not more than five should be mentioned after the abstract. Author Identification The complete title of the article and the name of author(s) should be typed only on the first sheet to ensure anonymity in the review process. Subsequent pages should have no author names, but may carry a short title at the top. The first-named author or co-author who will be handling the correspondence with the editor, should submit a complete address and telephone number; fax number; E-mail addresses are also helpful. Style and format Article should be written, developed and organised. Grammar, spelling, capitalisation, punctuation, word-processing and proof reading must be accurate. The contributors are advised to follow the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), for referencing. The accuracy and completeness of all references is the responsibility of the author(s). A reference list should contain only

those references that are cited in the text. Reference notes referring to material that is not readily available to the public (e.g., reports of the limited circulation, unpublished works, personal communications, papers presented at meetings, technical reports, and works in progress) should include as much information as possible to make them retrievable. Tables, Figures and illustrations The purpose of tables and figures is to present data to the reader in clear and unambiguous manner. The author should not describe the data in the text in such detail that illustration or text is redundant. Figures and tables should be keyed to the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and attached at the end of the manuscript (after references). Tables will be typeset. Clear notes should be made at appropriate point of insertion in text. Professional Ethics- - References and quotations must be well documented. - Data and information should be reported truly. - Where necessary permissions from the publisher should be requested. - The writer should note that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Refereeing and Review Process After preliminary editorial review, articles for blind review will be sent to referees who have expertise in the subject. Authors/ contributors will be informed about the comments of the referees and will be required to revise the article accordingly, if necessary. Acceptance for publications Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are original material and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Further the article should not have been published earlier in the whole or in part in any other journal. Articles included in JTET may not necessarily represent the views of the Editorial Board and the publisher. Therefore, the editors and the publisher assume no responsibility for the view expressed by the author(s) in this and subsequent issues of the journal. Copyright Copyright is vested in JTET. Articles should not be reproduced whole or in part without written permission of the JTET. Acknowledgement As the success of JTET depends largely on the contribution of all parties, I wish to acknowledge with gratitude to the continuity, collegiality, and excellence cooperation of all present and future contributors and readers for making the journal a success. I also welcomed all TVET communities to continue in support for this journal. Thank you. Please send your contribution to: MOHD NOOR BIN HASHIM Faculty of Technical Education and Training Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Locked Bag 101 86400 Parit Raja Batu Pahat Johor Malaysia. Telephone: +6-07-4538227 (Direct Office Desk) +6-07-0197506223 (mobile) EMAIL: [email protected] 29th. May 2009.

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