Jihadi Terror In Tn

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  • Pages: 16

"80% of the population is Hindu, while 80% of all trading is in the hands of Muslims in Thenkasi."

I board at the new bus terminus in Thirunelveli. After finding a seat in a bus to Thenkasi, I ask for two tickets to Thenkasi, the bus conductor stares at us steadily for a minute. The bus is full, yet a deathly quiet hovers in the bus. The bus starts, picks up speed, on both sides of the road our eyes feast upon lush, green fields. Yet, one just finds fear in the eyes of the bus passengers. A cool breeze from the fabled Podhigai hills wafts through the bus comforting us, and yet all we can feel is a grim wretchedness.

On the 14th of August, three members of one family in Thenkasi were violently hacked to death. That the people of Thenkasi are yet to recover from this horror, is evident even at the start of our bus trip from Thirunelveli to Thenkasi. On arrival at Thenkasi, as we walk a few yards into the town from the bus stop, we pass the ancient Kulasekara Nathar Temple on the road. Thenkasi, a small town, population: 75,000, functions as a very busy hub. On a normal day thousands of people pass through the town from the neighboring villages. But now it looks empty like a small village, with very few people on the streets. All shops are open but no shoppers to be seen, and no business takes place; the bazaar looks deserted. All around town one sees shiny large ads for Haji Mustafa's textile and jewelry shops. Even on the mounds and public announcement posters of the traffic police, Haji Mustafa's ads are more prominent. Hindus of Thenkasi accuse the owner of Haji Mustafa shops of financing Muslim Terrorists. But the police are thick with the owners of Haji Mustafa shops. Haji Mustafa textile shop has heavy police protection now.

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Thenkasi Municipality has 35 wards. In 8 of these wards Muslims are the sole residents. Muslims are well distributed even in other wards. In the town, Muslims are about 20% of the population but 80% of the town's business is in their hands. In grocery stores, textiles, medical, electrical, electronics shops, hotels, and vegetable shops, everywhere Muslims dominate. Most of the Hindus are either day laborers or wrap beedis for living. We find women labourers wrapping beedis all around the Town of Thenkasi. Even in agriculture Hindus are few in number. There are about 15,000 to 20,000 Muslims in town. There are more than 50 Islamic institutions such as Arabic school, madrassa, prayer centres, mosque, and dharga. Whichever direction one turns there will be a madrassa or a mosque or an Arabic school. The very structure of the town shows that it is an ancient town. 15 days after the horrible murders of the 14th August, all streets in the town have police on them. Wherever Muslims reside exclusively the police are on guard in full strength.

V.T.S. Rahman Batcha, a prominent industrialist and business owner in town, who is accused as the mastermind behind the murders of Kumar Pandian and his brothers, is said to be absconding according to the police. His house and shops are under full police protection. Police say that they are on the look out for him. But auto drivers and some people in town told us that Rahman Batcha is seen going for a walk everyday. We visited the site where Muslims are trying to build a prayer centre. It is about 100 meters away on a street that is directly opposite Kasi Viswanathar temple. On the disputed site, there is a hotel by name Ananda Bhavan. It is owned by a Muslim. We inquired in the street about it. 'During the Karthikai Deepam festival there used to be a bonfire in this site. Before Muslims tried to build the prayer centre, there was a government run primary school here. Later there was an Ice factory, after which a public toilet came about, say the people on the street. The people in Thenkasi say that since Muslims have money power and political influence, they dominate everything.

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King Parakrama Pandian built the famous Kasi Viswanathar temple in Thenkasi. All the shops opposite the temple are owned by Muslims. Muslims have tried many times to encroach upon a mantap opposite the temple that was built for worshippers' resting. They have not given up on that and are still trying, say some old men. Auto drivers tell us that the Muslim writ runs in the town. We inquired on what grounds they say this. "V.T.S. Rahman is funding the terrorists, everybody knows this. But the R.T.O office is on a site owned by him. In the evening, youths from many organizations like TMMK (Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetrak Kazhagam), Tawhid Jamaat, Najjaat, MNP (Manitha Needhip Paasarai -a muslim front organization ostensibly standing for social justice and human rights) and Muslim Auto drivers assemble in the R.T.O office. That is where many things are plotted' they say. TMMK, Tawhid Jamaat, Najjat and MNP, all religious fundamentalist organizations, each of them has their own auto stands. In these stands Hindu auto drivers can't park their vehicles, whereas Muslim auto drivers routinely park their vehicles in auto stands in Hindu areas. In Thenkasi, Muslims do not board Hindu owned autos, they check first to see if the auto is Muslim owned. Hindus don't have any such discriminating view, they travel in any and all autos. TMMK runs an Ambulance service in Thenkasi. Even ordinary folks say that these ambulances smuggle arms. But even on the day of

the murders (August 14th) police permitted the TMMK ambulances to operate freely. A common view found even among ordinary people like women who wrap Beedis is that whoever is posted as a Police official in Thenkasi, they favor the Muslims, which is why the present situation has arisen. Senthil, brother of Kumar Pandian, who was hacked to death by Muslims, was struggling for life when TMMK ambulance picked him up and took him along for a few meters. The minute they realized who it was, they threw the body down on the street and drove away. Many members of the public saw this incident. After 14th august, there was a peace meeting. The Meeting was held to discuss the resolution to the dispute arising out of encroachment and prayer centre construction attempted by Muslims on the temple land which led to the murders of Hindus. But at the end of the meeting a Muslim gentleman got up and said sarcastically, 'You are all assembled here. If we all work together, we can finish building the prayer centre (Palli vasal in Tamil)'. That he said this in the presence of high police officials shocked the assembled Hindus. But the police officials looked on with no reaction whatever. D.S.P of Thenkasi, Mr. Mayilvahanan, has banned customary events like dances, songs, puppetry, Oyilattam in all the temple festivals in and areas around Thenkasi. But all Muslim festivals are being permitted freely. That is a claim of made openly by the public in Thenkasi. In sum, since the police and the state in Tamil Nadu are acting blatantly in favor of

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Muslims, the Hindus in Thenkasi are feeling like orphans adrift. Kutralam hills may be providing a cool climate in town, the Podhigai breeze may be dancing through the town of Thenkasi,

but the Hindus of Thenkasi are all incensed due to the Muslim extremist activities that go unchecked in the area.

Demands of Thenkasi Hindus! Institute a C.B.I inquiry on Kumar Pandian's murder Prohibit the building of Islamic prayer centre on the Temple land Monitor Muslim terrorist organizations in Thenkasi and ban them Police should stop charging innocent Hindu youth with imaginary offenses. Release all Hindu youths who were taken into custody after August 14th. • Prohibit the function to be organized on December 6th • Government should offer jobs to the widows of Kumara Pandian and his brothers who were murdered by Muslim terrorists. All educational expenses of the children of these killed youth should be borne by the State which caused the deaths by neglecting its duty to the people. • • • •

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Religious convert becomes a murderer Pudhuvai Saravanan

Abdullah is one of the Muslim terrorists who killed Kumar Pandian. He was recently converted from Hinduism into Islam. Neduvayal Achanputhur is a small town, 8 kilometers from Thenkasi, and it is here Karuppaia Pillai, his father lives. Abdullah was formerly Murugesan, one of the four sons of the couple Karuppaia Pillai and Maariammal. Muslims are in considerable numbers in Achanputhur. There is a big mosque in this town. For the first time the town Panchayat has a Muslim president, M. Ayub. We met Karuppaia Pillai in his house at Achanputhur. He runs a small grocery shop. It is a family in humble conditions. When we visit them, Karuppaia Pillai’s married daughter is home. Murugesan got converted just four years ago. 'When I heard that my son converted to Islam, I went to Kutralam, shaved my head and did all the last rites one performs for dead people. When people ask me about my son, I tell them that he died. My wife Maariammal, who was in good health, fell ill suddenly and died, soon after she heard

that my son converted agonizes Karuppaiah Pillai.



His daughter weeps inconsolably as she talks. "My brother was a good man earlier. After he started interacting with Muslims his behavior changed. Muslims converted him and have now made him a murderer'. 'It is his friendship with Muslims that has destroyed us' asserts Karuppaia Pillai. He is in poor health now. He has trouble in getting up or standing. Religious conversion can so easily destroy a family and a community. This family's agonies are a clear example of such destructive results. Karuppaia Pillai declined to be photographed. But we took some pictures of the town, as can be seen on this page. Those intellectuals who dismiss religious conversion as a problem will do better to look at such incidents again and judge the ill-effects. This is a lesson in impending disaster all across the country in the coming decades as Islamists pursue their deadly agenda of destruction of Hindu society by resorting to conversions.

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KUMARA PANDIAN’S FAMILY Gomathi (26), wife of Senthil, the third brother killed. Then we see their children Hariharan (13), Bhuvaneswari (11), Thangarani (9), Swarnabala (9), Azagu Dwaraka (4), Prabhakaran (1 3/4), Swathika (2 1/2) and Muthuram (8 months).

A pall of deathly quiet hangs over Thenkasi, as we visit Kumara Pandian’s family that lost four of its young men to Islamic terrorism, to find out how they are coping with their tragic losses. His family lives in Thenkasi Malyan Street. There is police security on the street corner and in front of the Subramanya swami temple that is nearby. The entire street is eerily silent. As we walk on the street, scared faces pop up in several houses along the street. We feel a sadness welling in our hearts as we get into Kumara Pandian’s house. We meet his brother Ravi Pandian, mother Azagammal, and wife Jeyanthi (age 37). We meet Malathi (35) wife of Sekar, another brother killed; Kokila (24) wife of Suresh, a second brother killed, and

The fear and the grief on their faces brought tears to our eyes. Their grief is even more intense now, since Kumara Pandian's brother Sakthi Pandian is in the custody of the Police. The family has lost faith in the judicial system, since Sakthi Pandian had been under police guard twenty four hours a day for a while now, yet he was arrested in a murder case. Ravi Pandian, another surviving brother of Kumara Pandian, spoke with us. When we raise a point, "the police say that your brothers attacked first", he replies, "In all of history you won’t find any instance where the Hindus attacked first. It is always the Muslims who begin attacks. That is

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what happened on this August 14th massacre too." His eyes reflect an overwhelming sadness at the loss of four brothers to a gruesome massacre.

they are conducting a false propaganda, labeling this conflict as a feud between two families. Kumara Pandian was killed specifically for two reasons. First, he opposed building the mosque on temple land; Second, he was working on buying an ambulance on behalf of the Hindu Munnani (Hindu Front). After he was killed, my other brother Sakthi Pandian took over the leadership of Thenkasi town's Hindu Munnani. That is the reason for these recent massacres. This is not a family feud. These are murders entirely for religious reasons." said Ravi Pandian, trying hard to control his sobs as he spoke.

"You have lost four of your brothers due to this problem. What can be the solution in your opinion?" We ask. He replies, "Building a Mosque on the temple land should be banned. In that place, currently Muslims are performing namaz. That should be stopped. 100 meters away from this site under dispute, V. T. S. Rahman Batcha has his own land. Why don’t they build a mosque there?" The murders of Kumara Pandian and his brothers have made their 8 children fatherless children. Of these, five are girls. They study in government run schools. When Kumara Pandian was killed on 17th December, 2006, his wife Jeyanthi was near term pregnant. Now she has an infant son, Muthuram, who is 8 months old. "After this massacre, the police are trying to prevent any awareness of the problem arise among Hindus or Thevar solidarity arise around this. So

Kumara Pandian, Suresh, Sekar and Senthil were the pillars of the family. Now that all the four are killed,

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the family is utterly devastated. There

are four women with no source of support, all widowed at the same time living under one roof, and 8 children who all lost their fathers in one fell swoop. How does such evil happen? How do we find ways to console them? In what language can we find words to bring any solace to them?

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“MUSLIMS DO NOT LOVE THIS LAND” An interview with Sorna Thevar Pudhuvai Saravanan, Rajendran

Sorna Thevar is a father who lost four of his sons to Islamic terrorists. We met him at his home in Thenkasi for ‘Vijayabaharatham’. He had an eye operation few days before the massacre of his sons. Weeping over his three sons’ hacked bodies worsened his eyes, and he had to get another surgery done on his eyes. He had just returned from the Hospital. What follows here is from our meeting. What happened that day (14(14-08082007)?

On 14-08-07, my son Senthil was traveling in a car, when a group of Islamic murderers waylaid the car and attacked him with weapons. When news reached us, my other sons Suresh and Sekar rushed there to save their younger brother. Islamic terrorists, who were more than ten in number, hacked all my three my sons to death and escaped.

What is the main reason for these horrible murders? My son (Kumara Pandian) was town leader for Hindu Munnani. He had been opposing the building of mosque on a plot of land that belongs to Kasi Viswanathar temple. On December 6th, Muslims posted a big banner near the temple and were causing a lot of trouble. My son opposed this as well. Enraged Muslims hacked my son Kumara Pandian to death on 17-122006. Abdulla and Hanifa, who were arrested for killing my son, were released on bail recently. A few months after Kumara Pandian was killed, Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetrak Kazhagam's Thirunelveli district leader Maitheen Seit Khan was killed by some unidentified people. Police said it was due to intra Muslim rivalry. But after few days, they arrested my younger son Senthil for that. Senthil recently got the bail. Abdullah and Hanifa who were arrested for Kumara Pandian

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murder case and Senthil who was arrested in Maitheen Seit Khan Murder case were ordered to sign in everyday at Thenkasi women's police station. Abdulla and Hanifa always come to Police station with weapons. Police detected the weapons, but let them off with no action taken. My sons were killed at this juncture. Police say that the family feud is behind this massacre? That is a blatant lie. There is no family feud between our family and Muslims. I have been in congress party from my childhood. I had been the town leader of the Congress party. Even now, I hold the post of vice president in Thirunelveli west district congress committee. I have many Muslim friends due to this. My sons were killed since they opposed building a mosque on the temple land. This is the truth.

Pandian were came out on bail, Muslims held Briyani feasts for them. To provoke and anger the Hindus, Muslims here celebrated terrorists coming out on bail like a festival. Don’t the newspapers say that your sons attacked attacked first? On the side of Muslims 3 people have lost the life and seven people are wounded. On the side of the Hindus, only my three sons were murdered. If my sons have planned this, would they go alone? Muslims have planned this attack. How is it possible for 10 people to assemble with lot of arms and weapons at the same time on the same day, without pre-planning? It is a clear planned attempt to target and destroy my family members.

Kumara Pandian opposed building a mosque on the temple land. Did your other sons oppose that as well? Kumara Pandian was leader of the town’s Hindu Munnani. After he was killed, my other son Sakthi Pandian became the leader of town Hindu Munnani. This massacre is done by those Muslims who are enraged by this. Those Muslims who killed Kumara Pandian have vowed in front of police high officials, ‘we will come out on bail and kill more people.” This was witnessed by many people among the public. So, this massacre happened for religious reasons. When the terrorists who killed Kumara

What is the reason to target your family? My son Kumar Pandian had opposed the building a mosque on the temple land. After he was killed, my other son Sakthi Pandian took up the responsibility as the leader of Hindu Munnani. These are the main two reasons for this massacre. It is not the first time that Thenkasi Muslims have resorted to violence and killing. From

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1925 onwards, Muslims are causing problems. I stopped the Moharrum festival that was used to target and insult Hindus. (Sorna Thevar had listed the killings and riots that were done by Muslims since 1925 in Thenkasi. That is to be published as a separate piece) Did the mosque exist in the controversial land already? Some newspapers have reported that the mosque exists already and the controversy is due to the expansion of the mosque. This is not true. The land on which Muslims are trying to build the mosque belongs to Kasi Viswanathar Temple. There are enough proofs regarding this. I know that a government school operated from that place. Those who studied in that school and who taught in that school are still around. After the school got its own building, it shifted. Then a Muslim took a lease of that land to run an ice factory. Since then Muslims have used that place as a urinal. For many years, that place was used as a urinal for Muslims of Thenkasi bazaar. This is known to everyone here. Suddenly one day, they put up a board that said "Thenkasi bazaar mosque" and started doing namaaz in the same place where they had a urinal for all these years. No one opposed? It is true that the Hindus turned a blind eye to this. Encouraged by this, Muslims approached the Thirunelveli district collector then, one Mr. Dhanavel, and asked for permission to start a mosque there. He promised approval if the Thenkasi Township passed a resolution approving this.

Using their money power, the got the resolution passed in the Township. Collector Dhanavel also approved the building of mosque there. Immediately, the Muslims became ready to start building the mosque. Bricks, sand and other stuff started coming there. It is at that time, my son Kumara Pandian gathered the Hindus in the town and started Satyagraha and fasting to stop the building of the mosque. As the opposition grew, the mosque building stopped. This happened during the DMK rule. Then ADMK came to power. Collector was changed. The new Collector temporarily banned the building of mosque as there is lot of opposition to that. For few years, the Muslims kept their peace. When DMK came to power in 2006, the Muslims started building the mosque again. Again my son opposed this. Hence they hacked my son to death. Whenever DMK is in power, Muslims start the trouble and achieve whatever they want. Your son Sakthi Pandian has been arrested... arrested... After Kumara Pandian was killed, Sakthi Pandian took over the leadership of Hindu Munnani with courage. Sakthi Pandian already has police protection. There is a policeman with him 24 hours. Even then, they arrested him in this case. When we questioned this action, the police say we have to arrest him since the Muslims have filed a complaint against him. A week before Kumara Pandian was killed, Thenkasi Industrialist V T S Rahman Batch's brother had come to

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Kumara Pandian's house. He had enticed him, "Don’t oppose building a mosque. We will give you 12 Lakhs if you drop your opposition. After the mosque is built, we would give you a shop in that building that will remain rent free for your entire life". My son Kumara Pandian’s firm reply was, "Suppose I withdraw my objection to the mosque, after taking your money. You could finish the mosque. But, some day Hindus would demolish that mosque, may be even after 100 years. Just like Babar’s building that was built over the Ram Temple was destroyed after hundreds of years, Thenkasi Mosque too would be demolished. If that happens, Thenkasi would witness huge riots. If Thenkasi is to remain peaceful, I can’t permit the mosque to be built here". Within a month after this, my son Kumara Pandian was killed. That is why we filed a complaint against V T S Rahman Batcha, as we know that these murders can’t have taken place without his knowledge. The same police which did not act on our complaints against V T S Rahman Batcha, jumped up with alacrity and arrested my son Sakthi Pandian immediately, when Muslims filed a complaint against my son. This clearly shows the police acting at the behest of the Muslims. Do you say that VTS Rahman batcha is connected to the people who killed your son? 20 years back, this VTS Rahman Batcha was working for Gani & Co grocery shop in Thenkasi, for 800 rupees salary per month. His father had a small shop selling fruits and

vegetables. While he was working for 800 rupees per month salary, he built a huge bungalow and invited his employer for the house warming party. Immediately looking at the huge bungalow of VTS Rahman Batcha, his boss terminated his employment. Then Rahman Batcha started his own grocery shop. It is said that Rahman Batcha who is running an ordinary grocery shop owns several crores worth property. He has been accused of involved in Hawala. VTS Rahman Batcha's money is funneled into Islamic terrorist activities. So we complained to police asking for his arrest. He and his brother have repeatedly threatened Kumara Pandian many times. So, it is impossible that he is not related to the murder of my son. Even though a case has been filed against Rahman Batcha, police have not arrested him. There was a report that you staged a demonstration against the police. After my three sons were killed, police high officials came to talk to me. We refused to take the bodies of my three sons. Then we took the bodies directly from the hospital to the cremation ground only for maintaining peace in Thenkasi. We did not want to be a cause for riots in Thenkasi. I could have brought the bodies which were dumped in sacks to Thenkasi town. Had I done that, Thenkasi would have burned. For the sake of peace, we cooperated with the police. was

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But soon after the cremation finished, police had started

showing their true colors. They started to arrest innocent Hindus on murder cases. Police, who came to Malyan Street where our house is situated, started harassing the women and girls. To stop these atrocities, along with about 50 women, we went to Subramanyar Temple in our street and staged a protest against police atrocities. Night time raids by police stopped only after this protest. An unimaginable horror has happened. What is the solution for this? I am a Gandhian. I suffered beatings for freedom at the age of 6. I am getting beaten even today for that. We want peace. But I don't see an end to these massacres. Muslims do not love this land. If they do love this land, would they kill so many people for a mosque? If mosque is an issue, would not a solution be arrived, if the Hindus give up the opposition? The place where the Muslims want to build the mosque belongs to the centuries old Kasi Viswanathar Temple. That place is directly in front of the Ambaal sannathi. It is just 100 meters from there. In this place, the Hindus build a bonfire. When the Ambal chariot comes around, it is at this place, Ambal would grace the population. If the mosque is opened there, nothing would be allowed there. Muslims would ask Hindus to stop the celebratory music and playing drums in front of the mosque. If the mosque is built, the peace in Thenkasi would have to be written off. Would they

allow building a Ganapathi temple directly in front of a mosque or madrassa? You claim to have been a leader of Thenkasi Congress party. Even today you are the vice president of the Thirunelveli Thirunelveli (west district) congress party. Did any congress leaders console you as you have lost four of your sons?

No. For the Congress party, Muslim votes are more important. Maideen Khan who is a minister in the DMK government now, had come to Thenkasi to meet and console the Muslims who were injured. But he did not come to meet us. Maideen khan had met in Palayamkottai jail the murderers of my sons under the pretext of inspecting the Jail. It is said that Maideen Khan had helped surreptitiously those Muslims who were affected by these incidents. What is the state of your mind now? We are scared. We are very afraid that they will kill the remaining family members.

Interviewers: PudvaiSaravanan, Rajendran

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Tragedies from 1925 Pudhuvai Saravanan

News about the massacres in Thenkasi has always been one sided reports so far. Asst. D.G.P Vijayakumar, D.I.G. Kannappan, S.P. Sridhar and other police personnel are issuing statements to the effect that the massacres were due to ‘rivalry between two families’. Media builds these statements up and publicizes them. Truth is just the opposite. All these have nothing to do with family rivalry or quarrels. Kumara Pandian, a leader of Hindu Munnani in Thenkasi town, was struggling sincerely to raise the consciousness of Hindus in Thenkasi, and that is why he was hacked to death on 17-12-2006 at 10 p.m. in the town. It is not for the first time a Hindu representative has sacrificed his life for the cause of Hindus in this town. Since 1925 there have been planned attacks against Hindus in the area, and these massacres are just a continuum of these planned attacks. We present below a compilation of such events.

• In 1925, during the British rule, Muslims of the area petitioned the district collector to grant them Patta for the land in an area called Vandipettai, which was all around the Teppak kulam (Temple Pond) of Kasi Viswanathar temple. The father of Mr. Venkatramanan, an MLA of Thenkasi during later years, vehemently opposed this attempt to grab the temple lands. The British collector visited the place in person to check the truth of the matter. Muslims had occupied the plot overnight and were putting on a show of cooking food in that plot. They approached the Collector and pleaded, ‘We have lived here for many years’ which were of course a bundle of lies. Venkatramanan’s father who was present protested and argued, ‘These people occupied this plot just last night. Inspect their utensils. They are brand new and shiny. If these people are living here for a long time won’t their utensils look like used utensils? They are plotting to deceive you by occupying this plot en masse’. The Collector saw through the game of Muslims and refused to grant Patta to them. • During 1952, Hindus of the area protested sharply against permitting Mohurrum processions being permitted to pass through the Aluppu mandapam (a building where pilgrims and worshippers at the temple rest) that belonged to Kasi Viswanathar Temple. One, Kozhumbu Sankaran Pillai who

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protested this permission vehemently, had to run away from the town in a hurry, because Muslims were out to kill him in their murderous rage.

• Muslims used to celebrate Milad-e-Nabi in an area near the temple Flagstaff which was placed near a bridge over a canal (Vaaykkaal Palam). During 1972 they grabbed a plot near the above mentioned Aluppu Mandapam, where the deity of Kasi Viswanathar temple used to be displayed on festival days for the public view, and named it as ‘Hameedia Thidal’ (Hameedia Maidan) and celebrated Milad-e-Nabi there. Hindus of the area decided to break this practice and land grab, and installed a Vinayaka statue in this plot and started worshipping. Muslims set fire to the thatched roof over the Vinayaka statue. There was a big riot in town. A case was filed against Hindus for this. • In order to oppose the Hindus, Muslims claimed that a Maulvi was interned on a spot near the Flagstaff (of the temple) and raised a shed there, in preparation for construction

of a Mosque there. This plot of land belonged to the Municipality of Thenkasi, where an earlier Chief Minister, Kamaraj Nadar, had laid a foundation stone for a water tank for providing drinking water. So there was meeting for compromise. Muslims said if Hindus removed the Vinayaka statue, they will not construct a mosque. Authorities agreed to this compromise. Muslims won this round by staging this drama, and the Vinayaka statue was removed. But no water tank was built in that plot till date. Now Muslims claim that the Wakf board owns the plot, and are trying to build a mosque there. • During 1980, Muslims staged a mass conversion at Meenakshipuram near Thenkasi, which shook the nation and made it sit up and take notice. • During 1982, Ramagopalan presided over a big meeting of Hindu Munnani in Thenkasi. Police filed false cases against Hindus who participated in this meeting causing them a lot of hassle over many years. • Till about 20 years ago, Muslims used to conduct an event in which they used to mock Hindus, during the Mohurrum festival times. In 1986 when the Mohurrum procession came along the South street, Muslims hurled chappals and stones at Thyagi Ramanatha Iyer, and the then Thenkasi M.L.A. Venkatramanan and attacked them. Sorna Thevar, father of Kumara Pandian, was one person who stood against such hooliganism of Muslims and fought against such anti-Hindu

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festivities. Mohurrum festivities were stopped after this incident. The people of Thenkasi now believe that it is in revenge for this stopping of Mohurrum that Kumara Pandian and his brothers were killed. • During 1987, Bharathi Subramaniam, a leader of Hindu Munnani was stabbed on the day of Bakrid. It was around 6 p.m. when he was stabbed. Those who arranged this stabbing are big industrialists today, and they went unpunished.

RSS Meeting, asking them not to sport Kumkum on their forehead • Some 30 years back, Thenkasi Amman temple conducted Thavasi festival. At that time, the Muslim baloon vendors insulted the Hindu women using obscene words. This resulted in riots. While Thenkasi's real history is like this, the police are spreading the canard that this massacre is really a result of a family feud. Since the police are hiding the truth and acting at the behest of the Islamic terrorists, the Hindus are forced to live in fear.

This was published in Vijaya Bharatham Tamil magazine 21-9-2007 . Translated pages from 8 to 19.

• Muslims have been trying to grab this plot of land where during the Karthikai festivals the deity will stay for a while for public viewing. On 27-12-1990, even though a large number (majority) of Town council members opposed it, a resolution to build a mosque in this plot of land was declared passed. There was a hunger strike against it, and cases were filed against Hindus who participated in the hunger strike. The cases went on for many years. • On 14-12-2001, Muslims attacked the people returning from an Page 16 of 16

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