Jesus Youth Yuva Jyothi

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 7
Yuvajyothi ! ! ! !

Jesus Youth Orientation 12 hour introduction to Jesus Youth life style. Everyday 1-1½ hrs for a fixed group. Don’t allow newcomers after the second day. Optimum gp is 15-50. This is for young people and their animators who have had a God experience. This is a team work. Have a common master of ceremonies (MC) for the whole12 days, but change the input person. For inputs don’t bring impressive speakers, but people who have enough experience and maturity in Jesus Youth life style and are proved witnesses in their own respective life situations or parishes.

Orientation Ice breaking ‘be relaxed in this group’ get to know your friends – an introduction to the Program – goals, the 4 parts of the daily pgm – lead the gp to a commitment for these days

Prayer Session Begin a joyful awareness journey – Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:13).

Input outline Today’s world – time of great hope as well as despair – troubled face of youth 2Ti 3:1-9 Jesus Youth: a joyful contradiction to the degeneration around Know the Living God and be filled with a sense of mission

Group Reflection When Jesus saw the troubled crowds, His heart went out to them (Mt. 9.36). My heart goes out to . . . . (Share your concerns in the small group)

Home Work To read: Eccle: 11:9 – 12:3 To do: Write down “What I want to receive from this program”; Pray for perseverance to participate and grow towards the maturity that Jesus is offering me now.

Time Structure Part I: MY LIFE IN THE TRINITY

Father’s Love Be Healed in His love. Make praise a practice in your life

Prayer Session Introduce free praise Heb: 13:15

Prayer: 10 – 15 Mnts Welcome and intro 2 songs: 1 old 1 new Introduce a style Short prayer Input : 35 – 40 mts Introduction 5 mts Vision part 15 mts Skill part 10 mts Conclusion 5 mts Buzz Session: 5 mnts In gps of 3 or 4 Conclusion: 5 mnts Brief thanks Home work Short prayer

Input outline Father loves me – A christian is one who is constantly aware of the fathers love and experience His healing touch. Jn 3:16 – an unconditional, unfailing Ex 15:13 Unique - Is 46: 3,4 your have been carried from birth; Ps 139; 1Pet5:7 Praise, a life style A constant attitude of praise is our response 1Thes 5:16-19

Group Reflection Share briefly “A touch I received from the Lord”

Home Work Read: Is. 49:14,15; 1Jn.3:1 To do: Discover and list some of the blessings in my life

I belong to Jesus He is Lord, Jesus and Christ and he makes my life different. Read the Word daily.

Prayer Session Introduce Shared Prayer Eph 5:19, 20; Phil 4:6

Input outline Jesus is Lord Make Jesus the Lord of my life and all that I have. Jn. 14: 6; Ro.10: 9, 10; Acts 4:10, 12; Phil 2:9; 1Jn 4:14,15 Daily Word Have love for His Word. 2Ti 3:14-17; Heb 4:12 How to read the word daily.

Called to a Holy Living Repent! Make once a month Confession a habit.

Prayer Session Introduce Praying in Tongues 1 Cor.14: 2, 4, 5, 14; Ro. 8: 26

Input outline Be holy, Repent – I am called to be holy. Lev. 11:44; 20:26; 1Pet 2:9,10; Ro. 3: 23; 6:21-23; 8:12-17 Confess –a steady plan for growing holiness Mk 2:7; 1Jn 1:9

Group Reflection Share “One area in my life where I want the grace of the Holy Spirit to experience deep change”

Home Work Read: Lk 15: 11-32; Ps. 51 Confession Ps. 32 To do: Say sorry to someone for some of your wrongdoing ; Make a confession

The Holy Spirit My Guide Receive the Spirit. Daily time of Personal Prayer.

Prayer Session Introduce Listening to the Lord Is 51:1,4,5;

Input outline Holy Spirit: I am weak. Receive God’s Spirit everyday and be a youth alive with His life. Lk 24:49; Acts 1:8; Jn 14: 16, 26; 7:37; Lk 11: 9,13 Personal Prayer: A daily time to be filled with the Holy Spirit and renew my life in Christ. Mk. 1:35; Is 30:15; 50:4;

Group Reflection Share: How do I make my personal prayer?

Home Work To read: Spirit Ro 8 Prayer – Mt 6:5-23 To do: Take 30 minutes to look at something in nature, reflect, pray and allow the Lord to reveal his presence in the creation

I am His Disciple Follow Him carrying my cross daily and loving as He commanded. Make forgiveness a habit.

Prayer Session Introduce Silence Ps 46:10; 62:1

Input outline Suffering: A mature way of being Christ’s disciple is to carry the cross of suffering as we love and evangelise and as part of the redemptive work of Christ Mk 8:34-38; 1Pet 2:19,24; 4:1,12-14 Forgiveness: practice this best characteristic of a disciple Lk 6:27,28; Mt 6:14; Eph 4:26,30-32

Group Reflection Share: What is the ‘cross’ that God has given me in my life?

Home Work To read: Lk 23

To do: Make a list of people I have to forgive and make an act of forgiveness and pray for them

Part II: JESUS YOUTH IS A MISSIONARY I am Called and Set-apart The grace of baptism and reliving it in my life and in Church. The Holy Communion my daily sustenance.

Prayer Session Variety in the Body of Christ – do your unique role – be led by the Spirit and contribute Ro 12:4-8

Input outline My Call: Be convinced of my call and be sure of the abundant grace of Baptism Jn 3:3-8; Col 2:10-14; Eph 1:11,12; 4:1-6; Phil 2:12,13 Holy Communion: Strengthen this life as often as possible 1Cor 10:16-18; 11:23-31; Jn 6:5358

Group Reflection Share: Someone I know, who is sure of his call by the Lord and makes a difference

Home Work To read: Jer 1:4-10 To do: Read the life of a saint and share the inspiration with someone

Be Committed to the Lord of the Harvest Have a concern for the needy. Make intercession a habit.

Prayer Session Introduce group intercession Mt 9: 37,38

Input outline Concern: beginning of being human and having the attitude of Christ Lk 19:10, 19-31; 1Jn 3:17; Intercession: The first Christian response to suffering around Ro 8:34; 1Ti2:1-3 – daily plan

Group Reflection ‘A change comes when someone begins interceding’ – Share your own experience

Home Work To read: Gen 18; Num 14:1-20

Friendship in the Lord Christian fellowship. Devotion to Mary and the Saints. Be part of a Jesus Youth Cell.

Prayer Session Introduce worship Rev 4:6-11

Input outline Fellowship: Become aware and be alive in Christ’s Body AA2:42 Jn 13:34,35: 1Pet 2:4,5,9,10; Col 3:9-17 Saints: The eternal fellowship. My perfect models and friends, talk to them Jn 19:27; Eph 4:11,12; Ro 13:7 Cell: A group of 5-10 – meet regularly to share, to support one another to grow with the Lord and to help each one in the task of evangelisation

Group Reflection Form a cell and fix a contact person, a time and place for meeting

Home Work To read: Heb 10:19-25 To do: Have a lively session of the rosary with a small group of friends

Building a Christian Culture Jesus youth Movement and Net-working. Introduce Jeevajwala. Be active in the prayer Group.

Prayer Session Have an experience of a brief session of praise and worship mixing difference elements 1Cor 14:26-33

Input outline Jesus Youth: Get to know the essence of the movement 2Ti 2:20-26 Be part of the Net-work: What are the different possibilities? Personally being active and working in unity. Where can I belong and do good.

Group Reflection Share: My plans to be an active Jesus Youth. What is my personal plan? What will I do to be part of the large Jesus Youth world?

Home Work To read: Ro 12:1-13 To do: In your cell prepare something (a poster, Collage, small skit, music with actions, etc.) to present youth world in need of the Lord

I am sent into the World. Evangelisation – being Christ’s presence in the World. Be a Jesus Youth initiator.

Prayer Session Introduce Jesus Youth Liturgy – prepared earlier with short songs, Psalms, traditional prayers and directed intercessions interspersed with free praise, tongues and silence.

Input outline Be Christ’s presence: I have to be a witness Acts 1:8. My life and interaction should be a “joyful contradiction” making others reflect about life in Christ. A pleasing presence, be an accessible personality, be an encouraging person, discerning good in everything and in everyone. Phil 4:8 Is 52: 7 (How beautiful upon the mountains) Be an Initiator: Jesus Youth – a faithful and wise steward Lk 12:42-49; faithful over a little Mt. 25: 14-30 Being an initiator is to be an active Christian wherever I am. How can I be an initiator?

Group Reflection Share some Jesus Youth I have known who is a good initiator. What is some creative thing I have to do to bring Jesus touch and values to someone?

Home Work Write a review of this Yuvajyothi. What are the important insights I received? What the skills that I have learned? Based on this what is my future plan?

Fellowship day A day of summing up, clarifying future plans and celebration with the near and dear ones Invite Parish priest, Animators, toher Jesus Youth, Zonal leaders, Parents and the like for a fellowship meal

Prayer Session Have a beautiful prayer session. As others may be there make it short and not anything strange and unpleasant for the newcomers

Input outline Have a brief presentation by someone on the role of Jesus Youth in the Church and World today. This will be an occasion for some new-ones to get to know the beauty of this youth initiative

Group Activity Have light interesting group games or mixers to celebrate the occasion Have something to eat

Home Work Cell and Jesus Youth life style are the follow up of Yuvajyothi

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