Jesus Second Coming (eng)

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Jesus is the only name and no other name is given For the salvation of man under the sky

Acts 4: 12

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> < March 27, 2009 Revised on November 27, 2015


Jesus Second Coming Written By

Mrs. Valsa Jacob

Original Script in ‘Malayalam’


by > <

Revised on November 27, 2015


The Lord’s Second Coming and The Changes Thereafter Jesus’ birth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension etcetera is already known to the world. Now the whole creation is waiting on Jesus’ second coming. But there are many who do not know this, besides there are many who eagerly want to know more about this. For their information and repentance and also for the fullness of their salvation – in the name of Jesus I surrender this in the hands of the heavenly Father. Without understanding the whole meaning of Christmas people celebrate as a magnificent festival. The real Christmas is when Jesus is born within the heart. When this happens you will have happiness and peace. This is what the shepherds witnessed when Christ was born. Luke 2: 13 Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased. Kings and lords of the land will not have peace. Jesus has born, died, -resurrected and spoke to many. There are innumerable evidences of his appearance in the Bible. There is a second coming for the Lord. The deserving mankind is going to be redeemed (saved) through Jesus. Those who call upon the Lord and who believe in Him and who say that with their tongue only will be saved. Apostles 4: 12 say-And in no other is there salvation: for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, through which we may have salvation. Everyone on the earth should know what are all things are going to happen during His second coming. The love of God not to lose anyone makes me to write this. Glory to God only. The proclamation of these is happening in the world. Wars, famine, earthquakes, tsunami, incurable

4 diseases, accidents, unheard vulgarities, suicides, and marriages of same sex are the proof of the end of the world. When the Lord comes for the second time the trumpets will be blown and He will appear in the clouds. Do not take this as a myth. He is sure to come when the trumpets are blown, from Adam to the people of Jesus time who believed in Him and died will be resurrected. Then the people who are alive and in Christ, will be resurrected. The Lord will appear in the middle of the sky and the elect will be taken with Him. Those who are left behind and not elect will stay for seven years of tribulation period. Behold, the first 3½ years of the seven may not be that hard. The rest of the 3½ years, people will suffer miseries like the world has never seen before. Those people will have to worship the AntiChrist. Those who were reluctant to do so will be treated like animals. Those who are stamped 666 on the palm and the forehead will get their food. Those who know ‘The Truth’, will rebel and they will become martyrs. The rest will suffer like it in hades. (Hades=region of spirits not hell) Revelations 1:7 Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen. Jess will come with His angels and tie the Anti-Christ, false prophets and will be thrown in to the sulfur-fire of the hell. And he took the dragon, the old snake, which is the Evil one, Satan, and put chains on him for a thousand years, And put him into the great deep, and it was shut and locked over him, so that Satan might not put the nations in error no longer, till the thousand years were ended: after this he will be let loose for a little time. Revelations 20: 1-3 These thousand years The Lord will reign on the earth with His saints. During these times there will be no soldiers, policemen, and other Lawenforcing agencies will not be needed. There will be no court of laws, prisons, casinos, liquor shops, beer parlors, hospitals, mortuaries in those

5 regions. When Jesus reign the whole world will become one nation. The name of that nation will be Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God in the prayer Jesus has taught. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” happens. Luke 6: 20; Mathew 26: 29. The whole world will be under one roof and under one capital. There will be no boundary disputes. The capital of the Kingdom of God will be Jerusalem. A world of God’s blessing will be established. The King of that nation will be Jesus Christ. There will be no voting system, and the rulers never change once in five years. A righteous king will rule. The curse on the earth will be removed. There will be no accidents and no unnatural deaths. There is no hospitals and no mortuary. By sweat man doesn’t have to eat anymore. The earth will be very pleasant and you don’t need even air conditioners. There will be plenty of fruit bearing trees. Those fruits will be very sweet and tasty. Genesis 26: 12 Now Isaac, planting seed in that land, got in the same year fruit a hundred times as much, for the blessing of the Lord was on him. There will be no deserts and no deserted places. The earth will be filled with sweet smelling flowers. The lost paradise will be returned to the saints. Isaiah 65: 25. “The wolf and the lamb will take their food together, and the lion will make a meal of grass like the ox: but dust will be the snake's food. There will be no cause of pain or destruction in all my holy mountain”, says the Lord. Animals will not be cruel anymore. Lions will eat grass and hay. Serpents will feed on dust. Infants will put their hands in the den of serpents. The earth will return to the former stage of the garden of Aden. The elect will assemble in harmony. There will be no more problems. The young girls and the young boys and the old will dance all the same and enjoy. Revelations 20 :7-8 And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, And will go out to put in error the nations which are in the

6 four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to get them together to the war, the number of whom is like the sands of the sea. Rev 20: 9-10 And they went up over the face of the earth, and made a circle about the tents of the saints, and the well loved town: and fire came down out of heaven for their destruction. And the Evil One who put them in error was sent down into the sea of ever-burning fire, where the beast and the false prophet are, and their punishment Are you in Christ or you are against the word of God, think about it. Those who are going to be saved will be happy and those who are not, will be in miserable days. Even now you have plenty of chances to be saved. Without postponing confess to God and repent over your sins and believe in Christ. Pray for discernment of righteousness to the Holy Spirit. The Lord will wash all your sins away and will sanctify you. The Lord will forgive all your sins, and raise you up to the status of His children. Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us have an argument together, says the Lord: how may your sins which are red like blood be white as snow? how may their dark purple seem like wool?” Do not take this lightly, if you do, your life will end up like rich in the poor Lazarus story. Between Lazarus and the rich man there is deep division (gulf) no one can go back and forth. Do not postpone for tomorrow is not ours. Jesus is not a God of mythology, no other god has died for man ad resurrected. The very foundation of Christ itself is the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

7 These things are true to facts, everything is written on the basis of the word of God. Mathew 17: 23 Jesus said, “And they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again” Mary of Magdalene saw Him first; thereafter all the other disciples have seen Him. He spoke to them and broke the bread and gave them to eat. Acts 2: 32 God has raised up this Jesus, whereof we all are witnesses. Acts 1: 3 And to whom He gave clear and certain signs that He was living, after His death; for He was seen by them for forty days, and gave them teaching about the kingdom of God. Luke 24: 5-6 Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here, he has come back to life: have in mind what he said to you when he was still in Galilee. Acts 2: 24 But God gave him back to life, having made him free from the pains of death because it was not possible for him to be overcome by it. He is the risen Christ, therefore there is a heaven and a hell, if so there is a final judgment. There are many who say heaven and hell is on the earth itself. Many don’t acknowledge this truth because they want to enjoy this life. If you don’t learn it by seeing, then you have to learn it through hard ways, let it not happen. Everyone who believes in Jesus will have eternal life for sure. Those who are in Christ will not be condemned. Romans 8: 1 For this cause those who are in Christ Jesus will not be judged as sinners. The Lord will forgive your sins; confess to God and repent and never do it again. None confess before any priest sincerely. You can confess to your heavenly Father who created you, who knows everything you have done, truly and sincerely, do not fail to do so and do not delay.

8 David was very close to the Lord and led his life. When he was idle he committed sin. 2 Samuel 11:2 And it came to pass in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. David repented later for the sins he has committed, and never sinned again. Peter also repented and confessed to Jesus. The Lord forgave them and loved them. The Lord gave the key to the Kingdom of God to Peter. God’s love is immeasurable and limitless. Jesus loves, those who commit sin and repent over it. He hates sin and loves the sinners. “None is righteous.” Therefore confess and repent and pray to the Lord for forgiveness. Some people say, because Jesus was crucified for us, he has carried away our sins. Though this is true, salvation is personal and individual. You must confess, if not you will have to go through the visitations (tribulations) without an escape. Advancement of technology is very much useful to man, so as evilness also has come to the world. Internet and mobile phones are great blessings but immorality also has crept in. Advantages are filled with evilness. Avoid misusing of internet and mobile phones if not that itself is going to bring you death, so be careful. The love of movies leads to suicide because real life is not like as seen in the movies. The news media brings all these kinds of news. Evilness increases so as sins. Sin has increased much as Noah’s time. Eight people boarded in the Noah’s ark and only they survived. Today Jesus is the Ark, if you don’t board on Him you will perish like the unsaved people in Noah’s time. After the one thousand years reign, the evil men died during the period of Moses Law and beyond and the evil men died under the New Covenant will be resurrected. The evil men who have not died will also be in the tribulation period of seven years. At this time there will be final Judgment. Out of this seven years, the second half of 3½ years will be unbearable to

9 survive. If you read the Revelations in the Bible, you will understand it with the help of the Holy Spirit. During the second coming the lord will carry the bride church with Him. After that there will be tribulations of seven-year period. There will be a reign of one thousand years. The resurrection of the evil will be after 1007 years. There will be two resurrections. During the first resurrection – all the dead saints from Adam’s time and those who lived in Christ and died will be resurrected first. Then the living ones in Christ will be resurrected – these are the blessed people. The second resurrection will include people from Cain onwards. Some will go to the eternal life and the rest will go for the eternal death. You may wonder how this could be. Following is the answer. How could a virgin who did not know a man conceived with Holy Spirit? It is a wonder!! Luke 1: 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. Before the earth and everything in it was formed, God created everything from vacuum (Emptiness) When the Lord said, “Let there be - - it has come in to existence. Birds, animals, underwater Creatures, the greeneries and everything came in to existence with the word of God. Anything created is formed on computer screen. After having the print or what ever is taken, you can delete it from the screen. So long it is on the hard disc, you can bring it back to the screen over and over again. The Lord knows every detail of every man very well. He is the Lord who has the accountability of every hair you have on your head. The Lord’s hands formed us. You can’t dodge anyone by saying, the heaven and the hell is on the earth itself. Don’t tell, let us enjoy to day and

10 tomorrow we will die for sure. If you obey the word of Truth, very easily you can achieve eternity. Discard all your bad habits, telling lies, gossips and unwanted talks, anger, evil desires, adultery, same sex relations, greediness, idolatry, fornication, sorcery, theft, palmistry, astrology, auspicious time, etcetera. All God given days and moments are equally good. Teachings of traditions have misled many. Let the Lord give convictions and an unshakable belief in everything without need for proof or evidence of the truth. We are incapable of changing our own bad habits, pray to the Lord to help you to get rid of it. Lord, I could not change my sinful habits. O merciful, with the power of your Holy Spirit and remove all unrighteousness from me, Lord please accept my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. If you have a better wording to the above prayer, you may follow that. Pray everyday, He will make the necessary changes in you. Our parents, children and grandchildren should not be lost. Never dishonor gospel. People in every position have to go through these phenomena and let that be through the eternal life and not eternal death. Let every one who read this must know and understand if there is original, there is a duplicate; if there is Christ there is Anti-Christ. Just like there is original currency and forged currency. There is a trinity in God, 1) The Father, 2) The Son and 3) The Holy Spirit Likewise the devil also have it Trinity in Satan 1) Satan, (Lucifer) 2) Anti-Christ 3) False Prophets, When Jesus appears in His glory to reign for a thousand years the angels will throw the false prophets and Anti-Christ in to the ever-lasting fire. Lucifer will be the last one to be thrown in to hell of fire.


A daughter in Christ has written this leaflet. I believe, this will be fruitful to many and pray for it. This is not meant to frighten people, to say the end of the world is immediate. Since the signs of the end of the world started seeing and our dear ones should not be condemned and destroyed, I surrender this writing in the hands of the Lord. After a long study of the Holy book, and based on the word of Truth, with prayers I write this. For the salvation of the innumerable, the Lord is delaying His second coming. This is just His mercy to save more people. The gospel will be preached to everyone and in every nook and corner of the earth. On completion of this only, the world will come to an end. Do not delay to board on the ‘Ark of salvation’, which is Jesus Christ. Once that door is closed, it will never be opened.

Author, Mrs. Valsa Jacob Kollam 691 008 Kadappakkada PO March 27, 2009 Translation in to English by The above translation in “Jesus Second Coming” is not word to word, but every effort has been made to be real close with the original script without deviating from the essence of the contents. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. You may please write to Mrs. Valsa Jacob


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Revised on November 27, 2015

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