6.3 The Second Coming

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  • Words: 9,884
  • Pages: 39
Note: I suggest you get a feel for the new characters and take a look at the casting presented in "JwLost's Season 6" Spoiler/Update Post.

Season 6 Episode 3 "The Second Coming" Previously On Lost: Christine agreeing to help Margaret in 6.2. Ben telling Locke he trusts him in 6.2 Hurley's therapy session with Margaret in 6.1 Charlotte running from Sanjit in 6.1 Juliet seeing Locke at the 4-toed Statue in 5.17. Sawyer being stranded in the Swan in 6.1 Sun dying in 6.2 Richard, locked up, telling Gina he doesn't know anymore in 6.2. Ms. Hawking and brief explanation of the DS in 5.15. Roberta telling Jack they're going to prevent the end of the world in 6.2. 1) INT. ROBERTA OWEN'S OFFICE. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. Roberta Owen is sitting at her desk in her office with all of the other scientists (Dr. Berger, Margaret Washburn, Gina and Edward Lorenz) sitting around the room in various chairs. Roberta looks at her watching and then looks back up with an expression of irritation on her face. The other scientists are looking at each other in silence as if there is a cloud of discomfort in the room. Margaret and Edward briefly make eye contact until they both realize it and then look down quickly. Roberta stands up and puts her hands on her desk and looks around to the rest of them. She says as if she is annoyed: Roberta: Who knows where Maxwell is? The rest of them look at her as if they have no idea. Roberta: Fine, we'll just begin without him then... (under her breath she says:) inconsiderate ass... Roberta walks around to the front of her desk and leans up against it. She looks at Berger. Roberta: Well, what do you have to say for yourself? Dr. Berger: Vat do you mean? Roberta:

Oh... I don't know, Hans... one of the six have died and we are out of do-overs... just where does that leave us in the scheme of things? Gina timidly puts her head up and says: Gina: I talked to Richard. He says that it may be part of the plan. Roberta: What do you mean part of the plan? Shouldn't we have the plan all equated out? I mean... that IS how we got to where we are today, isn't it? Gina: He's unsure... he doesn't... he just isn't himself, Ms. Owen. I think he's been put under a lot of.... (cough) stress.... in the past few days. Roberta: Stress, you say? Well, Mr. Alpert signed up for this. He knew what he was getting himself into. Stress isn't an excuse for the whole plan to crumble to pieces. Margaret speaks up. Margaret: With all due respect, what we've put him through far surpasses any mental limitations I've ever come across... Roberta shoots a look at Margaret: Roberta: You're the one who did the initial psychological testing of him and gave him the clearance, Ms. Washburn. Are you saying you were wrong then? Margaret looks down and says nothing. Roberta looks around the room in a brooding and displeased manner. Roberta: Maybe I will need to bring in a reinforcement to figure out if Ms. Kwon's death was, in fact, part of the plan... is that what I need to do?! Roberta slams her hand down on the desk. Edward speaks up. Edward: Ms. Owen, that will not be necessary. I've studied the effects of the chaos theory... butterfly effect... in our current situation. It is quite possible that Richard is right. Her death needed to happen. Roberta: What backing do you have to support that claim, Edward?

Edward: Uh... at the moment, none. Roberta: Sometimes I'm unsure why we even recruited a meteorologist in the first place. I should have expected uncertainty and wrong forecasts from you. Edward's eyes squint and he clenches his fists. Roberta notices this. Roberta: ... and the anger issues, Edward... perhaps your therapy sessions with Ms. Washburn aren't doing you any good. After all, she seems to less reliable than you as of late. Margaret looks down scorned. Roberta looks around the room and shakes her head. Roberta: I've never seen a bigger group of such distinguished, yet worthless members of the scientific community... I should jus.... Roberta is cut off as Clark Maxwell walks into the room. Maxwell: I see I'm late for the daily demoralizing of our staff... my apologies, Roberta. Roberta rolls her eyes and looks at Maxwell like he is a fool. Roberta: Your daily lateness has come to be expected. Maxwell: Your ferry schedule to the main Island is less than convenient... Roberta walks around to the back of her desk and sits down. She folds her hands and puts them to her chin. Roberta: Tell me that you have some good news, Clark. Maxwell: Indeed I do. It has come to my attention that Charles Widmore may be of some use to us after all. Roberta: You found out new information? Maxwell:

Yes, information that even Mr. Alpert must have missed... Roberta: I knew I could count on you, Clark... as absolutely impossible of a personality you have to swallow, you never let me down. Maxwell: As always, Roberta, your words couldn't be any less meaningful to me... Maxwell looks at Margaret. Maxwell: I understand you may have a lead on Walter Lloyd. Roberta: Yes, I will be leaving for the island in an hour with Christine DeVries to locate him. Maxwell tilts his head at Margaret looks a bit taken back by the name. Maxwell: You sure that is a good idea, including her? If she was to find out who you are doing this for... well... Margaret: I have it under control. Roberta: Let's hope so. We can't afford another mistake. My God, what would he say if we totally screwed up this entire operation. Edward: He would be ashamed of himself if he knew she was part of this. Roberta: I don't mean our resident zoologist, I mean our unforgiving superior... They all sit back in their seats at the mention of their superior and shrink down. Maxwell: Needless to say, he wouldn't be happy. Roberta: That's an understatement and you know it. He's devoted more time and energy to this than Richard has. Maxwell pipes up and says:

Maxwell: Technically, Richard hasn't put much time... Roberta cuts him off. Roberta: Clark, please, your attempt at humor is lost on me. Maxwell looks at Roberta deeply and says: Maxwell: There was once a time when you thought I was funny... Roberta exchanges the deep look as the flash sound begins... Roberta: No, Clark, you were always quite the tool. The flash sound continues... 2) --FLASH-- EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS PARK. DAY. The camera is focused on the campus buildings and pans downwards to a grassy area where Roberta is sitting on a blanket. Her hair is up and she looks to be about 10-15 years younger. She has a notebook out and it reads "The Dharma Initiative." Just then, Clark Maxwell walks up, with more hair and also a bit younger looking. Roberta looks up at him and smiles. She moves over for him to sit. Roberta: Clark, so glad you could join me! Maxwell sits down next to her. Maxwell: When you're on my turf, that's Professor Maxwell to you, Roberta. Roberta laughs. Roberta: I'll remember that next time you're in New York on my turf, Clark. Clark: Please, New York University has nothing on Michigan, Roberta. Clark looks down at the DI folder. Clark: How's the recruitment going?

Roberta: Very well. I have my eye on a student of psychology, Margaret Washburn. She just completed her undergrad at Penn State. Her thesis is quite remarkable. Clark: Who do you have in mind for the parapsychology division? Roberta: A man by the name of Dr. Hans Berger out of Sweden. Clark: Ah yes, he has reinvented the study electroencephalography during the sleep state. You know, he revolutionized the spatial distributions associated with different states of brain functioning in the awake state. Roberta: English, Clark. Clark: Projection of thoughts... physically. Roberta: Indeed. They will be very happy. Roberta whispers. Roberta: And where are the... Clark cuts her off. Clark: They will be here soon. Roberta: The boss is very happy with their participation. A truly great find, Clark..... Ah, here they come now. The camera cuts to behind two people, a man and a woman, walking towards Roberta and Maxwell as they stand up to greet them. Roberta gets a smile on her face as she puts her hand out and shakes the man's hand. Clark shakes the woman's hand. Roberta: Clark here has told me much about you! Maxwell:

Only good things, I swear... They all laugh as the camera does a 180 to reveal who these people are as Roberta says: Roberta: Yes, Clark has given the DeGroot name nothing but absolute praise. The camera finally stops on the faces of Gerald and Karen DeGroot! Gerald has a clean shave. Gerald: Yes, I'm very interested in the plans of this... Dharma Initiative... The camera pulls back to the four of them smiling and exchanging pleasantries as the music builds and the camera cuts to:

LOST -commercial3) --FLASH-- INT. CLASSROOM. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY. DAY. Roberta walks into a classroom. As she walks in, she looks above the door and it says "Room 23." Roberta smiles to herself and says: Roberta: Fitting. Roberta makes her way into the classroom and through the seating area. She gets to the front of the room where we see Margaret Washburn picking up her books from the instructor's podium. She approaches Margaret. Roberta: Margaret? Margaret: Yes? Roberta: I'm Roberta Owen. We spoke on the phone... Margaret puts the books down and smiles as she takes Roberta's hand. Roberta looks around the room and says: Roberta: A very classic lecture hall, no? Margaret:

Well, this is psychology, Ms. Owen. I have no need for technology. Roberta: That's good. Where you'll be working, you will have to learn to live within certain technological means. Margaret looks at Roberta as if she's confused. Roberta sits in one of the desks and looks up at Margaret. She motions for Margaret to take a seat beside her. Margaret sits. Roberta: You've told absolutely no one about this, correct? Margaret: Right. Complete confidentiality, like you asked... but, why so secretive? Roberta: We can't let this get out. There are people who know about the initiative who would be... very unhappy if they knew the truth of the whole thing. Margaret: I'm not sure I follow... Roberta: You don't need to. What you need to do is focus on your work. As you know, I'm the director of philosophy at NYU... Margaret: Yes, your papers on Utopian Social Engineering is... well, it's brilliant! Roberta: Thank you... my studies are very important... if things don't... go as planned. Margaret: How so? Roberta: You've heard of the Valenzetti Equation before, haven't you Margaret? Margaret: Yes... but that hasn't been taken seriously in... well, a long time. Roberta: Old theories aren't necessarily incorrect theories, Ms. Washburn. Margaret:

But that theory was absurd. It predicted the end of the world, didn't it? Roberta: Precisely. Roberta looks at Margaret, who is smiling as if Roberta is joking. Roberta is dead serious and Margaret notices this. Margaret: You aren't serious.... Roberta: I assure you, I am. Margaret stands up and walks towards the front of the room. She looks like she's trying to make sense of the situation, but is having difficulty. Margaret: If that's the case, then why do you need me? Roberta: You have outstanding skills in your field. We only recruit the best. We need you to determine the eligibility of candidates for certain.... experimental endeavors. Margaret: Such as? Roberta: Time travel. Margaret laughs and begins to pick up her things. She grabs her bag and begins to walk out of the room. Margaret: I thought this program was for real, Ms. Owen... not some science fiction... Roberta cuts Margaret off. Roberta: I assure you, it's not science fiction. Have you ever heard of Dr. Pierre Chang? Margaret stops dead in her tracks and turns around. Margaret: Yes... he was classified as a complete nut-job... Roberta:

Not the terminology I'd expect from a grad student of psychology... but his theories will work... in the correct environment. Roberta puts down a photo of the Island. Margaret: This? Is this... Roberta: It is. Margaret: It's not a myth? Roberta: Not in the slightest. Margaret puts her things down. Margaret: The things I've heard about that place... it's... Roberta: A psychologist's dream? Margaret thinks for a moment. Margaret: When do I leave? Roberta: First, I need you to reexamine your belief system, Margaret. You're lack of faith in a higher power needs to be adjusted. Margaret: You mean God? Roberta: I guess you could call it that... I need you to travel to Sweden. Roberta puts a photo of Dr. Berger down. Roberta: Dr. Berger is quite the scientist...by that, I mean a devout atheist... If you can manage to get him on board and prove your psychological brilliance, then you will have a ticket to the island. All attempts at recruiting him have failed. He knows of the potential that

his many years of work may be dis-proven the second he steps on that island... if there is, in fact, a higher power. Margaret: But I... Roberta: That's right. If you can get him to believe in something that not even you believe in... well, that will speak for your capacity in what we look for in a psychologist. Margaret: You mean, dirty psychology? Roberta: I wouldn't call it that (Roberta winks). Margaret looks at the photo and with confidence she puts her hand out and shakes Roberta's hand. The flash sound begins... 4) --END OF FLASH-- INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. HYDRA ISLAND. The scientists are all walking out of the office and Margaret is the last to walk out. Roberta, sitting at her desk, loudly says: Roberta: Ms. Washburn, please stay a moment. Margaret closes her eyes as if she knows what is coming and turns around to Roberta and walks back in. Roberta: You will be careful with the boy, now won't you? Margaret: Of course... Roberta: He's not himself... Margaret: I'm aware... the Island has him... but he can be saved, Roberta... Roberta puts a photo down of the polar bear carnage scene that Sawyer and Vincent came across in 5.14. Margaret walks over and picks it up. Her face drastically changes to horror. Roberta: I suggest you radio Sanjit for back-up. Remember, Margaret, there are forces here...

Margaret: I realize that now... Margaret walks out of the office and as she turns her back to Roberta she pulls a crucifix necklace around her neck out of her shirt and puts it on the outside. 5) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. The camera is focused on Walt. He's standing in the jungle completely still and void of emotion. He's staring at something and the camera does a 180 to reveal it is Christian Shephard! Christian: Remember, he's the one who let your father die. He's the one who let Ben kill Mr. Keamy... Walt nods his head "yes" and Christian turns to walk away. Christian: Oh, and Walt, they'll be coming for you soon. You remember what to do when they come for you, don't they? Walt shakes his head "yes" again. Christian: The same thing you did with those men and the polar bear... Walt nods and Christian walks out of the jungle just as Locke and Ben walk through the bushes and find Walt. Walt turns to Locke. Locke: What you doin' out here, Walt? For the first time in a while, we hear Walt talk. Walt: Waiting for you. Ben is a bit perplexed by the situation. Ben: So, you just let whoever see you? Locke: I only let those who need to see me, see me. Ben: Why him?

Locke: He's special. Ben: Yes... I remember how special he is... Locke: You're referring to the Room 23 incident. Ben: If you want to call it that... the boy killed just about every bird on the island. Locke: What would you have done in his situation?... oh, that's right... have two innocent girls killed to ensure your freedom... Ben doesn't say anything. At the mention of Michael's misdeeds, Walt stares a hole through Ben. Locke: Walt, I need you to do something for me... I need you to find Juliet. I'd have Ben do it, but there's something I need to show him. You must tell her the plan has changed. I need her to go with plan B... they're coming for Charlotte. Walt nods and takes off into the jungle. Locke turns to Ben. Locke: Are you ready for what I have to show you? Ben nods "yes." Locke walks to the edge of the clearing and he moves a bunch of branches out of the way. He turns back to Ben and motions for him to come over. Ben follows Locke's orders and walks to him and looks through the branches to see what Locke wants him to see. Ben's face turns to stunned as the camera cuts to what Locke is showing him. On the other side of the branches we see that they are on a cliff-side that overlooks the ocean and the Hydra island in the distance. In the water on the way towards the island are a three ships. Ben looks at the Hydra island in disbelief as he sees a small airplane going in for a landing. He turns to Locke and in disbelief he says: Ben: My God... there's hundreds of them... Locke: Yep... and we're severely outnumbered. Ben: Why are you showing me this?

Locke: Because Ben... you need to stop them... Ben: How am I supposed to stop all of them, John?! Locke: You've done it once... you can do it again... Ben: You mean... Locke: Yes, Ben... you are going to preform another purge... Ben looks at Locke like he's insane. Locke just smiles as the music builds and the camera cuts to: 6) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Juliet, Kate, Aaron, Claire and Daniel run out into a clearing. They all stop and try to catch their breath. Daniel is doubled over as he looks over at Charlotte and manages to get out: Daniel: Who (breathing) are those people?! Charlotte: The... Dharma Initiative... they came out of nowhere and shot me with (breathing) a stun-gun or something... Kate: How'd you get away? Charlotte: I don't know... something just happened. Daniel: What do you mean, something just happened? Charlotte: The dart hit me, then... the gun just flew out of the older man's hand... I didn't get the full juice or something. I pretended to be passed out then I ran when they left. Daniel looks at Charlotte very strangely. He wipes his nose as if telling Charlotte she has something on hers. Charlotte wipes her nose and she looks at her hand. There is blood on it.

Claire: Did they hit you?! Charlotte: No... Daniel: It must be from the electric shock... Daniel says this as if he doesn't even believe himself. He is covering for Charlotte. Juliet looks around and says: Juliet: Well, we need to get to Richard... Charlotte: He's not here... Juliet: What do you mean, he's not here? Charlotte: The Indian man, he got a radio call when I was pretending to be unconscious. I heard a woman on the other end say they took them to the other island. Juliet: The other island? The Hydra?! (she pauses) Well, we can get there... Kate hears something and looks up through the trees. She walks over to them and moves some branches out of the way. She sighs as she says: Kate: Yeah, we can get there... but we'll have to get through them first... The others walk over towards Kate and look at what she's looking at. On the other side of the trees we see a dock with the three ships we saw earlier pulling in. We see Margaret Washburn get off and she is followed by Christine DeVries. It looks like one boat has already unloaded it's passengers. On the second boat, about 15 other people get off the boat as well. Juliet and Kate look at each other like "crap." The music builds and the camera cuts to: --commercial-7) INT. SWAN STATION. DAY. The camera is focused on Sawyer sitting across the room staring at the countdown clock. His attention is then guided to one of the cameras with a blinking red light. He stands up and walks over to it and smiles. Then, with one blow, he hits the camera

knocking it clear across the room. The camera lands in the doorway to the room with the giant machine. He walks over and looks in at the machine and that's when the countdown timer starts beeping. He gets an idea and he walks over to the kitchenette and starts rifling through the drawers until he finds what he is looking for. He holds up a pair of wire cutters and looks up at the clock and smiles. The camera cuts to: 8) INT. MARGARET'S OFFICE. DAY. Maxwell is sitting as Margaret's desk looking at a monitor. It shows Sawyer in the kitchen with the wire cutters. He watches as Sawyer takes a chair and moves it to under the countdown timer. Maxwell pushes a button and it switches to Camera 2, which is now fuzzy because Sawyer just knocked it off. Maxwell: Damn it. He pushes the button again and we see the view from Camera 3 where we see Sawyer directly under the countdown timer messing with the wires. The camera cuts to Edward Lorenz and Dr. Berger who are standing behind Maxwell. They look at each other a bit worried and Edward speaks up. Edward: Don't you think we should stop him?! Maxwell: No, let him proceed... this is quite interesting. Edward: But... she won't be happy if he disables the timer... the whole thing will be blown... Maxwell: She's not here, now is she? Dr. Berger doesn't like Maxwell's tone. Dr. Berger: Zis vill screw up her research! Maxwell: ... the way I see it, it will give us more insight on his psyche. Dr. Berger looks at Edward and nods as if "go." Dr. Berger grabs Maxwell's arms and holds him back as Edward reaches for the microphone and pushes a red button. He says: Edward: Step away from the timer, James. The camera shows the monitor and Sawyer looking around wondering who is talking to him.

Maxwell: Well, if I didn't ruin it, then you just did. Now, he knows that someone is actually watching him. Sawyer looks around and spots the camera. Maxwell: Now watch as he defiantly looks at the camera and cuts the wire... Just then, Sawyer defiantly looks at the camera and cuts the wire. Edward puts the microphone down and Dr. Berger releases Maxwell. Edward: Damn. Dr. Berger: Vat do you have against Margaret, Clark?! Maxwell: She doesn't belong here, she isn't a real scientist... (he looks at Edward) Then again, neither are you... Edward lunges towards Maxwell and Berger holds him back. Dr. Berger: Calm down! He's trying to get underneath your skin! Edward: Yeah, well, I'm gonna get under his!! Maxwell gets up and walks out of the room as he says: Maxwell: Gentlemen, I'm off to do some real work, come get me when the timer reaches 5... I want to see the blond man squirm before you manually shut off the machine. Maxwell walks out of the room. Dr. Berger lets Edward go. Edward: That man needs a serious attitude adjustment! Dr. Berger: Let him be... remember what Margaret told you in therapy. Happy thoughts! Edward just stares at Dr. Berger like "shut up." Edward:

You hung up on her or something, doctor? Dr. Berger: Nej. I owe her for making me come to zis dreadful place... The flash sound begins... 9) --FLASH-- INT. LABORATORY. SWEDEN. DAY. Dr. Berger is placing some electrodes on the chest of someone sitting in a chair with some sort of metal mask over their face. The camera pans around the lab and we see many strange and very scientific looking devices. We then hear a faint knock on the door and Dr. Berger turns around. Margaret walks into the lab and looks around in a bit of awe of how Dr. Frankenstein the place looks. She turns her direction to Dr. Berger who turns around and very excitedly says: Dr. Berger: Ah! You must be Margaret from ze United States! Please, come and sit! Ze show is about to start! Margaret reluctantly walks in and stands about 5 feet in front of the man in the chair with all the electrodes on him. Dr. Berger grabs her arm and pulls her off to the side. Dr. Berger: You vill not vant to stand zhere, Ms. Washburn... Dr. Berger smiles and then he walks around to the back of the test subject and switches on some kind of device. Just then the lights in the room begin to dim and we see an electric current with sparks and volts make their way from a wire on the ceiling down towards the metal helmet of the man in the chair. Margaret's face turns to shock as she looks over and sees Dr. Berger smiling away in anticipation. The electric surge finally hits the helmet and the subject goes into shock and starts convulsing. Margaret shoots a look at Berger like "stop it!" Just then, directly in front of the subject we start to see some sort of cloudy light coming out of the mask. Margaret looks on in stunned curiosity as some sort of faint image comes out of the light. It is hard to make out, but it appears as though there is a face of a young girl in the light and she looks in the direction of Margaret! Margaret starts to move backwards as the face begins to become clearer and the face's mouth begins to open and then we hear a loud SCREAM!! Margaret screams at the top of her lungs and falls backwards into a lab table just as Dr. Berger shuts off the machine and the lights begin to return to normal brightness. Margaret looks up and the face of the girl is gone. Dr. Berger rushes over to Margaret and helps her up. Shocked and scared, Margaret says: Margaret: What the... what the hell was that?! Margaret slaps Dr. Berger away and he backs up smiling. Dr. Berger: Zat, zat is what you vould call a ghost!! Margaret:

A ghost?!... really? Dr. Berger: Ja! You see, ghosts are nothing move zen a... an electrical impulse projected from ze brain! Most ghost sightings are in ze old houses vhere ze electric wiring is less zan up to date! Margaret looks at Dr. Berger as if he's crazy. Margaret: Old houses don't electrocute people like that! Dr. Berger looks down. Dr. Berger: Nej... true. Sit down, please. Margaret takes a seat and Dr. Berger stands in front of her. Dr. Berger: Ven I vas a young boy... I rode ze horses... vell, one day I vas riding about 40 kilometers away from my house and ze horse, she kicked me right off and I hit my head off of a stone fence. I fell unconscious and my friend, he took me to ze nearest hospital. Ven I arrived at ze hospital, guess vat was there... Margaret: Ghosts? Margaret looks puzzled as she says say. Dr. Berger laughs and continues. Dr. Berger: Nej... not ghosts... my father and my sister. My sister, she... she got a strange feeling at ze exact same time I hit my head and she begged my father to take her to ze hospital because she knew something was ze matter. Ven I vas in between ze life and ze death... my brain expelled ze bodily electricity and my sister, she... received it. Margaret: Dr.... I don't know where you're going with this... Dr. Berger: Nej, you vouldn't... you are a psychologist... Vat I'm trying to do here is recreate zat experience... and as you can see... I'm very very close, no? Margaret: I'm not sure what that was, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for it. Dr. Berger: Precisely!...

Dr. Berger walks over to the test subject and removes the mask. We see that it is Sanjit! Sanjit: About damn time you took that thing off... I thought we agreed no more than 200 watts, you son of a bitch! Dr. Berger laughs. Dr. Berger: He is ze feisty one, no? Dr. Berger walks around to the other side of the chair and starts to take off the electrodes. Dr. Berger: I know vhy you are here, Ms. Washburn and my answer is nej. I vill not go to zat island. Margaret: Oh, but you will, Dr. Berger. Dr. Berger: Vhy is zat? Margaret: Because... it is the perfect place for you to test this out... prove yourself right that there is a logical reason for your studies. The island is supposed to house some sort of spiritual presence and to be honest with you, I don't buy it either... but this is the place where we can, together, prove everyone wrong. Dr. Berger: Ah, your tricks, they von't vork on me... Margaret: Fine, doctor, I won't waste any more of your time then... I'll show myself out. Margaret stands up and begins walking towards the exit. Without turning back she says: Margaret: Hilda thought it was an a message from God that you were hurt... I guess she'll always be right. Dr. Berger: Vat? Margaret:

Hilda, your sister, she always got the spotlight for that... I'm sure shes also the one who your father introduced as the "gifted one" to company... You were probably rejected by your father because of your lack of faith and your total devotion to the idea that there is a purely scientific reason for your sister's vision... too bad... you'll never get to prove him wrong... and because of that, you'll never get a chance to gain his respect. Dr. Berger: Father issues? Zat is your plan to coerce me? Margaret spins around and smiles. Margaret: Yep!... Dr. Berger laughs. He thinks for a moment then says: Dr. Berger: I vill get my things... Margaret smiles and begins to walk out, but Dr. Berger stops her. Dr. Berger: Oh, and Sanjit gets to come too... Margaret: ... fine. Dr. Berger walks into his office and Margaret looks at Sanjit. Margaret: So... who was that? Sanjit: That would be my sister... she was there when Pakistani soldiers raided our home in Achabal... when they took control of the Kashmir territory... they killed her by stabbing her in the stomach allowing her to bleed out slowly. It was a slow and agonizing death... Margaret's eyes show a mix of sympathy and a little bit of fright because of what she just saw as the flash sound begins... 10) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. The "chase" music has already started as we follow someone through the jungle in a hurry pushing branches and brush out of their way as they reach their destination. Out of the jungle into a clearing rushes Walt. He runs into the group of Juliet and the others and he says in an out of breath and urgent tone: Walt: They're here!

Juliet: Walt, what are you doing here?! Before Walt can get a word out, shots are fired and a bullet grazes Daniel's shirt and hits the tree behind him. They all look at each other and Walt turns around and says: Walt: Go, I'll take care of him! Juliet and the others all look at each other. Kate steps forward and grabs Walt's arm. He turns back quickly at Kate with a really mean look on his face. Kate is taken back by this as she says: Kate: No, come on Walt! Juliet: Kate, maybe we should let him... he can defend himself... Kate turns to Juliet and says to Juliet in a defiant manner: Kate: He's just a kid! Juliet looks like she is second guessing herself, but then another bullet is fired into the group. Walt turns back towards the jungle and screams: Walt: Just go! Kate steps back and then another shot is fired. She then hesitates, but runs into the jungle with the others. Walt stands there holding his ground. The music builds then suddenly cuts out and we hear a voice a woman's voice from behind Walt. Voice: Walt, don't do this... you don't have to do this... Walt turns around and he his expression from pure anger turns into complete compassion. Walt: Mom?! The camera cuts to Susan Lloyd standing behind Walt. She looks completely sincere as she says: Susan:

Walt, this isn't who you are. This place... it turned you into something that I know, deep down, you aren't. Walt: They killed dad! Susan: No, Walt... your father died because of the mistakes he made. It isn't their fault and it's not your place for revenge. Walt: But... Susan: But nothing... stop this right now, Walter. Susan turns to walk off and Walt screams: Walt: I miss you! Susan turns back around and lovingly says: Susan: I miss you too, baby. I love you... and I'm so sorry that I took you away from your dad... that, that was my mistake. Walt starts to tear up and then in front of him Sanjit comes busting out of the jungle. Walt turns back around and the rage in his face comes back. Sanjit and Walt stare each other down as Sanjit raises his gun to Walt. Just then, a THUD is heard and a bird falls from the sky next to Sanjit. Sanjit looks to his left and down at the bird. He looks upwards and is a bit confused as we hear another THUD and another bird falls down on the other side of him. Another THUD and another bird falls. Sanjit looks at Walt who is staring a hole through him. Sanjit: What the hell... Another Thud and another bird falls. Sanjit begins to get a bit freaked out and he says: Sanjit: Are you doing this?! Another bird falls. Sanjit: Stop it!!

Walt smiles and we hear a growl in the background. Faintly in the background behind Sanjit we see a white mass walk behind in the jungle. Sanjit turns around at the sound. Sanjit: Come on man... stop this... The music begins to build and we hear another loud growl from the jungle as Sanjit turns around to Walt and looks really panicked. The music builds and the camera cuts to: ---commercial--11) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Walt and Sanjit are staring at each other until behind Sanjit we see Susan again and Walt spots her. She looks upset by his actions and he finally loses focus when we hear a voice from behind him. Voice: Walt! Stop it! Don't do this again! Walt turns around and Christine is standing there. Christine: Don't do what you did before, Walt... these people, they... they want to help you. Please, just don't make the... just don't do that again... Walt looks at Christine and his body posture changes. He relaxes his body and he looks somewhat normal again. Christine walks over to Walt and bends down to his level. Christine: I'm so sorry... With that, Christine stabs Walt in the arm with a tranquilizer and Sanjit throws a net over Walt's head. Walt collapses onto the ground and Christine turns back to Margaret. Christine looks upset with herself and with the whole situation. Christine: There. I did it! Margaret: Good job. I knew he'd trust you. Christine: That's just sick... Sanjit: No, you're sick for betraying him like that.

Christine turns to Sanjit and raises her hand to slap him, but he blocks it then pushes her backwards and she falls flat on her ass. She just sits there and watches as Sanjit picks up Walt and carries him off towards the boat. Margaret looks at Christine and then turns and follows Sanjit. Christine sits there, upset, when suddenly, from behind, someone puts their hand over Christine's mouth and pulls her backwards towards the jungle. Christine fights and kicks and after she's pulled into the brush the hand is moved and Christine quickly turns around. Kate is crouched down next to her and Kate puts her hand on Christine's throat. Kate: Listen to me, bitch... you say one word and I will snap your neck, got it?! Christine nods. Kate: What the hell are you doing with them?! Christine: They're helping me with my children. Claire walks up and her face looks as if she is sick to death of Christine. Claire: What, by sacrificing other people's children?! Christine: You'd do the same. Claire looks at Aaron then turns away. Juliet, very pissed off, is next to grab Christine by the throat and she lifts Christine to her feet. Juliet: You have no idea what you've just done... now listen to me... very carefully... Christine begins to whimper, but Juliet doesn't buy it and she tightens her grip on Christine's neck. Christine stops and looks at Juliet in fear as the camera cuts to: 12) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Ben is across the jungle sitting on the edge of the cliff looking out towards the Hydra island and across the clearing we see Locke walk over to a stone and sit down. With the camera on Locke we hear a voice: Voice: Do you think he's capable of being trusted? Locke: We'll see in due time. I just unloaded a massive task on him. The camera pans to the voice and on Locke's left side we see Boone!

Boone: Yeah, but John... he's lacking faith in the island. He has just been told he's useless... that isn't a good feeling. Locke: I know, Boone... but it's not his lack of faith in the island that has got him down, it's his lack of faith in himself. The camera pans to Locke's right where we see Mr. Eko! Eko: What about Walt? Locke: Walt's where he needs to be. I sent him on that mission for a reason... Boone: And what about plan B? Locke: There is no plan B... Eko: There should always be a plan B... Locke: Not in this case... there's no room for a plan B. Juliet has her mission and now Ben has his. Walt, well... he's going to have to deal with what he's up against. Boone: Walt's just a kid, Locke. Eko: Even children had to endure hardships. Locke: You're both right... but it's too late to debate that now. What's done is done. Eko: And what about the other problem? Boone: Yeah, how are you going to take care of that?

Locke: By sending Walt away, the other problem should clear itself up. Eko: You must clear up the other problem, John. Boone: I think Jack should clear it up. Eko: This is not Jack's fight. Locke: It's my fight, damn it! I can take care of it myself... Ben turns around and looks back at Locke, who appears to be alone and talking to himself. Ben looks away blankly as if he's wondering just how crazy this whole situation has gotten. He stands up and walks towards Locke. Locke looks at Ben in anticipation. Ben looks Locke in the eye and says: Ben: I'll do it... Locke smiles. Ben: ... but I'll need help. Locke: You'll have help. Ben nods and he sits down next to Locke on the left, Locke puts his hand out. Locke: Don't sit there. Ben then goes to Locke's right. Locke: Don't sit there either... those seats are taken. Ben looks at Locke strangely as the camera cuts to: 13) INT. EDWARD LORENZ LAB. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. Edward walks into this lab and hangs his coat up. He walks over to his computer and sits down after he types in his password. The screen pops up with the weather of the island and it looks like there is a forecast of rain over a small part of the island on

the south side. Just then we hear a pounding on a door and Edward turns around. He walks over to his lab door and opens it. Standing there is Hurley, once again wearing a robe and pajamas, escorted by Deater. Edward motions for Hurley to come in. Hurley walks in and Deater follows, but Edward puts his hand up stopping him. Edward: I got it from here, Deats. Deater: Da. Deater turns and walks out and Edward closes the door. He turns to Hurley. Edward: Hello, Hugo. Hurley: Hi... Edward: I bet you're wondering who I am. Hurley: I uh... actually no. Edward: No? Hurley: I don't care anymore, dude... this whole thing... it just doesn't pay to care. Edward gives Hurley a once over and walks up to him. He reaches into Hurley's robe pocket and pulls out a bottle of pills. The label reads "Clonazepam." Edward closes his eyes and then whips the bottle across the room. Edward: She has you on those?! Hurley: Chill out dude... Edward: She knows that I specifically asked for you NOT to be medicated... Hurley: It's all good man... I can still function.

Edward: Not how I need you to function, damn it... Just then there is a loud beeping sound coming from Edward's computer and he rushes over to it. The screen reads a series of the numbers in equation form. Edward pushes a series of numbers and we see a projection map show up that looks much like the weather map seen before, but this instead looks like the type of map you'd see if an earthquake has struck and the news shows you the epicenter and the circles around it to indicate how far the impact zone is. The epicenter is in the lower left hand side of the main island and the circles around it project out nearly over the entire thing. Edward's eyes get huge as the flash sound begins... 14) --FLASH-- INT. LECTURE HALL. NIGHT. Edward is standing in front of a large auditorium packed with people. He is on stage in front of a podium and he has a large screen pulled down behind him. The screen has the numbers, 4,8,15,16,23,42. Edward seems to be finishing up his speech... Edward: ... many believe the occurrence of these numbers to be merely coincidence. And many believe those who follow these numbers to be dooms-day sadists. I ask you, my fellow colleagues, what if? What if Enzo Valenzetti was correct in his logic? What if these numbers are an equation that once solved, will tell just when, where and how the end of days will come? Can we ignore that? Can we ignore the so called prophecies that these numbers have predicted... that have then came true?! I think to turn a blind eye on Valenzetti's work is to turn a blind eye on humanity... to turn a blind eye on the truth that is before us... a truth that the end of time, as we know it, is near... Thank-You. I will now take questions from the audience... (he looks around) Yes, you... in the red tie. Man in Red Tie: Have you ever heard of Il Destino Sinergia? The group that Valenzetti created back in the 60's? Edward: Yes, yes I have... Man in Red Tie: Would you call yourself an avid believer in their message? Edward: That's tricky... we don't know for certain what happened to Valenzetti, nor do we know why he left the group... but I will say this, there is truth to their core belief system... every major event can be traced back to the Valenzetti numbers. A woman stands up and questions Edward. Woman: Don't you think that, as a scientist, you are letting yourself be blinded by the sexy appeal of the dooms-day prophecies? Haven't you been laughed out of the scientific community because of this?

Edward clutches the podium and clenches his teeth. Edward: Sometimes, the brightest scholars and most notable people in history are laughed out of the community. Need I remind you of Albert Einstein? Another woman stands up and we see that it is Roberta Owen. Roberta: Isn't it true that none of this could ever be proved unless we find more information about Enzo Valenzetti and why he never finished the equation? Edward: Yes, there are missing factors in the equation and we don't know why he left Il Destino Sinergia. Roberta: Then wouldn't you say you're wasting your time and your life's work with this nonsense that will never be solved? Edward looks very angry at this point and he abruptly says: Edward: That's it! That's all the time we have for questions. Thank you and goodnight! Edward shoots a nasty look at Roberta and he leaves the stage. The camera cuts backstage where Edward rushes over to his belongings and puts his presentation material into a bag. We then see Roberta Owen walk in behind him. Without looking at her he says: Edward: Forget it, Ms. Owen... your tactics won't get me to join your silly group... my life isn't dedicated to meteorology anymore, it's dedicated to the equation... Roberta: I know. Edward: And until I find a way to solve it, I'm not going back into meteorology. Roberta: I know... but we need your skills, Edward. And I've gone to great lengths to persuade you to join... Frustrated and very agitated, Edward spins around and looks like he's going to scream at Roberta, but he stops dead in his tracks and his jaw drops. Standing there beside Roberta is Richard Alpert, aka Enzo Valenzetti.

Edward: What... the... how... who the hell is this?! Richard: Mr. Lorenz, I'm a big fan of your work... but I guess your work is really my work... Edward: But you're... Richard: Dead? Edward: Well, you should be... that, or you should be like... Richard: Much older, yeah, I can explain that, but not here. Edward looks at Roberta and laughs. He then turns back to continue packing his things and chuckles to himself as he says: Edward: I knew you would sink low, Roberta, but honestly... hiring a Valenzetti look a like... do you think I'm that stupid?? Richard: The missing factor in the equation is the number 6, Edward. The number of variables divided by the number of possible outcomes, 108, cross referenced with... well, you get it... Edward drops his bag and slowly turns around to Richard and Roberta. He looks at Richard as if he can't believe his eyes. Edward: You're him... you're actually Enzo Valenzetti... I... I don't know what to say... Roberta: Say you'll join us. Edward gets a huge smile on his face. Edward: Of course I'll join you! When do I start?! The camera pans on Roberta and Richard as the flash sound begins... 15) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. OUTSIDE ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DUSK.

Edward rushes into Roberta's office without knocking and directly up to her desk where we see her sitting behind it reading the Bible. Edward rushes in and he slams down a piece of paper. Roberta puts the Bible down and we see that she is reading the chapter "Revelations." She picks up the paper and looks at it then shoots a look up at Edward. Roberta: What's this? Edward: The exact time it's going to happen... we miscalculated!! Roberta: How?! How's that possible?! Edward: I don't know, Roberta... but we don't have much time... Roberta looks down at the paper and then shakes her head in a "ok" manner. Roberta: All right, this is doable... cutting it close... but doable... Edward: Roberta... those aren't months... Roberta: You mean weeks?! Edward: Days!!!! The camera focuses on the absolute shock on Roberta's face as music builds and the camera cuts abruptly to black. ----commercial---16) EXT. HYDRA ISLAND. NIGHT. Christine, Margaret and Sanjit, with Walt in his arms, are walking through the new Hydra complex towards the Zoology Department. Thunder is heard then it starts to downpour and they sprint towards the door and Margaret opens them. Sanjit and Walt go in, but Margaret turns around and stops Christine. Yelling due to the rain, Margaret says to Christine: Margaret: We'll take it from here! You get back to my office!

Christine: I'm not leaving him! Margaret: That's an order, Christine, and you'll listen to me if you want to help your children! Christine stands there as Margaret turns and runs into the building. The camera cuts to the inside where Sanjit lays Walt down on a lab table. Margaret comes in and brushes the rain off of herself. Sanjit: Should we just leave him here? Where's the doctor? Off to the side we hear a voice coming from the shadows. Voice: Leave him. In the background we see Christine sneak in and hide behind a work station. Margaret: Are you sure? You don't know what he's capable of... Voice: Believe me, I... more than anyone else here, know what Walter Lloyd is capable of... The camera cuts to Christine behind the table as the camera shows the man from the back walk out of the shadows. Christine's eyes instantly enlarge as she says to herself: Christine: Brian?! The camera then cuts to Brian Porter!!! Only his eyes and nose are visible due to the shadows and the flash sound begins... 17) --FLASH-- EXT. PORTER HOUSE. ROME, ITALY. We see a man walk up to the front door of a residence and pull out a piece of paper with the address "234 Palazzo della Scimmia" on it. Under the address is a number that has been circled. It is "89." The camera pans up and it is Richard Alpert as he rings the doorbell. Richard looks out in the yard to his left and we see a puppy Vincent tied up and he is sitting there looking directly at Richard not taking his eyes off of him. Richard looks a bit uncomfortable as the door swings open and standing there is Susan Lloyd holding a two year old Walt. Susan: May I help you? Richard:

Yes, is Brian in? Susan: Can I tell him who's asking? Richard: Yes, I'm an old friend of Alvar Hanso... Susan: Oh, ok... Come on in... Richard walks into the foyer where he looks around and sees photos of Susan, Brian and Walt all around. After a moment Brian Porter walks in and shoots a dirty look at Richard as he angrily says: Brian: What the hell do you want? Richard: That's not the way you greet someone who knows all your secrets, Brian... Brian: Who are you?! What do you want?! Money?? Richard: No, what I'm here for is you, Brian... I've gone to some pretty unrealistic lengths to seek you out. Brian looks at Richard oddly and then grabs his jacket as he heads for the door. He screams: Brian: Susan! I'll be back in a little while... Brian grabs Richard and the two of them go outside where Brian shuts the door and then pins Richard up against it. Brian: What do you want?! Richard: I want to offer you a job... Brian lets go of Richard and he starts walking down the stone street. Richard follows. Richard: I know all about who you really are, Dr. Brian Porter...

Brian: You know nothing... Richard: I know you pretend to be a lawyer to help you woo Susan Lloyd. Susan because you found out she has a rare blood disorder that she shares with Alvar Hanso. I know you moved to Rome where Hanso gets his treatments. I know you are administering medication to Susan without her even knowing you're doing so and that you could possibly kill her in the process. I know that you have a particularly fond interest in her son Walt because he may carry the disease as well, but in the testing you found out something else about Walt, something very curious. You found out Walt is special. Brian turns around and starts towards Richard. Brian: How the hell do you know that?! No one knows about that! Richard: I know a lot of things, Mr. Porter... I also know you have a fond interest in zoology. That is you have your doctorate in, isn't it? How is it one goes from zoology to research in rare blood disorders? Brian: Animal testing, it's what I do... seriously, man... how do you know all this? Richard: I'll tell you that later... but first I want to tell you why I'm here. You're aware of the Dharma Initiative, correct? Brian: Yeah... I worked for a subsidiary of it, but... that program's been shut down, that's why I stopped my work in zoology... Richard: I know, I've read your research you've done while with Dharma... your tests and experiments on Labrador Retrievers is quite amazing. Brian: What do you want? Richard: As I said, I'm here to offer you a job... a return to zoology... but first, there's a few things I'll need you to do for me... Brian turns and beings walking away. He walks about 10 feet then turns around and says:

Brian: I'm listening... Richard smiles and starts walking towards Brian as the flash sound begins... 18) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. ZOOLOGY BUILDING. NIGHT. Edward runs past the Zoology building in the downpour on his way to his office. As he runs past, Christine sneaks out of the Zoology Doors and around the side of the building where she runs into someone and she looks up and looks surprised. 19) INT. EDWARD LORENZ'S OFFICE. NIGHT. Edward busts into his office and wipes the rain off of him. He looks around and calls out: Edward: Hugo?! Where you at?! I know I shouldn't have left you here... He looks around, but there is no sign of Hurley. Edward: Damn it!! 20) EXT. ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT. NIGHT. Christine looks up and the man she ran into is Hurley wearing his robe and pajamas. Hurley puts his finger up to his mouth and shushes Christine. The two just stand there and look at each other. 21) INT. MARGARET'S OFFICE. NIGHT. The office is empty and the camera focuses on the monitor of the Swan Station with Sawyer in it. The camera then cuts to the inside of the Swan Station where we see the countdown timer at 1 and the alarm sound going off. Sawyer, looks into the camera and defiantly smiles as the timer starts buzzing faster and faster. The machine begins to shake and Sawyer's expression changes from a happy troublemaker to instant worry. The time reaches the blank panels and the automated system starts saying: Computer: System Failure. System Failure. System Failure. Sawyer looks around unsure of what to do as the machine starts to really shake and the buzzing gets louder! He then runs up to one of the working cameras and screams: Sawyer: All right! Turn it off! ..... Come on!! Turn it off!!! Damn it! Turn the damn thing off!! Sawyer turns and looks back at the machine and then shoots back to the camera. The scene cuts back to the office and the shot of the monitor as we see Sawyer screaming into it, but there is no one in the office to help. The camera cuts to: 22) INT. SMALL ROOM. NIGHT.

As lightning is flashing from outside the window the door opens and in walks a soaking wet and rather horrid looking Roberta. She walks in and takes a seat across from Richard, who is tied up. She gives him a once over and she says: Roberta: You look God awful... Richard doesn't say anything. Roberta: It's happening sooner than we though, Richard... does this have anything to do with Kwon's death? Richard: It could. Roberta: What do you mean, it could!? Richard: Roberta, it's out of our control now... there's nothing more I can do. We've used up our chances... all 108 of them... Roberta: What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Richard: It's any-one's game now... The camera pans on Roberta and she doesn't look pleased. The camera cuts to: 23) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Locke is laying on the ground letting the rain hit him in the face. When suddenly there is a flash of lightning and there is a shadow of a man over Locke's body. Locke looks up and says: Locke: I was wondering how long until you'd show your face... Locke stands up and the camera reveals the other man. It is Christian Shephard. Christian doesn't look happy. Christian: What did you do with Walt? Locke:

I let them take him... it was the only way to get him away from you and your manipulation. Christian: You have no idea what you've just done... Locke: I know exactly what I've just done... Christian: You want to play that way, do you? Locke just smiles a smug grin at Christian. Christian: Have it your way, John... there're no rules now... Locke: Fine. Christian: Good. The two dead, but not so dead, men stare at each other as the thunder roars and lightning flashes and the music builds to it's max and then:

LOST On the Next Lost.... VO: We Know Their Backgrounds... 1) Shots of each of the DI we've met so far. VO: We Know Their Motives... 1) Roberta telling Jack they need to save the world. VO: But Just How Far Will the DI Go.... 1) Sawyer passed out. 2) Hurley and Christine being shot at. 3) Roberta slapping someone. 4) Walt screaming in pain. VO: Next Week... a major revelation is uncovered...

Cast in order of Appearance: Roberta Owen..........Kathy Bates Dr. Hans Berger........Philippe Brenninkmeyer Margaret Washburn...Lauren Ambrose Gina.......................Song Yun-ah Edward Lorenz.........Jaleel White J. Clark Maxwell.......Ben Stein Karen DeGroot.........Courtney Lavigne Gerald DeGroot........Michael Gilday Christian Shephard...John Terry Walt Lloyd..............Malcolm David Kelley John Locke.............Terry O'Quinn Ben Linus...............Michael Emerson Daniel Faraday........Jeremy Davies Charlotte Lewis.......Rebecca Mader Kate Austen...........Evangeline Lilly Aaron Littleton........??? Claire Littleton........Emilie de Ravin Juliet Burke............Elizabeth Mitchell James Sawyer Ford.Josh Holloway Sanjit...................Hrithik Roshan Susan Lloyd...........Tamara Taylor Christine DeVries.....Jody Thompson Boone Carlyle.........Ian Somerhalder Mr. Eko.................Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Hurley...................Jorge Garica Richard Alpert.........Nestor Carbonell Brian Porter............David Starzyk Vincent.................Vincent Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

What's the cause of the end of the world? What is Brian Porter doing working with the DI? What's up with Karen and Gerald and the timeline with Brian?! What are they going to do with Walt? What did Juliet tell Christine to do? What is Hurley up to? What's up with the numbers on the pieces of paper Richard has?

Questions Answered: 1) Part of the past of Dr. P/Brian Porter. 2) How the members were all recruited and parts of their pasts. 3) Part of the "visions" were explained by Maxwell. 4) Christian and Locke are at odds. 5) Richard has more to do with the way things unfolded pre-crash than we thought.

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