Kingdom Of Gold (degeneration Of Christians)

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  • Words: 59,257
  • Pages: 171
Index Prologue The Empire Of Priests Beginning of Kingdom A Business Center After 2’000 Church Christians of Kerala-State Profession Lawsuits Priesthood Split in Apostles' Church Baptism Inter Church Organization Marriage Indian Politics And Christianity Function Of Church Terrorism Warnings to priest Martyrs Declaration Of Faith Rock Confession Offerings Sabbath Or SUN's Day Worshipping Easter Christmas Cross Sign Holy Communion Christ's Pictures Facing East Foreign Language Robert Schuler Burial Inside The Church Priests And The Society Den Of Thieves Wealth Epilogue INDEX 255,248, 241

Published: March 31, 2002 Revised: Nov 17, 2015

Prologue “THE KINGDOM Of GOLD” mostly deals with controversies created by believers, Christian churches and so-called Christian countries and their Priests. Every Christian must be aware of the existing disputes between them. No one should follow the misled path of any country or church; and should not be prejudiced to one another. Christians are not to fight over any disputes, even though the Church leaders have started such quarrels, the laymen should not take any part in it.

“1 Corinthians 1: 13. Is Christ divided?” Believers should live above the disputes and obey God’s commandments to maintain peace and to attain salvation. If you follow some rituals, and have prayers without works and faith, you will never reach the Kingdom of God. This book contains, only Truth, supported by the quotes from the Bible and historical facts. This is not meant, either to tarnish or to honor any particular sect. The readers are requested to study the Word of God (The Bible) in detail, and make your own decision for the benefit of your own final destination. This is not an invitation to any particular denomination, or group but for the freedom from your present slavery of rituals and superstitious beliefs. However, if you are convinced, pass on this information to others, just like you got it. Unless you study this you will not know that you are a slave of wrong beliefs or not. WARNING: Once you have learned the truth and don’t live up to the standards, even Hades won’t take you; God himself will destroy you. If anybody has the courage to disprove this Biblically, he is welcome. Don’t start saying about some Church rules and traditions. Jesus Christ tried to reform Jewish religion, which Jews did not accept, so they crucified Him. You are following Christ, and his teachings, under His New Covenant. Whatever reforms Christ has added to the Laws of “The Old Testaments stands forever” The Church rules, contrary to God’s commandments must be condemned. No priest and no Church can take you to heaven; you have to go all-alone, on your final journey, until you reach your eternal life or eternal death. The responsibility of any Church is to teach the people ‘The Truth’ - to live right (do the right thing) to think right thing and to speak right thing and to worship the true God in ‘TRUTH and SPIRIT’. What God said, is the only righteousness.

What is Truth? John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Truth” Jesus is the word of God: so the word of God is The Truth; (Jesus is the Truth)


By the year 2005 Kerala-State social activists, political leaders, and different ‘society leaders’ have all turned against Christian priests, and laymen in general. Have they done that much damage to the social system, so that these people have to feel that much enmity? Kerala-State was the first among Indian States to achieve full literacy. It is a historical fact that Christians have contributed the largest portion of it. It was some time back when Sukumar Azhikode(A social activist) passed a remark, that most of the priests are alcoholics. I didn’t see any response from any priests in the newspaper or in any other news media. In 2004, when AK Anthony was the Kerala Chief Minister, he made a remark that minorities are trying taking undue advantage. I do not want to know about AK Anthony’s ethics, but you can’t expect anything better than that from any politician. The world has not seen a better politician except Mahathma Gandhi, an un-corrupt one; don’t expect such people any more. I don’t admire any politician; let them do their business. Bernard Shaw said, “Politics is the last resort of a scoundrel”.

Kerala-State During the month of May 2005, SNDP General Secretary ‘Vellappally Nadesan’ contributed his share, that Ommen Chandy - The Chief minister of Kerala, and a business group, and bishops are ruling Kerala. NSS General Secretary Narayana Panicker was also voicing for social justice. What instigates these people to speak like this? They are leaders of social and political systems. On 2nd June 2005, Malayalamanorama Newspaper page (KLM2QL) stated: NSS General Secretary Narayana Panicker said sometimes in 2003-2004, 170 aided schools were given permission for one community in one region. The other statistics he exposed were, 90-year-old NSS have SNDP One community has Another community has

102 schools 56 Schools 3600 Schools (May be Christians) 2000 Schools (May be Muslims)

When A K Antony was chief minister he accused the minorities but he did not do any social justice. Then Oomman Chandy came, until June 2005 he also


hasn’t done anything. Before that Baby John was education minister for a long time. Christians in politics should do better than any one else. If a minister or a businessman did something wrong they should be dealt with according to the law of the land. Should the whole community be condemned for that? This is only one side of the subject; the other side is: --

The priest’s involvements in several activities are not godly. You may ask, how can I derive to this conclusion? Man is basically corrupt, no matter how much he tries; he will continue to fall in to corruptions. India had several great Sages, they were almost far off from the worldly matters, and went in to the forests, and mountain tops to have the most solitude and peaceful atmosphere. In a place far away from the worldly turmoil, they had their hard penance. Could they achieve what they were bent upon, ‘No’ often they have lost themselves, before they attained their goal; their fall was the greatest. Should they be condemned for that? ‘No’ we learn the lessons from those downfalls of our predecessors to correct ourselves for a better life and future. Do any of these critics stand above the standards, they are indicating for others? May be not. A man’s credibility stands high when he does not condemn others, and do what is just and righteous. He should prove himself as an example to others. When priests are becoming a target for politicians and social activists, it is highly necessary for the self-analysis of the priests. Priests are very actively involved in education, humanitarian works, social reforms, politics, trade unions, several kinds of educational establishments and continue to do so. These activities are not, any of the priest’s business, certainly not.

Their intention is to make money, wrong business for the priests! Priests are to worship God and to pray for others. A priest is to perform or administer various religious rites and nothing else. They should teach the laymen the word of God. They should not involve themselves in any other matters. If a man is sick, the priest must pray for him. It is not his job to raise money for his treatment. Obviously the priest won’t get the appreciation on this earth for praying for the sick, but only in heaven. It is long time, probably several decades, since I heard from someone, saying, “Mind your own business” because everybody is doing others business, and this terminology don’t fit for the modern society anymore. A priest should not be involved even in the construction of a Church! Somebody else should look after the construction work. Why?


(1) (2)

There are plenty of spiritual matters for the priest to look after and construction work is a not a spiritual matter. When problem comes, people go astray from God’s path and get in to all kinds of evil things, becoming addict to drugs, committing crimes and even suicide. When there is someone to build the lost confidence in those people to face their own problems on the basis of faith, those people can be saved.


There are many priests and preachers who do teach in regular academic schools and colleges and also who manage different institutions, working as lawyers, managing hospitals, poly-technical schools, nursing-colleges, medical colleges etcetera and that list is too long. These are not a priest’s business.


Can a priest give bribe? The present social system is corrupt and if the priest has to get something done they have to bribe the concerned people. Priests should not get involved in any of such things and should not arrange bribe through a third person.


Can a priest or Bishop take capitation fee? Is it righteous for any Christian institution to accept capitation fee? It is a bribe, giving illegal payments for an exchange of favors. Bribery is a social evilness. Who is not accepting bribe in one way or other in these days? How can a spiritual man do such things?


When a priest goes out of the way, his disobedience to the God’s commandment is deadly, and it brings disaster not only for him and the society but also for the whole country.


Priests destroy the image of the entire community. When a priest or preacher becomes the target of any wrongdoing and when they are criticized or even when they are attacked physically, or getting Lathy-Charged by policemen like in Kolenchery Church (July 3, 2005) it is shameful. They should stay clear from all the social and political agitations. They should worry about their own Parishspiritual matters and nothing else. Lathy=A heavy stick (often bamboo) used by police-men in India


“Church Property-right disputes” are not a priest’s spiritual matter. Property belongs to the local people, and not to the priests. Let the concerned people go after it.

But a priest is to tell the people what they should and shouldn’t do according to the scripture in general. Accepting such advice on spiritual matter is for the people. Priests should not behave like Aaron did, and they should not mislead others and disrupt ‘law-and-order’. Priests have confiscated the entire wealth of the Church, which belongs to the parish people for which they have no legal and moral right.



A priest’s wealth is ‘The Word of God’, and reasonably good dress and absolutely no luxury.

The author never quarreled or made any dispute with any church, priest and pastors. I have written only what I have seen and experienced. I never changed my denomination and do not intend to do so. If somebody gets furious about the book; should think, truth can never be denied. I have a very broad view about the disputes among different churches. I only wish them to be tolerant with each other un-conditionally and accept others as equal. No one is superior to the other.

Next-Chapter 01



Empire > “A supreme and a wide extend of states” reigned by a Monarch Monarch > A person who reigns a Kingdom or Empire Gold > A yellow colored precious metal, a commodity of luxury (Can be said as wealth also) Who is The Emperor? > Preacher, Priest or high priest Authority of an Emperor-priest, is used to punish their people as following :1) 2) 3) 4)

Excommunicate Cash fine Discrimination Persecution in spiritual matters, by not providing required services in time until church-dues are paid, or until the laymen comes to their knee before the Priests.

Sources of Income

> Tithes and offerings, Donations, compulsion, Extortion

Nature of Payments >

1) (COVERT and OVERT) in cash, 2) In kind (in all kinds of goods)

Nature of money & goods > 1) Hard earned, 2) Earned through unjustifiable means, and easy money 3) Illegal earnings 4) Tax evaded 5) Stolen (white & blue collar theft) Purpose of Giving > 1) Reputation 2) Popularity 3) Manipulation 4) To rule the Church 5) To control the people 6) Show off 7) To enjoy when others Praise Behavior of a Preacher/ priest > Imperial & born to rule? 1 Peter 4: 10 Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you have received.


Steward > is a person who looks after and manages, the welfare of a large number of people. He is expected to serve the people with the spiritual gifts he has received from God. The steward is quite aware that nothing belongs to him but his master (God). A steward is a dispenser who is usually a slave to the Lord. He should be humble and courteous. Steward must be loyal to the master and good to the people (including laymen as well as to others). Here the master commandments.









1 Peter 5: 2-3. Tend the flock of God in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have to do it -not for sordid gain but eagerly. Do not lord it over in those in your charge, but be examples to the flock. Tend Oversight Compulsion Sordid ‘To lord’ Eagerly

= = = = = =

To take care Omission or error under somebody’s force or pressure Dirty or filthy; to rule others as if they have some authority and power Keen and enthusiastic

Biblical verses are God breathed and you can see the meanings would get deeper as you read it over and over again. Therefore you must study the scripture and meditate over it. The meanings are to be taken carefully to analyze the above verses. You may be a preacher or a priest, the advise is for you from the Lord, how to behave and look after your sheep? 1 Peter 5: 2-3 “Take care of the God’s sheep who are in your charge making sure any omission of their spiritual need. It must not be because of somebody’s pressure; but whole heartedly as God would have to do it, not for any filthy or dirty gain but keenly. Do not rule them as if you have some power and authority, but you must be an example to the Flock of sheep” Until now the Clergy have been ruling the laymen, now the time has come for the laymen to rule the clergy?

Romans 3: 10-12 None is righteous, not even one. There is none that understand, there is none that seek God. They are all gone out of the way; they are together become unprofitable; there is none that do good, no, not one.


Psalms 51: 5 Behold, I was formed in iniquity; and in sin my mother conceived me. Iniquity=Absence of spiritual values. Non-ceremonial

Ceremonial dress

Ceremonial dress of high priest is immersed in gold, like a Pagan-idol Man is formed in his mother’s womb, without any spiritual values and in sin. The only one ever formed without sin is Jesus Christ and not even Mother Mary. Jesus was formed with the aid of Holy Spirit and in the absence of a human father. Though Joseph is Mary’s husband; he is not Jesus’ real father but a stepfather. There is no one without sin but God. But God expect you to become perfect. When you do your part sincerely and truly and when you become acceptable to God’s minimum standards; at his mercy; he will sanctify you and only He could free you from your sins. Without such God’s sanctification you will never get to heaven. If some human beings give you the title SAINT you never become a saint. God is the only one, who has the authority to say that and have the power to do it. Isaiah 1: 9-10. The Lord said, “I have put my words in your mouth, see today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms, to pluck and pull them down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” God tells every believer to pluck and pull down, and to destroy and overthrow Satan’s stronghold right from the root and to plant the seed of ‘The Word of God’ and to build his Kingdom. Romans 14: 17 Kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Mathew 28: 18-20. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”


In both verses, the message is the same. People have become wicked, so they should be told the word of God, so that they may become good. At this point, this is the prime responsibility of the people, those who have chosen the path of a preacher and priest. This does not mean, they are the only responsible people for that, but every human being on the earth is responsible to do such work besides the preachers and the priests. But unfortunately the priests and preachers are engaged in all kinds of worldly matters except perfect evangelism. There are some Priests and Nuns using hair-dye to look young. Some priests shave around their whiskers to present themselves as models of beauty. Does he look like a priest or a Sheik? (Arab Chief) To me he doesn’t look like a Christian Priest. Why do they want to hide the God given decoration of silver hair? Because they know, even if they pray for black hair, God will not give them. They want to be attractive and handsome before others so that more women will be attracted to them. They always should be neat and clean but that doesn’t mean they should use artificial beautification to attract opposite sex or even same sex. Spiritual people should not go after fleshly and worldly matters. These people do not have to make themselves more attractive and more handsome. Through artificial means they try to be more beautiful to tempt others to commit sins. Costly dress, carrying and wearing golden cross with rubies and diamonds and silver sticks with a snakehead are not meant for them. Possessing most expensive luxurious cars is in no way can be justified. The worst part is, neither the Priests will preach nor they will let others to preach. Because of the extensive corruption by ‘SADHUS’ Pharisees, Scribes and priests; Christ was putting an end of their wickedness, by exposing them as white washed coffins. Jesus Christ has put an end to priesthood itself and He was the last priest according to the Bible. Since the ordinary people never had the Bible, they followed what the priests said, and were ruled by the priests, the people never knew that the priesthood came to an end with Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 2: 5 For there is one God, only one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus If there is only one mediator, between God and man; where the man made -


-- saints can be mediators? This ideology of saints has created a great deal of disputes, confusion and division among Christians. Only in 17th century such intercessional prayers came in to practice, which has shadowed the importance of Jesus Christ.

Next II. Beginning of Kingdoms


II. Beginning of Kingdoms 1 Samuel 9: 17. When Samuel saw Saul, the Lord told him, “Here is the man of whom I spoke to you, he shall rule over my people” Israelites never had a king until Saul became the first king. God warned them that the king would exploit them. Because of the outcry of the Israelites, they were given a king by God himself. The kings and the people became wicked. God torn the kings and the subjects apart and His anger was boundless. They all went wrong and did everything against the commandments of God. None of them escaped God’s punishments. Hosea 13: 9-11. The Lord said “O Israel I will destroy you, who can help you? Where is your king now, so that he may save you? Where in all your cities are your rulers, whom you said, “Give me a king and rulers”? I gave you a king in my anger, and I took him away in my wrath” Only one Church was built, according to the God given specification, which was the first Jerusalem-temple. God let the Temple destroyed by Israelites’ enemies, When the wickedness of the people became worse. Whatever Churches built after the first one; was not because the Lord told them to do so, but the Israelites did of their own. People anointed priests of their own. And they continue to do even now. After the apostles’ time, the Jewish priests who became Christians continued as Christian priests. This is how the priesthood crept in to Christianity.

According to the New Testament 1)

In early days Israelites were under the direct rule of God himself. Then they asked for a king; though God did not like it, He gave them a king to teach the Israelites a good lesson. Later they had no more kings.


David wanted to make a Temple, even when God was not interested but God gave permission to Solomon to build the Temple. When Israelites sinned, God got angry and let the temple to be destroyed by Israelites enemy. He never said to rebuild it after Ezekiel.


When the population was small they could manage with one Temple. Later when Jesus came He said that people should worship in “Truth and Spirit”. The Temples made of wood and stone were not the part of salvation; man’s heart is the real temple.



Israelites had priests, and they became corrupt. So when Jesus came, He has put an end to priesthood and He became the final priest.


God was displeased with the Israelite’s sacrifices, so the Lord said that He wants mercy and not sacrifices. He wanted the people to love each other and God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.


Instead of Passover and animal sacrifice, they should have Bread and Wine, in remembrance of Jesus, as often. He never said about a temple or priest.

If you put all the above, then you will come to the following conclusions. >>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<< 1) Any one can lead a prayer and give the ‘Bread and grape juice’ and no priest is needed. 2) You can pray, in any place or building, no imitation of Jerusalem temple is needed. 3) Only repentance is required, and no more animal sacrifices, and no need of Priests for confession. You can always confess to God directly and honestly. 4) Rituals will never help you for the forgiveness of sins 5) Anybody can give Baptism; anywhere there is water, no Priests, pastors and no churches are needed. Politicians and priests have all gone worse. Is there one Christian Church in peace? They are after establishments and not eternity. They have exchanged GOD with GOLD, like Judas did. Look at the shameful example of Orthodox churches and Orthodox Jacobite Churches of Kerala-state, in India, with more than two century old court battle which is still continued for the property rights. Now with a new turn of fights, they settle their dispute on the street; and high priests and Bishops are leading the fights, and the priests got ‘Lathi -


charged’ by the policemen. (Lathi = Baton consisting of a heavy stick, often bamboo or cane, used by Indian Policemen) Jesus had only one disciple who was after money; his love of money was so great he betrayed his own ‘Rabaii’ Jesus. Mathew 26:57-58 explains the role of Caiaphas the high priest Caiaphas the High Priest gave money to Judas for his master’s betrayal. Judas was one of the twelve disciples. Jesus has given every opportunity to straighten Judas’ life but he went after the money. Even if Judas wasn’t there the high priest would have summoned Jesus and His Crucifixion would have been carried out. Judas is the typical example of one, who betrayed the Kingdom of God for the Kingdom of GOLD. These priests are not chosen and anointed by God but appointed by a bunch of people. How can they be good? How can a spiritual man quarrel over wealth? They should walk away from it, if not they are no better than Judas. They are not devoted in God but in wealth. Recently some times in the month of July, 2009 a TV Channel interviewer asked a bishop: Why their priests often disregard their priestly dress and walk around in European dress? The Bishops answer was shocking to me. The Bishop said: It is the mistake of the upbringing, (The parent’s mistake) that they don’t wear the priestly dress all the time; and not the mistake of the church How long does it take for anyone to become a priest? Eight to ten years. During this period of time, those student priests are in seminary and learning what goes on there. They show in public what they learned from there. I know few people who jumped out of Seminary; I do not wish to mention everything they said. Hebrews 13: 5 “Keep your life free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have” Does it not apply to Churches, Priests, Bishops and Pastors? Sirach 29: 11 Lay up your treasure, according to the commandments of the most high, and it will profit you more than gold. Sirach 29. 23 Be content with little or much, and you will hear no reproach for being a guest.


Ezekiel 7 19 & 21 Their silver and gold cannot save them, on the day of the wrath of God. I will hand it over to strangers as booty, to the wicked on the earth as plunder. God warns everyone who accumulates wealth, which will be a hindrance for eternity, and that wealth which is ill-earned will be ransacked by the wicked. Can you walk away from the wealth? - Your greediness will not permit it. You will use all means and even unjustifiable means to accumulate more and more wealth. The whole world is spinning in these three ‘W’s. The center of your concentration must be God; otherwise your worldly and eternal life will be a failure. You may have one or more than one vices, is all the same, you have lost the kingdom of God forever.

World Wealth



1 Samuel 15: 22 The Lord has much delight in obeying His Commandments than in offerings and burned offerings. Obedience to God’s Commandments is the greatest thing in the whole universe.

Next-Church a Business Center?


III. Church A Business Center? 2 Corinthians 12:14. I do not want, what is yours, but you. 2 Corinthians 2: 17. There are so many peddlers of ‘Word of God’. God doesn’t want the man made money, or his gold or his silver, He wants the man himself, and he should be good and obey His commandments. Even when a man is standing in a so-called CHURCH his mind is far away from God. A man can do four things easily even when he is in a Church. 1) 2) 3) 4)

He stands in the Church Looks around to see whatever that give pleasure to his eyes. With his lips he prays His mind is concentrated in something else.

This is how an average Christian stays in a church during worshipping. When people become desperate in social life, they go from one political-party to another. When a man become desperate in family life or spiritual life they go from one Church to another, finally they will have no faith either in the Government or in Church; because both are fraud. Both establishments are extracting people’s money and doing nothing constructive. The poor people will have to end up, on the tip of a rope, to end their troubles. Dishonest public servants, politicians and unrighteous religious people are the root cause of the people’s social, economic and spiritual desperation and downfall. You might ask what important role, a church can play for the society? A Church can create honest, sincere and righteous and God fearing people. This would resolve all their social and domestic problems. Less than three percent population of Christians on India’s national-level can be a perfectly successful example, which will be followed by others with great exuberance. (Exuberance=Enthusiasm) If you are true and righteous, you will be successful at the same time others will follow you, otherwise, even the devil will discard you after a while. Unlike any other philosophy and doctrine, Christians have an excellent code of conduct. What good is it, if they don’t practice it? Churches do not need huge amount of income for its survival, provided they avoid luxury and pageant worshipping. They should not collect any thing more than what is just required for their minimum maintenance and survival.


All spiritual services should be rendered, free of cost. These are baptism, marriages, funeral, memorial services and membership. When there is a spiritual progress, money will flow in without any demand by the church. There are many places of worship, which has great importance of pilgrimage. There the money flows in without demand. To the same spiritual level all Churches can be and should be elevated. In these days what the churches do not sell is the Holy Communion and an entrance fee, for your each visit to the church. Eventually the Church will do that also on a ticket basis. Once a Parish priest told me, about a couple in his church both employed, earning nearly Indian Rupees 500’000/= per year. (in 2005) They are paying a negligible amount as membership fee. To my knowledge membership fee is a fixed nominal amount for every one, set by the laymen. The church is trying to make it different, depending on their income. The Priest could not increase the membership fee, so he was brooding over it. He was also crying for his own low salary and lack of facilities. He said that some other denomination Priests get three times of his (1) salary, (2) a parsonage, (3) telephone and (4) TV. May be he forgot to mention (a) DVD Player, (b) a high-powered stereo set (c) and Internet. Internet provides the super enjoyment of the modern world. This bachelor priest’s salary was Rupees Five thousand at that time. He said to me, he was getting only Rupees three thousand. He was also getting free boarding and lodging. Lying was no problem to him because he is habituated to that. Deliberate act of deviating from the truth is their masterpiece. Besides the salary; he was getting, he also had all handouts in cash and kind from laymen and also used to get a lot of expensive clothes from overseas suitable for his robes, perfumes and many more things. Churches have built shopping complexes and also have rented to money lenders within the church premises, and then made a partition wall between the complex and the church. I don’t understand what kind of ethics these churches have? Why not they run money lending itself? Is it any better than running unlawful establishments? 1)

Some priests have done several constructions in Church property, arbitrarily by using their totalitarian attitude without the consent of the Parish people. At the same time the diocese’s people have very less convenience for their everyday needs. After all, the money is


from the public; legally it requires the authorization of the laymen, which is bypassed. 2)

Church committees should not take any executive decisions by themselves alone. They must make proposals in full detail and must be presented before the ‘general body meeting’. The attendance must be 90 % absentees can give their votes in writing. 70% of the votes are required to pass any proposal. After having the approval of the general body, then only the committee can execute their proposal. This is the will of the people and not priest, and they must also abide the rules of the scripture.


This has to be done because committee people of this whole wide world are tricksters and they win the race; they execute their interest and not the interest and need of the people.


During 2004 -2005 there was a shopping complex construction in one of the churches, which shot up so quick like Aladdin Jeanie’s wonderwork, ignoring the opposition of the laymen.


You need a ferry to get in to the church, during rainy season, which was not corrected.


The very church building itself needs expansion due the increased population.


The parsonage itself is on the brim of collapse, which needs to be reconstructed.


There is no building for the Sunday schools. Usually classes are taken inside the church where the children play around. Have you seen in any of the mosques or temples where the children are playing?


Making play grounds especially inside the places of worship is just intolerable. Are these children exceptional, or are you making them outlaws before God?


Whenever there is a marriage they have no Sunday school-classes.


A community hall was desperately needed for several of the spiritual functions which otherwise cannot be conducted inside a church. All their needs were deliberately turned down.


They have rented the building without barring (stopping) them to operate on religious days disturbing the church services.



Such building has been rented to even moneylenders, which is morally not acceptable to the Church from the point of religious view. But their donations are accepted to such favors?

For whom these churches stand for? For GOD or GOLD? In general these types of inconveniences are persisting in most of the Churches, which is ignored, where as they spend a lot of money for PA systems, expensive carpets where the priests stand; and most expensive automobiles for their bishops and arch bishops.

Mathew 6: 24 Jesus said, “You cannot serve wealth and God at the same time” You cannot survive without money; does it mean you should worship money and consider money is everything and only thing for the Church? The scripture says, “Worshipping money is Idolatry” Without the consent of the higher ups nothing will take place. From top to bottom, and not from bottom to top, have all degenerated, down to the drain. ‘Like king like subjects’ Are they not doing Business? Sure they are.

Next-After 200 years


IV. After 2000 years By 2000 AD more than 5000 different churches have come in to existence globally, based on same Christ and same Bible is the creation of man himself. If you analyze the reasons for their division, they are very pathetic. New Testament, in The Bible supersedes the Old Testament. Moses’ law was the foundation and it was superseded by Christ’s teachings without drastic changes. Christ elaborated the depth and magnitude of God’s Commandments. The laws given through Moses’ remain as the foundation of the new covenant. Remember Jesus himself gave it – before he was born as a man. The Bible never reached the common man until 19th Century. Since the content of the Bible was unknown to the common man, the priests could reign as they pleased. The people fear the Priests and the so-called churches more than, the Almighty God and his Commandments. Churches have made rules, above the God’s commandments for the dictatorship of the Priests. From ancient time there were priests for all religions. The priests had their steel claws, even over the Kingdoms. From Moses time to Jesus time the priests had the uppermost hand in the Society. Because of the hypocrisy of the priests; as a New Covenant Jesus made a drastic change in priesthood. Jesus took over the everlasting priesthood, and He became the final high priest. JESUS CHRIST and later His disciples also taught, the simplest way of worshipping God. That has vanished after the first century. By the third century, Christianity became corrupt and drowned in Pageant type worshipping. The laymen could not do anything because The Bible was not known and was not available to them; moreover, most of the people were illiterates so they have to depend and trust the lies of the priests and follow what they said. Pageant Worshipping = Polytheistic, and ostentatious display and show in worshipping. This is an elaborate representation of scenes from history etcetera; usually involves a parade with rich costumes to make it a spectacular and conspicuous ceremony. Mark 7. 9. Christ said: “You have a fine way of rejecting God’s commandment, in order to keep your tradition, and many such things you do” Christianity had a stiff resistance from the Jews and all the other nature worshippers and gentiles. Finally Christians became incapable of resisting incorrect worshipping, so they joined the mainstream, and continued to live, against God’s commandments.


Hereby Christians have become corrupt, much more than any other religion in this whole world. The spiritual growth of Churches is very much neglected when its growth is concentrated in amassing wealth, which is worse than a business center. Politicians promise you, beautiful social life The Churches promise you everlasting life after death If you don’t give them, all your wealth you will have worldly & eternal death. This is their teachings and propaganda. If the Government wants new ideas in taxation, they can learn it from these Churches. India’s two biggest moneymakers are religious and political organizations. Both of them are deceiving the people and extracting their money. As a result, corruption in politics and spiritualism, have swallowed the helpless public morally, socially, financially and spiritually. On Sundays Christians assemble, to have their mass worshipping in their churches. Don’t ask what time they come to the Church, each one have his/ her own time. By the end of service; all churchgoers are present -- not to mention about some don’t go to the Church at all. The so-called rulers of the Church, don’t even enter inside the Church, like security guards wandering somewhere outside the Church. They are only to rule and not to worship. They are very busy people, God should be grateful to them for the mercy they show by running the Church. Once the service is over they will be at the top of their voice, until hunger take them home. What kind of children do they have? What would their children learn from these miserable parents? Like father like son!! If the children goes wicked blame parents. “If the tree is good, the fruit will be good; from the fruit you will know the Tree” Just for namesake People come to the Church, to while away some time. They know nothing about the Bible; most of them don’t even read it. They have some expensive type Bible at home to keep, in their showcases. When I got married, one Archbishop gave us two Bibles.


I never read it for a long time. I still have it with his signature, as shown below.

There are several retreat centers and prayer groups trying very hard to teach the Bible. The traditional churches don’t like the idea of teaching the Bible because they think, their importance and their grip over the church people will be lost so they are afraid to teach the Bible. So they speak of their own traditions and tarnish other churches. The enmity between the Churches is much greater than anything else. If one goes to another church, he will be persecuted and finally excommunicated, to show the greatness and might of the parental Church. You saw the enmity of Churches in Ireland. On 13th July 2005 in God TV channel in India, Pastor Benny Hinn, revealed some shocking news. 29 % of the Americans are Christians. 5--10 % goes to church. Only 4 % of the US kids believe in the Bible. 40 % of the preachers are in deep bondage in sex related problems. 58 % are not serious about it. Only 2 % of the preachers are true to their business!! US is known as a Christian Country? The above information, is something really devastating? If this is the condition of a Christian country, what about India, where the population of the Christians are less than 3 %; in the midst of all kinds of superstitious beliefs and pagan worshipping. US dislike to be known as a Christian country.


US like to call them a free country. Once a bishop said, in some churches; nothing is received from the cashbox. Like some magicians doing the trick, the money disappear!! In Shakespearean Mark Antony’s terms, those magicians “Are all honorable people” On July 13, 2005 it was published in Mnorama News Paper as following. Bombay Cardinal IVAN DICE said, women should dress modestly. Do you think, this statement is something knew or something of his own? NO. It is very well explained in the Bible. Who are the real culprits of indecent exposure? The women and nobody else!! If you look at above middle-aged mothers, you can see a wide opening in the front, and another wide opening at the back and a third wide exposure of no-mans-field, around the waste. Children can learn this much from their parents. The rest they will learn from the movies, TVs and internet. Cinematic dance is another one, “where very little is not exposed” where the girls and boys whirl around like an earthworm put in the burning sun. With all kinds of sensuous and lascivious and weird physical movements of heroes and heroines and the supporting actors and actresses, the producer is trying to hit the box-office. If the viewer enjoy it is understandable with these sorts of things. What about the one who expose their own nakedness, to make others to enjoy; is that not a real mental sickness Code of conduct for women :-1 Timothy 2: 9-12 Women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or gold, pearls or expensive clothes, but with good works, as is proper for women who profess reverence to God. Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over man she is to keep silent. 1 Corinthians 9: 16 Paul says, “If I proclaim gospel, it gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim gospel” In these days, evangelization is for laymen, and not for priests and pastors, because those designated people have failed in their responsibilities. When Israel failed to accept salvation it went to Gentiles. So counseling and prophesying about each and every one, in these days is with the laymen. If the pastors and priests go wild over the laymen for preaching better than them, it is a waste of time and energy and inviting God’s punishments. 1 Timothy 6: 10 Greed of wealth is the root cause of all wickedness.


Call of Christians 2 Peter 1: 5 You must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, and knowledge with self control, and self control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, and godliness with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love Where you Christians really stand now, closer to heaven or hell?



V. Church? Isaiah 66 1 – 2. The Lord said, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my foot stool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is my resting place. All these things my hand has made, and so all these things are mine”? Christ did preach in Jerusalem temple, but mostly, his sermons were in the wilderness. People gathered in several thousands, there were no priest and no church. Christ was the Lone Preacher. The original Jerusalem temple was destroyed, except Ezekiel’s time it was not repaired. It is not mentioned in the Bible to build another, even then men kept building temples of their own imagination. Bible is the only greatest book on the earth that eliminates the gap, between the men ought to be, and the man really is, provided he obeys the God’s Commandments. Traditional churches have a lot to explain about the kind of system they are functioning. Romans 16: 5 Paul sends his greetings to The Church in ‘The House’ This verse clearly indicates, church is where you assemble, and not in a duplicate Temple of Jerusalem. You might ask, what about millions of churches built around the globe, were those people that ignorant to do it? You said the answer! “Majority are Fools”. The fact is intellectuals are few, and they rule the foolish majority. Mark 14: 13–16 Jesus sent two of His disciples, saying them, “Go in to the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you; follow him, and wherever he enters, say to the owner of the house, “The teacher asks, where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples”. He will show you a large room upstairs, furnished and ready, make preparations for us there. So the disciples setout and went to the city, and found everything as He has told them; and they prepared the Passover meal. In these verses (Mark 14: 13–16) explains, where Christ had His last supper that was in a stranger’s house. He instructed his disciples to go to a town, and follow the man who was carrying a jar of water. Where ever he enters will be the place for the Passover supper. Jesus and His disciple had their traditional Passover. In that house he gave the New Covenant and broke the bread, and gave the grape juice, He also instructed them to do this often in His, and in this memory. Churches are to conduct Holy Bread-breaking in accordance to this. Acts 2: 2–5 On Pentecost day, when they were gathered in a house, they were filled with Holy Spirit. If that was in a Church and the gathering was under a priest this would not ~


~~have happened. Priests think of themselves as saints and holy, and some of them hold the title “His Holiness”. What can I say, they are drilling Holes in The Bible. Mathew 18: 20. Jesus said “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them”. God is promising his presence, no matter where you gather in His name. Not necessarily in Jerusalem temple only; it can be anywhere, anywhere two or more than two have gathered in His name! There is a great principle in this type of gathering. This is in continuation of the law He has already given; you must love each other. In short, your gathering must be out of true love to one another and to God. There are many conditions God has determined to answer your prayers and this is one of them. If your gathering is for namesake and have enmity in your mind, don’t expect God’s presence. So the importance is not for your building or under whose leadership you are gathering but for the purity and sincerity of your heart. Just reading some passages from a prayer book and hearing a so-called sermon, without the presence of the Holy Spirit, will not serve any purpose. God is not looking for Bible scholars and their listeners, but He is looking for the people who obey Him and pray with the sincerity of heart. Only to such prayers God answers. Each time the Holy Spirit will lead the man, who does the sermon, and the Holy Spirit will instruct him what to say; then only real repentance and confession takes place among the listeners. You will find the example in Acts 2nd chapter when Peter spoke to the people. Acts 2: 38 Peter said, “Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” Acts 2: 41 So those who welcomed the message were baptized, and that day about three thousand persons were added-- (Became believers and Baptized) Because Peter spoke what the Holy Spirit has instructed. The people accepted God’s message came through Peter. Remember that Peter’s sermon was after the Pentecost day, after Holy Spirit anointed him. Anybody can preach, without anointment, his sermon will not be fruitful; no one will repent and will be born again. Moses was an anointed person. God told Moses what he should speak to Pharaoh, and those messages Moses gave to Pharaoh had its impact. The word of God literally performed what it meant. If Moses happened to speak of his own, nothing would have happened. Exodus 7: 2. The Lord said to Moses, “You shall speak all that I command you to Pharaoh”.


You can never reach anywhere by doing some rituals, donations and gathering under some big banner of any Church; because that is not the real worshipping you are supposed to do. God wants you to surrender yourself to God. He owns everything in this whole universe including you. What kind of foolishness is it, giving a hand full of money to a church, without giving your heart to God? What can you achieve, nothing; but displeasing God. There are many rich people who give donations lavishly and leading their evil life, they will get nowhere; they all will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment. What you cannot give easily to God is your mind (heart), which is the factory of all evilness. When you give your heart to God you will become exactly like Jesus. At this stage only you have become a good follower of Jesus, so that you may call yourself a Christian. When you have not become a true follower of Jesus, you will create disputes, quarrels, and court-battles etcetera. For the same reason the Lord said, to love your God, because He knows that you may part with a portion of your wealth, but not your heart. Once you love your God with all your heart, everything you have belongs to Him. The entire universe, everything in it, your body, and your soul is all His creation. He can withdraw everything form you; including your life. What He does not take by force is your heart and your love, because He wants that from you, out of your free will. You misuse this freedom of your mind and make your body to do all evil things. A gathering of righteous people is the true church, and not the building. Mark 12: 30. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” 1) 2) 3) 4)

With all your With all your With all your With all your your worldly

heart = with all your strong will. soul = with all your emotions mind = with all your thoughts strength = with all your capacity to act which depends upon possessions and personal ability 1 John 5: 3. The love of God is to obey his commandments, which are not burdensome.

Man-God-Man If this is what God is asking you to give Him, do you have anything else left with you? Do you really give God, what He is asking you? You are openly refusing God, what he is expecting from you.


But an institution called Church is taking your wealth and spending lavishly as they please. Is there any spirituality in it? This is not the case with the traditional churches alone but applies to all kinds of congregations including Christian TV channels. Their TV advertisements run as: -- Send your prayer requests and donations. They also say:--Become their partner by sending a definite amount every month, they will pray for you. Plant your seed (money) and receive the blessing in hundred folds. Send a specific amount, God will send you guardian angels, and so on!!!!!! Has God Sold angels? Man is selling angels? You are employing some people to pray for you for the money you are paying. Several churches, monasteries and prayer groups do it. Several useful books, DVDs and CDs, and several goodies will be send on request for a donation of $ ------/ these funds are raised for starving people, providing shelter medicine etcetera!!! It sounds fantastic!!! If an evangelist has to do his job effectively, 1) 2) 3) 4)

He must study the Bible thoroughly He must pray alone for hours together for his spiritual growth He must follow the Commandments of God He must preach what he practices; if he doesn’t practice what he preaches, he should not preach.

It will 1) 2) 3)

not be right To think something To speak something else To do something altogether different and then to preach. This is totally against, what Jesus has taught.

He taught us to think, speak and do what is righteous and nothing less than that. One who does social work and humanitarian work should not mix up with religion. This is what degenerate Christianity and destroy the sanctity of the place of worshipping. Though these Christian principles stand on the top of all, what good is it if there is nobody to practice it?


Churches have become very much less spiritual and have become ‘a Hippocratic-Socio-Cultural-political-spiritual-society’ Where is the spirituality in a Church? The tragic part is, most of the Christians know very little about Christianity itself. Everything is done just for namesake. Jesus’ coming is a historical fact and He lived among men, two thousand years ago, which is not a mythology but a reality. He did follow all the rules of the Jews and Romans’ including justifiable and unjustifiable sometimes, for the sake of peace. He has shown Himself as an example to others and said, “Follow me”. Is there any one who really follows Him?

Where does the church stand? Church is not an institution of luxury, corruption, nepotism, and hypocrisy without any spirituality. I know several people walked out of their parental churches, for treating them very badly not only by laymen, but even clergies. Once a parish priest met a Christian family who joined another denomination. The priest said to them, “When dogs catch rabies they do same thing” When Christian dogs of traditional churches catch rabies they become born again or Pentecost? From a priest I cannot not even think of such a remark. That Christian family was too good not to retaliate and to spare the priest unharmed. Personally I know this priest and also the family. Not everyone will behave like David; and spare the so-called priests for their evilness. Priests are the biggest troublemakers. This priest is one of the most outrageous types. Outrageous = Grossly offensive to decency and morality, causing horror

Sister Abhya The fact is when the priest catches “Rabies of lust” do they rape and kill? Something like Str. Abhaya’s murder case which remains, not proved even after fifteen years. Her church and monastery is least worried to find the killer, but only to save the accused. Dead is gone, let us worry and save the living accused ones!!! Rabies= An acute viral disease of the nervous system of animals, usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal. If not treated immediately, very soon the virus reaches the brain and becomes fatal. This disease also will show an acute mental disorder before death. I never got entangled with any of the priests and preachers so I didn’t have~


~~ to face these kinds of situations. I keep away from them and avoid any arguments with them. They have their ways and I have my ways. Poor people are disregarded and rich is adored. What for these people are coming to the churches, if not for true worshipping God? You must forgive and forget all the wrong doings people have done to you and must have the willingness to tolerate them. Who is misleading the innocent people? The one who is supposed to lead them? Now the church business is worse than show business; dazzling in neon lamps; blasting the out of beat, out of tune songs of their choir, through the high powered misfit sound system. One who enjoys the most, is the performers, when the listener’s eardrums and heart is breaking apart. A good number of laymen will stand away from the Church PA system to save their ears. Others will speak of their tradition; whose inside is the most shocking. They know how to hide the real being in them, but their children will expose the hidden character of their parents, this is genetics, which is God’s law. Only few will know the secrets of the prodigal children’s parents, and others will blame the century or fate, and will give the parents a clean certificate. With that, the parents can end up in their most expensive graves; with a broken heart. There will be a tombstone, with an inscription “Rest in peace”. Who is resting in peace the unlucky parents or the shining piece of marble that carries the inscription? The poor souls are not in peace but in pieces. The evil parent’s spirits are suffering in purgatory places.

Purgatory place = A temporary place of torment or suffering of man’s spirits until the Day or Judgment, where all his sinful debts are paid off. This is also called Hades but not hell. Hell will be created only on the Day of Judgment. Who is ransacking the churches? Christians baptized in water and smeared in precious oil? Why did he become a wayward child, because the church had nothing to teach him, the one who is fighting for the building, of a so-called church, and the one who is fighting for worldly possessions have nothing to teach the congregation, but to request for more donations? God always grieved for creating man; who happened to become a monstrous being at a later stage, who behaves as if he is greater than God. The Bible begins with God’s grief in the sixth chapter of the first book of Genesis.


Genesis 6: 5. The Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved Him to his heart.

What The Bible Say About The Church? Ephesians 1: 22-23. Jesus has put all things under His feet and has made Him the head over all things for the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Colossians 1: 18. Jesus is the head of, the body-the Church. In this materialistic world, man is having a non-spiritual body, which itself belongs to the materialistic world. This body is sinful and a hindrance for his eternity, so he has to leave this behind. Just to save his spirit, his physique and mind must die. So physical death has become an unavoidable characteristic-phenomenon to achieve eternity. If you fear death, it is a shame, because you are refusing and resisting to go back to where you came from.

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once, Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come” (Shakespeare – Julius Caesar)

At least dramatists have written such great things and many lived up to that standards. The Bible is teaching you the spiritual perfectionism where materialism is the biggest hindrance. When the so-called places pf worship is concentrating in materialism, they are worshipping Idols. When you love something above everything else you are worshipping it, which itself is idolatry? As a result the congregation is led in to the path of evilness and far away from God.

“The nearer the church, the farther from God” (“Nearer To Church Is Far Away From God”) This saying very clearly exhibits the deep-rooted meaning of same practice of the Churches.


Christ is the only High priest and He is the King of all kings, besides He is God. To worship such a great God you have to be Holy and you have to be a priest; that is every one of you is going to be priest in God’s Kingdom. The following verses elaborate the very meaning of it.

Exodus 19: 5-6. The Lord said, “If you obey me and keep my agreement, you will be my kingdom priests, and a holy nation” Peter 2: 9. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of God who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. Once you were no people, but now you are God’s people. God wants a non materialistic and a righteous congregation And not a wealthy Church with filthy people Can a Church be above the Word of God? (The word of God, which is written in the Bible) The word of God itself is God, and that is the head of the Church. The Church is the Body or the congregation and Jesus is the head of the body. Can the body rule the Head? Only fools can say that. Books written by following people reveals true stories of Kerala-state Churches 1) Z. M. Parattu, “Malankara Nasranikal” Published by Manorama. 2 Volumes (Malayalam) First publication in 1966. 2) Fr K. K. Varghese “Malankara Surian Church History” 2 Volumes (Malayalam) 3) Malankara Orthodox Encyclopedia, Published by Orthodox Seminary, Kottayam. (If you want, you can read the glorious story of a bishop’s horse in this encyclopedia?)

Next-Chapter 6


VI. Christians of Kerala-state INDIA

Kerala State

Kerala-State Present Kerala-state constitutes former Travancore, Kochi, and some northern districts. One of the disciples of Jesus Christ; ‘Thomas’ brought Christianity, to this region during the first century is the belief. Several Syrian immigrants poured in to Kerala-State, were the runaways from the persecution of Persian king Sappore in 345 AD. Obviously their language of worshipping was “Syriac” (Aramaic language, part of the Semitic language) This language is based on Aramic, which was especially used by Eastern Christian Churches. That is how they inherited the name Syrian Christians. During Resident Monroe’s time, some of the European missionaries made some sticky remarks about Syrian Christian Church Services. These Syrian services were not realistic from, what is described in The New Testament.

The European missionary said “A most wretched piece of buffoonery” “In another remarks one of them said, “A young priest is fooling around, in front of the Alter”. These remarks are stated in the book of Malankara Syrian History book written by Fr. K. K. Varghese. In fact these orthodox churches and Catholic churches do more rituals, than anybody else, like pageant worshipping. They are not supposed to go beyond, what is said in the Bible.


These Orthodox Christians have all the stubbornness & fundamentalism of the Kerala Brahmins and the Syrians. So they were better known as Orthodox. Though there were invasions of Catholic and protestant churches, they survived by playing all tricks and tactics, and also by returning same coin they received from others. None of them adhered to true Christian principles. It was a fight for supremacy, power and wealth. From the beginning of Christianity in Kerala, Orthodox Church was an independent one. In between they have made and broke connections with other churches and fought for independence and made their own empire, and continue their court fights for property-rights. Now this Kerala-state has all kinds of Christian denominations and continues to multiply. They all believe in same Christ, same New Testament, and they all are greedy for wealth, and live in enmity. Christianity got divided, based on interpretation of God’s Commandments. The fact is there is nothing to interpret. Some are simply not accepting some of the commandments of God. We are talking of Kingdom of God and not of Lucifer’s, ‘Kingdom of Gold’, which is defined in The Bible. By 2010 the strength of orthodox are going to be several tens of thousands.

Romans 14: 17. The Kingdom of God does not mean food and drink; but Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit; he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. Most of the early Kerala-Christians were from the upper class. They were too proud and did not take any initiative to spread the gospel, because they could not think of associating with lower class people equally. They remained as orthodox and narrow minded and secluded. On the other side, western and Catholic churches were very liberal and they kept the doors wide open to others to come in, as it should be: at the same time discrimination and unsociability and un-touchability was also there, and they continue to do so. I would suggest you to read the book written by ‘Z M Parattu’. Book 2, page 25, it is stated that even in 1600 AD Hindu names were in vogue. Christians worshipped in a DEVI temple (Goddess Temple) in “Mavelikkara” market place. ‘Z M Parattu’ states these references from:-1) “Udayam Perur Canons” 2) Lingering of light in a dark land, page 230 Bishop Brown has stated that “Pulikkamattam Christian Family” used to accept their rights of rice and other things from the nearby temple.


In early days nobody was buried in the Church premises and also inside the churches. Until the arrival of Portuguese. Christians were vegetarians and was against drinking.s In these days most of the Christians are alcoholic and non-vegetarians, and masters of all vices.

Next-Priesthood a Profession


VII. Priesthood a Profession Professionalism (unadvisable characteristics of a profession) is in everything including in religious matter. When a preacher or a priest forgets his prime responsibility and engages him in worldly matters, their condition becomes worse than that of, a lawmaker becoming a criminal. A criminal, in an earthly court of law may not be convicted but in a ‘Heavenly supreme court’ no one will escape. The eternal, who has counted every hair on His creation has, the evidence and account of everything one has done, spoken and thought about, when the man was on the earth. The scientist Isaac Newton was a great believer, what he proved scientifically about ‘action and reaction’ was one of the greatest revelations, God has given through a scientist. His theory was, ‘For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction’ and that was scientifically proved. Theologians quote from the scripture that, the reward for committing sin could be up to seven folds and up to the fourth generations. To a great extend spiritual matters cannot be proved scientifically, because man has not advanced to that extend. At one occasion Jesus said to His disciples, “I cannot tell you any further because you cannot bear it” Knowing this much and beyond, the Christians, their leaders, and even the so-called Christian countries, do not bother what is said in the Bible. God Himself came down as a poor human being, and taught the scripture in depth and has shown himself as an example, how one should live, speak, think and do; His teachings have all gone in the drain? The law of the land should ban any additional jobs held by priests besides priesthood, whether they are paid for that additional position or not. Few decades back in ‘Kerala-state’ assembly one Member of the Legislative Assembly Said; he can do a policeman’s job without salary. He does not have to go for a bribe, if he hangs his uniform in a hanger, the money will flow in to it. Priests are already paid for their work, why should they occupy other jobs displacing several thousands of qualified working force. They do get a lot of cash and gifts from the laymen and they accept it cheerfully, remember that they are salaried people. Anything in cash or kind beyond salary is bribe. Because of the power and wealth, the priests are handling, they deviate totally from the spiritual path, and fail to improve the spirituality of the people.


They interfere in politics, labor movements and in several social matters, which creates total unrest. Priests also create law and order problems by agitating against the Government and even judiciary. Church must be a small unit, and all the other paraphernalia must be separated from the Church, and the priest. Somebody who is not a priest or a pastor must look after all institutions other than a church. Priest’s prime responsibility is to worship God, and to teach the Commandments of God. Priesthood is not a profession of luxury, handling money and power, but a commitment to lead the people to everlasting life, without any worldly benefits. Their survival must be guaranteed from hand to mouth, and nothing beyond. Ephesians 4: 2–24 Put off your old nature which belongs your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. This is what a priest and every Christian is supposed to be. Doctrine of Christianity, does not promote accumulation of wealth or worldly possessions by the church or even by the people. People are desperate in making money, their means and ways are not important, they are only concerned about the end result of accumulation of wealth, with which they can have women and wine for their enjoyment.

Ezekiel 7: 19. The Lord said, “Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them, in the day of the wrath of the Lord” In several churches you can see that, the money is collected in a flat metallic platter. People have to go to the front and drop the money in the presence of a priest, so that everyone can see what they are offering. Those who want to put a show it is a good opportunity, and for those who do not have much to give, it is an embarrassment. This can be seen in many western-country churches also. The point is, this is in violation of God’s commandment. give, publicizing is forbidden.

Even when you

Mathew 6: 3. Jesus said, “Do not let your left arm know what your right is doing” God himself owns everything, the entire universe, and everything in it. Every living and non-living things are His creation. He does not want, what you have, 2 Corinthians 12: 14 “I seek not what is yours, but you”.


God expects you to obey His commandments, and to be good children of God, and good citizens of the country you belong to. Christian’s homeland is not Israel, but Heaven. Human beings are all aliens to earth, and they disappear after a while, why are they fighting for never lasting things? Believing in God and obeying Him, is not meant for a particular sect, but for every one, all are His children Separating walls in one-way or other are the creations of man. God wants people to live in harmony, and happiness and in cooperation. Intellectuals play tricks and exploit people, by dividing them apart and making the common man to fight with each other so that the intellectual can extract what they want. I have met a number of students jumped out of seminaries. One of them said, he could not bear things that were going on there. Probably you may have heard several things in the news media that goes right up to homosexuality, which I do not wish to elaborate. Another one said he could not afford to study so he went to seminary. When his study was over, he jumped out of seminary. Anyway this reminded me of a western movie story, about a girl who joined the army. When the girls in the army got together once, everybody said why they joined the US army. The last one said, she got married and while she was making sex with her husband on the first night, he died of heart attack; out of grief and desperation she joined the US army. If the Indian military recruiting officer asks you why you want to join the armed forces – they will tell you to answer that ‘you want to serve your country’ and don’t say ‘not for a living’. Priests are also like that, they are not to serve God but they want to be served by everyone else, so they have become priests. Some critics were of strong opinion that the seminary candidates get good food and good education; once that is over they will jump out of the seminaries. Other reasons like jealous, hatred fight and immorality is also there. If everything goes well according to their whims and fancies they will stick on and come out as priest. After that they will get the hell out of the world when they come to the parish. Once a preacher met his friend after a long time. They spoke for few minutes. When the preacher asked his friend what his friend was doing, he answered he was coming from a seminary. The preacher said, his friend was a good man before, now he is lost with the many who are in the cemetery.


(Meaning he has become spiritually dead when he became a priest – in fact, it is true.) I know of a third one who became a priest. He wanted to become a bishop, which he never told anyone, but his father told me. He became a priest after that he wanted to be revolutionary type, but then he changed altogether and behaved like a hypocrite. Later I found that he tried to become a bishop, but couldn’t make it. Then he said, if that is God’s will let it be so. After a long time by all means he did become a Bishop. I know for sure, God didn’t make him a priest; he became a priest at his will, when the seminary wanted some students. So God did not bother to make him a Bishop but he got it done later. Some have become priests because their parents made a vow. Some never became a priest breaking the parents vow but both categories do great things of their choice. Another student left the seminary and became a famous astrologer whom I met three times. He told me everything about himself. I needed little more to write his biography, which I never did. He became an astrologer accidentally but he got stuck with that faith. I met him sometimes-in 1992 he was quite aged at that time; he may not have lived long. Another one jumped out of seminary and created a big establishment, he was a great success before men, and I don’t know how good he was before God. At last he established a very well known Pentecostal Church after joining and abandoning several denominations. In the Old Testament God chooses priests, but after Jesus they are self appointed, that is why they are fighting not only in the court of law, but also in the streets like goons. They are out to live in luxury and glamour and splendor. In my knowledge Kerala State PRIESTS and NUNS are paid as per the LaborLaw. They also get all the other benefits accordingly. They have their own old age homes. Nuns live in monastery and unmarried priests in their old age home until death. Why should they take up other jobs besides priest’s job?

Next-Chapter 08


VIII. Lawsuits Even after the year 2000 none of the Christians are any better than the other. The Kerala-State Malankara Orthodox Church and Orthodox Jacobite Church is conducting court cases, for the last couple of centuries, and they are not ashamed to continue it. They also have gone for street fight and police cases. They do such things because they do not bother for the God’s Commandments. The first Orthodox Church case is regarding a Fixed Deposit (VATTI’PPANM) and for its legal right, and it’s authority to collect it’s interest of 8 % which is Indian Rupees 840/, and for the capital amount of Rupees. 10’500/ (Otherwise Known as 3’000/ “POO’VARAHAN” a currency of at that time.)

1 Corinthians 6: 7. To have lawsuits with one another is defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? It is shame for you. Hebrews 13: 5. Keep your lives free from love of money, and be content with what you have. Philippians 3.18 - 19, Many live as enemies of Cross of Christ. Their God is belly. In Kottayam, Puthuppally St. George Church they used to have Chicken Sacrifice. Even today these Christians violate the first and second Commandment in all respect. This is recorded in Malankara history book. Kerala Christians do believe in, omens, auspicious time, horoscope, forecast etcetera. In fact, these Kerala Christians, have a mix culture and faith of Christian and Pagan. They failed to understand the seriousness of The First and Second Commandments. They have done nothing towards spreading Gospel, because, considering themselves as upper class, they could not acknowledge new converts. These Christian people have a half Hindu, and half Christian beliefs. I saw in a book, written by Monsignor Thomas Vadassery LD; that “Jacobite Church is only 300 Years old. What about St: Thomas’ visit to southern parts of India and establishing churches. These people have nothing else to do but tarnish others. What difference it makes whether they are 300 or 3’000 years old, if none is righteous.

1 Kings 18: 21. How long will you go limping with two different opinions. If the Lord is the God, follow Him, if Baal is your God then follow him. No one can save you but Jesus Christ. If you want to be saved, you must ~


~~ obey His Commandments and should not follow any other. It is really a shame that Christians do not have any courage to overcome the superstitious beliefs and to follow the ‘First commandment’. After Portuguese’ arrival in Kerala, Christians began to use beef, until then they were mostly vegetarians. Christians of that time did not bother much about changing their Hindu names to Christian names. Several Orthodox priests have written many books on Kerala Christians. If you refer them you will find several shocking greatness of their ancestors. It is believed that some of the bishops have, even forged Church Canon, (Church law) and presented it in the court of law, during Resident Colonel Monroe’s time. People nick-named it as “Coffee-Canon” Just to make the document look older, they immersed the paper in black coffee, creating a light-brown color. Whether one is a priest or layman it makes no difference; even prophets have made serious mistakes by disobeying God. (Moses, Jonah) We learn about their ups and downs to correct ourselves you should not follow their mistakes and you should not condemn them. Church Canon = the term is originated from Greek --- meaning rule. Rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental regulation or dogma decreed by Church Council. The base of Canon is obviously Bible. You will find every well established Church has their Canon but many things contradict the Commandments of God. If someone depend or speak for Church Canon, you better not talk to them because they are far away from God. Like several other churches, these Orthodox Churches are greatly concerned for the wealth, possessions, and establishments like schools, engineering and arts colleges, hospitals etcetera. N.S.S; S. N. D. P; of Kerala state they can have such organizations, but not under any Church or a priest. And these institutions must comply with all the Commandments of God, and law of the land. Capitation fee should not be taken for educational admissions. The priests should not interfere in politics, under any circumstances. Christian institutions should not be profit motivated. These institutions must be an example for righteousness and truth. By 2009 the illegal payment for a medical college admission rose up to 4000’000 Indian Rupees (40 Lakhs – 4 million rupees) even in Christian medical colleges. Some of the Christian institutes have admitted, they accept such disguised donations but the state Government never framed a court case against them. That is political tricks. Priests should be engaged in worshipping God and to preach only. Under no circumstances they should be allowed to handle money, and hold any other


positions. I am least interested in seeing the unification of churches, because it is impossible. Each one considers being superior to the other. Would you like to be ruled by a super power? NO. The best you can do is not to quarrel with them, and to cooperate in all areas you can and avoid them everywhere you cannot cooperate. If we fight against them we won’t succeed rather perish. You can apply same thing here also, churches can cooperate with each other, without excommunicating their own members, for cooperating with other churches. A full-fledged recognition of each other will bring peace and harmony among denominations. When a man becomes addict to drugs and alcohol or drown in adultery the church will turn their back on them. I have heard straight from priests, “It is better not to have these kind of people in our Church” Society creates radicals; it is the responsibility of the church to bring the lost ones back to the main stream, and excommunication is a primitive and barbaric process of solving issues. Israel conquered West bank and got the Jews settled, in 2005 the government is driving the Jews out, to return the land back to them. Now once again they are settling Jews over there by 2009. Do injustice first knowingly, and then correct it, how many millions of people are killed in this process. Israel is the biggest troublemaker in the Middle-East. Who is backing these Jewish people? The so-called Christian country like US? What Christians have to do with a Jewish country – nothing – US wants to be friendly with Israel so that US can run over the neighboring Arab countries to grab their oil fields when they intend to do so. Because it is said in the Bible that Jews are chosen people; they think, no matter what they do, God is on their side, and heaven belongs to them. Israel never learned lessons from God’s repeated strikes on them. Moses brought them out of Egypt’s slavery but on the way the Israelites rebelled against God, ---- none of that generation including Moses the prophet and Aaron the priest could step in to the God promised land. God killed 599’998/ Israel people on their way to their promised land, their only innocent children were allowed to occupy the Promised Land. Does God blindly side certain people when all are his own creations? He cares only the one who obeys him, regardless of his cast color and creed. If he is partial to anyone how can He be righteous? If He were partial, you would have seen the David’s family ruling the earth till the end of the world. When David’s descendents became unrighteous they were eliminated from the face of the earth. Some are writing books; David’s descendents are in UK, USA and France.


This is like the creation of Davinci-Code Tarnishing Jesus. You must obey God and Go by His rules, whether you are a king, priest, preacher, nun or a layman, Jew or gentile, it makes no difference to Him.

Next: IX priest Hood


IX. Priesthood There are priests for all tribes from the early stage of man. Appointment of Aaron, during Moses time and construction of Jerusalem Temple, were the landmarks in Jewish history. Aaron’s dress and Jerusalem temple were made to God’s own specifications. This was no example to make churches and create priests. Though Jesus was the last and only priest; after Jesus, priesthood crept in, and got deep rooted without any resistance. Nobody opposed priesthood because most of the people never knew that end of priesthood was stated in the New Testament. The Bible never reached common man until after 19th century. When the common man began to study The Bible, they realized that they have been very badly misled. Several things were taught just opposite to what is said in the Bible. The steel grip of the clergy and the barbed-wire-fence of the Church are too strong, only few could come out of the Church’s slavery. Even today they have a long way to go. For all practical purposes (especially for money collection) the Priests and the church will quote stories from the Bible ignoring other verses from the New Testament. Their prayers are abstracts from the Bible, when the question of priesthood comes, the church and the Priests will set The Bible aside, and they become the Law. Christ was also a reformist of Jewish religion, and He preached the true interpretations and magnitude of God’s Commandments. He also revealed the hypocrisy of the priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes and their misinterpretations of Moses’ Law. Though He himself was the Son of God, and the last priest, He has shown himself as an example of most humble, born to serve, rather than to be served. Corruption came down, from the early generations of priests, and being continued. It took more than 19 centuries, for the availability of the Bible to every one. The leaders of the churches took full undue advantage, and Priests overruled God’s Law with their own laws and traditions, claiming that they are the representatives and appointees of God. Let us analyze few different types of places of worship. There are many retreat centers and prayer centers, without a church. They pray, fast, and conduct healing services. Amazingly thousands of people, in the retreat centers and even on the roadside, get healed from their incurable diseases. At present there is none in this wide world who does not know about this truth. In a Hippocratic Church this will not happen. They have their traditional prayers, rituals, and show offs. When those simple preachers do miracles, most of the traditional priests could not do. Obviously Priests hate such gatherings, and the people involved in prayer centers. The priests realized that their importance is lost.


The secret is these preachers depend entirely in the word of God, and do ‘The Miracle’. The person who does not depend on the Word of God can do nothing. So just don’t be jealous and try to undermine those healing services. Mathew 15: 3. Jesus told Pharisees and scribes, “Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition”?

Luke 22. 27: Christ said, “I am on among you as servant”. Jesus insisted to obey Gods commandments precisely and to follow Him. Either Christ or His disciples did not show any superiority or royalty or priesthood. Even Jesus says that He came to serve and not to be served, what abut the so-called today’s priests and preachers are doing? They are born to rule and they want to be adored and worshipped. If you believe that The Bible is the word of God, then you cannot believe in Priesthood of the Christian churches and the church itself. Bible is the only authority for Christians, and not any other so called church, and the church canons. If you just study the following quotes from the scripture, you will understand the truth. No priest and no church can take you to heaven, and they cannot stop you from going to heaven either. You have to go alone at your own effort and merit, by obeying God’s commandments. If you don’t study well, and don’t pass the examination, how can you be promoted? Same thing God tells you, study God’s commandment and do well, in your life. On the Day of Judgment you will survive and attain eternal life. Rather you will be promoted to heaven if not you will be thrown in to hell 2 Corinthians 4: 3. The Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing. If you cannot understand the scripture, or if you think what is said in the Bible is not right and it is not The Word of God, you are going away from God’s path. There is no point in getting furious, when some one says that, The Bible is the only authority. You cannot get in to any place until you take interest and meet the requirements. Christ’s crucifixion has left the Heaven’s door open to entire mankind. Who ever qualify can reach the destination. Man believe only what they see with his own eyes, but he has to have faith in unseen things, this is what the scripture is all about, which is not easy. Faith is the believing of the existence of unseen.

Mathew 23: 9. Christ said, “Call no man your father, on earth, for you have one father, who is in heaven”. Priests are called father, The Bible forbids that.


The Priests enjoy when they are called FATHER even the elderly people and their own parents call the priests like that. It is interesting to hear an 85 year old man calling a 25 year old one ‘Father’. Mathew 18: 20. Christ says, “Where two, or more -are gathered in my name I will be there among them”. Christ never said that He would come only when you gather in a church or a synagogue under the leadership of a so-called priest. He said regardless where you gather, in His name; He will be in your midst. First of all, you obey His commandments then you pray.

Exodus 19: 5-6. “If you obey me and keep my agreement, you will be my kingdom priests and a holy nation” God is promising priesthood in his kingdom, for every one who obeys Him, then why do you need a man-made priest on the earth. How can a priest rule another priest (now called laymen)? Peter 2: 9. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of God who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. Once you were no people, but now you are God’s people. The Eternal himself has chosen every one to priesthood. After Christ, traditional priesthood from Moses time has ended. Christ’s disciples never wore a priest’s dress nor claimed to be priest; they just wore usual Jewish dress. They were called Apostles; meaning preachers of gospel. Exodus 19: 5–6. And Peter 2: 9 Shown above authorizes every Believer to conduct, Holy Communion, and baptism. Who ever do it, be sure, that they obey all the commandments of God. Hebrews 4: 14 We have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus Christ the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.

1 Timothy 2: 5 There is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, Son of Man, Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10: 11-12 Every priest stands day after day at his service, offering again and again the same sacrifices that can never take away the sins. When Christ offered for all time single sacrifice for sins, He sat down on the right hand side of God.


Animal sacrifice has come to an end; instead, the New Covenant took over. When there is no death penalty, why there should be an executioner? Where there is no animal sacrifice, why there should be a priest? When the Holiest of all holy-place is opened for every one, why there should be a curtain and a mediator? Hebrews 10: 17-21. The lord said, “I will remember their sins and lawless deeds no more” Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no offering for sins” Hebrews 7: 24–25. Christ holds His priesthood permanently, because He continues forever. Consequently He is able for all time to save those who approach God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 5: 4-6. One does not take the honor upon himself, but he is called by God just as Aaron was. Christ did not exalt himself as a priest, but was appointed by the one who said, “Though art my son, be a priest for ever, after the order of Melchiz’edek”. After Jesus Christ, God did not appoint any priest; the present priests are appointees of men. One cannot become a priest by himself or ordained by another, God himself must call upon him. The present practice of priests contradicts The Bible. Hebrew 5: 10. Jesus have been designated by God, a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. Hebrew 7: 16–17. Through the power of an indestructible life, it is attested of Him “You are a priest for ever, according to the order of

Melchizedek.” (You = Jesus Christ) The Bible explains the meaning of Apostles is = any important early teacher of Christianity or a Christian missionary to the people 1 Corinthians 3: 5. What then is Apollo’s? What is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned to each. (NOT PRIESTS) Hebrew 10:19. We have confidence to enter the sanctuary, by “The Blood of Jesus” by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain of His flesh. When Jesus body was torn apart, this was symbolically represented in ~~~


~~ Jerusalem temple by tearing of the Temple Curtain.

Tearing of Jerusalem temple curtain was the sign for man, who is slave to sin, is given permission, to have companionship with God directly. Here the temple curtain was to separate the people and God. In between the priest was the mediator, once the curtain was torn apart by the heavenly power, it declared the elimination of priest. Mark 15:38. The curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. If there is no significance, why the curtain should be torn? When it says that the curtain was torn from the top to bottom, it indicates that the bottom portion was not separated. This proves that no man has torn it, but by the power of God, it was torn. Man can easily tear it from bottom to top, and not vice-versa. The Bible has emphasized so much about Christ’s priesthood, because it was establishing the truth. It is necessary to make the people aware of that, Christ is the last and only everlasting priest, and everybody should approach Him alone. Christ is “The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Light, and The Door, only through Him anybody can enter the Heaven. Christ has got all the authority of heaven and earth. He is the only one who shed His own blood as sacrifice for the forgiveness of every man’s sins. He paid His blood as the price for our salvation. He is the only one, who can forgive our sins and can give eternity to us. There is no substitute; He is the one who died on the cross, and nobody else. Mathew 28.19. Christ said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit” Here Christ clearly instructs His disciples to go round the globe, baptizing people and making disciples, He never said to make Priests, if all are going to be priests, who are the laymen on the earth? Acts 6: 6-7. Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Those Apostles were not made priest and did not make any priest, but many priests became obedient to faith.


We know many Jewish priests have become Christians they may not have removed their robes and continued as Christian priests. When Kerala-State Orthodox priests joined Malankara Catholics, or Marthoma Church they continued as priest.

Acts 14: 23 They had appointed Elders The Apostles did not appoint any Priests. The term “Ordain” is used in place of “To appoint” The meaning of ‘appoint’ is wide; you cannot confine the meaning unless it is elaborated by the one who spoke that first. The same word “Ordain” can be used for appointment of an elder and also for the appointment of a priest even a king, why it should be applied to a priest alone, where there is no priesthood. In one of the Malankara history books, it says that, St. Thomas ordained some one in Kerala, as a priest. How absurd it is? St. Thomas may have kept his hand on somebody’s head and prayed. St. Thomas will never violate Christ’s commandments. Who ever wrote it is a white lie. He must be a good historian, but knows the Bible very little. In 2008 some people including pope said ST. Thomas never came to Southern India at all. This remarks has created quite a stir. Catholics themselves have a Cathedral in Madras where Thomas was buried. From there they removed Thomas’ remaining and placed it in Vatican along with others. I my self have seen Santhome cathedral in Madras, now Bassilica. Built in 16th century by Portuguese over the tomb of St. Thomas How are they going to explain all these adventures? There are many Churches without any priests; they don’t collapse when the wind blows. The above quotes from The Bible have proved that, there is no priesthood, now you have a choice between The Bible & false priest; the present priests are the particular job seekers, made by other priests and not chosen by God. All those luxury, pomp & show are copied from the pageant worshipping, starting from before the early century. Hebrew 7: 28. The law appoints priests subjected to sins, but “The Word of Oath appoints”, “The Son” who has been made perfect forever. Aaron’s dress, for Priests? a) Some priests keep whiskers, robes and head-dress and get married. b) Some have No whiskers, don’t get married and no head-dress


c) Some are just pastors and preachers. d) Some high priests carry a silver staff with a snakehead sometimes with two snakes head, and ornamented cross in a gold chain. They say that the snakes are Moses’ brass serpents. At first sight you may think they are snake worshippers! Israel themselves worshipped idols God was angry over them. 2 Kings 18 1-4 Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan. ====================== Hebrews 11: 26. Moses considered, abuse suffered for God to be greater wealth, than the treasures of Egypt, he was looking ahead to the reward. Moses gave up everything worldly, for his eternal reward. The present priests grab everything on the earth in exchange of the eternal world. Leviticus 21: 5. Priests shall not, make bald spots upon their heads, or shave off the edges of their beards, or make any gashes in their flesh, they shall keep Holy. Priests are not to do these kinds of things even as a mark of grief. This makes it clear that such practices were in vogue at that time, and this forbids priests. So priests will keep their beard and hair. In Numbers the sixth Chapter insists to do such things for priests. Priests are as good as Nazirites and devoted people, they should not drink any alcoholic substances, wine, vinegar, and should not eat even grapes and keep themselves Holy, or they will suffer like Samson. This “serpent-staff-holders”, never realized this greatness of Moses. Why they want the symbolic representation of Moses’ brass snake, why it should be silver and why there should be a snakehead at all, when the Lord said that you should not make any graven images. Confession before a Priest Confession, before a priest is objectionable. Priesthood itself is not acceptable, why one should go before a priest for confession, since it is not Biblical. So-called priests have no authority to forgive sins, only God can forgive sins, man is answerable to God only. Some priests used to take money for


confession in the past. They don’t demand it, but was voluntarily given; I have seen my parents and many others giving money for confession. I used to joke with my parents, calling it “Salary of sin” I don’t know what they do after 2005 AD; several of the church people told me that a good number of priests accept money, belonging to certain groups for confession, from a very early stage and being continued. In those days there was no salary for the priests they lived on benefits given by the laymen for each service they received. Later each parish according to their total income gave the priests salary. Now each parish will remit their fixed share to the ‘Central Command’ and they pay the salary. They also have pension and other benefits according to the labor law. “This salary of sins” (The money they get for confession) was for the priest as a fringe benefit in the past when they had no salary, now they are better than the highly paid employees. Another practice is accepting a good amount of money as gift; when they get transferred from one Church to another church, conduct marriages, baptism etcetera. Women play their part and men play their part separately. Usually a priest is posted to a parish for a reasonable period of three years or so. Depending the priest’s influence with the higher-ups they stay for a longer period, and some have stayed permanently until their end. People say if a priest wants a transfer to a place of his choice, it works out like a Government employee’s transfer. By the time it has come to the year 2008; priests give a huge amount of money to the Bishops for get the transfer to, another church having enormous income. They make money through all means and say everything is for God. I still don’t know, who is the real beneficiary of all these. Church business has become more corrupt than any political and social system.

Any income either by cash or kind beyond their salary is a bribe A free gift is not permissible for salaried priests. They are given a fair amount of money as salary, several facilities. If everything is not enough they should quit the priest job and find something else. They should be satisfied with what they get. This is what the word of God says. ================= 1 Corinthians 11: 28. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. The bible does not say that you should confess before a priest, but to examine himself. During Moses time they had confession and animal sacrifice that was over with Jesus’ Crucifixion.

Shoes In western countries people wear shoes in the Churches. In Indian Churches it is not allowed, because Indians have a Hindu background of permitting


only barefoot in temples. But the Christian priests wear shoes inside a church, before the ‘Alter’. Who gave authority to priests to do such things? Priest’s explanation is: -Exodus 12: 11. The Lord said, “This is how you shall eat the Passover, your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat the Passover hurriedly” Based on the above verse, the priest will wear sandals or shoes!!! To wear shoes; the priests will say, ‘Their service is equivalent to Passover’. They wear the Aaron’s luxurious robes and golden decorations, they’ll say, that is the tradition. What about laymen? Here another verse from the Bible will be applied especially for laymen. According to the following verse the Church is a Holyground for laymen so no foot ware is permitted. Exodus 3: 5. The Lord said to Moses, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is Holy-ground.” It was on the Passover Jesus had as His last supper, He also instructed His disciples to remember Him through this supper as often, which later was called the Communion. Some of the Kerala-State Christian priests also used this staff in their hand quite sometime back, may be because it happened to be of wood, they lost their interest and condemned it. Bishops continue to use the staff since they are made of silver. The ‘Catholicos of the east’ have a golden staff I think. The important point is everyone who participate this communion must have the staff, according to the scripture. In this modern time it may be difficult to think of all the people carrying staff in to a church. Finally the staff became a part of the high priest’s decoration. What about the snakehead? Numbers 21: 5-9. The Israelites spoke against God and Moses, Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water and we detest this miserable food. Then the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died. The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a poisonous serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.”


So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at serpent of bronze and live. Moses made a bronze snake, and the bishops carry snakehead on their staffs made of silver and Gold!!! Will any snake bitten people recover, when they look at this staff? If this is the case, no anti-venom serum would be needed; just show the priests silver snake, the victim would recover? Some High priests sit, before the Alter in a chair during the church service; at the same time they don’t let the laymen to sit anywhere in the Church. Who authorized them to sit before the Alter? These priests, make rules above the God’s commandments, and make themselves exceptional in everything. Most of the Church service is for an hour, but some have it for 3 - 4 hours together. They are trying to create an impression, that great people have longer service, and they call the short services as “Half service”. Kerala-State Orthodox Church runs for more than three hours on Sundays. In my childhood I have heard, people saying, Sunday is longer than Monday meaning – under-garment is longer than outer garment. Here Sunday service is longer than any other day service. Other than on Sundays it will shrink to one hour or even less than that and fewer candles have been lighted. Priests have made such rules.

Use of Hood by Priests 2 Corinthians 3: 13. Moses put a veil over his face so that the Israelites should not see the end of the fading splendor on his face. What for these Christian bishops are using a veil when they have no splendor at all? Anything the priests are doing have an inner meaning; don’t they say that? 1 Corinthians 11: 4. Any man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. Are these priests, women, so that they can wear something on their head? 1 Corinthians 11: 7. A man must not cover his head, since he is in the image of God.



Blessing People by the Priests In certain churches you will find the priest is blessing the laymen; who gave the authority to the priest to do such a thing. They got this idea from the Old Testament. Numbers 6: 24–26. Aaron blessed the Israelites as it was prophesied by God through Moses, to do so: --“The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious, The Lord lift up his countenance and give you peace”. Why the Christian Priests have to bless the people like Aaron did, when they are not commanded by God to do so, they can only pray to god to bless the people. Poor laymen have to go through all these treachery.

Priest’s Age limit According to the Bible, priests should retire at the age of fifty, and should only assist during church service. Certain things, which are advantageous to them, only will be taken and for the rest, the priests will overrule the Bible. None of them have retired at this age of fifty, why? Numbers 8: 23-25. The Lord spoke to Moses, “This applies to Levites (The priest’s tribe) from twenty-five years old and upward they shall begin to do duty in the service of tent of meeting; and from the age of fifty years they shall retire from the duty of the service and serve no more.”

Priesthood for every one 1 Peter 2: 9. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own people, that you may declare the wonder deeds of God who called you out of the darkness in to God’s marvelous light. Once you were no people, now you are God’s people. According to this verse, when every one is a priest, why do we need a man specially dressed like a Jew and act like a priest. Is this some fancy dress display?

Priest’s Dress? Exodus 28: 4-The Lord said, “These are the vestments that they shall make, 1) breast piece 2) an ephod 3) a robe 4) a checkered tunic 5) a turban 6) and a sash”. Exodus 28: 42. The Lord said, “You shall make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked flesh”.


The same chapter describes the full details of the dress and the color of threads to be used. Headdress is part of the prescribed dress. Though these are the specifications in the Old Testament, when it came to Jesus and His disciples, they had only Jews’ casual dress, and never claimed or appointed any priests. Why non-Jews should wear Jewish dress, and pretend to be Jesus or his disciples. Exodus Chapter 28, and 39: 1-7 explains Aaron’s dress. Aaron’s garment will be made of gold, blue, purple, and crimson colored yarns and fine linen: --- and goes on. This makes a very colorful and most expensive dress!!! Numbers 18: 6-7. The Lord said, It is I who now take your brother Levites from among the Israelites; they are now yours as gift, dedicated to the Lord, to perform the service of the tent of meeting. But you and your sons with you shall diligently perform your priestly duties in all that concerns the altar and the area behind the curtain. I give your priesthood as a gift; any outsider who approaches shall be put to death. We have enough proof of present priesthood is totally against the word of God. On all ceremonial occasions the priest acts the part of Jesus Christ, by carrying Cross-on their shoulder on Good Friday etcetera. Is it not shocking to see such things? Did God choose these people for priesthood to act like Jesus on such occasions?

Next-Chapter 10


X . Split In Apostolic Church In A.D.1054, there was the first division in Apostles Church. The eastern churches were called Greek Orthodox. The Churches in Rome were called Roman Church. The important reasons for division were: -(a) Sprinkling water for Baptism, instead of immersing in water. (b) Using musical instruments for worshipping. (c) A fine was imposed, for the forgiveness of sin. When Luther opposed this, he was ex-communicated. When the protestant Churches got strong; the powers of priests also were strong. In due course of time, God will tear the priesthood apart, just like he has done to kingdoms. Pray to make it soon, so that the believers will live in harmony, and there will not be any more Irish type wars and discriminations. Baton-charges should not have happened to priests and preachers especially when a Christian Chief minister who was also the chief of Home-ministry ruled in Kerala-state. He should have ordered for the prosecution of those priests who rebelled against the Government, or he should have quit his own post in protest. Shameless rulers and shameless priests, none better than the other!!! Kerala state is the world’s first hundred percent literacy state; this is what is happening among Christians? Often these kinds of things remind me that Judas was better than these people. The relationship between Priest and laymen is like the relationship between Roman Emperor and slaves. Is this what Jesus said to learn from Him?

John 13: 15. Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done to you.” Mathew 11: 29. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.” It is high time for the so-called priests to learn, that laymen already know the truth that there is no priesthood, and they should behave in accordance to that. A number of rich people make use of priests by making them to do exactly the way they say. It is the question of time set by God, for everything to fall apart. Government office files disappear, evidences are destroyed and designated people are extremely dishonest in official and private business. A total decay of ethics, morality and spirituality is seen among all level of people all over the world. Do your best to defeat the injustice and unrighteousness. Next-Baptism


XI . Baptism No where in the Bible it says, you should give child Baptism, and it must be done by a priest. Christian priests have grabbed, Baptism, Marriage engagements, marriages, funerals, house prayers, running women’s prayer groups. The priests monopolized inaugurations of anything and everything and many other social commitments as if nobody else can do it. If the priesthood is the imitation of Before-Christ vogue, these priests can never do these types of things: nether Christ nor His disciples ever did it. The laymen did everything during those ancient times.

Who gave baptism and burial to Jesus? Was there any priest? Baptist John was not a priest but a prophet yet Jesus subjected himself to John. This is a great revelation; anyone can give Baptism to anyone else. Jesus told his disciples to give Baptism in the name of The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. A priest is not required, but when there is a Priest, do you think he will part with that right? The priest will show his spiritual and imperialistic authority everywhere. Catholic Catechism states any one can give Baptism but their church Canon are above that and only a priest can do it.

Who can Baptize? Catholic Catechism PART II – 5 Paragraph 1256 says :-The ordinary ministers of Baptism are the bishop and priest and, in the Latin Church, also the deacon.[57] In case of necessity, anyone, even a non-baptized person, with the required intention, can baptize [NT], by using the Trinitarian baptismal formula. (Trinitarian=In the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) Mathew 3: 13-17, Mark 1: 9-11, Luke 3: 21-22 carries the full text of Jesus’ Baptism. The helper is holding a child and the priest is smearing the child with oil. As seen in the picture, some churches are giving infant baptism without any clothes, besides they put a cardboard crown on the


infants’ head after the baptism, which appears like a coronation in a cartoon movie. Though no one knows its meaning or the joke behind it, silently the laymen take it and witness all the miserable things priest is doing. Nakedness is strictly forbidden in a church. You may have outer garments, but an under garment is a must according to the scripture. The infants are given baptism without any clothes at all. I have no idea from where they got this strange idea of giving baptism without any clothes. Catholic Churches permit under garments during Baptism. Though Jesus underwent all Jewish traditions to every syllable why he had to wait until thirty years to undergo a baptism? Though he was the son of the Almighty Father, he underwent everything like any other common Jew and has shown an example for us. Any one who undergoes Baptism should know everything about it. He/ she must repent for their sins, and must know other things described below, only then baptism can be given. Jesus baptism also indicates an anointment of Holy Spirit, though such a thing was not needed for Jesus, it was a symbolism of what happens to every ordinary man when he undergoes a baptism. Remember Baptist John gave baptism of repentance, but after Jesus’ crucifixion, it was given in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The meaning of Baptism is ‘immerse’ that is full immersion; one should go below the surface of the water, symbolizing burial of Christ. Is a child fully immersed? He would die instantly. Why this baptism should be anticipated. Catholics don’t give communion to little children. When they become somewhat mature then only the communion is given. Why not baptism at a later stage? The church has made many rules like that, without the backing of the word of God. 1 Peter 3: 21. Baptism, which is prefigured, now saves you not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Christ. Baptism is not just immersing of a child, in water, and chanting out some prayers, by a priest for an hour or so. The one who accepts baptism must believe that Jesus is God, salvation is only through Him. He was crucified for the forgiveness of everybody’s sins, buried and resurrected on the third day. Then He ascended to heaven. One must believe with his heart and must say this with his tongue and then must undergo baptism. Does this take place with child baptism? Everyone who undergoes baptism is as good as physically dead and waiting for his ascension to heaven. Christ had his clothes on, at the time of Baptism. During the child Baptism process, the child is kept naked (if not all churches at least some Churches


do); regardless it is a girl or boy child. (Not even an under garment is used) I have proof as shown above, and have witnessed it. Then they smear with oil allover the body including private parts. If this is done to a grownup what would you call it, Pornography? Is this God’s Law or man’s interest? Some psychopaths do enjoy Exhibitionism, regardless it is a child or a grown up (exhibiting and watching exhibitionism are mental disorder, and a sin. It is scornful pity to keep a child naked for baptism, as some churches do it. Levites 18: 6-18: ---- It is forbidden to see ones nakedness and to go beyond. We are talking about a holy and worshipping place and not a western Palm Beach or nudist’s swimming pool. You are required to go by the God’s Law, and not by some church rules. Exodus 28: 42. The Lord said, “You shall make linen undergarments to cover the naked flesh; they shall reach from hips to the thighs” Why baptism should be given inside a church? It can be given anywhere else where there is water. Acts 8: 36 The Eunuch told Philip, “Look here is water, what is to prevent me from being baptized” Philip and Eunuch went down in to the water and Eunuch was baptized. When Eunuch heard the gospel, he believed in Christ, and then he had the zeal to be baptized. When Eunuch saw the water, he did not want to wait anymore, so he asked Philip to give him baptism, on the roadside; where the water was found. Even when we are having the proof, people are hesitant to receive the baptism and to give baptism as it is said in the Bible. The so-called priests and Churches mislead the laymen and do as the Priests please. These church people are a hindrance for the salvation of the people, neither they will reach nor let others reach the eternity. Baptism can be given at any time; anywhere there is water, by anybody. In olden Churches there used to be ‘Ponds’ (small natural pool) for this purposes and later people used to wash their feet before they enter the Church. When the water supply came in through pipes; these ponds were filled with sand. Later they have made special water tank made of granite for child baptism. Baptism for grownups is given by sprinkling of water even in these days.


In a church they don’t have a suitable sized tank to immerse a full grown man.

Act 2: 38. Peter said, “Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins”. Peter spoke the gospel, then they believed in what he said, they repented over what they have done after that, the only thing that was left was baptism. That is what peter gave them. When you exalt Peter and pretend to follow him, why you falsify what Peter has done, and give infant baptism? One does child baptism and the other does adult baptism; but why they condemn one another? Christ has to come one more time to settle all the denominational disputes.

Why should you undergo Baptism? Adam disobeyed God and he lost the legal rights to the Kingdom of God. Father God is kind, and generous and “He loves man as much as He loves Jesus Christ” He has the true intention to give the lost paradise back to man. For this reason it became inevitable to have a one-time sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins, man is committing. Jesus Christ was the only suitable person to be sacrificed, because He has no sin in Him. One man Jesus Christ thus removed the sin, brought in by one man Adam. Since heaven is Holy, man cannot enter in it without washing his sins away, for which baptism was set by the Lord as one of the conditions, besides Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion. Anything The Lord has said is a law, and he does not change it, unless its purpose is accomplished, so you have to go by that. Mark 16: 15. And Jesus said unto the disciples, “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned.” John 17: 23, Jesus said. “The world may know that the Lord has sent me, and has loved them, as thou hast loved me” Jesus brought a message from the Father God to tell you, The Father God loves the world as much he loves His begotten Son Jesus. Criteria for Baptism

1) Must know Gospel A person, who wishes to undergo Baptism, must know the gospel and what the baptism is all about, either by reading or by hearing. I have met many modern Christians who do not know anything about the baptism they under went. They said it is a religious rites a part of becoming Christian, what a


great ignorance? Every one has heard the Gospel in one way or other, but nothing gas gone in to their head. Romans 10: 18 But I say Have they not heard the gospel? Indeed they have, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. Romans 1: 16. Gospel is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes.

2) Faith. One must have the faith in Jesus Christ, that He is the Lord and salvation.

3) Confess and proclaim Romans 10: 9-10. If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart and so is justified and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.

4) Repent Acts 2: 38, Then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

5) Waiting Ascension 1) You must know, Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins, died, buried, rose on the third day and ascended to heaven. 2) You also died with Christ, buried, rose from the dead and waiting for ascension. 3) When you are immersed in water it symbolizes your burial. When you come out of the water you are resurrected. Once you are aware of these things and completed the whole procedure you may undergo Baptism as it is said in The Bible, get immersed in water. Some Churches are using this proclamation of faith, as “Apostles Creed” originally known as ‘Nicene Creed’ in their regular prayers; this declaration (Nicene Creed) is a part of Baptism. The point is, why baptism should be thrust upon infants. When Catholics give the first communion to the children, they are at least 12-14 years old, baptism also can be done along with the first communion?


Why the Christians cannot have a uniform practice in their services? Everyone is claiming to be superior to the others and condemn others. Apart from this, the one who is baptized will be given a new name. During Christ’s time some names were changed. The reason is not explained in the Bible. I am not sure, some wise guys must have come up with new meaning. Man cannot interpret Bible or what Jesus did. When Jesus changed somebody’s name we cannot simply imitate what Jesus did without knowing what it meant and he never said others should do it. I do not believe in stereo-type Biblical names though my parents did:-1) That is not the important thing 2) Without that they can be good Christians provided they obey the Commandments of God Changing name at one’s free will is not the issue, but Churches made it a must? When one is baptized and one becomes a priest and later promoted they keep changing their names. These practices are senseless and do not bring any benefit, but executing a part of ‘the man made ritual’ Probably Jesus has changed the name of some of his disciples as a symbolism of new identity or may be something else, nobody knows. Many people have changed the name or changed the spellings of their name to fit in to some definite numerological figure, which is considered as luck or prosperity. I know a Christian lady doctor who conceived, looked in to astrological star positions and conducted a surgical delivery in one of the most expensive hospitals of Kerala-State. I could imagine how deeply she was involved in astrology. I am talking about something happened within the 2004-2005, These people are very much involved in church activities also. Though everyone knows about surgery, no one made any remarks to them. If she did not have enough money, do you think she could do such a thing? Though the church knows about it, they did not excommunicate her. The Church gets a lot of money from them, how can they throw her out of the church. Has she not confused many Christian believers and misled them? You are answerable to God for what you have done. Why Churches create disputes and insist over things against the scripture, when it is clearly mentioned in the Bible. The Church and the priests are making rules above the commandments of God. Besides these different


churches don’t even acknowledge and accept each other, but hate, each other denominations. What kind of a Christian principle is this? Is it not fools’ guts to do such things? Who is superior to the other? Jesus himself has washed His own disciple’s feet, as a mark of humility; is this not enough?

XII. Inter Church organizations


XII . Inter Church Organizations There is some inter church organizations, what they do is nothing constructive. ‘Kerala Council of Churches consists, several factions who discriminate each other, a clique outwardly that seeks power usually through a crafty and involved plot. They do not acknowledge each other, and none recognize others religious ceremonies, in spite they made an organization. (Clique= An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose) The basic issue between these churches are non-acceptance of Holy Services, when this cannot be resolved, what is the point in having this organization. No inter-church marriages, baptism, and not even communion. An organization of archenemies, just like Judas’ kiss.

Each church is treating the other as an outcaste This type of organization is the one side of their hypocrisy! There is no spirituality in these people and in their conferences, because the basic issue of discrimination is not resolved. Some priests will take up important positions and their photos will come in the newspaper. They also will have some laymen for namesake, to do their hard labor. Priests are avoiding their prime responsibilities, and running after social glamour. K.C.C seems to be a social gathering of enemies under one roof for not solving the issues but for the collection of money for their luxury and lavish expenditure. This is the greatest joke of the century. Who is superior to another? Every one’s blood is red and they breathe the same air, when the breath is stopped they all die, and everybody’s body will decay and will be eaten up by worms. History tells us the greatness of the upper class and their discrimination of the lower class and untouchables. Once the sun has set, you can see the sexual assault of the upper class on the untouchables. The upper class will never have the guts to take a lower class as a lawfully wedded wife. They never hesitate to grab anything from the lower class including their honor, wealth and chastity hence they call themselves superior. Several of the Whites have raped their black slaves but never married them, when the blacks had no equality at all, with the whites. In the name of The Lord tell the world; what is the superiority of your sect, over the other. Who gave you such authority, and power to speak such stupidity, and to discriminate another? Christ passed away, by holding a man’s spirit condemned by the spiritual leaders, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes and crucified under the Law of Moses, after labeling him as thief. Don’t you know that, Heavens rejoiced much; to receive the thief rather than a man made saint?


On Good Friday, do you sing in your prayers- “Lord I kneel before the cross and pray along with the THIEF, to remember me when YOU COME?” When you declare that you are praying along with the thief, you are admitting that you are not any better than that thief. At the same time you say that you are superior to others? And behave like an emperor? How can you do both at the same time? 1Corinthians 4: 7. For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift. Do I have to say that you are not better than anybody else; The Bible says that, what ever you have received is His gift by grace? It is amazing because, it is given to you even when you don’t deserve it. It is not meant to show your Pride: but to help others. Pride only precedes a nasty fall. When Paul says that he has nothing to boast except the cross of Jesus; what kind of superiority, these traditional churches are talking about.

Luke 9: 48 Jesus said “The least among all of you is the greatest” If this is what is written in the Bible, will the traditional church learn this? The prime responsibility of any church and their leaders are written in: –

1 Peter 5: 2. “Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint but willingly, not for shameful gain, but eagerly, not as domineering over those in your charge, but being example to the flock” It is surprising to note that there are several individuals from all denominations, doing gospel work, at their own expense. I have seen a gathering of more than 3000 people, to the full capacity of their yard in one individual’s house. Their conscience tells them to do so, because the established churches fail to do such things, God makes them to do it. Under no circumstances they collect any money. Such people are the target of their own churches, and get ultimatum for excommunication. The churches and the priests are furious about this type of gatherings because they fear that their importance is lost. Many of such prayer groups were and continue to be stopped by their parish priests and even Bishops. If a man does all crimes and breaks all commandments, the church will sit tight, without making any effort to correct him. The attitude of the Church is let them go to Hades or Hell. When someone does some gospel work or happened to go to another church,


~~ an excommunication will follow him. What kind of hypocrisy is this? Outlaws will not be taken care but the TRUTH SEEKERS will be punished.

James 5: 19–20. If any one from among you wanders from the truth, and some one brings him back–let him know that, who ever brings him back a sinner, from the error of the sinner’s way, will save his soul from death will cover a multitude of sins. The above scripture prompts several individuals, to do gospel work. What, a priest is doing? Not only that he is not saving any soul, but prevents a soul, being saved. Who is totally ignorant of The Word of God, the priest or the layman? 1 Corinthians 1: 13. Is Christ divided? Denominations are dividing Christ--how you leaders dare to do it? 1 Corinthians 12: 27. Now you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it. How can you stay divided and discriminate each other. Remember three important people of The Bible, and how they ended their life. They have been loved by God very much, yet, see, how God’s righteousness works. (1) Moses: -- The greatest among the prophets--never stepped in to

the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34: 4. The Lord showed the Promised Land to Moses and said to him, “This is the land of which, I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I will give it to your descendants; I have let you see it with your eyes, but you shall not cross over there”

2) Aaron, The most important among priests also never stepped in to the Promised Land. Numbers 33: 38 At the command of The Lord Aaron went up to the mount ‘HOR’, on the edge of the land of E’dom and died there. 3) Solomon, The wisest among the Kings-lost his kingdom to his servant.

1 Kings 11: 11. The Lord told Solomon, “Since you have not kept my covenant and statutes, I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you, and give it to your servant”.


You know why these people were punished, for the disobedience of God’s commandments. In one-way or other God’s righteousness will take effect. Are you in anyway greater than Moses, Aaron, or Solomon? If a 230-year-old America call East-Indians “bastards – By Henry Kissinger” Is it not hurting? People from Europe came for trade, and conquered India. They plundered our wealth, and raped our women and got in to all unnatural un-ethical sexual relationships with our people. Finally these Christian invaders ruled this country for several decades. If the invaders have done good things, they also have also done “most worst” things. The colonial rulers opened up prostitution centers, meant for quenching their soldier’s lust. They did same sexual assault in Iraq. This is Contrary to 7th commandment. Calcutta was the capital at that time. Even a song was released “Ladies of Calcutta are sweeter than they look” meaning that they are good for adultery, than their appearance. Several British people pretended to be in love with Indian women, and a mixed race got multiplied, in plenty. After producing many mixed race children, the whites fled. Their law of that time did not permit to take nonwhite women as wives to England. It is a big tragedy when this mix–racial people are despised and described as, “A leftover monument of western adultery, hated by the west, and despised by the east” I have met several Bengali Brahmins, who were very furious about the whole history. Those innocent mixed Christian race were virtually very much despised by the Bengali people. The British who established, the so-called RED STREETS left India more than five decades ago. But the, patriotic Indian rulers have done nothing to save those prostitutes. Anybody turned against the British were very badly punished.

“Governor Velu’Thamby” If the British could not catch them alive, their dead bodies will be torn apart, like they have done to VELUTHAMBY DALAVA of Travancore-State. (Governor Veluthamby)His head was hoisted on the tip of a spear in Trivandrum and spat on him for one week, people say. Even after that, the British hatred did not subside. Christian countries broke every commandments of God. They conquered countries after countries. At the same time they were preaching, the commandments of God.


Now the Indian Christian priests are everywhere when they preach and pray miracles don’t happen because they are worshipping money and not God, and they are doing their money business? Are these Indian priests any better than those white invaders?

Queen of Jhansy In 1858 British soldiers moved to ‘Jhansy’ and surrounded the Fort of the Queen of Jhansy and furious battle broke out. The British bought some of the Jhansy subjects and they betrayed Jhansy, which helped the British to invade. Same thing the Americans did in Iraq. America bought many Iraqi military officials for spying and treachery, before the Iraqi invasion of US; this is a war tactics and a public secret. The Intention of the British was to catch the Queen of Jhansy alive, so that they can disgrace that fiery patriot, just like they did to Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc a 22 year old girl was stripped to skin, shaved her hair off and then the British soldiers persecuted and molested her. The Queen of Jhansy was on the run but one of the British soldiers mortally wounded her from her back, even at that stage she cut the soldiers head off and continued, but not for long. Her men carried her to a remote village and she died soon. In a hurry the villagers cremated her, so that the British cannot capture her body and disgrace her. She was one of the bravest Indian women who never knew what fear was. She fought fiercely even when she was mortally wounded. Her horse also carries a brave history by making his last run carrying the Queen for more than 150 miles just before the horse fell dead. The British were very much disappointed over the Queen of Jhansi because, not only they could not catch the queen alive but could not even get the trace of her dead body. The British made a new law called ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ which meant to add any state of India to British rule, when they did not have a son or princess (a successor) to continue the Kingdom to next Generation. Queen of Jhansi had a son but he died at an early stage. Then she adopted one, which British did not approve. This controversy led to the war. In 2009 you have heard enough of white Australians racial discrimination and assault over Indians because Indians are not white.


Rodney King On May 2nd 2007, LA White policemen have done enough to a black American Rodney King with their baton and were kicked around. Racial profiling and abuse in US has begun from the early days of US history. I have only heard, people can change the shape of face of another man without surgery. Now you and me can see through the Rodney’s picture. LA police have done a remarkable job. The Bible tells you very clearly, that you must believe in, Heavenly Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. You must also believe that, Christ is The Only Savior, who is “The Way” “The Truth” “The Life” “The Light” and “The Door” Only through him you shall enter the Kingdom of God. Have this faith and obey His Commandments, your name is sure to be in the “Book of Life”.

Mathew 7: 21. Christ says, “Not every one who says Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father in Heaven”. Every one who does the will of the Priest and the Church which is against the will of the Heavenly Father; they will not go to heaven but to Hell. How can the Church and Priest be above God?

Mathew 23: 13. The lord says, “Woe’ to you, scribers and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the Kingdom of Heaven. For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them”. Mathew 23: 24. The Lord says, “You blind guides, you strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel”. Gnat=Small fly Exactly, this is what is happening; when a blind is leading another blind. When intelligent preachers and priests are deliberately, leading the blind in to the pit of hell, both are going to perish. The Lord says you have to seek and find, don’t trust the one who is not trust worthy. Lord says he is the only one who is trustworthy. You already have the knowledge, where to look for the truth. Your salvation is described in the Bible, all you have to do is read it, and then you will get all the answers.

Mathew 10: 28, The Lord said “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell”. The one, who gave you Spirit, body and soul, says to fear Him and not anybody else.


Every one who survives judgment day is not going to be honored for what he was on this planet. The only consideration is whether he has obeyed God’s commandments, during the residential period on the earth. If you don’t believe in God, and don’t obey his commandments, you are not wise, but a fool who ends up Hell.

Proverbs 1: 7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1: 21. The world did not know God, because of man’s worldly wisdom. 1 Corinthians 3: 19. For the wisdom of this world is folly to God. The Lord Knows that the thoughts of the wise, are futile. Christians are failing to be true and righteous because they are disobeying God’s Commandments. A person believing in the same Christ and the same Bible does not tolerate each other. Inter-denomination fight is so intense; they excommunicate their own people for silly reasons. Some Christians stir the troubled water for fishing. There must be openness between different denominations. People should be free to go to any other church, to receive all spiritual services, including marriage, baptism etcetera. A universal acceptance between churches without any hindrances is required and that is the true Christian spirit. Don’t forget how Paul, the most orthodox, treated gentiles and worked for them, one shepherd and one flock. Who is this ‘Shepherd’? Jesus Christ is the only Good shepherd! And nobody else should act His role. This does not mean that you must fight against Priesthood or Church. Let them go their way; you just worry about yourself and your family. Let the Churches be independent, and must acknowledge each other, without any discrimination, then you might call yourselves as real followers of Christ.

Next Chapter 13


XIII . Marriage? Very soon Christians will have to change over to register marriages. For proper legalization of the marriage that has become necessary. Christian countries like England and America demands, register-marriage certificates for visa processing purpose, ignoring church marriage certificate for Christians. Even after getting married in a church it is necessary to register, in a local registrar’s office under the Indian marriage act. The present trend and style of marriage is driving ordinary people to insanity and poverty; it is a show of wealth. Those people accumulated money through justifiable and unjustifiable means, can afford any extend of luxury. Though there is some move from the Government side to curb luxurious wedding, even by 2009 nothing has come in force. The government itself is totally irresponsible because of frequently changing executive politicians who has no capability in administration. To a great extend Christians can make a revolutionary change in simplifying marriage expense, provided they try. For Christians, marriage is a very sacred and holy ceremony. All sacred ceremonies offered must be, free of charge. The churches make the bride and groom family to pay, heavy sum of money for the performance of marriage, under the disguise of donation. Bride’s family has to provide a letter from their church, to the groom’s church. This is given after the payment of a substantial amount demanded by their bride’s church. When this letter given to the groom’s church, the church will demand a specific amount as donation from the bride’s family, without which no marriage will take place. This is double taxation. In certain Churches this double taxation was prohibited by a high priest’s order, in the mid sixties, probably over the years that have been evaporated. Some churches allow marriages only on Sundays and Mondays, except other normal religious-restricted days. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays marriages are permissible, provided they pay more than thousand Indian rupees to the Highest priest, under the title “Special Permission”. 1) Tuesday is, not permissible because, Wednesday is a fasting day 2) Thursday is not permissible because, Friday is a fasting day 3) Saturday is not permissible because Sunday is Sabbath 4) Sunday is permissible because the priests decided so and no one challenges it. I asked a parish priest, how they could give permission for a marriage, --when the layman is paying Indian Rupees 1000/.


He said, it is not a payment but a fine for making a restricted day un-holy >> he continued, Moses law has demanded and imposed such fine!!!!!!!! Moses Law: -- Exodus 31: 14. “Anyone who profane Sabbath must be stoned to death” Since Moses is dead marriage on a Sunday is permissible, without any fine. The Church is giving permission, to make ‘man-made Sabbath’ unholy at free of cost. Sunday is man made Sabbath. Real God given Sabbath is the Seventh day of the week, which is Saturday. Sabbath is widely recorded in Leviticus Chapter 23 and 25. There is no change in Sabbath as far New Testament is concerned. The real change took place in March 321 AD under the unilateral decision and decree of Emperor Constantine, who was an Egyptian who became a Christian and head of Priests. All church arguments regarding Sunday Sabbath are baseless and lie. These are historical facts and historical evidences, which are beyond destruction, they are recorded and preserved.

Exodus 31: 14. The Lord said, “You shall keep the Sabbath, throughout generations to come, because it is holy for you: Everyone who profanes it, shall be put to death” The parish priests are silent about Sunday marriage, Church canon allows it. Who made Church Canon? Descendants of People like Caiaphas? Not only the Sabbath day itself is changed, besides that all evil and unholy things are done on Sundays. Though marriage is a holy ceremony, it should not be conducted on a Sabbath day. You are violating your own rules, besides God’s Commandment, making it a “Double fault” Of all days, for any reason Sunday should not be permitted, because several denominations of Christians consider Sunday as Holy, and for others like Jews it is Saturday and for Muslims it is Friday. Jewish, Saturday Sabbath (7th Day Sabbath) is God given; Sunday Sabbath for Christians is Man-made, Muslims Friday is also man made. Sunday marriage is a serious mistake, so as selling permission for, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This process reminds me of selling SIN CARD “FORGIVENESS OF SIN” by Catholic churches, which was strongly opposed by Martin Luther.


Paying money for forgiveness of (1) sins done in the past, (2) for the sins committed at present (3) for the sins going to be committed in the future. You can buy marriage permission Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for a good amount of money. Distinctiveness is, during these three purchased days, no Bishops will come, and only priests will conduct the marriages. Bishops washed their hands off like Pilate did. Even Bishop’s hypocrisy has no limits. Additional charges of the churches are for video camera. Each video camera will be taxed. It is below the dignity, not to have a choir. Choir will charge few thousands for them; in addition, a definite amount of tax must be paid to the church for allowing the coir to sing. If you need a Bishop you have to pay few thousands, otherwise he will not come. If you can afford you can bring several Bishops. I knew of a marriage, which had three bishops. Regarding all Church related payments, you must pay in advance; under the title “Donation” though it is extortion. They trust in no one, for money, no matter how many tens of thousands you may have paid as donations in the past, in black and white, besides all the huge payments already made. When the marriage is over, the bride and groom have to make their offering, in a flat metallic platter as usual. The idea of a flat plate is, the groom and bride will be embarrassed to offer a small amount, and their fat sum should be exhibited to others as an example. Ornaments used for marriages can never be used anywhere else, once the marriage is over. This is an unavoidable expense, due to the present trend, though it is a terrible waste. Some wise guys get rid of the unwanted ornaments sooner the marriage is over. Wedding dress itself is another trait of recklessly wasteful spending for the bride. Usually grooms wear suit in Kerala-State hot climate with high humidity, which aggravates perspiration and allergy for the Indians. This is a question of marriage status so it could not be avoided. Even if the groom intends to avoid, the bride’s party will insist. Beauty parlor is another money sucker; their charges also run in thousands. For prestige sake, most famous beautician with the highest charge will be called in for the show-off. << Priest putting wedding ring on bride’s finger I remember of one occasion, when the brides own family made some remarks. They said they could not find much difference, even after having a very expensive make up.


Another one passed a comment, “she was much better without that make up”. Even Bishops have made such remarks. Bride’s “wedding Sari” costs several thousands, and it cannot be used anywhere else because of its specialty, once the ceremony is over, it is put aside forever. Wedding Saris are usually preserved for the bride’s own funeral! What a magnificent tradition! Then comes another Sari from groom’s side, dumped on the bride’s head with the help of the Priest. Without a priest you cannot even breathe!!!

Priest And Wedding Ring The Priest putting wedding ring on the Bride’s finger:--

Is ridiculous for the priest:-(1) to put the wedding ring on the bride’s (2) and Groom’s finger, (3) putting gold chains on their neck; (4) cover the bride with a SARI on her head and body, (5) and giving the bride’s hand to the groom. Who gave this priest, the authority to do all these things? Let the Priests have their prayers and end with it. The time has passed to throw away all these barbaric system and rituals. After all what a Christian marriage system should constitute, the rituals or the commitments of the groom and bride and sincere prayers? The Bible tells that the people do not consider life, and married life, holy. They lead sinful life; man and woman are not faithful to each other. Will these funny rituals (customary act) improve the commitment and honesty of the husband and wife with each other, and run a peaceful and holy life? Above: Wedding ring goes to groom from the priest. Wedding ring is copied from the westerners. On the left is a typical wedding flower garland put on by Christian Groom and bride, after wedding. Hindu Bride will put a garland on the Groom’s neck and vice-versa during wedding. Christian bride and groom do not exchange flower garlands like Hindus during wedding but only after the wedding by others?


Hindu Poojaari (Hindu Priest) will be chanting the relevant Vedas and mantras and do not touch any of these rings and chains, like Christian priests in India. Christian priests claim, they are the only representatives of God and nobody else. Additional Sari and ‘THALI’ (Mangal-Sutra) also called sacred thread used by Christians, is copied from the Hindus.

Thali Images Images below: 1, 2, 3, Hindu Thali on a Traditional thread and chain 4) Christian Thali ------1--------------2--------------3--------------4-----

Below - Christian Priest give bride’s hand to the Groom’s hand: instead of the bride’s father Giving bride’s hand to groom’s in marriage; is supposed to be done by the girl’s father; this is Jewish tradition, as it is written in the Bible, in the Book of Tobit.

Tobit 7: 12-14 Raguel said, Then take her from now according to the manner, for you are her cousin, and she is yours, and the merciful God give you good success in all things. Then Raguel called his daughter Sara, and she came to her father, and he took her by the hand, and gave her to be wife to Tobias, saying, Behold, take her after the law of Moses, and lead her away to your father. And he blessed them; Raguel called Edna his wife, and took paper, and did write an instrument of covenants, and sealed it. (Instrument of covenant=Legal Document)


Raguel is Girl’s father, Edna is the Girl’s mother, Girl is Sara, and the boy is Tobias. There was not even a Priest’s shadow during the wedding. If the priesthood is from the Jews, Christians should conduct the marriage accordingly. What a mix culture in a Christian marriage ceremony, just like making Indian curry, with all spices put together and making a miserable mix? How can a priest do all these things, what the Groom and Bride is supposed to do? The priest is making the bride and groom and the guests, fools? If you ask any priest, what this is all about, they will come up with too many inner meanings. Who cares about their inner meanings?

Deck of Cards Inner meanings are very interesting thing. You listen to the story of a soldier who spread a deck of playing cards in a Church.

Menorah Another inner meaning is about Jewish lamp-stand called menorah having seven branches denoting six days of creation and 7th day of rest, total of seven days.

Hinduism says, “Even touching another woman is a sin” (“Para’sthree sparsam Papam”) so as the God’s commandments given to Christians. How can a priest hold a Bride’s hand to put rings and to give her hand to the Groom? How can a priest put gold chain on the bride’s neck? People want only straight, simple, and realistic procedure. Priests are doing what they are not supposed to do and claim credit over it.

The Christians should do away with the ADDITIONAL SARI & ADDITIONAL GOLD CHAIN and its handling by a priest. < Priest Putting Gold Chain on bride and Groom. Some of the Christian brides wear a veil or a crown. Orthodox Churches do not


permit that, instead the priest will shake a gold chain over the bride’s head and he will put that on, they call it CORONATION. This coronation reminds me of the game children play, by making crown with “Tree–leaves” and playing King and Queen. <<< A real Christian wedding; groom is tying the Holy-thread with the ‘THALI’ on the bride’s neck; the priest is holding the tail of it. Marriage Engagement: -- Until few decades ago Marriage engagements were done only by few aged people, to a maximum of ten to twelve from each side. No high priests, no priests, and no deputy priests used to be invited. Now they have a protocol list from the church side, then relatives and neighbors. Here also the number of people is a show of wealth and influence. The priests have nothing to do with the engagement. Parents will announce the engagement and the priest will conduct a small prayer after which, everything will be over with a fabulous stomach full customary feast as usual. Protocol= A ceremony etiquette created and observed by the Church. Secretly rings will be exchanged between bride and groom, in the absence of the priest. Engagement of marriage is a public performance, but these exchanges of rings are not acceptable for the priests, so they do it under cover, after the priests have been sent away. The priest just before the marriage in the church will do real marriage engagement and putting rings. All that has been done before in public is not valid even if the parish priest was there. The priest will do everything as a lone ranger and everybody who has come for the marriage will stand like bloody fools. Then the unmarried or the married priest will have a big disgusting speech -about marriage. During the Marriage ceremony, priest puts the ring to the groom and to the bride, and he announces the real engagement. Priests have inner meanings for all these. The Priests say the marriage takes place in heaven and what the priest is doing is the symbolic representation. The Priest claims to be the heaven’s representative so he puts the wedding ring to the groom and Bride. Will any of these priests ever get in to heaven with all their crookedness? If this is the case, what for the previous public performance of engagement was made, that also was in the presence of the same priest. Oh, the first one was “phony”-- engagement and the second one was the real engagement, how I cry for this priest’s hypocrisy!


The priests can run the marriage ceremony from 1 - 11/2 hours. The entire time will be in standing position for everyone. Even the unhealthy people have to oblige, otherwise he will be marked as antisocial. A good number of people do not enter the church to avoid unhealthy scenes. The priest’s prayers are such, some portion of it is in regional language and the rest may be in Latin, Syrian or in any other. Most part of it is in musical tone; poetry, song and prose are all the same for the priests, and nothing will be legible and different from one another. To make things easy for the priests the special coir will do their singing with their ear-bursting background music. Reception hall and decorations and seating capacity of reception hall is another show. Most of the churches have their own reception hall for their additional income. Little more than an average good food is not the limit. Several expensive dishes in terrifying colors with too much fat content, is served. You can see most of people medically on diet, smashing all their limits. Invitees are too many, seating capacity is limited, here you can see the real culture, by their rush and stampede for their food. Real stampede, even American Cattle stampede, stand nowhere nearby. Cattle stampede in western movies are nothing when you see the Indians run for the marriage feast, the society have made them that way. Just about 31/2 decades ago, it wasn’t like that; people have to be led in to their seats. I have no idea from where this new culture has crept in. Catholic Priests won’t attend the marriage feast but other kinds of priests will sit close to the Bride and Groom. If the Priests are not given such high places along with bride and groom, they will agitate. With all the space programs, Intercontinental Ballistic missile with nuclear capability etcetera of India, does not allow to be called a poor country? If you see an Indian wedding, you are sure to say that Indians are the richest people in the whole world. At least by seeing the priest’s costliest dress, the expensive automobiles they use, and the fabulous celebrations they conduct, the spectators will go insane. Minimum number of people should be invited for a marriage. Marriages should be in simple and affordable form, even to the poor. If you are rich give it to the poor and needy at least those people will pray for the help they get. Regardless of all the spending during a marriage ceremony, if the glamour is lost anywhere, you can receive their generous abuse from all corners even from the priests who behave like outrageous cops. How the invitees attend, the Marriage ceremony in a Church is interesting. Only the groom and bride’s close relatives will be inside church.


People from some other denominations will not enter the church, due to untouchability. Some will not enter the church because they have come for a social gathering and not to participate the holy ceremony. Most of the Christian people do not know the prayers of the wedding time. The laymen will keep mum; the priest will be the lone hero. By the year 2010 some people began to print out marriage prayers in form of a book with the inscription of the name of Bride and Groom. To eliminate the monotonous situation, a famous choir from outside will be brought in; they will beat the hell out, like a rock music performance. Marriage is a symbolic representation of great commitment and divinity, and not a show of luxury, noisy ritual and commerce. Some women’s movement have already suggested, to restrict marriage expenses, to 50 grams of gold, and number of participants for the marriage to be hundred and not more than that. No legislation has been done in this regard. Get it legislated fast so that the poor will have a lot of peace of mind. All these remarks apply to certain churches and not the entire Churches, though I do not know which one is better than the other I do not wish to praise anyone or condemn anyone.

Bible explains some typical marriages as following Thobia’s Marriage Tobit 7:12 -14 Raguel said, Then take her from henceforth according to the manner, for you are her cousin, and she is yours, and the merciful God give you good success in all things. Then Raguel called his daughter Sara, and she came to her father, and he took her by the hand, and gave her to be wife to Tobias, saying, Behold, take her after the law of Moses, and lead her away to thy father. And he blessed them; Raguel called Edna his wife, and took paper, and did write an instrument of covenants, and sealed it. A marriage is over. Those people had a better and a very peaceful married life. There was no priest, no big gathering, or any decorations for Tobias’s or for Isaac’s Marriage. They were the most ideal and divine marriage.


Thobia’s First Night Thobit 8: 7–8. Thobias worshipped and prayed to God and said, Lord I accept Sara not because of lust, but because of innocent love. Lord have mercy on me, and bless me so that I will live long with her. Sara said “Amen”,( meaning let it be so) Then they slept peacefully.

Issac’s Marriage:-- Genesis 24: 51. Rebecca’s father Bethuel send her away saying, “Behold Rebecca before you, take her and go, and let her be Isaac’s wife.” Isaac is the son of Abraham. Was Abraham an ordinary person? He was very rich, and father of the Tribe and head of a nation. He was one of the most beloved men of God and the People of Israel. Abraham’s son Isaac’s marriage is the most simple the Bible has ever recorded. The general rule of marriage is it should be done in public, not under cover, so that people should know that they are married. In this modern time the marriage requires proper legalization and proof so that they can divorce conveniently and make claims.

A marriage is not meant for people to go broke and for the churches to get rich and the Priests to get fat. Every one of the spiritual people involved in conducting a marriage from top to bottom receives handouts in cash and kind from the Bride’s and Groom’s party. If Caiaphas can collect tax from Jerusalem temple merchants why not these people collect free gifts? 1 Peter 5: 2. Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly, not as a ruler over those in charge, but examples to the flock.

Revolutionary changes have to be made by the churches itself. Proper legislation is also required, to eliminate the unwanted practices Those who tend the flock do not know what they are doing; the laymen will end up in Hades. Don’t bring CANA wedding feast as an example, The Bible forbids, drinking. Have you ever learned any good example from any priest? They are above all the Commandments of God. There is no ceremony or get together without alcoholic substances for Christians. There is legendary Polish vodka, approved by the New York State Liquor, is 100 percent pure alcohol. You can get identical type in India.

In fact they are not drinking wine in memory of ‘Cana’ but hard liquor.


What is a Marriage? “Somebody said, marriage is the license for adultery” or a license for the churches for the share of money earned in that title? The relationship between husband and wife is, similar to the one, between Christ and Church. Both are a symbol of “True and Divine Love”, and not out of lust and worldly desire. Genesis 2: 18. The Lord said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is right for him” Mathew 19: 6. God has joined the two together, so no one should separate them. Ephesians 5: 33. Each one you must love his wife as he loves himself, and a wife must respect her husband. 1 Corinthians 13: 1. If I don’t have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal. Proverb 21: 21. Whoever tries to live right and loyal finds life, success, and honor. 1 Corinthians 7: 2. Because of sexual immorality each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband. Any sexual relationship outside the marriage is adultery according to 7th commandment. Exodus 20: 14 “You shall not commit adultery” Any one who does adultery will never enter their eternal home. Any one, who desires to get married, should realize the responsibility and the commitment one is undertaking. Marriage is not a license for adultery. If you are on the right track, it remains divine; if you go astray it is deadly.

Hebrew 13: 4. Let marriage be held in honor by all, and let marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge fornicators and adulterers. Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have. 1 Corinthians 6: 9–10. Fornicators, idolaters, male prostitutes, sodomites, adulterers, thieves, greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers, none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.


When the marriage is over in Kerala State mostly, the bride and groom will be made to stand apart. Right in the middle of the groom and bride the priest will stand, and pose for the photograph. May be exposing another inner meaning, who knows? In between the Bride and Groom there is a Priest-God of the land. It is shocking to note that they are so shameless to do such things. What you can do is, please pray for these priests, to walk in TRUTH, and do the best you can, to do away with these rituals of no-sense once for all. It may be noted, that regarding marriage the author has quoted relevant portions from the bible, the reader is expected to understand the overall meaning, and the aim of the writing. God has given detailed description of His commandments, and that remains forever till the end of the world. Obeying them without any choice is your responsibility, though you may have the freedom to do what you like. You get the reward for everything you do, right and wrong, without any error in this and the eternal world. The true divine ceremony of marriage has nothing to do with the man made rituals. The Church says, several things, which are not in The Bible. The Bible has stated more than what is required for man you are to follow that. This does not mean the church and the clergy can do what they feel like and make some formulas and call it CHURCH-CANON. The Priests do not discharge their specific responsibilities they already have. After the transition from the Moses law period to Jesus period -- by the third century corruption began to creep in and being continued. Even during all these centuries the church and the Clergy have been adding several rituals. When the celebrations go excess, the divinity is narrowed down and becomes unholy. If you stick with the Word of God, your eternal life will also be guaranteed along with this worldly life. When the climax of love is reached, the westerners will get married. Once the marriage is over, they will get divorced with a huge claim from the groom to the bride. Ethnic countries are far better in this respect but now they are also following western style. Regardless of the means and method, man is desperate for making money only; man adds the rest of the vices. Some of the Indian priests are interestingly listening to the gossip of the women. The priests are digging out their husband’s secrets, why these women folks are always around the priests and the priests encourage them, usually for such wrongdoings? You want to call it a confession? You are free to make your conclusions; a real perspective is presented for your thinking and to do what is absolutely necessary.


If you obey the commandments, your life will be peaceful, if not, it will be in pieces and in misery. Always remember,

Hebrew 12: 29 Our God is a Consuming Fire.

Next-Chapter 14


XIV. Indian Politics and Christianity Almost all European countries have invaded India; finally The British overpowered every one of them and ruled India between 1858 and 1947. During those invasions several of the Indians were helping them to invade India. Those who betrayed India were Hindus? When a Hindu betray India that is only a minor offense, when an Indian Christian does it, it is terrible. Any one who breaks the law of the land should be punished and condemned accordingly and equally. His Heritage or religion is out of place. What happened when one of the disciples betrayed Christ? Since Judas was also a Jew it was less serious, if it were a non-Jew, probably there would have been a revolution. People got fed up with Kingdoms, their hatred led to series of revolutions and finally kingdoms one after another were wiped out. Another devil called democracy that is more corrupt than kingdoms took over. Now political survival is by tarnishing the opponent and winning the election. The biggest crook will win the election and rule the country. People are factious; ten members of the same family will be in fifteen political parties, because some works for to two parties. Any means and any method is right to grab the votes and to win the election. For the past some time religion is made as a major issue. Indians have learned from The British, (a so-called Christian country) to divide and rule. Indians don’t recognize this disease even in their own homes; some of the elders make their children to fight with each other, and take the undue advantage. When this attitude is practiced in politics, it stinks. Politicians are creating headlines everyday with controversial statements, and the innocent people become their prey. Malayalamanorama daily dated Oct 9, 2000 had reported from New Delhi :-RSS leader Sudarsan said, that the Christians should cut off their relationship with overseas. Sudarsan made this statement in Nagpur on a function related to “Vijaya Desami”. Similar attacks were made on Muslims also. Another report came on October 16, 2000 in Malayalamanorama-newspaper about some remarks by Sudarsan (RSS), this time it was from Agra. Muslims and Christians in India should accept the fact that their ancestors are Hindus. They should come in to the main stream. (Where is the mainstream and who is not in the mainstream, main stream is full of scam-masters) It was a Hindu Government who promoted Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca at Government expense. Now, some Hindus are turning against them. Everything politician has done is based on vote banks and not on principle. Buddhism is an Indian religion, which declined in its own motherland and flourished in China, Japan and Thailand.


Should those countries drive those Buddhists out of their countries to India? Buddhism was a challenge to the upper class and the Indian upper class Hindus destroyed it. There is Hare-Krishna movement in many western countries, should those Hindus be driven out from there to India? Several of the Indian Hindu organizations are getting financial help from western and European countries what should be done to them? What we should do with western and European people visiting India to learn and practice Hinduism, should we carry them on our shoulder? But there are other areas where these Christian leaders are to be blamed. This book explains that Politicians can do something about it and also about their own corruptions. Are they willing to do that? Money and power is the attraction in politics, and then they will manage the rest of the vices easily. Politicians must clean up their own arena, before they stick their nose in religion. The greatness of upper-class has been already described in this book. Sikh religion is another, which did not take-off from India. What attracts a man to a religion? There may not be any like Buddha, who left his kingdom and went in search of truth. When ordinary people go desperate, they find some consolation somewhere and they hang on to that. If one has to change his religion deliberately it requires a lot of conviction. To become really religious after studying his own religion usually don’t happen because the basic principle in all religions for the man to practice is all the same. The difference is in rituals and different names in Gods. The basic of all religion is humanity, non-violence and spirituality. The modern man is seeking a loose life, a total lawlessness and pleasure. Their philosophy is to live by any principle, is foolishness. Principles are obstructions to amass wealth and in seeking pleasure. What people want is to be happy and to enjoy life. Enjoyment of life is confined to wealth, wine and women. This is the root cause of all troubles in this world. That is why Buddha said, “Desire is the cause of Misery”. Desire to go beyond ones morality leads to all kinds of crimes. One must realize his spiritual limitations, and must work hard as much he can and one should. One must be able to be content with his achievement and what he has. Religion can play an important part when a person becomes desperate, by teaching him that money is not everything, but his eternity is important. One should not see another on the basis of religion, Caste, Color and Creed. Let others believe what they like; religion should not be an issue to anyone. Only at this point we can tolerate another and live in harmony.


Every democratic country is in a constitutional deadlock. The obstruction is, they cannot and will not amend the constitution to prevent corruption. The necessary laws that have to be passed to prevent corruption; cannot be done, because they can never get a two third majority to amend such laws. Besides those corrupt politicians are binding themselves; with such laws and they will not be able to continue to be corrupt. If you look at God’s Commandments you will find even God is binding himself with his own laws, otherwise he would have destroyed all the evil spirits and evil men. Only good people will survive.

How the political hands can be curbed? 1) Political interference and high-handedness in administration must be stopped. 2) Politicians should deal with policy matters only; their executive power must be removed because, through favoritism, nepotism and corruption they promote evilness and injustice. 3) Politicians must accept the specialist’s opinion, rather than making decision on subjects, they do not know anything. 4) Civil administration, Home ministry military and Judiciary should be under the President. 5) At the state level it must be under the Governors. 6) Corrupt and negligent officials must be dismissed and prosecuted, and the dismissal should not be challenged in a court of law. 7) There must be provision to investigate corruption without political interference. 8) Minimum education for politician must be graduation with 50 % marks

9) Politicians above fifty years should not be allowed to run for election and their retirement age must be in level with the Government employees. 10) Dishonest people and criminals and people having too many accusations should not be allowed to run the election. Since it is very difficult to get convicted in a court of law, this is the only alternative. 11) Rejection of nomination papers should not be challenged in a court of.


12) Expenses for the publicity of candidates must be by the Government only through different media. Processions, rallies, display of cutouts, and posters should not be allowed. 13) Royal drives by the politicians, with flags and escorts must be stopped. 14) Everything must be on merit basis and poverty basis, no more reservations. 15) Nothing should be based on caste color and creed everyone should have equal rights. 16) To sign any government projects, there must be two opposition party members, as witness. 17) No more secret files. 18) They should file income-tax return with wealth disclosure for everyone. Any wealth found which is not declared in tax return form must be confiscated, then there will not be any illegal money and wealth. 19) Any failure from the politician’s part of dishonesty must be led to dismissal and prosecution. 20) Declaration of wealth and tax return of the politicians and officials must be further verified and scrutinized. 21) People should not elect any unworthy politicians. 22) Politician must be righteous and not supporting a particular religion. 23) If any official is found corrupt or fail to discharge his responsibility he should be dismissed from service and prosecuted. If you have any suggestions, it should be added to these, and consider it for implementation. You may think why you should bother about these politicians; they are the people who create mayhem. Their disease is contagious; their corruption is transmitted to the officials and then to the people. Many do not bother about corruption, because people have accepted it, as part of the social life? Any person who has a bit of conscience will not be able to digest it; ultimately he is the biggest sufferer and he is labeled as anti-social.


King Solomon who was a Jew married Pharaoh’s daughter, an Egyptian, against God’s commandment, for political gain. In India Nehru family also did such things for political gain. Their attitude is not Christian’s religious outlook. What kind of principle do they really are.

Nehru and Indira Gandhi – Religion & Name (Not Mahatma Gandhi) Nehru family begins with Lekshmi Narayan & his descendants Lekshmi Narayan Kashmiri Brahmin


Other details not included

Gandhar Nehru is the son of Lekshmi Narayan Gandhar Nehru Kashmiri Brahmin


Other details not included

Motilal Nehru is the son of Gandhar Nehru Motilal Nehru

(Male) > > Wife Was a barrister in Allahabad Kashmiri Brahmin Jawaharlal Nehru >> Nehru’s Wife (Kashmiri Brahmin)

Swarup Rani (Kashmiri Brahmin) Had Four children (Motilal brought J. Nehru – not sure he is Motilal’s son – Nehru was a Mugul) Mrs. Kamala Kaul (Kashmiri Brahmin)

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Daughter Indira Pryadarshini Nehru> (Kashmiri Brahmin) Husband (Love Marriage) (Indira Became Muslim)

Indira’s Husband-Firoze Khan; (Muslim) Firoze’s Father’s name Nawab Khan Firoze’s mother’s family name was Gandghi, was a parsi (Parsee) Parsis are the mix race of “IranianIndira married Firoz Khan in a Zoroastrians” and Indians (Known as London- Mosque under Muslim rites, ‘Indian Zoroastrian communities’) after becoming a Muslim (Indira’s Firoze Khan changed his nme to Firoze muslim name was – (Maimuna Gandhi. Begum) Instead of Last name KHAN Indira used Gandhi Indira Gandhi had two Sons I) RAJEEV II) SANJEEV


I) Rajeev Gandhi was the son of Firoze –Khan and indira Gandhi II) After Indira Gandhi’s husband, Firoze Gandhi’s death SANJEEV was born as the son of Mohammad yunus and Indira Gandhi Rajeev Gandhi >> Married > Italian girl Saniya Rajeev Changed his name to Roberto (Though Rajeev and Sonia stayed in London for three years – Neither he or Sonia had any certificates from any of the London Universities)

Italian Christian Soniya (Sania Maino of Turin married Rajeev who became Roberto at the time of marriage) But he continued to use his name as Rajeev Gandhi Saniya used her name Sonia Gandhi

Rajeev Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi Has two Children -------------------------------------------------------1) Rajeev’s Daughter: BIANCA Bianca Changed her name to PRIYANKA 2) Rajeev’s Son:


RAUL Changed his name to RAHUL II) Indira Gandhi’s Second son SANJEEV GANDHI S/o Mohammad Yunus ------------------------------------------------------Sanjeev Gandhi >> Married a Sikh A Sikh girl, Maneka (menaka girl previous name) Her father Colonel Anand threatened Changed name to Sajay Gandhi while in Sanjay to marry Maneka for London to escape to India -- To avoid a loving and then leaving by criminal charge. making her ---She was also a model

You may have some of the details in the following websites and in many other similar websites Why Firoze Khan Changed his last name Khan – to his maternal grand father’s name – GANDHI -- when he had his paternal grand fathers name -KHAN.


AT the same time Indira Priyadarshini Nehru – became -- Maimuna Begum Khan – When she married Firoze Khan. When Firoze Khan became FIROZE GANDHI – obviously Indira became MAIMUNA BEGUM GANDHI. FIROZE KHAN dropped his last name and became Firoze Gandhi. How MAIMUNA BEGUM KHAN has become Indira Gandhi? Indira dropped the first two acquired name MAIMUNA BEGAM and became INDIRA GANDHI. The speculation is Rajeev became Roberto when he married Sania Maino. Though Rajeev was supposed to be Rajeev Khan –by birth he happened to become a Muslim. RAJEEV Kept his name as RAJEEV GANDHI. RAJEEV’s Italian wife’s name SANIA MAINO has changed her name to SONIA After Firoze Gandhi’s death Sanjay was born as the son of Mohammad yunus and Indira Gandhi. Sanjay’s original name was SANJEEV rhythmic to RAJEEV When SANJEEV got in to trouble while he was in London, he acquired an emergency passport from V. K. Krishna Menon who was the high commissioner / ambassador in Indian Embassy. Sanjay also never had his father’s name but kept to Gandhi name. Sanjay’s wife’s original name was MENAKA which was a mythological name disliked by some in the husband’s family, was changed to MANEKA. When She got married to SANJAY GANDGHI MENAKA became–MANEKA GANDHI, just by switching E and A Though Rajeev was born as Muslim, his children’s name were BIANCA and RAUL and were Christians Rajeev’s daughter Bianca changed her name to Priyanka Son Raul changed his name to Rahul II. Indira Gandhi’s second son: Sangeev Yunus Became Sanjay Gandhi


Sanjay Gandhi and Maneka has one son Varun Gandi Recently Varun Gandgi got in to trouble, for making provocative speech against Muslims, forgetting his paternal grandfather was a Muslim. --------------------------------------------------------You think the name Khan was not good: at least Indira Gandhi thought so. I know one frightening name “Gengish Khan” from the history. If the names were not switched around:-RAJEEV RAHUL PRIANCA SONIA

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SANJAY GANDHI would have been SANJAY YUNUS His son


Recently Varun Gandhi made a provocative speech against the Muslim Community, forgetting his Grand Father was a Muslim namely Mohammad Yunus. After Jawaharlal Nehru, his descendants abandoned NEHRU name and became GANDGHIS. Nehru was the first Indian Prime-minister. He was a good author. he was also a reasonably good administrator. Had some affair with Lady Mount Batton. Nehru was also almost equally famous as Mahatma Gandhi; may not be greater than Gandhi. You don’t feel comfortable when such name is taken without proper justification. Individual freedom has no limit, what others can say, regardless it is none of other’s business?

Next-Function of a Church


XV. Function of a Christian Church It is easy; at least not very difficult to follow the Commandments of God, provided they do not run after wealth, politics and power. The meaning of Church is an assembly of believers. A building used for worshipping is also called a church. The truth is any building can be used for worshipping. Christ’s Last Supper was conducted in a stranger’s house. What we see in the present church is all pagan worshipping style, which is not Biblical created by misleading priests. The responsibility of any church is to spread the gospel and to work for the uplift of the spiritual and moral level of the people. The maximum requirement of any church is that they should meet their daily need and must have a reasonably good place to worship. They should not accumulate wealth and run after establishing institutions like colleges hospitals etcetera. They should not get involved in politics otherwise politician will start running the churches in return. All spiritual services of the people must be met, free of cost. Neither Christ nor His Apostles took anything in return. Churches should depend on volunteer contributions and not on extortion and forced donations. Where there is spiritual growth, money will flow in as required. It is God’s promise, to add the rest when you seek His Kingdom first. The faithless Christians are amassing wealth first so that they can seek God’s Kingdom Later, which they can never make possible. From membership to every spiritual service, they extract a large sum. Churches get in to more non-spiritual matters and stray away from spiritual path. As a result morality and fear of God of every Christian has gone down to the drain. Churches have turned out to be a business center and the spiritual need of the people is never met properly. People are going a stray; they go from one church to another to find peace, finally end up nowhere. The people loose their faith even in God, and turn out to be criminals. The churches are least interested in spiritual growth because priests and clergy are after creating moneymaking institutions. Anything not of spiritual should not be the priest’s concern. Teaching, managerial, and executive jobs are not meant for priests. Law should ban priests holding any such jobs. Christians and Priests have destroyed the credibility of true Christianity. Now what is left with them is nothing, other than being hated by the whole world? Christian Priests are supposed to be, selfless and polite to other people. They should be teaching theology and worshipping God and not getting involved in any other matters.


Peddlers of Word of God 2 Corinthians 2: 17. There are so many peddlers of God’s Word. This was foretold two thousand years ago. This is the way, it is going to be till the end of the world unless; they confess and correct their mistakes. Does any Poojari handle any Hindu-temple wealth and run any college or any other such institutions in India? Temple belongs to the people who contribute for it, and they should run it, so as any Church or any other religious institution. Priest’s extravaganza and spiritual irresponsibility is beyond imagination, so long they sit on the top of all Church’s and institution’s wealth, they cannot be spiritual. 1) 2) 3) 4)

Priests should not lead political-processions, They should not lead labor movements, They should not propose people to vote for certain Political party. Priests should not speak against any Government, no matter what the government does. 5) People should vote according to their conscience and priests have no business to persuade anyone with the voting matter. ====================== I happened to hear a shocking remark from a young outrageous parish priest: --He said, “Marriage is a business for the parents” I asked him “Is marriage not a divine performance? He answered me, what he does is divine, what the laymen do is a business. The instant thought came on my mind was, to tell him that, he must have been a product of his parent’s marriage business. If I retaliate I will not achieve anything. Taking revenge is a kind of sadism. When someone is insulted I do not enjoy, since I did not want to be so unrefined in character of his kind so I kept silent.

His conduct is also very bad to my knowledge. Besides I did not want to lower myself to his strata of lowest socio-spiritual class of a priest. This is the true color of some of the priests. Romans 12: 17. Repay no one, evil for evil. This priest was trying to change my concept of marriage. Marriage is not a divine and holy ceremony, but a business in his terms. If this is the attitude of a priest, what he is after? A share of profit, from the business I do, for him or for the church or for both?


Some churches have annual fund raising. 1) Most of the priests go from house to house for money collection accompanied by some Church members. The priest will sit tight when others does the arguments. Priests silence is, he has not come for money collection but to conduct a prayer when they get the money. 2) They give bundles of tickets to the church members. Few times I paid and threw the tickets in the trash. 3) Once I said; I don’t sell tickets and am too old for that, then he said, people don’t sell tickets but simply buy them. 4) The Church wants all kinds of goodies given free by the members and they will sell it in the Church premises, like it was in Jerusalem temple during Jesus time. In short the annual fund raising is one scheme, having three branches of extortion. Like an octopus having eight arms to suck the blood out of the prey. In fact these people are man’s money suckers. Once a prominent priest told me that, he is against the idea, that a priest should wear a robe all the time. They should not have beard, and an orthodox priest-cap etcetera. Like western priests they should wear nothing more than a collar.

Even dogs and cats have collars, what is the greatness of a collar? Though they knew, before becoming a priest, what the priesthood is all about, why do they become a priest? They have no Heavenly calling and true commitment to priesthood. They become very discontent and incompetent to continue as a true Christian priest or preacher. Priesthood has become a livelihood (financial means) for a better survival.

James 2. 19. You believe that God is only one; you do well. Even the devils believe and shudder. (Shudder=Tremble) If this is the truth, what is the difference between you and the devil? The devil does not obey God’s commandments, so as the same with you? If you don’t obey God’s commandment you are not better than a devil. Therefore you will not be a child of God but a child of a devil. Believing and knowing something is a waste, when you don’t practice and live by it. Knowing everything and not obeying God’s commandments is what priests and preachers do. You should go by every syllable of the God’s commandments. God have sent prophets repeatedly to remind the people to obey Him. If not according to His rules, the punishment have to follow; don’t try to call that fate. That is not fate but the outcome and resultant of your wickedness. (Salary of sin)


John 8. 44. Christ said, “You are the children of devil, and you are doing what the Devil want you to do” If you wish to become a God’s child do it now. Tomorrow will be too late. You will never know how soon God is going to call back your spirit. There are many ways of sudden deaths, it could be natural and it could be accidental, in any case you may not even get a chance to repent. Always be ready and prepared to go to your eternal-home whether you like it or not because you have no choice, sooner or later your death must happen. Let me say the involvement of couple of priests in some lovers business. One priest was the recipient of a run away girl’s father’s generous handouts. In addition to his salary; and other income from the laymen was enormous. He became one of the richest in due course of time. The runaway girl’s father was virtually (almost) meeting all the household expenses of the priest. This faithless priest did all the help for the girl to elope. He also helped indirectly to get all the needed false documents and also arranged another priest for the runaway girl’s marriage. In another incident the priest gave all the moral support and police protection for the boy to run away with a girl. In short some priest’s attitude is, “loving is not a sin” so they promote love. These are the kinds of priests you trust for confession and go for spiritual guidance. ========== In a priest’s term; Church wealth belongs Priest and priest belongs to Church wealth and the rest of the Church members are dogs for them. Priests are of CENOBITE character – they produce closely related genotype species (genetic constitution). Regardless of the denomination they are birds of same feather. There is one more evil along with the priest:- deputy-priest who is neither a beast nor a bird -- the original name is “Kappiyaar - in Syriac Language” meaning one who digs grave. He is doing exactly what this word mean. HE IS DIGGING HIS AND ALSO OTHERS GRAVE. The rest is for you to think. Some people say he is the KINGMAKER of the Church. Kingmaker = An powerful person who can bring leaders to power and also can throw a person out of power through his cunningness. Another terminology used with same meaning is > Manipulator Syriac Language (SURIYANI LANGUAGE)


Syriac is a very ancient language of Semitic group. This was also an official language of Persian Empire. If you say this is almost a dead language it will not be incorrect. This language is not even known to many people. This language is used by Orthodox Churches of the East, for their worshipping. Their worshipping book consists Syriac language on one page and in local language on the other. If you read local language it will sound like syriac.



XVI . Terrorism Crusades, world wars, Korean War, Vietnam war, Afghan war, Iraq war, North and south Irish war, disputes and quarrels are all, in violation of God’s commandments. Colonial rule of England, France, Dutch, Portugal, Spain, and Capturing of North America from American-Natives called RED-INDIANS, slavery and slave trading, alcoholism, adultery, same sex marriages, homosexuality, all sexual relationships outside the marriage, lesbianism alcoholism addiction of drugs, are also against God’s Commandments. Oh’ mighty world powers set out to rule the world, and beyond, tell the world what is within your country!! Do your children kill your own blood, for no reasons without any mercy? How many reported and unreported rape take place, in your free super power country, every year? Are they not more than forty thousand annually? How many children runaway? How many husbands abscond? How many wives elope? How many teenagers and unwed get pregnant? How many abortions take place annually more than 1.5 million? How many thousands of thefts, mugging, armed robberies, murder, and discrimination cases, atrocities against women, happens every year, they are just innumerable. How many families live in peace? With the world’s most sophisticated traffic system, is not the death rate, more than 50,000 annually? How many millions of criminals are behind the bars 2.50 million, by the year 2008? How many thousands are psychopaths and how many millions are born with birth defects because of the offenses and drug addiction of the parents? Don’t you have more than 34 million people, below poverty line in your own country? You are boasting of tax cuts, helping other countries with aids, deploying your troops in all over foreign lands and setting up thousands of nuclear warheads aiming almost all countries in the world? How many countries you have destabilized? How many political leaders of other nations have been, and are being killed under cover and without cover. When you could not straighten your own children, you have set out to rule the world? How many millions of gallons of blood have been shed round the Globe and continue to do so? Is there terrorism in your own country? If you are a victim of terrorism, then you are reaping what you sow. Your military alliances with several countries will never resolve your problem, because your troubles are God sent. Because you celebrate Christian Holy Days, or you have stamped in your currency “In God we trust”, nothing is going to help you.

Amos 5: 21-22. The Lord said, “I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies I will not accept your offerings”.


Because everything you do is unholy and evil. Just to destroy one man you have destroyed one country, and you continue this process one after the other. Even natural disasters and calamities are God sent. Nothing happens without his knowledge and without His consent.

Genesis 4:10. The Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brothers blood, is crying out to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground”. God’s punishment is greater than one can bear and another human can give. Do you think it was for nothing, Pope John Paul apologized to several nations for the atrocities Catholic churches have done? It is time to repent and make up for the ungodly things you have committed. When you people do not practice what is said in the Bible, are you not ashamed to send your preachers round the globe to spread the Gospel? Everything begins at home and not abroad; preach to your own people first before you sent them out to other countries.

Mathew 12: 33-34 “If the tree is good fruit is good, and the tree is known by its fruit. You brood wipers, how can you speak good things. When you are evil” If today’s men are unrighteous, this is the seed of unrighteous parents. You cannot expect any better than that, unless the people turn back from evilness and repent.

Why There is Terrorism? Ezekiel 28: 4–7. The lord says “ By your wisdom and your understanding, you have gotten wealth for yourself, and have gathered gold and silver in to your treasuries; by your great wisdom in trade you have increased your wealth, and your heart has become proud in your wealth”--therefore thus says The Lord God: “Because you consider yourself as wise as God, therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you, the most terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor. They shall thrust you down to the pit”. Repentance and apology and paying compensation, where ever it is possible and needed, is the only way of escape to find peace; and terrorism will subside when you and your country obey God’s commandments. It is not only you, your country, but the whole world itself is paying the price, for the evilness every one of you are doing. You don’t have to expect the devils to come faraway places for your ~~~~


~~~ destruction but they are under your own nose, your own blood will turn against you. Ethnic country Christians are sick of watching and listening you Christian countries’ preaching, blasting and telecasting through the TV channels and short-wave radios.

You preach what you don’t practice. Isaiah 54: 16. The Lord says, “It is I who have created the smith who blows the fire of coals, and produces a weapon fit for its purpose; I have also created the ravager to destroy” Ravager = Destroyer; Smith=One who works on the metal 1 Corinthians 6: 9. Do you not know that, the unrighteous do not inherit the Kingdom of God? Like Pharaoh of Moses’ time, if you harden your mind, thinking of more blood shed God’s severe punishment will be upon you, your descendants, and to many generations to come. Your military power and your military alliances cannot save you. Why not you preachers, teach your own politicians first, before you go out of your own country.

Jeremiah 4: 4 “Lest my wrath go like fire, and burn with none to quench it, because of the evil of your doings”. God’s commandments apply to every one on the face of the earth and above, regardless who they are and what they are, you have a choice between the evil and the good. Because of one man the whole world and mankind is punished. You, evil people, are inviting more and more God’s punishments.

Genesis 9: 6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed: for God made man in His own image,” said The Lord. Is this enough to prove, what is going on, around the globe; and why more and more blood is shed?

Jeremiah 49: 16. The lord says, “The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you: you who live in the clefts of the rock, who hold the height of the hill. Although you make your nest as high as the eagle’s, from there I will bring you down.” The priests, preachers and politicians mess up the whole world. Soon, in developed nations’, the prison population will be greater than the population of free people outside the prison.


What is happening inside the prisons? The prisoners do more crimes inside the prisons than what they did outside. Prisons are overpopulated and jammed with criminals. What a miserable situation. ========= Adultery, even Prostitution is legal, with or without any restrictions, in almost all European countries. When England was ruling India they opened up so called RED-STREETS for their soldiers; so as US in Philippines and many other countries they occupied. (Red streets=Prostitution streets) Those Indian streets are still under the curse – it remains like Sodom and Gomorrah even today. Tourists from all over the world come to India and exploit people and buy sex undercover. Many foreigners come with indecently exposed dress and tempt others, even to get raped.

What interests me most is the function of human mind – the enjoyment of the exhibitionist, which is in fact a mental disorder. These people lead others to greater sins and crimes. Sexual desire is a very powerful psychological feature that arouses human mind to action toward a desired goal even by hook or crook, when it is not possible through normal, legal and spiritual way it becomes sexual assault. The lawmakers and judiciary has always helped to degenerate the moral values, on the basis of the exercise of individual freedom. Even if the law of any land is helpful for the violation of God’s Law; man must subdue himself to God’s Commandments rather than pointing to the judicial aspect and freedom. Subdue=Hold within limits and control In most of the countries, it is legal to drink alcoholic substances but not according to the Bible. During the British rule in India, they legalized the use of OPIUM and MARJUANA. What a great moral and spiritual contribution of a developed Christian country has given for India. When the British left, India prohibited the use of Opium and Marijuana by Law.

Next-Warning to preachers and priests


XVII . Warning to Priests and Preachers Preachers and priests must be an example to others. This is what Jesus has shown to us. He told us to follow the life He has led.

Peter 5: 2–4. Tend the flock of God that is your charge, not by constraint, but willingly, not for shameful gain but eagerly, not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock. All pomp and show of modern priests and bishops are copied from the first priest Aaron of Moses time, along with Pagan worshipping. This is a total misinterpretation of The Bible. James 3: 1. We, who teach will be judged with greater strictness. You priest’s and preacher’s punishments will be several folds, if you don’t practice, what you preach. Besides when you don’t practice what you preach you are a hypocrite and you mislead many others who observe and follow you. It must be well understood that, no church law can take you to heaven. The Bible is the only authority for those who want to believe in Christ, The New testament consist the teachings of Christ. But you must study [not just reading] the letters written by the Apostles also will help you for your good conduct and salvation 2 Timothy 2: 24. Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to every one. Laymen may quarrel but preachers and priests under no circumstances can quarrel and divisive. If these priests do not practice God’s commandments, they cannot be righteous, and will not able to give peace and harmony among the people. For the same reason Jesus said, “My peace, I give to you” He is giving us what he is possessing. You have to follow Jesus. The priests imitate Jesus and say, “Peace be with you”, does it help you? Romans 2: 21-23. You then, who teach others, will you not teach yourself ? You boast that you are a spiritual-lawmaker, but you dishonor God by breaking the law of the land and also the commandments of God. You must obey God’s commandments and the law of the land at the same time. That is why Jesus said not only to pay what belongs to God but also to pay your taxes. People think tax evasion is a creditable thing. You can avoid tax legally where it is permitted but cannot evade.


Avoid=Avert (is Legal); Evade=Dodge(Ill-legal) Romans 2: 24. “The name of the God is blasphemed before the gentiles, because of you”. Because of your evilness, others utter profanity against your heavenly father, what a shameful and terrible thing you are doing. Even in our colloquial usage it is widely said, “It is not your mistake” meaning, it is your biological father’s mistake. Your father did a mistake by becoming the reason for your birth. Same thing applies here also. When a believer does evil things, others blame his heavenly father, who created him, and God’s external Glory is destroyed because of you. God’s personal glory cannot be disturbed, but He will be ashamed to have a son like you. The relationship between you and your God is-father and son. That is why God said to address Him, “Our Father”. Do not address anybody else ‘Father’. 1 Peter 4: 10–11. As each has received a gift, empty it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who utters as God’s oracle; who ever renders service, as one who renders it by strength which God supplies; in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. All the glory goes to God. Man is sinful by birth and by nature, and you must live above that, for which you got to have patience and sacrifice and endurance. Jeremiah 23:11. Lord says, “Both priests and prophets are ungodly, even in my house I have found their wickedness”. Jeremiah 25:34. Wail you shepherds, and cry out; roll in ashes, you lords of the flock, for the days of your slaughter have come–and your dispersions, and you shall fall like choice rams. God is warning the preachers, priests and prophets to repent now and turn away from their sins otherwise they will be cut down like Rams in a slaughterhouse. Jeremiah 25: 36. Hark the cry of the Shepherds, and the wail of the lords, of the flock! For the Lord is despoiling their pasture, and the peaceful folds are devastated, because of the fierce anger of the Lord. Ezekiel 34: 3-4. The Lord says, “You slaughter the fatlings, but you don’t feed the sheep. You have not strengthened the weak, you have not healed the sick, you have not bound up the injured, you have not brought back the strayed, you have not sought the lost, but with force and harshness, you have ruled them”


Ezekiel 34: 10. The Lord says, “I am against the shepherds; I will demand my sheep at their hand, and put a stop to their feeding the sheep: no longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will resume my sheep, from their mouths, so that they may not be food for them.” Here the Lord is prophesying that the time, for his take over is coming, indicating the birth of Jesus Christ as the Last priest and that has been fulfilled. Ezekiel 34: 16. “I will seek the lost, and will bring back the strayed, I will bind the injured, and I will strengthen the week, but the fat and the strong I will destroy, I will feed them with justice” Philippians 3: 17. Many live like enemies of cross, their God is belly: their glory is in their shame; their minds are set on earthly things, and their end is destruction. Malachi 2: 1-3. “And now O priests, this command is for you. If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to my name, says The Lord of Hosts, then I will send the curse on you and I will curse your blessings. I will put you out of my presence” Hosea 5: 1. “Hear this O’ priests; give heed the judgments pertain to you for you have been a snare” Heed = pay attention; Snare = Trap Zechariah 11: 17. “Oh my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be completely withered, his right eye utterly blinded” 2 Corinthians 11: 14. Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. There are many disguised angels, pretending to be the guardians of heaven so as many evil priests and preachers pretending to be God send. They never practice what they preach. Galatians 1: 10. Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? If I still were pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ. You know very well what you are doing - You can deceive men, but you can’t deceive God. You should not be after pleasing men, but God. You must tell what the scripture says, don’t mislead the people. The general trend and belief is, when you donate some money; your salvation is reserved. NO. Priests and preachers encourage and instigate for generous donations for the


~~ same reason and you become their victim. You may feel too bad when you read this, we cannot help you, I am only quoting from the Bible. These are not my words, and this is what The Bible says-which is always the truth which is the word of God and which is the final word. Mathew 18: 12. The Lord said, “Out of hundred sheep, if one is lost does the shepherd look for the one that is lost, leaving the ninety-nine behind”? Have you ever looked for a lost sheep? When one is lost, you are excommunicating the lost one, tending the ninety-nine you have? Mathew 5: 16. The Lord said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven”. The so-called priests are shining in yellow metals and diamonds and in the neon lamps. For priesthood they hang on to the lapsed Moses Law and then act like Jesus. Lapsed=Elapsed (No longer active, invalid) After knowing, that there is no priesthood, according to The Bible how these people walk around in Jewish dress. Who will forgo the glory, luxury, pleasures, and high places in the society, for the sake of The Truth? The greatest event of the century is the non-acceptance of the office Prime minister by Sonia Gandhi. Whether it is out of fear or sacrifice or for the reservation of someone else, or for a show, we don’t know, but she did it for a back seat driving. When I looked at the following websites and I found some shocking remarks, which you can see it for yourself. If you look at the history of the good clergies, you will find that they used to, and continued to fight for position and wealth. These things are the worst example they have shown. Their faith is in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for others but their mind is on the wealth. If the clergies’ faith is genuine, they cannot avoid any sacrifice (A loss entailed by giving up something for the sake of spirituality). Can they be dishonest and selfish?


Lawsuits are also forbidden to every one, not only to preachers and priests but also to every believer.

1 Corinthians 6: 7–11 To have lawsuits at all with one another is defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded. But you yourselves wrong and defraud, and that even your own brethren. Do you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? But you are washed, you are sanctified, you are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the spirit of our God. Wake up! Study the letters written in the Bible, there are 21 books (Letters) altogether in the New Testament. As you study these, God himself, will teach you The Truth, after that you may choose your way. Path to heaven is clear to you, lead yourself carefully and reach your destination without deviation, and obviously you are going alone without anybody else even without a priest and a church. Don’t take things lightly. You have heard only from the preachers and priests what you should do, they would never say that these rules apply to them. They behave as if they are the law enforcement agency appointed by the heavens and they are above the law itself.

Listen to Gods promise: 1 John 3: 2. When God appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as he is. -------------------Hebrew12: 29. Indeed Our God is a Consuming Fire Proverb 1: 7 “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom” Mathew 10:28 “Fear not who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” You have no fear of God that is why you are doing all wicked things.


Next-Chapter 18

XVIII . Martyrs

John Wickliffe John Wickliffe was born in England in 1320. He was a highly educated Priest who argued, that the Bible is the only authentic book of Christianity and not any other rules made by the Churches. He translated Latin Bible in to English and quoted the important teachings contradictory to church rules. Though Pope tried to summon him, John was sick by that time and breathed his last in 1384. At Popes order John’s bones were taken and burned to ashes and was thrown in to the river. Just imagine how mean is the Pope and his people to do such things to a dead priest’s body that has been already buried. How spiritual are they? If pope could get a hold on him when he was alive, he also would have been burned at stake just like they have done to others.

John Huss John Huss was born in Central Europe, Bohemia in1483. He was a great scholar and theological expert and a priest. He also fought for the purification of -- Catholic Churches. He was charged of blasphemy. Finally he was also thrown in to the fire and burned to death.

William Tyndale William Tyndale made the first English translation form the Hebrew and Greek version of the Bible. Fundamentalists opposed him very strongly. He was charged with, “Deliberately perverting the meaning of scripture”.


In October 1536 he was publicly burned at stake. After William’s there were many other translations. Finally King James Version superseded all the others. King James Version translators considered all translations including the one Translated form Latin. Among all, William Tyndale’s translations contained felicitous phrases and expressions. The following details will indicate why William was executed. The fundamentalists feared that the truth about the end of Priesthood will be known to everyone, which could be dangerous to the existence of priests and so-called Churches--Duplicated Jerusalem Temples. You cannot imagine the power of Church even to kill anyone in those days. Felicitous = appropriate manner and style to the precise meaning


Martin Luther (Established Protestant Churches) Luther was born in Germany in 1483. He was a professor in Aristotle’s Wittenberg University. For the renovation of Roman, St. Petersburg Cathedral a fund raising drive was made. During Pope Leo X, was raising money. Titsul was selling, a “sin forgiving card”. By buying this card; past, present and future sins could be forgiven. These cards were sold like hot cake, because even future sins are forgiven. These cards were giving an advance permission to commit sins without further punishment by God. Pope tried to summon Martin Luther but he escaped. Luther was a brave man and very influential. He had a huge support of German public and rulers. He made a big conference and a protestant church was established in 1522. Other European countries followed Germany.

The True Face of The Roman Catholic Inquisition ROTTEN SPIRITUAL FRUIT FROM THE ABYSS OF HELL Visit the following website for the accountability of 75 million people over a period of 1200 years. >< In England Henry The VIII Th also established protestant Churches.


It was in 2003 or just before that, Pope John Paul had been to several countries apologizing for the atrocities; Catholics have done to other churches. I was looking for the reasons for what he was apologizing; Now I got the blanks filled. There are innumerable martyrs the so-called churches have created. I have just pointed out only four of them. Now several denominations have published the Bibles, from paperback edition to the most expensive leather bound type. We never knew how many human-lives were sacrificed for making the Bible available to us. Would you pray for a moment for their souls? If you get closer to any Church you will go far away from God. You may know this history, for the sake of knowledge, but you must correct yourself, so that you will not follow their false footsteps.

XIX Declaration of Faith


XIX . Declaration of Faith Apostles’ Creed formerly known as ‘Nicene Creed’ is used by some of the traditional Churches only. Though this is in accordance with the scripture no one has ever told that. This is said often, as part of their prayer. All nontraditional churches do say its abstract as part of their faith. Nicene Creed is based on that adopted at council of AD 325. Romans 10: 10 & 13, When a man believes with his heart, he is justified; when he confess with his lips he is saved. “Every one who calls upon The Lord will be saved” (1) I believe in God, The Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. The above part is the declaration of your faith in The Father. (2) Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by holy spirit, Born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried: He descended in to hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended in to Heaven, And sit on the right hand side of the God almighty; from thence shall come to judge the quick and the dead. The above second part is the declaration of your faith in – Jesus Christ. (3) I believe in The Holy spirit. The third part is the declaration of your faith in The Holy spirit. (4) I believe in the holy Church (the church you belong), the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life ever lasting. Belief in Holy church is to keep you within the church. What is described in fourth paragraph is not relevant as far as faith in God is concerned. If you research whether the Nicene Creed had this in its initial stage it is not likely to have. Intercessional prayer practice came very lately, by 17th century.

1 Corinthians 7: 22 – 23, Do not become slaves of the human masters. You were bought with a Price, (Christ’s blood) you remain with God, and slave to Christ only. Obey God’s Commandments and be slave to Jesus Christ only. What is important is your faith in The Father, The sun, and The Holy Spirit, by which you are justified.


And you must say that with your tongue, so that you will be saved. This is what makes you to achieve eternal life. Those who have faith in God must obey all His commandments. This is not the monopoly of any traditional churches alone, but for everyone. Philippians 2:10-11. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus is the Lord.

Blessing by Preachers and Pastors You will find in several Churches, pastors & priests blessing the laymen at the end and in-between the Service. The root of such blessing can be traced to: Numbers 6: 22 – 26 The Lord said to Moses, “Say to Aaron and his sons, thus you shall bless the people of Israel, you shall say to them”:-“The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace, so shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them” Besides Priests also say, “Peace be with you.” If you refer the following verse, you will know where it comes from. John 14: 27. Jesus said, “My peace I give to you.” After all what the priests are doing is, imitating Christ and trying to show the people that they have got all the authority from heaven; and laymen should bow down before them, and obey everything they say. Aaron told the above verse to Israelites when God has told him through Moses to do so. But who told these priests of AD to say all these things. When God says that, He gives His peace to you; you will have peace. When the priest says of his own; whatever peace you have, that also will be lost. Priests and preachers are to pray with the people, they don’t have to show any superiority, with all kinds of decorations and Jewish dress and so on. A true declaration of faith has to come from the bottom of the heart, and not that it should originate from the tongue and end there itself. Faith is something very difficult to hang on. Mathew 14: 28-31. When Peter saw that Jesus was walking on the water Peter asked Him, “Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” Jesus said, “Come” so Peter got out of the boat and started to walk towards Jesus. When Peter noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and began to sink, he cried out, “Lord save me” Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him saying, “You of little faith, why do you doubt”?


It is easy to talk about faith when the time of desperation comes, your faith will vanish. Peter was confident that he could walk on the water when Jesus commanded him. When Peter got frightened his faith was lost, so he has to sink in to the sea. Declaration of faith demands a kind of firmness that cannot be lost even in adverse situation. The preacher has to expose all the aspects of Christ’s teachings. Then the listener gets strong in the Word of God. Just reading a prayer will not be useful. You must understand the word of God, and then your prayer becomes meaningful and fruitful.

Next-The rock


XX . The Rock To call Jesus, ‘Rock’ is a metaphoric expression. You can see this on an innumerable number of occasions in the Bible. Rock is considered to be a strong substance, found almost everywhere, which could withstand natural disasters, and it could give shelter to any one, who seeks behind it. In the Bible it is used in same sense. Rock is a protector and shelter to anyone who wants it. Metaphoric= Expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another Corinthians 10: 4. The Rock was Christ. 2 Samuel 22: 2-4. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take my refuge. Romans 9: 33. Behold I am laying in Zion a stone, that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall: and he who believes in Him will not be put to shame.” Mathew 7: 24-27. Jesus said, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell and the flood came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And every one who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell and the flood came, and the wind blew and beat against the house, and fell-and great was the fall.” This parable has a dual meaning and Christ is expert in versatile meaningful usages, and it strikes in the bull’s eye. (1) Let us take the above statement on its face value. Christ was a good carpenter, and an expert builder. He tells us where to build a strong house. If the house is built on loose sand it will not stand against a strong wind and heavy rain, in both cases the sand will be blown and drained away and the house will fall. So the house should be built on a rock. (2) People living in a strong house need a strong foundation for their life also. That must be Jesus ‘The Rock’. To depend on God you must depend on scripture. If you do not depend on God, there will be several temptations in your life that can make you fall miserably like a house on the sand; your life will also be destroyed. The failure in this worldly life could follow your spiritual destruction. It is your responsibility and effort to keep your spiritual level high. You have enough knowledge to do it; all you need is your will. Obey God’s commandments and stay strong in the Lord, so that you will not fall. You can pray like as it is said in the following:--


Psalms 18: 2 The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalms 31: 2 Let your ear be turned to me; take me quickly out of danger; be my strong Rock, my place of strength where I may be safe. 62: 02 He only is my Rock and my salvation; he is my high tower; I will not be greatly moved.

Is Peter, rock? Out of twelve disciples three of them were below standard, even then their Master treated them equally. On the Day of Judgment along with twelve tribal fathers these twelve disciples also will have their part. If you look at following names and the part they had, you will know how bad they were. Even then Jesus did not abandon them. Each disciple was different in his own way but when it came to preaching they all did their part very well. Out of those three disciples, Judas could not do his part. His guilty consciousness drove him to punish himself by ending his own life. 1) Judas was the treasurer and he went after the money by betraying Jesus. 2) Thomas had no faith in Jesus resurrection but had to confirm it by touching His wounds. 3) Peter never loved his master sincerely, and he denied Jesus three times by saying, he doesn’t know Jesus. Peter was aware that Jesus knew it and Jesus made Peter to say three times, he loves Jesus. All disciples had their part in building Jesus’ Church. There was absolutely no reason to appoint any one as a head disciple. As we read the scripture we know ‘Rock’ is referred to God only. When some church made Peter as their head they had a motive, which is known to every one. Scripture is to provide man a code of conduct, by which he can achieve eternity. When disputes, divisiveness and quarrels are made, what is lost is, the Kingdom of God. If there is no tolerance and recognition between churches, those churches are not based on Jesus, but pride, wealth and superiority complex. You know, how King Solomon settled the disputes of harlots for the same child. The real mother said, even if she does not get the child, let him not be divided and killed.


If the church is in true principles of Jesus, disputes have no place. Faith and salvation is the key to heaven; that is what was given to Peter and that applies to all and not to peter alone. He doesn’t hold a key to heaven or hell. The key is with Jesus Christ; that is the “Word of God” Anything God has spoken applies to all, including God himself. He binds himself in his own word. The Lord kept His name and His Word high. Mathew 16: 18. Jesus said, “You are Peter, on this rock I will build my church”. Like any others Peter is also going to build Jesus’ church upon the “Rock of Jesus”. Peter is not the rock but Jesus is the rock. How can you reduce Jesus’ importance by naming another in His place? Jesus is the one who shed the blood and he who bought us with His blood, so there is no second person.

Next-Chapter 21


XXI . Confession It is the will of the Lord that man must confess when he commits sin, or when he disobeys God’s Commandments. Disobedience of God’s commandments is called sin. If you don’t have the wisdom to discern right and wrong, you must pray to God to give you wisdom, but the truth is you already know the right and wrong. At the same time you deny that fact conveniently so that you could do anything that pleases your body and mind, which is against the commandments of God. James 1: 5. If any of you lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given to you. If you cannot trust in God for wisdom, you must analyze yourself, why you cannot trust in God. The answer is you have never been honest and trustworthy, so you cannot think of any situation trusting anybody else including God. Nobody can blame you for that because you never met an honest one.

Confession before a priest is objectionable, because priesthood itself is not according to the New Testament. The present priests are not a substitute or representatives of God to forgive sins because Jesus himself is the only representative of Father God. Only God can forgive sins, man is answerable to God only, and has to confess to God only. Mathew 18: 19. Jesus told Peter, “Anything you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. In the above verse Jesus was not authorizing to loosen the sins. When you confess you are free from the bondage of sins. He was also talking about binding of evil spirits. You may use this verse and fool people who do not know the scripture but not others. The secret is, when you evict evil spirits in the name of Jesus, heavens has to approve it, otherwise the evil spirit will bind you and remain with you. Another thing is you cannot bind evil spirit to one place. The evil spirits cannot be bound until the Day of Judgment. You can tell him to leave your premises and expel them, which are called EXORCISM. This is just simple as that. EXORCISM=Freeing from evil spirit When you pray for somebody’s healing, or for your own healing if the heavens don’t approve it, how can you get healed. The interpretation of this verse is twisted around with a purpose motivation. Another explanation is, every one is bound in sins. If you ask the Lord for forgiveness your sins will be forgiven, if not that binding of sins remains.


In both cases heavens holds the authority to free you or to keep you in binding. You have the freedom to remain in your own bindings of sin or free yourself from it by confessing to God, but you have no authority to free another man’s sins. You can only pray to God to free another man from his sins and evil spirits. Some priests accept money for confession even in the year 2005. What one layman told me was, he could not avoid giving the money because everybody else in the parish does it. Because big currencies are floating before the priest, how can the next avoid giving his share, though the priest is not demanding it? He also said, there is always a big collection of money to give as gift when a priest is transferred from one parish to another. To my knowledge any income beyond salary is bribe how can a priest accept these kinds of gifts in cash or kind?

2 Kings 5: 25-27. Elisha asked Gahazi “Where have you been” He answered, “your servant has not gone anywhere at all” Elisha said “Did I not go with you in spirit when someone left his chariot to meet you? Is this time to accept money and to accept clothing, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female slaves? Therefore the leprosy of ‘Naman’ shall cling to you, and to your descendants forever. So Ghazi left Eliza’s presence leprous, as white as snow. Gahazi is Elisha prophet’s servant; see the curse fell upon Gahazi for accepting the gifts as a reward, for his master’s help to heal Naman. There is a hero in the Church a “Batsman”. He is neither a beast nor a bird. He is the priest’s helping hand, another version of Gahazi, of a New Testament. He is also known as a kingmaker. He is capable of establishing or destroying a priest. He is neither a priest nor a layman, but more than a priest and more than a layman. He has got a Syrian name “Kappi’yar” meaning-one who dig grave. Probably he was digging graves in the past. In this modern era he doesn’t want to be known by his Syrian name. What he does spiritually is – digging his as well as other’s grave. I do not know even a single one who is not great in that category. You must have heard of lawyer’s clerks, greater than the lawyers! Formerly this batsman’s job was as an all-rounder, he used to clean the churches, make arrangements for the communion. Burns incenses and helps the priest in all his services, and to escort him wherever the priest goes! Nothing takes place without his knowledge; he is more thorough with the prayer books than the priest himself, is he not great!!!


If this is what that has happened to Gahazi, what will not happen who receive all kinds of gifts. Anything given out of somebody’s freewill is not acceptable to these God’s people. If the government servants can take bribe why not God’s servants, if this is the ideology then nothing can be said about it? Anyway no modern Gahazi will get a chance to dig the author’s grave.

1 Corinthians 11: 28. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 1 Corinthians 11: 29-30. Those who eat and drink without discerning the body eat and drink judgment against themselves. For this reason many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. The Bible does not say that you should go to a priest for confession but examine yourself before accepting Holy Bread obviously you must repent. If any one literally goes by the Bible, cannot accept priesthood. Even otherwise a good confession is never made before a priest, and this is a universal truth. At the same time you must make a true confession before God at least, before you accept the communion. After Jesus’ crucifixion only repentance is required because animal sacrifice came to an end.

Where there is no execution why you need an executioner Where there is no animal sacrifice why you need a priest

Next Offerings


XXII . Offerings The bible clearly tells about the offerings: -2 Corinthians 9: 5 Offerings must not be extortion, but a willing gift. Few years back it came in the newspaper regarding a suit filed by a Layman in the US court of law against a Church. The story is: -- The Church was on an intensive fund raising campaign. The pastor/ priest said, if you give generously, God would return it in one hundred fold. The layman took the pastor’s sermon in full sense, and made a very generous donation and after which he got in to deep debt. The Church and the donor made very intensive prayers, but his debt got worse. Finally he got fed up with the prayers and filed the suit against the church. The Judge said, “The church will say many things, don’t go after that, you should know your limits”, so saying the judge refused to order for a compensation to be paid by the church. The court rejected his damage suit, and he could not get any compensation from the church. Some becomes an easy prey of strongly worded sermons. This not the suitable way of raising funds for the Church. Every year, funds are raised for a week used for missionary work. This used to come on TV channels also which runs not for a week but for a month, crying for money by the preachers, is really pathetic. Churches are imposing several payments in disguise as donation, if you fail to comply with, they will not conduct any spiritual services, including marriages, funerals, and baptisms. Even if the dead body decays, who cares! Pay first and bury the dead later. Pay first and then eat your lunch. Corruption is so much deep rooted in churches; it is a Herculean labor to uproot it. This article is not to destroy your faith in God, but to destroy your faith in false rituals and so-called priesthood. You must have faith in God only. He is the only one, in whom you can trust. You must also believe He is the only Savior; at the same time you must obey his commandments fully to every syllable. If You don’t obey God’s commandments and do some prayers, hang around in the premises of the church, give some donations, chit chat with priests or high priests, it will not get you anywhere. You must study at least the New Testament. You don’t need anybody’s help. Bible is written in the simplest language, so that it can be understood by anyone who cannot even read. Bible is written under the aspiration of God himself. As you read with fear of God and faith, God himself will give you the insight, and reveal heavenly secrets to you, even your future.


Mathew 10: 9. “Take no gold no silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor no two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for God’s Laborers deserves food” Is this how you see, some of the priests and high priests? They are immersed in gold embedded with stones, and with a silver staff with a snakehead on the top. A church having the motivation to accumulate wealth is a serious sin, because, the desire for wealth is described as --- idolatry.


Some of the Indian High priests travel mostly in Mercedes Benz. If they can manage, they will go in a limousine, and such is their extravagance. The longest limousine is one hundred feet long (30.5 Meters) having twenty six wheels. It has all luxuries including a swimming pool. The above limousine is a small type. In any case the limousine is big or small it requires a Chauffeur to drive it. Limousine=Large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur Chauffeur= A driver specially trained to drive defensively in a high tech-car like limousine.

Colossians 3: 5 Put to death what is earthly in you; fornication, immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Hebrews 13: 5. Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. Have you ever heard; any preachers say the above verse? They will not say because it would displease the congregation and there won’t be much people left in the church. Your greediness leads you to corruption and sin, and your desire causes misery. God has created you; He knows your poverty, sickness and difficulties even then He wants you to lead a righteous life with all your setbacks. Why it is included in the prayer: -- Lead us not in to temptation? Whether you pray that, is another thing. You are putting your heart and soul to accumulate wealth, yet you cannot get over financial difficulties, at the same time you have no time to pray. Christ tells you what you should do, but you don’t listen to Him.


Mathew 6: 33. “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, all these shall be yours as well”.

What is God’s Kingdom Romans 14: 17. The kingdom of God does not mean food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If God’s kingdom is not wealth of this world, why --these Churches are desperate for wealth?

Equal To God 1 John 3: 2. You have a life after death, which is everlasting, When you become equal to God

Next-Chapter 23


XXII Sabbath or Sun’s day Worshipping In 321 A.D. The Roman Emperor Constantine The Great, who held the title “Pontifex Maximus” was also the head of priests. He was a Sun worshipper. He desired the support of Christians besides he was very desperate over the wars he has to confront, so he became a Christian. On March 7, 321 AD He issued a decree stating: -- “Let the judges and town people, and the occupation of all trades, rest (Meaning Sabbath) on the venerable day (sacred day) of the sun”. Constantine The Great, may be called the first historical pope and the founder of the present Vatican indirectly. Since then Christians began to worship on the first day of the week (Sunday) instead of the 7th day of the week (Saturday) Catholic’s first pope is peter. Ezakiel 20: 19–2. “I am The Lord Am your God; walk in my statutes, and be careful to observe my ordinances, and hallow my Sabbaths, that they may be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I The Lord am your God.” Exodus 20: 8–9 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work; but the seventh day is Sabbath to The Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work”.

Exodus 20: 11. For six days The Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore The Lord blessed the Sabbath and hallowed it. Exodus 31: 14: The Lord said, “Say to the people of Israel, you shall keep My Sabbaths, for this is a sign between Me and you, throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord sanctify you. You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; everyone who profanes it, shall be put to death”. Sabbath means day of rest. Besides the seventh day Sabbath, there are other Sabbaths. You must observe Sabbath for generations to come– meaning until the end of the world, without any change. “The Lord blessed

the Sabbath and hallowed it” how can you profane. Profane=blaspheme Leviticus 23–32 “From evening to next day evening you must observe Sabbath”. Christians are supposed to conduct services on Friday evening and Saturday evening as per Sabbath, so as other services like Easter and Christmas. They are not supposed to conduct services in the morning and mid-night but in the evening. The Lord has dictated Holy–days, by dates; and not by the name of


the day. Sabbath is widely described in the book of Leviticus Chapter 23 and 25. This applies not only to Jews but also to Christians. Christ himself was a one hundred percent Jew. He obeyed Jewish Law to the full extend, without any error. At the same time He elaborated the magnitude and depth of God’s Commandments. Priests, Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes misinterpreted God’s Commandments and were leading sinful life. Christianity is a revised Jewish religion. Churches with Curtains, priesthood etcetera is all from the Jews. In fact Christians should follow a calendar based on Jewish calendar and not Gregorian calendar to know the different Sabbaths.

Different Sabbaths as described in the book of Leviticus. 1)

Seventh day Sabbath. (Seventh day of the week which is Saturday) Leviticus 23: 3


Passover Sabbath (On the 14th. day of the first month of the year.7 days Sabbath Leviticus 23: 5.)


Feast of the unleavened bread. (On the 15th Day of the above month, for 7 days. Leviticus 23: 6)


Festival of trumpets. (First day of the seventh month. Leviticus 23:

verse 24)


Day of atonement (Tenth day of the seventh month, starting on 9th day evening to the 10th day evening. Leviticus 23: 26)


Feast of the Booths. (15th day of the seventh month. For seven days Leviticus 23:34)


Sabbath year. (On the seventh year. Leviticus 25: 3-4)


Jubilee year Sabbath. (The year after 49 years. Leviticus 25: 8-10)

Isaiah 66: 22-24. The Lord says, “For as the new heavens and new earth, which I will make shall remain before me, so shall your descendents and your name remain. From new-moon to new- moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship me.” Exodus 13: 8-10. You must tell your children on that day, “It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt. It shall serve for you as a sign on your hand and as a reminder on your forehead, so that the


teaching of the Lord may be on your lips; for with strong hand the Lord brought you out of Egypt You shall keep this ordinance at its proper time from year to year” Just before the crucifixion Jesus observed Passover, according to the Jewish tradition. Passover Sabbath falls due on the 14th day on the first month of every year, and from 14 to 21st will be Passover week. Refer, Mathew 26: 26-28; Mark 14: 22-24; Luke 22: 19-20; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-25. This how you observe the breaking of bread as a continuation of Passover. The difference is, Passover is once in a year but breaking of bread is frequent. Mathew 26: 26--28 Jesus took the loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take eat, this is my body” then he took the cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood, of new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”

1 Corinthians 11: 24. remembrance of me”








Anything God said is a law and it must be observed without any failure. Man has no authority to make any change or to misinterpret the word of God to suit the whims and fancies of the Church. Not only that, man has changed the God given Sabbath, Sabbath is not observed properly. Sunday being a national holiday, people do not have to go to work. They do all kinds of miserable things on this day. You will reap what you sow. Mathew 12: 8. Jesus said, “The son of man is above Sabbath” Because Jesus is above Sabbath, does it mean the Church and the priest is above the Sabbath, so that they can change it from Saturday to Sunday and everything else, they feel like? Just to support the unilateral decision that has changed the Sabbath, they say that Christ was resurrected on a Saturday after midnight. This is a white lie. This issue is very well explained in the next chapter of this book. (“The Easter”) Isaiah 58: 13-14. “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shall honor him, not doing your own ways, nor finding


your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words: Then you shall delight in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage” for the mouth of the LORD

XXIV . Easter

When Did Jesus Die and Resurrect? John 19: 14. On the day of preparation for the Passover and it was about noon, Pilate handed over Jesus for crucifixion. Passover is on the 14th day of the ‘Abib’ month, which is the first month of the year. So Jesus was given for crucifixion on the day of preparation--13th, day of ‘Abib’ Mathew 27: 45. From noon on, darkness came over the whole land, until three in the afternoon. Mathew 27: 50, Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed His last. Mark and Luke also state the same thing, like Mathew. John says, “It was about noon when Jesus was handed over for crucifixion.” Mathew says it was three in the afternoon, John does not say anything regarding precise the time of Jesus’ death. Luke 23: 54. The burial was on the day of preparation, and the Sabbath was beginning, His body was laid in the tomb. Sabbath begins at sunset of the preparation day; this is the most important timing, rather than stating on hourly-based time. The crucifixion took place in the middle of Jewish month ‘Abib’. This month was later known as ‘Nisan.’ It was spring season at that time, and the sun sets early in the evening. Though the exact time of Jesus’ death cannot be determined now, it was close to sun set rather evening that was the time for their beginning of Sabbath. Evening=Later part of the day before sunset Dusk=Immediately after sunset Sabbath must have been between evening and dusk, because neither evening nor dusk is used in the book. What a magnificent time, God has chosen for His death on the cross, on a Sabbath day at a sacrificial Time! What an amazing, truth!


John 1: 29. John said, “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” The sacrificial lamb must be killed in the eve of the day of Sabbath. Literally Father God chose this precise time for Jesus to die on the cross. This is far beyond any human thoughts. Weekly Sabbath is from Friday evening to Saturday evening. If the disciples knew this before they would have taken more care to note the accurate timing of Jesus’ death.

Mathew 12: 40. Jesus said, “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights, in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights The Son of Man will be in the in the heart of the earth.”

Mathew 24: 35. The Lord said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will not pass away”. When Jesus said three nights and three days He meant exactly seventy-two hours and he made it explicit. Jesus made it clear, because He knew that Satan will influence men, and the crooked men will not hesitate to adulterate the truth. As a result, there will be confusion, and people will create dispute and disbelief over the truth. Mark 16: 1 & 2, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome, went to the Jesus tomb, very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, (Sunday) and did not see Jesus’ body in the tomb. Because they did not see Jesus’ body on Sunday morning, does it mean that He rose in the mid night? No, why not in the previous evening? Just remember the first day of the week is Sunday. Since Jesus died on a particular evening, He must rise, in another evening, after completing seventy-two hours in the heart of the earth. When He was not in the tomb on the Sunday morning, He has risen on the previous day evening - which was a ‘Saturday’ the seventh day of the week. Jesus Just fulfilled, what He foretold as it was stated in Mathew 12: 40.

When Jesus rose on a seventh day of the week (Saturday) He must have died exactly seventy-two hours before, which is the fourth day of the week (Wednesday). This proves that Jesus never died on a Friday, but on a Wednesday evening. How to find true crucifixion day?


Look at Jewish calendar and find Passover day. Jesus was crucified on the previous day of the Passover. John 19: 14. On the day of preparation for the Passover and it was about noon, Jesus was handed over for crucifixion.

What is the Present Practice of finding Crucifixion day? The first Sunday after the ‘Vermeil Equinox’ is Easter Sunday. ‘Vermeil Equinox’ is the day when sun is crossing the equator during spring season. After finding the Easter Sunday, the previous Friday is determined as Good Friday. I could not find any logic in Good Friday worshipping and resurrection worshipping, at two O’ clock on Saturday night, only thirty-two hours’ (32 Hrs.) are completed. Where does the remaining thirty hours go, where is the accounting of the seventy-two hours. Somebody is stealing it every year. This is a violation of the Word of God as stated in: -Mathew 12: 40, Jesus said, “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights, in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights The Son of Man will be in the in the heart of the earth” Who changed all these days? In A.D. 325 Emperor Constantine The Great, joined with the first ecumenical council and created NICENE CREED. At that time 318 bishops and 2048 priests gathered and decided the Easter day. From that time onwards EASTER day became, on the first Sunday of the spring season, when the Sun cross over equator, known as (vermeil Equinox). What this Vermeil Equinox has to do with Easter? Making another Sunday Worshipping? It is evident, that there was no reason to choose Sunday for Easter. Easter should be connected with Passover, in accordance with the Jewish calendar, which is determined by the number of days. When Easter is tied up with VERMEIL EQUINOX, it proves, its connection is, with the SUN worshipping? The word Easter has derived from EOSTRE or ASHTARTH another name for ISTHAR, The Pagan Fertility Goddesses, and the events associated with them were celebrated at the same time as Easter. The pagan festival of Easter was originated as the worship of the Sun Goddess, the Babylonian queen of heaven (2nd Heaven) who was later worshipped under many names including Isthar. >>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Easter is explained in: -New Bible Dictionary Original Publication Universities and Colleges Fellowship Leicester, England Prited by, OM Books, Secandrabad, Third Edition Reprint 2002 Page 286 This dictionary Explains Easter: -- Easter is a word used in Germanic languages to denote the festival of the Vernal equinox, and subsequently, with the coming of Christianity, to denote the anniversary of the resurrection of Christ.” In the second century AD and later there was considerable diversity and debate on dating of the Christian Easter; the churches of Asiaminor followed the ‘quartodeciman’ reckoning by which it was observed regularly on the 14th of Nissan, while those of Rome and elsewhere followed a calendar which commemorated the passion year by year on Friday and the resurrection on Sunday. The latter mode prevailed. Mark 16: 1-2. Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James and Salome, went to the Jesus tomb, very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, (Sunday) and did not see Jesus’ body in the tomb. Which women will go on a Saturday evening when it is just about dark to see a tomb, where there were no streetlights? If they ever happened to go on that Saturday evening, they surely would have seen, Christ resurrecting on Saturday evening.

Based on this verse, Christian Churches argue that Christ rose on Sunday morning. This argument is baseless and senseless and it is a big lie. These people have to prove the seventy-two hours accountability of Jesus’ stay in the heart of the earth. There is no truth in saying that Christ died on a Friday & Sunday is the Easter Day. Christ rose on a Saturday evening, when the Seventh day Sabbath Sacrifice took place! What a magnificent timing, the Heavenly Father has chosen. Protestant Churches and other revival Churches are quiet about this, may be because they are already tired of the existing disputes, and do not wish to add anymore troubles. They have some other remarks about Crucifixion. 1) Crucifixion is not something to be remembered once in a year but always. 2) All these dates are false. They do not wish to pursue anything beyond that and adore it. My question is why the Easter should be on a Sunday why it should not come on a fixed date like 25th December for Christmas?


The answer is:-- Easter is a word used in Germanic languages to denote the festival of the Vernal equinox. Subsequently, with the coming of Christianity, to denote the anniversary of the resurrection of Christ in the second century has tied up with these two. This is worshipping of the other god in disguise.

Why the Christmas is not on a Sunday? This is also explained in the next chapter 27- ‘Christmas’ The celebration of December 25th was the rebirth day of the Sun, which became a part of Christianity from 4th century. December 25th was also regarded as the birth date of the Iranian mystery God Mithra “The SUN of Righteousness”. This was a winter celebration; conveniently, Christmas was also attached to it. Sun worshippers had their festival, and Christians had Christmas on the same day. For them it is God Mithra’s festival and for Christians Christmas celebration. This is just like they tied up Sabbath and Sunday worshipping. What a magnificent brainwork.

The SON or The SUN

Now you know the truth. Whom are you worshipping, a God in disguise?

Worship The Son Who Created The Sun

Next-Easter Table


Easter Finding Table

Golden Numbers VI

Month & Date March




21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Sunday Letter C D E F G A B C D E F D A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C

This table contains so much of the calendar as is necessary for the determining of Easter; to find look for the golden numbers of the year in the first column of the table, against which stands the Day of the Paschal full-moon, and the day of the month standing against the Sunday, then (according to the first rule the next Sunday after is Easter-day.) To find the golden number, or prime, add one to the year of our Lord, and then divide by, 19; the remainder, if any, is the golden number; but if nothing remains then 19 is the golden number To find the dominical or Sunday letter, according to the calendar, until the year 2099 inclusive, add to the year of our Lord it’s fourth part, omitting fractions, and also the number 6; divide the sum by 7; and if there is no remainder, then A is the Sunday letter; but if any number remains then the letter standing against that number in the small annexed table is the Sunday letter. 0A 1G 2F 3E 4D 5C 6B For the next following century, that is from the year 2100 till the year 2199 inclusive, add to the current year it’s fourth part also the number 5, and divide by 7, and proceed as in the rule. Note, in all the bissextile or leap years, the letter found as above will be Sunday letter, from the intercalated day exclusive to the end of the Year Valid until AD 2119

Next Christmas


XXV. Christmas In AD 1582 Gregorian calendar came in to force. Pope Gregory implemented this calendar, since then it was called Gregorian calendar. Before that it was Julian calendar. The Great Shakespearean Julius Caesar, the Roman General and Statesman and a great warrior, introduced the Calendar it in 46 BC. Though Gregorian calendar was introduced in AD 1582, England and America adopted it in 1752. Several Christian Churches like, Catholic and Orthodox churches were following Christmas on 6th Jan, where as others celebrated on 25th December, several decades ago (May be in fifties) these Churches accepted December 25, as Christmas day and made even. The celebration of December 25th was the rebirth day of the Sun, which got combined with Christianity from 4th century. December 25th was also regarded as the birth date of the Iranian mystery God Mithra “The SUN of Righteousness”. This was a winter celebration; conveniently, Christmas was also attached to it. Sun worshippers had their festival, and Christians had Christ’s birthday on the same day, like Sunday worshipping.

Christmas Star The wise men observed a star at the time of Jesus birth! Mathew 2: 2. The wise men said,” We observed His-- star at it’s rising and have come to homage.” What is a star? Star is a natural luminous body seen in the sky. To be precise it is a celestial or ethereal body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior. It radiates light from its own self-contained reactive systems. Bible talks about a light, which is, divine, and not necessarily the usual star we see in the sky. Luke 9: 29. While Jesus was praying, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became dazzling white. The presence of the Holy Spirit is seen as light, clouds of pillar, pillar of fire etcetera. With the power of Holy Spirit Mary conceived and Jesus were born. From the beginning He was accompanied by Holy Spirit. So where Jesus is, there is light, because He is the light of the world. If the wise men saw a bright light they could only say, it was a star, or a light that was shining like a star. It is a metaphoric expression, to say it shines like a star. If God wanted a star to shine anywhere, it will happen. Nothing is impossible for Him. Movie actors are also called stars!! What kind of stars are they? Sooner or later if the Christians start worshipping a star, like they worship a ‘cross’, it should not surprise anyone, because they will do more than that.


As it is, during Christmas time, star is a decorative object, having great commercial publicity. At least when stars are glowing during Christmas time, it just declares and reminds the birth of Christ several hundreds of years ago. No one knows the exact time of Jesus birth, otherwise the astrologers could write His horoscope and say when he was going to be crucified. They could also describe the Zodiac signs and its positions. Is it not too bad that we do not know Jesus’ zodiac sign? As it is described in Mathew 2: 2 Three wise men came to see Jesus, who are they? These wise men were of the Median tribe, and they were part of Persian Empire. When they lost their hope of becoming back to power, they lived as priests. Magi were skilled in philosophy, medicine and natural science; some were Sooth-Sayers and interpreters of dream, magicians, and sorcerers. Simon Magus described in Acts 13: 6-8 belong to this tribe. Most of them were good before the eyes of men. They all believed in astrology, and the influence of stars in human life. Astrology is directly connected to astronomy. Without Astronomy there is no astrology. If a believer says that the Astrology is the son of Astronomy that would be correct. Studying Astronomy is not a sin, but when you connect astrology to it or attach superstitious belief to it, you are violating Gods commandments. Preachers and Priests mislead people without studying deep in that subject, and their “little knowledge” misleads everyone. In some books and pictures, these wise men are described as kings; you can also see them wearing crowns. Truth is something and what is shown in some books and Christmas cards is something else. I have seen several pictures and statues of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, with a spear wound on the right side of the chest. The artists know so little about the scripture that is why they depicted like that. The wound is slightly on the left side of the chest exactly where the heart is. Zechariah 12: 10. “They look on Him they have pierced” (1) John 19: 34. Jesus’ heart was split. Even from clergies I have heard that there is nothing wrong with astrology they are constituted on stars and mathematics. Because something involves mathematics, it does not mean that it is righteous. The Bible, very clearly tells not to go after these things. Your logic, philosophy and psychology are out of place before the word of God. Astrology is strictly forbidden for you, a second opinion of a priest or a bishop is an absolute mistake in this matter.


We all know the superiority complex of our teachers. When the students ask them to clarify their doubts, the teacher will say, that is not in the syllabus. Just learn what is taught, don’t ask unwanted questions. This clearly tells us that the teacher does not know the answer. If the teacher is good, he will say, though it is not in the syllabus I can explain it. Understanding would be your problem. I have run in to such occasions when a teacher and also a doctor said, it is beyond his knowledge. The teacher is hesitant to admit his ignorance so as many doctors. Far as spiritual leaders are concerned, any foolery they say is the only right and others must obey them. This dictatorial attitude, you will find mostly with Christian priests and preachers. They consider that they have all the answers; to admit something that they do not know is suicidal to them. Christian politicians also have the same attitude that is why Christian countries are invading other countries; they are the law. That is why you find white man’s Christian countries break God’s commandments more than anybody else. They have super superiority complex feelings. They are always right and they are the only right, other countries must do everything they say. Once I met a white European who married an Indian woman. He had his displeasures over his wife and once he blurted out some of his thoughts to me. He said, “I am Whiteman and that woman is, a bloody, black, Indian Nurse, but I am a white man”. “The wife’s family had nothing; I gave them a lot of money and gifts”. When he said this, he was unemployed and thriving on wife’s income and in her house. Even then he kept his pride high. To the best of my knowledge this man was a drunkard, having, Diabetes, Low blood pleasure, Stomach Ulcers, Tuberculosis and extremely shorttempered. No other human being could marry him except the one he had. He also said, he used to confess often and had only one thing he had to say – ‘often he drinks’. The priest used to tell him not to say about the drinks and he could say anything else. His confession is over. He did not live very long but passed away. It always surprised me how the Indian woman married such a miserable character. May be that was her fate.



XXVI . Cross Sign


sign of the Sun God Tammuz was in existence from a very early stage of man. A ‘T’ having a loop at the top was used as a pendant or ornament was in ancient Egypt. They considered this as an emblem of ‘life’ and was called ‘Ankh’ At a very later stage, Christians modified this “T” sign, to the present shape of cross, by extending the vertical beam above the horizontal beam. They began to wear, display and consider it as a Holy thing. In these days a cross sign relates, something connected to a church or a Christian, without which they feel that they are short of something. There are several groups of Christians who do not use the sign of the cross. They say, the cross sign has no significance, but the importance is the crucifixion. Use of any man made image like cross is in violation of first and Second Commandment. “You shall worship only thy God.” and “You shall not make any graven Images and worship them”

Graven = Cut into a desired shape

Cross Signs And Ankh Exodus 20: 4. “You shall not make an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; For I The Lord your God am a jealous God.” The above verse is the full text of the second commandment, if you analyze the above, you will understand that this verse cannot be disputed. If you put a Cross sign for a church, the matter does not end. At the same time you will find several denominations, draw cross sign across their chest frequently while praying. The church rulers might say that there are inner meanings. The people who draw the cross sign across their chest, does not know, the meaning and the purpose of what they are doing. They also go, and bow down before the cross and put some money as offering. Orthodox Churches, at the end of service collect money in a metallic platter in front of the Priest after which the priest will put the cross on the forehead of he donor; as if the Priest is blessing. People have wrong ethics regarding offerings. Do you think, if you put some money, wherever there is a display of a cross or the pictures of Jesus or Mary, or any other favorite saints, all your sins will be washed away and you will resolve all your problems? If you don’t obey the commandments and put some money, don’t think that you can land in heaven easily?


Another sad part of the cross is, this is widely used and worn by Satan worshippers, and Vampire worshippers. For them they wear as an ornament and a sign of execution equipment and they say Jesus is dead and He never resurrected.

<< Some typical symbols of Cross People were taught, that evil spirits and vampires would flee, when they see the cross. When this being not the truth, Christian leaders mislead the people. If you show the picture or a statue of crucifixion for teaching or communication purpose that may not do any harm. Anything beyond that is incorrect. The point is man is supposed to worship the Lord in spirit and truth. This sort of rituals does not achieve worshipping in spirit. When man’s mind is filled with the Word of God, his spirit will be worshipping the Lord; this is the true worshipping Jesus is talking about. The Church has failed totally to teach this truth. Another truth is the priests do not want any laymen to grow spiritually beyond them. With great resistance Catholics made St: George, a saint. He was a soldier and it was difficult to elevate him to sainthood. They prefer a priest or a nun to become a saint. Often, people set conditions to God! If my children pass the examination with good marks, I will offer so much for the church. If my child gets admission in medical/ engineering college, I will publish His picture in the newspaper under the title “For favors received.” Jesus will be working very hard to promote your child, to see His picture in the newspaper! O’ how much this wretched generation has degenerated to set conditions to Heavenly Father, ‘The Creator’ of the entire Universe and everything in it.

2 Corinthians 12: 14. I do not want anything yours, but you. Exodus 19: 5 – 6 “If you obey me and keep my agreement, you will be my kingdom priests, and a holy nation.” God tells us if we obey His commandments we are going to be Priests in Heaven. Ancestors have misled their descendants, by false and superstitious beliefs, and rituals. Intellectuals knowingly taught others, to follow the man made rules and their traditions, which is against the commandments of God.


The Lord has very clearly mentioned this.

Mark 7: 9. Jesus said. “You have a fine way of rejecting God’s Commandment in order to keep your tradition, and many such things you do” You must go by the word of God only. If the Church rules are against the scripture, you have to go by the scripture. Most of the disputes are widely discussed in this book. The aim of this book is, you must be aware of the misleading teachings, and you must live above that. If there is no perfect church, and there is no church better than the other, where will you go? There are innumerable people who left the traditional churches, based on the basic issues. Either they joined other newly formed groups or they have created new groups. Once any church is grown financially then the trouble will start. Prayer groups cannot continue to survive, if the members do not stick together spiritually. People are running desperately to find a suitable prayer group where they can get counseling for material benefits. The moment you set your mind on worldly matters, your spiritual advantage is lost, and your prayer will not be answered. God tells us repeatedly to “seek His Kingdom first, based on righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. This is the most powerful basic, in worshipping. You must be prepared to abandon everything worldly, in exchange of your eternal life. Only then God can intervene in your material matters. The secret is, when you go after materialism, you loose spiritual life and also material benefit. Preachers and priests have failed totally to teach this part of scripture, because they themselves have failed in this area. If you meet a real spiritual man he will tell you, where you have fallen short and you must change your life in accordance to his advice, for your successful spiritual life. Even an astrologer cannot tell you that your suffering is due to your wicked deeds. Preachers and pastors have little knowledge and they do not dare to say that, 1) They have no moral courage 2) They are afraid to tell the truth because they fear that they might displease the congregation and people will not come to the church. As a result, everyone in the congregation goes wherever they feel pleasant, like they followed Aaron. The Israelites wanted a calf to worship and Aaron made one calf for them. God destroyed all those who worshipped the calf. Same thing these people are doing, they encourage to worship the cross, leaving Jesus who died on the cross. Your adoration should not go to the cross but Jesus. I am exposing the true worshipping, and not promoting the beating around the bush practices.


Your center of focus must be Jesus and nothing else, absolutely not material things. Churches fighting for property rights will not have any spiritual backing to teach the congregation against the materialism. When a blind is leading another blind, and all will perish.

Mathew 7: 21. Jesus said “Not everyone who says Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father” One who obeys God’s commandments, and not the so-called, man made rules will be saved. Nobody can take you to heaven; if you are eligible, God will let you in Heaven. Cross being used as a holy thing, is objectionable because the cross sign have no significance; the importance is for the crucifixion--meaning His death as a sacrifice, for the forgiveness of sins of the mankind. The symbol of cross was in use from the time of Babel. It was identified in the initial of “T”, to represent Sun God Tamuz, as part of pagan worshipping. (Tammuz = sumarian and Babylonian god of pastures and vegetation; consort of Inanna (Isthar)

The strength of a Christian is his faith in God, and the word of God. When you carry a knife or hair of an elephant tail or any similar to that is not going to protect you. This is a superstitious belief, and not a part of faith in God. At the same time you are violating the First and second commandment. The following verse explains the armor of a believer. People those who have faith in The Word of God, should not hang on to some graven images. Ephesians 6: 13–17 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet, put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace, with all of these take the shield of faith, with which you will able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. 1) Belt of truth 2) Breastplate of righteousness 3) Gospel of peace 4) Shield of faith 5) Helmet of salvation 6) Sword of the spirit (Word of God) The above six constitutes the full armor of God, for the protection of every human being; there is nothing second to it in space or time or in magnitude. The picture is only a symbolic representation; it does not mean, if you dress like that you will be protected. This is the real symbolism; this is what the Christians are doing.


Emperor Constantine was the first to use Cross sign. 13th Century knights used to carry cross sign all over their weapons and dresses. For crusade also they carried all kinds of cross with them. Faith in God and memory of crucifixion is the most important thing; carrying a cross and other things are part of superstitious belief, and this is part of ‘Pagan worshipping’, real worshipping is in ‘truth and spirit’. In European countries, cross is a decorative symbol of all kingdoms and high offices. It stands out like a hypocrite’s proclamation and emblem of Christianity, who does not obey God’s Commandments. Exodus 19: 5–6. “If you obey me and keep my agreement, you will be my kingdom priests, and a holy nation” God tells us if we obey His commandments we are going to be Priests in His Kingdom. Ancestors have misled their descendants, by false and superstitious beliefs, and rituals. Intellectuals knowingly taught others, to follow the man made rules and their traditions, which is against the commandments of God. Their idea is to control the people and they should not outgrow the teacher spiritually. The Lord has very clearly mentioned it, so that we should not be misled. Mark 7: 9 Jesus said, “You have a fine way of rejecting God’s Commandment in order, to keep your tradition, and many such things you do” You must go by the word of God only. If the Church rules are against the scripture, you must go by the scripture. Never try to correct the Church; they are to perish like the Pharaoh of Egypt drowned in the Red-sea. Mathew 7: 21. Jesus says. “Not everyone who says Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father.” One who obeys God’s commandments only can enter the Kingdom of God. The Church and priest’s rules, cannot take you to heaven; if you are eligible God will let you in Heaven.

Next- Chapter 27


XXVII . Holy

Bread and Wine

The New Covenant: Mathew 26:26-30, Luke 22: 17–20, 1 Corinthians 11: 23–25. 1 Corinthians 11: 24-26. Jesus took the bread and when He had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me”. He took the cup also and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. You are supposed to do the Holy Communion exactly like Jesus did. You don’t have to put up a show of your own, and note some of the following things. 1) No mouth feeding Some churches feed the bread in to the mouth of the recipient, which is not Biblical and not hygienic. Why people have to keep their mouth open until someone drops a piece of bread in to their mouth; not the way Jesus did 2) No combined feeding of bread and wine. Some wise church people invented; the blood is not separate from the flesh? Similar trick was said in Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”, ‘take the pound of flesh without blood’. 3) No spoon-feeding. In some churches they give bread and wine in a tea- spoon.

Who will and How to break the bread Jesus modifies the Passover to His remembrance. The Passover reminded the freedom Israel got, in Egypt from the bondage of slavery. Jesus is being remembered for freeing the mankind from the bondage of sins by making Himself a sacrifice. Breaking of Bread is not a Sacrifice, like some people say, this just to remember Jesus. You cannot keep on sacrificing Jesus everyday.

Sabbath This is in Accordance with the fourth commandment. Exodus 20: 8 The Lord said “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all the work: but the seventh day is Sabbath to the Lord your God: in it you shall do no work”


Exodus 13:8 The Lord said, “You shall show your son in that day, saying, This is done because of that which the LORD did to me when I came forth out of Egypt. And it shall be for a sign to you upon your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in your mouth: for with a strong hand the LORD has brought you out of Egypt. You shall therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year” Romans 16: 5 Paul sends his greetings to The Church in ‘The House’ You will remember Sabbath and Passover are same and honor them. The other restrictions for those days do apply. They are the day of rest – but you will worship the Lord on that day and do nothing else. What is a Church? – The assembly of believers is the Church. Paul calls it a house for the place they assembled, because it was in a house. You may assemble in any house and break the bread. Jesus is the Head and laymen are Jesus’ body. There is no place for the priest. Jesus will be the high priest and you all are priests.

Who can break the Bread Peter 2: 9 You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of God who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. Once you were no people but now you are God’s people. According to the Law given through Moses; God, appointed Leviticus as priestly tribe and priests and were chosen by God. Jesus made everyone as priestly tribe and priest. Hence No one needs to be appointed to break the bread. Any believer can do it. Who ever does it, remember, God is a consuming fire. You are a knowledgeable person, for your mistakes there is less room for forgiveness.

Hebrew 12: 19 The Lord is a Consuming Fire Start with worshipping the Lord and then break the bread and give it to the congregation, so as the wine just like Jesus did. Anybody can give the bread and wine anywhere, not necessarily in a so called church. You have seen Catholic Priests conducting Mass during conventions; on roadside, even when they travel in a train. Why there should be a priest, when there is no priesthood Keep yourself holy and clean, as you should be. Evening time is the right time.


This is not to coincide with the morning, “SUN WORSHIPPING” time. The Lord has chosen a time, when there is “NO GLORY OF THE SUN” and “NO MIGHT OF THE NIGHT” appeared. Only the light of the Lord prevails. For Jews and Christians. Sabbath day begins on a Friday evening and ends on the next day, Saturday evening. You don’t have to look for a traditional building or a duplicate building of Jerusalem temple, to break the bread. Any place you use, keep it Holy and don’t use it for anything else. If you cannot live up to that high standard of divinity do not attempt, quoting the Word of God and do it. Always remember that, you are doing everything in the presence of God. Hebrew 10: 18. Where there is forgiveness, no offering is made for sin. Holy Communion is not an offering or sacrifice for sin. This is to be done in Jesus’ Remembrance, until His second coming. God gives forgiveness of sin, to those who admit their sin, and repent. The Holy Bible is the authentic book of God’s commandments. You must study The New Testament, to know the teachings of Christ. If you are ignorant and really interested to know what is written in The Bible, pray to God for wisdom, and then read the Bible. On the day of last supper, Jesus revealed the new covenant of His blood and flesh. The blood is shed for the forgiveness of our sins, and his flesh is torn apart for the healing of our sickness. Sometimes in 597 BC Ezekiel prophesied:-Ezekiel 37: 26-27. The Lord said, “I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will bless them and multiply them and will set my sanctuary among them forevermore. My dwelling place shall be with them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” In 8th century BC Isaiah Prophesied:-Isaiah 53: 4-5 He carried our diseases, and He was bruised to heal us. Isaiah 53 12 He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. Paul says how to receive the bread and wine


1 Corinthians 11: 28-30 Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup, all who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. For this reason many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. Any one who receive the Holy bread should know this much; he must confess before God sincerely and truly. The following verses explain the type of bread and wine to be used. As you know, this is in continuation of the Passover, which Jesus had as the last supper with His disciples. Numbers 9: 11 The lord said, “They shall eat with unleavened bread and bitter herb” Exodus 12: 11. The Lord said, “This is how you shall eat the Passover, your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat the Passover hurriedly” It was God’s commandment not to use any fermented food, obviously that applies to wine also, so it must be grape juice. It is possible to make fresh grape juice, by keeping the dry grapes for sometime in water and then by pressing it. I have seen some churches doing exactly like this few decades back. Now they keep bottles of wine that can also be used for drinking in private and then go high. Many get intoxicated with wine and they think it is not a sin. Of all alcoholic substances, wine has the worst hangover – testified by heavy wine drinkers. During the hangover time they behave like as if subjected to some drugs. Hangover= worst disagreeable aftereffects from the use of wine Some churches use fermented bread, and justify what they are doing. Jesus compared this fermented food to malice and evil. Mathew 16:6 Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven bread of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Leaven bread=Fermented bread So Paul wrote this in his letter to Corinthians as follows, in which you could see the importance of it. 1 Corinthians 5: 8. Let us celebrate the festival, not with old yeast, the yeast of malice and evil, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Fermented = Malice and evil Unfermented= Sincerity and Truth Next- Chapter 28


XXVIII . Jesus’ pictures 1) Christ’s pictures and portraits do not resemble Him. 2) Who ever have drawn Jesus picture and painted them, never saw Jesus. 3) He was not handsome as it is shown in some pictures. 4) Christ’s Last supper picture is wrongly exhibited by sitting around the table. If you look at the Last supper picture, you can find some grave mistakes. The picture shows that Christ and His disciples are sitting around a table and having supper. The Lord was conducting Passover, and it is described below, how it should be done. Exodus 12: 11. “This is how you shall eat it; your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat hurriedly. It is the Passover of the Lord” Certainly God is above the Passover and Sabbath, but don’t forget that Jesus did go by the Commandments given to humans, literarily to every syllable. Jesus was brought to the temple, on the eighth day for circumcision. He was baptized Baptist John in Jordan River. Obviously Passover also must have been observed accordingly. So they ate the Passover supper by standing and hurriedly, they have followed the commandments. These are incorrectly shown in the Leonardo Da’vinci pictures. Isaiah 53: 2. He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, nothing in his appearance that we should look at Him. Just Keeping pictures and statues are tolerable but you cannot do any idol worshipping, which is against the commandments. You should not burn incense or substance that produces a fragrant odor and candles before them and do all the rituals like Pagans and Gentiles. People who have not seen Him make pictures and statues, so they are made more beautiful than Jesus is. There are innumerable differences of opinion existing among Christians in this regard. This book is more than enough to have some idea to realize how miserable, human attitude is. Now you know how these churches have been divided up on small things.


Mathew 5. 16. The Lord said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” It is important for a good Christian not to create disputes and divisions, but to preach the Kingdom of God. People are supposed to come and share with your knowledge, happiness and peace. People are to learn from you by seeing you and the way you do things righteously, and they must be attracted to you. Does this ever happen; if not it is not your own mistake then whose mistake is it, you are taught incorrectly. Unlike many other countries, India has contributed many great philosophical and ideological leaders, but we never follow them. They have sacrificed everything for others, where as Jesus has contributed His own life itself to save you, and said follow Him. Of all pictures painted of Jesus Christ and his disciples – Leonardo Davinci has drawn the best art works. He drew the pictures in 15th century. How can you take those pictures granted as the true resemblances of Jesus and His disciples? Nobody from heaven came to him and told him to do so and Leonardo never went to heaven either. He was a good artist and did some paintings of some people out of his imagination he has done the best art works in the world – how can that be true pictures? These pictures drawn by Da’vinci, is worshipped with the burning of candles and incenses in front of it. What a pity!!!

Next-Chapter 29


XXIX . Facing East Facing east is part of Egyptian-Sun-worshipping system. Church building facing towards east is not Biblical. The Spirit of God covers the entire universe, what difference it makes when you are looking at a particular direction. If you look up in to the sky that will not make any sense because, the sky is there all around the earth. Who ever invented this idea of facing east have an explanation. Mathew 24: 27 Jesus said, “for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the so of man” This is a decorative and metaphoric expression, the time of His Second Coming, and the exact way of his coming is totally unknown, until it happens. Besides facing east is part of Sun Worshipping. We do not know the true east and west, God is referring. Earth is spherical, when one side of the globe is east, on the other side this part is west, don’t forget, the planet is rotating in its axis, where is the true East?

Isaiah 66: 15-16. Behold, The lord will come, in fire, and his chariots like whirl wind, to render His anger in fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire will the lord execute Judgment, and by His sword, upon all flesh; and those slain by the lord shall be many. Along with the verses Mathew 24: 27 add, Isaiah 66: 15–16 you get a good picture, how the world is going to end. The funny thing is most of the Christians and the priests do not know exactly, what is written in the Bible, and where it is written. Priests are fully involved in administrative and worldly matters, and have little time to study the Bible. There are only few who really study the Bible and who consider the Bible above everything. Only such people have to bother and worry about all the menace created by these types of disputes. Once I heard a bishop blasting, “Jesus will be coming from the east, as it is said in the book of Jeremiah.” You know this is wrong. Where the ‘East’ is mentioned in the Bible, only in one place that is in Mathew 24: 7, and not in Jeremiah. On the basis of the second coming of the Christ from the east, some of the Churches are constructed accordingly facing east. In addition they pray all the time facing east, and they condemn others who does not face east and pray. As you know, Satan is the greatest liar and troublemaker; he has implanted all kinds of confusion and disputes in human minds.


Isaiah 14. 13. You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most high”. Throughout our life we are listening to what God said. Let us have a change and see what Satan said in his heart above. Satan says, he will ascend above the stars and the Most High on the mount assembly in the far north. Satan says that God is in the far North, and he wants to sit there. It is for sure Satan admits that there is a God in the far north and He is the Most High. He wants only to make himself like the most High. Since God is always in His throne in the far north, why not you face your churches to north, and pray all the time facing north. We don’t know when God is coming and when he comes everything will be over within the fraction of a second, is it not meaningless to face east or north? The secret is in disguise, they were worshipping the sun; the verse from the Bible was quoted to fool the people. Now too many people know the truth but they cannot change the direction of the Churches facing east. What reason will they tell the people for facing ‘East’ for the last so many years?

There are many who believe in astrology and so forth. One of the things according to Hindu Mythology is the belief in salvation provided to anyone who survives one thousand full moons; that is if one can live more than 80 years old.

“Shashty-60; Sapthathy-70; Ashiiti-80; Navathy-90; Shatham-100” Etc ABHISHAKAM. Priests and Bishops will start celebrating from 60 years of age onwards; even when they say that they don’t believe in astrology. Let them celebrate all their birthdays, when astrological importance is given; they are in trouble before God. Abhishekam means Connotation; Coronation; Consecration; anointment Shashty = 60; Sapthathy = 70; Ashiiti = 80; Navathy = 90; Shatham = 100 What will happen to all these people who are doing all these kinds of things? The Bible says that you will be facing judgment for: 1) Everything you have done. 2) Every word you have spoken. 3) Every evil thought you had


That is everything you done against God’s righteousness in thoughts, in words, and in deed.

Ezekiel 8: 16 The Lord brought me (Ezekiel) into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty five men, with their backs toward the sanctuary of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the rising sun toward the east. Those people stood with their back towards the sanctuary and faced EAST. This clearly tells you; Jerusalem temple is facing WEST and not EAST. Only “some of the Kerala-State Church groups” do this kind of “Facing East” and worshipping system. The saddest part is they abuse others who do not face east while praying. Just remember worshipping of east started in Israel as it is explained in Ezekiel 8: 16. They teach one thing, they believe something else, and they practice altogether something different. What kind of spiritual leaders are they? They themselves are heading towards Hades, and leading others also to their hell. Certainly they need your company. The sinners die at different times and perish together on the Day of Judgment.

Next time when some Christian priest or Bishop is celebrating the “Sathabhishekam” just think about what they are doing.

Next- Chapter 30


XXX . Foreign Languages My vocabulary is pretty small and I can barely communicate in English language. My regional language is something else. If you ever ask me in which language I do better? My answer would me my mother tongue and that is the truth. The fact is my vocabulary in both languages is pretty small. Though I could write this much in English, I do not use either English words or English language in my usual conversation in my mother tongue. There are several occasions when people have suspected that I could hardly understand English because I kept my regional language throughout, without using broken English in between. The only reason is, when I speak to a man in his mother tongue why should I use a foreign language, in which, either he or I am not too good at all. Now to the main point: --- You can see in several of the Indian Churches where the service and prayer is done, the priests will use foreign languages for worshipping. This makes the people who do not know the language, just bloody fools. Laymen are the worst affected by this heroism of priests. There was a time in some Churches the priest will pray in a foreign language and laymen used to respond in their regional language. Now the ratio of foreign language and Indian language has reduced. One thing I have noticed in worshipping is the priests will have their prayers in one book, and the laymen will have another book in which-the priest’s prayer will not be shown. The reason is what the priest is praying is none of the laymen’s business. The priests praying style is so miserable, the legibility of their words is terrible. At least being an Indian they must have the general knowledge regarding the “Chanting of Mantras”; if the Mantras are not clear, it is a waste. I have no idea on what principle the priest is praying illegibly. Who wants to pray the priest’s prayer any way? The only good thing is, the laymen can follow what the priest praying and concentrate in their worshipping. But why these priests do these kinds of things? This is an ego and superiority complex of the priest. In western countries and several of the Indian churches also they have one common book for the priest and the laymen. This reminds me of another fact regarding the after death ceremony of most of the sect. The priestly tribe has one method of ceremony, and for others, just opposite. What is the catch? The priestly tribes only should rest in peace, and others spirit should wander without rest. How you like this crookedness?


Bishops Buried in a throne Even Egyptian Pharaohs, when mummified their body is kept in lying position. For some Christian priests, they would be seated in an expensive Chair—A throne may be for funeral. Even a Catholic pope is buried in a coffin and not in a throne. When Christ comes on the ‘Day of Judgment’ the persons buried on the throne can walk away with Jesus easily. Where as the ordinary and country people will have to take long time to stand up; before that the priests can reach heaven? Great people and great ideas! In what kind of a hell are we living?

Next- Chapter 31


XXXI . Robert Schuler On August 12, 2005, 1030 PM, Indian Standard Time, the reality TV has shown a clipping of Robert Schuller’s adventure in the United Airlines. The famous preacher and Pastor Robert Shuller was held in the US airport by FBI and questioned for five hours for his manhandling of a United Airline steward. The preacher was traveling in a first class ticket. He asked the steward to hang-up his suit, since it was against the policy of the Airlines the steward did not oblige. The seventy-year-old preacher got angry and caught the steward on his shoulder and shook him up and sprained his neck. Schuller was fined US $ 11000/ by a US court. But the steward filed a damage suit of five million US $. Shuller made an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount. Schuller told the steward that he is a famous and powerful preacher, and then he attacked him. Probably he must have thought that his word against the steward will have a great impact if it ever comes to some investigation. But that incident brought him, only disgrace. There are many famous preachers in that long list of failures and disgrace. What makes this people to go wrong? Once a man has risen to fame he forgets himself and he wants others to be submissive and treat him WITH exceptional respect. People in God’s business misbehave very badly because of their superiority complex and very often they land in disgrace. Preaching is a profession and they might be doing it well, otherwise they cannot survive, but they don’t practice what is said in the Bible. As they continue to do such things against the will of God, out of their pride, God brings THEM down to earth and teach them a mighty lesson not only for them but for others also. Schuller brought disgrace not only for him but also for the entire kind of Gods men who does that job. Every time when a priest or a pastor falls in to disgrace it is a shame for every Christian. What they preach is known to everyone, but they don’t practice what they preach. Do you feel comfortable, when you hear this kind of stories, I don’t. One can bring shame to every one. Such people have to be extremely careful not to get in to trouble. They may have to swallow others insult at least for the sake of Christ Your downfall is to remind you to humble yourself, and not to bring disgrace. This the way of God’s teaching, sometimes very painful. When a man tried to protect his prestige, God is telling him if you cannot take a small disgrace have a big one. Pride precedes a nasty fall? Next- Chapter 32


XXXII . Burial Inside Churches? From the early days of man, he did honor the dead, gave a good farewell and buried them in suitable places, or in a place demarcated for that purpose. Egyptians treated their Pharaohs in a different manner. They applied some sort of expensive balm and wrapped the body in special linen to preserve it. For some reason the person who handle the dead bodies remained as unclean until evening; they have to take bath in the evening and change their dress. In a sense, the handling of the dead bodies, made them unholy. If a person becomes unholy when he touches a corpse that means the corpse is unholy. It is not only the corpse is unholy, but also the very human body when a person is alive is unholy. Man’s mind and body, rather flesh are two things that does sin which makes them unholy. For that reason Jesus was crucified for the forgiveness of our sins. Jews considered the dead body as an unholy thing. The following scripture explains it.

Leviticus 21: 11. A priest shall not go where there is a dead body; he shall not defile himself even for his father or mother. Leviticus 22: 5-6. None of Aaron’s offspring who ever touches anything made unclean by a corpse and whoever touches any swarming thing by which he may be made clean or the person who touches the any such shall be unclean until evening. What we can understand from this is, corpse is an unclean thing and anyone who touches it becomes unclean until the instructions described are followed. Though the scripture is very much specific about the corpse, you can see in several of the churches bishops and in some cases even laymen were buried, inside the church in the past, later many of them were removed and relocated to unimportant places. On Good Friday the priest will do the burial of a cross just underneath the alter Commemorating Jesus’ funeral. Was Jesus buried inside any Church or in a burial place? Mark 15: 46. Joseph of Arimathea buried Jesus in a tomb that had been hewn out of the rock. Though this being the truth, priests arbitrarily decided to bury their tribe inside the churches, No one knows from where they had this strange idea?


Only God have the authority to sanctify any one or to proclaim someone as saint. Even then man declares several people as saints and bury them inside the Churches or extremely close to the church and they are worshipped. Leviticus22: 16. The Lord said, “I am the Lord I sanctify”!! If a dead body is not holy, what about Jesus’ body when He was dead. The Bible says that He is the only one without sin. Then, why He was crucified. He was crucified by carrying our sins; for the forgiveness of the sins of the mankind. Acts 2: 31. David foretold ‘Jesus was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh experience corruption. Corruption=Decay Since Jesus was holy, God did not allow His body to decay as it was prophesied. Jesus body was sanctified, glorified and then transformed in to a spiritual body and it did not remain on the earth but ascended to heaven. Genesis 5: 24. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more after 365 years of his life, because God took him. 2 Kings 2: 11. As Elijah and Elisha was walking and talking together, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind in to heaven. Because Enoch and Elijah were taken straight to heaven and Jesus had to go through the burial, does it mean Jesus was less than the other two? You can have many unanswered questions, but the truth remains as a mystery. Elijah and Enoch did not go to heaven with their human body; they were glorified and transformed in to Spiritual-Body. There are some bishops who hold the title ‘Holiness’ do they go straight to heaven like Enoch and Elijah, or they are going to be buried better than Jesus for their resurrection? Everything they do is far beyond the Almighty God himself. Genesis 23: 19-20 Sara’s burial by Abraham Genesis 25: 10-11 Abraham’s burial Genesis 35: 10-29 Isaac’s burial Genesis 49: 30-33 Jacob’s burial Their next of kin did all burials, and nowhere a priest was found. Luke 9: 59 & Mathew 8: 19-22. Jesus told a Scribe “Follow me”, then another of his disciple said to Jesus, ‘Lord first let me go and bury my father, Jesus said to him “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” Did Jesus say that the concerned parish priest would take care of it?


If the dead man’s own son is not there somebody else will give the dead a reasonably good burial. What kind of priest you want for a funeral? A priest, high priest, or the highest priest and how many of them you want? Shell out some money many will come! Money can buy almost everyman, only extremely few you can’t. Have you met any of them you cannot buy? Seek you will find them. Numbers 9: 6 There were certain people who were unclean through touching a corpse. If a dead man’s body is unclean according to the Bible, can it be brought to the church at all? You have made a holy place unholy!!! Once you have made a holy place unholy what is next? You have to sanctify it!!! Have you ever heard of such a things ever happened? What ever Christ has taught has gone in to the drain. The root cause of all these chaos is the priest. God appointed the first priest Aaron. Aaron misled the people. Exodus 32: 25-27. When Moses saw that Aaron had led the people to run wild to the derision of their enemies, Moses stood in the gate of camp and said, “Who is on the Lord’s side? “Come to me, thus says the Lord of God of Israel, put your sword on your side, each of you! Go back and forth from gate to gate, and each of you kill your brother, your friend, and your neighbor” Exodus 32: 35. Then the Lord sent a plague on the people, because they made a calf and worshipped it, the one Aaron has made. These people are wearing old clothes with new cloth patches. They are neither beasts nor birds. No matter what you tell them, they will never change but continue to sail to hell and bring disgrace to the living ones. What is important, the rituals or the salvation? Do they believe that there is an eternal life? I do not think these people have any hope in eternal life. They must think of Alexander the Great, who told his subordinates to leave his hands out of the


coffin when he was going to be buried. This is one of the greatest lessons Alexander has shown to the entire world. Can you imagine the kind of desperation and stress he must have undergone, when he was quite sure, he was going to die? When one third of the world was conquered he was only thirty-three. He could never sit on his throne and rule his empire not even for a day because he continued his war of conquest, which never ended until his dying day. If this was his end for Alexander what about us. For what we are fighting? Should you be buried in a Church or real close to it? Genesis 2: 7. God formed man from the dust of the ground. Ecclesiastes 12: 7. The dust returns to dust. The scripture says that God created man from the dust, he must go back to dust and turn to dust, but his spirit will go back to the one who gave it, to God himself for the final Judgment.

Next-Priests and society


XXXIII . Priests and Society Christian priests have captured all the roots of social life directly and manipulate the materialistic world leaving their prime responsibility of Spiritual life. Baptism, confession, marriage engagements, marriage, funeral, memorial services were all confiscated and became their monopoly. If they do not do these kinds of jobs what else do they have? Priests should be engaged only in praying and practicing what is said in the Bible and teaching the people those God’s commandments. Neither in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament, they had any part in any of those things other than worshipping God. Church services are simple in nature. In the Old Testament no priest was anywhere near a funeral or even to give baptism to anyone. Besides the confiscation of these ceremonies they also hold the property rights of Churches, manipulation of finance, governing schools, colleges, hospitals, poly-technical- educations and even medical colleges and accept capitation fee or donation – a disguised form of bribe. Jesus’ declaration of the new covenant about two thousand years ago revealed the elimination of priests. Jewish priests who became believers continued as priests and they ruled the Christians. By third century Emperor Constantine organized the priests and he became their head and laid the foundation of the present Vatican indirectly and that became the priest’s headquarters. The Christian priests have totally failed to promote evangelization, and shrunk in to their Empire of wealth. It is God’s time to tear their Jewish robes apart and reveal their hypocrisy so that the teachings of Christ may flourish. John 4: 24. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Him spirit and truth. This is the greatest secret in worshipping which the spiritual leaders never teach. If this is taught, the present Pageant worshipping will end and the importance of priest and church will be lost and there will be no more cash flow for the luxury of Priests. In other words the people are led in darkness so that the priests can control them. The knowledge I have gained must be given away without making any profit. This is what Jesus taught, he was not making money nor did His disciples.


There are many trade secrets and techniques I have acquired over several decades, my attitudes is come and take it free of cost. The book I publish, I do not keep my copy right, not because I cannot. My aim is to let the people know it. I know many laymen who do better than me. Some of them have resigned their jobs and work full time evangelization, when one of the family members work for the living and support their cause. What happens as a result, more number of people comes to their prayer, and several of them get healed from incurable diseases. Absolutely they handle no money, and that is their spiritual success. When these kinds of people are preaching and praying, what these Jewish dressed priests are doing? Now more number of people is approaching these prayerful laymen. The priests abuse them and call them ‘Gods’ in fact who is playing God? The black Indian priest is wearing Jewish dress, as if that was the dress Christ wore; and imitates Christ? You have seen in movies, Christ’s life; likewise they also act in the church. Different denominations wear different colorful dress like in a fancy dress competition. The fearful laymen are desperate and don’t know what to do. Hand out as much money they can and cry to God for help? So long the public do not straighten their life and shell out a portion of their money, they think, that can buy salvation; that is what these people are taught. This is not for the Christians alone but all the religions play the same game. For every silly thing Christians will bring a priest. Even a man who does not believe in God will invite a priest or as many they can, because this has become a status symbol. Have you noticed the rich man’s wedding, funeral service, and memorial service you will find a large number of priests. Like ministers have too many policemen around, the rich will have too many priests around them. Do you think they are coming just because of love and affection, NO, they have only Judas love, love for money. What you cannot buy for money? Even human lives you can take easily by ‘quotation people’ and these are easily available. Quotation people=Hired killers – in India There are very few, in some extreme remote corner doing some preaching, and they are called anti-Christ, because you wont get them for this kind of social works, and they don’t need your money also. Just because of those few, the world may be surviving. How you should greet and worship a high priest, or bishop?


The normal practice is, in most of the cases, especially in India, those people expect you to, 1) Bow down to earth, 2) Get on to your knees, 3) Touch their feet and show praying hands, 4) Lie down on your belly all along, and bow. 5) Thalappoli (women greeting with flowers and oil lamps) These are all customary to some Indians to worship people of high ranks, if not for all. The recipient’s pride goes sky-high when he gets these kinds of reverence or tribute.

Touching somebody’s feet can only pick up, only the dirt on his feet and not God’s blessing. Being a Christian, can you demand and accept or give such salutations and honor of high recognition? How would you greet an angel? Revelation 22: 8. John fell down to worship at the feet of an angel, who spoke to him and showed the ‘Revelations’. The angel said, “You must not do that, I am a fellow servant with you and your comrades, the prophets, and with those who keep the words of the book, worship God” You can never expect a man bow down before you and you should not bow down before another human except ‘The Eternal’ Just remember what God has spoken to Abraham, Genesis 18:32 Abraham said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And The Lord said, “I will not destroy it for ten's sake” There was one man called Lot and his family only they got out of the city alive. There was no ten to save the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. How you should greet another? Say “Peace be with you in the name of Jesus, if he deserves to retain that peace it will stay with him, if not it will return to you” Several people say, “Praise the Lord” When the traditional Churchgoers hear this, their stomach turns. They think it is below their dignity to say like that, they don’t bother even to return that, not even priests! What a pity! These high rankers remind me, the Dominican Emperor of AD 81-96. His proclamation was that everyone should address him God and worship him.


These priests have no place where they don’t appear, they are everywhere. For the openings of all kinds of shops from diamond shops to stationary, small private banks, cut throat mortgage companies, hotels and lodges even hi-tech beauty shops and beauty parlor, you name anything they are there. They are everywhere, in all kinds of social, political, multi religious conference. Only for one thing, they don’t have time that is for spiritual matters and prayer. What kind of priest are they. The kind of reception they are expecting is nothing less than royal. Once in a while they move on some special occasion in a decorated Peacock vehicle, or a Swan Chariot processions, with the most costly dress and religious ornaments. Even if Jesus comes now He won’t get that kind of reception. At the end of the processions, hundreds of beautiful girls in highest glamorous traditional Hindu dress, on either side with brass plates, filled with flowers and oil lamps will be showering, the concerned priest, with the flowers as if they are receiving some Pagan Gods. (called Thalappoli) When the Moguls attacked the Rajputs and were surrounded, they asked the Rajputs to show their women at least their reflection through a mirror, they refused boldly. Then the Mogul army began to advance; those brave women jumped in to the fire and killed themselves. That was the proud tradition of Indian women, not to appear before strangers to exhibit their beauty. The white Christian invaders brought prostitution and pornography and all kinds of sex perversions to this and all the other ethnic lands.

In such a country like India, bishops are accepting and expecting young girls’ reception to entertain them.

Jesus said, “Looking at a woman with the intention has committed adultery” Tell me whose mind will not baffle, when beautiful young girls give such receptions? Even sages of ancient India lost their control when they saw beautiful women. These Christian priests come nowhere near those early sages. I know only one animal in this world with thick skin, Rhinoceros, but these people have the thickest skin to absorb the shame of these kinds of act. Even primitive Romans and Egyptians were better than these people.

Next-Chapter 34


XXXIV . “Den of Thieves” Dens are two kinds. 1) Man made Temple Temples made by man with bricks and woods are the usual places of worship Jeremiah 7: 11. The Lord said, “Has this house, which is called by my name has become a den of robbers in your sight? You know, I too am watching” Mathew 21: 13. When Jesus entered the temple, He overturned the tables of moneychangers and the seats of those who sold the pigeons. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you make it a den of robbers”. You will find, Jesus has repeated what he has spoken through Jeremiah. The Lord says that you have made the house, which is called in His name, the place of worship, has been turned into a den of thieves. You know that you are aware of what you are doing, and the Lord himself is watching it. You are doing many unethical things, which is, contrary to the scripture, meant to generate money to spend for reputation and ungodly purposes. By doing such things the house of the Lord has been turned to a den of thieves. The people doing sales in the churches for fund raising have to think twice before they do such things. I know several of the trustees, most of them who already dead, has virtually ransacked the Church treasury. Most of them were badly in need of reasonable income, when they could not meet their expenses they depended on the Church funds. When the accounts were audited irregularities were found. The Church did not go to the court of Law. Their families were disintegrating for what they did. What promotes these unethical practices is, Churches are raising funds to help the sick and the poor and give to them. If Church funds can be allocated for such humanitarian purposes, why somebody who is in need cannot take it? Is it not good logic? Church is not the place to support anybody’s financial need; the church should not handle money for such purposes.

2) God created Temple God created Temples are man itself.


The disobedient Christians by doing such things are making themselves unholy. The people’s minds are the God’s temples. Their mind is filled with evil thoughts, treachery and thievery by which they have made their own living temples unholy and a den of thievery. Besides that they come to the church to execute their plans. Have you not learned from the scripture that your thoughts, your deeds and every word you have spoken will be taken into consideration when you are put on the final judgment? Acts 9: 3. While Saul was traveling and approaching Damascus, a light from heaven flashed about him, and he fell to the ground. Saul later known as Paul became blind. Do you want God to strike you down and make you blind or inactive, so that you may straighten your spiritual life?

1 Corinthians 3: 16 Do you not know that you are God’s temple and God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy Him. For God’s temple is Holy, and you are that temple. This part of the scripture is read in the church very often. But what is the use of it, who will listen to it? Usually after three years of stay in one parish a priest is to be transferred. Depending a priest’s grip and influence, there are people who stayed in one church for his entire life. Any time when a new priest comes in, he already knows the richest, the radicals and a third category I don’t want to mention. According to his worldly wisdom he will have several plans to accumulate wealth, buildings and institutions. When he becomes very successful in his adventures he will remain there for many years, if not he will be thrown out and an efficient one will be brought in to amass wealth. These people are so shameless they don’t want to live above these allegations. They don’t care about a righteous life, it is not their mistake, the society is pretty bad, they have nothing else to do, they will keep producing more wicked because they have none to follow; besides they are the seeds of wicked parents. Since after independence scoundrels rule India and now they are scam-masters. No principles and no ethics in them. People forget, they should follow Jesus and nobody else. They do not follow Jesus. They follow their wicked ancestors, as a result more and more evil generation is succeeded.

Next-Chapter 35


XXXV . Wealth of a Church What is the wealth of every church? The real wealth of every church is the word of God, which will create, a God fearing and a righteous congregation. If the people are not God fearing, whose mistake is it? That is the mistake of every priest and preacher who runs the Church. They themselves are in the wrong path, and they are leading the congregation also with them. Just like the first Priest Aaron misled the Israelites. Priests have no time to pray, they are after wealth and establishments. You have seen several rich parents desperately making money, and they create prodigal children. Eventually the wicked children will destroy the Parent’s ill-earned wealth. If the Children become wretched, blame the parents. If the Christians are wicked, blame the priests and preachers. Churches and places of worship are holding a lot of unaccounted money, property and precious metals and precious stones. Unaccounted money holders are dumping a good share of their earnings in places of worshipping for further multiplication of their wealth. Their wealth must be thoroughly investigated and taxed. Why the Church should not be taxed? Who is paying in cash and kind to the Church, and what is their source of Income. Is it from tax paid resources? Only few give white money, because that goes in to their account. Since everything is computerized it is very easy to find it, provided the income tax officials do an honest job, if they take bribe even God will not help. 1) Should the Churches need huge amounts of bank balance and fixed deposits? 2) Should they keep large extend of properties without sufficient reason? 3) Should they be allowed to hold establishments? 4) Should the churches operate as a business group? 5) Why the churches do not distribute their wealth at least among the poor people?


6) Why these priests should sit on the top of this wealth like a devil, neither they will use it for good purpose nor they will distribute it. 7) By keeping all these wealth, why they lead processions for social justice, and for more help from the Government? August 22, 2005 Manorama News Paper (Kollam publication) Page 9, 8th column reports as following from Kozhikode. Bishop Dr Joseph Kalathiparambil says: -- “For the betterment of the society and to help the people of the lower strata, all luxuries connected with the Church celebrations and marriages must be controlled” Does it sound fantastic? How he is going to control it and distribute it among the poor? A magician will squeeze one small lime and fill three glasses with the juice. How hard he is squeezing to get that much juice in reality? Exactly like that Churches are squeezing out the money from every one. If any church wants to help the poor, they should forget about another fund raising, they should sell their unused wealth of the church and feed the poor. 1) Let the bishops discard their luxuries in dress, accommodation and food. Show the people good example and ask them to follow those priests. Jesus told the rich, “Sell your wealth and give it to the poor” Is there any church, which functions that way? Mathew 19: 16-30; Mark10: 17-31; Luke 18: 22-25 Explains same teaching. Jesus said, “Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, then come and follow me” Do you have the willingness and guts to do it? Is this how you follow Jesus? Instead of giving; the priests are on the run for making money and their greed is limitless. Like a leech’s thirst for blood, more they get, more they are thirsty for blood. I see people everyday, everywhere for money collection, in the name of the poor. During Indira Gandhi’s time they collected unlimited amount of money and gold and cash in the name of Defense-fund. Several of those people who collected the money, found to be enormously rich after the fund raising. Most of them are dead by now. If you refuse to give donations, they will abuse you and destroy your ~~~~~


~~ property and also beat you up, now you know why they are so eager to collect the money? In 2005, if Tsunami fund is diverted by the Kerala-State Government for other purposes, whom you can trust in this world? Most of the political, social and spiritual organizations contributed “wholeheartedly and instantly” for Tsunami victims. Just immediately after that, they began to collect the money, which was several times more than the donated amount. What would they do with that excess amount? They kept it to themselves, don’t say, they swallowed it. 2) Churches must stop selling all spiritual services. TV channels also say same thing you send the money and your prayer requests. We will pray for you. (No money - No prayer) TV channels are selling coffee cups, key chains, and bits of clothes saying they are anointed, with the name ‘Jesus’. Who is selling them? Great Christian preachers! Exodus 20: 7. The Lord said in His third commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for The Lord will hold guilty of, those who takes His name in vain” If the seller is a white-man they can do it? They will do more than that. The white man’s biggest set back is Jesus was never born in a White-Country. They think that Christianity is their religion and their monopoly, what a great ignorance? Jesus was born in the middle-East which is in pieces without peace. Did Jesus and His disciples collect money for healing services and for the bread he distributed? Judas sold Jesus outright, for thirty pieces of silver, which led Judas to his suicide. Though Judas betrayed Jesus, he had some conscience, which blamed him for a self-punishment and ending his life. Modern people don’t have that conscience, so they won’t commit suicide, they will lead others to commit suicide. What do you want?

Kingdom of God ? Or Kingdom of Gold? Next-Epilogue


Epilogue 1. Priesthood, which is not Biblical, must come to an end. 2. Churches should compromise and accept all denominations without any discrimination. 3. Infant baptism must not be forcibly done. If a layman and a priest does an infant baptism that will be their own business but cannot do forcibly. 4. Priest’s expensive dress, ornaments, snake-staff Etc must be discarded. 5. Priests will only conduct prayers, and will not do any other jobs or employment. 6. They will not have any property rights of churches; and they cannot manage the church wealth or any other institutions. 7. During marriages they will not have any rights to put wedding rings and gold chains. 8. Priests will not hold the tail of “TALI and Thread” during marriage. 9. Like some priests, shaking of gold chain over the head of a groom and bride during marriage must be stopped. 10.The ‘SARI” given in the church during wedding must be stopped, so that the priest does not have to hold the tail of it. 11.Priests should stop standing in-between the bride and groom and taking photographs. 12.Priests will not do any Church administration, construction works or anything else other than the prayers. 13.If a priest wants to live as a musician, lawyer, teacher, professor, principal, manage any kind of institution, handle any money matters, they must quit their priesthood. No second job is permissible. 14.Priests must deal with spiritual matters only. 15.Priests can teach in seminaries and Bible colleges, and persons who are not priests (laymen) must do the management of such institutions.


16.Priesthood itself is a job and they should not do any second job, with or without salary. 17.Priests should not interfere in political matters and lead any such processions. 18.Priests should not agitate against any government, or instigate anyone. 19.Priests should not canvas votes, or instruct anyone to vote for any political party 20.Churches should not collect funds for any humanitarian purpose, and priests should not lead any such events. 21.Priests should not go for any money collection from house to house or from one establishment to another. 22.Bishops foreign trips for fund collections must be stopped. 23.Churches should not amass unwanted properties and maintain huge bank balance. 24.Churches should not run any shopping complex or any business establishments. 25.All religious rites must be performed without any payment. 26.Prayers are not for sale, like TV channels do. Their slogan is “SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS AND DONATIONS”. If you have a prayer request you must give money, otherwise no prayers; this attitude must be stopped. 27.Jesus is the greatest socialist, the world has ever seen and churches must follow that principle, and Church is not a capitalistic establishment. 28.At the cost of churches bishops high priests must stop using most expensive cars, but can have a reasonably good car and not beyond. 29.Churches must stop accumulating gold and silver and making rooms for breaking in for the thieves. 30.Churches must stop their sales business and making a market place. It is the Lords place to pray for humans and not a den of thieving merchants. 31.They should salvage Satan’s frightening black robes.


32.Churches must remove all cross signs, which obstructs traffic. 33.Churches must remove all cash boxes, which are on the roadside, or where ever there is a cross. Cross sign is not a sign for beggary. 34.Priests should stop doing “sathyagrahas”, picketing and getting entangled by policemen. Such people should be dismissed from priesthood. 35.The priests misleading the people to revolt against the government and judiciary, creating Law-and-order-Problems must be dismissed from churches. Once a church group was after the author to publish his articles in their publications and they did some beginning but later discontinued. When they could not get Indian rupees 300’000/= for some of their need they abandoned the idea of the publication. If I can pay that amount to them, why not I spend that money to publish the books by myself. This is Church diplomacy. Later I published my books, free of cost, through Internet. If a priest is a real priest he will be able to do miracles like Jesus and his disciples did. If they cannot do it, first thing is they should quit their priesthood. Priests cannot do any miracles because they are unholy. If you add a title “Holy or saint” they will not become holy. A simple way of settling church dispute is to follow King Solomon’s method of the harlot’s disputes. Government must confiscate the disputed property, divide it and give it to the homeless. Any way these priests are in the court of law for couple of centuries. They are on street fights, burning cars, dragging political ministers, chief minister, Prime Minister and anyone they can be brought in to their disputes. Christian countries and priests and the TV channels are leading the whole world in to casino type life style, which is directly opposite and contrary to all the commandments of Jesus Christ. They should be ashamed to carry the “Christian” label when they are not a follower of Christ. My elders, teachers, neighbors, priests, fellow Christians, and preachers misled me. Through hard ways I had to learn what is righteousness, and now I wish to tell the whole world, we were misled and those people still continue to mislead everyone. Choose the path of righteousness and Truth and not the path of diplomacy, glamour, luxury, hypocrisy and treachery. Human life is not to be left to chances and luck, but to faith and sacrifice. Sacrifice does not mean that you should give away everything you have to the Church, but to the real needy within your capacity. It is your


responsibility to find them and give it to them. If you give it to a church, they will be interested in making more establishments and press reports and TV channel reports. Fund raising is another good business. The one who wish to raise the fund must donate from their wealth. Churches should not raise funds from the public. It is none of the Church’s business to raise funds for the relief of calamity victims. Disaster comes because of wickedness of man; Church is to pray and preach for the moral uplift of the people. They should only pray, that is their job and nothing else. When you stay content with little you have, you have crossed the first step of sacrifice. Anything beyond is greater sacrifice; you, as Christians, are to show greater sacrifice without taking the credit of it. Charity begins at home, what you don’t have at home, cannot be given beyond your home, you are selling hypocrisy. Un-educated politicians win election and rule the country, and speak of education reforms and criticize even Supreme Court orders for political gain. They pretend to be caretakers of the hard working and the poor people. Do they really care for the needy and the sick, No, they care for their own political gain, power, position and wealth? Is spiritualism based on materialism? No, the core of the spiritualism is non-materialism.


The present practice of Spiritualism is working with materialism. People don’t make it work without that way; that is where ‘Casino lifestyle’ comes in. What kind of a Christian are you any way, just skull and bones without pain-sensing flesh? Are you a Shakespearean animal without heart?

Ws and Ps Like three Ws (wealth, wine, women) that sucks entire human kind. There are three Ps that ruins entire world. 1) PRIEST, Priest concentrates mostly wealth and luxury and power 2) POLITICIAN, Politician concentrates for all the Ws and power 3) POLICEMEN, policemen also concentrate on all the three Ws & power. Indians know the quality of these people very well. Politicians are the most powerful destructive force. They, not only ruin their own country but also other countries. We are concerned only Christian countries. The very birth of


Dracula is from a Christian country-Rumania. Vlad Dracula was a Rumanian Christian Ruler. ‘Vlad Dracula’ the broad day light killer was the inspiration force of the story of Count Dracula. Vlad was a ruler who drank human blood, which is a historical fact. European countrymen sailed across the oceans and began to capture Asian, African and other western countries. A Christian country-Britain was the strongest among the India’s invaders and ruled for several decades. They brought their civilization, Education, addiction, smoking and adultery. To satisfy the lust of the British soldiers they opened up red-streets (Prostitution centers) in Indian Cities like Calcutta, Delhi and Bombay. What is Britain’s greatness: -1) Invasion, Expansion, Plunder wealth and rape women, spread all vices and destroy any one who resists them. Any one who is likely to be a threat to them in future, were all destroyed. 2) Teaching English 3) Improving education 4) Spreading Christianity. Those Criminal blood descendants, who spread Christianity, are worse than Judas and other Criminals. The quality of Christians they have created has degenerated to below the drainage level. Christian countries are the biggest threat to world peace.

Priest Police Politician

= = =

Spiritual people The Government & the Law enforcement Agency People in The political system

Wealth Wine Women

= = =

All Kinds Of Worldly Possessions All Kinds Of Intoxications All Kinds Of Sex Out Side Marriage

What do you choose, from these three Ws and three Ps? Like the Empires and kingdoms that have come to an end, Priesthood also has to come to an end. Among all institutions churches also have become the greatest white-collar’s corrupt establishment.


Priests holding the reign of all institutions, it must come to an end. What is your moral contribution? The author is exposing what is said in the Bible, and he has no special interest to appreciate or condemn any particular denomination. When the truth is spoken, if somebody gets hurt, I am helpless but that is not the aim of the book. I must repeat, that my books are not an invitation to any particular denomination, and I do not recommend any either, stand where you are and free yourselves from your bondages. Make up your mind and seek the truth and follow your own instinct, which leads to Jesus Christ. We are living in a most delusory ‘time period’. (Delusory= Causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true) Technology is advancing in lightning speed and the population is struggling too hard to catch up with it. I know innumerable people using most expensive cell phones. They barely make phone calls and mess up with the other programs. They admit, they are incapable of handling such hi-tech instruments, even then why they go for it? Status and ego drive them crazy. The manufacturer is producing new versions of all products year after every year. Most of them don’t last and cannot be repaired. You have to go for new ones. Soft wares and computers can be used for couple of years then it goes outdated. No politician is bothered to do anything constructive; they are after strengthening their political survival and AMASSING WEALTH. They are the most hopeless statesmen and administrators. Which economist has not driven their country to bankruptcy and recession? Economist is the one who doesn’t know how to spend his own money and tell others how to spend their money and make them go broke and bankrupt. What is wrong and what can be done? People believe and feel great of their intelligence and capability and display in an ostentatious or proud manner of themselves. Your worldly wisdom to God is a foolery. God has sworn that He will bring every one and their country down. Ostentatious=Meant to attract notice and impress others

Jeremiah 49: 16. The lord said, “The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you: you who live in the clefts of the rock, who hold the height of the hill. Although you make your nest as high as the eagle’s, from there I will bring you down.” You have to be humble and go by the commandments of God or face disintegration and fall apart.


Government has to take drastic steps to check (stop) the hi-speed advancements and creation of new versions of articles of commerce every year. New models should be introduced only once in three years. Spares must be made available for ten years. Most expensive automobiles costing more than 10-15’ lakhs (1’500’000) Indian rupees should be prohibited in India. Now the rich and the rich country are consuming the natural resources at the cost of others. If the rich do not have an outlet for such extravagance their wealth will go to the common and needy man. How far a man can enjoy, worldly pleasures. Look at the great artists of all fields including the people in the movie field. With the enormous wealth Michael Jackson has accumulated, a great portion of it has gone for the things that destroyed his own health. Even when he has become a legend in the history of mankind; what about the shadows of evilness that has haunted his mighty name. No one can cleanse it. What kind of individuality could you create? The people who decided to run over Iraq and its complete destruction after killing of millions of people, said, it was a mistake. When will they say, Afghan war was a mistake? War is a primitive and barbaric way of settling ambitions and problems and drive for success. Morally, financially and spiritually war is the biggest blunder; how long will you take to admit this truth. A wise man will correct himself with one word, when a fool will never change even when a thousand words are told to him. This is the first book I started to write but I had to delay for further revision. I needed more research and also had to be more thorough with the commandments of God. This could be the last, because I have completed what is just required for any man to lead a righteous life. If anybody is interested to go further must study the original book ‘The Bible’. From time to time I have to revise the books I have written, wherever it needs, in future. What prompted me to write, these books, is the evilness that has crept in the society, from the downfall of the spirituality, created by the worldly guardian angels. I hope this book will serve its purpose. Next-Armor of God


Armor of God Ephesians 6: 14 -17 Fasten the belt of truth around your waist And having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Word of God, Sharper than any two edged sword

Hebrew 4: 12 The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing until it divides the soul from the spirit, joints from the marrow, it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.



Index 01) The Empire of Priests 02) Beginning of Kingdom 03) Business center 04) After 2’000 Years 05) Church 06) Christians of Kerala-State 07) Profession 08) Law Suits 09) Priesthood 10) Split in Apostolic Church 11) Baptism 12) Inter Church Organization 13) Marriages 14) Indian Politics & Christianity 15) Function of Church 16) Terrorism 17) Warnings to priests 18) Martyrs 19) Declaration of Faith 20) Rock 21) Confession 22) Offerings 23) Sabbath 24) Christmas 25) Easter 26) Cross Sign 27) Holy Bread 28) Christ’s Pictures 29) Facing East 30) Foreign Languages 31) Robert Schuler 32) Burial Inside Churches 33) Priests And Society 34) Den of Thieves 35) Wealth Epilogue Word of God INDEX

Published in March 31, 2002 Revised in November 27, 2010, November 17, 2015


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