Jcr Constitution June 2009

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St Peter’s College Junior Common Room Constitution



SECTION 1: Name and Objects NAME 1.1

The name of the organisation is St Peter’s College Junior Common Room, (JCR)

OBJECTS 1.2 The Objects of the JCR are: i. to protect the interests of the members; ii. to promote the general welfare of the members; iii.to provide general amenities and recreational facilities for all members; iv. to provide a channel of communication between the JCR and other members of St Peter’s College, of the University of Oxford and of any other body whose activities affect the interests of its members, and in particular to represent members' opinions and interests to the Governing Body through the agency of members nominated by the JCR Committee. v. To operate within the interests of the JCR 1.3 The JCR must operate in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1994. 1.4 The JCR shall seek to eliminate discrimination against JCR members on the grounds of gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, age or educational background. As such the JCR will work to create an atmosphere within College that promotes mutual respect. This policy extends to JCR funded societies, the JCR newsletter, and the JCR web site. 1.5 In addition to the Constitution a set of Standing Orders will be produced. To be valid the Standing Orders must be previously ratified by a simple majority either at a General Meeting or in a Referendum. Standing Orders shall be consistent with this Constitution.


SECTION 2: Membership 2.1 Membership is open to all matriculated undergraduates, Visiting Students and honorary members of St. Peter’s College JCR. 2.2 Members of the St Peter’s College MCR shall be entitled to use of JCR facilities, membership of JCR societies and participation in JCR-organised events. 2.3 Voting membership is open to matriculated undergraduates in statu pupillari and Visiting Students in statu pupillari only. 2.4 All JCR members shall be entitled to the use of JCR facilities, membership of JCR clubs and societies, and participation in JCR-organised events. 2.5 At the discretion of the JCR Executive, other benefits may be restricted only to the voting membership. 2.6 Membership of the JCR ceases at the end of the final term of the member’s course of study unless he or she is made an honorary member. 2.7 Honorary membership can be given by a majority in a JCR motion and ceases after one year unless renewed by a subsequent JCR motion. 2.8 Members have the right to resign their membership. 2.9 A member of the College who exercises the right not to be a member of the JCR must not be unfairly disadvantaged with regard to the provision of services or otherwise.


SECTION 3: The JCR Committee 3.1 There shall be no sabbatical or paid elected office in the JCR APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS 3.2 Only voting members may be allowed to stand for any Committee position. 3.3 Final-year students may not hold committee positions, except for that of Finalists’ Representative. 3.4 Voting is to be conducted by secret ballot. 3.5 Subject to the provisions of the College Statutes and Law, all elected Officers must abide by and comply with any directions, decisions and mandates arrived at by the JCR members and the JCR Executive in any officially constituted meetings and Referenda. 3.6 No JCR Committee member may hold more than one JCR Committee post simultaneously. 3.7 If any JCR Committee member wishes to resign s/he must tender a written resignation to the JCR President. This should be tendered a week in advance of relinquishing their post. If the JCR President wishes to resign s/he must tender a written resignation to the JCR Vice President a week in advance of relinquishing his/her post. THE COMMITTEE 3.8 The Committee shall consist of: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Food, Housing & Amenities Officer Female Welfare Officer Male Welfare Officer Academic Affairs Officer Entertainment Officer (Entz) Charities Officer Bar Manager Bar Treasurer First Year Representative (Rep) Finalists’ Representative (Rep) IT Officer OUSU Representative (Rep) First Year Entertainments Officer (2 positions) Environment and Ethics Officer Arts Officer


Sports Officer LGBT Representative (Rep) Overseas Students’ Representative (Rep) Access Representative (Rep) ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The primary roles and responsibilities of each Committee member shall be as follows. Further details of each role are set out in the Standing Orders. 3.9 The President shall convene Committee and General Meetings of the JCR. S/he will be primarily responsible for the promotion for the rights, welfare and development of JCR members and provide representation of the JCR to the College and other bodies, both within and outside of college. The President shall live in college, unless they are elected in a second round due to the first round being Re - Opened for Nominations. 3.10 The Vice President shall deputise for the President in her/his absence or at her/his request. S/he shall take on delegated projects and tasks as the President sees fit and assist the President in his/her job. 3.11 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the daily management of the JCR finances, as described in Section 6. 3.12 The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and publishing minutes of Committee and General Meetings, assist with other administrative duties, and will be the Returning Officer for JCR elections under normal circumstances. The Secretary shall also maintain the JCR Policy Book. 3.13 The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer shall be responsible for liaising with college to ensure JCR members’ interests are considered in matters relating to food, housing and amenities, and seek to advance the provision of such entities or services. 3.14 The Female Welfare Officer shall be responsible for making available such welfare provisions as are deemed appropriate for JCR members, particularly taking into account the needs of female JCR members 3.15 The Male Welfare Officer shall be responsible for making available such welfare provisions as are deemed appropriate for JCR members, particularly taking into account the needs of male JCR members 3.16 The Academic Affairs Officer shall be responsible for advancing the academic interests of students and liaising with the College and other appropriate bodies and the JCR on matters pertaining to academic affairs and careers.


3.17 The Entertainments Officer shall be responsible for ensuring the provision of suitable entertainment for JCR members and for obtaining decanal permission where necessary. 3.18 The Charities Officer shall be responsible for organising and promoting charity events and campaigns within the JCR. S/he shall administer the Charity budget and be a signatory of the Charity Account. 3.19 The JCR Bar Manager shall be responsible for supervising the day-to-day running of the college bar and its long-term development in accordance with the JCR Bar Constitution. 3.20 The JCR Bar Treasurer shall be responsible for daily management of the college bar finances in accordance with the JCR Bar Constitution. 3.21 The First Year Representative shall be responsible for representing the interests of first year JCR members and communicating relevant information to them. 3.22 The Finalists’ Representative shall be responsible for representing the interests of JCR members in their final year of study and communicating relevant information to them 3.23 The IT Officer shall be responsible for designing, maintaining and updating the JCR website in accordance with the wishes of the JCR, and shall liaise with the College IT Officer 3.24 The OUSU Representative shall be responsible for representing the JCR to the Oxford University Student Union and for bringing relevant issues to the attention of the JCR 3.25 The First Year Entertainments Officer shall be responsible for assisting the Entertainments Officer in organising suitable entertainment for JCR members, particularly those relevant to first year members of the JCR. 3.26 The Environment and Ethics Officer shall be responsible for recycling in college, lobbying the college authorities about environmental and ethical issues and raising awareness of green and relevant ethical issues within the JCR. 3.27 The Arts Officer shall be responsible for organising arts related events, including St. Peter’s Arts Week and promoting arts in the JCR. 3.28 The Sports Officer shall be responsible for facilitating sports activities in college, including representing team captains to the JCR Committee and sitting on the sports fund committee. S/he shall be responsible for encouraging involvement in both college and university sports clubs.


3.29 The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Rep shall be responsible for providing LGBT specific welfare provision and representing particular LGBT views to the Committee. 3.30 The Overseas Representative shall be responsible for providing support to overseas students and representing their views to the JCR Committee. 3.31 The Access Rep shall be responsible for managing, maintaining and expanding the college Access Scheme. THE JCR EXECUTIVE 3.32 The JCR Executive shall consist of: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. PETER THE SQUIRREL 3.33 A JCR member shall be elected as college mascot, Peter the Squirrel. Peter the Squirrel will not sit on the JCR Committee. S/he shall be responsible for welfare of all squirrels within the college grounds and shall wear the mascot outfit at all events where the JCR Committee deems it necessary for the upkeep of college morale. FRESHERS COMMITTEE 3.34 A Freshers Committee shall be created at the beginning of a new Committee’s term in office, in 7th week of Trinity term. This Committee shall consist of the incoming JCR Executive, Bar Manager, Female and Male Welfare Officers and Entz Officer, and up to five (but no less than seven) appointed JCR Members. The Freshers Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure in the Standing Orders, and shall fulfil the responsibilities detailed therein. BALL COMMITTEE 3.35 The Ball Committee shall be activated by a formal resolution of the JCR Committee to oversee the organisation of the St Peter’s College Bi-annual Ball. 3.36 The Ball Committee Executive shall be elected in 3rd week of Trinity term and shall consist of one or two Ball Presidents, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The election of the Ball Executive shall be done in accordance with the Standing Order Procedure for JCR Committee Elections. 3.37 The remainder of the Ball Committee shall be appointed by the Ball Executive through a process of nomination and interview, as detailed in the Standing Orders. 3.38 The JCR shall underwrite the Ball only in the case that a motion to underwrite it is submitted to and passed by a JCR General Meeting. If such a motion is passed, the JCR will absorb any losses except where these losses have been incurred through the dishonesty or negligence of the Ball Committee Executive in which case they 7

shall be liable, and they shall sign a declaration to this effect. This must be done in accordance with Constitution 6.8. 3.39 In the case that the JCR decides to underwrite the ball, the following shall apply: i. The Ball Committee Treasurer shall present regular reports to the JCR Committee. The interval for these is to be set with the agreement of the JCR Treasurer, or a report is to be provided whenever requested by the JCR Committee. The JCR Treasurer shall reserve the right to examine the Ball Committee accounts at any time. ii. The JCR Committee shall reserve the right to remove members of the Ball Committee subject to the decision of a JCR General Meeting iii. The JCR Committee shall have the right to send an observer to attend any meeting of the Ball Committee. iv. The Ball Committee may be dissolved at any time by a two-thirds majority decision of a JCR General Meeting.


SECTION 4: JCR Elections and Referenda including by-elections 4.1. All elections shall be democratic and conducted by secret ballot. 4.2. In the following section, where “JCR members” is written, this refers only to voting members. RIGHTS TO VOTE 4.3. Subject to the restrictions in this clause, all full JCR members have the right to vote in JCR elections. i. ii. iii. iv.

Only female members of the JCR may vote for Female Welfare Officer Only male members of the JCR may vote for the Male Welfare Officer Only JCR members in their penultimate year of study may vote for Finalists’ representative Only JCR members in their first year of study may vote for First Year Representative


4.4. Subject to the restrictions in this clause, all full JCR members shall have the right to stand for any JCR Committee post. i. ii. iii. iv.

Only JCR members in their penultimate year of study are eligible to stand for Finalists’ Rep except in the event of a by-election for this position during the term of office, where only members in their final year are eligible to stand. Only women may stand for the position of Female Welfare Officer Only men may stand for the position of Male Welfare Officer Only JCR members in their first year of study may stand for the positions of First Year Representative and First Year Entertainments Officer

4.5 See Constitution 3.6 4.6 Re-open nominations (RON) shall stand in every election TIMING OF ELECTIONS 4.7 The JCR President shall be elected during 5th week of Hilary term. 4.8 The Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Male and Female Welfare Officers and LGBT Rep, shall be elected during 7th week of Hilary term. 4.9 The JCR Committee positions of Academic Affairs Officer, Bar Treasurer, Bar Manager, Ents. Officer, Environment and Ethics rep, Arts Officer, Charities Officer, Sports Officer, OUSU Rep, Finalists’ Rep, Access Rep, Food, Housing & Amenities Officer, Overseas Rep and IT Officer shall be elected during 3rd week of Trinity term.


4.10 The JCR Committee positions of First Year Representative and First Year Entz Officer and shall be elected in 6th week of Michaelmas term. 4.11 The non-Committee position of Peter the Squirrel shall be elected in 6th week of Michaelmas term. 4.12 In the event of a vacancy for a Committee position being created, a by-election shall be held within 3 full term weeks of the vacancy’s being created, in accordance with election procedure. This will happen unless such a vacancy occurs within three weeks prior to the designated election period for that post. In the period between the creation of a vacancy and a by-election, the JCR Committee will co-opt a JCR member to fill the vacant position. 4.13 Only members who were qualified to vote at the time of the most recent annual elections for the Finalists’ Rep may vote in a by-election for the Finalists’ Rep. 4.14 Election procedure shall be as detailed in the Standing Orders. REFERENDA 4.16.Outcomes of referenda shall be binding unless overturned by subsequent referenda. 4.17 The JCR Committee may call a Referendum at its own discretion. 4.18 A referendum must be held if requested in writing by at least 50 JCR members. 4.19 Referenda shall be run according to the procedure outlined in the Standing Orders 4.20 A simple majority is required for a motion to pass in a referendum, except for: i. ii. iii.

motions amending the Constitution and Standing Orders motions to wind up the JCR motions to remove a Committee member from office

which shall require a two-thirds majority of those members who vote in the referendum. 4.21 No referendum on a similar issue shall be held more than once in the same academic year except at the discretion of a General Meeting. It is at the discretion of the President whether or not the proposed referendum topic differs from referenda held in the same year. 4.22 If further review is called for after an initial review, this must be in accordance with the St. Peter’s College complaints procedure.


ST. PETER’S SOCIETY AWARD 4.22 The JCR will select the recipient of the St Peter’s Society Award in Hilary term each year, the procedure for which shall be detailed in the Standing Orders.


SECTION 5: Meetings GENERAL MEETINGS 5.1 General Meetings must be conducted according to the Standing Orders. 5.2 Three General Meetings which are quorate must be held by the JCR Committee in each full term. 5.3 A General Meeting is quorate if at least thirty-five JCR members are present. No decision taken while the meeting is inquorate shall be binding on the JCR. An announcement must be made as soon as a meeting becomes inquorate, but the meeting may still continue. 5.4 At the written request of at least 20 voting JCR members, who are eligible to vote, the JCR Committee must call a General Meeting, or Emergency General Meeting. 5.5 Decisions made by a General Meeting shall require a simple majority of those members present and voting except for i. ii. iii. iv.

decisions amending the Constitution and Standing Orders decisions to wind up the JCR. decisions to remove a Committee member from office a vote of no confidence in the Chair

These decisions require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. 5.6 Non-members of the JCR may apply for speaking rights to the chair of the meeting (including Emergency General Meetings) at which they wish to speak; they will then be considered visiting speakers. 5.7 The General Meeting shall be the sovereign body of the JCR, except that it shall be bound by outcomes of Referenda. EMERGENCY GENERAL MEETINGS 5.7 The President or the JCR Committee may call an Emergency General Meeting. S/he must give at least 48 hours notice of such a meeting. 5.8 An emergency General Meeting is quorate if at least thirty members are present. An announcement must be made as soon as a meeting becomes inquorate, but the meeting may still continue. 5.9 The Emergency General Meeting shall only cover the following business:


i. ii. iii.

any business that could not be discussed at the previous General Meeting because that meeting was inquorate. any emergency motions. any matters of urgency.

5.10 A matter of urgency is a matter that is so pressing that discussion of it cannot be delayed until the next General Meeting. A matter of urgency shall be included on the Agenda at the discretion of the President or the JCR Committee. 5. 11 An Emergency General meeting shall in all other respects be equivalent to a General Meeting and shall be governed by the same Standing Orders. JCR COMMITTEE MEETINGS 5.12 The JCR Committee shall meet at the President’s discretion and shall be chaired by the President. 5.13 There must be at least 3 Committee Meetings held each term. 5.14 Meetings shall be minuted and these minutes must be made available to all members of the JCR upon request. 5.15 All Committee members are obliged to attend unless they offer apologies. In the case that the JCR President does not feel that the attendance of the entire committee is necessary, those whose presence is optional are freed from this obligation and therefore 5.16 will not apply in this case. 5.16 If a Committee member fails, without apology, to attend 3 Committee meetings in a term, s/he will be deemed to have resigned. 5.17 The JCR Committee meeting is quorate if at least 9 committee members are present. If the meeting is not quorate no motions can be passed. 5.18 Non-Committee members of the JCR can attend the Committee meeting but cannot speak without the permission of the Chair of the meeting. REVOKING OR CHANGING DECISIONS MADE BY REFERENDA, GENERAL MEETINGS AND EMERGENCY GENERAL MEETINGS 5.18 When a decision has been made through General Meeting, Emergency General Meeting or Referendum, the JCR Committee must not adopt that decision for 24 hours except in circumstances where motions are passed with the express request for immediate adoption. 5.19 If within that time any voting JCR members take the steps necessary for the calling of a General Meeting, Emergency General Meeting or Referendum to review that decision, then that decision shall be subject to review. The outcome of the review will be adopted immediately.


5.20 Decisions that overrule, circumvent or vitiate any decision previously made by a General Meeting or Emergency General Meeting shall require a simple majority to pass. 5.21 Decisions made through a Referendum can only be overturned through another Referendum and not at a General Meeting.


SECTION 6: Finance 6.1 The JCR Executive is accountable for the legality of all financial transactions. The day to day running of the accounts shall be delegated to the Treasurer. 6.2 No acquisition of items, services, loans or financial transactions are to take place prior approval by a JCR Committee or General Meeting motion. 6.3 The JCR Committee may only pass expenditure of up to or equal to £100. Total expenditure passed in this manner must not exceed £800 per term. 6.4 All expenditure over £100 must be agreed in a JCR General Meeting by a majority vote. 6.5 The Treasurer shall negotiate a budget for each term’s entertainments with the Entertainments Officer. This budget must be ratified by a majority vote at the first JCR General Meeting of the term for which the budget applies. 6.6 The Treasurer shall negotiate a budget for each term’s welfare provisions with the Welfare Officers. This budget must be ratified by a majority vote at the first JCR General Meeting of the term for which the budget applies. 6.7 The JCR should not make it their policy to make loans to any person or organisation. However, if by a 2/3 majority vote in a General Meeting, the JCR agrees to make a loan to a person or organisation then the following must apply: i) The loan must be formalised by a contract to be signed by all parties concerned and by the Treasurer and President before financial transactions commence. ii) There will be no underwriting the loan; it must be repaid in full and by a set date. iii) The loan may not exceed £250. This value is a maximum. iv) The Treasurer must be able to inspect the accounts of the person or organisation before the application and at any time after the loan has been granted. 6.8 The JCR should not make it their policy to underwrite the losses of any organisation. However, if by a two thirds majority vote in a General Meeting, the JCR feels it wishes to underwrite the losses of an organisation then the following must apply: i) The Executive must be able to inspect the accounts of the organisation before the application and at any time after the agreement has been made. ii) The Treasurer, at the General Meeting, must raise the issue of the distribution of the profits of the organisation before the underwriting is agreed.


6.9 Financial propriety: i) The JCR balance must not fall below 25% of the total income of the previous financial year. ii) The incoming Treasurer shall write a financial report with reference to the previous year’s accounts. This financial report shall be written with the assistance of the outgoing Treasurer and shall be made available to the JCR before the first General Meeting of Michaelmas term. It shall be written in accordance with 22 (2) (h) of the Education Act 1994 and shall contain a list of external organisations with which the JCR is affiliated, and details of donations made to them. iii) The Treasurer shall present a summary of the Michaelmas term accounts at the first General Meeting of Hilary term and shall present a summary of the Hilary term accounts at the first General Meeting of Trinity term. The incoming Treasurer shall present the Trinity term accounts at the first General Meeting of Michaelmas term. iv) All accounts must be made available to the Governing body as required by 22(2)(h) of the Education Act 1994. v) The accounts of the JCR must be audited by the College Accountant termly before their presentation. vi) A paper copy and an electronic copy of the JCR accounts must be made and stored in the JCR account file immediately after auditing. vii) All receipts for purchases made by the JCR must be kept for seven years. viii) The signatories of the JCR Account(s) shall be the Treasurer and the President and Vice-President. ix) The transferral of these signatures must be by Trinity term 10th week. x) All cheques made out by the JCR must be counter-signed by the President, or Vice President. xi) The JCR should endeavour to have total control over its finances such that it can continue supplying all existing services to its members with ease, be able to obtain new items or services throughout a Committee’s period in office, and allow future Committees to do the same. xii) The amalgamated sports budget should be administrated by the Treasurer in consultation with the JCR Executive. S/he shall work with the Sports Officer to publicise the amalgamated sports budget.


Section 7: CHARITIES 7.1 There shall be a separate JCR Charity budget, funded by a opt-out termly battels donation and other voluntary donations. 7.2 The Charity Budget shall be managed by the Treasurer and the Charities Officer, who shall be the signatories, along with the President, on the separate Charity account. 7.3 All motions for donation to charitable causes from the Charity Account, regardless of the sum, must be passed at a JCR General Meeting. 7.4 No financial donations to charitable causes shall be made from any budget other than the charity budget. 7.5 The JCR shall choose a Nominated Charity to support throughout each academic year. This shall be chosen according to procedures detailed in the Standing Orders. The Nominated Charity must be a registered with the UK Charity Commission. CHARITABLE DONATIONS 7.6 Charitable donations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Standing Orders.


SECTION 8: The JCR Constitution 8.1 This Constitution must be submitted in its entirety to the Governing Body for approval and for review at five year intervals. In addition, any amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to Governing Body for approval. 8.2 Insofar as any provision in the previous St Peter’s College Junior Common Room Constitution (or in any appendices of the previous constitution) conflicts with this document or is additional to the provisions in this document, that provision shall be invalid: the former St Peter’s College Junior Common Room Constitution (and any appendices) is rescinded in its entirety and replaced by this Constitution. 8.3 JCR Policy not incorporated in the Constitution or Standing Orders, agreed by General Meeting or Referendum, and not subsequently overruled, circumvented or vitiated by General Meeting or Referendum, shall remain active for a period of not less than three years from the date of its adoption. The policy will lapse at the conclusion of the first quorate General Meeting following the three-year span, unless renewed at that General Meeting. A Policy Book shall be maintained by the JCR Secretary. All policy adopted before Hilary term 2006 is hereby revoked. 8.4 Before the three year policy is over, the Committee must review the policy that is due to lapse, and may decide to submit a motion for the renewal of that policy to the next General Meeting. If it does not so decide, the Committee must issue details of that policy by email to all JCR Members before the next General Meeting, to give other members a chance to submit a renewal motion. 8.5 This constitution may only be amended by a constitutional amendment supported by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting or a two-thirds majority of a Referendum. The rules for General Meetings and Referenda shall apply to constitutional amendments except that no constitutional amendment shall be taken by way of an emergency motion. Any amendment must then be submitted to Governing Body for approval. 8.6 A copy of the current Standing Orders will be provided to the Master and Governing Body of the college. The Master must be notified of any amendments to the Standing Orders


SECTION 9: Affiliations to Organisations 9.1 The JCR must review its affiliation to any external organisations once a year via a motion in the first General Meeting of every year, proposed by the President. 9.2 The JCR may affiliate with any organisation, except insofar as this affiliation conflicts with the objects of the JCR (see 1.2). If the JCR decides to become affiliated with any external organisation, it shall publish to all students of the College, and to the Governing Body, a notice of this decision stating the name of the organisation and the details of any subscription or similar fee paid, or proposed to be paid, and of any donation made or proposed to be made, to the organisation. 9.3 The JCR shall publish to all students of the College, and to the Governing Body of the College, a report containing a list of all the external organisations to which the JCR is currently affiliated to and the details of any subscription or similar fee paid, or donations made, to such organisations in the past year. This report will be published in Trinity term of every year. 9.4 Any member of the JCR may request a list of the organisations to which the JCR is affiliated at any time. At intervals of not more than one year, if at least five percent of members so require, the question of continued affiliation to any particular organisation shall be decided upon by open ballot at a General Meeting


SECTION 10: Grievances 10.1 Any member of the JCR or St Peter’s College who is dissatisfied in their dealings with the JCR may make a written complaint to the President. If the complaint against the President it should be submitted to the Vice President. 10.2 The complaint shall be dealt with by the JCR Executive within one week of the complaint being received. If the outcome is unsatisfactory to the complainant, the complaint must then be dealt with in accordance with the St Peter’s College Complaints Procedure. 10.3 Complaints regarding elections shall be handled in accordance with the complaints procedure for elections and referenda as detailed in the Standing Orders.


SECTION 11: Definitions 11.1 Unless explicitly defined otherwise, all days on which JCR business shall be held are to be days in full term. i) In any commitment of the JCR Committee to hold a meeting or execute an action within a set number of days the timeframe shall be considered within full term only. ii) The provisions of this clause shall not prevent the JCR Committee from meeting outside full term but such meetings shall not be reckoned towards the required number of JCR Committee meetings per term. 11.2 Where “JCR” has been written, this term is taken to mean all JCR members are represented by the elected JCR Committee. 11.3 Where ‘MCR’ has been written, this is taken to mean all Middle Common Room members of St Peters’ College. 11.4 Where ‘notice’ has been written, this term is taken to mean at least an email sent to all JCR members.

This Constitution was last ratified by the Governing Body in its entirety in Hilary 2009 Last updated on 7th Week Trinity 2009


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