Jcr Standing Orders June 2009

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St Peter’s College Junior Common Room Standing Orders

CONTENTS Section A: Membership Section B: The JCR Committee Section C: Elections and Referenda Section D: General Meetings Section E: Charities


Section A: Membership Any member wishing to resign their membership of the JCR must do so in writing to the JCR President. Persons who have resigned their membership may not propose motions, speak in JCR Meetings (unless they have applied for speakers rights), or vote. If any JCR Officer wishes to resign he/she must tender a written resignation to the JCR President. This should be tendered a week in advance of relinquishing their post.


Section B: The JCR Committee The specific roles and responsibilities of JCR Committee members are detailed below. Committee members must fulfil the responsibilities detailed below and execute their specific role as it is laid out in the Constitution and in the sections below. 1. President 1.1 Committee Meetings The President must convene Committee Meetings within 72 hours if requested by three or more Committee members. 1.2 General Meetings The President must be present at all General Meetings, unless an apology is sent in advance to the Secretary. 1.3 College Meetings The President must be present at St. Peter’s College Governing Body meetings and at College Committee Meetings, unless s/he is prevented from attending by illness or another unavoidable circumstance, in which case s/he must ensure that the Vice President will attend in his/her place. 1.4 OUSU representation The President must be one of the St Peter’s College representatives on OUSU Council, unless the JCR is disaffiliated, in which case attendance is optional. 1.5 Communication with JCR members The President is responsible for sending out at least one email a week to all JCR members during term time, containing updates on JCR-related business, and anything else which the President deems relevant or interesting to the JCR. The President may request that this email be compiled by the Secretary, but remains responsible for ensuring adequate communication is made with the JCR on matters of JCR business. 1.6 Upholding the JCR constitution The President is responsible for upholding the JCR Constitution and Standing Orders, with the exception of those points under Section 4 of the Constitution, ‘JCR elections and Referenda’. (See A.3 of Standing Orders, ‘Secretary’) 1.7 Interpreting the JCR constitution In matters of interpretation of the constitution, the President will consult with the JCR Executive, but retains the over-riding decision, with the exception of those points under Section 4 ‘JCR Elections’ (See A.3 of Standing Orders, ‘Secretary’) 1.8 Freshers’ Committee The President shall chair the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term.


1.9 Living in College The President shall live in college, unless they are elected in a second round due to the first round being Re-Opened for Nominations. 1.10 Telephone The telephone in the President’s room may be used for non JCR business but an account must be presented to the JCR Committee at the final meeting of term where those calls on JCR business can be ratified. In the event of the JCR Committee not ratifying the calls, the President shall be liable for costs. 2. Vice President 2.1 Freshers Committee The Vice-President must sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. The Vice President shall oversee the production of the Freshers Handbook. 2.2 The Vice-President must attend College Governing Body Meetings if the President is unable to do so, but may also choose to attend them at any other time. 2.3 The Vice President shall deputise for the President in her/his absence or at her/his request. 2.4 The Vice President shall take on specific projects and tasks as delegated by the President, and assist the President in devising and executing schemes for the advancement of JCR interests 3. Secretary 3.1 Keeping and producing minutes The Secretary must take, and keep, minutes of all Committee meetings, General Meetings and other meetings as appropriate and must produce these minutes within 72 hours upon request by any JCR member. 3.2 Publishing JCR Committee minutes The Secretary must, within 96 hours of any Committee meeting taking place, ensure that draft minutes are sent to all of the JCR Committee. These minutes are automatically ratified once the next Committee meeting has ended, unless changes are proposed or objections made, in which case they must be formally ratified by a majority vote in a show of hands. 3.3 Publishing decisions The Secretary must, within 48 hours of a General Meeting or Emergency General Meeting taking place, publish on the JCR website all decisions made at that meeting except those that are specifically determined not to be published by the Executive. S/he will also publicise, by email or by publishing on the website, any other details or announcements that the JCR Committee shall think fit. 3.3 Publishing other minutes The Secretary must publish on the JCR website the minutes of any other such meetings as are deemed appropriate by the JCR Committee. This shall be decided by simple majority vote in any JCR Committee Meeting.


3.4 Giving notice of JCR events The Secretary shall ensure that there is appropriate notice provided to JCR members of JCR organised events. This notice shall comprise at least one email sent to all JCR members. 3.5 Returning Officer The Secretary shall be the Returning Officer for all JCR elections and referenda under normal circumstances. 3.6 Upholding Section 4 of the JCR Constitution The Secretary is responsible for upholding Section 4 of the JCR constitution. 3.7 Interpretation of Section 4 of the JCR constitution In matters of interpretation of Section 4 of the constitution, the Secretary will consult with the JCR Executive, but retains the over-riding decision. 3.8 Freshers Committee The Secretary must sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. 4. The Treasurer 4.1 The Treasurer must fulfil the duties of managing budgets and producing reports as detailed in the JCR Constitution in Section 6, ‘Finance’ 4.2 Fundraising and Sponsorship In the event that the JCR Executive deems it necessary to fundraise or seek sponsorship, it shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to do so. 4.3 Freshers Committee The Treasurer must sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. 5. The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer 5.1 The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer shall represent the views of students in meetings on food, housing and amenities to the relevant authorities and provide support as stipulated in the Constitution. 5.2 Vending and Games Machines The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer shall seek to ensure the continuing operation of the Vending and Games Machines 5.3 Punt hire The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer shall organise punt hire during Trinity term. This must include publicising the option to opt out of the service. 5.4 Room Ballot The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer must aid the Domestic Manager in conducting the room ballot.


5.5 Food Committee The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer must attend meetings of the College Food Committee. 5.6 Miscellaneous The Food, Housing and Amenities Officer must maintain and administer the JCR Rent-ABicycle Scheme and other facilities or services that the JCR officially provides. 6. The Male and Female Welfare Officers 6.1 Peer Support Training The Male and Female Welfare Officer shall receive peer support training from the Oxford University providers in Trinity term following their election. 6.2 Welfare ‘drop-in’ sessions The Welfare Officers must ensure the provision of a confidential listening service in accordance with the Peer Support training they have received. This service is to be made available to all JCR members on a regular basis by providing weekly ‘drop-in’ sessions in college. The Welfare Officers shall coordinate members of the peer support team to ensure provision of these sessions, and publicise them. 6.3 Liaison with relevant parties The Welfare Officers shall liaise with all relevant parties, including OUSU, on all matters relating to JCR member’s welfare. The Male Welfare Officer will pay particular attention to matters relating to the welfare of male JCR members. The Female Welfare Officer will pay particular attention to matters relating to the welfare of female JCR members. 6.4 Welfare events The Welfare Officers may put on any other welfare events as deemed appropriate by the JCR Committee and may liaise with the JCR Entertainments Officer and First Year Entertainments Officer to do so. 6.5 Confidentiality The Welfare Officers shall maintain confidentiality where requested and abiding by the law, unless the safety of JCR members is at risk. 6.6 Freshers Committee The Welfare Officers shall sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. 6.7 Peer Supporters The Welfare Officers must ensure that posters informing the JCR of the members of the peer support team and their contact details are produced, and put up at the beginning of Michaelmas term for the duration of that academic year. 6.7 Provision of beverages The Welfare Officers must ensure there is a sufficient stock of Fairtrade coffee, tea and hot chocolate available for free to all JCR members in the JCR Kitchen.


7. The Academic Affairs Officer 7.1 Careers Representative The Academic Affairs Officer shall be the College Careers Representative. 7.2 Admissions Interviews The Academic Affairs Officer shall be in charge of the team of helpers who assist during the undergraduate admissions interview period, liaising as necessary with the St. Peter’s College Tutor for Admissions. 7.3 Tutorial feedback and exam policy The Academic Affairs Officer shall work with the Tutor for Undergraduates, the Senior Tutor and other relevant members of college staff to establish and co-ordinate an adequate system for tutorial feedback. S/he shall ensure the existence of adequate feedback mechanisms for use by JCR members in communicating with the college, and seek to improve such mechanisms where possible. 7.4 Academic Affairs and Library Committees The Academic Affairs Officer shall attend College meetings of the Academic Affairs Committee and the Library Committee. In the case that s/he is unable to attend due to unalterable circumstances, s/he must send appropriate apologies. 8. The Entertainment (Entz) Officer 8.1 Bops The Entertainments Officer must organise a minimum of three bops in Michaelmas and Hilary terms of his/her term of office, and a minimum of two bops in Trinity term. 8.2 Entz Programme The Entz Officer may put on any other Entz events as deemed appropriate by the JCR Committee. S/he shall provide a full programme of Entz events throughout their time in office. 8.2 Entertainments Termcard The Entertainments Officer must prepare a provisional entertainment calendar to be considered by the JCR Committee before the end of each term, and finalised for the start of the following term. 8.3 Assistance The Entertainments Officer shall be assisted by the First Year Entertainments Officers elected in Michaelmas term. 8.4 Freshers Committee The Entertainments Officer must sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. 9. The Charities Officer 9.1 JCR Nominated Charity


The Charities Officer shall coordinate the nominations for the JCR Nominated Charity and assist the Returning Officer with the election procedure for nominated charity where appropriate. (See Standing Orders, Section E) 9.2 Charities Budget The Charities Officer shall, with the treasurer, manage the charities budget and publish yearly accounts which detail the destination of all charitable donations and their amount. These should be published in the first week of Trinity term each year. 9.3 Fundraising Events The Charities Officer is required to organise a minimum of one charity fundraising event per term. 9.4 Charities Noticeboard The Charities Officer shall keep an updated charities board in the JCR with information about the JCR Nominated Charity, its activities, any interesting correspondence and the number and amount of donations from the JCR. S/he shall also endeavour to make this information available on the JCR website. 9.5 Issues with particular charities The Charities Officer shall bring to the attention of the JCR any issues that s/he considers a) May threaten the JCR’s interests with regards its support of certain charities b) May threaten the interests of the charity or charities, which the JCR is supporting 9.6 OUSU Raise And Give (RAG) Committee The Charities Officer shall: a) Attend and assist OUSU Raise And Give (RAG) Committee. b) Represent the interests of the JCR to OUSU RAG Committee. c) Inform the JCR of the charities RAG is supporting. d) Promote within the college fund raising events organised by RAG. 10. The Bar Manager 10.1 Staffing The Bar Manager shall be responsible for co-ordinating staffing arrangements for the bar. 10.2 Licensing The Bar Manager will comply fully with the premises licence and ensure that all staff are trained on matters of licensing law. 10.3 Liaising with College The Bar Manager with the Bar Treasurer shall be responsible for liaising with the college on any matters arising in relation to the bar. 10.4 Bar Constitution The Bar Manager shall comply with the Bar Constitution as passed by the JCR Committee, and upheld by the Bar Steering Committee. 10.5 Freshers Committee


The Bar Manager shall sit on the Freshers Committee at the beginning of their term of Office from 7th week in Trinity term to 1st week in Michaelmas term. 11. The Bar Treasurer 11.1 Bar Accounts The Bar Treasurer shall be responsible for producing the Bar Accounts on demand (but at least termly) for audit by the JCR Committee and the College. 11.2 Termly Reports The Bar Treasurer shall be responsible for presenting termly reports to the JCR, summarising the state of Bar Finances and any other relevant news. 11.3 Pricing Policy The Bar Treasurer is responsible for implementing prices decided in accordance with Bar Constitution. 11.4 Liaising with College The Bar Treasurer with the Bar Manager shall be responsible for liaising with the college on any matters arising in relation to the bar. 11.5 Documentation The Bar Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping any relevant documentation accessible and up to date. 11.6 Bar Constitution The Bar Treasurer shall comply with the Bar Constitution as passed by the JCR Committee. 12. The First Year Representative 12.2 First Year Entertainment The First Year Representative shall assist the Entertainments Officer and the First Year Entertainments Officers in the organisation of events for first years. 13. The Finalists’ Representative 13.1 The Finalists’ Representative shall fulfil their role as detailed in the Constitution. 14. The IT Officer 14.1 Coordination The JCR IT Officer shall aid coordination between the JCR and the college and university computing services. 14.2 JCR Website The JCR IT Officer shall maintain the website. 14.3 Use of JCR Website The JCR IT Officer shall ensure that JCR members do not misuse the website and that it is inkeeping with the objects of the JCR. 14.4 IT Information and Assistance


The IT Officer shall provide IT information for JCR members, particularly in areas not covered by the St Peter’s College appointed IT Officer’s remit. S/he shall assist JCR Members with IT problems when asked, and to the best of his/her ability. 15. The OUSU Representative 15.1 Advertisement of Issues to the JCR The OUSU Representative shall bring OUSU matters to the attention of the JCR, as s/he sees fit, but must bring a particular issue to the attention of the JCR if instructed to do so by the JCR Committee. S/he shall endeavour to raise awareness of OUSU among JCR members. 15.3 OUSU Council The OUSU Representative shall attend OUSU Council and OUSU Reps Committee, regardless of whether the JCR is affiliated to OUSU. S/he shall endeavour to uphold the interests of St. Peter’s JCR at all such meetings. 15.4 Third Vote The OUSU Representative is responsible for ensuring that the third vote for St Peter’s at OUSU Council is taken up. 15.5 Requests for Third Vote The OUSU Representative is responsible for taking requests from JCR members to take the third vote at OUSU council. The OUSU Representative is responsible for making the JCR aware of the deadline at which s/he will no longer accept requests to take the vote. 16. The First Year Entertainments Officer 16.1 General Role The First Year Entertainments Officer shall assist the Entertainments Officer and the Bar Manager In the organisation of JCR entertainment events and shall take particular care to ensure that adequate entertainment is provided for first year students. 17 The Environment and Ethics Officer 17.1 Environmental Matters The Environmental and Ethics (E & E) Officer shall ensure that the JCR runs in an ecologically sustainable fashion and seek to provide practical ways of achieving this. 17.2 Pertinent Issues The E & E Officer shall inform the JCR committee of any pertinent environmental and ethical issues within or relevant to the running of the JCR, or relevant to St. Peter’s College in general. 17.3 Representation to College The E & E Officer shall represent the environmental and ethical interests of the JCR to St Peter’s College and lobby the College on environmental and ethical issues as s/he sees fit, or when requested to do so by the JCR Committee or by a JCR Member. 17.4 Recycling Scheme


The E & E Officer shall oversee the JCR Recycling Scheme or ensure that college provides adequate recycling facilities for JCR members. 17.5 OUSU Environment & Ethics Committee The E & E Officer shall: a) Attend and assist OUSU Environment & Ethics Committee. b) Represent the interests of the JCR to OUSU Environment & Ethics Committee. c) Inform the JCR of the activities of OUSU E & E Committee 18. The Access Rep 18.1 Open Days and College Access Events The Access Rep shall assist College with Open Days and other Access-based events, where requested. 18.2 OUSU Target Schools The Access Rep shall encourage participation in OUSU’s Target Schools scheme among the JCR and help to advertise volunteering opportunities. 18.3 St. Peter’s JCR Access Scheme The Access Rep shall work with the Tutor for Admissions and the JCR Committee to sustain and expand the St. Peter’s JCR Access Scheme, by maintaining a database of participating and potentially participant schools, recruiting JCR members to give talks, and updating and developing the information pack. S/he shall also establish a working group to monitor the scheme and consider areas for expansion and development. 18. The Arts Officer 18.1 Arts Week The Arts Officer shall organise the annual St Peter’s Arts Week and shall organise other events throughout their term of office to promote the arts within St Peter’s College. 19. The Sports Officer 19.1 Sports Fund Committee The Sports Officer must sit on the sports fund committee. 19.3 Amalgamated Sports Budget The Sports Officer must arrange for the amalgamated sports budget to be ratified by the JCR Executive. The Sports Officer shall publicise the amalgamated sports budget and fix a date with the Bursar for discussions regarding the said budget. 19.3 Sports Teams The Sports Officer shall aim to increase awareness of sports teams within college and across the university that students can become involved in and shall encourage involvement in both college and university sports clubs. 19.4 Representation to College The Sports Officer shall represent the sporting needs of JCR members to St Peter’s College authorities.


19.5 The Sports Officer shall organise the Annual Sports Day. 20. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) Rep 20.1 Peer Support Training The LGBT Rep shall receive peer support training from the Oxford University providers in Trinity term following his/her election. 20.2 Representation The LGBT Rep shall represent specific views and issues of LGBT students to the JCR and the JCR Committee. 20.3 Events and Campaigns The LGBT Rep shall inform JCR members of specific LGBT events and campaigns that may be of interest to them.

20.4 Provision The LGBT Rep shall liaise with the JCR Welfare Officers and the College to ensure that within the JCR and the college there is sufficient provision made for LGBT students’ particular welfare needs. 20.5 OUSU LGBTQ Campaign The LGBT Rep shall liaise with the Chair of the OUSU LGBTQ Council and assist with the running of LGBTQ campaigns. 21. The Overseas Rep 21.2 Contact with Students The Overseas Rep shall write to international students before their arrival at St Peter’s to begin their course of study in order to introduce him/herself and to impart relevant information. 21.3 Welcome and Integration The Overseas Rep shall welcome international students to St. Peter’s and help them with their integration into Oxford life, including providing assistance with practical issues. S/he shall liaise with the Freshers’ Committee in order to do this, and arrange Freshers’ Week events for international students where appropriate, including an ‘International Students’ Dinner’. 21.3 Provision for Overseas Students The Overseas Rep shall liaise with the JCR Welfare Officers and the College to ensure that within the JCR and the college there is sufficient provision made for the particular welfare needs of international students. 21.4 Representation The Overseas Rep shall represent the particular interests of international students to the JCR Committee and St Peter’s College as a whole. 22. Attendance at meetings


All JCR Committee members must attend all General Meetings and Emergency General Meetings unless apologies are offered in advance to the JCR Secretary. 23. Committee Handover 23.1 Individual Handover Document and Meeting Each JCR Committee member shall prepare a handover document for his or her successor, outlining the requirements of the role, pertinent issues which have arisen over his or her time in office, and any other gems of wisdom they wish to pass on. Each outgoing Committee member must meet with their successor in Trinity term to discuss this document and other pertinent issues, in order to ensure a smooth handover. 23.2 Committee Handover Meeting The outgoing JCR Committee will arrange a JCR Committee meeting to be held near the end of their period of office which all JCR Committee members-elect must attend. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. Should any JCR Committee member-elect fail to attend, s/he must contact the current JCR President or Vice President to arrange a ‘catch-up’ meeting in which they will go over the content of the original Handover Meeting. 23.3 Executive Handover The outgoing JCR Executive will hold a similar meeting at which only they and the JCR Executive elect will be present. 23.4 Constitution and Standing Orders At the Committee Handover Meeting, the JCR Committee shall ensure that the Committeeelect has adequate knowledge of the Constitution and Standing Orders, by providing each Committee Member-elect with a copy of both documents, and guiding them through them with emphasis on particularly important, little-known or fundamental sections. The JCR Committee must leave such a meeting confident that the Committee-Elect will be able to uphold the Constitution and Standing Orders and have a thorough knowledge thereof. 24. Freshers’ Committee and Handbook 24.1 Committee Members The Freshers’ Committee shall be created at the end of Trinity Term each year. It shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Female and Male Welfare Officers, Entz Officer and Bar Manager, along with at least 5, and no more than 7, appointed JCR members. 24.2 Application Interested JCR members shall be invited to apply for appointment to the Committee via a nominations system on the JCR website. 24.3 Appointment The appointment of JCR members to the Freshers’ Committee will be made by a majority of the incoming and outgoing JCR Executive. 24.4 Chair of the Committee The incoming President will Chair the Freshers’ Committee.


24.5 Freshers’ Handbook The Freshers’ Committee shall be required to co-ordinate the updating and production of the Freshers’ Handbook, ensuring that it is sent to all Freshers at least 3 weeks before the start of 0th week Michaelmas Term of their first year. The Vice President shall oversee the production of the Freshers’ Handbook. 24.6 College Parents The Freshers’ Committee shall provide all Freshers with a College Mother or Father, ideally studying the same subject. The Committee will co-ordinate the exchange of parent and child details, and encourage parents to contact their children before the start of 0th week Michaelmas Term. 25. Ball Committee 25.1 Once the Ball Executive has been elected, the remainder of the Ball Committee shall be chosen by appointment. JCR members may apply for a position on the Ball Committee by contacting the Ball President(s) by email. At the discretion of the Ball Executive, applicants may have to complete an application form, or attend an interview. 25.2 The Ball Executive shall act in accordance with section 1.4 of the Constitution when appointing JCR Members to the Ball Committee. 26. Non-Committee Elected Positions Peter the Squirrel 24.1 Mascot Duties Peter the Squirrel must wear the St Peter’s squirrel mascot outfit at all events which the JCR Committee, by a simple majority in any Committee meeting, vote that s/he must. 26.2 Replacements Peter the Squirrel, if unable to attend an event which the JCR Committee has mandated him to attend, must co-opt another member of the JCR to attend in his/her place. 26.3 Meetings Peter the Squirrel, while in attendance at JCR General Meetings, must prefix all his/her comments during the meeting with “Squirrel says”. S/he must also use the phrases “the squirrels say Ay!” and “the squirrels say Nay!” when s/he deems appropriate. 26.4 Squirrels Peter the Squirrel shall represent the specific views and concerns of the squirrels residing within the grounds of St Peter’s College to the JCR and the JCR Committee.


Section C: ELECTIONS AND REFERANDA 1. Returning Officer a) The Secretary shall normally be the Returning Officer. Should the Secretary be absent or wish to stand in the election then a member of the JCR Committee may be chosen by the JCR Committee to fulfil the role. b) The Returning Officer shall, after discussion with the JCR Committee, set the dates for elections, in accordance with the instructions in Constitution Section 4. 2. Impartiality a) At all times the Returning Officer must be impartial. b) The JCR Committee must refrain from endorsing any candidate. c) The JCR Executive must remain publicly impartial towards all candidates such that the Returning Officer can appoint those members of the Committee to help with the running of elections. d) The Returning Officer may decide not to use members of the JCR Executive if their impartiality has been compromised. 3. Notification of Elections and Referenda a) The JCR must be notified by email of the date of the elections and referenda at least ten days before the election or referenda is due to take place. b) For an election this notification shall specify the following: 1) The positions open to election. 2) A brief description of each position open to election, followed by details of the responsibilities involved, taken from the constitution and standing orders. 3) The dates and times of the closing of nominations, hustings, the opening of the vote and the closing of the vote. 4) The method by which the elections shall be taking place; either paper ballot or online ballot. 5) Brief details about how JCR members will be able to vote. 6) The elections and referenda rules (or a link thereto) as stated in the Constitution and Standing Orders. 7) Any other information deemed necessary by the Returning Officer. c) For a referendum this notification shall specify the following: 1) The question to be asked at the referendum. 2) The dates and times of the closing of nominations, hustings, the opening of the vote and the closing of the vote. 3) The method by which the referendum shall be taking place; either paper ballot or online ballot. 4) Brief details about how JCR members will be able to vote. 5) The elections and referenda rules as stated in the Constitution and Standing Orders. 6) Any other information deemed necessary by the Returning Officer. 4. Nominations for Election a) Nominations shall be open upon for 7 days and shall open upon the JCR being notified of the date of the elections as above.


b) Candidates must be nominated and seconded by two JCR members who are not committee members, before the close of nominations.

c) Candidates for the posts of Bar Treasurer and Bar Manager must run as a pair. 5. Hustings for Election a) The Returning Officer shall organise hustings. b) The hustings shall be held after the closing of nominations, but before the day of the elections. c) Husting opening speeches by candidates for Executive positions on the JCR and Ball Committee must last no longer than 5 minutes, excepting hustings speeches for President, which may last up to 10 minutes. Hustings speeches for all other positions shall be no longer than 3 minutes. d) Questions will be allowed after the all the candidates for that particular position have spoken. e) Questions must be addressed to all candidates running for that position. f) There will be hustings for all contested positions, and for uncontested positions if a hust is requested by any member of the JCR. 6. Manifestos for Election a) All candidates must submit a manifesto to the Returning Officer by the close of nominations, outlining why they would be suitable for the position. This manifesto may not be longer than one A4 page. If a candidate fails to submit a manifesto, a blank page shall be displayed, bearing the words ‘This candidate has failed to submit a manifesto, therefore contravening the Standing Orders Section C.6(a)’ b) A copy of every manifesto shall be displayed on a board in the JCR after the close of nominations, and published on the JCR website. Links to manifestos should be provided on the online voting system. 7. Campaigning for Elections and Referenda a) Candidates are only allowed to campaign after the closing of nominations has taken place for an election, or in the case of a referendum, once the details of such a referendum have been given by the Returning Officer to the JCR. b) If candidates for election wish to campaign, posters may be no larger than A4 size. c) Candidates for election whose position is to be voted on by a specific year group may produce no more than A4 10 posters d) Candidates for election whose position is to be voted on by all JCR members or all male or all female members, a maximum of 20 A4 posters each may be produced. e) Support for each side of a referendum shall be allowed a maximum of A4 20 posters each. f) Each candidate may set up a Facebook group, but may not message members of that Facebook group. The RO must be a member of any candidate’s Facebook group. g) Promotion of certain candidates via Facebook profile pictures is permitted. h) Candidates who wish to use other online social networks besides Facebook for their campaign may do so only upon seeking the approval of the Returning Officer, who shall issue guidelines on the use of the particular social network in line with the above regulations for Facebook. i) Candidates may not use email to promote their candidacy.


j) The production or use of any other form of promotional material – t-shirts or stickers, for example – is prohibited. 8. Voting for Elections and Referenda a) All elections and referenda will be held by secret ballot. b) The elections and referenda shall be held either by a paper ballot, or by an online ballot. c) All voting must be conducted in person. d) The election of each position shall be dealt with as a separate election. e) In an Election it shall be made clear on the ballot paper that voters should number the candidates for each position in order of preference, “1” being the most favoured candidate. f) In all elections, RON shall stand for election. 9. Elections by Paper Ballot a) This section shall only apply if an election is being held by a paper ballot. b) The Returning Officer shall appoint as many ballot box scrutineers from within the JCR committee as is needed to comfortably hold the election. c) Each ballot box scrutineer must sign each ballot paper before it can be used for voting. d) A list of all eligible voters shall be kept next to the ballot box, which shall be signed by voters when they vote. e) The votes must be counted immediately after the close of voting by the Returning Officer and at least two elected JCR Committee members. f) The Returning Officer must publicise the location of the count. g) All candidates are free to nominate an observer to watch the count or to be present themselves. h) Ballot papers must be counted and checked against the number of people who signed the list of eligible voters. i) In the case of a discrepancy between the number of people signing the college list and the number of ballot papers counted, there will be an automatic recount and any such discrepancy will be made public. If the divergence is more than 4, the ballot will be declared void. If the divergence is 4 or less, then the result will stand. j) All ballot papers will be considered spoiled if they have not been signed by the Returning Officer or scrutineer. k) Abstentions shall be put to one side separately, as spoiled papers, along with papers where votes are cast for more than one candidate with no preference expressed. l) All papers must be reconsidered for each position. m) The quota shall then be deduced. It shall be 50% of the number of votes cast, not considering those votes that have been spoiled or abstained from. n) The number of first preferences for each candidate shall be counted. o) If any candidate is over quota s/he is elected. If no candidate is over quota, then the person with the fewest first preferences is eliminated. Of those first preference votes cast for the eliminated candidate, any not expressing a second preference (which must be a consecutive number) shall be considered spoiled henceforth. The other votes for the eliminated candidate shall be redistributed by the next preference at full value (i.e. as if they were first preferences). The quota must then be re-calculated. p) In the event of a tie for any position, the candidate with the largest vote before the final redistribution shall be elected. q) Should this prove indecisive, the election shall be re-held. 17


The Returning Officer must keep the ballot papers secure for 48 hours after the close of the ballot box. During this time the ballot papers must be available for inspection should any member of the JCR request it. s) In the case of there being no more than four votes between the candidates in the final stage of preference voting then there must be an automatic recount. t) Any candidate may request a recount at any time until the Returning Officer has published the results. 10 Referenda by Paper Ballot a) This section shall only apply if a referendum is being held by a paper ballot. b) As many ballot box scrutineers as are required to comfortably hold the referenda shall be appointed from within the JCR Committee. c) Each ballot box scrutineer must sign each ballot paper before it can be used for voting. d) A list of all eligible voters shall be kept next to the ballot box, which shall be signed by voters when they vote. e) The votes must be counted immediately after the close of voting by the Returning Officer and at least two elected JCR Committee members. f) The Returning Officer must publicise the location of the count. g) All JCR members are free to watch the count . h) Ballot papers must be counted and checked against the number of people who signed the list of eligible voters. i) In the case of a discrepancy between the number of people signing the college list and the number of ballot papers counted, there will be an automatic recount and any such discrepancy will be made public. If the divergence is more than 4, the ballot will be declared void. If the divergence is 4 or less, then the result will stand. j) Any ballot paper which has not been signed by the Returning Officer or scrutineer will be considered spoiled. k) Abstentions shall be put to one side separately, as spoiled papers, along with papers where votes are cast for more than one candidate with no preference expressed. l) The referendum shall be decided by a simple majority of all the votes cast, not including spoiled ballots. m) Should this prove indecisive, the Referendum shall be re-held. n) The Returning Officer must keep the ballot papers secure for 48 hours after the close of the ballot box. During this time the ballot papers must be available for inspection should any member of the JCR request it. o) In the case of there being a difference of no more than four votes between the Yes and NO Campaigns in the voting then there must be an automatic recount. 11. Elections and Referenda by Online Ballot a) This section shall only apply if an election is being held by an online ballot. b) The result of an election shall be calculated by the Single Transferable Vote method. c) The result of a referendum shall be calculated by the single majority vote method. d) Should this prove indecisive, the Elections or Referendum shall be re-held. e) The order of the candidates or options on the ballot paper must be randomised. f) The Returning Officer shall send out the voting codes before the opening of the vote. g) The votes must be counted immediately after the close of voting, and the result viewed by the Returning Officer and at least two elected JCR Committee members. h) The Returning Officer must publicise the location of the count and the result.


i) In an election all candidates are free to nominate an impartial observer to watch the count and result or to be present themselves. j) In a referendum all JCR members are free to be present at the count and result. k) The Returning Officer shall ensure that laptops for voting are available in both the lodge and the JCR, and provide adequate signage for these in order to publicise the election. l) Results of an online election must be archived for no less than 120 hours. 12. Voting Hours All elections and referenda must be open from the hours of 9 AM – 7 PM 13. Results a) The Returning Officer must publish the results on the JCR notice board and email them to the JCR as soon as the count has been confirmed. b) Should RON win any election, nominations will be re-opened and the election will be held again within two full term weeks. c) For an election result to be deemed valid, at least 10% of the eligible electorate for that position must have cast votes either in favour, against, or in abstention. 14. Election Rules a) All candidates must act in accordance with the election rules as specified in Section C of the Standing Orders and as publicised by the Returning Officer. b) All candidates are to be given the utmost respect as judged by the Returning Officer. Election material aimed to denigrate any candidate must be removed by the Returning Officer. c) The Returning Officer is responsible for upholding the rules of the election and must bring any candidates behaviour to the attention of the JCR Executive who shall have the power to disqualify any candidate. 15. Complaints Procedure for Elections and Referenda a) Any JCR member may complain up to 48 hours after the close of the ballot box. b) Any complaint must be made to the President who must then call the JCR Committee to hear evidence on the matter. The President will always have a deliberate and casting vote. c) If a complaint is brought regarding any member of the JCR Committee, that member will not be allowed to vote. d) If the outcome is unsatisfactory to the complainant, the complaint must then be dealt with in accordance with the St Peter’s College Complaints Procedure. e) If a Referendum is declared void, at least ten days notification must be given before the vote is re-held. Within these ten days, there must be an opportunity for holding a debate on the Referendum issue at which all voting JCR members may speak. 16. Resignation from Office a) Should a member of the JCR Committee elect be unable to take up his or her office, nominations must be re-opened and a new election declared. 17. St. Peter’s Society Award a) Elections for the St. Peter’s Society Award shall take place in 3rd week Trinity term.


b) The. St. Peter’s Society Award goes to the finalist whom the other finalists deem to have made the greatest contribution to the JCR during their time at St. Peter’s. c) Nominations shall be made online, with each nomination backed by two finalists. d) Elections shall follow the procedure for elections of JCR Committee Members, but only finalists may vote in the election of the recipient of the St. Peter’s Society Award.


Section D: MEETINGS Where used, ‘Committee members’ refers to JCR Committee members. 1. Order of General Meetings 1.1 Chair The Secretary shall delegate the chairing of JCR General Meetings to the Chair of the JCR. See (4), below. 1.2 Reports and Questions a) JCR Committee members will give reports on their activities since the last meeting and update the JCR on events relating to their duties. After each report, the JCR will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the officers. b) All reports must relate directly to JCR business; questions can relate to any aspect of the committee members’ activities if it bears relevance to the JCR. c) The Chair can rule any report or question out of order. 1.3 Motions against JCR Committee members Motions of censure, no confidence and removal of a JCR Committee member from his or her office should follow reports and questions and precede all other motions. Otherwise, such motions will follow normal procedure as detailed below, but must be passed by a two-thirds majority as stipulated in the Constitution 5.4 1.4 Motions Motions will be taken in the order in which they are submitted to the Secretary. They shall follow this procedure: a) Either the proposer or seconder, as advertised by the Secretary and detailed in the motion submission, or a person appointed by the proposer or seconder, shall propose the motion. The Chair will then open the floor to short, factual questions to the proposer. b) Following questions to the proposer, any JCR member may choose to oppose the motion. In the event of there being more than one member in opposition, the Chair will select one of them to make the first speech in opposition. If there is no opposition then the motion is said to be passed nem con. c) After the first opposition speech, the Chair will open the floor to short factual questions to the opposer. When all questions have been answered then the Chair will signify a move to debate. No procedural motions with the exception of “D. 2.1 or 2.2” may be raised before this point. d) Debate will take place after questioning. Those wishing to speak must raise a hand and then be selected by the Chair. e) Even when not limiting speeches the Chair can suggest that a speaker should sum up. f) When debate is over, the Chair will ask for final speeches in proposition and opposition. g) Voting will then take place, with the motion passing or failing in accordance with points 5.5 (i-iv) of the Constitution. 1.5 Any Other Business When debating on all motions is completed, the Chair will indicate to the JCR that they have an opportunity to make any announcement that is relevant to the JCR, and the date and time of the next meeting will be announced if known.


2. Procedural Motions and their priority Procedural motions are outlined below in order of priority. 2.1 No Confidence in the Chair a) At the proposal of the motion, the Chair must relinquish control to another member of the JCR Committee. b) It requires a two-thirds majority of those present to pass a motion of No Confidence in the Chair. c) The proposer of the motion must make a short speech in proposition of the motion. The Chair will then have an opportunity to speak against the motion. d) If the motion fails the proceedings continue with the original member in the Chair. e) If the motion succeeds the proceedings continue with a new member in the Chair. The outgoing member should not Chair any further motions during the meeting. 2.2 Move to overturn the decision of the Chair a) Any decision of the Chair can be overturned by a simple majority of members present. b) Once any decision has been overturned it may not be revoked by the Chair or by any subsequent vote. 2.3 Election of the Chair See Section 4 below 2.3 Move to withdraw motion a) Any move to withdraw a motion can be accepted by the proposer without a vote unless there is an objection to this from any JCR member, in which case a vote will be held. b) If the proposer fails to accept the withdrawal then a short speech in favour and against the procedural motion shall be heard. c) The procedural motion shall require a two-thirds majority of those present to pass. 2.4 Move to defer the motion a) A motion must be deferred to a specific date and time or meeting. b) Any move to defer a motion can be accepted by the proposer without a vote unless there is an objection to this from any JCR member, in which case a vote will be held. c) If the proposer fails to accept the deferral then a short speech in favour and against the procedural motion shall be heard. d) The procedural motion shall require a simple majority of those present to pass. 2.5 Move to have the motion taken in parts a) Any move to have the motion taken in parts can be accepted by the proposer without a vote unless there is an objection to this from any JCR member, in which case a vote will be held. b) If the proposer fails to accept the procedural motion then a short speech in favour and against the procedural motion shall be heard. c) The procedural motion shall require a simple majority to pass. d) If the motion passes then debate continues as if the parts were separate motions and follow procedure set out in Standing Order “E. 1.4”.


2.6 Move to limit length of speeches a) The Chair can choose to limit speeches to a certain length. This decision can be challenged under procedural motion E. 2.2 b) Any other member may move to limit speeches. Any motion to do so must define exactly the length of time in minutes. c) If there is any objection a short speech in proposition and opposition should be heard. d) The procedural motion shall require a simple majority to pass. 2.7 Move to amendment All amendments are prioritised below “E. 2.7 (a) through (d)” a) Any move to amend the motion can be accepted by the proposer without a vote unless there is an objection from any JCR member, in which case a vote will be held. b) If the proposer fails to accept the amendment, then procedure follows the standing orders for normal motions, laid out in Standing Orders “E.1.4” with the exception that it requires a two-thirds majority to pass. All debate on amendments is subject to the same procedural motions as outlined in Standing Orders “E. 2.1 through 2.9”. c) If the motion to amend fails, then debate on the original motion continues. d) If the motion to amend passes then it is said to have moved into the substantive of the motion and debate on the amended motion continues. 2.8 Move to a vote a) A move to vote can be called by any member of the JCR at any time during debate providing that it is not during a speech. b) A move to a vote is prioritised below amendments. c) If there is no opposition to a move to a vote then voting takes place immediately as defined by the Constitution. d) If there is objection then a short 10 second speech for and against the procedural motion should be heard. e) This procedural motion requires a two-thirds majority to pass. f) If the motion fails then debate continues. g) If the motion passes then voting on the main motion takes place immediately as defined by the Constitution. 2.9 Secret ballot a) A move to a secret ballot can only occur after a vote has been called. b) A secret ballot can be called on any motion whether a main motion or a procedural motion. c) A secret ballot requires the support of a quarter of those present. d) The Secretary should bring suitable equipment to each meeting to allow for a secret ballot. 2.10 Notice for Meetings a) The Secretary of the JCR Committee must give at least one weeks notice of the General Meeting. b) The Secretary must advertise the agenda of a General Meeting on the JCR Website at least twenty-four hours before the start of the meeting.


2.11 Submission of motions a) Motions must be submitted to the Secretary by 6pm on the day before the General Meeting (except for emergency motions.) b) No new motion may be proposed after the start of the General Meeting, although items on the Agenda may be amended as specified in the Standing Orders. c) A motion can be withdrawn by the proposer at whatever time he or she wishes before it is passed. d) Emergency Motions must be submitted to the President before the start of the meeting. e) An Emergency Motion is a motion of such urgency that it cannot be postponed until the next, pre-planned General Meeting. No amendments to the Constitution or the Standing Orders may be tabled as Emergency Motions. 3. Minutes 3.1 Taking Minutes The Secretary is responsible for taking the minutes of General, Emergency General and Committee meetings. 3.2 Publication of Minutes The Secretary to a General Meeting or Emergency General Meeting shall, within 48 hours of that meeting taking place, publish on the JCR website all decisions made at that meeting except those that are specifically determined not to be published by the Executive, and any other details or announcements that the JCR Committee shall think fit. 2.4 Draft Minutes The Secretary shall, within 96 hours of any Committee meeting taking place ensure that draft minutes are sent to all of the JCR Committee. 2.5 Ratification JCR Committee Meeting minutes are considered ratified at the following Committee Meeting unless objections are made, or corrections suggested by JCR Committee members, in which case the minutes must then be discussed and formally ratified. Once minutes are ratified, they must be made available for reading on the JCR website no later than 24 hours after ratification. 4. Chair 4.1 Chair a) The Chair of the JCR shall be responsible for chairing JCR GMs and EGMs b) S/he shall be elected in the last General Meeting of the term preceding his/her term of office by show of hands c) JCR Committee members shall not be eligible to stand for Chair of the JCR d) Should the Chair be unable to attend a JCR GM s/he must appoint a suitable replacement e) The Chair shall have a single vote, and may use it only in the event of a tie 4.2 Impartiality


The Chair of any meeting must show total impartiality at all times. They must not propose or second any motion or speak in general debate about any motion. 4.3 Clarification Points of clarification may be given but only if requested by a member of the JCR. 4.4 No Confidence A vote of no confidence in the Chair should be seen as an automatic response to a breach in the forms outlined above. These conditions in no way breach the right of the Chair to free speech. 5. Emergency General Meetings Emergency General Meetings may be called by the JCR President, for the purpose of discussing business as specified in the Constitution. 5.1 Agenda The Secretary must advertise the agenda for the Emergency General Meeting at least 24 hours before the start of the Emergency General Meeting. 5.2 Procedure An Emergency General Meeting shall in all other respects be equivalent to a General Meeting and shall be governed by the same Standing Orders, E.1-4. 6. JCR Committee Meetings 6.1 Chair JCR Committee Meetings shall be chaired by the JCR President, or by the Vice President in the case of the President’s absence. If both President and Vice President are absent, the Committee may elect another committee member to chair the meeting by a brief show of hands. 6.2 Agenda The agenda for JCR Committee Meetings must be advertised by email to all Committee members at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting. 6.3 Additions to the Agenda Additions to the agenda may be proposed by any JCR Committee member either prior to or during the meeting. Additions proposed prior to the meeting are automatically added to the agenda. Additions proposed during the meeting are added to the agenda at the discretion of the Chair. 6.4 Attendance at meetings If a Committee member fails, without apology, to attend 3 Committee meetings in a term, s/he will be deemed to have resigned.


Section E: CHARITIES 1 The JCR may make charitable financial donations, in accordance with the procedure below, unless, as per section 6 of the constitution, (6.9 a) this would cause the JCR balance to fall below 25% of the total income of the previous financial year. 2. JCR Charity Budget 2.1 Charities Budget There shall be a separate JCR Charities budget, administered by the Treasurer and the Charities Officer and the JCR President. The budget will be managed in a separate JCR Charities bank account, for which the President, Charities Officer and Treasurer shall be signatories. 2.2 Opt-Out Contribution The Charities Budget shall be funded by a termly opt-out contribution from JCR members. A JCR Member may propose to alter the size of the contribution via a motion submitted to a JCR General Meeting. Such motions must be passed by a two-thirds majority. There may be no more than two motions to change the size of the contribution in any academic year. 3. Charitable Donations 3.1 Charitable Donations The manner in which the JCR may make donations is twofold a) Donations from the JCR Charities Budget b) Money raised through charity fundraising initiatives. 3.2 Charity Motions Any member of the JCR can propose a motion at any General Meeting of the term to donate money to a particular charitable cause. Rules and regulations for this are set out below: a) Charity motions follow the procedure set out for ordinary motions, except that those who have opted-out of the termly donation have no vote or right to oppose the motion. The Chair of the Meeting should remind JCR Members of this before a vote on a Charity Motion is called. b) If the motion is passed, a donation from the JCR Charity budget will be sanctioned. c) Donations to charities or charitable causes may only be made from the JCR Charity budget and may not be drawn from any other JCR funds. d) Once the charity budget is exhausted, no further charitable donations may be made by the JCR until the charity budget is replenished, with the exception of donations made to the Nominated Charity from money raised from fundraising events. 4 Money raised from Fundraising Events 4.1 Allocation of Raised Funds Money raised by fundraising initiatives shall be donated to the JCR’s nominated Charity, unless a motion is passed at a General Meeting prior to the initiative, which proposes that some or all of the money raised should be put into the Charity Budget to be set aside for general charitable motions. 5 The JCR Nominated Charity 5.1 Selection of Nominated Charity


The JCR Nominated Charity shall be selected in Michaelmas Term for the forthcoming academic year. The procedure shall be as follows: a) The Charities Officer shall invite nominations from members of the JCR for a period of no less than two weeks, prior to the Michaelmas term JCR Committee elections. b) The nominated charities shall be listed on the Michaelmas ballot paper, and all JCR members with voting rights are eligible to vote for their preferred charity c) Information on each of the nominated charities, including website address (if available) should be given alongside the ballot paper. It is the responsibility of the Charities Officer to compile this information. d) The election shall follow the same procedure as elections for JCR committee members, with each charity standing as an individual candidate. e) The result shall be published by the secretary along with the other election results. f) If a JCR Member wishes, they may make a short speech at the Michealmas committee-member election hustings in favour of their nominated charity g) Nomination of the JCR Charity shall otherwise be governed in accordance with the procedure for elections. 5.2 An automatic motion shall be brought to the JCR by the Charities Office at the end of Trinity term of each year, to the effect that all sums remaining in the Charity Account be donated to the Nominated Charity, with a minimum sum of £50 remaining in the account. 5.3 The JCR will be bound to the choice of Nominated Charity made at the Michaelmas elections, unless concerns are brought to the JCR concerning the integrity of the charity and its use of funds. It is the responsibility of the JCR Executive and the Charities Officer to investigate such allegations and to decide whether to bring a motion the JCR to overturn the decision. Such motions are governed by Section 5 of the Constitution. In the event that the JCR votes to change the Nominated Charity, a nomination procedure for a new choice must be immediately established, and the subsequent election held within two weeks of this point. 6 Charity Fundraising Events and Campaigns 6.1 Charity Events and Campaigns Charity events and campaigns shall be organised by the Charities Officer and the Entz. Officer(s) or the relevant JCR Committee Member(s), in liaison with the JCR Committee. 6.2 Fundraising Events The Charities Officer is required to organise at least one Charity Fundraising event per Oxford term. 6.3 Money Raised by Fundraising Events All money raised by charity events and campaigns shall be donated to the nominated JCR Charity, unless otherwise determined in accordance with Standing Orders Section F.4.1 7. Precedence of JCR Fundraising


If there is a financial conflict between charity and JCR fundraising events then JCR fundraising automatically takes precedence, unless a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting votes in favour of the Charity event.

This Standing Orders was last updated in 7th week of Trinity term 2009


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