Ivco 2006 Unv Volunteer Infrastructure

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 560
  • Pages: 16
Volunteerism for Development

Volunteer Infrastructure

UN Volunteers is administered by the United Nations Development Programme

UN General Assembly “volunteerism is an important component of any strategy aimed at…poverty reduction, sustainable development, health, disaster prevention and management, social integration and overcoming social exclusion and discrimination” “need to approach voluntary actions strategically as a means of enhancing resources, addressing global issues and improving the quality of life for everyone…” A/RES/56/38 (2001)

Volunteerism Infrastructure Development Four Key Factors: 1. Reach a common understanding of volunteerism and a shared appreciation of its value. 2. Establish and nurture an enabling environment 3. Adopt a diversity of approaches to mobilizing and facilitating volunteerism 4. Ensure sustainable funding

1. Reach a common understanding of volunteerism • Stakeholders should identify and articulate why they support and value volunteerism • Knowledge of volunteering is based on local customs and traditions —there should be a shared understanding of the role of volunteering and shared appreciation of its contributions

5 December

UN Nonprofit Handbook Project • To promote implementation of the UN Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions in the System of National Accounts • UNV partnership with John Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies in 9 developing countries: (Brazil, India, Kenya, Krygyzstan, Mozambique, Mali, Morocco, the Philippines, and South Africa). • Expected results: improve treatment of civil society, including volunteer involving, organizations in national account data systems.

2. Establish and nurture an enabling environment • Favourable policy and regulatory framework • Public recognition and promotion of volunteerism • Committed national leadership publicly promote volunteering

Brazil • UNV partnering with state/ provincial Volunteer Centres— Natal Voluntarios • Campaign to take the MDGs to the Community • Businesses engaged to support MDGs—regional post office major partner • Public university social projects and MDGs/student projects • Schools and youth groups • Local Councils mobilised

3. Adopt a diversity of approaches to volunteerism • Increase opportunities for diverse social groups to engage effectively and satisfactorily • Different structures can encourage different groups to engage—e.g. youth, older adults, women, the disabled, and the private sector. • Investing in good practices to manage volunteers will strengthen volunteer engagement and increase the potential for high impact activities.

Volunteer Modalities in Ecuador 1 • International UNV Volunteers: UNIFEM, UNHCR, Environmental Ministry, Foundation for Special Children’s Integration • National UNV Volunteers: Ecuadorian Municipalities Association, UNDP HIV/AIDS project, UNDP post recovery project • In 2005, 6 University volunteers under UNITeS from Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain supported creation of communication centres and information systems.

Volunteer Modalities in Ecuador 2 • Private Sector Volunteers: – 2 from Italy advised on “cachama” fish production in the Amazon region – 2 Kraft employee volunteers advised on the cheese production process and assisted in the development of two new cheese products in an indigenous community of Apangora. • Local University Volunteers

4. Ensure sustainable funding Need financial resources to organize, support, and sustain the volunteer promotion and infrastructure— It takes long term efforts to engage in information gathering, media campaigns, mobilization schemes, and management systems development.

Niger • September News Flash! Government and UNDP sign project document for $1.5 million • Government commits $294,000 • Association Francaise Des Volontaires de Progress —key partner and funder • Government and Civil Society developing law on volunteerism to support National Youth Volunteer Scheme • Prime Minister plans to submit proposed law to National Assembly in March 2007

Thank you!

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