It Sci Y5 Mid-term Examination

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  • Pages: 5
MID-TERM EXAMINATION (UNIT 1 to UNIT 5) Duration: One hour fifteen minutes

Section A Answer all the questions. Every question is followed by four options A, B, C  and D. Choose the correct answer. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. If you unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question. 1 Diagram 1 shows a plate of rice left by Mary on top of the table before she left for work. When she returned home she found that the rice has gone stale.

Which of the following represents H? A Weakness B Heart attack C Tooth decay D Tiredness 6 Which of the following contagious diseases are correctly matched to their symptoms?

Diagram 1

Contagious disease

What is the correct reason (inference) of the incident? A The rice taste bad. B The air contains microorganisms that can spoil the rice. C The rice is not cooked well. D The rice is cooked with yeast that made it to spoil. 2 Which of the following shows the characteristic of microorganisms? I Microorganisms are very tiny living things. II They can make their own food through photosynthesis. III Microorganisms can be seen by naked eyes. IV They can reproduce and grow. A I and II C III and IV B II and III D I and IV






Fever and loss of appetite. Muscle pain. Itch in the eye and rashes.

I and II I and III II and III III and IV

Which of the following characteristics enables the fruit of the plant to be dispersed? A The fruit has bright colour. B The fruit is light and has fine hair. C The fruit has spongy receptacle. D The fruit has hooks on it.



8 Diagram 4 shows two animals.


Diagram 4

What similar characteristic do the two animals have? A They hide their eggs. B They lay large amount of eggs. C Eggs are protected in hard shells. D They take care of their eggs. 9 The information below shows the ways of seeds dispersal.

Harmful Effects of Microorganisms

Food poisoning


Diagram 3

4 Which of the following devices can be used to observe the movement of microorganisms? A Spectacles C Microscope B Binoculars D Magnifying glass the


Fever and muscle pain.

7 Diagram 3 shows a type of plant.


5 Diagram 2 shows microorganisms.



3 Which of the following types of microorganisms is not protozoa? A C





Diagram 2 22

Their bodies are covered with fur

• The fruits dry up when ripe. • The seeds are thrown out from the fruit wall into the air in all direction.

They suckle their young.

Which of the following shows the type of dispersal? A By wind B By water C By animal D By explosive mechanism

Diagram 7

Which of the following animals belong to group P? I Cat III Cow II Penguin IV Snake A I and III C II and IV B II and III D III and IV 14 The information below shows two food chains found in a habitat.

10 Diagram 5 shows four types of fruits or seeds.






Diagram 5

Which of the following shows their correct way of seed dispersal? Fruit/seed



Explosive mechanism



M A J and K B K and L


State one reason (inference) that can be made from the food chains. A L is a producer. C L is a tertiary consumer. B K is a herbivore. D K is an omnivore.

Way of dispersal


They give birth to their young.


15 Diagram 8 shows an animal, R.

Wind C L and M D K and M

Diagram 8

Which of the following food chains shows animal R in the correct position? A Plant → owl→ R B Plant → R → caterpillar C Plant→ grasshopper → R→ snake D Plant → snake → R →owl

11 Diagram 6 shows two groups of fruits.

16 The information below shows six types of living things in a paddy field. • Paddy plant            • Eagle • Snake • Caterpillar • Bird         • Rat Which of the following shows the food relationship among them?

Diagram 6

Which of the following can be dispersed in the same way as the fruits above? Group P

Group Q









Flame of the forest





12 Q is an animal living in a garden. Animal Q feeds on many insects found in the garden. Animal Q is commonly eaten by snakes. Which of the following can be best replaced by animal Q? A Frog B Rabbit C Rat D Grasshopper 13 Diagram 7 shows the characteristics of a group of animals.




17 What is the importance of food web? A To decrease the population of carnivores. B To increase the population of producers. 23

C To ensure the survival of their species. D To maintain a balance in nature. 18 The information below shows a food chain. T → U → V → W Which of the following has the least population? A W C U B V D T

Diagram 12

Few minutes later, the soup was cool enough to be drunk. What energy was lost? A Chemical energy C Potential energy B Kinetic energy D Heat energy

19 Diagram 9 shows a calculator.

23 A stone is being thrown up into the air. Diagram 13 shows its path as it travels up into the air and then falls back to the ground. Diagram 9

Which of the following is the transformation of energy for the calculator shown? A Solar energy → light energy B Solar energy → electrical energy C Electrical energy → solar energy D Electrical energy → chemical energy

Diagram 13

What moves the stone upwards into the air? A Electrical energy C Heat energy B Kinetic energy D Chemical energy

20 Diagram 10 shows a boy switching on a television.

24 Diagram 14 shows a solar heater.

Diagram 14

Diagram 10

Which of the following in the above event? I Light energy II Chemical energy A I and II B I and III

Which of the following statements about the solar heater are true? I The energy resource can be obtained at anytime. II It does not pollute the environment. III Its energy is obtained directly from the sunlight. IV Its source of energy cannot be replenished when used up. A I and II C II and IV B II and III D III and IV

forms of energy are involved III IV C D

Kinetic energy Electrical energy II and IV III and IV

21 Diagram 11 shows an energy source.

25 The following information describes about a source of electricity. • Chemicals inside it react to produce electricity. • Used in cars to start the engine and light up the vehicle’s headlights. • Can be recharged.

Diagram 11

Which of the following objects uses this energy source to power it? A C

Which of the following sources of electricity fits the description above? A C B



22 Diagram 12 shows Ali blowing at a bowl of hot soup.

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26 Diagram 15 shows a circuit with four identical bulbs.


Which circuits will have the brightest bulb and dimmest bulb?

Diagram 15

What happens if bulb P in Diagram 15 is fused? A Only bulb Q will lights up. B Bulbs S and R will light up. C Bulbs Q, R and S will light up. D None of the bulbs will light up.















29 Diagram 19 shows an electric circuit.

27 The following information describes a type of source of energy. • Small and can be carried around easily. • Cannot be recharged, it can only be used once. • Cheap.

Diagram 19

Predict why the bulb in the circuit cannot be lighted up. I No switch is fixed. II The bulb is functioning. III The battery is lack of power. IV The wire is not connected properly. A I and II B I and III C II and III D III and IV

What is the type of energy that is being described? A Accumulator C Battery B Dynamo D Solar cell 28 Diagram 16 shows four circuits which are set up using similar dry cells and bulbs.

30 Which of the following is the function of a wire in an electric circuit? A To produce lights. B To supply electrical energy. C To allow electricity to flow through it. D To control to flow of electric current.

Diagram 16

Section B The time suggested for this section is 30 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question. Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. [1 mark] 1 The following is an incident happened in a school.

(b) State the type of microorganism which caused Yati to have stomach upset.

Tuesday – SK Seri Putra During recess time, Yati and her three friends ate fried rice in their school canteen. That night Yati complained to her parents that she had stomach upset. Her parents brought her to a nearby clinic to consult a doctor.

________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Give two symptoms that Yati could have faced that night. 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ [2 marks] (d) State what should be done by Yati and her friends to prevent them from getting stomach upset again.

(a) Predict why Yati got stomach upset after eating the fried rice in her school canteen. _______________________________________ 25

_____________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Construct a food web based on Diagram 1.

2 Table 1 shows six types of animals and ways on how they protect their eggs. Type of animals

Way that animal protect their eggs


Eggs are hidden in a dark place


Hides its egg between the rock


Coils around its eggs


Lays its eggs under the leaves


Buries its eggs in the sand


Incubates its eggs by keeping it on

[1 mark] (c) Name another animal that can be classified in the same group as eagle. _____________________________________ [1 mark] 4 Every night David cycles back home after attending tuition class. He observes that the brightness of the lamp is affected by the way he cycles his bicycle. Table 2 shows his observation.

Table 1

(a) Why is it important for the above animals to protect their eggs? _____________________________________ [1 mark] (b) Why does animal P hide its egg in a dark place? _____________________________________ [1 mark] (c) Which of the above animals lay many small eggs? _____________________________________ [1 mark] (d) State two examples of animals that attack predators which come near its eggs. 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ [2 marks]

Speed of cycling

Brightness of the lamp of his




Dim Table 2

(a) State (i) what is changed (manipulated variable): __________________________________ (ii) what is observed (responding variable): __________________________________ [2 marks] X enables the lamp of the bicycle to be lighted up.

3 Diagram 1 shows six types of animals living in a habitat.

(b) What is X? _____________________________________ [1 mark] (c) Explain how does X which is fixed to a bicylce’s wheel function. _____________________________________ [1 mark] (d) State the transformation of energy that is related to the activity above. _____________________________________

Diagram 1

[1 mark] (a) State which of the following animals are (i) herbioves : _________________________ (ii) carnivores : ________________________ (iii) omnivores : ______________________ [3 marks]

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