Iste Note Of Annual General Meeting 8.6.09

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Note of International Society for Teacher Education Annual General Meeting 8 June 2009 Weber State University Agenda 1. Treasurer’s Report – Johan Borup 2. Interim Secretary General’s Report – Janet Powney 3. ISfTE web site – Craig Kissock 4. JISTE – Catherine Sinclair 5. 2012 Seminar – Forrest Crawford 6. Newsletter – Ray Wong 7. ISfTE futures – Colin Mably 8. Transfer to new Secretary-General – Janet Powney and Forrest Crawford Apologies. Many people (including last year’s convenors John Maurer and Warren Halloway as well as ISTE’s co-founder Cornel da Costa) had sent regrets that they were unable to attend this meeting at Weber State University and best wishes for a successful seminar. 1. Treasurer’s Report. Johan Borup presented a full oral report of the current state of ISTE’s finances explaining the various accounts (for the Le’Ora Trust, the Newsletter and the general ISTE account) which he manages on the Society’s behalf. He was glad to report that ISTE’s financial position in all areas is in a sound state. Copies of the financial report can be obtained from the Treasurer. 2. Interim Secretary General’s Report. Due to a variety of circumstances Lotte Rahbek Schou, our Secretary General who began her term of office in 2007, was unfortunately unable to continue and resigned earlier this year. The previous Secretary-General, Janet Powney, worked with an Interim Board and the Steering Committee to manage ISfTE affairs until future arrangements could be confirmed at this 2009 Seminar. One of the most important activities was the election of a new Secretary-General who normally on election would expect to have a year as Secretary-General Elect. After the election the successful candidate, Forrest Crawford, agreed to take over the full role a year early, at the end of this seminar. Other matters arising over the last year were dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.

3. ISfTE website. Craig Kissock who volunteered to take over the website from Alex Fung reported on current developments for the website. He first of all paid tribute to Alex’s contributions in setting up and managing the website to date. The Society is indebted to Alex for his years of work on our behalf. Craig outlined more recent developments and possibilities for using the website.  The first thing to note is the change of webpage. This was necessary in order to avoid future confusion with another society, The International Society for Technology in Education which always comes first on the

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list in a web search of ISfTE. Our society is now under (although still pronounced ISTE). The new website is intended to become a one-stop communication centre, built with state-of-art software, technically “futureproof” and able to accommodate all current and professional on-line features The website will hold all organizational information and act as the external face of ISfTE. In addition to what has previously been on our website there will be a hub for internal communications, more news and events and membership application forms. To simplify financial transactions, membership application forms, standardized seminar registration process, and on-line payment option for membership and seminar costs will be available. Seminar publicity can also be managed via the website. Part of the website will be open to members only. This will include members’ profiles and a survey facility. Craig Kissock will manage the website with the support of ICT specialist, Ethan Quirt. Members are requested to: i. include their photographs in their profiles ii. send photos (and videos) of teacher education activities from your part of the world iii. email at least 3 people involved with teacher education, telling them all about:this seminar and the next seminar and giving them a hot link to the ISfTE web site.

4. JISTE As the editor of the Society’s journal, Sybil Wilson had to leave the seminar early, the past editor Catherine Sinclair summarised recent activities on Sybil’s behalf. Board Membership: Two new members have joined the Board: Jacki Pow from Hong Kong and Josephine Agnew-Tally from USA. Thanks were expressed to Jane McMillan who completed her term on the Board and also as secretary. Publications. Future volumes will include: Vol. 14.1 will all be from the papers presented at the 29th seminar of ISfTE held at Weber State University and will be on the theme of the seminar:. Trading Ideas in Teacher Education for the 21st Century.. Manuscript guidelines that should be adhered to are published at . Potential authors are reminded that papers presented at the seminar will need to be edited and modified for publication. The Editor will be pleased to discuss potential papers with their authors before final submission. Submission deadline August 1 2009 Vol.14.2 will focus on Social Justice Issues and will be guest edited by one of our Board members, Tonya Huber-Warring. Tonya is founding editor of the book series, “Teaching <~> Learning Indigenous, Intercultural Worldviews: International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights,”. Volume 1 of this series has been reviewed in the current issue of JISTE, Vol. 13.1. Submission deadline December 1 2009 A future issue of JISTE will be devoted to teacher/instructor/professor/lecturer education for the tertiary system and especially for further education and adult education as distinct from, but inclusive of, higher education.

Website. The reconstructed website is now managed by Ethan Quirt (USA). As soon as a journal issue is completed, the Table of Contents and article abstracts are posted on the website. Most recently posted is information for Vol. 13.1. The website also contains guidelines for manuscript formats, book reviewing, copy editing as well as the list of the Editorial Board members. Review a book The Board approved guidelines for book reviews; this will be posted on the website for members to suggest/offer book reviews. Write a paper Members are encouraged to submit papers even if they have not published before. JISTE is a refereed journal and publication can enhance your curriculum vitae. Members of JISTE editorial Board will provide advice and support especially for those unused to writing in English. Although publication is limited to members of ISfTE, it is possible to submit joint papers with colleagues and/or students – another way to attract future ISfTE members. Publisher/Printer. Johan Borup is responsible for the production (printing and distribution) of the journal from Denmark. This provides stability for the journal and is a significant and most valuable contribution to the organization. There are discussions under way to publish as an e-journal as well as retaining some hard copies. Institutional sponsorship. The publisher/treasurer continues to encourage and monitor institutional sponsorships. The institutions are acknowledged by having their logo on the front cover of the journal for a limited time, dependent on renewal of the sponsorship. The editor invites further ideas for sponsorship. 5. Seminar 2012 Forrest Crawford convened a small group of members to decide between the five excellent proposals put forward to host the ISfTE seminar in 2012. The proposals came from: Australia: Professor Richard Berlach, University of Notre Dame Australia Bhutan: Kezang Sherab, Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan Hong Kong: Jacki Pow, Hong Kong Baptist University Turkey: Nuray Senemoglu, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University USA: Jo Agnew-Tally, Park University. The decision is to accept the kind invitation from the Royal University of Bhutan to host the 2012 seminar. 6. Newsletter Ray Wong reported on current practice and intentions for the Newsletter which will be published three times a year on the web in future. His co-editor is Peggy Saunders. With the current and new technologies, the newsletter will hopefully will be a vehicle to establish and maintain closer and better communication with the membership between seminars. The editors are keen to receive members’ news items of interest for inclusion in the newsletter. 7. New developments for ISfTE Colin Mably introduced new developments in the governance of ISfTE in order to enhance members’ participation and to clarify officers’ accountability. ISfTE governing structure has remained unchanged since its founding in 1980 when a Steering Committee was established comprising the elected Secretary-General and Secretary-General Elect who were voted for by the membership. All other members of the Steering Committee were appointed by the Secretary-General: Treasurer,

JISTE Editor, Chair of the Le’Ora Cordis Trust and the current, past and next convenors. Former Secretary-Generals were non-voting ex-officio members. Members of the Interim Board set up when Lotte Rahbek Schou resigned have made the following recommendations: a. The Steering Committee will be replaced by an Executive Committee: b. The Executive Board will consist of the following ten (10) voting members:  The Secretary-General (Chairperson)  Six members-at-large to be elected to the Executive Board by the full ISfTE membership (electronically – 4 in 2009/10, 2 in 2010/11 – thereafter rotating on the 3 year term basis)  Secretary-General elect (if known)  Treasurer  Editor of JISTE c. Other officers will be non-voting members:  Assistant to the Secretary-General (chosen by him/her on an annual basis)  Chair Le’Ora Cordis Trust  Editor of JISTE  Communications Manager  Newsletter Editor d. Ex-officio non-voting members will be  Former Secretary-Generals  Present, past and next Seminar Convenors.  Members present at the business meeting were in favour of the changes which will be put to full membership for approval later in this year once a revised draft constitution has been drawn up. 8. Transfer to new Secretary-General It was with great pleasure and appreciation that the meeting welcomed the new Secretary-General, Professor Forrest Crawford of Weber State University to take up his three year term of office. This has started a year earlier than he expected but he is up for the job as his initial statement of intent showed. Forrest thanked the Interim-Secretary General for her contributions in recent months. 9. ISfTE’s next Annual General Meeting will be held in Brazil in 2010

Janet Powney 4 July 2009

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