Issue 87 December 2008.part 1

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Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto, A Real New Zealand Town ‘Gettin’ on with it!’

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Issue 87 December 08

Hard working local kids find their Skatepark Vandalised For the last 5 months or so Mike Forbes and some willing helpers have been cleaning up and building some new additions for the Maungaturoto Skate Park. Thanks to funding from the Country Club he's been able to build some new ramps but unfortunately it wasn't long before the first one was used by a motorcyle, it's also been tagged, people have attempted to light it on fire and the inside support beams have been smashed. Please can we as a community stress the importance of looking after our local facilities. Mike and his boys have worked long and hard in their limited spare time to give something back that the children can play on with their bicycles and skateboards. If you can help Mike and the boys please email [email protected] Thanks - Story Amy Forbes Another proud winner at the recent Maungaturoto Primary School Pet Day - Image Liz Clark

153 Hurndall St Maungaturoto Ph/Fax (09) 431-8059 Bus Trip to Whangarei TUESDAY 16th December 08 Shopping Appointments etc. Leave 9.00am and return approx. 3.30 – 4.00pm as required.

For information on 2008 & 2009 trips Please phone 431 8059

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Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Matters Maungaturoto Matters is a free monthly publication, produced and published by the Maungaturoto Business & Community Association for the Maungaturoto Community. Letters to the Editor cannot be accepted due to space limitations. Contributions and feed back from members of the Community are actively encouraged. Read the full copy on line at


Advertising 15th of each month no exceptions Editorial (articles) 20th of each month

Retirement Units For Sale and Rent The Community Trust wishes to advise, that vacancies occur from time to time in both the 2BR OYO units and 1BR rentals, situated within the village in Riverview place, Maungaturoto. If you, or you have family interested in this retirement option, please contact Rest Home Manager Debbie Ph. 431 8696, a name on our waiting list will ensure you are advised of vacancies.

Editor: Elizabeth (Liz) Clark Advertising:Elizabeth Clark 09 431 9129 Email: [email protected] Or [email protected]


Payments to: Maungaturoto Business & Community Association P.O. Box 113 Maungaturoto

Serving the Kaipara area Since 1971

Contributions & Advertising

Ph: 0800 4 Floors

Email to [email protected] or [email protected] Or Drop in the RED BOX at Tony’s Lotto Shop 147 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto Please note the Editor is not available during normal business hours. Questions or comments: Please phone the Editor A/h 09 431 9129 or email: [email protected]

A WORD ON PHOTOS: Due to the limitations of our technology Image quality cannot be guaranteed

ADVERTISING RATES Full page Half page Quarter Page Eighth page Classifieds

The Maungie blog

$60 $35 $20 $12 5c per letter/space

BUSINESS DIRECTORY $9 PER INSERTION MINIMUM BOOKING 6 MONTHS. Book for a year (11 issues) and get one Free

Bloggers Wanted!!!! The Maungie Matters is now digital and on line at the above web address "

WE NEED BLOGGERS TO CONTRIBUTE AND HELP US TELL THE WORLD ABOUT MAUNGIE EMAIL US FOR AN INVITE [email protected] Photos. Stories. Opinions. You can have your say. Express an opinion share your images. If u have a blog send us the link.

Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Wastewater Update Maungaturoto Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Thanks Susan!! Thanks to Susan McRae

The vital upgrade of Maungaturoto’s Wastewater Treatment Plant is progressing on schedule and is expected to be completed on time.

The Maungaturoto Business & Community Assocation thanks Susan McRae for her work as secretary. Since she and her family moved here, Susan has worked hard for the association and the community. Brian, Susan and their The upgrade includes the installation of new membrane filtration technology that will significantly improve the qual- boys attended working bees to improve our town, and Susan's delicious recipes, which she generously contribity of the discharge. It also includes the construction of a storage pond, tidal discharge point and providing additional uted to Maungaturoto Matters, have been cooked and enjoyed by many people. Best wishes to the McRaes who protection for the existing oxidation pond and an all have moved to Waipu. weather access road. Harrison Contracting, who have the contract for the civil component, moved onto the site just before Labour Weekend. Now the access road has been completed and work has begun on the lined storage pond area which will hold effluent that has been treated by the membrane filtration plant until it can be discharged for two hours following high tide.

Maungaturoto’s dentist and his wife the painter (November Matters.) by Alan Flower

First the painting of Albert Causer. The day after the November Matters was delivered, I was It is expected that most of the civil component of the project amazed to receive a phone call from Julie Antunovich to will be completed before Christmas and that the membrane say it was hanging in her living room. After many years it filtration plant, being provided by Canadian Pacific Limited, had found its way back to Julie, great niece of Albert will be delivered to the site by mid January. Causer. The plant is projected to be commissioned at the end of Julie has now donated it to the Kauri Museum where it will February, following which it will be performance tested for no doubt be displayed after a little restoration. I feel this is two months. a great acquisition. (Albert was also an old kauri bushman.) Kaipara District Councillors visited the site on 19 November Correction. after holding a Council workshop in Maungaturoto and were briefed by consultant Andrew Carvell. It was Dr Jim Rennie who had the car accident when driv“They were impressed by the new road and pleased to see the progress being made on this very important upgrade,” says local Councillor, Graham Taylor, who also holds the Council’s New Infrastructure portfolio.

Secretary needed for the Maungaturoto Business & Community Association HELP ! HELP ! HELP ! Would you like to be involved in the Maungaturoto Business & Community Association. We are looking for someone to be our Secretary.

ing home after a very late callout to a patient. Albert never learned to drive a vehicle although he did buy a Model A Ford at one stage and got either his nephew Charlie Causer or myself to drive him about.

Matakohe Music Makers Matakohe Music Makers Final Get-together for 2009 - Tuesday, Dec 9

Matakohe Music Makers are having their final get together for the year on December 9th at 7.30pm, Gumdiggers Duties: Taking minutes at our monthly meeting which is Cafe, Church Road, Matakohe. Please bring a shared held on the 1st Wednesday of each month 6pm at the plate for supper. Refreshments are available. $2 entry per Community Centre Hall, Maungaturoto. Email communica- person, prize for the best dressed Christmassy outfit. tion, correspondence etc. Raffle will be available. The November Music Makers raffle was won by Gael CulThis is a voluntary position which has the support of a very len from the Gumdiggers Café - a $10 fuel voucher. hard working committee. Thanks to everyone who supported us. All welcome, so come along and enjoy the evening. Interested persons please contact: The President Yours in Music Maungaturoto Business Assn P O Box 113 Jim and Sharon. MAUNGATUROTO 09 4316772 or email [email protected] Ph. 431 8329 Wk 431 8664 Hm Email: [email protected]

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Maungaturoto Matters

Christian Comment

Advent Season to be observed.

Anglicans throughout the Northland region will descend on Maungaturoto on the evening of Sunday, Christmas is coming. November 30th to celebrate ‘Advent.’ Advent Sunday Christmas, perhaps the most popular of all the annual begins the traditional season of Advent, five weeks festivals will soon be upon us. Families will gather to before Christmas, and marks a period of preparation share over the Christmas holidays, gifts will be exas the Festival of Christ’s birth draws near. Christians changed, lots of specially prepared food will be conlook forward in Advent to the coming of Jesus as a sumed, homes will be decorated with paper streambaby in Bethlehem, as the Saviour at Calvary, as the ers, and coloured lights will once again adorn the Risen Lord at Easter and as the Reigning King in the Christmas tree. It’s all great fun and although it refuture. quires a lot of planning, preparation and expense, Each year Advent Sunday has been observed by a most of us wouldn’t miss it for the world. special gathering somewhere in Northland, but this It would be easy however, to get so caught up with year it is the turn of the church at Maungaturoto to the outward celebrations of this wonderful time of host the event. The service begins at 5pm and will year that we could easily forget what it is we are really highlight some of the ancient tradition associated with celebrating. Christmas is, of course, the recalling of Advent, together with Advent Carols. Afterwards a Jesus’ birth at Bethlehem. In that little child, the special supper will be served for everyone attending. greatest miracle on earth took place. God, the supreme Creator of the universe, came to earth, and Kaipara District Council became a person like us in order to demonstrate that No Camping on Public Reserves He loves each and every one of us. This amazing God who is all powerful, all Holy and all loving, came at Batley in the form of His Son Jesus and offered Himself to be our Saviour. In our self-centred, independent arrogance, most of us don’t think we need a Saviour, but For a number of years families have enjoyed a few days camping at Batley, possibly unaware that a porwe don’t need to be rocket scientists to see we are destroying our planet and seem powerless to prevent tion of the area between the foreshore and road is the increasing moral decay of our nation, the disinte- part public reserve, and part privately owned. The public and road reserves at Batley are not designated gration of family life, marriage break downs, and the camp sites and Council has existing bylaws to deal increase of crime and violence both at home and abroad. We may blame the politicians, world leaders with offenders. or ‘someone’ for the mess we are in, but the seeds of Last Christmas the number of campers in the bay increased to the extent that some families had estabgreed, selfishness, pride and anger are in all of us, lished camp sites within a few inches of the road. and we are all playing our part in bringing about the Batley is limited in terms of parking or camping space ‘utter disaster’. But God foresaw this before time began, and planned and the increased demand for camp sites on the reto send His Son to ‘save’ us, restoring us back to fel- serve area severely restricted parking and access on public reserves for anyone hoping to enjoy a day at lowship and intimacy with Himself. It is as we open our hearts and minds and acknowledge what God has the beach. done for us, in Jesus, and begin to entrust our lives to Council met to discuss the concerns with access, health, safety and security at Batley and decided in Him in faith that the Christmas story begins to make sense. The angels on the hillsides at Bethlehem an- the interests of public safety and welfare to suspend camping indefinitely. nounced to the shepherds, “Don’t be afraid, I bring “No Camping” Signs will be erected at Batley prior to you good news of great joy...for to you is born...a Christmas 2008 and monitored over the holiday peSaviour, He is Christ the Lord!” riod to ensure everyone complies with them. May our Christmas be deeply enriched as we recall what God has done for us in this His infant child, and Persons found camping on reserves will be ordered embrace His love more and more. It is the touch and off; repeat offenders may be fined or prosecuted undaily experience of His love that is the greatest gift we der section 215(5)(b) of the Kaipara General Bylaw 2008. can ever receive. May God be born in us again this If you require further information please contact Christmas time, so that His love will grow. Council’s customer services centre on 09 439 7059. Kaipara District Council - Rodney O Dunlop Dargaville Ruth Harvey Governance Team Kaipara District Council

Maungaturoto Matters

133rd Annual Paparoa A & P Show on again in February 2009

Paparoa A & P Show Saturday, 7 February 2009 The 133rd Annual North Kaipara Agriculture Association Show, locally known as the Paparoa A & P Show will be held on Saturday, 7th February 2009. We encourage you to support this great community event by entering the many categories available in this year’s show schedule. This is now available either at Skelton’s Drapery Paparoa, Noel Radd Motors Maungaturoto or in a new environmentally sensitive move, online at Please consider the environment and print only the pages you need. Two new events on this year’s calendar are the Talent Quest and Taste Kaipara. Anyone interested in either of these events, please call Bob on 09 431 6919 or 0274 95 2357 or email [email protected] for further information. Admission is still only $7/adult and $3/child or you can show your support by becoming a member for $35/family or $15 per adult. Gates open at 9am to the public for simultaneous events around the showground featuring • the Biggest and Best Display of Indoor Exhibits in Northland • Horse and Pony events, Miniature Horses, Rodeo Thrills • Sheep Shearing Competition, Dog Agility Display, • Vintage Vehicles, Trade Sites, Bullock Team Rides, Wood Chopping and everyone’s favourite, the Side Shows. There’s even a show wind down with a ‘Hoe Down’ in the sports clubrooms until 8pm. So get your friends and family together, make a day of it, bring a picnic or get one there. Everyone loves a great community event, but a successful day takes participation from the community. Get involved and keep our traditions alive. See you there Bob Clyde—President

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Linking Hands Inc. Hello there, here we are in December and it’s all bells and Christmas cheer already. We are looking forward to the Maungaturoto Christmas parade and will have some fun with our volunteer drivers…don’t know what we will do yet but we will be there. Thank you one and all for being there with us. It’s been quite a challenge and a few said we wouldn’t last ….but we lasted and we are going into the New Year with bigger and brighter challenges. So watch our programs for 2009. Just to update our latest programs Water Aerobics This group meets on Wednesdays outside the Linking Hands office. We leave at 9am to arrive at the pool for 9.30am to 10.30am aerobics. The class can take 14 people and, as we have around 11, there are spaces. It’s free and is sponsored by a funder, however we ask for a donation if possible. The only criteria is that you must have healthrelated needs such as joint pain, arthritis, be overweight, or need physical activity you cannot otherwise achieve. Please give us a call and join in the group. FAB Outing (Family Activity Boost) This is where a family gets nominated by you in the community - a neighbour, friend or someone else you believe deserves something special. We contact the family and offer them a day out. We have a variety of outings to suit families with children of various ages. Although we cater for a range of groups we are still looking for new activities. We include a wonderful picnic hamper with everything including the kitchen sink….or nearly - and the shuttle and driver are at your disposal for the day. So come on, nominate someone special for this wonderful outing…ph 09 4318 969. Internet Café… (This does not serve coffee) We now have a computer for community use with broadband and a printer. It’s available during our office hours, which could be extended by request. We’ve heard that some people think Maungaturoto has another café, but this is not the case. We accept a gold coin donation and hope it will help those of you without access to a computer. We will not close down over Christmas. Linking Hands’ office will be closed, but we will man the phones and take bookings for hospital and health-related appointments during the Christmas break. Please phone us with your appointment details. Our volunteer drivers will be on standby so we need details as early as possible to help us make the system work smoothly. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Please drive safely and keep well. We look forward to being here for you in 2009. The office will close on 22nd December and reopen 5th Jan. Please phone your booking to our answer service which we will check daily, 09 4318 969. My regards, Maureen Davis.

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Maungaturoto Matters



supported by Maungaturoto Congregational Church ($2 donation per family please)

Maungaturoto Matters

HOMEBUILDERS MAUNGATUROTO/PAPAROA The Team Wishes you all Merry Christmas The team at Homebuilders wishes you all a very Happy and Safe Christmas with tons of family fun over the summer holidays. Over the past year I have not said much about our Family Support Team. I would like to introduce you to: Rose Plunket and Rosemary Jones who work primarily in Paparoa, Elizabeth Ludlam in Maungaturoto, and Sioux Plowman who works from Managawhai. These ladies have considerable experience in their field and can help families find answers to their dilemmas as they bring their wisdom and training into difficult situations.

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Community Trust News The administration of the trust is in the hands of a dedicated band of trustees who meet monthly to ensure the needs of the ageing community are adequately catered for. Every year a public meeting is held (see advert) giving an opportunity for the community to meet trustees, hear progress reports and peruse annual accounts. The trustees welcome feedback and suggestions for improvements. This year we have as guest speakers Paea Pake and Ann Wilson, support workers from the Alzheimer’s Society, who will enlighten us on the care needs of those affected and the community support available. The Rest Home continues to provide a very high level of loving care to our senior residents who have outlived their ability to look after themselves. As the Rest Home is at times full to over flowing, over the last two years we have been planning expansion. Planning is near completion; the concept plan will be on view.

The Family Support Team and our PACE worker Gail Blythen thank those of you who have allowed them to be a part of their journey over the past year. It is our privilege to The own-your-own units change hands from time to time. Recently three came on the market, two of which are spobe invited into your homes when you are challenged with ken for. If anyone is contemplating living in the village they some of life’s difficult circumstances. should inform Debbie, Manager at the Rest Home. A name I have been approached by Barbara of the “Grandparents on the list ensures you are notified of vacancies. This also applies to rental units. Raising Grandchildren Trust”. She suggested we might like to start a support group here and has asked me to find The Maungaturoto Community Charitable Trust owns and out if there are Grandparents in this area who would enjoy getting together on a regular basis. If you are interested in operates the following: Medical Centre (currently leased to Coast to Coast being part of a group like this next year please give me a Healthcare, etc) ring on 431 9080. 16-bed Rest Home 13 Retirement Units (rentals) Our Golden Oldies Christmas Lunch is on 10th DecemEight Own-Your-Own Retirement Units ber at the Community Hall Supper Room at 10.30am. Community Money Exchange This is usually a very special time and we would like to . invite any in the area who would like to join us to ring Please mark 4th Dec on your calendar. We would like Elaine on 431 8317 so we get an idea of numbers for catering. We are happy to provide transport - just let to you to attend our public meeting at St John Hall at Elaine know if you need a lift. Look forward to seeing 7.30pm you there. D McKay (Chairman, Trustees) Blessings from us all at Homebuilders and best wishes for a great Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

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Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Matters

Otamatea Repertory Theatre “Never Mind Mother Goose”

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a major crisis, and saw guests as being in the way of the smooth running of the hotel. Auditions are being held at the theatre on Sunday, December 7th. Contact Dennise Brownlie or a committee member for further details. Cast must be available for all rehearsals and the show is planned for March 2009 with up to nine shows over three weeks.

This year’s pantomime has been a great success for all concerned. The cast of mainly children rose to their task with courage and finesse that would have seemed to have been beyond them. But as real “troupers of the boards” opening night was a remarkable event with colour and acThis could be your opportunity to move out of your comtion that can only happen in a pantomime. And the adult fort zone for an enjoyable romp on stage. See you at the members of the cast performed very well too! auditions! Congratulations to Helen Morton-Jones for her direction and those most important people who man the sets and Theatre Development props who are known as stage crew. Work has just about been completed on the workshop If you think or possibly know someone who would like to write next year’s pantomime, contact a committee member extension to the theatre. This has been a marvellous achievement by all concerned. It is an asset that will enfor more information. able the theatre to produce shows with even more experUnfortunately the occasion was marred by some little cre- tise and proficiency than before. tin who thought he could win the raffle by stealing the prize Landscaping is our next project, with designs for a grand entrance and the comfort of the most important of people, before it was drawn on the final night. In your neighbourour guests and audience. hood there is someone who has no scruples about taking The working bees will continue on Saturday mornings from children, the theatre and the community in general. If from 9.00 am for about three hours. See you all then. you, the person responsible for this act, are reading this newsletter, we have nothing but abhorrence for you. The local police have been most responsive to our concerns. Thanks Trevor.

Fawlty Towers Yes, we believe Basil and crew are coming to your theatre. This was the man to whom even the simplest problem was

Merry Christmas to everyone from your Theatre

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Maungaturoto Matters

Fencing Contractors Conventional Rural and Residential Post and Rail Stockyards


Retaining Walls

Livestock Agent for Elders.

Drilling attachment Repairs

To contact Alan please phone (09) 4317 081 or Mobile 027 493 2844

Prompt and reliable service Ring for a quote Phone or Txt Ed — 027 497 1714

WJ Construction Wayne Jaques *Decks *Alterations

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Phone 021 400 039 A/Hrs 09 431 2808 Free Quotes 25yrs Experience



HSB BUILDERS LTD Phone Hayden 021 506 260 09 431 9143


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Maungaturoto Matters


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BOOK OF THE MONTH FOR DECEMBER HEART & SOUL by MAEVE BINCHY Once again Maeve Binchy entertains us with a novel full of her wonderful characters (some you will remember from a previous novel e.g. Quentins) and her own blend of Irish humour. This story is centered around a new outpatient heart clinic in Dublin run by dedicated people determined to make the clinic succeed. A delightful and happy story. NEW YOUNG PERSONS’ BOOKS Five novels and short story books by John McLean with a surfing theme and set in many different parts of the world. CHECK OUT books sourced from Dargaville Library in the latest Dargaville changeover of non-fiction and fiction books. This changeover occurs approximately every 3 months and hopefully you will find something to please. GOOD NEWS : OUR GRANT application to the Paparoa Depot Trust was successful and we have been granted $500 to purchase large print books.

Christmas Recipes


250g butter/margarine 1 cup sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla, almond and lemon essence 1 tsp cinnamon, ground ginger, mixed spice 1/4 tsp nutmeg 6 eggs 1.75 kg mixed fruit of your choice 1 cup drained crushed tinned pineapple 350 g high grade flour (or rice flour for gluten free) 1/4 cup brandy Cream butter and sugar, add essences, spices, add eggs (one at a time), beat well. Mix fruit and pineapple together, mix in a little flour to coat the fruit, then add fruit and flour to other ingred. Bake 150 C for 2 hours, then 120 C 1 1/2-2 hours, pour brandy over cake as soon as removed from the oven. Cool. (Make sure the cake tin is well lined with many layers of baking paper. Also, sit cake on plenty of layers of plain brown paper - this will stop the outside of the cake drying out during the long cooking time.) Susan McRae

(Makes delicious toast for breakfast or supper, great PAPAROA FARMER'S MARKET for school lunchboxes and costs about 1/3 the price of - the friendly market! purchased bread) 1 cup plus 2tbsp half water/milk (lukewarm) 1 large egg 3 tbsp margarine 1/4 cup sugar 1 tsp salt 3 cups high grade flour 1 tsp mixed spice and vanilla essence 2 tsp cinnamon 2tsp Surebake yeast 1 cup dried fruit (sultanas, raisin, currants) 1/4 cup chopped apricots and/or walnuts - opt Put wet ingredients in breadmaker followed by dried ingredients (except fruit/nuts). Set to sweet option. Add fruit/nuts when machine beeps. This bread will keep fresh for several days.

Paparoa Village Green, Saturdays 9am-12midday, fortnightly:

DECEMBER 6 AND 20, JANUARY 3, 17 AND 31. Fresh from the garden/nursery, kitchen and sea is a wonderful range of foods and plants. Rowens Icecream is back for the summer, selling their allnatural ice-creams. Plus, the Paparoa Shops and restaurants are open.... Make a trip to visit:


P.S. Have you visited the website for our market on

WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY BAKING FOR THE MARKET? The Paparoa Hall kitchen is licensed for use in food preparation. Contact Robyn Skelton, 431 7306 or Loraine at the market. - Loraine Rowlands

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Maungaturoto Matters


_________________________________ 123 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto _______________________________________

Phone: (09) 431 8733 Fax: (09) 431 8736

You Can Hire … Concrete Mixer (Electric) Concrete Power Float Plate Compactor Waterblaster Hydraulic Log Splitter Post Hole Borer Scrub Cutters Weed Trimmers Chainsaws Lawnmowers Trailer Generator 1.5 Tonne Digger

At Maungaturoto Auto Centre 431 8288

JENNY'S RURAL CLEANING SERVICES Phone Jenny on 09 431-2826 Let’s take the hassle out of your busy life. These are the services we offer. Cleaning on weekly, fortnightly, monthly or those one off jobs. Rented & Holiday Homes. Windows& ceilings Ovens Domestic Cleaning

Maungaturoto Matters

MAUNGATUROTO GARDEN CLUB On 19 November, Garden Club members traveled to three contrasting gardens – all interesting in their own way.

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GARDEN NOTES FOR DECEMBER 2008 .Summer is in full swing so pay attention to wa-

The first was beautifully laid out with immaculate lawns and colour co-ordinated gardens. The gardens led to the top of the hill and the house which had a magnificent view of the sea. The second garden had many paths under a tall canopy of mature trees, natives and exotics. Along the edge of the drive there were areas of different coloured day lilies and many varieties of flowering shrubs. The paths to the house led to a large area planted with mature trees – a tree lover’s delight.

tering, weeding, feeding and spraying. Sow successive summer vegetables for a plentiful supply to last over summer. Potatoes will require mounding up to protect those new plants. Further applications of fertilizer will help increase the size of the fruit on trees. Maintain spraying of roses and fertilize and wa-

The third garden was a cottage garden which inter. Cultivate and weed around flower plants. cluded an orchard and vegetable garden with a bee hive. Featured were paw-paws, bananas, plums, Strawberries will need netting to protect from pears, mulberries and pineapples. To finish we were birds. treated with tea and home baking. A great end to the day. (Garden hints from Maungaturoto Garden Club) On 10 December at 11.30 a.m. members are to meet at Pam and Ron McCallum’s home for a Christmas pot luck lunch and, no doubt, also a meander around their beautiful garden.

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Maungaturoto Matters

Mobile Accounting Solutions Registered Tax Agent Invoicing, Gst Returns, Paye, Budgets, Financials to Tax returns. We come to you and we don’t charge Chartered Accountant prices. Ph 09 4318 617 or Mob 021 431861 E-mail [email protected]



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Maungaturoto Matters

MAUNGATUROTO PLAYCENTRE NEWS Kia ora, Hi everybody, Our term has continued on its happy and busy way. We continue to have batmen flying about outside - they even put on a show on the stage by the sandpit to a very appreciative audience. Our pet day was remarkable mainly for its absence of pets, but we made beautiful sand saucers with flowers from home and our playcentre garden. During the next session, our sandpit received a digging over thanks to our CSW, Jacqui and Kerrie, as it had become a bit compacted from its winter water-logging. Thanks guys, it looks a lot healthier. Plans are also underway to replace its walls and upgrade it, hopefully over the summer. We enjoyed visiting the school pet day looking at all the beautiful animals. Equally appreciated were the school sandpit and playground! One session saw our strawberry patch being weeded. Compost was added, and carrots, beans and corn were planted. Since then we have watched them come up. We have some dedicated garden waterers who are doing a brilliant job of keeping the garden watered every session. Our strawberry plant inspectors, who are learning to tell a yucky green strawberry from a yummy red one. are also very dedicated. They are managing to leave some strawberries to ripen. Our art calendar pictures are beautiful butterflies, fish, caterpillars created with dye dabbed on water. Really good effort from all those involved. Other activities we've enjoyed were a very slippery watery zoom slide on a warm morning, threading fruit onto a (blunt) skewer to make fruit kebabs at morning tea (these activities went down well) and an athletics day on the school field. Centre maintenance has seen our shade tree removed. Its roots were starting to lift concrete, and its leaves and twigs were good at blocking drains and being a nuisance. Some of us are sad, and some glad to see it go. Thanks to Steve and Frances who did a tidy job of removing it, even sweeping the entire concrete area clean. We appreciate the time, effort and skill that went into its removal. Hopefully we can come up with another way of shading the area over summer. Also replaced has been our carpentry trolley - thank you Russell. The new cupboard should be an inspiration to our budding woodworkers. And the broken bed has been repaired - thanks B.J. Our sessions run 9.30am - noon, Wednesday and Friday for 0 - 6 year olds. We offer three free visits - come along and see if Playcentre is for you, we'd love to see you. Phone Maungaturoto Playcentre on 4318 517 or contact Helen at 4318 221.

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Jayne Short D.Pod.M MVHs Maungaturoto Plunket Rooms & Ruawai Physiotherapy 09 431 7188 Also Mangawhai 09 431 4070

Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Matters

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First choose your old stainless steel sink, then select sufficient volcanic stones to cover the bottom of it. Heat the stones over a fire or barbecue - this takes a couple of hours - then put them in the sink. The campers invited us to their bangi (rhymes with hangi) Top with layers of cabbage leaves, then add meat - in our even though we were indirectly culpable for the theft of case, chicken and pork pieces - and veggies - kumara, potheir dinner the previous night. tato, pumpkin, chunks of cabbage. Their offer was especially generous given that the farmer’s Cover with a damp cloth, seal with tinfoil, cook over low favourite saying during the weekend was, “You’re camping! heat for about 90 minutes. Serve and eat with your fingers. You can’t just go to the nearest house when you want You’re camping, it’s a bangi. something.” The farmer’s sister and her husband rolled up in their bus After dinner we planned to watch Aussie vs NZ netball but at Labour Weekend and parked near the house on the the highly-strung satellite dish, positioned after lengthy didedge of the Kaipara Harbour. dling and dispute the previous night, was askew. Soon afterwards, having declined our offer of dinner, they When tension mounted, a gallop to the house revealed it surprised us by turning up at our front door. was worth fixing - the halfway score was 21:21. They had planned to dine on freshly-gathered oysters atop At this point, the farmer sloped home while I stuck with the Scotch fillet. The steak was icy so Cherry popped it outcampers who got the satellite dish sorted, bar an irritating side to thaw then, oh dear, she noticed one of our dogs moment when a dog stood in front of it. nearby. Afterwards we figured Milo charged with Amarula would She accepted a smoked mullet and was concerned (at the complement the increasingly rare vision of Norma Plummer very lowest level) for the thief’s welfare. Had the dog eaten defending her team’s loss. Damn! The jar was empty. the cling wrap too? (I found it on the lawn the next day.) The campers, rebelling against the farmer’s “no begging” The next night the campers hosted the family to a bangi, a pronouncements, were about to phone him with a request cross between a hangi and barbecue. for Milo when he peered over the bank. They bellowed instead and he obliged, for once refraining from blurting We supplied mutton cloth for the stuffing, a roasting dish about self sufficiency. and saucepans for the prepared vegetables, thus giving the A win over Aussie can do that. farmer ammunition for another sermon about campers begging from the neighbouring house. Here’s how to make a bangi,:

Bangi - the perfect dinner for campers –Rae

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Maungaturoto Matters


Maungaturoto Matters

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Maungaturoto Matters

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