Israel & The Journey Of The Jews: An Esoteric Perspective

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Israel – Palestine: an Esoteric Perspective Leoni Hodgson – September 2009

The situation in the Middle East – the conflict surrounding the creation of Israel, its squabbles with its neighbours, the situation of the Palestinian people who live in the region – all this has created a wound in the fabric of humanity which has been festering for over fifty years, and shows no signs of abating. Poison emanating from this point on the globe is breeding intense hatred amongst the people most directly involved, who try to destroy each other. This poison is spreading out, feeding evil thoughts and actions, and from it for example, the terrorist organisation Al Qaida has arisen, with its idealism rooted in an extreme view of the Muslim faith. It has become global, and wages war through and upon the innocent, in order to try to score points for its cause. In the midst of the conflict itself there are many organisations and individuals who do their best to foster understanding between the two main protagonists – the Jews and the displaced Palestinian people. But these efforts have been unable to make any appreciable difference to the direction in which this conflict seems headed – to disaster for Israel and for humanity as a whole. The purpose of this article is take a brief esoteric look at the situation – primarily at the Jewish people, their esoteric history, and what drives them, and to consider their situation in the context of the Plan of God for humanity as a whole. God, Brahma, Universal Mind or Spirit – these are different names for the stupendous Life which is currently working its Plan out through the universe, and through all lives which reside in the universe. All souls have been created by this Life, they live out their cycles, and then return to the Source - all are sacred children of God, and are equal in the eyes of God. The plan for humanity at this time is to raise human consciousness from the level of the personality, with its selfish and materialistic focus, to that of the Soul, whose nature is inclusive and distinguished by love and wisdom. 1 When this is achieved, then „peace and goodwill will reign upon earth.‟ 1.

Esoteric History of the Jewish Race a. They are not of this world

We are told in ancient writings, that the Jews are not of this world. They originate from a completely different time and space - from a previous solar system to be exact. In that „green‟ system the focus was different than it is on our world. Man was being trained in stewardship over the physical world, and was directed to use the third divine 2 aspect of intelligent mind to acquire tangible „things‟ and work in the material world. The remnants of that first system were the first human beings to arrive in our system and upon our world, making the Jewish Race the oldest upon earth, and most races have their roots stemming from this ancient line. As a consequence of the previous development, and the actual extended period in which they have been evolving through the process of reincarnation, the Jewish people have made some of the most outstanding contributions to human life - to the world of art, science and music, and have been amongst the world's great philanthropists. In this „blue‟ solar system however, the goal is very different to that of the previous one. Man‟s task now is to develop and express the love and wisdom of God; he must detach from earthly things and aspire to spiritual treasures and life instead. This is the goal for all human beings. The larger stream of humanity is gradually evolving towards this goal – to Soul awareness through the process of reincarnation. Yes, materialism is rife, and

so is aggression and war. But this will all be ironed out in time through reincarnation - all is proceeding according to plan. But within humanity, a stubborn stream is moving in the opposite direction, Jews who are still motivated by the laws and principles of that ancient time. Most members of the race have made the needed change in orientation to comply with the Law of Love which underlies human life today. But this stream has not and this is at the root of the problem today in the Middle East, and the alienation of a core group of Jewish souls from the rest of their brother – sister souls in humanity. b. The Jewish race forms the solar plexus chakra of the planet 1.This schism between the two streams - of humanity and these intractable Jews, is so pronounced, that the Master Djwhal Khul (DK) said that they have formed different chakras (etheric centres) in the etheric body of the planet. Humanity represents the planetary throat centre which expresses divine intelligence, while the Jewish race 3 represents the solar plexus centre – the seat of world emotion. This does not mean that a Jewish intelligentsia does not exist – history has been witness to Jewish intellectual brilliance and creativity. Nor does it take away from the fact that most of humanity are emotionally and materially focused - and therefore have more in common with this opposing and rebellious stream, and would be more strongly linked to the planet solar plexus centre, than with the centre of planetary intelligence. But this is temporary, and quite normal and natural at this stage of their evolutionary journey. They are still moving towards Soul consciousness, which is not the case in this group of Jews. 2. The seriousness of the situation is elaborated upon in ancient writings called the Old Commentary. It tells how the materialistic nature of these Jews got them into serious trouble with the Masters who guide the race. Due to 4 their development in the previous system, the Jews were the first to reach the Path of Discipleship . The goal at this stage is to detach from material things, and this results in enlightenment, the flooding of consciousness with Soul illumination (the Christ spirit). "Again the Word went forth: Drop on the ground all that you hold, and enter free.."But three revolted from that stern command. The three remained without the gates, holding their treasure firm..They turned their faces towards the gates of earth.. The Masters met in conclave and decided what should be the fate of those who, having reached the Gates of Light, loved the possessions of the world more than they loved the service of the light. Again the Word went forth to the revolting three, who waited still without the gates: „Hold what you have and gather more, but know no peace Garner the fruits of mind, and seek your power in wide possessions, but have no sure abiding place.. you shall have no share in peace .. nor power to hold your 5 gains.” The three went forth in sorrow and revolt, laden with their treasures, and thus the history of the wandering Jew began. These three are the founders of the modern Jewish race, and this refusal to let go of „material treasure‟ remains at the root of the trouble for the Jews today.DK said that Jesus of Nazareth was a direct descendant of the eldest of the three, but he completed what the others did not. He had no possessions, and went through those 6 “gates” unladen. Until the Jews follow his example, their karma remains potently in effect. This explains why this group of Jews represent the planetary solar plexus centre – because it is controlled by the four ethers of the physical plane, which is the most material of planes. They are barred from progressing to the higher centres of the Throat, Heart, Ajna and Crown, because these centres give access to the higher planes and levels of consciousness. No, these materialistic Jews are blocked at the solar plexus stage – and there, no matter how intelligent, they remain. Only when an aspiration for something higher and finer dawns in the heart of the individual, is that Soul given permission to pass the gates and move onwards. At that point, it is hypothesised that he or she is absorbed into the melting pot of humanity itself – even if still in a Jewish body. 3. The fact that the Jewish race constitutes the racial solar plexus centre, means that humanity‟s stuff as a whole, is released through that centre - both high and low. As long as the rest of the world is separative and materialistic, this will strengthen these traits in these Jews, and indirectly play out upon the stage in the Middle East. But as man becomes more inclusive and loving, and his political leaders begin to approach world problems in more inclusive ways, progress in right human relations will forge ahead, and disputes will be easier to settle. DK said that the solving of the Jewish problem in a humanitarian manner will be evidence that the “... the energy of the planetary solar plexus centre will have been raised to the heart and a great transmutation will have taken 7 place.” 2. The Jewish religion is founded upon principles from the first solar system Religions which set themselves apart are essentially separative, and this runs counter to the Plan of God. This sense of being special because one is “chosen by God” has been found in most fundamentalist religions down the ages, both in the east and west. Such believers are unconscious of the fact, that humanity is one centre in the


life of God, and that it is humanity which is the chosen people and not one small fraction of the race. The Jewish religion fits into this category. It demands purity and isolation, and this militates against Jews being assimilated into the nation in which they live. But while other religions disappear, and their followers dissolve back into the melting pot of humanity along with their separative ideals - the Jewish faith has persisted for thousands of years, and the Jew has walked an exclusive path down the corridors of history, and continues to do so today. He does not wish to be assimilated into the nation of his birth and with the masses, because he believes that this is demanded by his God, and it is all he knows. The following remark made by Zionist Jacob Klatzkin in 1921, is an example of this separative attitude. “We Jews are aliens… a foreign people in your midst and we… wish to stay that way. A Jew can never be a 9 loyal German; whoever calls the foreign land his Fatherland is a traitor to the Jewish people“. This is the primary cause of Jewish alienation from the rest of humanity. This separation has become so crystallised over the ages, it is like a dividing wall in consciousness. The Jew has separated himself to such degree, that in a sense, he does not feel connected to other races, nor they to him. The Jew is rejected by mankind, because he rejects mankind. The danger is that, this self-imposed separativeness and isolation has made of the Jews an easy target. When evil people want power, they „divide and conquer‟ - they turn the majority against the minority, and in so many sad cases, it has been our Jewish brethren who have been picked on. They have been amongst the most persecuted of people. The Jewish religion promises an earthly reward There is a distinct difference in orientation between the holy books of the Jews (Kabbalah, Talmud, Old 10 Testament), and those of the East such as the Bhagavad-Gita, and the New Testament. The Messiah in the latter (Jesus, Krishna), teach that life in this world is but a preparation for „eternal‟ life found in the spiritual world; men are encouraged to let go of material wealth in order to reap the benefits of heaven. The Messiah or Moshiach of the Jewish holy books promises an earthly reward, and in this we have a definite connection back to the materialistic mind-sets of the Jews in the ancient writings. In the Old Testament we find: The moshiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1).He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15). In these verses, we have the essence of that which motivates many Jews today. Reward comes in the physical world - a return to the land of ancient Israel, reclaiming Jerusalem which will become the seat of a world government, with Jewish law and religion established throughout the land. These are the high spiritual goals of his scriptures. From these verses, we can draw a direct line to the events unfolding in Israel today. Consequently, the Jews believe that the messiah is yet to come, and will be a „material‟ man The Jews do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah of the scriptures. This is because he did not achieve the things that the Old Testament said the messiah would do. In fact the word messiah is no longer used by some, because of its association with Jesus. „Moshiach‟ is used instead, and believers say that when the Moshiach comes he will be a human being, not a god or demigod. He will be a military leader of the line of David, who will restore the Jews to Palestine, and deliver earthly power and wealth into their hands. Only the man who can achieve this will be anointed as the Moshiach. “Another Jew born about a century later came far closer to fulfilling the messianic ideal than Jesus did. His name was Shimeon ben Kosiba.. and he 11 was a charismatic, brilliant, but brutal warlord.” The Moshiach mantle seems like a prize which is waiting to be taken by the man who is able to conquer and take the land which is currently occupied by nonJews. It fosters military aggression and explains a lot about Israel‟s character when dealing with its neighbours. For a while, war hero and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (see picture) must have been a promising candidate for Moshiach. 3. Belief in the „Promised Land” holds Jews slave to the past. The desire to return to the „promised‟ land has been cultivated for thousands of years, and consequently has resulted in a crystallised thoughtform or belief of such power, that it holds Jews slave to the past. It is a nostalgic wish which I believe, is based upon a deeply buried yearning for the life and glories experienced in the previous solar system. The Jew wants to go home, back to a time when he had power and status. For aeons he has been denied this goal, and abused and humiliated in the process. So he turns to the comfort of his

religion which promises that one day the Messiah will come, and restore his good fortune. Of this he has dreamed down the ages, and consequently, a powerful thoughtform encapsulating this vision, has been created, being fed by Jews since the dawn of time. It controls him, and he and his kin are slaves to its enduring power. This is why it is so hard for those who are thus imprisoned, to change their point of view about Jerusalem, or to see what is really happening on a humanitarian level, in Palestine. The Zionist goal is to actually deliver the Promised Land The Zionist movement was founded by Austrian Theodor Herzl in 1897, incorporating the ideas of early thinkers as well as the organization built by Hovevei Tziyon (“lovers of Zion {Jerusalem}”). Its goal was to restore Palestine to its “rightful owners - the Jews”. They rationalised that since the land of Israel was given to the ancient Israelites 12 by God, the right of the Jews to that land is permanent and inalienable. The drive to establish the State of Israel by the Zionists, is simply their effort to manifest the hopes and wishes of millions of Jews down the ages. But not all Jews identify with Zionism or support its aims. Originally, at least in the minds of secular Zionists, the goal was just to get a piece of land somewhere upon which to found a nation. But religious zealots, believing that the moment of God‟s prophecy was upon them, took up the Zionist banner, and insisted that the literal „word of God‟ must be adhered to. Their will has prevailed, and so the „Greater Israel‟ dream was revived. “To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river the Euphrates. The land of the Kenites, Kenizites, Kadmonites; the Hittites, Perizzites, Refaim; the Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Yevusites.” - Genesis 15:18-21 Greater Israel today would comprise, roughly, all of modern-day Israel as well as the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, Jordan, and Lebanon, much of Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait, as well as parts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey. But Greater Israel does not stop at the borders of the Middle East. The prophecy surrounding the Moshiach, is that he will make Israel the seat of World Government. There are people who believe this will actually happen. The goal of Greater Israel, is at the heart of religious Zionism, which is at the root of the confiscation of land owned by Palestinians - and this the root of all the trouble. But the winds of change are blowing It is clear that those who are behind the drive towards Israel‟s expansion, driven as it is by the crystallised thoughtform of „The Promised Land‟ and Greater Israel‟, will not be swerved from their course unless political and perhaps economic force is applied. Such a “force” seems to be rising. The winds of change are blowing. America, Israel‟s greatest ally and long term protector - under the helm of President Obama, is changing direction, which may see it eventually cut the umbilical cord. This change will pick up momentum once the need for oil in the region begins to diminish as other sources of power are discovered – the consequence of global warming. Many experts believe that the desire for Middle East oil was and is the reason behind America‟s protection of Israel. Generally, the rest of the world is no longer in sympathy with Israel because of its continued appropriation of Palestinian land and abuse of Palestinian rights. Israel may protest that it is just defending its citizens, but this does not carry the weight that it used to. It is clear that the intention is to keep expanding its territory. If Israel continues to ignore world opinion and continue on its current path, then what is the future likely to hold? It seems clear that it will become an isolated island amidst an ocean of hostile neighbours - neighbours who are likely to have nuclear weapons, and Israel is a tiny target. This is the opinion of many experts. Israel may think that it has the fire-power to hold its own, perhaps this is so. However, there is one opponent against whom Israel will not prevail, and that is the Lord of Karma. It has already been punished once for its materialistic ambitions – “you shall have no share in peace, no sure and certain knowledge of success, nor power to hold your gains”, and if it does not reverse its direction, it will be stopped by one means or another. But more of this from the astrology chart. 4. Esoteric Astrology of Israel Not all Jews support the claims of Zionists and the principles upon which Israel was founded. However there does appear to be widespread sentimental support for its fate, because it is a Jewish endeavour. So in a certain sense, the horoscope of Israel will represent the personality nature of the Jewish people as a whole, and also its spiritual potential. One of the benefits of the creation of Israel, is that it has served to integrate the various pockets of Jewish people around the world. Since the Divine Plan concerns the synthesis of humanity into an integrated whole, and then into the One Soul, one can see the positive side of this. 1. The Jews have been banned from proceeding upon the spiritual path, which means that the Ascendant as the doorway to the Soul realm is barred to them. It functions purely upon a personality level, at least for now. The personality of Israel will express itself primarily through its links to the past – via the Moon, and through its struggle to realise its identity in a hostile world – the Sun. 2. The Moon: it represents patterns from the past which control behaviour in the present. These are lingering psychic scraps and memories of past disappointments, unfulfilled hopes and dreams, fear-based reactions to

danger, etc. When triggered, they arise from the unconscious like ghouls from the past and control conscious perception, distorting truth and reality. a. The moon is in the most powerful position in the chart. It is located in the royal sign of Leo, in the 10 house of worldly power and status, conjunct the MC pointer of important goals. i.

This makes the Moon (the past) very influential in the affairs of Israel.


The powerful Moon informs us that the habits from the past are very deeply ingrained in the unconscious and instinctual behaviour of Israel‟s people.


.. Materialism – a love of gold, and


.. The desire for power and glory – a desire for a return of the days of King Solomon, the desire for Greater Israel.


These have been brought forward into the present, and dominate Israeli life and direction.


The aggressive and arrogant nature of the ancient Israelites has also been resurrected. As the Bible recounts, they slaughtered “every, man, woman and child.” The personality words for Leo are “let other forms exist, I rule.”


b. The Moon is widely conjunct Pluto, the planet of death. Israel struggled to be born. On the day after its creation as the Moon moved over Pluto, Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbours. c.


On the higher level, Pluto conjunct the Moon symbolises the death of the past, the cutting away of these binding patterns. This will be very difficult because the past is so deeply rooted within Jews. But death will surely come – either through a psychological shift in perception (the desired method leading to change), or through dangerous attacks upon the people and homeland. Terrorist attacks are a manifestation of this combination.

The Sun in Taurus: the Sun represents the personality consciousness, and it is important that when focus is in the Moon – that is, stuck in the past as it is in this case, that it shifts to the Sun, which is to be consciously focused in the present. a. However, there is a down-side, because the Taurus personality is naturally materialistic, and it is bullish, stubborn, and very aggressive. So in this case, the Sun – the consciousness of Israel: i.

Fully supports the goals of the past, of the Moon. (Sun sextile the MC).

ii. It strengthens the religious ideals from the past (Sun square Saturn [Jehovah]), iii. .. and the ancient warlike nature. (Sun square Mars). The ancient Jews in the first solar system were ruled by Aries and the ram, which Mars rules. iv. This aggression is emphasised by the Sabian symbol for 24 Taurus – the Sun‟s degree. “Indian, human scalps hanging at this belt, rides proudly.” v. On the esoteric level, Taurus is ruled by Vulcan – who fashions the instruments of war, but there is a warning to those who would go to war. (“Vulcan.. fashioning the instruments of war when war and conflict are the only means whereby liberation can come, though woe betide 13 those through whom wars come.” ) b. The Sun is in the eighth house of “other people‟s money”, which suits the entrepreneurial and materialistic spirit which distinguishes Jews. However, this is also the house of „death and transformation‟, and from the higher level once again, it symbolises that the old ways must die, to be replaced by a new and higher way of living and being. c.


On a positive note, Taurus gives great strength and the ability to endure through all hardships. Its spiritual direction is “I see, and when the eye is open, all is light.” This is the sign most commonly associated with Gautama Buddha and his message of Light. Gradually this illuminating light is permeating the consciousness of the advanced members of this fledgling nation, instilling the gifts of wisdom and insight. As this pool of light expands, then wisdom and enlightened decision making will begin to make its impact upon the consciousness of the race as a whole. Then „the bull of desire‟ will be turned from its course, and directed into a new and higher direction – „the Noble Middle Path‟. When the goal is one of centralisation and cooperation rather than expansion, then will harmony and peace begin to settle on this ancient land. This is the higher promise which Taurus holds.

Libra Ascendant: a. The exoteric ruler of the ASC and Sun is Venus in Cancer in the 9H of foreign countries Israel will try to convey an image to the world, that it is a fair and just society, and it will evoke sympathy and protection. It has ulterior and hidden goals (Venus sq. Neptune 12H)

b. As mentioned previously, the doorway to the higher realms (symbolised by the Ascendant) is blocked to those Jews who are still bound by the tenets of their ancient religion and with its separative spirit they are condemned to tread the material path – the Mutable Cross, for as long as it takes to make the required change.



But Libra on the Ascendant holds great promise, because it is the sign in which the transition to the Fixed Cross of Discipleship is made. Symbolically, it is the doorway to the higher realms, and this can be seen in its symbol. This is the opportunity which awaits that group of Jews who are still caught up in the crystallised thoughtform of Great Israel – entry on the Path and the end of the curse to remain possessed by their riches. But the doorway has always been open to any Jew who develops an inclusive consciousness.


This transformation will be aided by people of goodwill in the world , who while firmness will 2 be required to bring about a political solution that is fair to both Jews and Palestinians, will assist both races with support, love and understanding.


As the more advanced and enlightened members of the race individually make the necessary inner transformation and become Soul illumined, their influence and light will help 1 to bring about the required transformation in the consciousness of the race as a whole.



Then rapid change will come about, because Uranus – esoteric ruler of Libra, will come into power in the collective psyche of Jews, and bring about its rapid awakening. It is the esoteric ruler of Libra – the Awakener and Initiator. But the most important event will be the eventual assimilation into the Kingdom of Man as a whole.


When Israel starts manifesting its spiritual destiny, its great contribution to humanity will be as a leader of peace and of cooperation, and to help establish laws which will lead to improved relations between all nations.

Transits and Progressions; a. Israel is in a 25 year period where the ties from the past are weaker than they otherwise are normally, th providing an excellent opportunity to move forward. (Directed [D] Moon travelling through the 12 house of hidden things.) b. It is at a very important phase in its development. Right now it has the opportunity to make a radical change in its direction, if it sincerely negotiates a compromise in the Palestinian situation. (D. Uranus sextile ASC). c.

An opportunity is being provided for Israel to make constructive changes which will improve its standing in the world (progressed [P] Sun sextile its natal position), and take it in a new and positive direction. (P. sun conj. MC).

d. Israel is about to gain a higher profile in the world, and greater status, and this will continue for 25 odd years. (Progressed Sun Conj. MC and moving th through 10 house). It is to be hoped that this is for all the right reasons from a humanitarian point of view.


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Natal Chart 14 M ay 1948 4:00 pm EET -2:00 tel aviv, israel 32°N04' 034°E46'

Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node

25° ƒ 02'



18' „

(Uranus trine ASC, opposite Jupiter.


Saturn square Sun.

12° 16°




… 27°


21' „

48' ƒ



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 … 35'



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27° 22°


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21' ‚

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• 39' … 27'

27° 25° ‣ 02'


e. The signs look good, that because of coercion coming 3 from the USA , over the next three years a psychological shift could be made by Israel, seeing it let go of (part of) its dream to establish Greater Israel, and negotiate a peace 4 contract of some sort. f.

Although no doubt unpalatable to many Jews, this crucial opportunity should not be missed, because time is running out. Israel‟s enemies (Mars as ruler of 7H), have been changing their methods of warfare and the development of nuclear arms in inevitable. (D. Mars is moving into Scorpio in three years, and it is ruled by Pluto who governs weapons of mass destruction.) The planet of mass destruction Pluto will be moving into critical positions for Israel in 11 - 12 years time. (D. Pluto conjunct the ASC, and transit Pluto conjunct the IC. If war with nuclear weapons comes, then it is likely that the rest of the world could be draw in with serious consequences. The workers of Goodwill in the world must unite to bring about the best solution possible, before this happens. The most positive outcome that could be achieved from this placement is that there is the birth of a totally new identity for Israel, and a restructuring of its form, and of its borders, because at the same time – the Sun representing Israel‟s identity, is progressing over the Moon.

7. In the author‟s opinion, the best solution will come in two ways: 1. A political solution to establish a State of Palestine alongside Israel, with monitoring of the region to ensure all boundaries, rights, and citizens are protected - driven by the USA in cooperation with the world community. 2. Through goodwill. There are many in the world – Jews, Palestinians and others, who have been steadily working with goodwill, and who have been helping where they can. Obviously, contributions on the physical plane are required. But others can contribute by sending out healing energy through meditation. The following meditation is taken from „Glamour a World Problem.‟ DK gave it to heal the problem between the Jew and German. I have simply changed the word German to Palestinian. “Before you begin your meditation, free yourself - emotions and mind - from any latent antagonisms, from any preconceived ideas of right or wrong. Simply fall back upon the love of your souls, remembering that both Jews and Palestinians are souls as you are and identical in their origin, their goal and their life experience with yours. Pour out the stream of pure white light - see it pour through you with purity and clarity as one stream, then see it bisect equally - one stream of living light and love going to the Jews and the other to the Palestinian peoples. The quality of your love will count and not so much the accuracy of your analysis or the perfection 14 of your technique.” 8. In Summary: The goal is to see the ME situation against the background of the One Life. There is no other reality apart from the One Life which is seeking expression through the universal form. All ructions in the outer fabric of life, are but wrinkles which will be smoothed out in time. On a spiritual level there are no divisions or separations, and a solution for the Middle East will work out in time. The realisation must be clearly made, that there are no “rights” – religious or not, involving land, property, or anything material, which is more important than the care and welfare of Souls – all souls, whether Jew, Arab, Iranian, etc. All are sacred “children of God”, and all have equal rights before God. From this point of view, it is clear that human rights issues must take precedence over all other claims 15 or rights , and that innocent citizens – of whatever race, who are being unfairly attacked by terrorists, should be protected.


Scorpio represents the USA because one of its symbols is the eagle – the US symbol. This makes Pluto a representative of the USA as well. 4 (Transit Pluto [USA] in 3H of contracts, square D. Moon, inconjunct natal Moon).

Innerm ost Wheel

M iddle Inner Wheel



Natal Chart 14 M ay 1948 4:00 pm EET -2:00 tel aviv, israel 32°N04' 034°E46'

Sec.Prog. SA in Long 2 Oct 2009 4:54 am EET -2:00 tel aviv, israel 32°N04' 034°E46'

Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node

Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node

25° ƒ 02'


¸09°†0 4 ' 23°

03° …


28°… 4 5 '



À10°†2 2 '

11 À 10° †3 5…' 12 ‡




• 09°




‣ 00°

• 27' Á

True Node Placidus Tropical Geocentric

Transits 2 Oct 2009


6 2 … 39'





• 27° ½

… 04'


‥ 24°


‥ 14°


․ 26°






• 21°


» ¿ 04° 24° º ƒ ‚ 10° 4 82' 1 ' ‚ ¸ É 9 2 2 ' Ý23° Ý11° 8 4 0 ' Ý 14°É 2 9 ' 01' …




3… 8'

11° • Ë 20° 17'


Outerm ost Wheel



065 ' 4' ‚ 4…0 '

1 2 5…'

21° ‡ ¶11° ‡2 5…' Â 18°

32°N04' 034°E46' Tel Aviv, ISRL 4:55 am EET -2:00 2 Oct 2009 Event Chart


¶ ¾Á 12°04° ¼ 16° 28° „„„ „ 2 53 '92' 1 '


02°27° » ƒ ‚ 24°






21° „





Á ¾ 13°

12° ƒ



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29° ‚


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23° „



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»14° …0 9 ' º 13' 22° …1 0 ' … ¾26°…4 6 ' Ì23° 27°Ë29°…


22° ƒ



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‣ 27°

… 22'

… 39'

․ 17°


25° ‣ 02'

Com plim en ts of:Es o teric Te c hnolo gies Pty Ltd Crea tors of Solar Fire Web : www.e s otec h .c om .au Em a il: s ale s @es o tec h.c o m .au


½ …

‣ 20°



․ ․ 24° 21°


À ․ 25'


True Node Placidus Tropical Geocentric

32°N04' 034°E46' tel aviv, israel 4:54 am EET -2:00 2 Oct 2009 Directed - Solar Arc


M iddle Outer Wheel

“When the consciousness which is Christ's has been awakened in all men, then we shall have peace on earth and goodwill among men. When this has taken place, then will God be glorified.” From Bethlehem to Calvary, Alice Bailey p71 2 Esoteric Healing, Alice Bailey, p305 3 Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, p89 4 Esoteric Psychology I, Alice Bailey, p399 5 Esoteric Psychology I, Alice Bailey, p396-7 6 Esoteric Psychology I, Alice Bailey, P398 7 Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, p87 8 Esoteric Healing, Alice Bailey, p264-5 9 Zionist Jacob Klatzkin, Germany 1921 10 Esoteric Healing, Alice Bailey, p267-8 11 Judaism 101: 12 Wikipedia 13 Esoteric Astrology p386 14 Glamour a World Problem, Alice Bailey p147-8. 15 “The Masters of the Wisdom see neither Jew nor Gentile, but only souls and sons of God.” Esoteric Healing, Alice Bailey, p264-9

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