Aquarian Christ - Mission Of [update 2008]

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  • Pages: 8
MISSION OF THE AQUARIAN CHRIST 2003 Leoni Hodgson, PMAFA, MSE (Psych), Ph.De Esotericism The current World Teacher who is responsible for the spiritual destinies of mankind , is known as the Christ by Christians, the Iman Madhi by Mohammedans, the Bodhisattva and Lord Maitreya in the East. He is also called the Lord of Love and of Compassion, being a direct channel and focal point for the divine forces of Love and Wisdom as they affect humanity. 1. The Passage of the Sun through the Zodiac expands Human Consciousness Many very advanced and blessed “sons of God” have held the position of World Teacher, the tenure term being usually two and a half thousand years - the approximate period it takes for the evolutionary passage of the Sun to move through one zodiacal sign in the greater zodiac. “That passage should and does symbolise human evolution.” 1 As the Sun progresses through the greater zodiac, the vibration and purpose of the sign it is currently in, expands human consciousness. This process is managed by the World Teacher. Additionally, a new religion - imbued with colour and symbolism of the sign, is created. For example ... When the Sun was in the Age of Taurus, of the Bull, we saw the rise of the Mithraic mysteries which centred around the sacrifice of the sacred bull. Mithra was the ancient Persian god of light and wisdom. The next sign the Sun moved into - that of Aries the Ram, governed the Jewish Religion. The sin of the children of Israel in the wilderness which enraged Moses, was that they worshipped the golden calf - the past and obsolete Taurean religion which should have been left behind. Christ was born into the next sign, Pisces the Fishes. Hence the frequent references to fishes, and fish symbolism in Christian literature. By rejecting Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained in the sign Aries, and locked into a religion from which the Christ Life has moved on. Jews will have an opportunity to catch up with evolution, if they accept the Aquarian Christ. In the Piscean Age, the goal was to foster soul alignment, to relate humanity to the spiritual Hierarchy of Souls. Now the Sun is moving into Aquarius, and the Risen Christ is the Water-Carrier. 2 He will meet the need of the thirsty nations of the world — thirsty for truth, for right human relations and for loving understanding. The Aquarian Church will be gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups; and Love, Universality, and the Risen Christ will be its hallmarks. In the Aquarian Age, the goal is to foster spiritual alignment, to relate humanity to Shamballa - “the centre where the will of God is known.” This will enable the “will-to-good” - love imbued with the Power of God, to manifest through humanity!

2. Ceremonial Inauguration of the Aquarian Christ Lord Maitreya Christ is the first of the great world Teachers of our humanity, to cover two zodiacal cycles—the Piscean and Aquarian Ages. This inauguration took place in June 1945, at the full moon. “ In June, 1945, at the time of the full moon He definitely and consciously took over His duties and responsibilities as the Teacher and Leader during the Aquarian solar cycle.” 3 Leading up to this period, another important decision was made - to give one of the oldest prayers ever known, to all humanity. Previously, it had only been used by the most exalted, spiritual Beings, and the Christ Himself only used the ‘Great Invocation’ for the first time at this full moon. 3 At the inauguration ceremony, the Christ was sponsored by three most wondrous and powerful Beings, who formed a triangle of support about him. This great Triangle of Force remains behind Him for the duration of the Aquarian Age:the Buddha (bringing the light which shines ever from the East) the Spirit of Peace (bringing Love, in order to establish right human relations) the Avatar of Synthesis (bringing spiritual Power). 3 At the centre of this Triangle the Christ took His stand. Then the outpouring love of the Christ - augmented by the forces of these Three, were refocused and channelled into a great stream, and pulled into expression on Earth, as the following words of the Great Invocation were sounded: “Let love stream forth into the hearts of men....” “ Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.” The words Light, love, power, invoking the energies of His three Associates. Can you visualise the potency, the glory and the wonder of this ceremony, whose participants were of solar and cosmic stature, and who opened up a great stream of power from cosmic heights, which poured out onto earth through the angels, initiates and disciples, of all the ashrams? [*** See chart analysis later in the paper]. 3. The Avatar of Synthesis: co-sponsor of the Aquarian Christ He is a great Being who originates from outside our solar system, and is under instruction from Shamballa. He wields and applies first ray energy, and therefore is the channel and director of immense spiritual Power! Since this great Avatar gave the Christ His support in 1945, more rapid and potent changes for good can be brought about - the whole of human evolution has quickened under this power and influence! His note and vibration can only be sensed by those whose individual note is also synthesis and whose life objective is the will-to-good; such as - Members of the Hierarchy, disciples, aspirants and a few men and women of goodwill. His primary purpose on Earth is to foster unity, oneness and inter-relation in humanity. But He is limited in the extent to which he can work, because He can only channel His energies through a group conscious entity, such as:

- the spiritual Hierarchy, revealing the nature of the divine will-to-good, and divine Purpose; - the Assembly of UN (not the Security Council) generating will-to-unity; - the human masses, fostering the urge to a general betterment. 4. The New Group of World Servers - the body of the Aquarian Christ! The New Group of World Servers (NGWS), is the primary distribution channel for the Avatar of Synthesis. Every man and woman in every country who is working to heal the breaches between people, to evoke the sense of brotherhood, to foster the sense of mutual inter-relation, and who sees no racial, national or religious barriers, is a member of the NGWS, even if he or she has never heard of it in these terms. This group is a spiritual organism; it is manifesting the body of Christ! This means that every member of the NGWS, is in the process of having his or her body irradiated by the lighted power of the over-shadowing Aquarian Christ , and is being uplifted and transformed - mentally, emotionally and physically, in order to be able to handle the electrical vibration of the great Lord. Then each purified personality is absorbed into, and becomes a connective link in the developing organism. Christ Maitreya is being over-shadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis, who is using our Lord as a channel of distribution. Therefore, the NGWS - the body of Christ, is the Avatar’s primary distribution channel. His goal is its goal - and this is to foster unity, oneness and harmonious inter-relations, and resurrect the livingness of the Christ nature in every human being. 5. How Can We Assist the Aquarian Christ? 1. The most obvious way, is to ensure we meet the criteria required for members of the NGWS - the distribution channel of the Christ and the Avatar of Synthesis. This is the goal of the Path of Discipleship leading to initiation - to develop a universal outlook, to overcome the “heresy of separativeness” in heart and mind, becoming selfless, harmless, inclusive. And to help establish this fact in the consciousness of humanity, in some practical way. The members of the NGWS are motivated to right-action, they are “doers”! 2. The Aquarian energy is pouring now, into the Hierarchy. All true Aquarian-Christ workers are channels for this Water of Life. We become channels by establishing deeper contact (via our souls), with the Hierarchy the Kingdom of Souls! And this is achieved through occult meditation. These two points are the ABC’s taught in all true esoteric schools; and students who are transforming their consciousness through right character development, and appropriate spiritual practises, are automatically being drawn into the body of the Aquarian Christ, and are consciously or unconsciously assisting the World Teacher in His work!

6. Analysis of 1945, and 2004 charts The very important inauguration ceremony of the Aquarian Christ took place at the Gemini full moon in 1945, which occurred in late May of that year. [The Tibetan said it took place in June. However, he is noted as generally saying “the Full Moon of June” when referring to the Gemini full moon; just as he generally says “the May full moon” when referring to the Full Moon of Taurus.] “ .. the Full Moon of June, 1945, which is recognised as the Full Moon of the Christ, just as the Full Moon of May is that of the Buddha. “ 4 The Importance of Gemini with the Christ and Humanity: 1. Gemini is closely associated with humanity and the Hierarchy because the Sun was in Gemini when the Hierarchy was founded on Earth. Ever since, the two pillars of Gemini have held a very important part in the Masonic rituals - it being the oldest spiritual order on earth. 2. As a result of point one, and because the Hierarchy is an outpost of the Lodge on Sirius, Gemini forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius. The Love-Wisdom energy which flows into our system, emanates from Sirius, and Gemini is its primary channel. 3. Gemini is also closely related to the Christ, and the Gemini full moon is called the Festival of the Christ and of Humanity. At this festival, the Christ, as the most senior member of humanity, makes supplication to “the Gods” on behalf of mankind. The inauguration ceremony, and the purposes for which it was held, took advantage of the powerful inflow of Sirian and Ray 2 energy which occurs whenever the Sun passes through Gemini in the smaller annual zodiac. Astrology Chart for Gemini Full Moon, 1945 1. Uranus a. One of the most important configurations in the ceremony chart, is the conjunction of the Sun with planet Uranus. Uranus is related to the First Aspect of Will - Power, and is the channel for electric fire pouring from the Central Spiritual Sun. The Avatar of Synthesis is working along this line, and it is likely that He would draw down cosmic power via Uranus and to a lesser extent Pluto, during the ceremony. b. Additionally, Uranus rules Aquarius, the age into which the Sun is passing. He is a distributor of Aquarian energy, and an appropriate systemic representative for this constellation, and of the Aquarian Age, and of the Will and Power of God, during the ceremony. c. Uranus embodies the energy of Ray Seven - that of Ceremony, Order and Magic, and this is the ray force which is currently coming into power, as ray six force goes out! The Tibetan said that when the seventh Ray is active and the Sun is in Aquarius (in the greater zodiac), then the Aquarian Age can manifest.

1945 june full moon

Compliments of:Esoteric Technologies P ty Ltd Creators of Solar Fire Web: Email: [email protected]

Natal Chart 27 May 1945 3:50 am BDST - 2:00 Greenwich, ENG 51°N29' 000°W00' Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node



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2. The Royal Stars - “The Watchers” of the Four Points Both the Sun and Uranus had their forces supplemented by the star Aldebaran. One of the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran is called “The Watcher of the East,” and the east has ever been related to the Light of Hierarchy, to the Master of the Lodge, and to the Christ! The Moon and Earth were overshadowed by the star Antares, “The Watcher of the West” - at nine degrees Sagittarius. The west point is related to the Place of Power in the Masonic Craft. One could hypothesise, that this coming full moon in Aquarius, on the 6th February 2004, is another important step in the Appearance of the Aquarian Christ, for the Watchers of the North and South are being invoked! Uranus at 1 degree of Pisces, will be conjunct the star Formalhaut - “The Watcher of the South”, and therefore triggering by opposition aspect, the potency of the royal Star Regulus - “The Watcher of the North” found at 29 degrees Leo. From East to West, high spiritual forces were anchored on Earth in 1945 - the vertical alignment axis was in place. The work which man needed to do to enlighten his

consciousness, was symbolised by the North to South axis. This was necessary and had to be done before the Christ could draw closer. Much has been done in the last 59 years, and again this axis is being marked out in the heavens! After this Aquarian Full Moon, the temple floor is in place, and now work on the building of the Temple of the Lord can begin in earnest, on a higher or deeper level based on the Aquarian template! 3. The Triangle of Gemini - Aquarius - Libra The most powerful forces governing our system are those emanating from the Great Bear, Sirius, and the Pleiades (represented on Earth by Shamballa, Hierarchy, Humanity), and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent this Triad! 1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius. 2. Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades. 3. Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear. EA 349 Gemini is the most powerfully radiating point of the triangle at this Gemini Full Moon in 1945. It is interesting, that when this ceremony took place, there were no planets in Aquarius. However, a star called Sualocin is located at 17 degrees Aquarius, and made an easy connection with Uranus in this period. Sualocin is known as the Dolphin or Sacred Fish - symbols of Christianity! This symbolises the continuing connection of the Christ’s work from Pisces into to the Aquarian Age. Forming a grand trine with Uranus and Sualocin is Neptune, the planet which symbolises the Christ. It is in Libra which “relates the two in Gemini”. This can be interpreted as Christ bringing Humanity and Hierarchy - the Kingdom of Man and of Souls, into balance and harmony; and guiding man from being Piscean in consciousness, to that of Aquarian! 4. The Triangle of Saturn, Jupiter and Leo On the 6th February 2004, Jupiter and Saturn are almost in the identical positions they were in the 1945 chart, excepting that in 2004, they are both retrograde [the energies are being turned inwards, focusing on the inner work, rather than being expressed freely out through the personality life]. And between these two, are planets in Leo Pluto in 1945, the Moon and Earth in 2004. What can this mean? Firstly, Saturn - one of the rulers of the Path of Discipleship, has returned to Cancer governing human mass consciousness. Supplementing his force is Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer - the “star of initiation.” In this sign, the Lord of Karma brings adversity, providing opportunity for the aspirant Humanity, to work off karma, and to pass certain tests of spiritual fitness. When successful, this enables the student to develop self-consciousness and thus take the 1st initiation - and this process Leo governs! The Tibetan said that humanity as a whole was on the verge of taking this 1st initiatory step, back in the 40’s. Perhaps the Moon (ruling the masses) in Leo suggests this most significant event is imminent!

When the 1st Initiation is taken, the aspirant steps onto the Path of Discipleship, the Christ seed anchored in the cave of the heart is stimulated and expanded, and serious spiritual purification work begins. This Jupiter in Virgo represents. *** It seems significant that this triangle of force appears in both charts, and that the second set of royal stars “The Watchers of the North and South”, are triggered by Uranus - the Hierophant, in 2004. I suspect that in the next few years, we see the battle between people who hold to Piscean values, and those who hold to Aquarian ones, pick up a pace. This providing the tests and self-analysis required for humanity to take the 1st Initiation. Success will be seen when people of the world generally, begin to “aspire to something higher and finer.” 6 Feb 2004

Compliments of:Esoteric Technologies P ty Ltd Creators of Solar Fire Web: Email: [email protected]

Natal Chart 6 Feb 2004 8:48 am UT +0:00 Greenwich, ENG 51°N29' 000°W00' Geocentric Tropical Placidus True Node



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5. Further Points in the 2004 Aquarian Full Moon Chart The symbology of the Ages of Pisces passing out, and the Aquarian Age coming in; and the Christ moving focus from the Pisces to Aquarius, is beautifully captured in the chart. This is seen in the movement of the Sun from its conjunction with Neptune (ruler of Pisces, and expressing Ray 6) just before the full moon, to its conjunction

with Uranus (ruler of Aquarius and expressing the 7th Ray), a fortnight later. Here we see a “baton change”, as vital life force is handed on from the old regent, to the new. Neptune - the Christ, is God of the Oceans, Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Here we have another symbol of the passage from Pisces to Aquarius, and the sounding of the note of the Aquarian Christ. In Summary: Uranus leads the way to the future, and his position in Pisces in the chart carries a strong message for the coming years. Piscean Age ideals which are needing to be overcome so human consciousness can move forward: - the imposition of authority, of paternalism upon the race; a demand for blind devotion; materialism; blind fanaticism, and lack of intelligent synthesis. The NGWS must oppose these values, and continually hold before the public gaze the Aquarian Age values of: right human relations, loving understanding, universality, and the “will-to-good”. This preparation phase will last until Uranus leaves Pisces in 2011. And then Neptune (the Christ) enters Pisces in 2012, and stays there until 2025, the date when some predict, the Christ will “reappear.” Then Neptune enters Aries, the first sign, symbolising a new spiritual-religious phase beginning for humanity - the new Aquarian Religion, because Aries is governed on a hierarchy level, by Uranus - forerunner and symbol of the Aquarian Age! 1

Rays and Initiations, 534.


Destiny of the Nations, 150


Reappearance of the Christ, 82


Reappearance of the Christ, 31.

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