The Journey Of Life

  • November 2019
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Dear Readers,

The poem titled ‘The Journey of Life’ is a very interesting poetic expression of our life experiences. The theme of poem is centered over a man, who is burdened by the sins of self and trials and temptation in the world. He sets out from his home in search of peace and in search of heaven the celestial city. In his journey he comes across various evils of the world and feel himself as more and more miserable. He recognizes the economic, food and fuel crisis and how the world is moving towards World War III. He testifies the beauty of celestial city and draws his conclusion regarding steps to be taken for peaceful existence of mankind and makes suggestions regarding the measures to be taken for a successful career and successful life. The poem is having 937 Rhyming paragraphs and couplets. Moreover it has 11636 words, 1920 lines, 68828 characters with spaces, 57338 characters with no spaces and runs in 81 pages. You will enjoy reading it.

Dr Nitin John

The Journey of Life As a pilgrim in this world we are born, Happiness and sorrow in the journey are all abound. The journey so short and sweet, Trial and temptation, in-ward they peep.

The life on this earth is not eternal; life is but an empty dream! Lifeless soul is one that slumbers, and outside world is not what they seem.

Life is thrilling! Life is earnest! And just to die is not its goal; Lead life worth remembering, for peace and joy of the soul.

Dreaming a dream, I saw a man holding a book in his hand, Great burden upon his back, as he read- he restless ran. As he read –he wept and trembled, sins of his life so unpardonable, Time for mercy and grace now unreachable.

These thoughts made him miserable, City he stayed will be quenched in fire consumable.

His thoughts made his kin so amazed, Not that they believe what he said. Feeling that some frenzy distemper had gone in his head, Hoping sleeping might settle his brains, all haste they got him to bed. Walking in the fields greatly distressed in his mind, Crying, languishing for a saviour divine. A good man asked the pilgrim - why he was scared of death? Thought of judgment and execution made him sorrowful wretch. Good man showed him the gates of wicked and that of shining light, He wished to walk in the path leading to heavenly life. He took on the plains in search of destiny right, His kith and kin to fetch him back using all their might. Pilgrim persuaded them to join, Showing him the glory divine. Kin lamented at the pilgrim will you go back with us or no, No replied the pilgrim, since he laid his hand on the plough. No ones heart inclined from his neighbor, None with pilgrim was there to labor. As he traveled he got strained,

From further walk he abstained. Pilgrim rested for a while, Angelic visitation made him to smile. A voice echoed- be not ye partakers of evil- but walked as children of light, Walk circumspectly not as fool but as worldly wise. Walk in world with worthy vocation, wherewith ye are called, Fruitful, peaceful and humble always, these characteristics in your soul dissolved. Perilous times has come over- is this the end of the time, Men becoming lovers of own self- filled with pride behaving like swine. Covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient, unthankful, un-holy, Have inordinate affections, fierce, traitors, high - minded and morally lowly. Seek not the things of world –for the things are not eternal, As dew your life will pass by- to be lost in world so carnal. Walking in spirit and lusting not after the flesh, For the flesh lusted - against the spirit and spirit lusted after the flesh. Work of Flesh will make you fall for adultery, fornication, Lasciviousness and seditions, Witch crafts, hatred, variance, heresies and emulations.

Envying, wrath, murders, drunkenness and reveling; Engaging in immorality and gambling. Fruit of spirit will make you filled with joy, love, peace and long suffering, Being gentle, faithful and for everyone caring.

Becoming meek, having temperance, charity and burden bearing, Deny ungodliness and worldly lust, living soberly sharing good tidings. Be subject to all principalities and power, Read for all Good work at any hour, Being no brawlers, speaking evil of no man, But being gentle and showing meekness unto all man.

We ourselves are sometime foolish, disobedient, deceiving, serving diverse lust and pleasure, Living in malice and envy and hateful and hating always one another. Avoid foolish questions and genealogies, contention and striving about the law, Our mind is too finite and in Gods memory we become outlaws.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers and what you have with them share, For there some carelessly have entertained angels unawares. Remember those in bonds and bound with them, and with them, suffer adversity, In their groans and pain be partakers and pray for their prosperity. Ye rich man, weep and howl, for your miseries on you come upon, Your riches get corrupted and one day from life you are gone. Your gold and silver will be cankers and dust of it will eat your flesh as fires, Your heaped treasures together for last day, Is it be quenched in the fire? Hire of labor of your field, which you keep back by fraud, The poor mans money by force you sought and got.

You have lived in pleasure of earth and been wanton, Ye have condemned and killed the just and made their flesh rotten. Judgment day is very near in which ye shall be condemned, You will feel dejected as if abandoned. In my dreams, I diligently searched for the blessed,

Eye astonished by deception- but it was Satan the cursed.

There were group of poor, merciful, pure in heart and meek, Comforters and peacemakers with sincerity the Kingdom of Heaven they seek.

Angel proclaimed, cast not your anger on brother – neither call any one fool, Condemned and murders shall they be called – in eternal fire they shall gruel.

He who look and lust for women, all commit adultery, Women lure entice men, making the world moral derogatory.

Men putting their wife for fornication, Women prefer divorce just for recreation.

Who so ever compel thee to go a mile, go with him a little in twain? Give to him that asked them, turn him not in vain.

Love your enemies and Love your friends, Love for all in your heart should be blend.

Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, Pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you. When though pray- pray in closet, pray to thy God always in secret, And thy God will reward you abundant.

Shining light then suddenly disappeared, As I slipped into deep sleep, my thoughts over this evil world wandered. Sins of world made me ponder, Deeds of devil made me wonder.

The sinful attributes made my thoughts to yonder, Overcome sinful deeds with good work in great grandeur.

A control over passion will help us to live without resentment or embarrassment, Away from lust of flesh and crime and away from untoward amusement.

The rate at which we mature is same to the embarrassment we can tolerate, Peace and joy that we can create. Passion and ego makes noble heart devour, Controlled passion and humbleness making character secure.

The happiness of a man is in the mastery of his passions, Never let your passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance. A man without passions has within him no principle of action, Exclude harmful passions and deny them admittance. Love is an alliance of friendship and animalism; if the former pre dominates it is passion exalted; The latter gross and sensual, it is decency assaulted.

Egotism – What we can say is nothing but mistaken identity,

It is art of seeing in one self what others cannot see.

Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity, Egotism is nature's compensation for mediocrity. Over come, egotism and getting rid themselves of the most stubborn obstacle, Blocking the way to all happiness, filling the heart with pride and vengeance. Evil is sweet in the beginning, but appears awful in the end, Every sin is the result of collaboration, when the beauty and beast blend. Evil to bewail is senseless, The payment of it is priceless. What is the calm composure of great souls? The love of money is the root of evil, and the love of money is an evil goal. Evil is always possible, Goodness is a difficulty achievable, Evil spelled backward, is live, an evil life is pitiable. A man of misfortune, his life experience to my mind he tuned, Advice me of certain do and don’t, as to his story we loom. He exaggerated misfortune and happiness alike, Our happiness and depression as told were not a look like.

False eloquence was exaggeration; true eloquence was emphasis, Thought is a process of exaggeration and expression of symbiosis. Some so speak in exaggerations, and superlatives that we need, Exaggerations leading to schizophrenia and malice it may breed.

We have hundred million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse. And oftentimes excusing of a fault makes the world around amuse. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for something; He who excuses himself accuses himself for everything. Excuses always are always less convincing than one, Bad excuses are worse than none. Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts, No one ever excused his way to success. Every time you get angry, you poison your own systems. Gush of adrenaline and cortico-steroids in body for a ransom. To be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, And at the right time, and for the right purpose it is not so easy. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow, Control of your anger may bring peace and satisfied thoughts tomorrow.

Lose one's temper never, but always try to be little kind, Have self-control stored permanent in our minds. Man of misfortune was a gambler, full of vices and vulnerability, Indecent gossip, violence, and longed for vanity. His urge to gamble was so universal and its practice so pleasurable, That he never assume it to be evil. Gambling promises the poor and at times -- something for nothing, Decide of rules of the game, the stakes, and the time for quitting. Gossip is what no one claims to like, But everyone including Mr. Misfortune enjoys. There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, That it ill behaves with any of us, finding faults within rest of us. Count not him among your friends who will retail your privacies, Friend and foes making you embarrassed in state of apathy. Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind, It s human nature exaggerated with feeling blind. An expert gossiper knows how much to leave out of a conversation, How much salt and pepper in for proper gossips digestion?

The lust in man no charm can tame: loudly publishing his neighbor's shame: On birds wings immortal scandals fly, while virtuous actions are born to die. Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue. The songs and tales of others failure is always loudly sung. Women hold off from marrying men this is just independence. Men hold off from marrying women – Is it fright of commitment. Men represent the triumph of mind over morals, Women triumph matter over mind just to quarrel. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition; Gender in equality is a known old notion. Men naturally despise those who court them, Respect for those who do not give way to them.

Men are head and caretaker of household, Stories of success to grand children fore told. Women serve the husband and family as caretaker,

A home without mother is a havoc maker. As children we are tender hearted and loveable, As we grow up we try to become sober and adorable. If all hearts were open and all desires known, He clenched fist and his red eyes in anger sown. Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, The violent man project himself as impotent. Victory attained by violence is tantamount to defeat, Success attained by non - violence is always very sweet. Most comfortable vanity whispered in Misfortunes ears that failures are not fault! To act from pure benevolence is not possible for finite beings by default. Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that Mr. Misfortune wanted to be admired: His anxious vanity and fear of failure were sometime misfired. Mr. Misfortune always strived for inordinate share of vanity and presumption, After enjoying every thing, which is good and beautiful, man vying still for immoral temptations.

Magnanimous people having no vanity, they have no jealousy, Vanity, plays lurid tricks with our memory. When you're old you start thinking about things you haven't thought about before, Losing people we love and all our goals of life underscored. Vanity is as ill at ease under indifference as tenderness is under a love, Fine skin of vanity appearing as a peaceful dove. Mr. Misfortune was satisfied with the effect he produced on himself, Appreciated his own worth in spite of being a vanity stricken morsel. People kill themselves and others out of hurt vanity than out for cruelty, Hatred, malice and desire for revenge- the human nature having all jealousy. Vice is as more you see of it the better you like it, More you get attracted to it, as often you think to quit it. Every form of addiction is bad, be drugs, be alcohol or morphine; Addictions land your health in destruction as a rotten bin. Virtues of a man can be faked, his depravities are real, and Men having no vices have few virtues as ordeal. Tobacco and alcohol, delicious fathers of abiding friendships and fertile reveries, The journey takes the addicts to mortuary.

No vice so small that you may commit it, And no virtue is so small that you may over look it. The virtue of some people consists wholly in condemning the vices in others, What were once vices is the fashion of the day, taking world for a rider. I have not a particle of confidence in men who has no redeeming vices, Being sinners, lecherous liars and drunkards have all weaknesses. Vices of leisure are gotten rid of by being busy, Vices make men lost in wilderness pretending to be cozy. Hate no one; hate their vices, not themselves, Search others for their virtues, and with them not to wrestle.

A wicked man was back in the gang, Songs of repentance he loudly sang. Wickedness is for the curious attraction of others by good people; Easy to be wicked without knowing it, as like eating Adams apple. Folly and wickedness shortens life, keep away from it even at leisure, Distance one should keep from a wicked man cannot be measured.

As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination, when it’s looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular consideration. A man filled with revenge was on the way, His story of defeat he wanted to say. "An eye for an eye" “The tooth for a tooth”, Revenge and crimes to be booked. Revenge converts a little right into a great wrong, Saga of suffering to be sung as heartfelt song. You cannot get ahead while you are getting even, One good act of vengeance exhibits all of yours demon. A man that study revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well and keep our soul clean. Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, In capable of feeling the pleasures of forgiving without avenge. Revenge is an act of vengeance of justice, Crimes are avenged being unnoticed.

Revenge has no more quenching effect on emotions, No more tears now; but thoughts full of commotion.

Just vengeance does not call over punishment: Hatred is the coward's revenge for having intimidated accomplishment. The man who was furious was none other than Mr. Quarrels, Reject his old deeds and fallen morals. The test of man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel, The parting of faithful friends: as bullet parting from the barrel. People generally quarrel because they can't argue, A quarrel between friends, just adds a new tie to friendship to pursue.

I strove with none, for none as worth my strife, Quarrel will now never been my piece of cake in this life. When two men quarrel, the one who yields first displays the nobler nature, Promote goodness and godliness of the creator. One, who waits for an opportunity, provokes to bring it, But I will not, for my content-sake, loose it. Master Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive, In jealous spirit there is more of self-love than love for a strive.

It is not love that is blind, but jealousy. It’s the soul not the spirit acting faulty. Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love, Envious consumed by envy, as iron is eaten by rust. Jealousy is cruel as the grave; Love is strong as soldier brave. Who so ever envies another confesses his superiority, Jealousy ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty. Mr. Jealousy was in his guilt, It spills itself, fearing to be spilt. A man name Pessimist, Make you get used to it, just as to Optimist. Pessimists had no hope for themselves or for others, Pessimists think that the human race fails to notice, that they are. In pessimism you can never be disappointed, Get tuned to way to react in the worst possible circumstances.

In the long run, the pessimist may be proven right, But optimist has a better time on the plight. Never it is given a memorial for a pessimist, Solace, satisfaction and grandeur always for the optimist. On my way to search for heavenly city, I met some wise men, Stories of success and fame and some advices - they made us known then. Do not follow where the path may lead just as walking on a rail, Go instead where there is no path and your discovery leaving a trail. Only words of Love can make impossible thing possible, A success as a leader to accomplish any task found inevitable.

Life is short, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult, There are no classes in life for beginners: right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult. The ultimate measure of a man is where he stands at times of challenge and controversy, Telling the people what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. Failures are tension relieving,

While winners do what is goal achieving.

If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, Experience your wise counselor, caution and hope your guardian. The greatest results in life are usually attained by common-sense and perseverance, Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration, A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.

Few other tips the wise men passed over to us, I wondered if it in our journey whether it will help us.

Our character is free choices of good and evil, Talents are best nurtured in solitude making a character noble. Reputation is what men and women think of us, Character is what God and angels know of us. Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character;

Sow a character, and you reap a destiny and destiny will defines life charter.

Happy Wise men then started Chirping, Happiness and with happiness he started bubbling. There is only one way to happiness, in cease worrying things, which are beyond the power of our will, Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the happiness dwells in the soul to feel. Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind, It’s made up soon-forgotten charities of a kiss, a smile and look so kind. Happy is who values the merits of others, And in their pleasure takes joy, as it is his own rather. We have come to believe, that happiness is unattainable, But men have attained it from the adaptation and adjustment sustainable.

A man with Encouragement was one in the group, I liked, Face and eyes of his, shining as twinkling delight. High spots in all of our life come through encouragement from someone, Heart felt cheers and hungers for applause from soul handsome.

There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend, Comfort and solace is only God - send. Happen to meet some Professional men, having no cares, Whatever happens, they get theirs. It is scarce possible at once to admire and excel an author, As water rises no higher than the reservoir as it falls smoother.

Tradesmen regard an author with a mixed feeling of terror, curiosity and compassion, Choose an author as you choose a friend. A successful author is equally in danger of the diminution of his fame, Whether he continues or ceases to write in synonym or own name.

While an author is yet living we estimate his powers by his worst performance, And when he is dead we rate them by his best appearance.

As I moved towards the celestial city, World was filled with atheist having all thoughts very filthy.

To be an atheist requires an infinitely greater measure of faith, Than to receive all the great truths which atheism would forsakes. Atheism is rather in the life than in the heart of man, Great atheists are, indeed, the hypocrites, cauterized in sinful land. Atheist is a man; who has no invisible means of support and invasion, Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Atheism is the result of ignorance and pride, Strong senses, feeble pulse and impure mind.

Atheism can never become an institution, It can never be more than destitution.

Atheism can communicate neither warmth nor illumination, Your mistaken zeal has lighted up for its destructions.

Seeing around dictators – I wondered whether people are satisfied and intricate, A Class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat,

An dictators regime creates at times makes the people despair and frustrate.

Dictatorship instruct you that your feelings, your thoughts and desires are of no account, And you have no desire to account.

The people in democracy were prosperous, happy and free, Democratic nation voice the inner feelings of its normal gentry.

As we move nearer to the city, I saw doctors serving patients with all humanity.

The physician announces the safety of the patient, In his patient care is his total dedication. Doctor's reputation is made by the number of eminent men be dying under his care, It’s a profession of honesty, devotion and selfless service for their patients every - where.

The doctor makes his accurate diagnosis by feeling his patients pulse, though fancy may be the patient's complaint; necessity is often the doctor's impulse.

As I out look for engineers, they begin with a small dynamo, And end up with creating nuclear bomb enigma.

Engineers for invention dividing nature -- into science and engineering is a human imposition, Indeed, the division is a human failure for its complete comprehension.

Painters thought revolve around the minor facts of life, Penetrate the hidden sensations and making feelings live. Painters and Poets are nothing more dangerous than instruments of war in the hands of generals, Painters and Poets freely express the human thoughts of our mind carnal. I saw two philosophers telling each other all they know in an hour, Having contradict other philosophers was there only creative out put in the complete endeavor.

We decided to move as fast as we can from the group, Just to find a poet looking at us like a crook. Poets have indispensable experience found universally, Are not poets men who fulfill their hopes prematurely? A poet's soul contain the perfect shape of all things good, wise and just, His mind is pure, his thoughts deep and his feeling are without a lust.

Poets are Kings and Princes, if they had their will: They can impress the Queen with their thoughtful skills.

A poet's life flouriseth not on the poet's wits, but reader's will, Great poets have been men of great knowledge and skills.

Struggle from the littleness and obstruction of an actual world into forming a duet, It's a man's sincerity and depth of vision that makes him a poet.

A politician moved ahead of me in his red light car, Seeing him he appeared to be monster with a faced scar. Politicians fascinate because they constitute such a paradox,

The elite accomplish mediocrity for the public good in to his Pandora box.

The proper memory for a politician is one that knows what to remember and what to forget, Defeats of any kind including words a politician can never accept. A politician has nothing to loose if not won, Its only public business is undone.

Most of the things in doing, Becomes the surer way for others to ruin.

True statesmanship is the art of changing a nation from what it is into what it ought to be, What most of all enables a man to serve the public is not wealth, but content and independence for prosperity. I saw an Indian soldier in uniform with medals arrayed, With all ferocity the enemy dismayed.

In joys of conquest he resigns his breath, And fill with glory in death.

Army men are whom all people adore, In time of war but never as before.

At times of peace when things are righted, Soldier is neglected and slighted. How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, Martyr for country so blest!

Lawsuits generally originate with the obstinate and the ignorant, A lawyer is a learned gentleman who rescues your estate keeping it; himself as possessions.

A lawyer's dealings should be just and fair; Popularity; shines with great advantage there. To succeed as a lawyer, a man must work like a horse and live like a hermit, Countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats as a puppet. I know the lawyers can, with ease,

Twist words and meanings as they please,

It is the trade of lawyers to question everything, yield nothing, and to talk over the hours, Law profession is supported by the indiscriminate defense of right or wrong and is secure.

In law it is good never to plead for what you need not, Lest oblige our-self to prove what we cannot.

Things of world make me frightened, World conditions making life so threatened.

Financial condition of world so broking, The thought of life and death is so evoking.

Economics crisis, it’s a term sharp transition to a recession, A part of political economy it’s the the crisis of capitalism in the specific formulation.

Even if not aware of this crisis but no one can escape its repercussions,

For who is not directly influenced by economic considerations?

Blaming Wall Street for bringing the crisis on itself” cannot be denied, Half of the nine thousand banks in the USA will lay off its employee for a ride.

“It seems amazing to me that a business as huge as Lehman Brothers can fail in this way, Loosing the massive market confidence, the world trade had bid it go away.

“They used to call these men (the heads of the five biggest Wall Street Investment Banks) the ‘masters of the universe’, And now they are imploding stars, called to deal with the collapse and curse.

“Sunday September 14, 2008, a day that changed the landscape for ever, Nothing similar has happened on Wall Street in its living memory” ever.

“People don’t change when they see the light. They change when they feel the heat” “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and these are the ones you want to concentrate on” for a retreat.

Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch biggest and most powerful Wall Street Investment Banks both went bankrupt, AIG (American International Group) the world’s biggest Insurance Company on the verge of bankruptcy- oh what an economic catastrophe has struck. People simply waiting for this fast-approaching collapse to occur, Plan for a transformation for to be sustained and secure.

Economic collapse the world is moving towards greater depression and havoc, Many properties world over are destroyed, and many homes are lost. Real estate companies building houses with loan money from banks as sources, Now money is lost resulting in sub-prime crisis. America did lend money a-plenty to the world before, So who will come to Americas to help her past glory restore. "If the government is going to get into the bailout business, Shouldn't we also be focusing our resources on an average? Aimed at rescuing the financial institutions that created this crisis Sloppy underwriting and reckless disregard for the risk these companies were creating are now paying its prices. Continued job cutting as a result of a slowing economy and declining prosperity, Increased outsourcing could prompt a significant decline in job security.

"As the economic ramifications of September 11/ 08 continue to reverberate in the coming weeks and months, While, consumer managed to keep the United States out of recession for several days and months. Congress should encourage comprehensive and affordable employersponsored healthcare coverage in with past reputation, "America's petroleum industry is working hard to ensure that all Americans have the fuel they need during this difficult situation." Fuels are flowing normally to wholesale and retail markets, adequate to meet demand, Refinery production also remains strong and easing America always to command. The mighty U.S. economy has feet of clay, and those feet are now dragging the world economy to a crawl. U.S. weakness is limiting growth world wide and recessing driving people to hall. Rapid productivity growth, centered in technology industries, supported strong income gains, An example that has been the envy of the developed world is in shock and pain. The current slowdown is the result of these successes, High equity market valuation - result in negative wealth effects situation to recess. Heavy investments in information technology equipment have created a capital base that exceeds near-term demands,

Rapid borrowing by both firms and households has built up a large stock of debt a conditioning remand. Tighter monetary policy and high oil prices, the highest prices in nearly a decade, By raising production costs, higher energy costs have fueled an increase in the overall inflation rate. The New Economy is now in a familiar to downturn, softening investment -- and to a lesser extent consumer – requirement, Slowing sales and higher capital costs work into lower profits, further depressing stock prices and national wealth procurement, Production cuts result in high-profile job cuts, raising unemployment and batter consumer confidence. There can be no real individual freedom in the presence of economic insecurity. An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. I saw an economist working for stability, Force our economy to crisis with his ingenuity. An economist is a man; who taste the obvious in terms of the incomprehensible, All economists if were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which are made hardcore criminals.

The first lesson of economics is scarcity: Exploit labor forces - and monetary paucity.

Economy prepares today; to afford the improvement of tomorrow, It is better to be right than to be in consistent debt and sorrow. There can be no economy where there is no efficiency, Creative economy promoting efficiencies removing all deficiency. Efficiency is doing better what s already being done, Organizations cannot make a genius out of an incompetent. Organizing can be a wonderful method for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization and mars unrest. Most Americans take food crisis for granted, Even the poorest spend only 16 percent on food of their budget.

Last year, the food import bill of developing countries rose by 25 percent, As food prices rose to levels not seen in a generation.

Corn doubled in price over the last two years, Wheat reached its highest price in last twenty-eight years.

The increases are already sparking unrest from Haiti to Egypt and to all ports, Many countries have imposed price controls on food or taxes on agricultural exports.

The president of the World Bank warned that 33 nations are at risk of social unrest for the rising prices of food, In these countries there is no margin for survival,” and livelihood.

The United States and other developed countries need to step up to the plate, False accuse the growth of the middle class in China and India for the food demand at stake.

Rich world is exacerbating these effects by supporting the production of bio-fuels, Exempt from gas taxes and slap an average tariff on all types of fuel.

Over the long term, agricultural productivity must increase in the developing world, Rich countries could help finance a “green revolution” program in developing world.

Increasing farm productivity and raising crop yields in Africa, Provide more immediate assistance for regions from tropics to Antarctica.

Industrial nations are not generous, unfortunately, Developed nations would have to increase their aid budgets generosities.

Damage to agricultural production caused by global warming is a cause of concern, Millions of people in developing nation could need aid to avoid malnutrition.

Rich countries’ energy policies helped create the problems, Now those countries should help solve it under their emblem.

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates, Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate,

For the health and well-being of himself and of his family sustainability, This includes food, clothing, housing and medical care and resource availability. The sharp increase in the cost of staple food an immediate threat to the sheer survival of hundreds of millions,

Neo-liberal policies, is now even more seriously jeopardised the lives of another trillion. In just one year the prices of rice and wheat have doubled, The hike in price of rice; have got comman man troubled. The barrel of oil reached US$ 146, the gold ounce US$ thousand, The records just reflect a trend of turmoil of thousands. Philippines to Egypt, From Haiti to Yemen, from Mexico to Senegal, Every where their are anti - government slogans. Back in 2005, US and EU governments; granted agro business corporations subsidies to develop the bio-fuel industry, The Corporations - make more bio-fuels production for all profitability. This support policy siphoned off significant amounts of essential food products towards the bio-fuel industry, Hundred million tons of cereals were taken away from the food sector creating their paucity, Similarly land that was formerly used to produce food was converted for bio-fuel production, Hijacking part of a food production acutely needed for selfish propositions. Development of the bio-fuel industry led to a 75 % rise in food prices from 2002 to February 2008, Food shortage over the world was being created. Far from feeling concern about a rampant poverty it helps to spread, World Bank seems primarily worried about social un-rest.

Itself a structural source of inequality, corruption and poverty, Also is obstacle to any kind of food sovereignty. People in different countries are being impoverished as a result of a global market mechanism, Financial institutions and global corporations determine the standard of living of people through market manipulation.

We are at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history, The process of global impoverishment unleashed at the outset of the nineteen eighties.

Debt crisis lead to the simultaneous outbreak of famines in world in all major regions, these are underlying the global economic crisis pertaining to financial market legends.

The decline in production, the collapse of State institutions and the rapid development of a profit-driven war economy, Prices of food, water and fuels have increased dramatically with devastating economic and social tsunami. These three essential goods or commodities, which determine the reproduction of economic and social life on planet earth,

These are under the control of a small number of global corporations and financial stalwarts. State as well as the gamut of international organizations serving the unfettered interests of global capitalism, United Nations, the Bretton Woods Institutions and the World Trade Organizations (WTO) have endorsed the New World existence, Governments in both developed and developing countries have abandoned their historical role of regulating key economic endurance. The provision of food, water and fuel are no longer the object of governmental or intergovernmental regulation, Alleviate poverty or averting the outbreak of famines intervention. Powerful economic actors operating through a seemingly neutral and "invisible" market mechanism, They effect by hike in the cost of essential commodities. Price of water - which is an essential input into agricultural and industrial production, Social infrastructure, public sanitation and household consumption, This increased abruptly as a result of a world - wide movement of water resources privatization. In very concrete terms, these price hikes impoverish and destroy lives, Moreover, the worldwide collapse in living standards is occurring at a time of war and strife. The rise in fuel prices unleashes a broader inflationary process,

Decline in purchasing power as economy recess.

All major sectors of society, including the middle classes in the developed countries are affected, This upheaval in the global economy is deliberately created.

The economic depression contributes to wealth formation, Enhancing the power of a handful of global corporations. Major hikes in the prices of basic food staples, has spearheaded millions of people into starvation and chronic deprivation, We are dealing with a complex and centralized constellation of economic power in which the instruments of market manipulation. These hikes in the prices of food, water and fuel are contributing in "starvation deaths". There is need for control over mineral and petroleum refinement.

Population pressures lead to endemic famine, food riots, and breakdown of social order control, "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people" a quote by Henry Kissinger foretold.

For then there will be a great tribulation at the end of the times,

The destructions and diseases are in their prime.

Year 1948, the Jews gained again status as a nation, Wars – Wars and six major wars between Israel and Arab nations- all signs of great tribulation.

After that tribulation, the sun to be darkened and the moon will not give its light, powers of heaven to be shaken. Armageddon at Mount of Megiddo, is the site of the final battle, The powers of world to rattle.

A nuclear holocaust, the World War III, having a anhilation stature, The speculations that it would be nuclear and devastating in nature.

The commencement of the Cold War in the wake of World War I - World War II, Testing and use of nuclear weapons there was early widespread speculation as to the next global wars clue.

The war anticipate and planned for by military and civil authorities, and explored in fiction with imaginative creation, Concepts ranged from limited use of atomic weapons, to destruction of the planet anhilation.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, expressed concern of the Soviet threat to Western Europe as most feasible. An apocalyptic war between the United States and the Soviet Union was considered plausible. The Doomsday Clock has served as a symbol of historic World War III close calls since the Truman Doctrine went into effect in 1947, The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 is generally thought to be the historical point at which the risk of World War III ridden. August 29, 1949 - Soviet Union successfully conducted tests with nation's first RDS-I atomic bomb,

General MacArthur in Korean War (1950 – 1953) planned to invade to eliminate the threat of communism by china to be bombed.

Year 1953 - Soviet Union successfully conducts tests of nation's first hydrogen bomb, Joe- Four, Crisis of Suez(1957) , Berlin Crisis (1961) and Cuban Missile Crisis (1961) a war scenario for score.

Yom Kippur War of 1973, a Soviet threat to intervene on Egypt's behalf caused the United States to go to DEFCON - Three, USSR mistook a test of NATO’S for its nuclear alert level, US realized how close it had come to nuclear war spree.

The end of the world the ultimate fate of the universe, The end of Earth as a planet for the flat earth edge of the world.

Peace—worldwide permanent peace among all nations and peoples—has been a perpetual hope and dream of mankind, It's the stuff of countless stories, sermons and songs—and wishful thinking un-wind.

Endless strategies have been proposed and tried,

Peace demonstrations, peace talks and peace treaties! in documents and archive.

International relations will be peaceable only when all people are peaceable, World peace will require people to have "a new heart and a new spirit" adorable.

The International Day of Peace is on September 21st of each year, Calls for a full day of peace and ceasefire.

Observance of the annual International Day of Peace is widespread across the globe, Celebrations now take place in every country and true peace bestow.

We make a war that we may live in peace, But war has never been good nor ever bad was peace.

Universal responsibility is the key to human survival, It will never be achieved by passivity and quarrel. Peace is product of faith, strength, energy, will, sympathy, justice, imagination, and triumph of principle,

Peace can only last where individuals and nations are governed on democratic principle.

All who affirm the use of violence admit to achieve justice and peace, But peace and justice are non-violence…the final end of history.

Peace is not only better than war, indeed infinitely more arduous, All the war is rhetoric, but it's all aimed at achieving peace so glorious.

Responsibility for creating peace does not only lie with the leaders of our countries, It lies with each of us individually.

You can't shake hands with a clenched fist, When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

Peace is not achieved by controlling nations; but by mastering our thoughts, We learn to deal with the basic ethic of how we resolve our disputes to get it sought. In this world of nuclear giants, we know more about war than we know about peace,

More about killing than we know about living oh what a mystery.

First keep the peace within yourself, and you can also bring peace to others, If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace, Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with peace. As, I reached near the Celestial city, Filled with joy in its close proximity.

The sins of the world made me repent, I drew my heart towards God and Heaven.

I wish to stay in heaven from now, The evil of earth is like a disese cow.

I wish to tell one and all’ A good deeds in your life resolve.

Away from untowards passion and vanity, Away from hatred, anger and enimity.

A truthful life one should lead, For peace and Joy one should plead.

Seeing the heavens you will always wish to live in, Away from sinful life and lustful things.

Celestial city is a precious prize for Good life on earth, It is a spiritual restoration of the good works.

It’s a wonderful creation of a new city of incredible dimensions, Few glimpse of this city can be imagined inreality unimaginable. Water, pathways, and a geometric design are typical of a paradise garden, The beauty of the paradise gardens of the ancient Near East are also unncomparable to its beautiful creation. The Celestial city comes out of heaven, It retains many features of the Garden of Eden,

Such as rivers, a square shape, a wall, and and the paradise garden.

Celestial city appears to be of "pure gold, like clear glass" and its "brilliance like a very costly stone, As a stone of crystal-clear jasper with its illumination atone.

" The street of the city is also made of "pure gold, like transparent glass", The base of the city is laid out in a square and surrounded by a wall made of jasper of superior class.

A river of the water of life flows down the middle of the great street of the city from the throne of Almighty, The life giving water as a wonerful gift for satiety.

The tree of life bears twelve fruits, and yields its fruit for everyone, "The leaves of the tree will be for the healing of the nations."

The Celestial city will be free of sin, Everything pure, innocent and sinless will be in.

Night will no longer fall, and the inhabitants of the city will have need no lamp nor light of the sun, For the city will be brightened by illumination.

There are twelve gates in the wall oriented to the compass with three each on the east, north, south, and west sides, These gates are each made of a single pearl giving them the name of the pearly gates as precise.

The foundation stones are adorned with twelve types of precious stones, All of the precious stones could adorn each foundation stone.

The city is in the form of a pyramid, We will inhabit it for good life lived.

The happiness and joy will be abound, All sickness, suffering and sorrow permanently ground.

In worship and praises our vocation rebound, Hymns of Almightys glory divine always to sound.

To be a part of this wonderful city, We have to respite our life from all sin and state of pity.

Peaceful life for self and society, Pray for worlds peace and prosperity.

The Great Peace towards which people of good will throughout the centuries have inclined their hearts, Seers and poets for countless generations have expressed their vision and wishes to impart.

It is now at long last within the reach of the nations, World peace is not only possible but inevitable creation.

Whether peace is to be reached only after unimaginable horrors precipitated by humanity's stubborn behavior, Or is to be embraced now by an act of consultative will for peaceful endure.

Scientific and technological advances occurring in this unusually blessed century portend a great surge, Providing indeed, the very means for the administration of the complex life of a united world.

Doubts, misconceptions, prejudices, suspicions and narrow self-interest beset nations, And in crave for superiority as super power countries straining over the relations.

The threatened collapse of the international economic order, the spread of anarchy and terrorism, And the intense suffering which these and other afflictions are causing to millions.

Aggression and conflict characterize our social, economic and religious systems unpardonable, Behavior is intrinsic to human nature and therefore ineradicable.

Entrenchment of this view, a paralyzing contradiction has developed in human affairs, Harrowing apprehensions tormenting their daily lives making it despair.

Proposition that human beings are incorrigibly selfish and aggressive, Incapable of creating peaceful and harmonious social system that was once progressive.

Planning a system giving free play to individual creativity, And initiative but based on co-operation and reciprocity.

As the need for peace becomes more urgent, Fundamental contradictions; hinders its realization.

Demands a reassessment of the assumptions, Commonly held view of mankind's historical predicament.

Expressing man's true self representing distortion of the human spirit, Social forces consistent with human nature, encourages harmony and cooperation instead of war and conflict. . War and exploitation have been the expression of immature stages in a vast historical process, Human race is today experiencing the unavoidable tumult of hatred being obsessed. The endowments which distinguish the human race is the human spirit; the mind is its essential quality, These endowments have enabled humanity to build civilizations and to prosper materially.

But such accomplishments alone have never satisfied the human spirit and mind, Inclining it towards an invisible realm, towards the ultimate reality- the God divine.

Preponderating influence of religion on the vital expressions of civilization cannot be overlooked, The effects on immoral behaviors crooked.

Human character is debased, confidence is shaken, and the sense of decency and shame is obscured in anguish, Very feeling of peacefulness, of joy and of hope is gradually extinguished.

The source of the misunderstandings and confusion perpetrated in the name of religion, A confusion compounded by the artificial barriers erected between faith and reason, science and religion. Will humanity continue in its waywardness, holding to outworn concepts and unworkable assumptions? Or will its leaders consult together in a united search for appropriate solutions?

Banning nuclear weapons, or outlawing germ warfare will not remove the root causes of war,

Practical measures as such are in themselves too superficial to exert influence for having no war.

Peoples are ingenious enough to invent yet other forms of warfare, Subverting one another in an endless quest for supremacy and dominion even in despair.

The settlement of specific conflicts or disagreements among nations cannot resolve, A genuine universal framework must be adopted as an urgent call.

Reluctance to entertain the possibility of subordinating national selfinterest to the requirements of world order, Establishing a united world authority, for the superiority gender.

The tentative steps towards world order, especially since World War II, give hopeful wish, Co-operating in matters of mutual interest suggesting that eventually all nations could overcome this paralysis.

The Association of the South East Asian Nations, the European Communities, the League of Arab Nations, and the American States Organization,

All the joint efforts of such organizations prepare the path to world order peace creation.

United Nations, two score declarations and conventions adopted by that organization, Have given ordinary people a sense of a new lease on life and peaceful existence.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Eliminating all forms of discrimination based on race, sex or religious belief and hive. Eradicating hunger and malnutrition; in the interest of peace and the benefit of mankind, Specter of war loosing its power to dominate international relations and creating peaceful existence of human mankind. Racism, one of the most baneful and persistent evils, is a major barrier to peace, Corrupts its perpetrators, and blights human progress as an outreach.

The inordinate disparity between rich and poor, a source of acute suffering, keeps the world in a state of instability, We need to have practical under-taking for stability.

Entailing consultation for peace with experts from a wide spectrum of fields, Involving the people in the decisions, for fruitful yields.

Spiritual verities the understanding of which can produce a new universal attitude, Fostering such an attitude is itself a major part of the solutions attribute.

Contemplate, with hearts filled with the spirit of compassion and a desire for truth and the plight of humanity, Working together for the advancement of human understanding and peace before the Almighty Creator in humility.

Emancipation of women, is one of the most important, though less acknowledged prerequisites of peace, Denial of such equality perpetrates an injustice against one half of the world's population leaving them in grief.

Ignorance is indisputably the principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples and the perpetuation of prejudice, No nation can achieve success unless education is accorded all it citizen as it is essential requisites.

Lack of resources limits the ability of many nations to fulfill this necessity, Imposing a certain ordering of priorities.

Fundamental lack of communication between peoples seriously undermines efforts towards peace associates, Adopting an international auxiliary language would go far to resolving this problem of necessitates.

Based on political agreements alone, the idea of collective security is a chimera, Raising the context to the level of principle, as distinct from pure pragmatism opera.

How can we change to a world in which harmony and co-operation will prevail? The world orders of unshakeable - consciousness as to avail.

Commonwealth of all the nations; needs to be evolved, In whose favor all the nations of the world will have willingly ceded every claim to make war.

Certain rights to impose taxation and all rights to maintain disarmaments and world from devour, Maintaining internal order within their respective dominions by themselves for.

International Executive adequate to enforce supreme and unchallengeable authority on every recalcitrant member of the commonwealth; A World Parliament, whose members shall be elected by the people, in their respective countries by their respective governments, A Supreme Tribunal for judgment in cases of internal in consideration.

"A world community in which all economic barriers will have been permanently demolished, And the interdependence of capital and labor definitely recognized.

In which the clamor of religious fanaticism and strife will have been forever stilled; In which the flame of racial animosity will have been finally extinguished.

In which a single code of international law--the product of the considered judgment, World's federated representatives--shall have as its sanction the instant and coercive intervention.

The courage, the resolution, the pure motive, the selfless love of one people for another-- as a will to act, Earnest consideration must be given to the reality of man, namely, his thought.

"Consultation bestows greater awareness and transmutes conjecture into certitude, It is a shining light in a dark world, leads the way for gratitude.

For everything there is and will continue to be a station of perfection and maturity, Maturity of the gift of understanding is made manifest through consultation authority.

Consultative action releases a salutary spirit that no power could resist triumphal outcome. All international agreements and obligations ascertained.

Size of the armaments of every government should be strictly limited and comment, United Nation rising in support for crowning event.

In optimism we feel a vision transcending the cessation of war and the creation of agencies of international co-operation, Beyond the initial armistice forced upon the world by the fear of nuclear holocaust by suspicious rival nations.

Full measure of mans destiny on earth, the innate excellence of his reality, Unity and peace are the attainable goal of humanity.

The philosophy of life let us understand, The purpose of life can be thought over and planned.

Happiness is the supreme goal of human beings and the of life depends on it, All beings desire for happiness and they sought to obtain it.

Every moment of our life we simply desire contentment, Face the task of making a happy life and peaceful settlement.

Only the soul that loves is happy,


To love and be loved is the only clue to be happy. Friendship and love are ultimate source of human happiness, Our need for them lies at the very core of our hearts greatness. Philosophy of happiness: is authentic happiness possible or lasting? Without happiness life is as in a hell casting.

Happiness is deeply linked to our wisdom, and our philosophies of life to develop good human, The key to a happier world is the growth of compassion and conscious human acumen. The knowledge of man's misery without that of God causes despair, Religion gives safety, confidence and hope to the human spirit, for unseen be prepared. Religious faith, as the faith in an idea, is a profound strength, Helping to support against the cruelty of the world for natural defense. In a world so often cruel and uninteresting,

Music and poetry are emotion generating.

Without poets and artists, world will be driven to monotony of nature, Removing bitterness and makes one a noble creature. Appreciate the beauties of existence as a worthwhile reality, Condemn everything that is wrong of the world’s cruelty.

Role of art is to make a world, which can be inhabited, Peace and prosperity, which can be freely generated. Happiness isn’t eternal or permanent, Pain and cruelty is equal participant. We are never as happy or unhappy as we imagine, Happiness is in our thought for making. Man is the artificer of his own happiness, Man suffers only because of his carelessness. A man is as unhappy as he thinks himself to be, Life is a sad experience if one thinks it to be.

Meaning of life are achieved by living the present placidly, A world free and democratic, teaching always to be Jolly.

A life of the folly is empty of gratitude and full of anxiety, The life filled with worries, fear, stress, tension and all unsurety. Realizing of our misfortune that it is impossible to make undone what has been done, Must live one day at a time, with caution in days to come.

Everything that will happen belongs to our determination, Adjusts us to the present situation though uncertain.

Wild animals escape from the dangers and they worry no more, Humans are tormented constantly by past and even by things to come. No one confines his unhappiness to the present; A live in accord with the course of nature as like Stone Age ancient.

Avoid worries, tensions and anxiety, Be unattached to material possessions for prosperity. When we surrender ourselves to material desires, Becoming less and less satisfied, sorrowful schizophrenic and liar. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, Each day has enough trouble of its own for taking care of your self. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, and what you will wear, For life is more important than food, and the body more important than clothes, let Almighty take its care.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store, God feeds them and they happily chirp around evermore. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? A life under care of God is without any strife. See how the lilies of the field grow, they do not labor or spin, Worrying wont help us, we will be lost never to win.

Seek first good life and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well, Peace, prosperity, happiness and success wherever you dwell. Love God and then your neighbor, Live harmoniously in your house as you labor.

Sustain the human right to pleasure, Our actions should be directed towards attaining it as precious treasure. Withdraw not the pleasures of taste, of love, of hearing, or the pleasurable emotions, Pleasure is our first and kindred good to add a pleasurable commotion.

We are pained because of the absence of pleasure, Then is when we feel the need of pleasure.

Pleasures of the prodigal and the pleasures of sensuality is not one we hold,

Pleasure is absence of pain in the body and of trouble in the soul. Pleasure is not the succession of parties and monetary possessions, But in avoidance and banishing of wishful passions. Relieve our hunger and thirst than being rid of melancholy? Living a satisfied life with our possessions whish we have made justly.

Happy is the man who is serene and in harmony, Consuming him not with evils, futilities and burning with desires and envy. Insatiable desires of our ungrateful soul, covering it with goods or anything whole, No material pleasures can achieve happiness, our lives main goal. The greatest of victories is the one over ones self, It is the body that is insatiable. The sense of grieve, desires and of despair. Cause pain, sorrow, death and animal desires unaware.

Have no attachment to the things of this earth, Are temporary lasting; and have no worth.

To believe in God is to realize that life has a meaning, Man without God is in total ignorance and inevitable misery. Happiness is a joy that is granted not to the impious, God grants it to one simple, humble and pious.

Isn’t precisely happiness what we all want, without exception? Peace and joy is our minds perception. Life is nothing until it is lived, It is yours to make sense of and the value to life - which you give. Life has the meaning we give it otherwise, It has our interest, our enthusiasm, our pride or our cowardice.

Believe that life is worth living, A successful life is towards generous giving.

Without affections and subjectivity, the meaning of life would be lost, The desire to live exists in our feelings and thoughts.

Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination, Happiness can be directed as one wants by mans determination.

Age can change the way we feel about our lives, Each age has its own experiences and ways of living and feeling life.

Youth involves an intensity of positive feelings, The aged people worry about their wrong past doings. Young men's minds are always changeable, But an old man concern is for peace and sin pardonable.

Life is half spent before we know what it is, Only to realize later, that the journey was so short and sweet.

At twenty-one our convictions are mountains from which we look; At forty-five they are tunnels in which we hide as we are turning crook. Nothing is more dishonorable then an old man, As orphan lay over bed, being looked as if insane. Old age is another childhood messed with weakness, sickness, full of pains in every breath, Crying, railing at life, and yet afraid of death. Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventures too little, Repent too soon, listen too less and find anything odd very brittle. Enjoy yourself while you are in the spring of life, Old age is not for strife. Make hay while the sun shines, You get old with grace like old sweet wine. Years pass and will not return again, Age escapes from us rapidly so cherish every moment not in twain.

Men live immersed in dreams and illusion, His sins and passion draw him to delusion. Life is an illusion, a dream, a fiction; Short journey of experiences, emotions and affections. What men do when awake they do when asleep, Finding faults and excuses always as in others heart they peep.

The Human species does not tolerate too much reality, They love to be in subject of their lust and passions authority. Take the life-lie away from the man and you take away his happiness, You detach him from his obsessions and stubbornness.

Man loves to live in an imaginary world of amazement; Exaggeration in thoughts and achievement. Men’s imagination does every truth to find an effective existence, Avoiding all untoward conditions and contradictions.

As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes, But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place extinguishes. Having glimpsed a small part of life, men disappear as smoke, As a dew drops and bubbles of water he vanishes as if never existed before. Life is insignificant, easily changed and vanishing away entity; Short period of our time pinched from eternity. Our existence is a short circuit of light between two eternities of darkness, Gods love for mankind and of his greatness.

Life’s short span forbids us to enter on far reaching hopes, Absolute death has always tormented the human being like a dope.

Dying is like transfer of address for the soul from one to another, Or like a sleep slept out without any dreams as if in deep slumber.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the beauty of heaven, Man has become so unconcerned if it will be hell or heaven.

The livings know that they will die, But the dead don't have any thing for a cry. Hatred, and envy, with death perishes long ago, Our reward is what in this life we had sow.

This is like heaven to me, A house where we ought to be.

No cloud nor sun, no darkness nor dazzling, Equal lights, no noise nor silence, but music in rhyming.

No fear nor hopes, but one equal possession, All time happy and in celebration..

No foes nor friends, no sickness, no sorrow,

No worries, no tensions, no thought for tomorrow.

No fights, no strive, no uncertainty, Peace, joy, happiness and all prosperity, No ends nor beginnings but eternity.

All things in heaven were spotless and pure and glorious, No sins or complaint or lawlessness.

No poverties, contentions and vices, No tears and quarrels nor excuses.

No hard feeling, nor any bitterness, All in praises of God for his greatness. Atheist find in filth achieve all pleasure, He wants to be with the evil even at leisure. The dimensions and the nature of the Universe overcome our understanding, Earth is insignificant blue dot in the Milky Way standing.

Life is solar: all its ingredients were forged in a sun, Sun gives life to all and if too much it is sun burn.

Astronomy has discovered a universe of rage, Collisions of galaxies give birth to new galaxies and planets. Our natural condition, most contrary to our inclination; We burn with desires to find solid ground and an ultimate and solid foundation. We are infinitely removed from comprehending the extremes, Since the end of things and their beginning are hopelessly hidden within. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn, Simply callous - indifferent to all suffering, lacking all concern.

The meaning of life is to give life a meaning, Striving for something impossible doesn’t deter wise men from trying.

Man is not the creature of the circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of men, A life lived in fear is a life half lived by any human. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong, Positive thinking will let you do everything always tune with an optimistic song.

With courage and confidence bears up under misfortune, Discover new oceans even if it on Neptune.

If one seeks advice, give them suggestion, not direction, Men learn to win by failures and correction. Do not wait for chances and to see what will happen, Plans to execute in confidence make the right things happen.

Achieve things in originality than to succeed with imitation, Taking care of weakness and failures overcoming all limitation.

In life! You must take action, Every just action has a generous reaction.

Life is always looking for the light at the end of every dark and treacherous tunnel, And never looking behind you because you think the path is getting to rough and barren.

Life is something worth caring about we all need to stand tall and accept our differences, It can be a wonderful thing as long as you make it filled with enjoyable experiences.

A successful life, is it by how much money or stuff you have Amassed or by the legacy you leave behind?

Successful lives are thou lived in modest means but rich in life, values and genuine moral conscious of the mind.

Be sincere in your actions, don’t try to deceive or impress others, Be yourself, and do what you feel is right based on your values and beliefs rather.

Be genuine in what you do; your actions speak louder than your words,

Be of fair mind in all your dealings, don’t say one thing and do the other.

Be enthusiastic about what ever you do in your life, Be committed to everything that you set out to accomplish in life.

Devote yourself to your family, friends, and your community, Commit yourself to being the best father, husband, wife, mother, friend, and neighbor you can be.

Be honest in your dealings and let ethics, morals, and honor be your compass, Do what you say you will do and never use fraud or deception in others to surpass.

When you do something for someone, let your emotion be heartfelt, Let your gratitude and regards be openly expressed and in respect dealt.

Don’t lead a life thinking you are better than others or are superior to those around you,

Modesty, humility and humbleness will leave a far more ever lasting impact on people surrounding you.

Always follow your heartfelt values, and maintain your personal integrity, Be someone that people can look up to and respect you for your ingenuity.

Don’t let outside forces corrupt the person you are, Stand firm for what you believe rather let corruption devour.

Show good judgment and sense in life, don’t let prejudices or emotions cloud your judgment, Be focused on your goals giving everyone you interact with your complete and undivided attention.

Practice good manners even though others around you may not, Show courtesy to one and all even if they show you not.

Graciousness and respect go hand in hand for generosity,

When people see you doing it they are more apt to practice civility.

Gain from the wisdom that is inside you, Understand the inner qualities of people that might be different than we are used to.

Practice kind, gentle, and compassionate treatment of others – especially those who may be undeserving, Learn to extend a hand to help others, even though they themselves may not be doing.

Be aware that each person is different and may have different values and beliefs than those that you hold, Be understanding of the feelings and thoughts of others without having to be told. Share your feelings with others and understand the emotional situations that people go through, Have sympathy for your fellow being as if putting yourself in their shoes.

When someone is in distress, help alleviate their suffering, Your compassion may help others in their burden bearing.

Develop altruism, think of others without thinking of yourself, Do good things for people without expecting something in return for yourself.

Be generous and magnanimous in life, give of your time, money and wisdom, Share with others so they can see the true joy and adventures of life themselves.

There are the qualities - I think helps lead a person to a successful career and life, Clearly everyone's views will differ, as they should, what are some qualities that you think define success in life?

Dr Nitin Ashok John,

99, Khare Tarakunde Nagar, Katol Road, Nagpur. Contact No- 09763672517 and 0712-20571025. E-mail- [email protected]

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