Iso 14001 Short Course

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ISO 14001 EMS

Engr.Javed Ahmed BSc (Engg.) Chemical Engineering M.S Total Quality Managemnet Email: [email protected]

What is ISO 14000? ISO The word “ISO” Stands for International Organization for Standardization

“ISO 14000” is a series of standards describing the requirements for establishing and maintaining an EMS in an organization

14000 The series allocated for Environmental Management Systems

What is ISO?        

International Organization for Standardization Develop standards not certify companies Around 148 countries members Headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland Around 18000 standards produced Technical Committees are formed to produce standards TC 207 for ISO 14000 International Organization for Standardization Email: [email protected] Web:

 

More than 220 Certification (Auditing) Agencies throughout the world of which around 15 have offices in Pakistan Established in 23 February 1947

ISO Standards

ISO STANDARDS are documented agreements containing technical specifications or criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definition of characteristics to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purposes.

It’s Really Very Simple!

  

  

Say what you will do Do what you said Recognize any differences in what you planned and what you did Act on those differences Ensure action was effective Prove it with documentation.

Development Stages of TS Proposal stage

Preparatory stage

Committee stage

Inquiry stage

Approval stage


Most successful standards The ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 families are among ISO's most widely known and successful standards ever. ISO 9000 has become an international reference for quality requirements. ISO 14000 looks set to achieve at least as much, if not more, in helping organizations to meet their environmental challenges.

Environment 

Surrounding in which an Organization operates,including air,water,land ,natural resources,human,and their interrelation

“Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was lent to You by your children” 

Kenyan Proverb

What is an EMS An Environmental Management System is that facet of an organization’s overall management structure that addresses the immediate and long term impact of your company’s product, services, and processes on the environment.

Environmental Management System (EMS) 

“the part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practice, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, and maintaining the environmental policy” 

3.5, ISO 14001:1996

What ISO 14001 is Not  Is

not a product standard  Does not establish values for pollutants/performance levels  Does not establish test methods

What ISO 14001 is Not  Does

not require to establish a final performance goal.  Does not require to reach zero emission  Does not require you to to disclose audit results

What ISO 14001 is 

Is a frame work for managing significant environmental aspects you can control Is for use by any company,any size,any where in the world. Is a voluntary consensus,private sector standard. Represent a shift to pro active thinking

EMS Model Start

4.6-Management Review

4.5-Checking / Corrective Action

4.2Environmental Policy

Continual Improvement!

•Monitoring & Measurement-4.5.1

4.3-Planning •Environmental Aspects-4.3.1 •Legal & Other Requirements-4.3.2

•Nonconformance & Corrective & Preventive Action-4.5.2

•Objectives & Targets-4.3.3


•Environmental Management Program-4.3.4

•EMS Audits-4.5.4 4.4-Implementation •Structure & Responsibility-4.4.1 •Training, Awareness, Competence4.4.2 • Communication-4.4.3 • Documentation 4.4.4 •Operational Control-4.4.6 •Emergency Preparedness / Response-4.4.7

4.1 General requirements    

Environmental Policy Identification of the environmental Aspects Identification of the legal and requirements Identification of priorities and set appropriate environmental objectives & targets Establish a structure and a programme for implementation Facilitate the different processes to ensure that policy is complied and EMS remains appropriate Be capable of adapting to changing circumstances

4.2 Environmental Policy 

Top management shall define the organization’s environmental policy and ensure that it: 

Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products or services

Includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution

Includes a commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes

Environmental Policy (Konica Manufacturing USA, Inc.) As a responsible corporate and community citizen, KMU is committed to the protection of our environment through pollution prevention and the minimization of negative environmental impacts. KMU’s policy is to comply with all Environmental Laws and Regulations which relate to any aspect of the production, storage, and shipment of photographic raw materials and finished product at the manufacturing facility and its off-site warehouse. In the absence of specific legal requirements, the company protects the environment by employing the most effective pollution prevention technologies and procedures which can be economically applied.

Environmental Policy 

“At TG , in the execution of our business operations we ensure Health and Safety of our Employees Contractual Labor and General Public. We are also committed to protect our Natural Environment from pollution by complying with the requirements of National Environmental Legislation and International Standards. We pledge to strive hard to conserve and improve the eco system by preserving and disseminating flora and fauna”.

4.2 Environmental Policy 

Provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets

Is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees

Is available to the public

4.3 Planning 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 

The organization shall establish and maintain (a) procedure(s) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which have or can have significant impacts on the environment.

The organization should also consider normal abnormal and emergency conditions .

Environment • surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation

Elements of environment – – – – – – –

Air Water Land Natural resources Flora Fauna Humans

Environmental Concerns Ozone Depletion

Global Warming Air emissions

Raw Materials Energy & Natural Resources


Solid waste

Noise Odor

Liquid emissions

Accidental Releases

Effect on flora & fauna

Effect on human s

Environmental Aspects Emissions to atmosphere Raw Materials & energy

site activities

Waste disposal

Spillage contaminating the land

Product use and disposal

Landfill Incineration

Discharges to water or sewers

Input-Out put Model




LOSSES Regulations

Waste Energy Air Emissions Water Effluents

Environmental Aspects

Environmental Aspects

Environmental Aspects

Environmental Environmental Aspects Aspects Element of an organization's activities or products or services that can interact with the environment Transportation


Raw Material Acquisition



Examples of Aspects 

Inputs 

Raw Materials  Chemicals  Packing material

Outputs   

Resource use  energy  water

  

Wastewater Flue Gases Solid waste Hazardous waste Noise Vehicle Exhaust

Environmental impacts Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization's environmental aspects

Examples of Impacts 

General 

Water   

depletion of natural resources destruction of habitats pH oxygen level toxicity

Air    

Air Toxicity Smog Global Warming Ozone Depletion

4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 

The organization shall ensure that the aspects related to the significant impacts are considered in setting its environmental objectives. The organization shall keep this information up-to-date.

Filters of Significance NO


International Issues Local Issues / interested parties NO


Legal and other requirements NO


Lack of knowledge NO

Severity of Impact

Non-significant aspects



Significant Aspects


Areas to be considered    

 

Design and development Manufacturing processes Packaging and Transportation Environmental performances and practices of contractors and suppliers Waste management Extraction and distribution of raw materials and natural resources Distribution , use and end-of-life of products

Situations to Consider Planned Past Emergency Abnormal Normal

A Simple Risk Assessment R = (P) x (S) R = Environmental risk P= Probability of occurrence S = Severity of effect (consequence)

Risk Assessment Matrix Severity




Low consequence

Very Severe




































4.3.2 Legal and other requirements 

The organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services.

Legal Requirements 

National or international legal requirements State/provincial/departmental legal requirements Local Governmental legal requirements

Other Requirements     

Agreements with public authorities Agreements with customers Voluntary principles or codes of practice Requirements of trade associations Agreements with community groups or nongovernmental organizations Corporate/ company requirements.

4.3.3 Setting Objectives and Targets 

Organization sets its own objectives and targets Environmental objectives are typically set...  in areas identified as having potentially significant impact on the environment.  initially for the areas presenting the greatest risk and liability to the environment and the organization.  including direct/indirect aspects, abnormal/normal operation etc.

4.3.4 Environmental Management Program(s) 

“The organization shall establish and maintain (a) program(s) for achieving its objectives and targets. It shall include: 

a) designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each relevant function and level of the organization;

b) the means and time-frame by which they

ISO 14001 Revision 

Several new & amended definitions 

New (some from ISO 9000:2000):  Auditor  Corrective Action  Document  Internal Audit  Nonconformity  Preventive Action  Procedure  Record

ISO 14001 Revision 

Amended definitions Continual Improvement  EMS  Environmental Objective & Environmental Target  Environmental Performance  Environmental Policy  Prevention of Pollution 

ISO 14001 Revision 

4.1 General Requirements 

Requirement to establish, document, implement, maintain & continually improve the EMS Requirement to define and document the scope of the EMS 

Note the guidance in EA/7-02 regarding scope definition and what can & can’t be ring-fenced

ISO 14001 Revision 

4.2 Environmental Policy  All activities, products & services (within scope and policy)  Policy commitment to comply with “applicable legal requirements…..which relate to its environmental aspects” rather than “relevant environmental legislation…..”  Policy must be communicated to “all persons working for or on behalf of the organisation”, rather than just employees  Policy must be consistent with the scope of the EMS

ISO 14001 Revision 

4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 

Procedure must consider activities, products & services Must take account of environmental aspects it can control and be expected to influence Must take account of the environmental aspects of planned and new developments Information resulting from the implementation of this procedure, including the identification of environmental aspects and determination of significance, must be documented

ISO 14001 Revision 

4.3.2 Legal and other requirements 

Must have a procedure to: Identify & access applicable legal requirements……  determine how applicable legal requirements apply to its environmental aspects 

4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programmes 

Objectives and targets must be measurable where practicable & consistent with policy commitments

ISO 14001 Revision 

4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility & Authority 

Increased emphasis on “ensuring the availability of resources”

4.4.2 Competence, Training & Awareness  

Greater emphasis on competence Organisations need to ensure the competence of people working for or on their behalf, and maintain competency records Includes contractors, sub-contractors, temporary staff, remote workers etc.

4. Implementation and Operation 4.4.1 Structure and Management shall provide resources Responsibility

essential to the implementation and control of the environmental management system. Resources include human resources and specialized skills, technology and financial resources. 

Roles, responsibility and authorities shall be defined, documented and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management.

Structure and Responsibility (Cont’d.) 

The organization’s top management shall appoint (a) specific management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for 

a) ensuring that environmental management system requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with this International Standard;

Contd.. 

b) reporting on the performance of the environmental management system to top management for review and as a basis for improvement of the environmental management system.

4.4.2 Training, Awareness and Competence 

The organization shall identify training needs. It shall require that all personnel whose work may create a significant impact upon the environment, have received appropriate training. It shall establish and maintain procedures to make its employees or members at each relevant function and level aware of...

4.4.2 Training, Awareness and Competence ()Contd. 

Importance of conformance with E.P

4.4.3 Communication 

Internal communication Should ensure that environmental requirements, actions and results are effectively disseminated throughout the organization External Communication  Receiving,documenting and responding to the relevant communication from external parties 

4.4.4/4.4.5 Environmental Management System Documentation and Control 

Maintain information in paper or electronic form to describe the core elements of management system & also to provide direction to related documentation. The standard requires you to establish and maintain procedures for controlling all necessary documents so that;  

They can be located. The organization reviews them whenever necessary, revises and ensures that “authorized Personnel” approve their adequacy.

Contd.. 

 

Obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise treated in a way which prevents accidental use. Any obsolete documents are suitably marked. Any documentation should be legible, dated and readily identifiable. The organization must create procedures and assign responsibilities for the creation and modification of the various types of document.

4.4.6 Operational Control 

The organization must identify its key operations and activities through analysis of its significant environmental aspects, policy, objectives and targets, and then plan & manage these activities to ensure that they are performed within specified or controlled conditions through. 

Establishing and maintaining procedures to cover situations where the absence of such procedures could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets.

Contd.. 

Stipulating operating criteria in the procedures. This includes establishing and maintaining procedures related to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and services used by the organization and communicating relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and contractors.

Operational Control - 5 Elements

Whatever the process, there are only Equipment Personnel 5 elements to be controlled Identified Identified Competent Trained Correct Attributes Available


Correct Type Capability Condition Available Calibrated



Identified Correct Type Correct Condition Available

Identified Adequate Content Correct Edition Correct Condition Communicated Available

Ambient Conditions (Environment)

4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response

The organization shall establish and maintain procedures to identify potential for and respond to accidents and emergency situations and to prevent and mitigate the environmental impacts that may be associated with them. The organization shall review and revise, where necessary, its emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations. The organization shall also periodically test

4.5 Checking and Corrective action 4.5.1 Monitoring and  Documented procedure for recording Measurement of information to track 


Relevant operational controls

Conformance to objectives and targets

Equipment calibrated and calibration records maintained

Documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and

4.5.2 Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Action 

Procedures for identifying responsibility and authority for 

Handling and investigation of non conformance

Taking action to mitigate impacts caused

Initiating and completing corrective and preventive action

Corrective or Preventive action taken should be appropriate to the

4.5.3 Records 

Procedure for identification,maintenance and disposal of records

Training, internal audit and management review activities are specifically included

Others realistically required to demonstrate conformance 

Records of significant environmental aspects identified

Records of monitoring and measurement  demonstrating legal/regulatory compliance  demonstrating improvement being achieved

Records of communication to/from interested

4.5.4 Environmental Management System Audit An organization has to establish and maintain program and procedures for periodic EMS audits. Their purpose is to:  determine whether or not the Environmental Management System conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management.  Determine if the organization has done a proper job in implementing and maintaining the EMS  Provide information on the results of audits to management.  The organization’s audit program and its schedule has to be based on the environmental importance of the activity concerned and the results of previous audits.

4.6 Management Review 

The organization’s top management shall, at intervals that it determines review the Environmental Management System to ensure its continuity suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The management review process shall ensure that necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out the evaluation. This review shall be documented. The management review shall address the possible need for changes to policy, objectives and other elements of the Environmental Management System audit results, changing circumstances and the commitment to continual

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