Islam - Pure And Simple

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  • Pages: 127
Pure and Simple


Aziz Ahmad Rasul

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Contents Introduction


The Creation of the Universe


The Creation of Angels, Jinn and Animals


The Creation of Humankind


The Story of Adam and Eve


The Creator - Allaah


The House of God


The Children of Adam and Eve




Noah (peace be upon him)


Abraham (peace be upon him)


Moses (peace be upon him)


Jesus (peace be upon him)


Muhammad (peace be upon him)


Other Prophets (peace be upon them)


The Scriptures


The Five Pillars of Islam


Shahadah – Declaration of Faith


Salah – Worship of Allaah


Zakah - Charity


Saum - Fasting


Hajj - Pilgrimage




Death and the Hereafter


The End of the Universe




How to Perform the Prayer


Prophets of Allaah, as Mentioned in the Qur’an


Frequency of Prophets names in the Qur’an


Family Tree of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


Lineage of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


The Attributes of God


Recommended Literature and Links


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Islam – Pure and Simple

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Aziz Ahmad Rasul

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful -

ISLAM - Pure and Simple Surely all Praises are due to Allaah, the Lord of all Creation; we praise Him, seek His assistance, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah from the evil of ourselves and the wickedness of our deeds. Verily whomever Allaah guides there is none to take him astray; and whomever Allaah removes His guidance, there is none to guide. I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship but Allaah, He is One and has no partners; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and last Messenger. May Allaah send His choicest Blessing and Peace to Muhammad, his companions, family and all those who call to his way and establish the Sunnah till the Day of Judgment. In the very first Sherlock Holmes story published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual way back in 1887, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, an interesting analysis by Dr. Watson is being made of his friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes with whom he is sharing some rooms at 221b Baker Street, London. Dr. Watson is trying to establish what kind of knowledge his friend has and his apparent disregard for other knowledge, which he feels, is of no consequence to him in his work as a consulting detective. This is the observation that Dr. Watson makes of Sherlock Holmes. His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge. Of contemporary literature, philosophy and politics he appeared to know nothing. Upon my quoting Thomas Carlyle, he inquired in the naïvest way who he might be and what he had done. My surprise reached a climax, however, when I found incidentally that he was ignorant of the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the Solar System. That any civilised human being in this nineteenth century should not be aware that the earth travelled round the sun appeared to be to me such an extraordinary fact that I could hardly realize it. ‘You appear to be astonished,’ he said, smiling at my expression of surprise. ‘Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it.’ ‘To forget it!’ ‘You see,’ he explained, ‘I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skilled workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.’ ‘But the Solar System!’ I protested. ‘What the deuce is it to me?’ he interrupted impatiently: ‘you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.’ I was on the point of asking him what that work might be, but something in his manner showed me that the question would be an unwelcome one. I pondered over our short conversation, however, and endeavoured to draw my deduction from it. He said that he would acquire no knowledge which did not bear upon his object. Therefore all the knowledge which he possessed was such as would be useful to him.

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Aziz Ahmad Rasul

Introduction 1. Praise be to Allaah, to Whom belong all things in the heavens and on earth: to Him be Praise in the Hereafter: and He is Full of Wisdom, acquainted with all things. 2. He knows all that goes into the earth, and all that comes out thereof; all that comes down from the sky and all that ascends thereto and He is the Most Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving. Qur’an – Surah Saba (Saba, or the City of Saba) 34:1-2 In the short extract on the opening page above, there was one important feature that both Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes agreed upon and that was to acquire useful knowledge. That is the purpose of this document. True, the fact that the earth orbiting the sun or any other scientific phenomenon may not matter, but if it (or anything else) proves the existence of God then it most certainly does. The beauty of the Qur’an is that it asks us to reflect and reason, and not to follow a path that is blind and void. The following pages show many aspects of Islam through history, from the beginning of time itself. No one document can possibly cover every intricate facet of Islam. However, this effort serves to give a flavour of the fundamentals of Islamic teachings and its purpose for man’s beneficial survival in this world and in the hereafter. Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom (hikmah) and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! Thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:125 See also 12:108 and 39:17-18. 43. “Go, both of you (Moses & Aaron), to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds; 44. “But speak to him mildly; perchance he may take warning or fear (Allaah).” Qur’an - Surah Ta Ha 20:43-4 Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:104 See also verses 3:110, 5:2, 7:164, 199-202 and 9:71. And who is better in speech than he who calls (men) to Allaah (regarding His Oneness), and does righteous deeds, and says: “I am one of the Muslims.” Qur’an - Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail) 41:33 See also 58:11. “Every person, male and female, should seek knowledge (of religious matters) from the cradle to the grave!” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you.” Hadith Qudsi

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The Creation of the Universe An extremely long time ago, the only thing that existed was God 1 (the Creator) Who had no beginning (and has no end). There was no universe. God begins the creation of the universe from a single particle (an entire universe of matter and energy concentrated within a space 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 times smaller than a single proton), which is split apart. The scientific2 world, refer to this as a singularity or the “Big Bang Theory” 3, where an energy source created a particle called the primary nebula or primeval atom. The tiny particle has also been referred to as the cosmic egg. The following verse is the only Qur’anic verse, which refers to the moment of creation of the universe. It is interesting that God talks about the root ingredients at the moment of creation and also that of water as a root ingredient of the creation of all living creatures. This is indeed a verse dealing with God’s ability and power to create. “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth (meaning the universe) were (once) one single entity (ratq), which We (meaning God, the Creator) then parted asunder (fataqa) and We got every living thing out of water. Will they then not believe?” Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:30 See also 24:45 and 25:54. The Originator of the heavens and the earth! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:117 See also 35:1 and 59:24. The celestial matter of the early universe existed in an expanding gaseous state, containing hydrogen and helium according to scientists. The verse below shows that microscopic levels of God’s creation are subject to His command. Moreover He comprehended in His design the heaven, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience." Qur’an - Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail) 41:11 See also 2:29 and 13:2. “The heaven, We have built it with (Our creative) power. Verily, it is We who are steadily expanding4 it.” Qur’an - Surah az-Zaariyat (The Winnowing Winds) 51:47


Moses (peace be upon him) in Hebrew called Him Eloha, Jesus (peace be upon him) in Aramaic called Him Allaaha and Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Arabic called Him Allaah. The name Allaah is a contraction of the Arabic words ‘Al’ and ‘ilah’ meaning The God. The same applies to the names Eloha and Allaaha. 2

Refer to the discoveries of people such as Alexander A. Friedmann (1888 -1925), Monsignor George Henri Lemaitre (1894 -1966), Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 -1953), George A. Gamow (1904 - 1968), Arno A. Penzias (1933 -), Robert Wilson (1936 -), Robert H. Dicke (1916 - 1997), Phillip James E. Peebles (1935 -), etc. 3

Coined by Fred Hoyle (1915 – 2001) who was not a supporter of the Big Bang theory and called it as a casual remark in 1950.


Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 -1953) was able to establish in 1929 that the galaxies were moving away from us and thus we had an expanding universe. This was a momentous discovery towards understanding the origins and current state of the universe. In 2011, Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess won the Nobel Prize in physics for their studies of exploding stars that revealed that the expansion of the universe was accelerating. The scientists raced to map the universe's expansion by analysing a particular type of supernovas, or exploding stars. They found that the light emitted by more than 50 distant supernovas was weaker than expected, a sign that the universe was expanding at an accelerating rate.

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Verse 41:11 indicates a gaseous universe that existed in time past. The earth did not exist as a physical entity in the early universe. It’s interesting to note that when God refers to the universe in the Qur’an, in the vast majority of cases (192 occasions) He uses the phrase ‘heavens and the earth’ or ‘heavens and on the earth’. In 41:11 the word heaven is not followed by the words ‘and [on] the earth’ as the early universe did not contain a physical Earth. Other verses where the word ‘heavens’ is used in isolation are 2:29, 3:5, 13:2, 17:95, 21:104, 23:86, 32:5, 40:37, 41:12, 67:3, 71:15 and 78:12. Verse 51:47 shows that the outer space is expanding (but not the objects within it) in accordance with science. As a pre-requisite to understanding the so called ‘six days’ of creation of the universe, often incorrectly given in some early English translations of the Qur’an, we need to be aware that the reference to the ‘six days’ do not refer to six Earthly days in the original Arabic i.e. time measured according to the movement of the earth in relation to the sun. During the early stages of the universe, the Sun and Earth did not exist, as the above verses have shown. The Qur’an often refers to the word ‘Day’ as a period of time that will come to pass in post tense to refer to the hereafter e.g. Day of Judgement or the Day of Resurrection. Some Qur’anic examples are 1:4, 3:9, 3:24-30, 3:106, 6:15, 6:130, 7:51, 7:59, 10:15, 15:35-8, 16:111, 18:52, 19:38-9, 21:103-4, 24:64, 26:82, 27:83, 28:65, 31:33, 37:20-1, 38:16, 40:15, etc. The Arabic singular (wahid) word for a period of time is yaum5, Hebrew - yôm. In the Arabic language there is also a dual (tasniya) classification i.e. yaumain (two of). The plural (jamaa) consisting of three or more, is ayam. The word yaum has more than one meaning in which one of them is a day. But it also takes the meaning of a period of time. Here are some occasions where the word yaum is used in the Qur’an to show that the interpretation of the word yaum is a large span of time. The angels and the Spirit (Gabriel) ascend unto Him in a period of time ( yaum) the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years: Qur’an – Surah al-Ma’arij (The Ways of Ascent) 70:4 By the heaven full of paths, Qur’an - Surah az-Zaariyat (The Winnowing Winds) 51:7 He rules (all) affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will (all affairs) go up to Him, in a period of time (yaum), the space whereof will be (as) a thousand years of your reckoning. Qur’an - Surah as-Sajda (The Prostration) 32:5 See also 22:47. The Creator mentions six distinct periods or stages of growth of the universe. 9.

Say (O Muhammad, unto the idolaters): Disbelieve ye verily in Him Who created the earth in two periods (yaumain), and ascribe ye unto Him rivals? He (and none else) is the Lord of all Creation.


Maurice Bucaille in his book ‘The Bible, the Qur'an and Science’ provides the following additional information “The fact that the word, yaum could mean a period of time that was quite different from the period that we mean by the word 'day' struck very early commentators who, of course, did not have the knowledge we possess today concerning the length of the stages in the formation of the Universe. In the Sixteenth century A.D. for example, Abu al Su'ud, who could not have had any idea of the day as defined astronomically in terms of the Earth's rotation, thought that for the Creation a division must be considered that was not into days as we usually understand the word, but into 'events' (in Arabic nauba).”

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10. “He set in the (Earth) mountains standing firm. He blessed it. He measured therein its sustenance in four periods (ayam - this includes the above two periods of the solid Earth and two periods of the formless Earth as a gaseous evolving entity), in due proportion, in accordance with the needs of those who ask for sustenance. 11. Moreover (tumma) He comprehended in His design the heaven, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth (the earth at this stage is in a gaseous form): "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience." 12. “Then He ordained them seven heavens in two periods (yaumain), and he assigned to each heaven its mandate by Revelation. And We adorned the lower heaven with luminaries and provided it a guard. Such is the decree of the All Mighty, the Full of Knowledge.” Qur’an - Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail) 41:9-12 See also 2:29, 13:3 and 16:15. The above verses do not lay down the sequence of the creation. We are informed that the seven heavens or firmaments were created in two periods. The formless matter constituting the eventual Earth was formed in two periods, and lastly the Earth as a solid entity with its mountains and pasture was formed in two periods. There are other verses that do lay down an exact sequence of the creation of the universe i.e. showing the progression in which the various components of the universe came into existence: 27. Are you the harder to create or is it the heaven that (God) built? 28. He raised its canopy and fashioned it with harmony. 29. He made dark the night and He brought out the forenoon (the light). 30. And after that He spread (Earth) it out. 31. Therefrom he drew out its water and its pasture. 32. And the mountains He has fixed firmly. Qur’an - Surah an-Naazi`aat (Those who drag forth) 79:27-32 See also 50:7, 67:3, 71:15 and 78:12. Scientifically, verses 27-28 relate to the gaseous state of the early universe. Verse 29 refers to the creation of the sun (and other stars). Verses 30-31 refer to the formless or early state of the Earth whilst verse 32 refers to the Earth as a solid entity. In science we know through gradual cooling of the universe from its initial extremely high temperatures, the universe and its components begin to take shape. The sun and the earth are more relevant to us. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decrees a matter, He says to it: ‘Be,’ and it is. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:117 See also 6:73, 6:101, 10:4, 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 37:6, 39:62, 54:49-50 and 85:13. And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six periods, and naught of weariness touched Us. Qur’an – Surah Qaf (the Letter Qaf) 50:38 See also 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 14:5, 22:47, 25:59, 32:4, 46:3 & 33. Verse 50:38 shows recognition of material matter existing in space; this is referred to as dark matter in the scientific world, which comprises approximately 85% of the universe. In addition the verse clearly shows that God did not need to rest, as described in the Old Testament, after His creation of the universe. God does not suffer from the frailties that man has to endure. God is Perfect.

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Assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater (matter) than the creation of men: Yet most men understand not. Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:57 See also 31:26, 35:41, 42:4 and 48:14. Not even an atom’s weight in the heavens and the earth, or something smaller or greater than it is hidden from Him, but all are in a clear record. Qur’an – Surah Saba (Saba, or the City of Saba) 34:3 See also 10:61. According to science the universe is around 13.81 billion years old and the physical earth is around 4.567 billions years old. The ratio between the age of the solid Earth to the universe is 1/3. According to the Qur’an, the Earth (as a solid mass) was created in two periods, while the whole universe has evolved in six periods. Hence the ratio between the ages of the solid Earth to the universe is again 1/3. Hence science and scripture are in perfect harmony with each other. There is also a verse giving us information regarding other earth like planets, which have been discovered in the latter part of the twentieth century and thereafter6. God is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number. Qur’an - Surah at-Talaaq (Divorce) 65:12 5.

So verily I call to witness the Planets (khunnas) that recede,


Go straight, or hide;

Qur’an - Surah at-Takwir (The Overthrowing) 81:15-16 God is aware of everything that enters or leaves the Earth. 4.

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods (ayam), and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allaah sees well all that ye do.


To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: and all affairs are referred back to Allaah.

Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:4-5 See also 27:65 and 41:53. Regarding the motion of the sun and the moon, the moon orbits the Earth, whilst the sun orbits the Milky Way galaxy in the path of a jewelled trail of other celestial bodies approximately every 250 million years at a speed of about 200 kilometres per second. This complete orbit is referred to as a cosmic year. Verse 21:33, below, shows that both the sun and the moon have orbits and have their own motions on their axes. The sun makes a complete rotation on it’s axis from 25 Earth days at the point of its equator and 36 Earth days near its poles. The moon rotates on its axis every 29 Earth days, the same time it takes to orbit the Earth. The word coils in 39:5 suggests a continuous movement. “(God) is the One Who created the night, the day, the Sun and the Moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion.” 6

In 2008 three planets were discovered dubbed as ‘super Earths’ in a constellation 4.2 light years away. The trio of planets are 4.2, 6.7 and 9.4 times bigger than our Earth respectively. They orbit their star, which is slightly smaller than our Sun, at extremely rapid speeds of between one and twenty days compared with Earth’s 365 days. The discovery has led astronomers at Geneva Observatory to conclude that Earth like planets could be very common. The first extra solar planet was discovered in 1995. In 2011 a planet named ‘Tatooine’ was discovered, in a distant galaxy 200 hundred light years from Earth that orbited a solar system that had two suns. Refer also to the discovery of the planet named Kepler 22b in December 2011, which is believed to have water.

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Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:33 See also 36:40 and 39:5. The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed. Qur’an - Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) 55:5 He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He coils (kawwara) the night upon the day and He coils (kawwara) the day upon the night." He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again? Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:5 The sun is a source of light, while the moon reflects it. It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did Allaah create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand. Qur’an - Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10:5 See also 25:61, 40:61 and 71:16 38. And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. 39. And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk. 40. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). Qur’an – Surah Yasin 36:38-40 See also 57:6. The constellations that appear in the night sky throughout the year are also mentioned in the Qur’an. Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp ( siraj) and a Moon giving light (nur); Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:61 And verily in the heaven we have set mansions of the stars, and We have beautified it for beholders. Qur’an - Surah al-Hijr (The Rock) 15:16 By the heaven, holding mansions of the stars, Qur’an - Surah al-Burooj (The Constellations) 85:1 We are aware that the level of oxygen at high altitude is reduced, the further up we go. In fact mountaineers when climbing Mount Everest have to wear oxygen masks just before they reach the top. Those whom Allaah (in His plan) willeth to guide,- He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying,- He maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies: thus doth Allaah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:125

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Back down on earth we have further revelations of God’s creation. For example, we know mountains have roots shaped like pegs. 6. Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, 7. And the mountains as pegs? Qur’an – Surah an-Naba (The Tidings, The Announcement) 78:6-7 See also 50:7. 14. And do We not send down from the clouds water in abundance, 15. Thereby to produce grain and plant, Qur’an – Surah an-Naba (The Tidings, The Announcement) 78:14-15 See also 87:4-5. It is interesting to note that the occurrence of the Arabic words al-bahar (sea) and al-bar (land) in the Qur’an appears at 32 and 13 number of times respectively. We know from current knowledge of our planet that the ratio of water to earth is 71% water and 29% earth. Using the above frequency by which the words al-bahar and al-bar appear in the Qur'an, we obtain the same percentage ratios. We have further revelations concerning the depths of the seas and oceans. Modern science has discovered that in places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and density. This results in the two types of water not mixing together. For example, the Mediterranean Sea water is warm, saline, and less dense, compared to Atlantic Ocean water. 19. He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: 20. There is a barrier between them. They encroach not (one upon the other). 21. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? 22. Out of them come Pearls and Coral: Qur’an - Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) 55:19-22 It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed. Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:53 “First of all, there was nothing but Allaah, and (then He created His Throne). His Throne was over the water, and He wrote everything in the Book (in the Heaven) and created the Heavens and the Earth.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 414 It is clear from the above, that Allaah is the source of all creation and that He alone has this attribute. This distinguishes Him from His creation. The purpose of Allaah’s creation is not for amusement or play but for a purpose and all of us will be brought back to Him. He has created in the past and He continues to create.

The Creation of Angels, Jinn and Animals

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Other types of creation include angels. Angels are made from light 7 and always obey God i.e. incapable of committing sin. They have the ability to change their appearance and are genderless. The highest ranked angel is Gabriel (Arabic Jibril). He is referred to in the Qur’an, as the Spirit (Ruh), Holy Spirit (Ruh-ul-Quddus), Spirit of Truth (Ruh-ul-Amin) or as a messenger (i.e. archangel of revelation - Rasul), etc. The second highest ranked angel is Michael (Arabic - Mikhael). Gabriel (peace be upon him) sits on the right side of God whilst Michael (peace be upon him) sits on the left. When angels are on earth, they appear as men otherwise they are invisible to us. Each human is assigned two angels who record our good and bad deeds. 97. Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): Who is an enemy to Gabriel! For he it is who hath revealed (this Scripture) to thy heart by Allaah’s leave, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, and guidance and glad tidings to believers. 98. Whoever is an enemy to Allaah and His angels and messengers, to Gabriel and Michael, - Lo! Allaah is an enemy to those who reject Faith. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:97-8 Praise be to Allaah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allaah has power over all things. Qur’an - Surah Fatir (The Creator) 35:1 God also created the Jinn. Jinn are created from smokeless fire and have like man, the ability to obey or disobey God. They also have the ability to change their appearance. The most infamous jinn, is called Iblis. The jinn are invisible to man. The Jinn were created before the creation of humankind. And the Jinn race, We had created before (the creation of man), from the fire of a scorching wind. Qur’an - Surah al-Hijr (The Rock) 15:27 And He created Jinns from fire free of smoke. Qur’an - Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) 55:15 The Jinn, like humans, are able to multiply. Will you then take him (Iblis) and his offspring as protectors and helpers? Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:50 God creates creatures on the Earth, where the common ingredient is water.

And Allaah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allaah creates what He wills for verily Allaah has power over all things. 7

A'isha (wife of the prophet) reported that Allâh’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Angels were born out of light and the Jinns were born out of the spark of fire and Adam was born as he has been defined (in the Qur'an) for you (i.e. he is fashioned out of clay). Sahih Muslim - Book 42, Number 7134.

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Qur’an - Surah an-Nur (The Light) 24:45 ... and He has dispersed therein moving (living) creatures of all kind. Qur’an - Surah Luqman (Luqman) 31:10 See also 42:29. There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book (of Our decrees), and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:38 “Those who are kind and considerate to God’s creatures, God bestows His kindness and affection on them. Show kindness to the creatures on the earth so that God may be kind to you.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Glory to Allaah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. Qur’an - Surah Yaseen 36:36 See also 16:10, 22:63 and 67:14. (He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). Qur’an - Surah ash-Shura (Consultation) 42:11

The Creation of Humankind

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God creates early forms of humankind. Each new species is created anew whilst the previous species is destroyed (becomes extinct). This is a stark difference between Islam and the Evolutionists (Darwin’s 8 theory) who suggest a gradual continuous improvement, by natural selection through survival of the fittest, in man’s physical nature through millions of years. However the fossil record shows that each species remained the same throughout its existence and each new species came on the scene abruptly. In light of this evidence an alternative theory has been presented as a possible explanation of new species occurring suddenly in order to write of God just as the proponents of Darwin have done. The new theory claims that the sudden introduction of a new species could have come about by a mutation in a single individual from which its offspring would then inherit as such time as a new mutation re-occurred in the future. As with Darwin’s theory of evolution, this is also unproven. “Verily, We created them and strengthened (referring to man’s physical constitution) all of them. And when We willed, We replaced them completely by people (qawm) who were of the same kind.” Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:133 15. “O mankind! You are the ones who are in need of Allaah. And Allaah! He is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise. 16. If He wanted, he could destroy you and bring about a new creation. 17. And that is not hard for Allaah.” Qur’an - Surah Faatir (The Originator) 35:15-17 7. (God) is the One who created you, then fashioned you harmoniously and in due proportion; 8. Into whatsoever form He willed, He made you out of components. Qur’an - Surah al-Infitaar (The Believers) 82:7-8 See also 56:57-62, 87:2. The Qur’an refers to man being created from a mixture of earth and water. Angels collected these components from Earth by God’s command. It was from this that the body of Adam (peace be upon him) the first (homo-sapien) man was created. The name Adam means ‘from the earth’. “He (God) caused you to grow from the earth (ard).” Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:61 This earth was moistened until it became like sticky clay. Adam (peace be upon him) is ‘modelled’ from this sticky clay. Then ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. Surely We created them of sticky clay (tiyn). Qur’an - Surah as-Saffat (Those drawn up in Ranks) 37:11 See also 23:12. The resulting body becomes dry like potter’s clay, which made a sound when it was tapped, and was further fashioned and completed. (God) fashioned man from a (dry) clay, like pottery. Qur’an - Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) 55:14 And verily We created man, out of a dry sounding clay of malleable black mud (salsal). Qur’an - Surah al-Hijr (The Rock) 15:26 8

Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882) an English naturalist conceived in 1838 the theory that species developed naturally over time. This proposition came as a result of Darwin’s five year (1831 - 1836) voyage on the ship HMS Beagle notably to the Galápagos Islands. His book ‘On the Origin of Species’ published in 1859 established the introduction to the idea of evolution.

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“Allaah created Adam from dust after He mixed the clay and left him for some time until it became sticky mud, after which Allaah shaped him. After that Allaah left him till it became like potter's clay.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih al-Bukhari Allaah it is Who appointed for you the earth for a dwelling-place and the sky for a canopy, and fashioned you and perfected your shapes, and hath provided you with good things. Such is Allaah, your Lord. Then blessed be Allaah, the Lord of all Creation! Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:64 God asks the angel; Gabriel (peace be upon him) to breathe into Adam (peace be upon him) and he came to life. Adam (peace be upon him) sneezes and his first words were al-humdu lillah (Praise be to God). 7. Who made good everything that He has created, and He began the creation of man from clay (tiyn). 8. And made his progeny (nasl) from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised (due to the fact that the liquid passes through the urinary tract). 9. But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit (Gabriel). And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give! Qur’an - Surah as-Sajda (The Prostration) 32:7-9 See also 16:4, 18:37 and 22:5. 28. When thy Lord said to the angels: I am going to fashion a man (Adam) from clay, from moulded mud; 29. When I have harmoniously fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My Spirit (Gabriel), … Qur’an - Surah al-Hijr (The Rock) 15:28-9 The Old Testament includes a similar verse. And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The Old Testament - Genesis - 2:7 God creates Eve (Huwwa in Arabic - peace be upon her). The name Huwwa means ‘the source of life’ as she was created from Adam (peace be upon him) who was the source of giving her life. Huwwa also has another meaning, which is used to denote a reddy colour that is closer to the darker tone. There is an opinion that this could allude to her skin colour. Eve is the Latinised (Eva, Heva) name of the equivalent Hebrew name of Hawwa, from ‘Haya’ meaning ‘to live’. Huwwa is created from the upper rib of Adam (peace be upon him). Hence men and women share a common genetic thumbprint. “(God) is the One Who fashioned you from a single person and from that (person) created his wife. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:1

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“O Muslims! I advise you to be gentle with women, for they are created from a rib, and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part. If you try to straighten it, it will break and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 20. Among His Signs in this, that He created you from dust; and then,- behold, ye are men scattered (far and wide)! 21. And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. 22. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know. Qur’an - Surah ar-Rum (The Romans) 30:20-2 He created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages 9, one after another, in three veils of darkness. such is Allaah, your Lord and Cherisher: to Him belongs (all) dominion. There is no god but He: then how are ye turned away. Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:6 The process of human reproduction is also discussed in the Qur’an. The spermatic liquid is formed by various secretions from the male human body, which come from the following glands: a. testes or generative glands - produces spermatozoon’s, the fertilising cells (10% of the total secretion) b. seminal vesicle glands – these organs are reservoirs of spermatozoon’s and are placed near the prostate gland; they also secrete their own liquid but it does not contain any fertilising agents (70% of the total secretion) c. prostate gland – this secrets a liquid which gives the sperm its creamy texture (25% of the total secretion) d. bulb urethral glands – secrete a clear fluid known as Cowper's fluid and it’s biological function is to prepare the urinary tract for the passage of semen and neutralize acidity due to any residual urine (5% of the total secretion) We are also aware, from biological science, that only a tiny portion of the fertilising semen i.e. one spermatozoon out of the spermatozoa (containing anything from 200 to 500 million spermatozoon’s) is required to fertilise a female egg, the ovule. Hence it is the mixture of the male and female liquids that starts the process of fashioning a new foetus. Once a female egg has been fertilised in the fallopian tube, it descends to lodge itself inside the uterine wall; this is called the implantation of the egg. Interestingly this is one of the features that medical staff look for in IVF treatment. Failure in this, results in an unsuccessful pregnancy. “Verily, We fashioned man from a small quantity of mingled (amchaj) liquids . . .” Qur’an - Surah al-Insaan (Man) 76:2 37. “Was (man) not a small quantity of sperm which has been poured out? 38. After that, he was something which clings (alaq); then God fashioned him in due proportion and harmoniously.” Qur’an - Surah al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) 75:37-8


The development of the human embryo in stages was first discovered and described in 1941 by the American embryologist George

Linius Streeter (1873 – 1948).

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The root ingredients of man i.e. water and earth is mentioned in the Qur’an followed by the further development process of the foetus. 12. We fashioned man from the quintessence (sulatat) of a clay (tiyn - water and earth). 13. Then placed him as a drop (nutfah - of seed) in a place of rest, firmly fixed (qararin makin); 14. We fashioned the thing which clings (alaq) into a lump of chewed flesh (mudrat) and We fashioned the chewed flesh (mudrat) into bones and We clothed the bones with intact flesh (lahm), and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allaah, the Best of creators! Qur’an - Surah al-Mu`minoon (The Cleaving) 23:12-4 See also 39:6 and 77:20-22. And indeed He has fashioned you in stages (twar - phases). Qur’an - Surah Nuh (Noah) 71:14 O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs). Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:5 See also 40:67 and 67:23. In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male i.e. the testis begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend, before birth, to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in the adult after the descent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the backbone (spinal column) and the ribs. 5. So let man consider from what he is created. 6. He is created from a drop emitted -

7. Proceeding from between the loins (sulb) and the ribs: Qur’an – Surah at-Tariq (The Morning Star, The Nightcomer) 86:5-7 The father determines the gender of the unborn child. At the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the reverse was the normal belief i.e. the mother determined the gender of the child. 45. “(God) fashioned the two of a pair, the male and the female, 46. from a small quantity (of sperm) when it is poured out.” Qur’an – Surah an-Najm (The Star) 53:45-6 37. Was he not a drop of fluid which gushed forth? 38. Then he became a clot; then (Allaah) shaped and fashioned 39. Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female. Qur’an - Surah al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) 75:37-9

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Allaah created you from dust, then from a little fluid, then He made you pairs (the male and female). No female beareth or bringeth forth save with His knowledge. And no-one groweth old who groweth old, nor is aught lessened of his life, but it is recorded in a Book, Lo! That is easy for Allaah. Qur’an - Surah Fatir (The Creator) 35:11 See also 36:81 and 46:33. “If forty-two nights have passed over the embryo, God sends an angel to it, who shapes it and creates its hearing, vision, skin, flesh, and bones...” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) We all come from Adam and Huwwa (peace be upon them). O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other)). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allaah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allaah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). Qur’an - Surah al-Hujraat (The Inner Apartments) 49:13 It is He Who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it; and for Him it is most easy. To Him belongs the loftiest similitude (we can think of) in the heavens and the earth: for He is Exalted in Might, full of wisdom. Qur’an - Surah ar-Rum (The Romans) 30:27 49. Unto Allaah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He createth what He will. He bestoweth female (offspring) upon whom He will, and bestoweth male (offspring) upon whom He will; 50. Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves barren whom He will: for He is full of Knowledge and Power. Qur’an - Surah ash-Shura (Consultation) 42:49-50 The Signs of the Creator can be found by examining and reflecting on His creation both outside and within ourselves. 27. Seest thou not that Allaah sends down rain from the sky? With it We then bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of various shades of colour, and black intense in hue. 28. And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allaah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for Allaah is Exalted in Might, OftForgiving. Qur’an - Surah Fatir (The Creator) 35:27-28 Scientific progress and discovery is a continuing process as man tries to be the first to unearth new breakthroughs. It should be understood that this simply demonstrates a movement in the direction of a divine creator and is not in conflict with it. It is Allaah who is ultimately the Creator and Guide, hence provable science and true scripture should match. Man can only create from things already created. They are not and never will be able to create out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo), an attribute unique to God.

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The Story of Adam and Eve When God creates Adam (peace be upon him) the first homo-sapien man, he commands the angels and Iblis (who resides among the angels), to bow down to Adam (peace be upon him). The reason for this was to show the angels that man was superior to them by virtue of the knowledge that he was given by Allaah. The angels obey the command, whilst Iblis is proud and disobeys. 30. Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said: “Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood? - whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know not.” 31. And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: “Tell me the names of these if ye are right.” 32. They said: “Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom.” 33. He said: “O Adam! Tell them their names.” When he had told them, Allaah said: “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what ye reveal and what ye conceal?” 34. And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:30-4 Behold! We said to the angels, “Bow down to Adam”: They bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord... Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:50 God asks Iblis why he did not bow down to Adam. Iblis replies that he is better than man as he is made from fire. God banishes Iblis. Before Iblis leaves, he asks God’s permission to tempt Adam (peace be upon him) and his descendants to the wrong path. God gives him this ability, but also mentions that those people who obey Him and worship Him will not be tempted by him, whilst those people who do not obey and worship Him, will. Henceforth, Iblis becomes Satan (in Arabic Shaytaan). See also verses 2:115-9. 12. (Allaah) said: “What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?” He (Satan) said: “I am better than he (Adam): Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay.” 13. (Allaah) said: “Get thee down from this: it is not for thee to be arrogant here: get out, for thou art of the meanest (of creatures).” 14. He said: Reprieve me till the day when they are raised (from the dead). 15. He said: Lo! Thou art of those reprieved. 16. He said: “Because thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way: 17. “Then will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: Nor wilt thou find, in most of them, gratitude (for thy mercies).” 18. (Allaah) said: “Get out from this, disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow thee, - Hell will I fill with you all. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:12-18 See also 16:98-100, 20:116-123 and 38:74-85.

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God tests Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) by commanding them not to eat the fruit from a particular tree in the Garden of Aden (Eden) in heaven. God also warns them not to listen to the whispers of Satan, as he is an avowed enemy of man. 1. Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, 2. The King of mankind, 3. The God of mankind, 4. From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper), 5. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, 6. Among Jinns and among men. Qur’an - Surah an-Naas (Mankind) 114:1-6 Thus have We appointed unto every prophet an adversary - devils of humankind and jinn who inspire in one another plausible discourse through guile. If thy Lord willed, they would not do so; so leave them alone with their devising; Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:112 It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein. Qur’an – Surah Qaf (the Letter Qaf) 50:16 Satan whispers to Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) and tells them that if they eat from the tree they will become like angels (i.e. they will always be able to obey and worship God) and will live forever. These were false promises, which he had no power to fulfil. Only God has the power to do these and other things. Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) disobey God and are tempted by Satan and eat the forbidden fruit. God reprimands Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) for their disobedience. 19. “O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and enjoy (its good things) as ye wish: but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression.” 20. Then began Satan to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them (before): he said: “Your Lord only forbade you this tree, lest ye should become angels or such beings as live for ever.” 21. And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser. 22. So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them (their private parts which prior to this incident were hidden from them), and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: “Did I not forbid you that tree, and tell you that Satan was an avowed enemy unto you?” 23. They said: “Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.” 24. (Allaah) said: “Get ye down. With enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwellingplace and your means of livelihood, - for a time.” 25. He said: “Therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die; but from it shall ye be taken out (at last).” 26. O ye Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover your shame, as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, - that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allaah, that they may receive admonition!

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27. O ye Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as He got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame: for he and his tribe watch you from a position where ye cannot see them: We made the evil ones friends (only) to those without faith. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:19-27 See also 2:30-6, 2:120-23 and 20:121-1. Compare Genesis 3:1-15, 23. Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) ask God for forgiveness, as they were equally guilty, which is granted. 37. Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. 38. We said: “Get ye down all from here; and if, as is sure, there come to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:37-38 God decides to place Adam and Huwwa (peace be upon them), on earth separately. They both eventually arrive at the Mountain of Arafat (Jabal Arafah) in the Plains of Arafat, approximately 12 miles from Makkah, in Arabia on the 9 th day of the Islamic month of Dhu Al-Hijjah (the last month of the Islamic calendar). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made his farewell sermon on this mountain, many centuries later and received the last verse of the Qur’an, given below. This is the main place where Muslim pilgrims go to when they perform Hajj. This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:3 Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) are asked to obey and worship the One God. The universal religion of Islam is born. The definition of Islam is the peaceful submission to the One God - Allaah, (the Creator of the Universe) through our spiritual and physical actions of obedience and to worship Him alone without any partners or any part of His creation. The word Islam comes from two root words, "submission" or “surrender” (to God) and “peace” (Arabic - salima: with God and within oneself). “Therefore turn your face steadfastly towards the true faith, away from all that which is false, in accordance with the Pure nature with which Allaah has Created people. Let there be no altering in the laws of Allaah's Creation. This is surely the true religion, but most people do not know it.” Qur’an - Surah ar-Rum (The Romans) 30:30 A person who obeys and worships the One True God is a Muslim. This defines the word Muslim. Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) were the first Muslims and Adam was the first prophet of Islam. “The Religion in the sight of Allaah is Islam.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:19 See also 3:19. And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; “Oh my sons! Allaah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam.” Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:132

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Each new person born into this life is a Muslim. This is because, when our souls were created, we testified to the belief of the One God as the following Qur’anic verses shows, at the Plains of Arafat. 172. And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify. (That was) lest ye should say at the Day of Resurrection: Lo! Of this we were unaware; 173. Or lest ye should say: "Our fathers before us may have taken false gods, but we are (their) descendants after them: wilt Thou then destroy us because of the deeds of men who were futile?" 174. Thus do We explain the signs in detail; and perchance they may turn (unto Us). Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:172-4 Hence our innermost nature (fitra), from the moment of our birth, is to accept the existence and belief of the One God, our Creator. Consequently we are all born pure into this world as Muslims. 35. O ye Children of Adam! whenever there come to you messengers from amongst you, rehearsing My signs unto you,- those who are righteous and mend (their lives),- on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve. 36. But those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance,- they are companions of the Fire, to dwell therein (for ever). Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:35-6 See also 3:90. Who has created death and life, that He may test you, which of you is best in conduct; and He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving; Qur’an - Surah at-Talaaq (Divorce) 67:2 See also 6:18. Whoso bringeth a good deed will receive tenfold the like thereof, while whoso bringeth an ill-deed will be awarded but the like thereof; and they will not be wronged. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:160 See also 11:114. "Allaah ordered (the appointed Angels over you) that the good and the bad deeds be written, and He then showed them (the way) how (to write). If somebody intends to do a good deed and he does not do it, then Allaah will write for him a full good deed (in his account with Him); and if he intends to do a good deed and actually did it, then Allaah will write for him (in his account) with Him (its reward equal) from ten to seven hundred times to many more times! And if somebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it, then Allaah will write a full good deed (in his account) with Him, and if he intended to do a bad deed and actually did it, then Allaah will write one bad deed (in his account)." A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith 8.498 Narrated by Ibn Abbas “He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do even that, then he should (at least abhor it) from his heart; and that is the least of faith.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih Muslim Hadith 79 Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

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The Creator - Allaah The Arabic name for God is Allaah, meaning ‘the God’. The word Allaah does not have a plural and is genderless. He has no beginning and no end i.e. He has always existed and will always exist. He does not have any associate or partner, and He does not beget nor was He begotten i.e. He is uncreated. The common message of Islam throughout man’s history through all the prophets is the belief and acceptance of the One Universal Creator. And your Allaah is One Allaah: There is no god but He, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:163 Compare similar verses in the Old and New Testaments. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is ONE.” The Old Testament - Deuteronomy 6:4 See also Deuteronomy 4:29, 4:35, 5:6-9, Isaiah 43:11, 45:5-6, 46:9 & Exodus 20:2-5. “And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is ONE Lord” The New Testament - Mark 12:29 See also Matthew 22:37-8, John 5:30, Matthew 5:17. When someone asked Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the nature of Allaah, in answer to this, chapter 112 of the Qur’an was revealed.

Qur’an - Surah al-Ikhlaas (Sincerity) 112:1-4 He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things. Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:3 The following Qur’anic verse is referred to as the Verse of the Throne (Ayat-ul-Kursi). Allaah! There is no deity save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that

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which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:255 51. Allaah hath said: Choose not two gods. There is only One Allaah. So of Me, Me only, be in awe. 52. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth, and religion is His for ever. Will ye then fear any other than Allaah? Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:51-2 Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Do not prostrate to the sun and the moon, but prostrate to Allaah, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve. Qur’an - Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail) 41:37 If Allaah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? In Allaah, then, let believers put their trust. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:160 28. Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allaah. Verily in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest! 29. Those who believe and do right: Joy is for them, and bliss (their) journey's end. Qur’an - Surah ar-Ra`ad (The Thunder) 13:28-9 Allaah is the Light of the heavens and the earth... Qur’an - Surah an-Nur (The Light) 24:35 The characteristics of Allaah are given by his many attributes. Each of these attributes is given in the Qur’an. The most beautiful names belong to Allaah: so call on him by them; Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:180 See also 17:110 and 20:8. 30. Allaah is He, than Whom there is no other god; - Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 31. He is Allaah, besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of every greatness Glory be to Allaah from what they set up (with Him). 32. He is Allaah the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner; His are the most excellent names; whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Qur’an - Surah al-Hashr (The Exile) 59:22-4 Some of these attributes are – Al Ghaffar (The Forgiver), Al Razzaq (The Provider), Al 'Alim (The Knower), Al 'Adil (The Just), Al Hakim (The Wise), Al Huqq (The Truth), Al Mubdi' (The Originator), Al Ahad (The One), At Tawwab (The Acceptor of Repentance), An Nur (The Light), As Sabr (The Patient), Al Hamid (The Praiseworthy), Al Jalil (The Majestic), Al Khaliq (The Creator), Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Sami (The All-Hearing), Al Basir (The All-Seeing), Al Wadud (The Loving), Al Muhyi (The Giver of Life), etc.

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Most of the attributes are mentioned in the Qur’an (the Final scripture from God). Refer to the final pages of this document for a complete list. The following images show the name of Allaah in the language of the Arabic Qur’an.

Allaah in Arabic

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The House of God The Ka’abah is built in Bakkah (the ancient name of Makkah), Arabia as the first place of worship dedicated to the One God by Adam (peace be upon him) and Archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him). The structure is an empty roofless rectangular shell with a ground level open doorway. They go around the Ka’abah seven times symbolising unity and focusing on their worship of the One God. Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah, full of blessing, and guidance for the peoples. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:96 See also The Psalms 84:4-6. Allaah made the Ka'abah, the Sacred House, an asylum of security for men. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:97 But what plea have they that Allaah should not punish them, when they keep out (men) from the Sacred Masjid - and they are not its guardians? No men can be its guardians except the righteous; but most of them do not understand. Qur’an - Surah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) 8:34 Let them adore the Lord of this House. Qur’an - Surah Quraish 106:3 Many centuries later Abraham (Arabic - Ibrahim) and his son Ishmael (Arabic – Isma’il) rebuilt the Ka’abah on the very same spot as Adam and Gabriel (peace be upon them) had built. Literally, Ka’abah in Arabic means a high place with respect and prestige. 125. Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma'il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer). 126. And remember Abraham said: “My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits,-such of them as believe in Allaah and the Last Day.” He said: “(Yea), and such as reject Faith,-for a while will I grant them their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire,- an evil destination (indeed)!” 127. And remember Abraham and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:125-7 Here are some images associated with the Ka’abah, the Ancient House of God.

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The Ka’abah

Door of the Ka’abah

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Ka'abah Door Key

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The Children of Adam and Eve Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) have nineteen multiple sets of mixed twins and in her final pregnancy she only gives birth to a son i.e. a total of thirty-nine children. The gap between each pregnancy was two years. In the first set of twins there was Qabil (Cain) and his twin sister Iqlima. In the second set there was Habil (Abel) and his twin sister Labuda. It was normal during this time for each male twin to marry a female twin from another set. Qabil’s twin sister (Iqlima) was beautiful whilst Habil’s twin sister (Labuda) was not as beautiful. Allaah commands Adam (peace be upon him) that Qabil should marry Labuda and Habil with Iqlima. However, Qabil is angry and protests. As a result of this disagreement, Adam (peace be upon him) asks both Qabil and Habil to offer a sacrifice to Allaah. Whosever’s sacrifice was accepted would marry Iqlima. Habil’s sacrifice was that of a prized sheep as he was a shepherd and given with a sincere heart. Qabil’s sacrifice was some wheat of the poorest quality as he tilled the land but given with an insincere heart. Habil’s sacrifice was accepted and Qabil’s sacrifice was rejected. As a result of this, Qabil becomes jealous and angry towards his brother Habil and kills him by striking him on the head with a rock whilst he was asleep. Allaah sends two ravens. One of the ravens digs the ground and buries the other raven, which it had killed. Qabil sees this and buries his young brother after many days of carrying his dead brother not knowing what to do. 27. Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam. Behold! They each presented a sacrifice (to Allaah): It was accepted from one, but not from the other. Said the latter: “Be sure I will slay thee.” “Surely,” said the former, “Allaah only accepts the sacrifice of those who are righteous. 28. Even if thou stretch out thy hand against me to kill me, I shall not stretch out my hand against thee to kill thee, lo! I fear Allaah, the Lord of all Creation. 29. “For me, I intend to let thee draw on thyself my sin as well as thine, for thou wilt be among the companions of the fire, and that is the reward of those who do wrong.” 30. The (selfish) soul of the other led him to the murder of his brother: he murdered him, and became (himself) one of the lost ones. 31. Then Allaah sent a raven scratching up the ground, to show him how to hide his brother's naked corpse. He said: Woe unto me! Am I not able to be as this raven and so hide my brother's naked corpse? And he became repentant. 32. On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:27-32 The Shariah (law) during the time of Adam (peace be upon him) allowed marriages between the children, which was abrogated afterwards. Marriage between cousins was allowed at the time, which is still accepted practice among Muslims today.

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Prophets In the early days of Islam, the prophets lived for long periods of time. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) lived for approximately a thousand years. During the life of Adam (peace be upon him) and after he died, his offspring worshipped Allaah. They did not worship the sun or the moon or other objects. After Adam (peace be upon him), his son Shith received revelation of prophethood (Nubuwwat) and continued the message of Islam. Some generations after Prophet Shith (third son of Adam (peace be upon him) born to him when he was about 130 years old, five years after the death of Abel) who was appointed successor by Adam (peace be upon him), a man called Idris (peace be upon him), born in the city of Babylon in Mesopotamia, was called upon by God to prophethood. 56. Also mention in the Book the case of Idris: He was a man of truth (and sincerity), (and) a prophet: 57. And We raised him to a lofty station. Qur’an – Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:56-7 Idris (peace be upon him) was given scripture comprising of fifty books and he was the first to be able to write with a pen. After a time, Idris (peace be upon him) left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of his people committed many sins even after he told them not to do so. Some of the Muslims left with Prophet Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home, they asked Prophet Idris: “If we leave Babylon, where will we find a place like it?” Prophet Idris answered: “If we immigrate for the sake of Allaah, He will provide for us.” So the people went with Idris (peace be upon him) and they reached the land of Egypt. They saw the Nile River. Idris (peace be upon him) stood at its bank and mentioned Allaah, the Exalted, by saying: “Subhan-Allaah (Glory be to God).” Many languages were spoken during the time of Idris (peace be upon him) and many cities were built. Idris (peace be upon him) was famous for his wisdom. Among his wise statements is: “Patience, along with belief, leads to success.” After Prophet Idris (peace be upon him) died, some of the people began to make a vigil at the graves of five pious men. Satan (Iblis) appeared to the people as a man and offered to build five statues in their place so that they would not have to stay at the graveside. This way they would always remember them. Some of the people agreed. Some generations later, Satan whispered to the people to worship these statues and told them that their forefathers had done the same. “Your forefathers used to worship them, and through that worship they got rain”, Satan whispered. Some of the people followed him and became blasphemers. This is how idol worshipping began. Satan even offered to build individual idols in people’s homes; hence idol worship became a widespread practice. The blasphemers believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil and provide all their needs. They gave their idols names after the pious men i.e. Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr. These idols represented, respectively, manly power; mutability; beauty; brute strength; swiftness and sharp insight according to the power they thought these gods possessed. And they have said: Forsake not your gods. Forsake not Wadd, nor Suwa', nor Yaghuth and Ya'uq and Nasr. Qur’an - Surah Nuh (Noah) 71:23

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Some descendants of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) were sent to communities to give the message of Islam to man i.e. to obey and only worship the One God. They were also sent to warn us so that we would be tested. They are known as Prophets (Anbiya) or Messengers (Rasul). Five prophets in particular have been given great distinction viz. Noah (Najiyullah, the Confidant of Allaah), Abraham (Khalilullah, the friend of Allaah), Moses (Kalimullah, the one who talked with Allaah), Jesus (Ruhullah, the Spirit of Allaah) and Muhammad (Habibullah, the most beloved of Allaah) and are referred to as the Ulul 'Azm (possessors of strong will and perseverance). Peace be upon them. Then have patience (O Muhammad) even as the stout of heart among the messengers (of old - Ulul 'Azm) had patience, and seek not to hasten on (the doom) for them. On the day when they see that which they are promised (it will seem to them) as though they had tarried but an hour of daylight. A clear message. Shall any be destroyed save evil-living folk? Qur’an – Surah al-Ahqaf (The Dunes) 46:35 See also 33:7. 92. And that I should recite the Qur’an. Therefore whoever goes aright, he goes aright for his own soul, and whoever goes ' astray, then say: I am only one of the warners.

93. And say: Praise be to Allaah, He will show you His signs so that you shall recognize them; nor is your Lord heedless of what you do. Qur’an - Surah an-Naml (The Ant) 27:92-3 208.

And We did not destroy any town but it had (its) warners,


To remind, and We are never unjust.

Qur’an - Surah ash-Shuara (The Poets) 26:208-9 213. Mankind was one single nation, and Allaah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs came to them, did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy. Allaah by His Grace Guided the believers to the Truth, concerning that wherein they differed. For Allaah guided whom He will to a path that is straight. 214. Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? they encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried: “When (will come) the help of Allaah?” Ah! Verily, the help of Allaah is (always) near! Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:213-4 And We send not messengers but as announcers of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:48 See also 4:165 and 18:56. And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey Allaah and His messenger. As for these, Allaah will have mercy on them. Lo! Allaah is Mighty, Wise. Qur’an - Surah at-Tauba (The Repentance) 9:71 Twenty-five of these prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an. A list is given toward the end of the document.

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Noah (peace be upon him) Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) was the first prophet to tell the people to leave the worship of idols and to worship Allaah alone and not to associate any partners with Him. He found them worshipping idols named after five righteous men - Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr. Wadd was the first to be worshipped and the others quickly followed. It was under these conditions that Nuh (peace be upon him) became an open warner. 1.

We sent Noah to his People (with the Command): “Do thou warn thy People before there comes to them a grievous Penalty.”


He said: “O my People! I am to you a Warner, clear and open:


“That ye should worship Allaah, fear Him and obey me:


“So He may forgive you your sins and give you respite for a stated Term: for when the Term given by Allaah is accomplished, it cannot be put forward: if ye only knew.”


He said: "O my Lord! I have called to my People night and day:


But all my calling doth but add to their repugnance;


“And lo! whenever I call unto them that Thou mayst pardon them they thrust their fingers in their ears and cover themselves with their garments and persist (in their refusal) and magnify themselves in pride.


“And lo! I have called unto them aloud,


“And lo! I have made public proclamation unto them, and I have appealed to them in private.

10. “And I have said: Seek pardon of your Lord. Lo! He was ever Forgiving. 11. “He will send rain to you in abundance; 12. “Give you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers (of flowing water). 13. “What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allaah,Qur’an - Surah Nuh (Noah) 71:1-13 See also 7:59-64, 26:105-118 God saved those who were righteous and destroyed those who did not heed Nuh’s (peace be upon him) warning. Nuh's (peace be upon him) people were divided into two groups after his warning. His words touched the hearts of the weak, the poor, and the miserable and soothed their wounds with its mercy. As for the rich, the strong, the mighty and the rulers they looked upon the warning with cold distrust. They believed they would be better off if things stayed as they were. Therefore they started their war of words against Noah (peace be upon him). They said: If thou cease not, O Noah, thou wilt surely be among those stoned (to death). Qur’an - Surah ash-Shuara (The Poets) 26:116 25. We sent Noah to his people (with a mission): “I have come to you with a Clear Warning: 26. “That ye serve none but Allaah: Verily I do fear for you the penalty of a grievous day.” 27. But the chiefs of the Unbelievers among his people said: “We see (in) thee nothing but a man like ourselves: Nor do we see that any follow thee but the meanest among us, in judgment immature: Nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us: in fact we thing ye are liars!” 28. He said: “O my people! See ye if (it be that) I have a Clear Sign from my Lord, and that He hath sent Mercy unto me from His own presence, but that the Mercy hath been obscured from your sight? Shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it?

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29. “And O my people! I ask you for no wealth in return: my reward is from none but Allaah: But I will not drive away (in contempt) those who believe: for verily they are to meet their Lord, and ye I see are the ignorant ones! 30. “And O my people! Who would help me against Allaah if I drove them away? Will ye not then take heed? 31. “I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allaah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allaah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allaah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer.” 32. They said: “O Noah! Thou hast disputed with us, and (much) hast thou prolonged the dispute with us: now bring upon us what thou threatenest us with, if thou speakest the truth!” 33. He said: “Truly, Allaah will bring it on you if He wills, - and then, ye will not be able to frustrate it! 34. “Of no profit will be my counsel to you, much as I desire to give you (good) counsel, if it be that Allaah willeth to leave you astray: He is your Lord! And to Him will ye return!” 35. Or do they say, “He has forged it”? Say: “If I had forged it, on me were my sin! And I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty! Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:25-35 For many years Nuh (peace be upon him) continued appealing to his people to believe in Allaah hour after hour, day after day year after year. He admonished his people and called them to Allaah in secret and openly. But whenever he called them to Allaah, they ran away from him. Whenever he urged them to ask Allaah to forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears and became too proud to listen to the truth. It eventually came to pass that those who already believed were numbered under eighty, and there were not going to be any more. 36. And it was inspired in Noah, (saying): No-one of thy folk will believe save him who hath believed already. Be not distressed because of what they do. 37. "But construct an Ark under Our eyes and Our inspiration, and address Me no (further) on behalf of those who are in sin: for they are about to be overwhelmed (in the Flood)." Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:36-7 The construction of the wooden ark was far from the sea. As a result the disbelievers mocked Nuh (peace be upon him). 38. Forthwith he (starts) constructing the Ark: Every time that the chiefs of his people passed by him, they threw ridicule on him. He said: "If ye ridicule us now, we (in our turn) can look down on you with ridicule likewise! 39. "But soon will ye know who it is on whom will descend a penalty that will cover them with shame,- on whom will be unloosed a penalty lasting:" Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:38-9 The ship was constructed, and Noah sat waiting Allaah's command. Allaah revealed to him that when water miraculously gushed forth from the oven at Nuh's (peace be upon him) house, that would be the sign of the start of the flood, and the sign for Nuh (peace be upon him) to act. The terrible day arrived when the oven at Nuh's (peace be upon him) house overflowed. Nuh (peace be upon him) hurried to open the ark and summon the believers. Nuh's (peace be upon him) wife was not a believer so she did not join him; neither did one of Nuh's (peace be upon him) sons, who was secretly a disbeliever but had pretended faith in

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front of Nuh (peace be upon him). Likewise most of the people were disbelievers and did not go on board. He also took with him a pair, male and female, of every type of animal, bird and insect prevalent in the land. Seeing him taking these creatures to the ark, the people laughed loudly: “Nuh must have gone out of his head! What is he going to do with the animals?” Allaah sets forth, for an example to the Unbelievers, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lut: they were (respectively) under two of our righteous servants, but they were false to their (husbands), and they profited nothing before Allaah on their account, but were told: “Enter ye the Fire along with (others) that enter!” Qur’an – Surah at-Tahrim (Banning) 66:10 40. (Thus it was) till, when Our commandment came to pass and the oven gushed forth water, We said: Load therein two of every kind, a pair (the male and female), and thy household, save him against whom the word hath gone forth already, and those who believe. And but a few were they who believed with him. 41. So he said: "Embark ye on the Ark, In the name of Allaah, whether it move or be at rest! For my Lord is, be sure, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful!" 42. So the Ark floated with them on the waves (towering) like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (from the rest): "O my son! embark with us, and be not with the unbelievers!" 43. The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water." Noah said: "This day nothing can save, from the command of Allaah, any but those on whom He hath mercy! "And the waves came between them, and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood. 44. Then the word went forth: "O earth! swallow up thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated, and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!" 45. And Noah called upon his Lord, and said: "O my Lord! surely my son is of my family! and Thy promise is true, and Thou art the justest of Judges!" 46. He said: “O Noah! He is not of thy family: For his conduct is unrighteous. So ask not of Me that of which thou hast no knowledge! I give thee counsel, lest thou act like the ignorant!” 47. Noah said: “O my Lord! I do seek refuge with Thee, lest I ask Thee for that of which I have no knowledge. And unless thou forgive me and have Mercy on me, I should indeed be lost!” 48. The word came: “O Noah! Come down (from the Ark) with peace from Us, and blessing on thee and on some of the peoples (who will spring) from those with thee: but (there will be other) peoples to whom We shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end will a grievous penalty reach them from Us.” 49. Such are some of the stories of the unseen, which We have revealed unto thee: before this, neither thou nor thy people knew them. So persevere patiently: for the End is for those who are righteous. Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:40-49 See also 37:75-82, 10:71-3 11. So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth. 12. And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters met (and rose) to the extent decreed. 13. We bore him on an (Ark) made of broad planks and caulked with palm-fibre: 14. floats under our eyes (and care): a recompense to one who had been rejected (with scorn)!

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15. And We have left this as a Sign (for all time): then is there any that will receive admonition? 16. But how (terrible) was My Penalty and My Warning? Qur’an – Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:11-6 119. And We saved him and those with him in the laden ship. 120. Thereafter We drowned those who remained behind. 121. And when thou art on board the ship, thou and whoso is with thee, then say: Praise be to Allaah Who hath saved us from the wrongdoing folk! 122. And say: My Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing-place, for Thou art Best of all who bring to land. Qur’an - Surah ash-Shuara (The Poets) 26:119-122 14. And verily we sent Noah (as Our messenger) unto his folk, and he continued with them for a thousand years save fifty years; and the flood engulfed them, for they were wrong-doers. 15. But We saved him and the companions of the Ark, and We made the (Ark) a Sign for all peoples! Qur’an - Surah al-`Ankabut (The Spider) 29:14-15 The people of today are descended from Prophet Nuh’s (peace be upon him) three sons (Sham, Ham and Yafith) who accompanied their father on the ark. The ark was discovered on Mount Judi at an altitude of 2,300 metres on the Turkish-Iranian border in January 1994. The ark measured 170 metres long and 45 metres wide. On surrounding terrain, the American and Middle Eastern scientists have identified huge stones with holes carved at one end, which they believe are “drogue-stones,” dragged behind ships in the ancient world to stabilise them. The age of the ark was estimated to be 100,000 years old.

A drogue-stone found near Nuh’s Ark used for balance

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Nuh’s Ark found at Mount Judi There were many other prophets who came to the different communities in the world. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that there were a total of 124,000 prophets who delivered the message of Islam. We did aforetime send messengers before thee: of them there are some whose story We have related to thee, and some whose story We have not related to thee. It was not (possible) for any messenger to bring a sign except by the leave of Allaah: but when the Command of Allaah issued, the matter was decided in truth and justice, and there perished, there and then those who stood on Falsehoods. Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:78 See also 16:35-7. Abraham’s first born, Ishmael, and his descendants through the male lineage produced the last prophet, Muhammad referred to as the Seal of the Prophets, (peace be upon them all). Abraham’s second son, Isaac (Arabic - Is’haq) produced the Hebrew line of prophets (through Jacob, Levi, etc.) such as Moses, David, John and Jesus, etc. (peace be upon them all).

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Abraham (peace be upon him) Abraham (Arabic - Ibrahim) was born approximately in 1800 BCE. Several stories of Abraham (peace be upon him), who is known as the Friend of Allaah (Khalilullah), are mentioned in the Qur’an. Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to Allaah, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For Allaah did take Abraham for a friend (Khalil). Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:125 67. Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allaah's (which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allaah. 68. Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Prophet and those who believe: And Allaah is the Protector of those who have faith. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:67-8 Abraham (peace be upon him) lived among a time when those around him including his own father (Azar) worshipped idols. Abraham (peace be upon him) constantly warned his father and the people of this but to no avail. 74. (Remember) when Abraham said unto his father Azar: Takest thou idols for gods? Lo! I see thee and thy folk in error manifest. 75. Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he might be of those possessing certainty: 76. When the night grew dark upon him he beheld a star. He said: This is my Lord. But when it set, he said: I love not things that set. 77. And when he saw the moon uprising, he exclaimed: This is my Lord. But when it set, he said: Unless my Lord guide me, I surely shall become one of the folk who are astray. 78. And when he saw the sun uprising, he cried: This is my Lord! This is greater! And when it set he exclaimed: O my people! Lo! I am free from all that ye associate (with Him). 79. Lo! I have turned my face toward Him Who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:74-9 69. And recite unto them the story of Abraham: 70. Behold, he said to his father and his people: “What worship ye?” 71. They said: We worship idols, and are ever devoted unto them. 72. He said: “Do they listen to you when ye call (on them)?” 73. Or do they benefit or harm you? 74. They said: “Nay, but we found our fathers doing thus (what we do).” 75. He said: “Do ye then see whom ye have been worshipping,76. “Ye and your fathers before you?77. “Lo! they are (all) an enemy unto me, save the Lord of all Creation, 78. “Who created me, and it is He Who guides me; 79. “And Who feedeth me and watereth me. 80. “And when I am ill, it is He Who healeth me; 81. “Who will cause me to die, and then to life (again); 82. “And who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Judgment. 83. “O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous;

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84. “Grant me honourable mention on the tongue of truth among the latest (generations); 85. “Make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss; 86. “Forgive my father, for that he is among those astray; 87. “And let me not be in disgrace on the Day when (men) will be raised up;88. “The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, 89. “But only he (will prosper) that brings to Allaah a sound heart; 90. “To the righteous, the Garden will be brought near, 91. “And to those straying in Evil, the Fire will be placed in full view; 92. “And it shall be said to them: 'Where are the (gods) ye worshipped93. “'Besides Allaah? Can they help you or help themselves?' 94. “Then they will be thrown headlong into the (Fire),- they and those straying in Evil, 95. “And the whole hosts of Iblis together. Qur’an - Surah ash-Shuara (The Poets) 26:69-95 Abraham (peace be upon him) destroys the idols that the people worship. When he is found out, he is thrown into a fire. 51. We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him. 52. Behold! he said to his father and his people, “What are these images, to which ye are (so assiduously) devoted?” 53. They said, “We found our fathers worshipping them.” 54. He said, “Indeed ye have been in manifest error - ye and your fathers.” 55. They said, “Have you brought us the Truth, or are you one of those who jest?” 56. He said, “Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, He Who created them (from nothing): and I am a witness to this (Truth). 57. “And by Allaah, I have a plan for your idols - after ye go away and turn your backs”. 58. So he broke them to pieces, (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn (and address themselves) to it. 59. They said, “Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be some man of impiety!” 60. They said, “We heard a youth talk of them: He is called Abraham.” 61. They said, “Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may bear witness.” 62. They said, “Art thou the one that did this with our gods, O Abraham?” 63. He said: “Nay, this was done by - this is their biggest one! ask them, if they can speak intelligently!” 64. So they turned to themselves and said, “Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!” 65. Then were they confounded with shame: (they said), “Thou knowest full well that these (idols) do not speak!” 66. (Abraham) said, “Do ye then worship, besides Allaah, things that can neither be of any good to you nor do you harm? 67. “Fie upon you, and upon the things that ye worship besides Allaah! Have ye no sense?” 68. They said, “Burn him and protect your gods, If ye do (anything at all)!” 69. We said, “O Fire! be coolness, and peace for Abraham!” Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:51-69

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Abraham (peace be upon him) marries Sarah. Years later unable to have offspring, marries 10 Hagar (Arabic - Hajara) who bears him a son, Ishmael (peace be upon him), there first-born son. Abraham (peace be upon him) is tested by Allaah to leave his wife Hajara (peace be upon her) and his infant son Ishmael (peace be upon him) in the middle of the desert in a place known at that time as Bakkah, and now known as Makkah. This is a few miles from the Plains of Arafat. He leaves them a bag of dates and a water skin and goes on his way. Hajara (peace be upon her) asks after Abraham (peace be upon them) “O Abraham! Where are you going? Are you going to leave us in this valley where there is neither human nor living creature?” She repeated this several times, but he did not answer. Finally, she asks him, “Has Allaah commanded you to do so?” Without turning around he answers, “Yes.” Thereupon she said, “Then He will not let us perish”. Abraham (peace be upon him) goes on his way. When he reaches a mountain pass out of sight of his wife and son, he makes a supplication. “O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks. Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:37 See also the Old Testament Genesis 21:13-19. After surviving a few days, Hajara (peace be upon her) finally runs out of food and water and the baby infant Ishmael (peace be upon him) cries for milk, which Hajara (peace be upon her) is unable to provide. Hajara (peace be upon her) climbs to the top of a mountain nearby, called Mt. Safwah, and looks down in the valley to see whether she can see anyone who can help her. She sees no one and comes back down and crosses the valley through a dried river bed (she walks fast at this section) and climbs up another mountain nearby called Mt. Marwah. Again she sees no one and returns to the top of Mt. Safwah. She goes back and forth between these two mountains unsuccessfully seven times in search for help and eventually returns to her son Ishmael (peace be upon him) who she finds crying with his feet thrashing the ground. As she watches him doing this, water begins to spring up from the ground near his feet. She quickly encircles the water with sand saying the words zum zum (meaning stop stop). This water is now known as the well of Zum Zum.

The Well of Zum Zum Some time later a tribe (Jurhum) of people appear after they observe a bird hovering over the position of the water, who ask Hajara’s (peace be upon her) permission to share the water. The tribe settle on the land and a community grows around the water source. Years later Ishmael (peace be upon him) marries a woman from the Jurhum tribe. Abraham (peace be upon him) returns to Hajara (peace be upon her) on many occasions. When Ishmael (peace be upon him) is a young boy, Abraham (peace be upon him) has a dream (Prophets dreams are direct signs from God) in which he sees himself killing his son. Allaah is asking him to sacrifice that which is most precious to him - his son, as a test of his 10

Ibrahim (peace be upon him) later marries his third wife Qanturah (after the death of Sera) who eventually bore him six children. Finally marries his fourth wife, Hajun who bore him five children (Kaisaan, Suraj, Umaim, Lotaan and Naafis).

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faith. In the morning, Abraham (peace be upon him) speaks to Hajara (peace be upon her) and tells her of the dream and God’s command and asks her what she thinks. Hajara (peace be upon her) replies that if God has commanded him to do this, then he must obey and she will be patient. Abraham (peace be upon him) then speaks to Ishmael (peace be upon him) and tells him of the dream and God’s command and asks him what he thinks. Ishmael (peace be upon him) gives the same reply as his mother. And, when he (Ishmael) was old enough to walk with him, he said: “O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to Allaah), so look what you think!” He said: “O my father! Do that which you are commanded, Insha' Allaah (if Allaah wills), you shall find me of the patient ones (as-Sabirin).” Qur’an - Surah as-Saffat (Those drawn up in Ranks) 37:102 After the farewell between mother and son, Abraham (peace be upon him) takes his son to the appointed place of sacrifice in the valley of Mina, a few miles from Makkah. On the way, they are stopped by Satan who addresses Abraham (peace be upon him) not to continue with the sacrifice and sowing doubts within him. Abraham and Ishmael (peace be upon them) pick up seven small stones and throw them in the direction of Satan to drive him away. Satan sinks into the ground. Further on, Satan appears again and tries to persuade Abraham (peace be upon him) for the second time not to continue with the sacrifice. Abraham and Ishmael (peace be upon them) pick up seven small stones and throw them in the direction of Satan to drive him away. Later, Satan appears for the third and last time, to stop Abraham (peace be upon him), with the same result as above. At the appointed place, Abraham (peace be upon him) lays his son down with his face away from him lest his love for him should deter him from his duty and tries to cut the jugular vein with a sharp knife. No matter how hard Abraham (peace be upon him) tries to cut the skin, the skin won’t break. At this juncture, Allaah commands Abraham (peace be upon him) to stop. He has passed the test. Abraham (peace be upon him) is asked instead to sacrifice a ram in place of his son. And mention in the Book (the Qur'an) Ishmael. Verily! He was true to what he promised, and he was a Messenger, (and) a Prophet. Qur’an – Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:54 Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of Allaah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering); Qur’an - Surah as-Saffat (Those drawn up in Ranks) 37:103 104. And We called out to him: “O Abraham! 105. You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!” Verily! Thus do We reward the Muhsinun (good-doers) 106. Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial 107. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (a ram); 108. And We left for him (a goodly remembrance) among generations (to come) in later times. 109. Salaam (peace) be upon Ibrahim (Abraham)!” Qur’an - Surah as-Saffat (Those Drawn up in Ranks) 37:104-109 Years later, Abraham and Ishmael (peace be upon them) rebuild the Ka’abah, the Sacred Masjid at the same location on the same foundations laid down by Adam and Gabriel (peace be upon them) many years earlier. They go around the Ka’abah seven times i.e. to demonstrate that the lives of the Muslims revolve around Allaah and to help focus on their worship of God and hence obtain spiritual awareness.

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The Ka’abah is the first place of worship dedicated to the One God. Hence it is the oldest Masjid (place of worship, to Allaah) in the world and still survives today. And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed) Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lo! Surely Thou art the Hearer, the Knower. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:127 During his life, Abraham (peace be upon him), was not only prepared to give up his life for God but was prepared to give up the life of his own son, the very thing he cherished more than anything in this world. Five other prophets are particularly important, as they received scripture. They are Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). Allaah chooses Messengers from angels and from men for Allaah is He Who hears and sees (all things). Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:75 And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter among the Righteous. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:130 128. Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.

129. But if they turn away, Say: “Allaah sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!” Qur’an - Surah at-Tauba (The Repentance) 9:128-9

Moses (peace be upon him) The story of Moses (Arabic - Musa) is related numerous times in different parts of the Qur’an. Refer to 20:9-99 for a full story. Prior to the birth of Moses (peace be upon him) around 1525 BCE, there was great oppression towards the Children of Israel. Note that Israel is an alternative name of Prophet Jacob (Arabic – Ya’qub). Of some apostles We have already told thee the story; of others We have not;- and to Moses Allaah spoke direct;Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:164 3.

We rehearse to thee some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in Truth, for people who believe.


Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into sections, depressing a small group among them: their sons he slew, but he kept alive their females: for he was indeed a maker of mischief.


And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them leaders (in Faith) and make them heirs,


To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman, and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking precautions.

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Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:3-6 A saviour to the Children of Israel is born. During the time of the birth of Moses (peace be upon him), Pharaoh commands the killing of all Israelite male newborns by throwing them into the Nile River. The mother of Moses (peace be upon him) conceals him for three months and at last unable to hide him any longer places him in the Nile River in an ark of bulrushes. The Pharaoh’s wife Asiya who is one of the devout, picks him up. 7.

So We sent this inspiration to the mother of Moses: “Suckle (thy child), but when thou hast fears about him, cast him into the river, but fear not nor grieve: for We shall restore him to thee, and We shall make him one of Our messengers.”


Then the people of Pharaoh picked him up (from the river): (It was intended) that (Moses) should be to them an adversary and a cause of sorrow: for Pharaoh and Haman and (all) their hosts were men of sin.


The wife of Pharaoh said: “(Here is) joy of the eye, for me and for thee: slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may adopt him as a son.” And they perceived not (what they were doing)!

10. But there came to be a void in the heart of the mother of Moses: She was going almost to disclose his (case), had We not strengthened her heart (with faith), so that she might remain a (firm) believer. 11. And she said to the sister of (Moses), “Follow him” so she (the sister) watched him in the character of a stranger. And they knew not. 12. And we ordained that he refused suck at first, until (His sister came up and) said: “Shall I point out to you the people of a house that will nourish and bring him up for you and be sincerely attached to him?”... 13. Thus did We restore him to his mother, that her eye might be comforted, that she might not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allaah is true: but most of them do not understand. Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:7-13 Moses (peace be upon him) has reached maturity and is now being prepared for an important call of duty. During this time, Moses (peace be upon him) accidentally kills an Egyptian whilst defending a fellow Israelite. 14. When he reached full age, and was firmly established (in life), We bestowed on him wisdom and knowledge: for thus do We reward those who do good. 15. And he entered the city at a time when its people were not watching: and he found there two men fighting, - one of his own religion, and the other, of his foes. Now the man of his own religion appealed to him against his foe, and Moses struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: “This is a work of Evil (Satan): for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads!” 16. He prayed: “O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive me!” So (Allaah) forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 17. He said: “O my Lord! For that Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace on me, never shall I be a help to those who sin!” 18. So he saw the morning in the city, looking about, in a state of fear, when behold, the man who had, the day before, sought his help called aloud for his help (again). Moses said to him: “Thou art truly, it is clear, a quarrelsome fellow!” 19. Then, when he decided to lay hold of the man who was an enemy to both of them, that man said: “O Moses! Is it thy intention to slay me as thou slewest a man yesterday? Thy intention is

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none other than to become a powerful violent man in the land, and not to be one who sets things right!” 20. And there came a man, running, from the furthest end of the City. He said: “O Moses! The Chiefs are taking counsel together about thee, to slay thee: so get thee away, for I do give thee sincere advice.” 21. He therefore got away therefrom, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed “O my Lord! Save me from people given to wrong-doing.” Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:14-21 Moses (peace be upon him) leaves his land of birth and heads out to the land of Madyan. 22. Then, when he turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, he said: “I do hope that my Lord will show me the smooth and straight Path.” 23. And when he arrived at the watering (place) in Madyan, he found there a group of men watering (their flocks), and besides them he found two women who were keeping back (their flocks). He said: “What is the matter with you?” They said: “We cannot water (our flocks) until the shepherds take back (their flocks): And our father is a very old man.” 24. So he watered (their flocks) for them; then he turned back to the shade, and said: “O my Lord! Truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that Thou dost send me!” 25. Afterwards one of the (damsels) came (back) to him, walking bashfully. She said: “My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered (our flocks) for us.” So when he came to him and narrated the story, he said: “Fear thou not: (well) hast thou escaped from unjust people.” 26. Said one of the (damsels): “O my (dear) father! Engage him on wages: truly the best of men for thee to employ is the (man) who is strong and trusty”... Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:22-26 Moses (peace be upon him) gets married. 27. He said: “I intend to wed one of these my daughters to thee, on condition that thou serve me for eight years; but if thou complete ten years, it will be (grace) from thee. But I intend not to place thee under a difficulty: thou wilt find me, indeed, if Allaah wills, one of the righteous.” 28. He said: “Be that (the agreement) between me and thee: whichever of the two terms I fulfil, let there be no ill-will to me. Be Allaah a witness to what we say.” Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:27-8 The call of Prophethood comes to Moses and to his elder brother Aaron (peace be upon them). Since Moses has a stutter, Aaron is able to help him, (peace be upon them). Signs from Allaah are given to Moses (peace be upon him) so that he may show them to Pharaoh as evidence of his Prophethood. 29. Now when Moses had fulfilled the term, and was travelling with his family, he perceived a fire in the direction of Mount Tur. He said to his family: “Tarry ye; I perceive a fire; I hope to bring you from there some information, or a burning firebrand, that ye may warm yourselves.” 30. But when he came to the (fire), a voice was heard from the right bank of the valley, from a tree in hallowed ground: “O Moses! Verily I am Allaah, the Lord of all Creation...

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31. “Now do thou throw thy rod!” But when he saw it moving (of its own accord) as if it had been a snake, he turned back in retreat, and retraced not his steps: O Moses!” (It was said), “Draw near, and fear not: for thou art of those who are secure. 32. “Move thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm), and draw thy hand close to thy side (to guard) against fear. Those are the two credentials from thy Lord to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: for truly they are a people rebellious and wicked.” 33. He said: “O my Lord! I have slain a man among them, and I fear lest they slay me. 34. And my brother, Aaron, he is more eloquent of tongue than I, therefore send him with me as an aider, verifying me: surely I fear that they would reject me. 35. He said: “We will certainly strengthen thy arm through thy brother, and invest you both with authority, so they shall not be able to touch you: with Our Sign shall ye triumph, - you two as well as those who follow you.” Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:29-35 See also 43:52. 11. But when he came to the fire, a voice was heard: “O Moses! 12. “Verily I am thy Lord! Therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa. 13. “I have chosen thee: listen, then, to the inspiration (sent to thee).

14. “Verily, I am Allaah: There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise. Qur’an - Surah Ta Ha 20:11-14 Moses and Aaron (peace be upon them) return to the land of their birth and hence to Pharaoh. 36. When Moses came to them with Our clear signs, they said: “This is nothing but sorcery faked up: never did we head the like among our fathers of old!” 37. Moses said: “My Lord knows best who it is that comes with guidance from Him and whose end will be best in the Hereafter: certain it is that the wrong-doers will not prosper.” 38. Pharaoh said: “O Chiefs! No god do I know for you but myself: therefore, O Haman! Light me a (kiln to bake bricks) out of clay, and build me a lofty palace, that I may mount up to the god of Moses: but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar!” 39. And he was arrogant and insolent in the land, beyond reason, - He and his hosts: they thought that they would not have to return to Us! 40. So We seized him and his hosts, and We flung them into the sea: Now behold what was the end of those who did wrong! Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:36-40 The story is related with more detail in the seventh Qur’anic chapter. 103. Then after them We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they wrongfully rejected them: So see what was the end of those who made mischief. 104. Moses said: “O Pharaoh! I am a messenger from the Lord of all Creation, 105. One for whom it is right to say nothing but truth about Allaah. Now have I come unto you (people), from your Lord, with a clear (Sign): So let the Children of Israel depart along with me.” 106. (Pharaoh) said: “If indeed thou hast come with a Sign, show it forth, - if thou tellest the truth.”

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107. Then (Moses) threw his rod, and behold! It was a serpent, plain (for all to see)! 108. And he drew out his hand, and behold! It was white to all beholders! 109. Said the Chiefs of the people of Pharaoh: “This is indeed a sorcerer well-versed. 110. “His plan is to get you out of your land: then what is it ye counsel?” 111. They said: “Keep him and his brother in suspense (for a while); and send to the cities men to collect112. And bring up to thee all (our) sorcerers well-versed.” 113. So there came the sorcerers to Pharaoh: They said, “of course we shall have a (suitable) reward if we win!” 114. He said: “Yea, (and more), - for ye shall in that case be (raised to posts) nearest (to my person).” 115. They said: “O Moses! Wilt thou throw (first), or shall we have the (first) throw?” 116. Said Moses: “Throw ye (first).” So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people, and struck terror into them: for they showed a great (feat of) magic. 117. We put it into Moses’ mind by inspiration: “Throw (now) thy rod”: and behold! it swallows up straight away all the falsehoods which they fake! 118. Thus truth was confirmed, and all that they did was made of no effect. 119. So the (great ones) were vanquished there and then, and were made to look small. 120. But the sorcerers fell down prostrate in adoration. 121. Saying: “We believe in the Lord of all Creation, 122. “The Lord of Moses and Aaron.” 123. Said Pharaoh: “Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? Surely this is a trick, which ye have planned in the city to drive out its people: but soon shall ye know (the consequences). 124. “Be sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on apposite sides, and I will cause you all to die on the cross.” 125. They said: Lo! We are about to return unto our Lord! 126. “But thou dost wreak thy vengeance on us simply because we believed in the Signs of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! Pour out on us patience and constancy, and take our souls unto thee as Muslims (who bow to thy will)! 127. Said the chiefs of Pharaoh's people: “Wilt thou leave Moses and his people, to spread mischief in the land, and to abandon thee and thy gods?” He said: “Their male children will we slay; (only) their females will we save alive; and we have over them (power) irresistible.” 128. Said Moses to his people: “Pray for help from Allaah, and (wait) in patience and constancy: for the earth is Allaah's, to give as a heritage to such of His servants as He pleaseth; and the end is (best) for the righteous. 129. They said: “We have had (nothing but) trouble, both before and after thou camest to us.” He said: “It may be that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you inheritors in the earth; that so He may try you by your deeds.” Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:103-29 Due to Pharaoh’s defiance and obstinacy to let the Children of Israel go, great calamity is brought to him and his people over many years. The Pharaoh's wife Asiya wanted to disassociate herself from her husband's evil doings. And Allaah sets forth, as an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh: Behold she said: "O my Lord! Build for me, in nearness to Thee, a mansion in the Garden, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings, and save me from those that do wrong"; Qur’an – Surah at-Tahrim (Banning) 66:11

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130. We punished the people of Pharaoh with years (of droughts) and shortness of crops; that they might receive admonition. 131. But when good (times) came, they said, “This is due to us;” When gripped by calamity, they ascribed it to evil omens connected with Moses and those with him! Behold! In truth the omens of evil are theirs in Allaah's sight, but most of them do not understand! 132. They said (to Moses): “Whatever be the Signs thou bringest, to work therewith thy sorcery on us, we shall never believe in thee. 133. So We sent (plagues) on them: Wholesale death, Locusts, Lice, Frogs, And Blood: Signs openly self-explained: but they were steeped in arrogance, - a people given to sin. 134. Every time the penalty fell on them, they said: “O Moses! On your behalf call on thy Lord in virtue of his promise to thee: If thou wilt remove the penalty from us, we shall truly believe in thee, and we shall send away the Children of Israel with thee.” 135. But every time We removed the penalty from them according to a fixed term which they had to fulfil, - Behold! They broke their word! 136. So We exacted retribution from them: We drowned them in the sea, because they rejected Our Signs and failed to take warning from them. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:130-36 41. And warnings came in truth unto the house of Pharaoh 42. The (people) rejected all Our Signs; but We seized them with such Penalty (as comes) from One Exalted in Power, able to carry out His Will. Qur’an – Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:41-2 90. And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them in rebellion and transgression, till, when the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he exclaimed: I believe that there is no god save Him in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who surrender (unto Him). 91. What! Now! When hitherto thou hast rebelled and been of the wrong-doers? 92. But this day We save thee in thy body that thou mayst be a portent for those after thee. Lo! Most of mankind are heedless of Our portents. Qur’an - Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10:90-2 And verily We inspired Moses, saying: Take away My slaves by night and strike for them a dry path in the sea, fearing not to be overtaken, neither being afraid (of the sea). Qur’an - Surah Ta Ha 20:77 The Children of Israel are victorious and inherit the land. And We made a people, considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of lands in both east and west, - lands whereon We sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We levelled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride). Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:137 Moses (peace be upon him) spends 40 nights on Mount Tur, a mountain in Sinai, Egypt.

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142. We appointed for Moses thirty nights, and completed (the period) with ten (more): thus was completed the term (of communion) with his Lord, forty nights. And Moses had charged his brother Aaron (before he went up): “Act for me amongst my people: Do right, and follow not the way of those who do mischief.” 143. When Moses came to the place appointed by Us, and his Lord addressed him, He said: “O my Lord! Show (Thyself) to me, that I may look upon thee.” Allaah said: “By no means canst thou see Me (direct); But look upon the mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me.” When his Lord manifested His glory on the Mount, He made it as dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said: “Glory be to Thee! To Thee I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe.” Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:142-43 Moses (peace be upon him) is given scripture, the Taurat and the Ten Commandments both in Hebrew. 144. (Allaah) said: “O Moses! I have chosen thee above (other) men, by the mission I (have given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee): take then the (revelation) which I give thee, and be of those who give thanks.” 145. And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both commanding and explaining all things, (and said): “Take and hold these with firmness, and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts: soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked, - (How they lie desolate).” 146. Those who behave arrogantly on the earth in defiance of right - them will I turn away from My signs: Even if they see all the signs, they will not believe in them; and if they see the way of right conduct, they will not adopt it as the way; but if they see the way of error, that is the way they will adopt. For they have rejected our signs, and failed to take warning from them. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:144-6 The TEN Commandments are scattered throughout the Qur’an. The section on Scriptures provides some comparative verses. Some among the Children of Israel begin the worship of a golden calf during the absence of Moses and in the presence of Aaron, (peace be upon them). Aaron (peace be upon him) tries to stop them, but without success. 148. The people of Moses made, in his absence, out of their ornaments, the image of calf, (for worship): it seemed to low: did they not see that it could neither speak to them, nor show them the way? They took it for worship and they did wrong. 149. When they repented, and saw that they had erred, they said: “If our Lord have not mercy upon us and forgive us, we shall indeed be of those who perish.” 150. When Moses came back to his people, angry and grieved, he said: “Evil it is that ye have done in my place in my absence: did ye make haste to bring on the judgment of your Lord?” He put down the tablets, seized his brother by (the hair of) his head, and dragged him to him. Aaron said: “Son of my mother! The people did indeed reckon me as naught, and went near to slaying me! Make not the enemies rejoice over my misfortune, nor count thou me amongst the people of sin.” 151. Moses prayed: “O my Lord! Forgive me and my brother! Admit us to Thy mercy! For Thou art the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!”

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152. Those who took the calf (for worship) will indeed be overwhelmed with wrath from their Lord, and with shame in this life: thus do We recompense those who invent (falsehoods). 153. But those who do wrong but repent thereafter and (truly) believe, - verily thy Lord is thereafter Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 154. When the anger of Moses was appeased, he took up the tablets: in the writing thereon was guidance and Mercy for such as fear their Lord. 155. And Moses chose seventy of his people for Our place of meeting: when they were seized with violent quaking, he prayed: “O my Lord! If it had been Thy will Thou couldst have destroyed, long before, both them and me: wouldst Thou destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? this is no more than Thy trial: by it Thou causest whom Thou wilt to stray, and Thou leadest whom Thou wilt into the right path. Thou art our Protector: so forgive us and give us Thy mercy; for Thou art the best of those who forgive. 156. “And ordain for us that which is good, in this life and in the Hereafter: for we have turned unto Thee.” He said: “With My punishment I visit whom I will; but My mercy extendeth to all things. That (mercy) I shall ordain for those who do right, and practise regular charity, and those who believe in Our signs; Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:148-56 85. (Allaah) said: “We have tested thy people in thy absence: the Samiri has led them astray.” 86. So Moses returned to his people in a state of indignation and sorrow. He said: “O my people! Did not your Lord make a handsome promise to you? Did then the promise seem to you long (in coming)? Or did ye desire that Wrath should descend from your Lord on you, and so ye broke your promise to me?” 87. They said: “We broke not the promise to thee, as far as lay in our power: but we were made to carry the weight of the ornaments of the (whole) people, and we threw them (into the fire), and that was what the Samiri suggested. 88. “Then he brought out (of the fire) before the (people) the image of a calf: It seemed to low: so they said: This is your god, and the god of Moses, but (Moses) has forgotten!” 89. Could they not see that it could not return them a word (for answer), and that it had no power either to harm them or to do them good? 90. Aaron had already, before this said to them: “O my people! ye are being tested in this: for verily your Lord is (Allaah) Most Gracious; so follow me and obey my command.” 91. They had said: “We will not abandon this cult, but we will devote ourselves to it until Moses returns to us.” 92. (Moses) said: “O Aaron! What kept thee back, when thou sawest them going wrong, 93. “From following me? Didst thou then disobey my order?” 94. (Aaron) replied: “O son of my mother! Seize (me) not by my beard nor by (the hair of) my head! Truly I feared lest thou shouldst say, 'Thou has caused a division among the children of Israel, and thou didst not respect my word!'“ 95. (Moses) said: “What then is thy case, O Samiri?” 96. He replied: “I saw what they saw not: so I took a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger, and threw it (into the calf): thus did my soul suggest to me.” 97. (Moses) said: “Get thee gone! But thy (punishment) in this life will be that thou wilt say, 'touch me not'; and moreover (for a future penalty) thou hast a promise that will not fail: Now look at thy god, of whom thou hast become a devoted worshipper: We will certainly (melt) it in a blazing fire and scatter it broadcast in the sea!”

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98. But the god of you all is the One Allaah: there is no god but He: all things He comprehends in His knowledge. 99. Thus do We relate to thee some stories of what happened before: for We have sent thee a Message from Our own Presence. Qur’an - Surah Ta Ha 20:85-99 51. And remember We appointed forty nights for Moses, and in his absence ye took the calf (for worship), and ye did grievous wrong. 52. Even then We did forgive you; there was a chance for you to be grateful. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:51-2

Jesus (peace be upon him) The story of Jesus (Arabic – Isa, pronounced Eesaa) is scattered in 13 chapters of the Qur’an. Some of the verses in the Holy Qur’an refer to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) as simply ‘Jesus’, but others refer to him by the appellation, ‘Al Maseeh’, which means ‘the Messiah’ or ‘the Anointed One’. His birth is a unique miracle, but his message is the same as the previous prophets and that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) after him i.e. to submit to the One God. Like Moses (peace be upon him), Jesus (peace be upon him) is directly descended from the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (peace be upon them). Specifically, Jesus (peace be upon him) also descends directly from Aaron (the elder brother of Moses). Therefore, Mary (Arabic - Maryam) and Jesus (peace be upon them) came from a noble line of prophets and priests who preached the worship and obedience of the One God. The names of Mary’s (peace be upon her) parents were Imraan and Hannah. Imraan was a priest of the highest order, much respected by the community. The father of Aaron and Moses (peace be upon them) was also called Imraan. 33. Allaah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imraan above all people, 34. Offspring, one of the other: And Allaah heareth and knoweth all things. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:33-4 Hannah, at an old age, prays to God for a child that she would dedicate to the service of God and who would preach in the Temple of Jerusalem. In her mind she wanted a male child as only males could preach in the Temple. Imraan has a dream in which he sees a son. He tells Hannah who is overjoyed. God answers Hannah’s supplication but grants her a female child - Mary, the mother of Jesus. 35. Behold! The wife of Imraan said: “O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my stomach for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou Hearest and Knowest all things.” 36. When she was delivered, she said: “O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!”- And Allaah knew best what she brought forth- “And no wise is the male Like the female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:35-6

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Mary (peace be upon her) is orphaned whilst she is still young. Her father dies when she is about two months old and her mother dies when she is about six years old. This is very similar to the story of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose father died before he was born and his mother died when he was six years of age whilst on a visit to her husband’s grave. At the death of Mary’s (peace be upon her) father, many people come forward to be her guardian. A dispute arises as to who it should be, since it was an honour that many people desired due to the high esteem that Imraan was held among the people. The dispute is resolved by Zakariyah (peace be upon him), the brother-in-law of Mary (peace be upon her). Through God’s inspiration, Prophet Zakariyah (peace be upon him) who is a descendent of Solomon (peace be upon him), asks the candidates to assemble at a river early in the morning. Each interested party is asked to throw an iron pen into the flowing river. Whosever pen remains afloat on the river is the Sign from God that he is the preferred choice. While others failed, Zakariyah’s pen remains afloat, by a miracle. A further dispute arises at this point, as some believe that some trickery is involved. Zakariyah (peace be upon him) attempts the same miracle two more times, before all the assembled people accept that he is indeed the rightful guardian of Mary (peace be upon her). This is of the tidings of things hidden. We reveal it unto thee (Muhammad). Thou wast not present with them when they threw their pens (to know) which of them should be the guardian of Mary, nor wast thou present with them when they quarrelled (thereupon). Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:44 Right graciously did her Lord accept her: He made her grow in purity and beauty: To the care of Zakariyah was she assigned . . . Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:37 Mary (peace be upon her) grows up as a pious Muslim and is held in high honour by Allaah. Mary (peace be upon her) is unique in that she is the only woman who is mentioned by Allaah by name in the Qur’an and has a Qur’anic Surah named after her i.e. Surah 19 entitled ‘Maryam’. Zakariyah (peace be upon him) teaches Mary (peace be upon her) the religion of their forefathers i.e. the submission to the One true God. 42. Behold! The angels said: “O Mary! Allaah hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations. 43. “O Mary! Worship Thy Lord devoutly: Prostrate thyself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:42-3 Imraan, the father of Mary (peace be upon her), during his time was unable to have a male heir who would continue the message of the worship of the One God. The same situation applies to Zakariyah (peace be upon him). Zakariyah (peace be upon him) is anxious to have an heir from himself or from the posterity of Jacob (peace be upon him). He fears that after he is gone the message of Islam will fade away with him and hence the people will not be saved in the hereafter. Zakariyah (peace be upon him) does not have anyone he trusts to take over the role of a messenger. Hence his despair is not for selfish reasons for having a progeny but for the concern he has for the people’s spiritual welfare. Zakariyah (peace be upon him) prays to God for a wali (successor or heir). On one occasion when Zakariyah (peace be upon him) enters the private chambers of Mary (peace be upon her), he sees her eating food that was out of season. The food came directly from heaven from God. Here he prays for an heir. This

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results in the birth of a miraculous son John (Arabic - Yahya) as he Zakariyah (peace be upon him) was old as was his wife al-Yashbi’ (Elisabeth) a descendent of Aaron (peace be upon him). 37. Whenever Zakariyah went into the sanctuary where she (Mary) was, he found that she had food. He said: O Mary! Whence cometh unto thee this (food)? She answered: “It is from Allaah. Allaah giveth without stint to whom He will.” 38. There did Zakariyah pray to his Lord, saying: “O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer! Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:37-8 See also 56:33. 3.

Behold! He cried to his Lord in secret,


Praying: “O my Lord! Infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to Thee!


“Now I fear (what) my relatives (and colleagues) (will do) after me: but my wife is barren: so give me an heir as from Thyself, -


“(One that) will (truly) represent me, and represent the posterity of Jacob; and make him, O my Lord! One with whom Thou art well-pleased!”


(His prayer was answered): “O Zakariyah! We give thee good news of a son: His name shall be Yahya (John): on none by that name have We conferred distinction before.”


He said: “O my Lord! How shall I have a son, when my wife is barren and I have grown quite decrepit from old age?”


He said: “So (it will be) thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: I did indeed create thee before, when thou hadst been nothing!'“

10. (Zakariyah) said: “O my Lord! Give me a Sign.” “Thy Sign,” was the answer, “Shall be that thou shalt speak to no man for three nights, although thou art not dumb.” 11. So Zakariyah came out to his people from him chamber: He told them by signs to celebrate Allaah's praises in the morning and in the evening. Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:3-11 The principle of not speaking was something that had been practised before and since, the purpose of which was to remain aloof from the affairs of the world and stay focused on worship. Yahya (peace be upon him) is born and is honoured with Prophethood. Zakariyah (peace be upon him) and his wife al-Yashbi’ were the symbols of piety and righteousness.

So We listened to him: and We granted him Yahya: We cured his wife's (barrenness) for him. They were ever quick in emulation in good works; they used to call on Us with love and reverence, and humble themselves before Us. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:90 12. (And it was said unto his son): O Yayha! Hold fast the Scripture. And we gave him wisdom when a child, 13. And compassion from Our presence, and purity; and he was devout, 14. And dutiful toward his parents. And he was not arrogant, rebellious. 15. Peace on him the day he was born, and the day he dieth and the day he shall be raised alive! Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:12-5

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God, through angels, inform Mary (peace be upon her) the arrival of a holy son even though she is unwed. She asks God how this can be! 45. Behold! The angels (malaika) said: “O Mary! Allaah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allaah; 46. “He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (of the company) of the righteous.” 47. She said: “O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?” He said: “Even so: Allaah createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is! 48. “And Allaah will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Injil (Aramaic scripture given to Jesus), Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:45-8 Mary (peace be upon her) secludes herself in the temple of Jerusalem facing east. She places herself in a state of devotion and worship to the One God. During this time, Gabriel (peace be upon him) appears and announces the gift of a holy son. Gabriel (peace be upon him) breathes into Mary (peace be upon her) and she conceives. This is not dissimilar to the breathing into Adam and Eve (peace be upon them), which brings them to life. 16. And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East, 17. And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit ( Ruh) and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. 18. She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God-fearing. 19. He said: “Nay, I am only a messenger (rasul) from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son. 20. She said: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?” 21. He said: “So (it will be): Thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It is a matter (so) decreed.” Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:16-21 And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our Spirit (Ruh), and We made her and her son a sign for all peoples. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:91 And Mary the daughter of 'Imraan, who guarded her chastity; and We breathed into (her body) of Our Spirit (Ruh); and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His Revelations, and was one of the devout (servants). Qur’an – Surah at-Tahrim (Banning) 66:12 The similitude of Jesus before Allaah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:59

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The similitude between Jesus and Adam (peace be upon them) is further emphasised by the fact that their names occur in the Qur’an at 25 times each in addition to the fact that neither prophet had a father. The birth of Jesus (peace be upon him). In her anguish of childbirth, Gabriel (peace be upon him) asks her to shake a dead palm tree, which miraculously bears dates. Mary (peace be upon her) is specifically commanded not to speak to any person, a fast through speech. This becomes a significant command in line with 19:30-3 below. 22. So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place. 23. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): “Ah! Would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!” 24. But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-tree): “Grieve not! For thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee; 25. “And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. 26. “So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to (Allaah) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'“ 27. At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: “O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:22-7 The dream of Imraan, the maternal grandfather of Jesus (peace be upon him), many years earlier comes true. He had in fact seen the vision of a grandson. When Mary (peace be upon her) brings forth her son at forty days old, she is accused of being a wicked woman. The people point out to her that she comes from a noble line, that of Prophet Aaron (peace be upon him) himself. The first of many miracles of Jesus (peace be upon him) occurs. At the age of 40 days old, he speaks. This results in the charge against Mary being dropped, also the charge against Zakariyah as he had been falsely accused concerning Mary’s condition and finally confirming that Jesus was indeed a miraculous baby and a prophet. Peace be upon them all. The story clearly shows that the plans of God cannot be overcome by anyone. If God decrees a matter, it is done. 28. “O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!” 29. But she pointed to the babe. They said: “How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?” 30. He said: “I am indeed a servant of Allaah: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; 31. “And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; 32. And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest. 33. And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life. 34. Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute. Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:28-34 Jesus (peace be upon him) is a prophet and preaches the belief of the One God. The New Testament, which the Christians believe in, confirms this. Refer to Luke 13:33-4; 7:16; 24:19, John 6:14; 17, etc. From the 10% of the King James version of the New Testament, where Jesus (peace be upon him) actually speaks, there are no passages where

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Jesus (peace be upon him) himself states that he should be worshipped nor does he himself claim to be the begotten Son of God. In addition, any reference to the word begotten is not present in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, which is based on the earliest known Greek manuscripts and was removed by fifty Christian theologians of the highest eminence as an addition when it was added in the earlier edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Thus he appears simply as a Son of God within the context of a Messenger of God as this title was used generally at the time hence confirming what the Qur’an has revealed to man. “And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is ONE Lord” The New Testament - Mark 12:29 See also John 5:30, Matthew 5:17, Mark 10:18 and Luke 4:8. Similar examples of context can be found where Jesus (peace be upon him) is described as the son of David i.e. on the same spiritual and genealogical path of David (peace be upon him). In the New Testament, on over eighty occassions Jesus (peace be upon him) is referred to as the son of Man. Thus the teaching of the begotten Son of God is a teaching of the Christian church, not that of Jesus (peace be upon him) himself. 50. “'(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allaah, and obey me. 51. “'It is Allaah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight.'” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:50-1 To aid him, Jesus (peace be upon him) is given scripture (Injil) confirming what was revealed in the past. And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Injil: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allaah. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:46 It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Injil (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong). Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:3 Some among the people disobey Jesus (peace be upon him) and worship their false gods. 57. When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, thy people raise a clamour thereat (in ridicule)! 58. And they say, “Are our gods best, or he?” This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people. 59. He was no more than a servant: We granted Our favour to him, and We made him an example to the Children of Israel. Qur’an - Surah az - Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold) 43:57-9

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Jesus (peace be upon him) is further supported with a series of miracles, in order to convince the people of his Prophethood and true message of Islam. Disciples help Jesus (peace be upon him). Refer also 3:49. 109. One day will Allaah gather the messengers together, and ask: “What was the response ye received (from men to your teaching)?” They will say: “We have no knowledge: it is Thou Who knowest in full all that is hidden.” 110. Then will Allaah say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Injil and behold! Thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! Thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.' 111. “And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger: they said, 'We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allaah as Muslims”. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:109-11 52. When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: “Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allaah?” Said the disciples (Huwariyun): “We are Allaah's helpers: We believe in Allaah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims. 53. “Our Lord! We believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger; then write us down among those who bear witness.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:52-3 Some among the Children of Israel disobey Jesus (peace be upon him). He curses them for their disobedience. 78. Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses. 79. Nor did they (usually) forbid one another the iniquities, which they committed: evil indeed were the deeds, which they did. 80. Thou seest many of them turning in friendship to the Unbelievers. Evil indeed are (the works) which their souls have sent forward before them (with the result), that Allaah's wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide. 81. If only they had believed in Allaah, in the Prophet, and in what hath been revealed to him, never would they have taken them for friends and protectors, but most of them are rebellious wrong-doers. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:78-81 Jesus (peace be upon him) is assembled with his helpers. After all that they seen and heard, they ask the prophet for yet another miracle. Food and drink from heaven. 112. Behold! The disciples, said: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Can thy Lord send down to us a table set (with viands) from heaven?” Said Jesus: “Fear Allaah, if ye have faith.” 113. They said: “We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to know that thou hast indeed told us the truth; and that we ourselves may be witnesses to the miracle.”

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114. Said Jesus the son of Mary: “O Allaah our Lord! Send us from heaven a table set (with viands), that there may be for us - for the first and the last of us - a solemn festival and a sign from thee; and provide for our sustenance, for thou art the best Sustainer (of our needs).” 115. Allaah said: “I will send it down unto you: But if any of you after that resisteth faith, I will punish him with a penalty such as I have not inflicted on any one among all the peoples.” Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:112-5 Jesus (peace be upon him) tells the people that another prophet will come after him, whose name will be Ahmad (an alternative name for Muhammad). And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allaah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, “this is evident sorcery!” Qur’an - Surah as-Saff (The Ranks) 61:6 “Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures), - in the Law and the Injil; - for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him, - it is they who will prosper.” Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:157 Some of the disbelievers among the Children of Israel plotted against Jesus (peace be upon him). They falsely complained to the ruler that he misguided people, discouraged them from obeying the ruler and caused division among the people. They also blaspheme Jesus (peace be upon him) of being an illegitimate son. However as the ruler attempts to round him up, Allaah lifts him up from his house to the lowest heaven alive. In place of Jesus (peace be upon him) another individual is captured in the house in the darkness. He is given the appearance of Jesus (peace be upon him) and is crucified instead. It is important to note that in the past, messengers of God were killed. Refer to 2:61, 3:21, 3:112, etc. 54. And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allaah too planned, and the best of planners is Allaah. 55. Behold! Allaah said: “O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute. 56. “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.” 57. “As to those who believe and work righteousness, Allaah will pay them (in full) their reward; but Allaah loveth not those who do wrong.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:54-7 See also 3:90. 157. That they said (in boast), “We killed Messiah Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allaah”; - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those

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who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not: 158. Nay, Allaah raised him up unto Himself; and Allaah is Exalted in Power, Wise; Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:157-158 After the departure of Jesus (peace be upon him) from this world, people begin their false worship of Jesus (peace be upon him) as a Son of God despite members of Jesus’ (peace be upon him) family to follow the true message of Islam given by Jesus and John (peace be upon them). In particular James (half brother of Jesus through Mary’s marriage to her cousin Yusuf, son of Ya’qub) spent a period of thirty years in giving the message of worshipping the One true God alone. It was Paul who began the dissemination of the true message of Jesus (peace be upon him) by way of a series of visions, which ultimately produced the religion that the Christians reverted to and still follow today. In Luke 3:38 it states that Adam is the son of God? It seems that references to individuals as sons of God are being stated in general terms in the New Testament as followers of God rather than as a physical relationship. Refer also to Isaiah 62:8 and Romans 8:14. 116. And behold! Allaah will say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allaah'?” He will say: “Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. 117. “Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things. 118. “If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servant: If Thou dost forgive them, Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise.” 119. Allaah will say: “This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath, - their eternal Home: Allaah well-pleased with them, and they with Allaah: That is the great salvation, (the fulfilment of all desires). Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:116-9 The historical facts surrounding the introduction of the ‘trinity’ was first coined by Tertullian 11, refer to the gospel of John. Initially the Revised Standard Version of the Bible contained the reference to the trinity but was later removed in a later edition as the original Greek manuscript did not contain the concept of the ‘trinity’. O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allaah aught but the truth. Messiah Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allaah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allaah and His messengers. Say not “Trinity”: desist: it will be better for you: for Allaah is one Allaah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allaah as a Disposer of affairs. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:171 See also 43:81-2.


Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus anglicised as Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 220 CE) was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa.

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They have taken as lords beside Allaah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One Allaah. There is no Allaah save Him. Be He Glorified from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)! Qur’an - Surah at-Tauba (The Repentance) 9:31 It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allaah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, “Be”, and it is. Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:35 4.

And to warn those who say: Allaah hath chosen a son,


No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying what they say is nothing but falsehood!


Yet it may be, if they believe not in this statement, that thou (Muhammad) wilt torment thy soul with grief over their footsteps.


Lo! We have placed all that is on the earth as an ornament thereof that We may try them: which of them is best in conduct.

Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:4-7 72. They surely disbelieve who say: Lo! Allaah is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah (himself) said: O Children of Israel, worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord. Lo! Whoso ascribeth partners unto Allaah, for him Allaah hath forbidden paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evil-doers there will be no helpers. 73. They do blaspheme who say: Allaah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allaah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. 74. Why turn they not to Allaah, and seek His forgiveness? For Allaah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 75. Messiah the son of Mary was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (like other mortals) food. See how Allaah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth! 76. Say: “Will ye worship, besides Allaah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allaah, - He it is that heareth and knoweth all things.” 77. Say: “O people of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by, - who misled many, and strayed from the even way. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:72-7 100. Yet they make the Jinns equals with Allaah, though Allaah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (For He is) above what they attribute to Him! 101. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: How can He have a son when He hath no consort? He created all things, and He hath full knowledge of all things. 102. That is Allaah, your Lord! There is no god but He, the Creator of all things: then worship ye Him: and He hath power to dispose of all affairs. 103. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.

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104. “Now have come to you, from your Lord, proofs (to open your eyes): if any will see, it will be for (the good of) his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own (harm): I am not (here) to watch over your doings.” 105. Thus do we explain the signs by various (symbols): that they may say, “Thou hast taught (us) diligently,” and that We may make the matter clear to those who know. 106. Follow what thou art (Muhammad) taught by inspiration from thy Lord: there is no god but He: and turn aside from those who join gods with Allaah. 107. Had Allaah willed, they had not been idolatrous. We have not set thee as a keeper over them, nor art thou responsible for them. 108. Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allaah, lest they out of spite revile Allaah in their ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord, and We shall then tell them the truth of all that they did. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:100-8 The followers of the true message of Islam as given by Jesus (peace be upon him) initially attempted to spread the message among the people but soon gave up and lived in isolated communities rather than continuing the spread of Islam to the people. Then, in their wake, We followed them up with (others of) Our messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and Mercy. But the Monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the seeking for the Good Pleasure of Allaah; but that they did not foster as they should have done. Yet We bestowed, on those among them who believed, their (due) reward, but many of them are rebellious transgressors. Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:27 Jesus (peace be upon him) will return to Earth from the lowest heaven (he will descend at the time of prayer at dawn on a Masjid at the eastern part of Damascus, in Syria). He is a Sign of the Hour i.e. the Day of Judgement. The followers of Jesus (peace be upon him) dispersed into different sects. 61. And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way. 62. Let not the Evil One hinder you: for he is to you an enemy avowed. 63. When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said: “Now have I come to you with Wisdom, to make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allaah and obey me. 64. “For Allaah, He is my Lord and your Lord: so worship ye Him: this is a Straight Way.” 65. But sects from among themselves fell into disagreement: then woe to the wrong-doers, from the Penalty of a Grievous Day! Qur’an - Surah az - Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold) 43:61-5 36. Verily Allaah is my (Jesus is speaking here) Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight. 37. But the sects differ among themselves: and woe to the unbelievers because of the (coming) Judgment of a Momentous Day! 38. How plainly will they see and hear, the Day that they will appear before Us! But the unjust today are in error manifest!

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39. But warn them of the Day of Distress, when the matter will be determined: for (behold,) they are negligent and they do not believe! 40. It is We Who will inherit the earth, and all beings thereon: to Us will they all be returned. Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:36-40

Muhammad (peace be upon him) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Makkah, Arabia around 570 CE. The name Muhammad (peace be upon him) means ‘the Praised one’. By name, Muhammad (peace be upon him), is mentioned four times in the Qur’an. He is referred to in other ways. For example, the Arabic word Qul (Say) is used in the Qur’an where Allaah is directing the Prophet to instruct, in particular, the unbelievers. The prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) marked the restoration of Islam after many centuries, which had been long lost due to idolatry and other false worship of God. Say: I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allaah), nor know I what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner. Qur’an – Surah al-Ahqaf (The Dunes) 46:9 Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) father, Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib died before his birth. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim looked after him when he was orphaned at six when his mother Aminah bint Wahab died. At eight, his grandfather died and he came under the care of his paternal Uncle Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib. 6.

Did He not find thee (Muhammad) an orphan and give thee shelter (and care)?


And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance.


And He found thee in need, and made thee independent.

Qur’an - Surah ad-Dhuha (The Morning Hours, Morning Bright) 93:6-8 The full story of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is too exhaustive to cover here. However here is a flavour. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allaah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allaah has full knowledge of all things. Qur’an - Surah al-Ahzaab (The Clans) 33:40 See also 48:29. We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not. Qur’an – Surah Saba (Saba, or the City of Saba) 34:28 107. We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creation (mankind, jinn, etc.). 108. Say: “What has come to me by inspiration is that your Allaah is One Allaah. Will ye therefore bow to His Will (in Islam)?” Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:107-8 And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur'an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way,Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 42:52.

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And whatever the Messenger (Muhammad) gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, leave it. And fear Allaah: truly Allaah is severe in punishment. Qur’an - Surah al-Hashr (The Exile) 59:7 2.

By the Qur'an, full of Wisdom,


Thou art indeed one of the messengers (Muhammad),


On a Straight Way.

Qur’an - Surah Yaseen (Yaseen) 36:2-4 And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character. Qur’an – Surah at-Tahrim (Banning, Prohibition) 68:4 Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of God. Qur’an - Surah al-Ahzaab (The Clans) 33:21 It is such as obey Allaah and His Messenger, and fear Allaah and do right, that will win. Qur’an - Surah an-Nur (The Light) 24:52 It is true thou (Muhammad) wilt not be able to guide every one, whom thou lovest; but Allaah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance. Qur’an - Surah al-Qasas (The Story) 28:56 See also 6:125. The following image shows the name of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the language of the Arabic Qur’an.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Arabic

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Other Prophets (peace be upon them) Some stories of other prophets are also given in the Qur’an. This gives us a passage of events through man’s history. Here’s a flavour of some of these verses. For We assuredly sent amongst every People a messenger, (with the Command), “Serve Allaah, and eschew Evil”: of the People were some whom Allaah guided, and some on whom error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth). Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:36 Verily We have sent thee in truth, as a bearer of glad tidings, and as a warner: and there never was a people, without a warner having lived among them (in the past). Qur’an - Surah Fatir (The Creator) 35:24 “Say (O Muhammad): we believe in Allaah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob, and their children, and that which Moses and Jesus received and that the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and unto Him we have surrendered.” Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:136 84. We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: thus do We reward those who do good: 85. And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous: 86. And Isma'il and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot: and to all We gave favour above the nations: 87. (To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren: We chose them, and we guided them to a straight way. 88. This is the guidance of Allaah: He giveth that guidance to whom He pleaseth, of His worshippers. If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they did would be vain for them. 89. These were the men to whom We gave the Book, and authority, and prophethood: if these (their descendants) reject them, Behold! We shall entrust their charge to a new people who reject them not. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:84-9 To David We gave Solomon, - How excellent in Our service! Ever did he turn (to Us)! Qur’an - Surah Sad (Sad – Abbreviated Letters) 38:30 By Allaah's will they routed them; and David slew Goliath; and Allaah gave him power and wisdom and taught him whatever (else) He willed. And did not Allaah Check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief: But Allaah is full of bounty to all the worlds. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:251 139.

So also was Jonah among those sent (by Us).


When he ran away (like a slave from captivity) to the ship (fully) laden,


He (agreed to) cast lots, and he was condemned:

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Then the big Fish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame.


Had it not been that he (repented and) glorified Allaah,


He would certainly have remained inside the Fish till the Day of Resurrection.


But We cast him forth on the naked shore in a state of sickness.

Qur’an - Surah as-Saffat (Those drawn up in Ranks) 37:139-45

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The Scriptures During the past many thousands of years, some of the prophets have received scripture in languages that the prophets and their people spoke. Mention of the existence of these revealed scriptures are given in the Qur’an. Other scriptures may also have been revealed in the past. Only the Qur’an is absolutely authentic today without alteration. Although there are three versions of the Ten Commandments i.e. the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant versions, they do contain the many essential elements of Islam. The first scripture (scrolls or souhouf revealed in Hebrew to Abraham (peace be upon him)) has not survived intact and is not mentioned by name in the Qur’an. It is simply referred to as the scrolls. The Old Testament is based on the original Torah (Taurat revealed in Hebrew to Moses (peace be upon him)) and is filled with countless contradictions and inaccuracies. The Injil (revealed in Aramaic to Jesus (peace be upon him)) did not survive and is not the New Testament as many Muslims and others believe, which the Christians read today. The four Gospels are a man-made selection of much modified texts that were lost, which in turn depended on oral traditions which are not verifiable. They were written many decades after Jesus (peace be upon him) and were chosen by Irenaeus 12 (Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul now Lyon, France) out of about twenty seven such gospels from an original set of about eighty that were around in the early days of Christianity after the time of Jesus (peace be upon him). Except for the four gospels, the rest were deemed heretical. Christians caught in possession of them were, in some cases, tortured and put to death. Some of these gospels were uncovered in Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945 with their translation completed by 1980. They showed a different picture to that of the accepted four canonical gospels e.g. the divinity and crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon him), etc. The Psalms are loosely based on the original Zabur (revealed in Hebrew to David (peace be upon him)). Finally, the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic to Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of twenty-three years of his Prophethood between 610-633 CE. The verses were memorized by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who in turn gave them to one of many scribes in particular to Zahid bin Thabit who physically wrote the words on various materials. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself was unlettered and therefore unable to write the words down. 51. It is not fitting for a man that Allaah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allaah’s permission, what Allaah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise. 52. And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur'an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way,Qur’an - Surah ash-Shura (Consultation) 42:51-2 See also 42:3. Or do they envy mankind for what Allaah hath given them of his bounty? But We had already given the people of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and conferred upon them a great kingdom. Qur’an – Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:54 12

Irenaeus (circa 130 – 202) a Greek, was raised in an orthodox Christian family. In 170 C.E. Irenaeus made the important decision to determine which of the thirty odd gospels would be added to the Bible and claimed that they were divinely inspired. The gospels chosen were that of Matthew (70 – 100 C.E.), Mark (60 – 70 C.E.), Luke (80 – 100 C.E.) and John (90 – 110 C.E.) whilst among those that were rejected were the gospels of Barnabas, James, Judas, Mary Magdalene, Marcion, Philip, Thomas, etc.

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The Books of Abraham and Moses. Qur’an - Surah al-A`ala (The Most High) 87:19 See also 21:48 and 4:54. We gave unto Moses the Scripture, and We appointed it a guidance for the Children of Israel, saying: Choose no guardian beside Me. Qur’an - Surah al-Israa’ (The Night Journey) 17:2 53. We did aforetime give Moses the (Book of) Guidance, and We gave the book in inheritance to the Children of Israel, 54. A Guide and a Message to men of Understanding. Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:53-54 84. Say (O Muhammad): We believe in Allaah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. 85. And whoso seeketh as religion other than the Surrender (to Allaah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:84-5 We verily gave Moses the Scripture and placed with him his brother Aaron as minister. Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:35 No just estimate of Allaah do they make when they say: “Nothing doth Allaah send down to man (by way of revelation)” Say: “Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought? - a light and guidance to man: But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show, while ye conceal much (of its contents): therein were ye taught that which ye knew not- neither ye nor your fathers.” Say: “Allaah (sent it down)”: Then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling. Qur’an - Surah al-An’aam (Cattle) 6:91 See also 5:44. The Ten Commandments, given to Moses (peace be upon him) are scattered throughout the Qur’an. These commandments are just as essential to Judaism and Christianity as they are to Muslims and respected as such. Then, when the anger of Moses abated, he took up the tablets, and in their inscription there was guidance and mercy for all those who fear their Lord. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:154 See also 7:150.

The TEN Commandments 1.

The Holy Qur’an

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

Allaah forgiveth not that partners should be set up

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:3

with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allaah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed. Qur’an - Surah Nisa (The Women) 4:48 See also 3:67, 6:88, 6:106, 28:70, 47:19 and 112:1-4.

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Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,

And (as for) those who keep off from the worship of

or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,

the idols and turn to Allaah, they shall have good

or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the

news, therefore give good news to My servants.

water under the earth...

Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:17

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:4

See also 14:35.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God

And make not Allaah's (name) an excuse in your

in vain.

oaths against doing good, or acting rightly, or

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:7

making peace between persons; for Allaah is One Who heareth and knoweth all things. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:224 See also 4:140, 6:68, 6:108, and 7:180.


Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:8

prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allaah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew! Qur’an - Surah al-Jumah (The Congregation) 62:9 See also 2:65, 4:47, 4:154, 7:163, and 16:124.


Honour thy father and thy mother.

Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:12

Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. Qur’an - Surah al-Isra (The Night Journey) 17:23 See also 2:83.


Thou shalt not murder.

Nor take life - which Allaah has made sacred -

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:13

except for just cause. And if anyone is slain

Matthew 5:21

wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; Lo! he will be helped. Qur’an - Surah al-Isra (The Night Journey) 17:33 See also 5:32.


Thou shalt not commit adultery.

And come not near unto adultery. Lo! it is an

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:14

abomination and an evil way. Qur’an - Surah al-Isra (The Night Journey) 17:32 See also 24:2-3 and 25:68-70.


Thou shalt not steal.

The thief, male or female, you shall mark their

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:15

hands as a punishment for their crime, and to serve

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Matthew 5:30

as an example from God. God is Almighty, Most Wise. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:38-9 See also 60:12.



Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy

And (know that the true servants of God are) those


who do not bear witness to falsehood.

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:16

Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:72

Thou shalt not take your neighbour’s goods and all

Do not covet the bounties that God has bestowed

that belongs to him.

more abundantly on some of you than on others.

The Old Testament – Exodus 20:17

Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:32

Say (O Muhammad): “Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to shameful deeds whether committed openly or secretly, and kill not anyone whom Allaah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:151 O Prophet! If believing women come unto thee, taking oath of allegiance unto thee that they will ascribe no thing as partner unto Allaah, and will neither steal nor commit adultery nor kill their children, nor produce any lie that they have devised between their hands and feet, nor disobey thee in what is right, then accept their allegiance and ask Allaah to forgive them. Lo! Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Mumtahanah (She Who is Tested) 60:12 67. O Messenger! Proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allaah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allaah guideth not those who reject Faith. 68. Say: O People of the Scripture! Ye have naught (of guidance) till ye observe the Torah and the Gospel and that which was revealed unto you from your Lord. That which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) from thy Lord is certain to increase the contumacy and disbelief of many of them. But grieve not for the disbelieving folk. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:67-8 See also 7:2-3. Some among the Jews in authority changed the word of God for their personal selfish aims. 41. O Messenger! Let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say “We believe” with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews, - men who will listen to any lie, - will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, “If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!” If any one's trial is intended by Allaah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allaah. For such - it is not Allaah's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. 42. (They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden. If they do come to thee, either judge between them, or decline to interfere. If thou decline, they cannot hurt Islam – Pure and Simple

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thee in the least. If thou judge, judge in equity between them. For Allaah loveth those who judge in equity. 43. But why do they come to thee for decision, when they have (their own) law before them? Therein is the (plain) command of Allaah; yet even after that, they would turn away. For they are not (really) People of Faith. 44. It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allaah's will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allaah's book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allaah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers. 45. We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.” But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allaah hath revealed, they are (No better than) wrong-doers. 46. And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Injil: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allaah. 47. Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allaah hath revealed therein. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allaah hath revealed: such are evil-livers. 48. To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allaah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If Allaah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allaah; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute; Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:41-8 95.

Nor sell the covenant of Allaah for a miserable price: for with Allaah is (a prize) far better for you, if ye only knew.


What is with you must vanish: what is with Allaah will endure. And We will certainly bestow, on those who patiently persevere, their reward according to the best of their actions.


Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.


When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allaah's protection from Satan the rejected one.


No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.

100. His authority is over those only, who take him as patron and who join partners with Allaah. 101. When We substitute one revelation for another,- and Allaah knows best what He reveals (in stages),- they say, “Thou art but a forger”: but most of them understand not. 102. Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims. 103. We know indeed that they say, “It is a man that teaches him.” The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear. 104. Those who believe not in the Signs of Allaah,- Allaah will not guide them, and theirs will be a grievous Penalty.

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105. It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allaah, that forge falsehood: it is they who lie! 106. Any one who, after accepting faith in Allaah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allaah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty. 107. This because they love the life of this world better than the Hereafter: and Allaah will not guide those who reject Faith. 108. Those are they whose hearts, ears, and eyes Allaah has sealed up, and they take no heed. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:95-108 See also 2:2-7, 13, 6:25, 7:177-9, 10:100-1 and 41:5. We have sent thee (Muhammad) inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:163 105. Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): “My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth.”

106. Verily in this (Qur'an) is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allaah. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:105-6 See also 4:163. The Qur’an contains 114 chapters (surah’s) comprising of a total of 6,236 verses. Different phrases are used to describe the Qur’an such as the Manifest Book (Kitabun Mubin - 10:61, 11:6, 27:75), Recording Book (Kitabun Hafiz – 50:4), Hidden Book (Kitabun Maknun – 56:78), Essence of the Book (Ummul Kitab – 13:39, 43:3-4), The Book (al-Kitab – 42:17, 78:29), etc. The Qur’an simply re-affirms the message given in the past just as the Injil did. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself was referred to as the walking Qur'an as he would emulate the Qur'an to the letter. And before this, was the Book of Moses as a guide and a mercy: And this Book confirms (it) in the Arabic tongue; to admonish the unjust, and as Glad Tidings to those who do right. Qur’an – Surah al-Ahqaf (The Dunes) 46:12 See also 46:30. O ye who believe! Believe in Allaah and His messenger and the Scripture which He hath revealed unto His messenger, and the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whoso disbelieveth in Allaah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers and the Last Day, he verily hath wandered far astray. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:136 109.

Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid."


Say: "I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allaah is one Allaah: whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.

Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 109-10 40. That this is verily the word of an honoured messenger; 41. It is not the word of a poet: little it is ye believe! 42. Nor is it the word of a soothsayer: little admonition it is ye receive. 43. (This is) a Message sent down from the Lord of the Worlds.

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44. And if the messenger were to invent any sayings in Our name, 45. We should certainly seize him by his right hand, 46. And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart: 47. Nor could any of you withhold him (from Our wrath). 48. But verily this is a Message for the Allaah-fearing. 49. And We certainly know that there are amongst you those that reject (it). 50. But truly (Revelation) is a cause of sorrow for the Unbelievers. 51. But verily it is Truth of assured certainty. 52. So glorify the name of thy Lord Most High. Qur’an - Surah al-Haqqa (The Sure Reality) 69:40-52 Verily We have revealed the Book to thee (Muhammad) in Truth, for (instructing) mankind. He, then, that receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injures his own soul. Nor art thou set over them to dispose of their affairs. Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:41 See also 39:1-2, 109:1-6. He it is Who has sent down to thee (Muhammad) the Book (Qur’an). In it are verses that are entirely clear (muhkamat ayat); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical (mutashabihat ayat). But those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord (al-fitnah), and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allaah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: “We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:” and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:7 (Here is) a Book, which We have sent down unto thee, full of blessings, that they may mediate on its Signs, and that men of understanding may receive admonition. Qur’an - Surah Sad (Sad – Abbreviated Letters) 38:29 A book (Qur’an), which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) so that you may lead the people from out of the darkness’s into the light by their Lord's leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:1 See also 38:87 and 73:1-5. This is the Book (Qur’an); in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allaah; Qur’an Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:2 See also 35:31. This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that men of understanding may take heed. Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:52 1. These are verses of the Qur'an, a book that makes (things) clear; 2. A guide: and glad tidings for the believers, 3. Those who establish regular prayers and give in regular charity, and also have (full) assurance of the hereafter. 4. As to those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds pleasing in their eyes; and so they wander about in distraction.

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5. Such are they for whom a grievous Penalty is (waiting); and in the Hereafter theirs will be the greatest loss. 6. As to thee, the Qur'an is bestowed upon thee from the presence of one who is wise and allknowing. Qur’an - Surah an-Naml (The Ant) 27:1-6 2. A perfect (scripture) to warn of severe retribution from Him, and to deliver good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have earned a generous recompense. 3. Wherein they will abide for ever; Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:2-3 The depth of meaning and beauty of the original Arabic Qur’an can never be adequately translated in any other language. (It is) a Qur'an in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil. Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:28 See also 42:7. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? Qur’an – Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:40 192. Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds: 193. With it came down the Spirit of Faith and Truth194. To thy heart and mind, that thou mayest admonish 195. In the perspicuous Arabic tongue. 196. Without doubt it is (announced) in the mystic Books of former peoples. 197. Is it not a Sign to them that the Leaned of the Children of Israel knew it (as true)? Qur’an - Surah ash-Shuara (The Poets) 26:192-7 The first verses were revealed in a cave on Mount Hira (Mountain of Light), at the outskirts of Makkah where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to go to meditate. It was, when he was 40 years old, that he went to Mount Hira in the Islamic month of Ramadhan when angel Gabriel (peace be upon him) appears before him and asks him to read (iqra). In reply, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says he cannot read. 1.

Proclaim! (Or read!) In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-


Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:


Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, -


He Who taught (the use of) the pen, -


Taught man that which he knew not.

Qur’an - Surah al-Alaq (The Clot) 96:1-5 “And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.” The Old Testament - Isaiah 29:12 See also Song of Solomon 5:16. The remaining fourteen verses of the chapter were revealed months later. Chapter 68 is considered to be the next chapter to have been revealed. After the final verse (5:3) of the Qur’an was revealed, Prophet Muhammad (peace be

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upon him) recited the Qur’an three times in succession to archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him) over a period of some days. Ultimately it is Allaah who is the Guardian in collecting propagating the Qur'an. 17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: 18. But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital (as promulgated): 19. Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear): Qur’an - Surah al-Qiyaama (The Resurrection) 75:17-19 The suhuf or sheets of the Qur’an with the verses given in the correct order written by the Prophet’s main scribe Zayd Ibn Thabit (may Allaah be pleased with him) was entrusted to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allaah be pleased with him), the first Caliph of Islam (632-634 CE). It was later entrusted to Umar Ibn al-Khattab (may Allaah be pleased with him), the second Caliph of Islam (634-644 CE) and then to his daughter and wife of the Prophet, Hafsah bint Umar (may Allaah be pleased with her) who had also memorized the Qur’an. Many copies of this original were made during the time of the third Caliph of Islam (644-656 CE), Uthman Ibn Affan (may Allaah be pleased with him) and sent to many Muslim provinces far and wide. During his time with the Prophet (peace be upon him), Zayd Ibn Thabit (may Allaah be pleased with him) studied the languages of Hebrew and Aramaic in order to help the Prophet (peace be upon him) write on his behalf to the Jews and Christians. Some of the chapters in the Qur’an are named after the prophets or other key figures. Chapter 10 –

Yunus (Jonah)

Chapter 19 –

Maryam (Mary)

Chapter 11 –

Hud (Heber)

Chapter 21 –

Anbiya (the Prophets)

Chapter 12 –

Yusuf (Joseph)

Chapter 31 –


Chapter 14 –

Ibrahim (Abraham)

Chapter 47 –


Chapter 17 –

Bani Israel (the Children of Israel)

Chapter 71 –

Nuh (Noah)

Say: “If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support. Qur’an - Surah al-Israa’ (The Night Journey) 17:88 Surely We have revealed the Message and We will most surely be its Guardian. Qur’an - Surah al-Hijr (The Rock) 15:9 See also 56:77-80 and 85:21-2. The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all. Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:115 And We reveal the Scripture unto thee as an exposition of all things, and a guidance and a mercy and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allaah). Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:89 Those who reject our signs are deaf and dumb,- in the midst of darkness profound: whom Allaah willeth, He leaveth to wander: whom He willeth, He placeth on the way that is straight.

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Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:39 Say (O Muhammad): “What thing is most weighty in evidence?” Say: “Allaah is witness between me and you; This Qur'an hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allaah there is another Allaah?” Say: “Nay! I cannot bear witness!” Say: “But in truth He is the one Allaah, and I truly am innocent of (your blasphemy of) joining others with Him.” Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:19 Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof to help. Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:109 There are some people who will try to recite Qur’anic verses out of context. And when thou recitest the Qur'an, seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:98 Many commit the Qur’an to memory, taking several years. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? Qur’an – Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) 54:40 In addition to the Qur'an we have also a collection of Prophetic traditions (hadith) which have been gathered during and after the time of Muhammad (peace be upon him). These traditions giove some detailed information regarding some key principles and how they are practised.

The Five Pillars of Islam There are many fundamentals in Islam, of which the five pillars of Islam are well known.

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“Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allaah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah, to perform the prayers, to pay the Zakah, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The Shahadah (the declaration of faith) is not only to be simply recited, but to fundamentally believe in the two principles i.e. the belief and worship of the One God alone and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a messenger of God. The declaration is: There is no deity but Allaah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah.

The Shahadah - La ilaha illAllaah Muhammadur RasulAllaah This is the declaration (but in a more personal way) that a Muslim revert proclaims in order to re-enter into Islam i.e. “Ash’hadu an la ilaha ill Allaah. Wa ash’hadu ana Muhammad ar-rasullAllaah.” - I bear witness that there is no deity but Allaah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. The (true) believers are those only who believe in Allaah and His messenger and afterward doubt not, but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allaah. Such are the sincere. Qur’an - Surah al-Hujraat (The Inner Apartments) 49:15 Except for those who repent, mend (their lives) hold fast to Allaah, and purify their religion as in Allaah's sight: if so they will be (numbered) with the believers. And soon will Allaah grant to the believers a reward of immense value. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:146 Know, therefore, that there is no true deity but Allaah, and ask forgiveness for thy fault, and for the men and women who believe: … Qur’an - Surah Muhammad (Muhammad) 47:19 Oh you who believe, fear Allaah and believe in his Prophet, and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy: He will provide for you a Light by which ye shall walk (straight in your path), and He will forgive you (your past): for Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:28 Nay, - whoever submits His whole self to Allaah and is a doer of good, - he will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:112 Not a messenger did We send before thee (Muhammad) without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:25

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Say (Muhammad to the people): “O People of the Book (Jews and Christians)! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allaah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allaah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allaah's Will). Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:64 On the Day when some faces will be (lit up with) white, and some faces will be (in the gloom of) black: To those whose faces will be black, (will be said): "Did ye reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the penalty for rejecting Faith." Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:106 See also 3:90. Salah (prayer) does not simply require praying at the correct times, but to put body and soul into the prayer in a submissive, respectful, concentrated (khushoo) and devoted way, not proud or arrogant. This then has the effect to increase the piety and God-consciousness (taqwa) of the Muslim and hence acts as a shield from committing sins, insha-Allaah. During the prayer, Muslims prostrate themselves to the ground, not elevate themselves above others thus expressing their utmost humility before the Lord of the Universe. It’s a time to detach ourselves from the chores of the world and to connect with our Creator in order to thank Allaah and to ask for forgiveness, guidance, patience and spiritual strength in our lives and for the Ummah (the brotherhood of Muslims) etc. A feeling of peace, tranquillity and a spiritual cleanliness should come over us during and after the prayer, inwardly and outwardly. For, maximum effect, those Muslims who don’t understand Arabic, it is important to grasp each line of the prayer in our minds. “Worship Him as if you are seeing Him and if you can’t do that then worship Him as if He is watching you.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The worship of our Creator is not for the benefit of our Creator even though it is directed towards Him. Rather it is for our benefit.

It is the remembrance of the created towards the Creator that gives the individual the spiritual

strength to fight against temptation and be fully liberated from Satan and his evil whisperings. Hence we have complete control of ourselves and are truly free. As the benefit of each prayer begins to wear off, it is time to reconnect with our Creator again and so obtain continuing salvation and peace of mind and strength. Muslims pray five times a day (Fajr – between dawn but before sunrise, Zohur – shortly after the sun reaches its zenith, Asr – mid afternoon, Maghrib – shortly after sunset & Isha – after twilight). And when ye are in safety, observe proper worship. Worship at fixed times hath been enjoined on the believers. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:103 O ye who believe! bow down, prostrate yourselves, and adore your Lord; and do good; that ye may prosper. Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:77 See also Psalm 95:6. I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. Qur’an - Surah az-Zaariyat (The Winnowing Winds) 51:56 1. Successful indeed are the Believers

2. Those who humble themselves in their prayers Islam – Pure and Simple

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Qur’an - Surah al-Mu’minun (The Believers) 23:1-2 15. Only those believe in Our revelations who, when they are reminded of them, fall down prostrate and hymn the praise of their Lord, and they are not scornful. 16. Who forsake their beds (for Fajr prayer) to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of that We have bestowed on them. Qur’an - Surah as-Sajda (The Prostration) 32:15-6 See also 73:6. Attend regularly to your prayers (salah), including the middle prayer (Asr) and stand up with all devotion before God. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:238 21. O mankind! Worship your Lord, Who hath created you and those before you, so that ye may ward off (evil).

22. Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allaah when ye know (the truth). Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:21-2 And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allaah: for Allaah sees Well all that ye do. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:110 And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night: For those things, that are good remove those that are evil: Be that the word of remembrance to those who remember (their Lord): Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:114 See also 33:41-3 and 48:9. Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony. Qur’an - Surah al-Israa’ (The Night Journey) 17:78 Men are required to assemble at the local Masjid to pray while women obtain the same reward if they pray at home. To assemble at the Masjid at the correct times, the Muezzin proclaims the call to prayer. The call to prayer was first performed by a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) called Bilal (may Allaah be pleased with him). This is what he delivered:Allaah is Great (said four times) I bear witness that there is no deity except Allaah (said two times) I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah (said two times) Come to prayer (said two times) Come to success (said two times) Allaah is Great (said two times) There is no deity but Allaah (said once) During the time of the migration of the Muslims to Madina (ancient name - Yathrib), the Muslims were commanded to face the direction (qiblah) of Jerusalem where many prophets of old had preached. After a lapse of sixteen months,

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during an Asr prayer, God commanded the Muslims to change their direction to the Ka’abah in Makkah where Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) heart truly desired. This in no way demeaned the importance of Jerusalem, which was still regarded as a holy city. The Masjid where the command was given was thereafter known as the Masjid of two Qiblahs. The facing of one particular direction by all Muslims around the world symbolises a common bond of unity, harmony and purpose. It is important to note that it is God who is worshipped, not the Ka’abah. 142. The fools among the people will say: “What hath turned them from the Qiblah to which they were used?” Say: To Allaah belong both East and West: He guideth whom He will to a Way that is straight. 143. Thus, have We made of you an Ummat justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qiblah to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the Faith). Indeed it was (a change) momentous, except to those guided by Allaah. And never would Allaah Make your faith of no effect. For Allaah is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful. 144. We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the Sacred Masjid: Wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allaah unmindful of what they do. 145. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qiblah; nor art thou going to follow their Qiblah; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qiblah. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires, - then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong. 146. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth, which they themselves know. 147. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt. 148. To each is a goal to which Allaah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allaah will bring you together. For Allaah Hath power over all things. 149. From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the Sacred Masjid; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allaah is not unmindful of what ye do. 150. So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the Sacred Masjid; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:142-50 It is a requirement that prior to prayer the worshipper performs ablution to certain parts of the body so that he/she is in a mental state of purity and near to God. In addition, the act of washing the body cleanses away the sins, metaphorically speaking. Hence when standing for prayer, the Muslim begins his/her prayer with the correct state of mind. It is also important to be dressed in a modest way. “When you stand up to pray, perform your prayer as if it were your last.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) O ye who believe! When ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of

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ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allaah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful. Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:6 O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allaah loveth not the wasters. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:31 The opening part of the prayer includes the first chapter (Surah) of the Qur’an, given below. 1.

In the Name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


Praise be to Allaah, Lord of all Creation,


The Beneficent, the Merciful.


Master of the Day of Judgment,


Thee alone we worship; Thee alone we beseech for help.


Show us the straight path,


The path of those whom You have favoured (the Muslims); not the (path) of those who have incurred [Your] displeasure (referring to the Jews), nor those who have gone astray (referring to the Christians).

Qur’an - Surah al-Fatiha (The Opening) 1:1-7 Compare Psalm 5 verse 8. It is interesting to note that when the blessings of Allaah have been mentioned in the last verse they have been mentioned in the second person such that Allaah is directly referred to ( The path of those whom You have favoured). However in the latter part of the verse, it is mentioned in the third person such that Allaah is not directly referred to (not the (path) of those who have incurred [Your] displeasure, nor those who have gone astray). See also verses 5:108, 7:186, and 58:14. When the prayer is conducted in congregation, the worshippers collectively say Ameen (O Allaah respond to our supplication) in unison to accept the prayer. “When the Imam (the person who leads the prayer when in congregation) says Ameen then say Ameen for indeed the one whose Ameen coincides with the Ameen of the angels will have his previous [minor] sins forgiven.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The power of prayer is that the Muslims, insha-Allaah (God willing), are strengthened spiritually and that their lies hope of salvation in this world and in the next. The worship of God also provides us with less anxiety concerning the problems we face and confidence of a successful outcome in our lives. And seek help in patience and prayer; and truly it is heavy except for those who humble themselves before Allaah. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:45

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Qur’an - Surah al-Fatiha (The Opening) 1:1-7 “When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:186 And your Lord hath said: Pray unto Me and I will hear your prayer. Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:60 See also 27:62 and 40:65. “A servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in prostration...” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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Establish worship, pay the poor-due, and bow your heads with those who bow (in worship). Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:43 Say: “My Lord hath commanded justice; and that ye set your whole selves (to Him) at every time and place of prayer, and call upon Him, making your devotion sincere as in His sight: such as He created you in the beginning, so shall ye return.” Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:29 Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allaah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allaah knows the (deeds) that ye do. Qur’an - Surah al-`Ankabut (The Spider) 29:45 And perform Salah and give Zakah and obey the Messenger that you may receive mercy. Qur’an - Surah an-Nur (The Light) 24:56 55. (O mankind!) Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loveth not aggressors. 56. Do no mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order, but call on Him with fear and longing (in your hearts): for the Mercy of Allaah is (always) near to those who do good. Qur’an - Surah al-Araf (The Heights) 7:55-6 See also 7:20 and 21:60. 152. Therefore remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me. 153. O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allaah is with those who patiently persevere. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:152-3 Individuals who are unable to pray in the normal manner of standing and bowing can pray in other ways. Men who celebrate the praises of Allaah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): “Our Lord! Not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:191 See also 4:103. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked by God to stand in prayer some part of the night. This is a special occasion, where in the stillness of the night, the worshipper is able to bond deeply with his Creator. Lo! Thy Lord knoweth how thou (Muhammad) keepest vigil sometimes nearly two-thirds of the night, or (sometimes) half or a third thereof, as do a party of those with thee. Allaah measureth the night and the day. He knoweth that ye count it not, and turneth unto you in mercy. Recite, then, of the Qur'an that which is easy for you. He knoweth that there are sick folk among you, while others travel in the land in search of Allaah's bounty, and others (still) are fighting for the cause of Allaah. So recite of it that which is easy (for you), and establish worship and pay the poor-due, and (so) lend unto Allaah a goodly loan. Whatsoever good ye send before you for your souls, ye will find it with Allaah, better and greater in the recompense. And seek forgiveness of Allaah. Lo! Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Muzzammil (Folded in Garments) 73:20

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16. Who forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope, and spend of that We have bestowed on them. 17. No soul knoweth what is kept hid for them of joy, as a reward for what they used to do. Qur’an - Surah as-Sajda (The Prostration) 32:16-7 16. Those who say: Our Lord! Lo! We believe. So forgive us our sins and guard us from the punishment of Fire; 17. Those who show patience, Firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of Allaah); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:16-7 Those who spend the night in adoration of their Lord prostrate and standing; Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:64 “In the last third of every night our Rabb descends to the lower-most heaven and says; "Who is calling Me, so that I may answer him? Who is asking Me so that may I grant him? Who is seeking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him?" A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith Qudsi “Prayer is the first thing one will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Those who do not pray will be questioned. 41. And (ask) of the Sinners: 42. What has brought you into hell? 43. They will answer: We were not of those who prayed 44. And we used not to feed the poor; Qur’an - Surah al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One) 74:41-44 The reward for praying at the Ka’abah is full of abundance. “One prayer in my Masjid is better than one thousand prayers elsewhere, except al-Masjid alHaraam, and one prayer in al-Masjid al-Haram is better than one hundred thousand prayers elsewhere.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim Zakah (charity) is a major component of Islam as it is in most societies. For a society to be truly equitable in a moral sense, it needs to care for the poor and the dispossessed living around them. The word Zakah is derived from the Arabic root ‘Zaka’ which means ‘to grow’, ‘to purify’, and ‘to bless’. Accordingly, the act of giving Zakah means purifying one's wealth, which was granted us from God in trust, to gain God's blessing in order to grow in purity and righteousness i.e. it helps us to care for others and drives away selfishness, greed and the ambivalence towards the suffering of others. Consequently, it also helps the poor from possible jealousy and dislike to those who are wealthy.

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The giving and receiving of Zakah assists in eradicating the large imbalances in society and helps to eliminate poverty and all that it entails in terms of corruption, social and moral problems within communities. Wealth should not be the sole monopoly of the rich but shared amongst society. As a side note, the same applies to the giving of inheritance in Islam. Refer to 59:7. “He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour remains hungry by his side.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) A minimum threshold (nisaab) is allowable before Zakah is payable. If the nisaab is reached over a continuous twelve lunar months, Muslims are required to give 2.5% of their wealth to the poor Muslims ideally among their local community or otherwise around the world. Relatives and close friends have priority. The wealth can include such items as gold, silver, money, merchandise, crops, fruit, livestock, and minerals. The nisaab varies depending upon the type of wealth. In regard to pure gold (24 carat) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that the nisaab amount is equivalent to 85 grams whilst of pure silver it is 595 grams or their cash equivalents. It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards east or west; but it is righteousness - to believe in Allaah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book (Qur’an), and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allaah-fearing. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:177 See also 9:60 and 17:26-7. 2.

The true believers are those whose hearts are filled with awe at the mention of God, and whose faith grows stronger as they listen to His revelations. They are they who put their trust in their Lord, pray steadfastly and give in alms from We gave them.


Who establish worship and spend of that We have bestowed on them.


Such in truth are the believers: they have grades of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness, and generous sustenance:

Qur’an - Surah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) 8:2-4 Compare with 2:10. “Many are the creatures that carry not their own provision; Allaah provides for them and for you.” Qur’an - Surah al-`Ankabut (The Spider) 29:60 “O you who believe! Spend out of what We have provided for you.” Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:254 So keep your duty to Allaah as best ye can, and listen, and obey, and spend; that is better for your souls. And whoso is saved from his own greed, such are the successful. Qur’an - Surah at-Taghabun (Mutual Disillusion, Haggling) 64:16 See also 9:34. Believe in Allaah and His messenger, and spend (in charity) out of the (substance) whereof He has made you heirs. For, those of you who believe and spend (in charity), - for them is a great Reward. Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:7

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“Every good action is a charity and it is good action to meet a friend with a smiling face.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The Zakah must of course be given in good grace and intentions (niya). 261. The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allaah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. Allaah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And Allaah careth for all and He knoweth all things. 262. Those who spend their substance in the cause of Allaah, and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury,-for them their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 263. Kind words and the covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury. Allaah is free of all wants, and He is Most-Forbearing. 264. O ye who believe! Cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury, - like those who spend their substance to be seen of men, but believe neither in Allaah nor in the Last Day. They are in parable like a hard, barren rock, on which is a little soil: on it falls heavy rain, which leaves it (Just) a bare stone. They will be able to do nothing with aught they have earned. And Allaah guideth not those who reject faith. 265. And the likeness of those who spend their substance, seeking to please Allaah and to strengthen their souls, is as a garden, high and fertile: heavy rain falls on it but makes it yield a double increase of harvest, and if it receives not Heavy rain, light moisture sufficeth it. Allaah seeth well whatever ye do. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:261-5 In many cases where prayer is mentioned, this is followed by charity. By prayer, we help ourselves and by charity we help others who are in need. Here’s one of numerous examples. And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allaah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular prayer; and to practise regular charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight. Qur’an - Surah al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof) 98:5 Saum (fasting) is a practice that has been performed over thousands of years by Jews, Christians and Muslims. There are 29-30 fasts (from dawn to sunset) in the 9th Islamic lunar month of Ramadhan. It reminds us by hunger and thirst and other constraints, to learn god-consciousness (taqwa), from avoiding committing sins by any of our five senses and performing good deeds, learning patience, control and discipline ourselves, etc. The month is split into three parts i.e. Mercy, Forgiveness and libration from the Hellfire. All these are obtained through discipline, good deeds and prayer. Like all the other actions, following the commands of Allaah is incumbent on those who have reached the age of puberty. Those who are asked to fast but are unable to e.g. ill health, pregnancy, travelling, etc. there is an exemption to make up the fasts later. For those who face long-term problems such as ill health, they are totally exempt from fasting but are asked to feed a poor person for each fasting day. 183. “O you who believe; the Fasting (as-Saum) is prescribed to you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that ye may become pious (al-Muttaqûn).

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184. (Fast) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will, it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew. 185. Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allaah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:183-5 The notion of becoming pious is based on the practice of learning self-restraint from doing bad deeds and controlling our desires (nafs) and at the same time proactively and consciously doing good deeds. This is dependant on our personal actions and behaviour and is not obtained only as a natural consequence of merely going through the motions of hunger and thirst. We need to take control of our lives rather than let the whispers of Satan seduce us on the path of unrighteousness and remove us from grace. Hence the month of Ramadhan brings us back on the path of righteousness and helps us to guard ourselves from evil. The reward of a fasting person increases as he inclines towards good deeds and diminishes as he inclines towards bad deeds. “Whoever stands to pray in Ramadhan with sincere faith and hope for the reward of Allaah will have his past sins forgiven.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih al-Muslim Muslims practice piety during the waking hours and not at night when we are asleep. Those who spend their time in sleep during the day merely to pass the time are not following the true spirit or purpose of the fast. Ultimately the practice of self-restraint (from hunger and thirst as well) and obtaining piety, during the month of Ramadhan, serves us a reminder of how to bear hardships and self-discipline in our daily lives throughout the year. Hence Ramadhan is a cue of how we should behave as good Muslims and become model citizens throughout our lives. After all, if we can deny ourselves from food and drink during the day when these things are lawful (halal), surely it will help us to refrain from those things, which are unlawful (haram). Hence fasting purifies and trains the soul. It was the practice of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the last ten days of Ramadhan to seclude himself from the people in order to focus on his worship of God. This is a practice that has continued today. The Prophet (peace be upon him) explained that those who spent their time in the remembrance of Allaah in the odd nights of the last ten days with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven. During one of these odd nights, the angels descend to earth followed by the Spirit (Gabriel - peace be upon him). This night is referred to the Night of Power. 1.

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:


And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?


The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.


The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees.


(The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.

Qur’an - Surah al-Qadr (The Night of Power) 97:1-5

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In Islam, any good deeds performed are rewarded ten times over. Hence if there are thirty fasts in the lunar month of Ramadhan, Muslims are rewarded as if they had fasted three hundred. There are 355 days in the Islamic calendar, where each new month is based on the new moon. It was the practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him), to fast a further six fasts in the next month of Shawwal which were optional. The reason behind this was to obtain a reward of sixty fasts making up the shortfall of the 55 days. Hence the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to say that if the Muslims, on a voluntary basis, fasted a further six fasts in the month of Shawwal, it would be as if they had fasted for a whole year. The end of the month of Ramadhan is marked by a celebration called Eid-ul-Fitr, which begins with Eid prayers on 1st of Shawwal. In Islamic countries it is a public holiday. During the month of Ramadhan but before the Eid prayers, a monetary sum called Zakatul-ul-Fitr must be given for each member of the household. This serves two purposes. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the giving of Zakatul-ul-Fitr nullified the minor sins committed during the fasting month. In addition to this, the poor were able to enjoy a meal during the celebration of Eid. The value of Zakatul-ul-Fitr is based on the cost of supplying food for one individual. Hence the Zakatul-ul-Fitr varies from country to country. The importance of the month of Ramadhan is that all the divine scriptures were revealed in this month. “The Books of Abraham were revealed on the first night of the month of Ramadhan; the Torah was revealed on the sixth of the month of Ramadhan; the Injil was revealed on the thirteenth of the month of Ramadhan; the Zabur were revealed on the eighteenth of the month of Ramadhan, and the Holy Qur'an was revealed on the twenty-fourth of the month of Ramadhan.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Hajj literally means 'to set out for a place'. Islamically however it refers to the annual pilgrimage that Muslims make to Makkah from all parts of the world with the intention of performing certain religious rites once in their lifetime in a humble manner. Hajj is the largest gathering of Muslims from around the world. It is a unifying process showing the brotherhood of man with Islam and their worship of the One and only True god Allaah. The purpose of these rites is to come close to Allaah and seek His forgiveness. This is achieved physically, mentally, verbally and spiritually. The soul of every Muslim yearns to visit Makkah; where the first house of worship was built; where Allaah ordered Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) to settle his family and build the Ka’abah with his son Ishmael (peace be upon him); where the blessed well of Zum Zum flows; where Muslims collectively turn to in prayer in unity; where the last Messenger of Allaah Muhammad (peace be upon him), was born and where, the Pilgrims begin their quest for forgiveness. A quest that takes them on ‘The Journey of a Lifetime’ – The Hajj. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself performed four Umrah’s (minor pilgrimage which pardons minor sins) and one Hajj (major pilgrimage which pardons all sins). The first ten days of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah, are especially rewarding. 1.

By the Dawn


And ten nights

Qur’an - Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn, Daybreak) 89:1-2 See also 22:28. "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days [the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah]." A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reported by Ahmad

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The Hajj is performed during five\six days between the 8th and 12\13th of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah (the last month of the Islamic calendar). Pilgrims must have no obligations in terms of money, caring for others, etc. before making the intention to perform the Hajj. In addition, before setting out, a pilgrim ideally, should redress all wrongs, plan to have enough halal funds for his own journey and for the maintenance of his family while he is away, and prepare himself for good conduct throughout the Hajj period. Women should be accompanied by a mahram e.g. father, husband, son (must be above the age of puberty), brother, etc. There are three types of Hajj i.e. Ifraad, Qiraan and Tamatt’u. Hajj Tamatt’u, the most commonly performed is described here. 26. And when We assigned for Abraham the place of the House, saying “Do not associate Anything with Me, and purify My House for those who go around it and for those who stand and bow and prostrate themselves in worship. 27. And proclaim the Pilgrimage among humankind: They will come to you on foot and on every camel made lean by travelling deep, distant ravines. Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:26-7 197.

For Hajj are the months well known. If any one undertakes that duty therein, Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do, (be sure) Allaah knoweth it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct (at-Taqwa). So fear Me, O ye that are wise.


It is no sin for you that ye seek the bounty of your Lord (by trading). But, when ye press on in the multitude from 'Arafah, remember Allaah by the sacred monument (Mount Arafah - Jabal Arafah). Remember Him as He hath guided you, although before ye were of those astray.

Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:197-8 “An Umrah to another Umrah is an expiation for what is (all minor sins) between them. And the reward for Hajj Mabroor (the one that is accepted by Allaah) is nothing except Paradise.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim “Whoever performs Hajj for Allaah’s pleasure and does not have any marital relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Bukhari The following is a step by step guide to performing the Hajj, beginning with the Umrah. 

All pilgrims must place themselves in a state of ihraam (comes from the word haraam) i.e. place themselves in a state of certain prohibitions. Men should wear two pieces of cloth (comprising of the rida’a the upper cloth and the izaar the lower cloth) to symbolise simplicity, humbleness and equality with other male pilgrims irrespective of their wealth and position. Men should not wear any clothing that forms the shape of the body. Women must also wear simple loose clothing to cover themselves from their head down except for their face and hands. Men should not directly cover their head, unless it is for shading purposes such as an umbrella. Being in a state of ihraam places both men and women whereby they have made the intention of Hajj (or Umrah) and thus are prohibited from certain acts e.g. deliberately cutting the nails and any hair on your body, hunting, wearing perfume, using perfumed soap, marital rights, wrangling, etc. There is nothing wrong in wearing wristwatches, eye glasses, and hearing aids or to wear money belts. Men should wear simple footwear,

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such as sandals, which do not form the natural shape of any part of the body, whilst women can wear any comfortable foot attire. Women should not wear the niqab, although they can lower their garments over their faces in front of non mahram men. 

The pilgrims begin their Hajj by performing the Umrah (minor pilgrimage) on their initial approach to Makkah from one of the five al-Miqats (Station of Ihraam) fixed by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Dhul-Hulaifah (now known as as-Sail al-Kabeer) – for the people of Madinah Al-Juhfah (now known as Rabigh) – for the people of Egypt, Syria etc. Qarn Al-Manazil – for the people of Kuwait and the eastern and central provinces of Arabia Dhatu- ‘Irq - for the people of Iraq Yalamlam – for the people of Yemen

al-Miqats 

Muslims coming to Makkah with the intention of performing Umrah or Hajj must not cross a Miqat without first entering into the state of ihraam, unless they live within the area between the Miqat and al-Masjid al-Haraam. In this case they place themselves in a state of ihraam either at home or just before entering al-Masjid alHaraam. The distances from the al-Miqats to al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah range from 50 to 450 kilometres.

You can perform the Hajj on behalf of someone else (who may be unable physically to do so) whether they are alive or passed away providing you have initially performed the Hajj for yourself.

The pilgrim place themselves in a state of ihraam after clipping their nails, grooming themselves e.g. for men to trim their moustache, etc. and ideally perform ghusl (bath) or wudhu (ablution). For men they wear the two unstitched pieces of cloth, covering both their shoulders with the upper cloth. It is Sunnah for men to apply perfume before entering the state of ihraam and there is no problem if any trace or smell remains after entering ihraam. No perfume should be applied after entering the state of ihram.

Make the niya (intention) for performing the Hajj for yourself or the name of the person for whom you are performing the Hajj, by initially performing the Umrah Labayk Allaahumma Umrah Here I am, O Allaah, for Umrah

The pilgrim can pray two units of nafl (non-obligatory) prayer before or at the miqat, as would normally occur after performing wudhu (ablution) or when entering a Masjid, if the pilgrim is at the masjid. There are no nafl prayers for entering the state of ihraam itself.

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Men should call out the following Talbiyah (this shows affirmation of our tawhid i.e. accepting the Oneness of Allaah) loudly whilst women should not raise there voice but recite it quietly i.e.

Labayk Allaahumma labayk.

Here I am, O Allaah at Thy Command! Here I am at Thy

Labaykalaa sharikalakala bayk. Inul-

Command! You have no partner; Here I am at Thy Command!

humda wa ni’mata laka wal mulk, la

Yours is all Praise and Grace and Dominion and You have no

sharika lak.


The Prophet (peace be upon him) would say the Talbiyah during his Hajj when he would ride, when he would rise to a high place or go down in a valley, after the obligatory prayers and towards the end of the night. Hence we can recite the Talbiyah when we board the plane, when we land, when we board the coach or leave the coach, etc. “No Muslim who begins his day and he Calls out the Talbiyah until the sun sets except all his sins disappear and he returns like when his mother gave birth to him.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 

The pilgrims proceed to Makkah continuing reciting the Talbiyah. The pilgrim on arriving at the al-Masjid alHaram in Makkah stops reciting the Talbiyah just before facing the al-Hajar al-Aswad (one of the corners of the Ka’abah). Entering al-Masjid al-Haram, as in any masjid, one should do so with his right foot first, and say “In the name of Allaah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah. O Allaah, forgive me my sins and open to me the gates of Your mercy. I seek refuge with Allaah the Almighty and in His noble Countenance and His eternal power from the accursed Satan.”

The pilgrim should now perform the tawaf (circuiting the Ka’abah seven times in a counter clockwise direction) in a state of wudhu (ablution), unless it is time for an obligatory or funeral prayer. This is the Tawaf-Al-Qadoom (Circumambulation of Arrival). There is no requirement to pray two nafl prayers as one would do normally in any other Masjid in this situation of Umrah. The tawaf begins at the corner of the Ka’abah containing the alHajar al-Aswad (Black Stone) and ending the seventh circuit also at the al-Hajar al-Aswad. This shows how our lives revolve around God and focuses our attentions mentally and physically towards Him.

It is Sunnah for men to bare their right shoulder (al-Idhtiba’a) in this tawaf only, as it is the first tawaf.

When in line with the al-Hajar al-Aswad the pilgrim, if possible, kisses (istilam) or touches the al-Hajar alAswad. Failing this, the pilgrim says Bismillah (In the name of Allaah) followed by takbir (Allaahu Akbar – Allaah is Great) by pointing the right hand, palm forward, in the direction of the al-Hajar al-Aswad. During the tawaf the pilgrim praises and glorifies Allaah, recites the Qur’an and makes any supplications to Him as He pleases be it in a tongue they understand.

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al-Hajar al-Aswad 

Upon reaching the Rukun-e-Yemeni (Pillar of Yemen) corner, so called as it is in the direction facing Yemen, touch it if possible and say takbir otherwise do nothing. It is Sunnah to recite the following Qur’anic supplication between this corner and the al-Hajar al-Aswad: “Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!” Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:201

In the first three circuits men should walk briskly (al-ramal), but in the last four circuits of the tawaf walk in a normal pace. The right shoulder can now be covered when the tawaf has been completed.

Each subsequent time that the pilgrim reaches al-Hajar al-Aswad, you only recite the takbir (Allaahu Akbar – Allaah is Great) by pointing the right hand, palm forward.

After completing the tawaf, it is Sunnah to pray two units of nafl prayer behind the Maqam-e-Ibrahim (Station of Abraham), which is within the precincts of the Ka’abah. If it is difficult, due to congestion, to find space near Maqam-e-Ibrahim then the nafl prayer can be offered anywhere within the Ka’abah precinct. Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed Surah 109 - Al-Kafirun in the first unit and Surah 112 - Al-Ikhlas in the second unit. Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma'il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer). Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:125

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Maqam-e-Ibrahim (Station of Abraham)

After completing the nafl prayer, it is Sunnah to drink as much as possible from the well of Zum Zum facing the direction of the Ka’abah. Whilst drinking, the pilgrim should praise, thank and supplicate to Allaah. “The water of Zum Zum is good for whatever one intends (while drinking it).” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

The final stage of the Umrah is to perform the Sai’y (endeavour). This emulates the struggle that Abraham’s (peace be upon him) wife Hajara (peace be upon her) went through in her effort to obtain water for her infant son Ishmael (peace be upon him) many centuries ago. Hence this symbolises the struggle we must go through in maintaining a perfect way of life as Muslims in our complete submission and obedience to Allaah through His commands.

It is Sunnah, prior to beginning the Sai’y, to touch the al-Hajar al-Aswad. However this may not be possible due to congestion of the people. There is no requirement to be in a state of wudhu to perform the Sai’y.

The Sai’y is begun by going to Mt. Safwah and walking towards Mt. Marwah (about 450 metres away), two mountains nearby. When reaching Mt. Safwah or Mt. Marwah, it is Sunnah to ascend the mountain, face the Ka’abah and recite the following Qur’anic verse Indeed as-Safwah and al-Marwah are among the Symbols of Allaah. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:158

You can now make any other supplication. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would proclaim three times, making supplications in between

“There is no god, but Allaah alone, with no partner or associate. His is the dominion, all praise is due to Him, and He is able to do all things, there is no god, but Allaah alone. He keeps His promise, fortifies His soldiers, the only One to defeat the armies”. 

Green posts mark that part of the passage between the two mountains where Hajara (peace be upon her) walked briskly. Men can perform the ramal (walk briskly) between these two green markers, but this is not obligatory. The Sai’y is completed when seven courses have been completed between Mt. Safwah or Mt. Marwah so that you end up at Mt. Marwah.

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Mt. Safwah and Mt. Marwah Passageway (Sai’y) 

The final act of performing the Umrah is for men to shave (halq) or shorten (taqsir) the hair on their heads. Shaving is better than shortening because the Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed for those who shaved three times and prayed for those who shortened, once. The only exceptional case is when the time of Hajj is about to come. It is better for him to shorten so that he leaves some of his hair to be shaved or shortened in the pilgrimage stage. Women should only do taqsir i.e. gather all their hair together and cut a finger-tip length of hair from the end. Hair from all the area of the head should be cut and not taking the hair from some parts and leaving some from other parts, as many people do. Shaving or shortening the hair symbolises a new beginning for the person so that he is cleansed from sin from God.

This now completes the Umrah part of the Hajj. The state of ihraam is now lifted and pilgrims can resume their normal lives.

The next step is the actual days of Hajj itself i.e. between 8th and 12\13th of Dhu al-Hijjah. When the day of Tarwiyah came they (the Muslims) faced towards Mina and started the Talbiyah and Allaah’s Messenger rode out... A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Muslim

Route taken by the Pilgrims

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8th Day of Dhu al-Hijjah (Tarwiyah Day) 

In the morning, the pilgrim places themselves in a state of ihraam from anywhere he stays where he intends to perform the rites of Hajj assuming they are within the precincts of Makkah.

All the pilgrims regularly recite the Talbiyah during the days of Hajj beginning with the introductory Talbiyah recited once only Allaahumma labayk a bi Hajjah Here I am, O Allaah, for the Hajj

Labayk Allaahumma labayk.

Here I am, O Allaah at Thy Command! Here I am at Thy

Labaykalaa sharikalakala bayk. Inul-

Command! You have no partner; Here I am at Thy Command!

humda wa ni’mata laka wal mulk, la

Yours is all Praise and Grace and Dominion and You have no

sharika lak.


The pilgrims proceed to Mina continuing to recite the Talbiyah where he prays his five prayers without combining but performing 2 units for 4 units of prayers. It is Sunnah to pray the Zuhr prayer at Mina.

One should spend the time in Mina constructively by reciting the Qur’an, making supplications to Allaah, sending peace and blessings to the Prophet (peace be upon him), etc.

The pilgrims stay in Mina this night.

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9th Day of Dhu al-Hijjah (Day of Arafah) 

After sunrise, the pilgrims prepare to set out from Mina to the Plains of Arafat (denotes Knowledge) reciting Talbiyah and saying Takbir. This is where the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave his last sermon (‘Farewell Sermon’), in the Uranah valley in the Plains of Arafat whilst he was on his pilgrimage i.e. 9th Day of Dhu alHijjah 10 A.H. It was on this occasion that the final Qur’anic verse (5:3) was revealed.

It is Sunnah for the pilgrim to stay in Namirah, in the Plains of Arafat till after midday, if possible. Listen to the Khutbah (sermon) at Masjid Namirah. Note that part of Masjid Namirah is not within the Plains of Arafat.

If it is not possible to get to Namirah, the Hajj guide may provide a short Khutbah in the Plains of Arafat.

Combine in advance and shorten Zuhr and Asr prayers at Namirah or at the Plains of Arafat.

Pilgrims must remain within the boundaries of the Plains of Arafat to perform the wuquf (stopping) i.e. standing or sitting, praising and praying to Allaah. The valley of U'rana, which is nearby, is not part of Arafat.

The pilgrim is recommended to raise their hands and face the Qiblah while supplicating as the Prophet (peace be upon him) did – “No one is worthy of worship, except Allaah Alone, He has no partner, for Him is the Kingdom and for Him are all the praises. He gives life and death and He has control over all things. ” Make other supplications in between and remember Allaah often till sunset.

Seek sincere forgiveness from Allaah for all past sins and seek His protection in the future from Satan. Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah: for Allaah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:53 See also 2:152, 4:110 etc. “The one who repents from sin is like the one who has no sins.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

In light of the above and other texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah, it becomes clear that when a servant sincerely repents to Allaah, it is certainly accepted, insha-Allaah. However, there are three conditions for the repentance to be accepted, to desist from the sin, to regret having done it and to resolve never to commit it again. 

Send peace and blessings on the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him).

The whole of the Plains of Arafat is reserved for wuquf. If the pilgrim can keep the Mountain of Arafat (Jabal Arafah) between themselves and the Qiblah, it will be better. It is not Sunnah to climb the mountain. The Prophet (peace be upon him) sat on his camel and made his supplications.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have asked God to pardon the sins (those committed against God) of pilgrims who did wuquf at Arafat, and was granted this prayer. Thus, the hopeful pilgrims prepare to leave this plain joyfully, feeling reborn without sin and intending to turn over a new leaf, insha-Allaah.

After sunset the pilgrim moves from the Plains of Arafat to Muzadalifah, six miles away, continuing with seeking Allaah’s forgiveness especially at the time of Maghrib and taking full advantage of it.

The pilgrim performs, in combination the Maghrib prayer and shortened Isha prayer followed by Witr prayer.

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Collect seventy pebbles for stoning the jamarat in the coming days. The pebbles should be the size of a pea. The pebbles do not have to be collected at Muzdalifah but can be collected in Mina or near the jamarats.

Sleep till dawn. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave the option for women, the old, the weak and the sick to leave Mina after midnight, or disappearance of the moon to beat the crowds. Then pass on at a quick pace from the place whence it is usual for the multitude so to do, and ask for Allaah's forgiveness. For Allaah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:199

10th Day of Dhu al-Hijjah (An-Nahr - Day of Sacrifice) 

Pilgrims pray Fajr in Muzadlifah.

After Fajr face the Qiblah whilst in wuquf of Muzadlifah, keep praising Allaah, reciting Talbiyah and supplication to Allaah.

Before sunrise, proceed to Mina reciting Talbiyah (the idol worshippers of Makkah used to leave Muzadlifah after the sun had risen).

Do not stop at the valley of Muhassir as you approach it but continue on to Mina. This is where the punishment of Allaah descended upon the people of the Elephant (as Sabhil Fil) after an army of disvelievers marched from Yemen under the command of Abraha to demolish the Ka’abah during Abdul Muttalib’s leadership of Quraish.

If you have not done so already, pick up seven pebbles from anywhere in Muzadalifah or on the road to Mina.

One stops saying the Talbiyah when starting the ramy mentioned in the next step.

Arrive at the largest jamarah i.e. Jamarah al-’Aqabah (the closest jamarah, of the three jamarats, to Makkah), after sunrise, and throw pebbles (ramy), using the right hand, seven pebbles one by one reciting takbir (Allaahu Akbar) with every pebble. The pebbles can be thrown up until sunset although it is Sunnah to do so before noon. The act of throwing the pebbles and saying takbir is to do dhikr (remembrance of Allaah) i.e. acknowledging Allaah’s greatness. Note that the pilgrim is not stoning Satan which is a common misconception as Satan is a jinn and is invisible to us and can’t be physically stoned unlike at the time when Abraham (peace be upon him) was asked to sacrifice his son, when Satan appeared in physical form. Each jamarah marks the location where Satan appeared.

Offer an animal for slaughter (Hady). The pilgrim eats from the Qurbani (sacrifice) and distributes some to the poor. This is a reminder of Abraham's (peace be upon him) willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael (peace be upon him) according to God's command. It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allaah: it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allaah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do right. Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:37

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Jamarah al-’Aqabah (previous, current) 

Ideally men shave (halq) the hair from all parts of your head but can shorten if they wish. It is better to shave the head as it is Sunnah. Women are to cut only a fingertip of their hair. Truly did Allaah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred Masjid, if Allaah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory. Qur’an – Surah al-Fath (Victory) 48:27

At this time all the prohibitions of the state of ihraam are lifted symbolising a renewal, a complete cleansing of sins except for marital rights, so you can wear your normal clothes, cut your nails, apply perfume, etc. Then let them make an end of their unkemptness and pay their vows and go around the Ancient House (the Ka’abah). Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:29

The above order of actions follows that of Sunnah. However due to forgetfulness the order can change. “The Prophet (peace be upon him) stood in Mina during the Farewell Hajj, while the people asked him questions and he answered them. A man asked, ‘O Prophet of Allaah! I was not alert and I have shaved my head before slaughtering my animal.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘There is no harm; go and slaughter your animal.’ Another man asked ‘I slaughtered the animal before I threw pebbles.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) told him, ‘There is no harm; go and throw the pebbles.’” The narrator said, “Whoever asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about anything done before or after the other, he told him, ‘No harm done. Go and do (whatever you missed).’” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 126.

Return to Makkah and perform the main tawaf (Tawaf al-Ifadah or Tawaf az-Ziyaarah i.e. Main Circumambulation), read two units of nafl prayer, drink from Zum Zum and perform Sai’y. Note that in this tawaf, men do not bare their right shoulders in their normal clothes or walk briskly (al-ramal).

All the prohibitions of the state of ihraam are now lifted.

Offer Zuhr prayer in Makkah if possible.

Make your way back to Mina and stay the night.

11th Day of Dhu al-Hijjah (Tashriq Day) 

You should maintain the five prescribed prayers while spending nights at Mina.

Recite the Qur’an and do abadah (worship) as much as possible. Say the Takbir as much as possible and send blessings to the Prophet (peace be upon him) by reciting darud as prayed in salah.

Make your way to all three jamarats starting with the smallest to the largest i.e. Jamarah al-Ula, Jamarah alWusta and Jamarah al-’Aqabah respectively. Throw (ramy) seven pebbles at each of the three jamarats after Zuhr as per Sunnah although some Muslim scholars have given permission that pilgrims can leave after Isha prayer.

The action of throwing (ramy) the pebbles and saying the takbir is to acknowledge Allaah’s greatness.

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After performing the ramy at the small jamarah, you face the Qiblah with the small jamarah on your left and keep Masjid Khaif on your right. Then you supplicate to Allaah as much as possible as the Prophet (peace be upon him) did.

After performing the ramy at the middle jamarah with seven pebbles, you keep it on your right facing Qiblah and supplicate to Allaah as much as possible.

Perform ramy at Jamarah al-’Aqabah and do not stand for supplication as per Sunnah.

Stay the night in Mina. Celebrate the praises of Allaah during the Appointed Days (Days of Tashriq). But if any one hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if any one stays on, there is no blame on him, if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allaah, and know that ye will surely be gathered unto Him. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:216-7

12\13th Day of Dhu al-Hijjah (Tashriq Day) 

After Zuhr, you perform the ramy at each of the three jamarats successively as in the previous day.

After performing the ramy, if you want to leave sooner, you are allowed to do so.

You have to leave before sunset and make farewell tawaf (Tawaf al-Wada) at al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah without al-Idhtiba’a i.e. men should cover their right shoulder.

It is better for the pilgrim to stay late for performing the ramy.

It is better to pray during your stay in Mina on the Days of Tashriq in Masjid Khaif if possible.

The Hajj is complete, Praise be to Allaah. May Allaah accept the Hajj as Hajj Mabroor of all Muslims and transform our future lives in the best way. The farewell tawaf is the final act by the pilgrim before departing from Makkah.

The end of Hajj is marked by a celebration called Eid-ul-Adha and is celebrated by all Muslims around the world. The Eid for those who are not attending the Hajj begins with prayers at the local Masjid and they may also pay towards a sacrifice and obtain a reward for this. The meat is distributed among the poor and family members.

Eid Mubarak In any acts of worship in Islam whether it be the five pillars of Islam or other righteous deeds, the rewards are plentiful, but any acts of disobedience and unrighteousness are dealt with a minimum recording. “If a person embraces Islam and upholds his religion well, Allaah will forgive all his past sins. From that point onward, the deeds are treated thus: a good deed is (recorded) as ten to seven hundred Islam – Pure and Simple

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equivalents whereas an evil deed is (recorded) as one or Allaah may forgive it altogether (so it will not be counted).” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih al-Bukhari "Verily Allaah has recorded the good deeds and the evil deeds." Then he clarified that: "Whosoever intends to do a good deed but does not do it, Allaah records it with Himself as a complete good deed; but if he intends it and does it, Allaah records it with Himself as ten good deeds, up to seven hundred times, or more than that. But if he intends to do an evil deed and does not do it, Allaah records it with Himself as a complete good deed; but if he intends it and does it, Allaah records it down as one single evil deed." A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim

Jihad Jihad, which is synonymously referred inaccurately in the West as ‘Holy War’, is in fact to do with struggle, to strive or self-exertion. This struggle can take many forms. For example, struggling against temptation and thus living a virtuous life, this is a common struggle for all Muslims. More notably Jihad is sometimes to do with military struggle against aggression\oppression\tyranny and enslavement by non-Muslims towards Muslims because of their faith. This type of struggle will not be conducted by most Muslims and then often only until the reason for the struggle no longer exists as the following verses will show. 39. To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily, Allaah is most powerful for their aid;40. (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right, - (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allaah". Did not Allaah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and Masjids, in which the name of Allaah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allaah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause); - for verily Allaah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will). Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:39-40 See also 2:246, 9:12-15, 111.

216. Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allaah knoweth, and ye know not.

217. They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allaah to prevent access to the path of Allaah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Masjid, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:216-7 There are rules of engagement of war that need to be observed as in all civilised societies.

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O you who believe! Be ever steadfast in your devotion to God, bear witness to truth in all equity; and never let the hatred of anyone lead you into the sin of deviating from justice. Be just: this is closest to being God-conscious (taqwa). Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:8 See also 4:135. “Do not dishonour a treaty. Do not mutilate the dead. Do not kill women. Do not kill children. Do not kill the old. Do not fight those who are without weapons. Do not fight those who are engaged in worship (priests, rabbis, etc.). Kill only those who come at you. Do not cut down trees. Do not burn crops. And do not poison the wells of your enemies.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The military form of Jihad deals with fighting with those who oppress and fight the Muslims and prevent Muslims from freely practising their faith. There is no concept in Islam for Muslims to go out and seek non-Muslims and for no other reason than that, they are attacked and killed. Islam is not only a religion of peace but voluntarily invites others to join in the universal belief chosen by our common Creator. 190. Fight in the cause of Allaah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allaah loveth not transgressors. 191. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Masjid, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. 192. But if they cease, Allaah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 193. And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allaah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:190-3 See also 8:57-75 and 61:4.

74. Let those fight in the way of Allaah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allaah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.

75. And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allaah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? - Men, women and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!” Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:74-75 See also 4:95 and 9:41. And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allaah, forgiveness and mercy from Allaah are far better than all they could amass. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:157 Except those who seek refuge with a people between whom and you there is a covenant, or (those who) come unto you because their hearts forbid them to make war on you or make war on their own folk. Had Allaah willed He could have given them power over you so that assuredly they would have fought you. So, if they hold aloof from you and wage not war against you and offer you peace, Allaah alloweth you no way against them. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:90

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7. It may be that Allaah will ordain love between you and those of them with whom ye are at enmity. Allaah is Mighty, and Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful.

8. Allaah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allaah loveth those who are just.

9. Allaah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do wrong. Qur’an - Surah al-Mumtahanah (She Who is Tested) 60:7-9 See also 3:195, 5:51, 16:90 and 60:1. “You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Much is said about how Islam as a belief should be forced on non-Muslims and that this is a duty of all Muslims. Nothing can be further from the truth. This was a practice that the idol worshippers, during the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used, to persuade Muslims to return to their pagan beliefs. Anyone who wishes to accept Islam must do so by their own free will otherwise it will not be accepted by God. There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allaah hath grasped a firm handhold, which will never break. Allaah is Hearer, Knower. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:256 Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:125 It is not for any soul to believe save by the permission of Allaah. He hath set uncleanness (in a spiritual way) upon those who have no sense. Qur’an - Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10:100 Giving the message of Islam by dialogue is the ideal way, as the opening verses in this document shows. It is ultimately God who decides by virtue of the actions of individuals that will determine who will be guided. We cannot fathom what is in the hearts of other people; only they and God know this. And strive for Allaah with the endeavour, which is His right. He hath chosen you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this (Scripture) that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and hold fast to Allaah. He is your Protecting friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper! Qur’an – Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) 22:78 Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allaah; but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul, and We have sent thee as a messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allaah for a witness. Islam – Pure and Simple

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Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:79 Some He hath guided: Others have (by their choice) deserved the loss of their way; in that they took the evil ones, in preference to Allaah, for their friends and protectors, and think that they receive guidance. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:30 Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent an messenger (to give warning). Qur’an - Surah al-Israa’ (The Night Journey) 17:15 See also 35:18. “Now have come to you, from your Lord, proofs (to open your eyes): if any will see, it will be for (the good of) his own soul; if any will be blind, it will be to his own (harm): I am not (here) to watch over your doings.” Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:104 O ye who believe! Take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks: They will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made plain to you the Signs, if ye have wisdom. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:118 In the first battle during Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) prophet hood, the Battle of Badr, the Muslims secured a great victory after the enemy of one thousand in strength marched north to do battle with the Muslims which only numbered just over three hundred. This victory in the Battle of Badr is referred to in the following opening verse where angels were sent by Allaah to assist the Muslims. Muslims gave their allegiance to the Prophet (peace be upon him) to assist him in this struggle. 1.

Verily We have granted thee a manifest Victory:


That Allaah may forgive thee thy faults of the past and those to follow; fulfil His favour to thee; and guide thee on the Straight Way;


And that Allaah might help you with a mighty help.


It is He Who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the Believers, that they may add faith to their faith;- for to Allaah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth; and Allaah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom;-


That He may admit the men and women who believe, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein for aye, and remove their evil deeds from them;- and that is, in the sight of Allaah, the highest achievement (for man),-


And that He may punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Polytheists men and women, who imagine an evil opinion of Allaah. On them is a round of Evil: the Wrath of Allaah is on them: He has cursed them and got Hell ready for them: and evil is it for a destination.


For to Allaah belong the Forces of the heavens and the earth; and Allaah is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.


We have truly sent thee as a witness, as a bringer of Glad Tidings, and as a Warner:


In order that ye (O men) may believe in Allaah and His Messenger, that ye may assist and honour Him, and celebrate His praise morning and evening.

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10. Verily those who plight their fealty to thee do no less than plight their fealty to Allaah: the Hand of Allaah is over their hands: then any one who violates his oath, does so to the harm of his own soul, and any one who fulfils what he has covenanted with Allaah,- Allaah will soon grant him a great Reward. Qur’an - Surah al-Fath (Victory, Conquest) 48:1-10 Refer also to the Battle of Uhud.

Death and the Hereafter Our return is ultimately to our Creator where we will all face Judgement for all the deeds that we have committed and the intentions in which they were conducted.

Our life here on earth is a transient one, while the life to

come is infinite. 259. Or take another example of the one (Prophet Ezra) who passed by a hamlet which has fallen down upon its roofs. He exclaimed: “How can Allaah bring this dead township back to life?” Thereupon Allaah caused him to die, and after one hundred years brought him back to life. Allaah asked: “How long did you remain here?” He replied: “Perhaps a day or part of a day.” Allaah said: “Nay! You have remained here for one hundred years: now just have a look at your food and drink; they have not rotten; and then look at your donkey and see that his very bones have decayed. We have done this to make you a Sign for mankind. Look at the bones of your donkey how We bring them together then clothe them with flesh and bring him back to life! When this all was shown clearly to him he said: “Now I know that Allaah has power over everything.” 260. Behold! Abraham said: “My Lord! Show me how Thou givest life to the dead.” He said: “Dost thou not then believe?” He said: “Yea! but to satisfy My own undertaking.” He said: “Take four birds; Tame them to turn to thee; put a portion of them on every hill and call to them: They will come to thee (Flying) with speed. Then know that Allaah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:259-60 Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good by way of trial. To Us must ye return. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:35 See also 6:60, 10:4, 39:7 and 40:68. Whoso desireth the harvest of the Hereafter, We give him increase in its harvest. And whoso desireth the harvest of the world, We give him thereof, and he hath no portion in the Hereafter. Qur’an - Surah ash-Shura (Consultation) 42:20 See also 10:9-10, 10:25-30, 42:21-3, 42:36 and 59:18. Allaah will keep firm those who believe, with the word that stands firm in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allaah will cause to go astray those who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), and Allaah does what He wills. Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:27 See also 22:19-24.

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It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.


Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left.

10. He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready. 11. And the stupor of death will bring Truth (before his eyes): “This was the thing which thou wast trying to escape!” Qur’an – Surah Qaf (the Letter Qaf) 50:16-19 168. Those who reject Faith and do wrong,- Allaah will not forgive them nor guide them to any way169. Except the way of Hell, to dwell therein for ever. And this to Allaah is easy. 170. O Mankind! The Messenger hath come to you in truth from Allaah: believe in him: It is best for you. But if ye reject Faith, to Allaah belong all things in the heavens and on earth: And Allaah is All-knowing, All-wise. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:168-70 And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allaah or rejects the Truth when it reaches him? Is there not a home in Hell for those who reject Faith? Qur’an - Surah al-`Ankabut (The Spider) 29:68 And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). Qur’an - Surah al-Israa’ (The Night Journey) 17:36 How disbelieve ye in Allaah when ye were dead and He gave life to you! Then He will give you death, then life again, and then unto Him ye will return. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:28 See also 15:23, 22:6 & 67:2. Shall We treat those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the same as those who do mischief on earth? Shall We treat those who guard against evil, the same as those who turn aside from the right? Qur’an - Surah Sad (Sad – Abbreviated Letters) 38:28 17. And Allaah has produced you from the earth growing (gradually), 18. And in the End He will return you into the (earth), and raise you forth (again at the Resurrection)? Qur’an - Surah Nuh (Noah) 71:17-8 “And behold! Ye come to us bare and alone as We created you for the first time . . .” Qur’an - Surah al-An’aam (Cattle) 6:94 We are promised by God, that those of our family members with faith will be among us in heaven but those who were not will enter hell fire.

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And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith, - to them shall We join their families: Nor shall We deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of their works: (Yet) is each individual in pledge for his deeds. Qur’an - Surah at-Tur (The Mount) 52:21 22. Those who patiently persevere, seeking the countenance of their Lord; Establish regular prayers; spend, out of (the gifts) We have bestowed for their sustenance, secretly and openly; and turn off Evil with good: for such there is the final attainment of the (eternal) home,23. Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate (with the salutation): 24. “Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!”

25. But those who break the Covenant of Allaah, after having plighted their word thereto, and cut asunder those things which Allaah has commanded to be joined, and work mischief in the land;- on them is the curse; for them is the terrible home! Qur’an - Surah ar-Ra`ad (The Thunder) 13:22-5 See also 40:8, 43:70 and 51:15-19. O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded. Qur’an – Surah at-Tahrim (Banning) 66:6 Compare and contrast with 31:33. Those who enter heaven will be in bliss and will enjoy the fruits of their labour and be married to beautiful companions while those who enter hell fire will be in torment. But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they Say: “Why, this is what we were fed with before,” for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever). Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:25 Allaah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allaah: that is the supreme felicity. Qur’an - Surah at-Tauba (The Repentance) 9:72 See also 4:122. 23. And hell is brought near that day; on that day man will remember, but how will the remembrance (then avail him)? 24. He will say: "Ah! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my (Future) Life!" 25. For, that Day, His Chastisement will be such as none (else) can inflict, 26. And His bonds will be such as none (other) can bind. 27. (To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! 28. "Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! 29. "Enter thou, then, among My devotees! 30. "Yea, enter thou My Heaven! Qur’an - Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn, Daybreak) 89:23-30

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38. Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds. 39. Except the Companions of the Right Hand. 40. In gardens they will ask one another 41. Concerning the guilty: 42. “What led you into Hell Fire?” 43. They will answer: We were not of those who prayed 44. “Nor were we of those who fed the poor; 45. “But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers; 46. “And we used to deny the Day of Judgment, 47. “Until there came to us (the Hour) that is certain.” 48. Then will no intercession of (any) intercessors profit them. Qur’an - Surah al-Mudathir (The Cloaked One) 74:38-48 7.

And ye shall be sorted out into three classes.


Then (there will be) the Companions of the Right Hand; - What will be the Companions of the Right Hand?


And the Companions of the Left Hand, - what will be the Companions of the Left Hand?

10. And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter). 11. These will be those Nearest to Allaah: 12. In Gardens of Bliss: 13. A number of people from those of old, 14. And a few from those of later times. 15. (They will be) on Thrones encrusted (with gold and precious stones), 16. Reclining on them, facing each other. 17. Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), 18. With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of clear-flowing fountains: 19. No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer intoxication: 20. And with fruits, any that they may select: 21. And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. 22. And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes, Qur’an - Surah al-Waqia (The Event, The Inevitable) 56:7-22 See also 44:51-7. 41. The Companions of the Left Hand, - what will be the Companions of the Left Hand? 42. (They will be) in the midst of a Fierce Blast of Fire and in Boiling Water, 43. And in the shades of Black Smoke: 44. Nothing (will there be) to refresh, nor to please: 45. For that they were wont to be indulged, before that, in wealth (and luxury), 46. And persisted obstinately in wickedness supreme! 47. And they used to say, “What! When we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be raised up again? Qur’an - Surah al-Waqia (The Event, The Inevitable) 56:41-47 See also 44:43-50. 131.

Fear the Fire, which is prepared for those who reject Faith:


And obey Allaah and the Messenger; that ye may obtain mercy.


Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous, -


Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men; - for Allaah loves those who do good; -

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And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allaah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins, - and who can forgive sins except Allaah? - And are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done.


For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath, - an eternal dwelling: How excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)!

Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:131-136 Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without Allaah testing those of you who fought hard (In His Cause) and remained steadfast? Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:142 42. But those who believe and work righteousness, - no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear, - they will be Companions of the Garden, therein to dwell (for ever).

43. And We remove whatever rancour may be in their hearts. Rivers flow beneath them. And they say: The praise to Allaah, Who hath guided us to this. We could not truly have been led aright if Allaah had not guided us. Verily the messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth. And it is cried unto them: This is the Garden. Ye inherit it for what ye used to do. Qur’an - Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) 7:42-43 70.

Save him who repenteth and believeth and doth righteous work; as for such, Allaah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allaah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.

71. And whosoever repenteth and doeth good, he verily repenteth toward Allaah with true repentance Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:70-71 O reassured soul Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him] and enter among My [righteous] servants and enter My Paradise. Qur’an - Surah an-Naml (The Ant) 27:30 1.

The (Day) of Noise and Clamour:


What is the (Day) of Noise and Clamour?


And what will explain to thee what the (Day) of Noise and Clamour is?


(It is) a Day whereon men will be like moths scattered about,


And the mountains will be like carded wool.


Then, he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy,


Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction.


But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light,-


Will have his home in a Pit.

10. And what will explain to thee what this is? 11. (It is) a Fire Blazing fiercely! Qur’an - Surah al-Qariya (The Calamity) 101:1-11 6.

For those who reject their Lord (and Cherisher) is the Penalty of Hell: and evil is (such), Destination.


When they are cast therein, they will hear the (terrible) drawing in of its breath even as it blazes forth,

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Almost bursting with fury: Every time a Group is cast therein, its Keepers will ask, "Did no Warner come to you?"


They will say: "Yes indeed; a Warner did come to us, but we rejected him and said, 'Allaah never sent down any (Message): ye are nothing but an egregious delusion!'"

10. They will further say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not (now) be among the Companions of the Blazing Fire!" 11. They will then confess their sins: but far will be (Forgiveness) from the Companions of the Blazing Fire! 12. As for those who fear their Lord unseen, for them is Forgiveness and a great Reward. 13. And whether ye hide your word or publish it, He certainly has (full) knowledge, of the secrets of (all) hearts. 14. Should He not know,- He that created? and He is the One that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well-acquainted (with them). Qur’an - Surah al-Mulk (The Sovereignty) 671:6-14 It is important that throughout our lives we ask for forgiveness again and again and purify our souls so that at the time of death we remain in a state of Islam. Those who deliberately reject God (after knowing He exists) and in addition set up partners and do not truly repent will not enter heaven. All others will be punished or forgiven as God pleases. If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks Allaah's forgiveness, he will find Allaah Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:110 See also 2:160, 4:17-18, 6:54, 25:70-1, 42:25, 42:30, 34 etc. Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah: for Allaah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:53 See also 2:37, 16:110, 20:82, 38:66, 39:5, 40:42, 71:10, etc. Whoso doeth right, it is for his soul, and whoso doeth wrong, it is against it. Qur’an - Surah al-Jathiya (Crouching) 45:15 And lo! Verily I am Forgiving toward him who repenteth and believeth and doeth good, and afterward walketh aright. Qur’an - Surah Ta Ha 20:82 Allaah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allaah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:48 Knowest thou not that unto Allaah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth? He punisheth whom He will, and forgiveth whom He will. Allaah is Able to do all things . Qur’an - Surah al-Ma’aida (The Table Spread) 5:40 Those who avoid great sins and shameful deeds, only (falling into) small faults, - verily thy Lord is ample in forgiveness. He knows you well when He brings you out of the earth, And when ye are hidden in your mothers' wombs. Therefore justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against evil. Qur’an – Surah an-Najm (The Star) 53:32 Islam – Pure and Simple

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"O Son of Adam, as long as you supplicate to Me and have hope in me I will pardon you in spite of what you have done, and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if your sins were so numerous as to reach the lofty regions of the sky, then you asked My forgiveness, I would forgive you, and I do not care. O Son of Adam, if you were to meet Me with enough sins to fill the earth, then you met Me, not associating anything with Me (in worship), I shall greet you with its equivalent in forgiveness.'" A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Reported by at-Tirmithi, Hadith Qudsi No. 34 Anyone whom we wrong in this world, we will have to pay with our good deeds. Those parts of our bodies that commit sin will speak regarding the sins that it committed. 30. Certainly you shall die and certainly they shall die. 31. Then on the Day of Resurrection, you shall settle your disputes before your Lord. Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:30-1 "Ye did not seek to hide yourselves, lest your hearing, your sight, and your skins should bear witness against you! But ye did think that Allaah knew not many of the things that ye used to do! Qur’an - Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail) 41:22 On no soul doth Allaah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns... Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:286 O ye who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:102 10. O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty? 11. That ye believe in Allaah and His Messenger, and that ye strive in the Cause of Allaah, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! 12. He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eden (Aden): that is indeed the Supreme Achievement. 13. And another (favour will He bestow), which ye do love,- help from Allaah and a speedy victory. So give the Glad Tidings to the Believers. Qur’an - Surah as-Saff (The Ranks) 61:10-13 See also 98:8. 1.

When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,


And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),


And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with her?'-


On that Day will she declare her tidings:


For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration.


On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they (had done).


Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!


And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.

Qur’an – Surah al-Zalzala (The Earthquake) 99:1-8 See also 84:1-25.

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“When the human being dies, his actions dissociate from him except three things: a continuous donation, beneficial knowledge, or a pious child who supplicates for him.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Sahih Muslim A trumpet will be blown by angel Israfil (peace be upon him) to mark the day of resurrection and judgement. And the trumpet is blown and lo! from the graves they hie unto their Lord, Qur’an – Surah Yasin 36:51 See also 50:20. It is He who created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): the day He saith, “Be,” behold! It is. His word is the truth. His will be the dominion the day the trumpet will be blown. He knoweth the unseen as well as that which is open. For He is the Wise, well acquainted (with all things). Qur’an - Surah al-An`aam (The Cattle) 6:73 68. The Trumpet will (just) be sounded, when all that are in the heavens and on earth will swoon, except such as it will please Allaah (to exempt). Then will a second one be sounded, when, behold, they will be standing and looking on! 69. And the Earth will shine with the Glory of its Lord: the Record (of Deeds) will be placed (open); the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward and a just decision pronounced between them; and they will not be wronged (in the least). 70. And each soul is paid in full for what it did. And He is Best Aware of what they do. 71. The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive, there, its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say, “Did not messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of This Day of yours?” The answer will be: “True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!” 72. (To them) will be said: “Enter ye the gates of Hell, to dwell therein: and evil is (this) Abode of the Arrogant!” 73. And those who keep their duty (practised taqwa) to their Lord are driven unto the Garden in troops till, when they reach it, and the gates thereof are opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Peace be unto you (Asalaam-o-Alaykum)! Ye are good, so enter ye (the Garden of delight), to dwell therein; 74. They will say: “Praise be to Allaah, Who has truly fulfilled His Promise to us, and has given us (this) land in heritage: We can dwell in the Garden as we will: how excellent a reward for those who work (righteousness)!” 75. And thou wilt see the angels surrounding the Throne (Divine) on all sides, singing Glory and Praise to their Lord. The Decision between them (at Judgment) will be in (perfect) justice, and the cry (on all sides) will be, “Praise be to Allaah, Lord of all Creation!” Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:68-75 See also 18:99-108, 20:102-112, 23:101-118, 27:87-90, 50:2045, 69:13-39, 74:8-11 and 78:18-40.

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The End of the Universe The ending of the universe will occur one day. Both the sun and the moon will come to an end. Allaah it is Who raised up the heavens without visible supports, then mounted the Throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to be of service, each runneth unto an appointed term; He ordereth the course; He detaileth the revelations, that haply ye may be certain of the meeting with your Lord. Qur’an - Surah ar-Ra`ad (The Thunder) 13:2 See also 46:3. Seest thou not that Allaah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night; that He has subjected the sun, and the moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allaah is well-acquainted with all that ye do? Qur’an - Surah Luqman (Luqman) 31:29 He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again? Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:5 God has chosen a pre-determined time when and how the universe will come to an end. We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save with truth, and for a term appointed: But those who reject Faith turn away from that whereof they are warned. Qur’an – Surah al-Ahqaf (The Dunes) 46:3 One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the heavens, and (men) will be marshalled forth, before Allaah, the One, the Irresistible. Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:48 The Day whereon they will (all) come forth: not a single thing concerning them is hidden from Allaah. Whose will be the dominion that Day?” That of Allaah, the One the Irresistible! Qur’an - Surah al-Ghaafir (The Forgiver) 40:16 He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things.

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Qur’an - Surah al-Hadid (The Iron) 57:3 The Day when We shall roll up the heavens as a recorder rolleth up a written scroll. As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it. (It is) a promise (binding) upon Us. Lo! We are to perform it. Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:104 See also 10:34, 27:64, 39:67 and 50:15. The verse is referred to in scientific circles as the Collapsing Theory or the Big Crunch, where as a result of gravity, the universe will slow down and implode within itself in its centre and become a singularity and then re-explode i.e. an infinite sequence of Big Bangs and Big Crunches. Research in this area, by the scientific community, continues.

Conclusions The original pristine message of Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) etc. was the same as the message followed by Muslims today through the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah of Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is only through time that the true religion of Judaism and in particular Christianity has changed. Islam and Muslims may seem strange to those who are not of the Islamic faith, but Islam was strange in the past. The Abrahamic religion comes to an end by the culmination of the Qur’anic revelation and perfected for all to follow thereafter as Muslims follow today. “Islam began as a stranger and will return to being a stranger so glad tidings (or a certain huge tree in Paradise) is for those who are strange.” They asked, "O Messenger of Allaah" Who are the strangers?" He replied, "Those who rectify (themselves and others) when the people are corrupt.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The worship and acceptance of our Creator and His laws governing our daily lives is for our personal good as well as the welfare of our families and society in general. God asks us to control our own lives rather than the soft but deceiving voice of Satan should take over. After all, God has appointed angels to record our deeds. 10. But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect you, 11. Kind and honourable, - Writing down (your deeds): 12. They know (and understand) all that ye do. Qur’an - Surah al-Infitaar (The Believers) 82:10-2 Instead of complaining to people when struck by calamity, one must make it a habit to ask Allaah alone for refuge. However, there is no harm to mention your problem to people and share their opinion. “Be mindful of Allaah and Allaah will protect you. Be mindful of Allaah and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask only Allaah and if you seek help, seek help only from Allaah. And know that if all the nations were to gather together to benefit you, they would benefit you only with something that Allaah had already prescribed for you, and if they gather together to harm you, they would harm you only with something that Allaah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) It is important to ensure that the surrounding environment is conducive to this ideal way of life that is ISLAM. A great reward is promised for all believing men and women.

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Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:97 See also 40:40. For Muslim men and women, - for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allaah's praise, - for them has Allaah prepared forgiveness and great reward. Qur’an - Surah al-Ahzaab (The Clans) 33:35 “The one who guides to good will be rewarded equally.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 1.

Those who reject Allaah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allaah,- their deeds will Allaah render astray (from their mark).


But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and believe in the (Revelation) sent down to Muhammad - for it is the Truth from their Lord, - He will remove from them their ills and improve their condition.

Qur’an - Surah Muhammad (Muhammad) 47:1-2 See also 18:29-44. If any do deeds of righteousness,- be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:124 11. For those who believe and do righteous deeds, will be Gardens; beneath which rivers flow: That is the great Salvation, (the fulfilment of all desires), 12. Truly strong is the Grip (and Power) of thy Lord. 13. It is He Who creates from the very beginning, and He can restore (life). 14. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Full of Loving-Kindness, 15. Lord of the Throne of Glory, Qur’an - Surah al-Burooj (The Constellations) 85:11-12 33. And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it - such are the men who do right. 34. They shall have all that they wish for, in the presence of their Lord: such is the reward of those who do good: 35. So that Allaah will turn off from them (even) the worst in their deeds and give them their reward according to the best of what they have done. Qur’an – Surah az-Zumar (The Groups) 39:33-35 Say (O Muhammad): “I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allaah is one Allaah: whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner. Qur’an - Surah al-Kahf (The Cave) 18:110

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“Seeking knowledge is a duty that is imposed on every male and female Muslim. It is most surely that Allaah loves seekers of knowledge”. A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “Be mindful of Allaah, and Allaah will be mindful of you.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) In the beginning Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encountered great opposition to the point that those who did not accept his message wished and plotted to kill him. However he established a whole community based on the notion of collective effort, mutual respect and real partnership. When he emigrated from his place of birth, Makkah, to the city of Madina he paired up people of both the cities, instilled in them a sense of pride and honour, deep conviction and love, and united them by faith. Towards the end of his life he, by the aid of Allaah, received wide acceptance not only from his message but from his character. Today the world is lit by the light of Islam and getting brighter each day. “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself.” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “O our Lord! Cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness, me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!” Qur’an - Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) 14:41 See also 42:25. “Our Lord! make of us Muslims, bowing to Thy (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Thy (will); and show us our place for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:128 To Allaah do belong the unseen (secrets) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him goeth back every affair (for decision): then worship Him, and put thy trust in Him: and thy Lord is not unmindful of aught that ye do. Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:123 Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Bestower. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:8 Nay, but (the chosen of Allaah is) he who fulfilleth his pledge and wardeth off (evil); for lo! Allaah loveth those who ward off (evil). Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:76 . . . In Him I trust (tawakkul) and unto Him I turn (repentant). Qur’an - Surah Hud (The Prophet Hud) 11:88 See also 5:23, 3:159, 8:64 and 11:123. So say (O Muhammad): “O my Lord! grant Thou forgiveness and mercy for Thou art the Best of those who show mercy!” Qur’an - Surah al-Mu`minoon (The Cleaving) 23:118

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Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allaah, follow me; Allaah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:31 155. Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, 156. Who say, when afflicted with calamity: “To Allaah We belong, and to Him is our return” (innaa lilaahi wa innaa ilaiyhi raaji’oon) Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:155-6 Whatever suffering we go through in this life is finite, but our reward in the Hereafter insha-Allaah will be infinite. On Friday the 9th of March 632 CE (9th of Dhul Hijjah 10 AH of the Islamic calendar) in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his farewell sermon before making his way back to Madina. This is what he said. “O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today. O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allaah has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived... Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allaah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allaah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakah. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has superiority over other except by piety and good action. Remember, one day you will appear before Allaah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allaah, that I have conveyed your message to your people." A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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The final words in 2:156 (“To Allaah We belong, and to Him is our return”) were the last words spoken by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he passed away. When Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (the Prophet’s best companion) learnt of the Prophet’s death, he broke the news to a dismayed Muslim community. The disbelief of the news was overwhelming. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had been the leader, the guide and the bearer of Divine revelation through whom they had been brought from idolatry and barbarism into the way of God. He had shown compassion and kindness to both Muslims and non-Muslims. How could he die? Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allaah be pleased with him) addressed the Muslims, saying “O people, verily whoever worshipped Muhammad, behold! Muhammad is indeed dead. But whoever worships God, behold! God is alive and will never die.” Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allaah be pleased with him) concluded by reciting a verse from the Qur’an. On hearing these words, the people were consoled. Despondency gave place to confidence and tranquillity. Muhammad is no more than a messenger: many Were the messenger that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then Turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allaah; but Allaah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude. Qur’an - Surah al-`Imraan (The Family of `Imraan) 3:144 I pray that Allaah, Most High, Most Forgiving and to Him be all Glory and Praise accepts this small but humble effort in understanding the beauty of Islam and forgive me for any errors that I may have made involuntarily. May Allaah bless and forgive again and again the Ummah of Muhammad (peace be upon him). May Allaah continuously help and guide us on the path that He chose through the Sunnah of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and keep us steadfast. Whomsoever Allaah guides no can misguide and whomsoever Allaah removes His guidance no one can guide. With Allaah on our side, we will succeed in this life and the hereafter and never will we be wronged or unjustly dealt with, insha-Allaah. Had Allaah willed He could have made you (all) one nation, but He sendeth whom He will astray and guideth whom He will, and ye will indeed be asked of what ye used to do. Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:93 Islam is a journey of a lifetime and not to be seen as a passing phase. Islam enriches the soul just as food and drink nourishes the body. Islam provides peace within oneself and with our Creator. Many who are not of the Islamic faith are discovering and experiencing the Greatness and Mercy of Allaah and Islam. This is a sign in which the Truth is manifesting itself. May Allaah, All-Knowing, The Hearer, the Seer, assist these individuals with reasoning and give them strength to enter Islam. May the curious human spirit always succeed inshaAllaah. ... "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we

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have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith." Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:286 Praise and glory be to Allaah, the Most Great, the Oft Forgiving, and the Creator of the entire universe in harmony. May Allaah bless Muhammad (peace be upon him) the noblest and gentlest of characters, sent as a mercy to mankind. “Ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu (I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah alone with no partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah)”.

How to


Perform the

The following text is first given in English followed by the equivalent Arabic sounding words. Tahrima (Starting the prayer) Allaah is Great Allaahu akbar Thana (Optional opening of the prayer) O Allaah, Glory and Praise are for you, and blessed is Your name, and high is Your Majesty and none is worthy of worship but You subhanakallähumma wa bi hamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta‘ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk Taawwudh (Seeking protection from Satan) I seek shelter in Allaah from the rejected Satan a‘udhu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim Qiyaam (Standing and reading the opening chapter of the Qur'an)

1. In the Name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful bismilllahir rahmanir rahim

2. Praise be to Allaah, Lord of all Creation, alhamdulillähi rabbil-‘älamïn 3.

The Beneficent, the Merciful. arrahmänir-rahïm


Master of the Day of Judgment, mäliki yaumiddin


Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we beseech for help. iyyäka na‘budu wa iyyäka nasta‘ïn


Show us the straight path, ihdinassirätal-mustaqïm

7. The path of those whom You have favoured (the Muslims); not the (path) of those who have earned [Your] anger (the Jews), nor those who have gone astray (the Christians). sirätalladhïna ana‘mta ‘alaihim ghairil-maghdübi ‘alaihim waladdällïn Qur’an - Surah al-Fatiha (The Opening) 1:1-7

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Amen ameen Qiraat (Recitation of any other Qur'anic verses. Here's an example.)

1. Say He is Allaah the One and Only qul huwallähu ahad

2. Allaah the Eternal Absolute Allaahussamad 3.

He begetteth not nor is He begotten lam yalid wa lam yülad


And there is none like unto Him wa lam yakullahü kufuwan ahad Qur’an - Surah al-Ikhlaas (Sincerity) 112:1-4

Ruku (Bowing) Allaah is Great Allaahu akbar Glory be to Allaah, Most Great (repeat 3 times) subbana rabbiyal-‘azim Verily Allaah listens to one who Praises Him. sami‘Allaahu liman hamidah Oh our Lord, all Praises be to You rabbna wa lakal-hamd Allaah is Great Allaahu akbar Sajdah (Prostration) Glory be to Allaah, Most High (repeat 3 times) subbana rabbiyal-a‘la. Allaah is Great Allaahu akbar Glory be to Allaah, Most High (repeat 3 times) subbana rabbiyal-a‘la. Adhkaar (Sitting position between the Sajdah's) O Allaah! Forgive me; have mercy on me; [strengthen me;] [raise my rank;] guide me; [pardon me;] sustain me; Allaahumaghfirlee warhumnee [wajbuornee] [warf‘unee] wahdeenee [wa'afeenee] wa'arruknee OR O my Lord! Forgive me, forgive me. Rabaghfirlee yigfirlee Tashahhud (Sitting position) All verbal and physical acts of worship and financial sacrifices are due to Allaah attahiyyatu lillahi wassalawatu wattayyibatu Peace be on you, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings assalamu ‘alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of Allaah assalamu ‘alaina wa ‘ala ‘ibadillahissalihin I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allaah

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ash-hadu alla ilaha illAllaahu And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh Darud (Sending blessings to the family of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)) O Allaah, let Your blessing come upon Muhammad, and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and his family, truly You are the Praiseworthy and Glorious allähumma salli ‘ala muhammadi(n)wwa ‘ala ali muhammadin kama sallaita ‘alä ibrahïma wa ‘ala ali ibrahïma innaka hamidummajïd O Allaah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Ibrahim and his family, truly You are the Praiseworthy and Glorious Allaahumma barik ‘ala muhammadi(n)wwa ‘ala ali muhammadin kama bärakta ‘ala ibrahïma wa ‘ala ali ibrahïma innaka hamidummajid Dua (Personal supplications) Our Lord, bestow on us good in this world and good in the hereafter and shield us from the torment of the fire Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:201 rabbana atina fiddunya hasanata(n)wwa fil akhirati hasanata(n)wwa qina ‘adhabannar "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." Qur’an - Surah al-Furqan (The Criterion) 25:74 rabbana hub lana min uzwaajeenaa wa zuri aatenaa qurata aiyoonivaajulna lilmutaqeena imaama Some other dua’s can be found in the following Qur’anic verses. Other personal dua’s can also be made. 2:128, 2:250, 2:285-6, 3:8, 3:16, 3:147, 3:191, 3:193-4, 7:126, 10:85-6, 14:40-1, 18:10, 23:109, 25:65, 40:7-8, 59:10, 60:4-5, etc. Tasleem (Ending the prayer) Peace and the mercy of Allaah be on you (turning head right) assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah Peace and the mercy of Allaah be on you (turning head left) assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah

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Prophets of Allaah, as Mentioned in the Qur’an Adam (first prophet of Islam) Idris (Enoch) Nuh (Noah) Hud (Heber - great great grandson of Nuh) Salih (Shelah) Ibrahim (Abraham) [Received the Souhouf (the Scrolls) in Hebrew]

Isma’il (Ishmael – eldest son of Ibrahim) Is’haq (Isaac – youngest son of Ibrahim) Lut (Lot – nephew of Ibrahim) Ya’qub (Jacob – son of Is’haq) Yusuf (Joseph – second youngest son of Ya’qub) Shu’aib (Jethro) Ayub (Job) Musa (Moses) [Received the Taurat (the Torah or the Law) & the Ten Commandments both in Hebrew]

Harun (Aaron – elder brother of Musa) Dhu’l-kifl (Ezekiel) Dawud (David) [Received the Zabur (the Psalms) in Hebrew]

Suliman (Solomon – son of Dawud) Ilias (Elias) Al-Yasa (Elisha) Islam – Pure and Simple

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Yunus (Jonah) Zakariyah (Zechariah) Yahya (John – son of Zakariyah) Isa (Jesus – son of Mary) [Received the Injil, in Aramaic]

Muhammad (the Seal of the Prophets) [Received the Qur’an, in Arabic]

(Peace and Allaah’s blessings be upon them all)

Frequency of Prophets names in the Qur’an Musa – 138 Ibrahim - 75 Yusuf – 36 Lut - 27 Adam, Isa, Nuh – 25 Suliman – 22 Harun – 20 Dawud, Is’haq – 17 Ya’qub – 16 Shu’aib – 11 Salih – 10 Hud, Isma’il, Zakariyah – 7 Yahya – 5 Ayub, Yunus, Muhammad – 4 Al-Yasa, Idris, Dhu’l-kifl – 2 Ilias - 1 (Peace and Allaah’s blessings be upon them all) The prophets marked in red received scripture. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is mentioned by name, in the Qur’an, four times i.e. 3:144, 33.40, 47:2 and 48:29. He is referred to by his title as a prophet more than 270 times. Chapter 47 in the Qur’an itself is named Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is also addressed by God directly in the Qur’an by the word qul (Say). God is instructing his Messenger to give the message to the people, in particular to unbelievers, as God does not address the unbelievers directly.

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But those who believe in Allaah and His messengers and make no distinction between any of them, unto them Allaah will give their wages; and Allaah was ever Forgiving, Merciful. Qur’an - Surah an-Nisaa’ (The Women) 4:152 “I am most close to Jesus, son of Mary, among the whole of mankind in this worldly life and the next life. They said: Allaah's Messenger how is it? Thereupon he said: Prophets are brothers in faith, having different mothers. Their religion is, however, one and there is no Apostle between us (between I and Jesus Christ).” A saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Sahih Muslim Book 30, Number 5836

Family Tree of Prophet Muhammad (









Abdullah - Aminah


Hebrew prophets including (Pe


Musa, Dawud & Isa


and Allaah’s blessings be on the prophets)

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Lineage of Prophet Muhammad (


Adam Shith -> Anwas -> Qinan -> Mahla’il -> Yarid -> Idris (pbuh) -> Matulsalkh -> Lamik -> Nuh (pbuh) -> Sham -> Arfakhshad -> Shalikh -> Abir -> Falikh -> Ra’u -> Saru’ -> Nahur -> Azar -> Ibrahim (pbuh) -> Isma’il (pbuh) -> Haidir -> Aram -> ‘Adwa -> Wazzi -> Sami -> Zarih -> Nahith -> Muksar -> Aiham -> Afnad -> Aisar -> Deshan -> Aid -> Ar’awi -> Yalhan -> Yahzin -> Yathrabi -> Sanbir -> Hamdan -> Ad-Da’a -> ‘Ubaid -> ‘Abqar -> Aid -> Makhi -> Nahish -> Jahim -> Tabikh -> Yadlaf -> Bildas -> Haza -> Nashid -> ‘Awwam -> Obai -> Qamwal -> Buz -> Aws -> Salaman -> Humaisi’ -> Add -> Adnan -> Ma’ad -> Nizar -> Mudar -> Ilias -> Mudrikah -> Khuzaiman -> Kinana -> An-Nadr -> Malik -> Fahr -> Ghalib -> Lo’i -> Ka’b -> Murra -> Kilab -> Qusayy -> Abd Munaf -> Hashim -> Abdul Muttalib -> Abdullah -> Islam – Pure and Simple

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Aziz Ahmad Rasul

Muhammad (Peace and Allaah’s blessings be upon them all) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a direct descendant from Prophet Adam through Prophet Ibrahim and to his first-born son Prophet Isma’il through the male line (peace be upon them).

The Attributes of God Name


Some Qur’anic Verses


The God

1:1, 3:18, 5:109, 6:124, 7:180, 8:40, 16:91, 20:8, 57:5, 65:3, 74:56, 85:20

Ar Rahman

The Beneficent

1:3, 17:110, 19:58, 21:112, 27:30, 36:52, 50:33, 55:1, 59:22, 78:38

Ar Rahim

The Merciful

2:163, 3:31, 4:100, 5:3, 5:98, 11:41, 12:53, 12:64, 26:9, 30:5, 36:58

Al Malik

The King

20:114, 23:116, 59:23, 62:1, 114:2

Al Quddus

The Holy

59:23, 62:1

As Salaam

The Bestower of Peace


Al Mu’Min

The Granter of Security


Al Muhaymin

The Protector


Al Aziz

The Mighty

3:6, 4:158, 9:40, 9:71, 48:7, 59:23, 61:1

Al Jabbar

The Compeller


Al Mutakabbir

The Majestic


Al Khaliq

The Creator

6:102, 13:16, 39:62, 40:62, 59:24

Al Bari

The Maker


Al Musawwir

The Shaper


Al Ghaffar

The Forgiver

20:82, 38:66, 39:5, 40:42, 71:10

Al Qahar

The Subduer

13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16

Al Wahab

The Bestower

3:8, 38:9, 38:35

Ar Razzaq

The Provider


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Al Fattah

The Judge


Al Alim

The All-Knowing

2:158, 3:92, 4:35, 24:41, 33:40, 35:38, 57:6

Al Qabid

The Withholder


Al Basit

The Expander


Al Khafid

The Humbler

Ar Rafi

The Exalter

Al Mu’izz

The Bestower of Honour


Al Mudhill

The Humiliator


As Sami

The All-Hearing

2:127, 2:137, 2:256, 8:17, 49:1

Al Basir

The All-Seeing

4:58, 17:1, 42:11, 42:27, 57:4, 67:19

Al Hakam

The Judge


Al Adil

The Just

Al Latif

The Subtle One

6:103, 22:63, 31:16, 33:34, 67:14

Al Khabir

The All-Aware

6:18, 17:30, 49:13, 59:18, 63:11

Al Halim

The Forebearing

2:225, 2:235, 17:44, 22:59, 35:41

Al Azim

The Great

2:255, 42:4, 56:96

Al Ghaffur

The Forgiving

2:173, 8:69, 16:110, 41:32, 60:7

Ash Shakur

The Appreciative

35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17

Al Aliyy

The Most High

2:255, 4:34, 31:30, 42:4, 42:51

Al Kabir

The Most Great

13:9, 22:62, 31:30, 34:23, 40:12

Al Hafiz

The Preserver

11:57, 34:21, 42:6

Al Muqit

The Sustainer


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4:6, 4:86, 33:39

Al Hasib

The Reckoner

Al Jalil

The Majestic

Al Karim

The Generous

27:40, 82:6

Al Raqib

The Watchful

4:1, 5:117

Al Mujib

The Responsive


Al Wasi

The All-Embracing

2:115, 2:261, 2:268, 3:73, 5:54

Al Hakim

The Wise

2:129, 2:260, 31:27, 46:2, 57:1, 66:2

Al Wadud

The Loving

11:90, 85:14

Al Majeed

The Most Glorious


Al Ba’ith

The Resurrector


Ash Shahid

The Witness

4:79, 4:166, 22:17, 41:53, 48:28

Al Haqq

The Truth

6:62, 22:6, 23:116, 31:30

Al Wakil

The Disposer of Affairs

3:173, 4:171, 28:28, 33:3, 73:9

Al Qawiyy

The Most Strong

22:40, 22:74, 42:19, 57:25, 58:21

Al Matin

The Authoritative


Al Waliyy

The Protector

3:68, 4:45, 7:196, 42:28, 45:19

Al Hamid

The Praiseworthy

14:1, 14:8, 31:12, 31:26, 41:42

Al Muhsi

The Reckoner

Al Mubdi

The Originator

10:4, 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13

Al Mu’id

The Restorer to Life

10:4, 10:34, 27:64, 29:19, 85:13

Al Muhyi

The Giver of Life

3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 30:50, 57:2

Al Mumit

The Causer of Death

3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2

Al Hayy

The Ever-Living

2:255, 3:2, 20:111, 25:58, 40:65

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2:255, 3:2, 20:111

Al Qayyum

The Self-Subsisting

Al Wajid

The Self-Sufficient

Al Maajid

The Glorified

Al Wahid

The One

2:163, 5:73, 9:31, 18:110, 37:4

As Samad

The Eternally Besought


Al Qadir

The Omnipotent

6:65, 46:33, 75:40, 86:8

Al Muqtadir

The Powerful

18:45, 54:42, 54:55

Al Muqaddim

The Expediter

Al Mu’akhkhir

The Delayer


Al Awwal

The First


Al Akhir

The Last


Az Zahir

The Manifest


Al Batin

The Hidden


Al Wali

The Protector

Al Muta’ali

The Most Exalted


Al Barr

The Benign


At Tawwab

The Acceptor of Repentance

2:37, 2:128, 4:64, 49:12, 110:3

Al Muntaqim

The Lord of Retribution

32:22, 43:41, 44:16

Al ‘Afuww

The Pardoner

4:99, 4:149, 22:60

Ar Rauf

The Clement

3:30, 9:117, 57:9, 59:10

Malik al-Mulk

The Owner of the Kingdom



The Lord of Majesty and

55:27, 55:78



Al Muqsit

The Equitable

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Al Jame

The Gatherer


Al Ghaniyy

The All-Sufficient

2:263, 3:97, 39:7, 47:38, 57:24

Al Mughni

The Enricher


Al Mani

The Preventer of Harm

Ad Darr

The Afflicter

An Nafi

The Benefiter

An Nur

The Light


Al Hadi

The Guide


Al Badi

The Originator

2:117, 6:101

Al Baqi

The Everlasting


Al Warith

The Ultimate Inheritor


Al Rashid

The Guide

Al Sabr

The Patient

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Aziz Ahmad Rasul

Recommended Literature and Links Qur’an & Hadith  The Holy Qur’an in three English translations. Arabic Qur’an. English translation by Marmaduke Pickthall. The Noble Qur’an. Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir (rendering or interpretation) of the Qur’an. Hadith Search. Hadith collection. A FREE copy of the Qur’an can be requested by non-Muslims. Qur’an in Arabic with English translation.

Books 

Islam Beliefs and Teachings by Ghulam Sarwar. Muslim Educational Trust. ISBN 0-907261-03-5

Islam for younger people by Ghulam Sarwar. Muslim Educational Trust. ISBN 0-907261-32-9

The Beginner’s Book of Salah by Ghulam Sarwar. Muslim Educational Trust. ISBN 0-907261-39-6

What is the Origin of Man? by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. This book can be read on the internet at the following link

The Bible, the Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. This book can be read on the internet at the following link

The Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husayn Haykal. North American Trust Publications. ISBN 0-89259-002-5

The Life of the Last Prophet by Yusuf Islam. Mountain of Light Productions Ltd. ISBN 1-90067-500-5

The Mysteries of Jesus by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood. Sakina Books, Oxford. ISBN 0-95380-567-0

What Does Islam Say? By Ibrahim E. Hewitt. Muslim Educational Trust. ISBN 0-907261-34-5 Covers issues such as Abortion, Capital Punishment, Divorce, Drugs & Alcohol, Homosexuality, Jihad, Marriage, Racism, Suicide, etc.

Islamic Dawah Centre International (Provides FREE publications)

Film 

The Message (1976) starring Anthony Quinn, Irene Papas

Lion of the Desert (1981) starring Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed, Rod Steiger, Irene Papas, John Geilgud

Islam – Pure and Simple

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Aziz Ahmad Rasul

Muhammad, The Last Prophet (2006) - Animated cartoon by Badr International (available on DVD)

Discussion Forums 

General  Discover Islam Posters - A series of beautiful artistic posters. A comprehensive look at scientific miracles in the Qur’an. Embryology, For those who are new to Islam. The Council on American-Islamic Relations The Religion of Islam. Contains a vast amount of reading matter about Islam. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned in the Bible by Dr. Zakir Naik. Article on Georges H. Lemaitre (1894-1966) Details of how to perform Hajj. Islam – Question and Answers.

Islam Channel on Sky Digital (Channel No. 813) in the UK Virtual Classroom providing history of Islamic achievements.,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/ The Institute of Islamic Information and Education Ten Misconceptions about Islam. Scientific miracles in the Qur’an and prophecies by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The Beautiful Names of Allaah Battles

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The Status of Woman in Islam by Dr. Jamal Badawi Biography

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Seal of the Prophets.,,,,

Prophets of Islam.,,

The first four Caliphs.

Companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Imam Bukhari (810 - 881) – Collector of Hadith

Imam Muslim (circa 817 - 875) – Collector of Hadith

Imam Abu Da’ud (817 - 870) – Collector of Hadith

Imam Malik Ibn Anas (712 - 795) – Collector of Hadith

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (780 - 855) – Collector of Hadith

Imam Ibn Kathir (1301 - 1373) – Writer of tafsir (commentary) of the Qur’an

Muhammad Marmaduke William Pickthall (1875-1936) – First Muslim English translator of the Qur’an.,,,

Muhammad Asad (1900-1992) – English translator of the Qur’an,

Yusuf Islam (1948 - ) – A well known male British revert to Islam.,

Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood (1942 - ) – A well known female British revert to Islam and a Muslim scholar.,

Biography search of important Muslims

Islam – Pure and Simple

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