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IRMA 2007 1. What is poverty? 2. Many economics are of the opinion that India is no more a developing country. Rather it is a country in the state of transformation. What are the symptoms, which have prompted these economists to form this opinion about India? A. More and more countries are outsourcing their business to India. B. India has a vast reserve of highly technically skilled manpower C. Instead of agrobased economy we are economically growing. 3. Which of the following is true about farmer in India? 4. Which of the following policy is designed for farmers specially – Kisan Credit Card, PSL 5. Which of the following is not a BRIC country? 6. The economic growth of a country is very much influenced by which of the following policies of Govt. of the country? (1) Forex Mgmt. Policy (2) Trade Policy (3) Fiscal Policy (4) Monetary Policy 7. 2001 census birth rate highest in which state? 8. As we all know a high rate of economic growth raises the living standard of the general public in a country and is considered the most potent factor in eliminating ... (1) cultural barriers (2) low quality of employment (3) gender inequality (4) poverty (5) All of these 9. Highest Milk producing state in India? 10. Which of the following is the women upliftment programme run by Indian Govt. (1) TRYSEM (2) Swa Shakti (3) TREAD (4) SGSY (5) STEP Page (3) of (44) IRMA Analysis

11. The most obvious indicator of a prosperous village is (1) Male-Female ratio (2) Effective Water Management (3) Soil Health (4) Women Empowerment (5) All of these 12. Where will be a probability of less poor? (1) Metro (2) Remote village (3) Town (4) District HQ 13. In certain studies done by Agri. Scientist it is noticed that the formers use/apply more than the required quantity of chemical fertilizers in their fields. What may be the

reasons for the same? Farmers have a misconception that ..... (A) More fertilizer will give good crops (B) More fertilizer reduce the water required for the crop (C) Chemical fertilizer increase the fertility of the land for the future. 14. UNO classified countries amongst the developed and undeveloped on the basis of (1) Population (2) Education Facilities (3) Per Capita Income (4) Change in the index of GDP in last three years (5) None of these 15. Which of the following in a country like India can be considered as the sign(s) of economic growth? (A) High rate of migration of people from city to metros and rural to urban areas (B) Rising imbalance in male-female ratio (C) Decline in rate of unemployment 16. Marginal and Small farmers in most of the places in India are mainly dependent on who for their working capital requirements for their day to day affairs (A) Local Money Holders (B) Rural Banks (C) National Banks 17. Farmers in India certainly get a subsidy on which of the following commodities (1) Tractors (2) Chemicals (3) Seeds (4) Fertilizers Page (4) of (44) IRMA Analysis

18. In India population policies are made for a period of 20 years. Period of the present population policy is 19. India is considered a very important Dam and Multipurpose river valley project construction country. But latest/new studies shown that these projects have created some problems in the country than providing the solution of the same. Which are these problems? 20. Nurses emigration from which state is maximum in Gulf countries? 21. The infrastructural facilities are often referred to as economic and social overheads. Which of the following is/are included in these facilities? 22. Sectoral Growth rate in Xth plan 23. Co-operative Credit Societies in village is known as (1) Rural Co-operative Banks (2) Choupal (3) Panchayat Samiti (4) Agri. Credit Society 24. The recent suicides of farmers in Maharashtra and Karnataka were related to which crop – Paddy, Cotton, Onion 25. SEZ full form? 26. Name of the bank of Dr. Mohd. Younus.

IRMA 2006 1. As all of us know India is the largest producer of milk in the world. Not only this, India also has largest livestock population in the world. Despite this India's share in export of diary products is not very promising. What might have hampered India's potential export dairy products?

(A) European Union and USA used to provide heavy subsidy to dairy farming uptill now. (B) Indian producers receive no subsidy. (C) Rich nations use to dump their dairy products. (D) Indian livestock population is not of very high quality. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) and (C) (3) Only (B) and (D) (4) Only (A), (B) and (D) (5) (A), (B), (C) and (D) all Page (5) of (44) IRMA Analysis

2. As per the reports published in newspapers and magazines/journals the nonagricultural sector is gaining a higher growth rate in employment rural areas. Which of the following sectors are emerging as important source of rural employment? (A) Manufacturing (B) Trade (C) Transport (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both (5) (A), (B) & (C) all 3. Musampally, a village in Andhra Pradesh has more borewells (6000) than people (5000). But only a few (less than 100) yield water. There are several other villages like Musampally where borewells do not yield water. What is/are the probable cause(s) for the same? (A) Boring is not done properly. (B) Water table has started receding in most of the States in India in general. (C) The foodgrain crop which is being sown these days is abnormally high water absorbing. Hence no borewell in those areas yield water. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) and (C) (3) Only (B) (4) Only (A) & (C) (5) (A), (B) & (C) all 4. Ratan Tata, the Chairman of Tata Group of industries when asked about his plans for the future, commented, 'We believe that our companies should be in business to serve the biggest and fastest growing segment in India'. His indication was towards(1) Higher income group having of Rs.10 lakhs and above. (2) Middle class having income between 2 to 5 lakhs. (3) Rural people who are now demanding a life demanding a life style comparable to the people in cities and urban areas. (4) Youngsters who are about 60% of today's India. (5) None of these 5. The first private Greenfield 'Special Economic Zone' (SEZ) is coming up in (1) Mumbai (2) New Delhi

(3) Hyderabad (4) Bangalore (5) Jaipur Page (6) of (44) IRMA Analysis

6. What may be the probable reason(s) owing to which employment opportunities in agricultural sector have gone down in the last few years? (Answer of this question should be based on knowledge of current trend in the area). (A) More and more people in rural areas are shifting towards horticulture and other such high value products. (Like spices, medicinal plants) (B) Agriculture of crops has declined sharply. (C) Agriculture in India has become almost 100% mechanized. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (A) & (B) (4) Only (A) & (B) (5) None of these 7. The Union Budget 2004-05 has given special attention to agricultural and rural sectors. Which of the following is/are correct in this regard? (A) Doubling the agricultural credit in the next five years. (B) Rs.2800 crore allocated for the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme. (C) Rs.8000 crore earmarked for Rural Industrial Development Fund. (1) Only (A) & (B) (2) Only (A) & (C) (3) Only (A) (4) Only (B) (5) (A), (B) & (C) all 8. Occupancy rights were granted to farmers in India under the Provisions of ..... (1) Abolition of Zamindari Act (2) Consolidation of Landholding Act (3) Tenancy Reforms Act (4) Land Ceiling Act (5) All of these 9. Late Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan was associated with ..... (1) Total revolution (2) White revolution (3) Blue revolution (4) Green revolution (5) None of these 10. It is generally observed that the Indian farmers specializing in agricultural commodities and they are in distress and some of them are going towards suicides. What are the probable reasons for general distress of farmers in India? (A) Earlier, Indian agricultural prices were lower than international prices, hence export was possible. (B) Due to WTO obligations Indian farmers are put to unrest. Page (7) of (44) IRMA Analysis

(C) Exports by developed countries are heavily subsidized. Indian farmers do not get that much subsidy.

(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (B) & (C) (4) (A), (B) & (C) all (5) None of these 11. Many a times it is seen that the services provided by the organization fail to reach the poor. What could be the reason(s) for it? (A) Public spending is typically enjoyed by the rich. (B) Money does not reach to frontline service providers like teachers in primary schools and doctors in clinics etc. (C) Incentive for effective and prompt/honest services may be very weak. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (C) (4) (A) & (B) only (5) (A), (B) & (C) 12. Under Indira Awaas Yojana, grants-ln-aid is provided for house construction to help ..... (1) people below poverty line (2) SCs and STs only (3) rural people below poverty line (4) SCs, STs and QBCs (5) None of these 13. 'Gyandoot'is concerned with the ..... (1) use of literacy mission for the benefit of rural people. (2) use of information technology for the benefit of rural masses in Maharashtra. (3) uses of information technology for the benefit of rural masses in Madhya Pradesh. (4) Decentralization project in Kerala. (5) None of these 14. Bio fuels are supposed to contain several hazardous pollutants. Which of the following is NOT them? (1) Chlorine (2) Carbon monoxide (3) Formaldehyde (4) Nitrogen dioxide (5) None of these Page (8) of (44) IRMA Analysis

15. In the context of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), Blue Box subsidies rotor to (1) a market price support mechanism that sets no production limits (2) direct linking of production to subsidies, also setting limits on output by way of quotas etc (3) income support scheme unlinked to production (4) all forms of domestic support deemed to be trade distorting (5) None of these 16. If you are asked to comment on health care services in India without referring to any

literature which of the following statement(s) will you pick up as TRUE statements? (A) The child mortality rate has gone up as there is imbalance in sex ratio. (B) Now more people have access to mother- child care units. (C) India has sufficiently high number of senior citizens (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (B) & (C) (4) (A) Only (Q (5) None of these 17. The phrase "non performing assets (NPAs)" in the context of banking refers to .... . (1) deposits warranting payment of a very high rate of interest by banks. (2) deposits involving payment of low level of interest. (3) advances on which repayment is not forthcoming as per repayment schedule. (4) collateral-free loans. (5) loans and advances sanctioned to small economic operators. 18. If you are asked to comment on the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India which of the following statement(s) will you pick up as correct? (Without referring to any literature). (A) The number of PDS outlets has gone up almost in ail states. (B) Number of items covered under PDS has reduced as people use the system only for purchase of sugar and kerosene. (C) Public Distribution System has failed miserably in its goal. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (A) & (B) (3) Only (B) (4) Only (B) & (C) (5) None of those Page (9) of (44) IRMA Analysis

19. Public Distribution System (PDS) is aimed primarily at (1) The equitable distribution of land among the public (2) Fair distribution of the means of production among the rich and the poor (3) providing people with foodstuff and other essential commodities at fair price (4) proper distribution of public assets (5) None of these 20. From a total of 12 bio-diversity hot spots in the world, India has two. These are .... . (1) Indo-Gangetic plains and the Deccan plateau (2) the Eastern Ghats and the Thar desert (3) Coorg valley and Chhattisgarh (4) the northeastern region and the Western Ghats (5) None of these 21. In the past few years, foreign exchange reserves in India .... . (1) have increased considerably (2) have remained steady (3) have decreased significantly (4) have decreased by a small margin (5) have been siphoned off by Indian Corporates 22. Micro Finance refers to .... .

(1) the system of extension of credit by micro financial institutions to any kind of enterprises or small, medium or large. (2) the system of financing the micro enterprises only, necessarily by micro financial institutions. (3) provision of thrift, credit and other financial services of very small amounts to the poor, not necessarily by small financial institutions only. (4) system of extension of installment loans for purchase of consumer services (5) None of these 23. An indicator currently used by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and many of the world for measurement of the quality of people's life is known as ..... (1) human development index (2) average expectancy of life (3) per capita income (4) standard of living index (5) None of these Page (10) of (44) IRMA Analysis

24. 'Rainfed' farming can be called ..... (1) safe, simple and cost effective method. (2) complex, diverse and risk prone (3) highly risk prone (4) less risk prone (5) None of these 25. 'Inflationary pressure on an economy essentially signifies .... (1) absence of growth impulses in the economy (2) a disequilibrium between exports and imports (3) excess of government revenue over government expenditure (4) an imbalance between money supply and the supply of goods and services in the economy (5) None of these 26. As per rough estimates how many people are displaced by the big dam projects in India? (1) 10 million (2) 12 million (3) 15 million (4) 20 million (5) 38 million 27. Anti-Poverty programmes are strong indicators of government initiatives in the area of rural development. Which of the following is NOT an anti-poverty programme launched by the Government of India? (A) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) (B) Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY) (C) Kisan Credit Card Scheme (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (C) (4) (A) & (B) both (5) None of these

28. In Indian agriculture which of the following is next to foodgrains In terms of area coverage value? (1) Oilseeds (2) Vegetables (3) Fruits (4) Flowers (5) None of these Page (11) of (44) IRMA Analysis

29. One area in which cooperative movement has been most successful with exemplary is .... . (1) banking-sector (2) housing development (3) dairy & milk prod (4) small scale sector (5) Khadi & village industry 30. Which of the following agencies was set up to promote new technological inputs for enhancing prosperity? (1) CAPART (2) HUDCO (3) SIDBI (4) IDB1 (5) None of these

IRMA 2005 1. Which of the following is the second largest agro based industry in India? (1) Sugar (2) Oil (3) Paper (4) Jute (5) None of these Answers Key

1.(5) 2.(4) 3.(3) 4.(3) 5.(1) 6.(5 ) 7.(5) 8.(5) 9.(1) 10.(5) 11.(3) 12.(5) 13.(3) 14.(1) 15.(2) 16.(3) 17.(3) 18.(1) 19.(3) 20.(4) 21.(1) 22.(2) 23.(1) 24.(3) 25.(2) 26.(5) 27.(3) 28.(1) 29.(3) 30.(1) Page (12) of (44) IRMA Analysis

2. The 5th Ministerial Level Meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) held recently in Mexico. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about it? (A) USA and European Union both decided to cut down their export subsidies to a substantial level. (B) Indian and a coalition of about 50 developing countries decided to be away from the discussion as they were not given proper time slot to put up their views. (C) India was of the view that subsidy on agricultural products should not be removed by developed countries to enable India and order such countries to complete with them and be a strong economy. (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C

(4) B and C both (5) A and B both 3. About 140 children between 4 to 14 years from the rural areas other died or fells seriously ill due to a malarial fever recently. This sudden out break of the mysterious illness look place in. (1) Orissa (2) Andra Pradesh (3) Maharashtra (4) Tamil Nadu (5) None of these 4. The Prime Minister of India recently announced an extension of cheaper loan faculty to farmers. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about it ? (A) Farmers availing loans up to Rs.2 lakhs would be charged an interest rate equivalent to the Prime lending rate. (B) Crop loans up to Rs.50,000 given by the Public Sector Banks will have maximum 9% interest. (C) If the crop fails due to any natural calamity the interest amount automatically will be waived off. Only principle amount will be required to be paid off in equal quarterly installments in 7 years time. (D) All agricultural loans can how be availed for a maximum period of 120 months like any other non-agricultural loans. (1) Only A & B (2) Only A & D (3) Only B & D (4) Only A, C & D (5) Only A, B & C Page (13) of (44) IRMA Analysis

5. The procurement of Sal seeds was recently in news. Which of the following is/are the correct statements, about the uses, production and export of Sai seeds? (A) Sai seeds are occurred from the forests of Assam & Kashmir. (B) Sai seed oil is in great demand in the Japan. (C) This time some State Govt. imposed a tax on the Sai seeds coming from other states which created some imbalance in its interstate markets. (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C (4) Only C & B (5) All are correct 6. Which of the following considered a cash crop? (1) Wheat (2) Bajra (3) Ground Nut (4) Paddy (5) All of these 7. The Matrivedi Shamayitha Math who is helping people of marginalised areas by forming Self Help Group ‘Atmadwip’ is located in which area of the country? (1) Bankura district, West Bengal

(2) Bikaner district, Rajasthan (3) Bhuj district, Gujrat (4) Raipur district, Chhattisgarh (5) None of these 8. Which type of winds generally bring rains in India? (1) Planetary winds (2) Monsoon winds (3) Cyclonic winds (4) Anti-cyclonic winds (5) None of these 9. The name of Ishwarbhai Patel is closely associated with which of the following? (1) Herbal Medicine Plantation (2) Rural Sanitation (3) Power generation through garbage (4) Promotion of non-convention means of enemy Page (14) of (44) IRMA Analysis

10. Who amongst the following was adjudged as who ‘week’s Man of the Year 2002 as he help Himalayan Villagers tap local resources and thus to open new avenues of self reliance to them? (1) Baba Amte (2) Rajendra Singh (3) Sundarlal Bahuguna (4) Suresh Prabhu (5) None of these 11. Who amongst the following is the author of the book, Monetary and Financial Sector Reforms in India : A Central Banker’s Perspective’ which was published recently? (1) Dr. Bimal Jalan (2) Dr. Y.N. Reddy (3) Dr. N.Nagrajan (4) Dr. C. Ragrajan (5) None of these 12. Who amongst the following has devised an eco-friendly system to clear muddy water with a purification design which works with the help of a perennial reed? (1) Prof. Suresh Billore of Ujjain (2) Prof. K.S. Jagadish of Bangalore (3) Dr. Bindeshwar Prasad Subash Chauchataya Technology fame (4) V. Radhakishan of Bangalore (5) None of these 13. Attaining growth with Social Justice needs talking of the problem of ..... (1) Inequality (2) Inefficiency (3) Corruption (4) Population (5) None of these 14. The Prime Minister recently gave a clearance to a relief package of at most Rs.600 crores for the farmers from Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Uttaranchal. This is to provide relief to those growing ..... .

(1) Cotton (2) Wheat (3) Sugarcane (4) Paddy (5) Onions Page (15) of (44) IRMA Analysis

15. Which of the following TRUE about the ‘River Linking Project which is very much news these day? (1) The National Water Board has prepared a plan to link 6 out of 331 river which can be linked easily. (2) The estimated cost is Rs.5,50,000 crore (3) Sri Suresh Prabhu, a Union Minister is given the responsibility for the implementation of the plan. (4) The Supreme Court of India has fixed a time limit for the action which 2025. (5) All the above are true. 16. Which of the following is a famous international market for floricultural products of India? (A) Iraq (B) Netherlands (C) China (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only A & B (4) Only C (5) None of these 17. Which of the following states is said to be one of South Asia’s worst flood ravaged parts as every year it is badly affected by severe floods? (1) Bihar (2) Chhattisgarh (3) Rajasthan (4) Assam (5) None of these Page (16) of (44) IRMA Analysis

18. Which of the following is NOT a part of the Medical Termination pregnancy Act 1971 which, has recently then made more stringent by passing of a bill? (A) Stringent punishment to clinics for abortions who are not authorised to conduct abortions. (B) Abortions are to be conducted only if mother/child is affected by HIV or is likely to get HIV. (C) A panel of doctors appointed by the Chief Medical Officer of the district is authorised to recommend abortion of a girl child in case of serious threat to life of mother and/ or child. (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C (4) Only A & B (5) Only B & C

19. Who is considered the pioneer of Green Revolution in India? (1) Dr .V. Kurian (2) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (3) Dr. J.V. Narilkar (4) Dr. Amrita Patel (5) None of these 20. Before the WTO came into being which agency/organisation details with International trade issues? (1) FAO (2) ITC (3) GATT (4) UPOV (5) None of these 21. Under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), every family living below poverty line is provided with how much foodgrain per month? (1) 20 kg (2) 25 kg (3) 30 kg (4) 35 kg (5) None of these 22. Which of the following countries has raised an objection to the river linking plan of India? (1) Pakistan (2) Nepal (3) China (4) Bhutan (5) None of these Page (17) of (44) IRMA Analysis

23. A good quantity of gas was found in the basin of which of the following rivers? (1) Krishna and Godavari (2) Ganga and Yamuna (3) Cauveri (4) Jhelum and Chenab (5) None of these 24. Which of the following concepts is given by Ravindranath Upadhyay, a Gandhian who was honoured by the prestigious Jamnalal Bajaj Award recently? (1) Developing a new technique of water harvesting which results in 20% reduction in loses. (2) Use of local resources in energy production like wind, solar power etc. at small scale and for personal use of each house hold. (3) Collection of dew as a source of potable water. (4) Common granary for the rural areas where villages can deposit their produce according to their capacity and take it back when they need it. (5) None of these. 25. In which of the following state it is suggested that all those persons who are canning Rs.5,000 or more every month should put a H stamp on their Ration Cards so that essential commodities are not sold to those people?

(1) Tamil Nadu (2) Kerala (3) Delhi (4) Uttar Pradesh (5) None of these 26. Recently the provision for ‘Rain Water Harvesting’ on all the building was made mandatory in a state. Which of the following is that state? (1) Delhi (2) Karnataka (3) Kerala (4) Tamil Nadu (5) None of these 27. Panchayat Raj Institutions help in attaining ..... . (1) Forest Development (2) Agricultural Development (3) Decentralised Development (4) Road Development (5) None of these Page (18) of (44) IRMA Analysis

28. Why is Dona round of WTO so popular? (1) It was a sea side venue (2) It was the first round of WTO (3) It set the development agenda of WTO (4) It failed to take any decision (5) None of these 29. Human Development index stressed which of the following for attaining development? (1) Growth is the ultimate (2) Growth is only a means (3) Growth to be included (4) Growth to the ignored (5) None of these 30. As per the Welfare Scheme of the Union Govt. every active fisherman is insured for an amount of ... (in case of death). (1) Rs. 1 lakh (2) Rs. 50,000/(3) Rs. 25,000/(4) Rs. 1,50,000/(5) None of these 31. Sustainable development involves attaining both ..... . (1) Agricultural and Industrial Development (2) Rural and Urban Development (3) Inter and intergenerational Equity (4) Government and NGO Development (5) None of these 32. A post Harvest Technology centre is functioning at (1) IIT Kharagpur

(2) Chandra Shekhar Azad Agriculture University, Kanpur (3) Didhanchandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, W. Bengal (4) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (5) None of these 33. Agreement on Agriculture of the CATT (WTO) deals with ..... . (1) Farm production subsidies (2) Tariffs on agricultural goods (3) Agro-export subsidies (4) All (1), (2) & (3) (5) None of these Page (19) of (44) IRMA Analysis

34. The currently under going Janmabhoomi programme relates to ..... . (1) the movement for temple construction (2) rural development in general (3) distribution of land to the poor (4) archaeological excavations for locating medieval structures (5) None of these 35. The Agricultural census is conducted to seek information on which of the following? (A) Number of ratio in each family (B) The number of tractors available in the country (C) Distribution of holding landlord (D) Land use the cropping pattern (1) Only A & B (2) Only B (3) Only C & D (4) Only C (5) None of these 36. India is the largest producer of ..... . (1) Coconut (2) Pineapple (3) Apple (4) Orange (5) Sugarcane 37. Which of the following has been made a fundamental right in 2001? (1) Food (2) Employment (3) Housing (4) Education (5) All of these Answers Key 1.(1) 2.(2) 3.(2) 4.(4) 5.(4 ) 6.(5) 7.(1) 8.(2) 9.(2) 10.(3) 11.(2) 12.(1) 13.(1) 14.(3) 15.(3) 16.(2) 17.(5) 18.(5) 19.(2) 20.(3) 21.(1) 22.(5) 23.(1) 24.(4) 25.(1) 26.(4) 27.(3) 28.(4) 29.(1) 30.(1) 31.(3 ) 32.(1) 33.(3) 34.(2) 35.(4) 36.(5) 37.(5) Page (20) of (44) IRMA Analysis

IRMA 2004 Directions: For the following questions, choose the correct option.

1. Which of these is a major tea producing state ? Ans. Assam 2. What is the position of India in fish production ? Ans. Third 3. What is the full form of WTO ? Ans. World Trade Organisation 4. Which of these in a major Jute producing country ? Ans. Bangladesh 5. India’s GDP is 2,30,000 crores what is the projected share of India’s GDP in the world GDP in 2020? Ans. 10% 6. What is the allowed water discharge level by Cauvery water Board according to the latest report ? Ans. 52.92 TMC (Water year June 2005 to July 2006 at Mettur dam) 7. What is the rank of Indian economy in the world ? Ans. Sixth 8. What is the basis for determining whether a person is below poverty line or not (in India) ? Ans. If income is not sufficient to purchase all the resources requires to live. 9. What is ‘Van panchayat’ ? Ans. Van Panchayats are a unique institution, characteristic of the state of Uttaranchal, for organized utilization and protection of forests and related natural resources by local communities that are dependent on them. 10. How many (percent) people in India are dependent on agriculture? Ans. 60-65% 11. Fertilizer Industry falls under which ministry ? Ans. Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers 12. What is the minimum investment capital for an industry to be declared SSI ? Ans. Rs. 1 crore Page (21) of (44) IRMA Analysis

13. ‘Right to work’ comes in : Ans. Fundamental Rights 14. Which was the first metallurgical satellite in India ? Ans. METSAT 15. What is the amount that an SC/ST candidate has to pay for Lok Sabha election nomination? Ans. Rs. 250 16. Which crops are grown in the Ganga basin ? Ans. Rice, Sugarcane, Lentis, Oilseeds, Potatoes, Wheat. 17. What is the time for North Eastern Monsoon ? Ans. November to April 18. Date of formation of the 13th Lok Sabha is : Ans. 13, October 1999 19. What is the per capita food grain availability in India ? Ans. 525 gms 20. Which of these countries is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices? Ans. India

21. What is the purpose of ‘Helpage India’ ? Ans. Care of older persons 22. UN has decided to celebrate this year as Ans. International year of Thanks Giving 23. What is the main banking authority in India ? Ans. RBI Page (22) of (44) IRMA Analysis

IRMA 2003 1. Anthrax is Ans. A diseased which spread through spores. 2. Who is the renowned author associated with Narmada Valley Project? Ans. Arundhati Roy 3. Who has recently given a saying to ban smoking at public places? Ans. Supreme Court 4. Which dam’s project stated once again after Supreme Court's recent ruling? Ans. Narmada Valley project 5. Calorie intake for children to come under below poverty line is Ans. 2400 calorie 6. “Monsoon wedding” is a Ans. Movie which won award in Venice film festival. 7. Largest producer of milk in world is Ans. India 8. Largest producer of Rice in world is Ans. China 9. Following 2 statements related to sugar production are given, which of these is/are false? (a) India largest producer of sugar (b) India largest consumer of sugar. Ans. Neither statement is false. 10. Following 3 statements related to children literacy rate and their population in world are given, which of these is/are false? (a) 113 million are illiterate (b) 137 million total population Ans. Statement (b) is false 11. Chairman of National commission on cattle is Ans. Dharampal 12. An award related to operation flood was given to Ans. Dr. V. J. Kurien Page (23) of (44) IRMA Analysis

IRMA 2003 1. Which Indian received the Templeton Prize recently? Ans. Pandurang Shastri Athawale 1997 Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan 1975 Mother Teresa 1973 2. Which organisation is Amrita Patel associated with? Ans. National Dairy Development Board 3. What is the total length (kms) covered by all-weather roads in India?

Ans. 960, 000 km 4. Who is associated with Shirdi Village? Ans. Sai Baba 5. What is Operation Flood? Ans. Dairy products production 6. Indian Population shall increase by how much by 2050? Ans. 159.3 million 7. Which person is associated with the Ever Green Revolution? Ans. M. S. Swaminathan 8. Which movement is Arundhati Roy associated with? Ans. Narmada Valley Project 9. Which two states are involved in the Cauvery River Water dispute? Ans. Tamilnadu and Karnataka 10. When was the last census of animals undertaken in India? Ans. October 2003, and before that in year 1997 11. Deficiency of which vitamin causes night blindness? Ans. Vitamin A 12. Who received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2000? Ans. Amartya sen 13. Which of the following is a water born disease? (1) T.B. (2) Malaria (3) Typhoid (4) None of these Page (24) of (44) IRMA Analysis

Ans. Malaria 14. The Central Government has allowed VRS for which of the following group of workers? (1) All Central Government employees (2) Bank employees Ans. Bank employees 15. In which event did K. Malleswari win an Olympic medal in Sydney Olympics? Ans. Weightlifting 16. Which organisation did World Bank Chief James Wolfensohn visit on his recent trip to India? Ans. L & T Infocity Ltd. 17. Which state has an extremely efficient sugar co-operative system? Ans. Maharashtra 18. Which gas affect the Ozone layer the most? Ans. Carbon di oxide 19. Who is the Governor of newly constituted state Uttaranchal? Ans. Surjit Singh Barnala 20. Which state lead in these crop: Tendu leaves, Coffee etc.? Ans. Tendu leaves – M. P., Coffee – Karnataka 21. In which states of India Panchayati Raj in not available? (1) Assam & Meghalaya a. Nagaland & Meghalaya Ans. Nagaland and Meghalaya 22. Who won the Booker prize for the year 1999 - 2000? Ans. 2000 : Margaret Atwood, Trezza Azzopardi, Michael Collins, Kazuo Ishiguro,

Matthew Kneale, Brian O'Doherty. 1999 : J. M. Coetzee, Anita Desai, Michael Frayn, Andrew O'Hagan, Ahdaf Soueif, Colm Tóibín. 23. Who is the chairman of NABARD? Ans. Mr. Y. C. Nanda Page (25) of (44) IRMA Analysis

IRMA 2002 1. Expected population of India by the end of 2000 ... (1) 100 million (2) 130 million (3) 110 million (4) 190 million Ans. 100 million 2. Rural population of India is what percentage of total population? Ans. 70% 3. Chandrababu Naidu has launched a scheme for social awareness : Ans. Lok Jumbish 4. Kalahandi is famous for : (1) Flood (2) Rural Development program (3) Surplus food growth (4) None of these Ans. Surplus food growth 5. World population day ……………. Ans. 11th July 6. Which cash crop failure was the reason for farmers committing suicide ? Ans. COTTON 7. What is Terminator Seed ? Ans. An infertile seed developed by monsonto and US department of Agriculture that requires farmers to by new seed year after year after year. 8. Which MNC is involved in this conspiracy ? Ans. MONSANTO 9. Which two companies are allowed to be disinvested by GOI ? Ans. GAIL & IOL 10. 1998 GDP growth rate is ....... Ans. 5.4% 11. Important criteria for classifying people below poverty time: Ans. CALORIE 12. Which state in India has allowed 1/3 reservation of women in Civil Services ? Ans. Possibly West Bengal Page (26) of (44) IRMA Analysis

13. Largest importer of food grain in the world is ………….. Ans. Japan 14. ‘Dirham’ to the currency of which country ? Ans. KUWAIT 15. After a prolonged legal battle, women of which country have been allowed to vote ? Ans. KUWAIT 16. Full form of "SIDBI" Ans. Small Industries Development Bank of India 17. Who has written "Policing Democracy" Ans. Author is R.K. Raghavan

18. "Narendra Nath" who died recently was related to ……. (1) Hockey (2) Chess (3) Badminton (4) Tennis Ans. Tennis 19. Duration of "Eight five year plan" Ans. 1992-1997 20. Which of these is not a fundamental right ? (1) Slaughter of healthy animal (2) National Heritage (3) Security Ans. Slaughter of healthy animal Page (27) of (44) IRMA Analysis

IRMA 2001 1. Main objective of IRDP was :..... Ans. Enable indentified rural poor families to augment their incomes and cross the poverty line through acquisition of credit based productive assests. 2. 73rd Constitutional amendment is related to : Ans. Panchayatas 3. Prof. Amartya Sen has been awarded Nobel Prize in Economics for which field? Ans. Third world countries and illiteracy 4. Name given to Revolution in Fishing Ans. Blue Revolution 5. Untouchability is eradicated through : (1) Constitutional amendments. (2) By forgetting (3) Direction principle (4) None of these Ans. Constitutional amendments 6. Reservation in constitution is given on the basis of : (1) Religion and language (2) Religion only (3) Language only (4) Caste only. Ans. Caste only 7. What does "RYOTAWRI" system mean? Ans. A system of revenue collection for farmers. 8. What is the scheme not related to Poverty Alleviation ? (1) JRY (2) EGS (3) FWP (4) None of these Ans. None of these Page (28) of (44) IRMA Analysis

9. What was the total area of Land Holding in 1990 in India? Ans. 105, 507, 000 hectare

10. Why did few farmers recently commit suicide? Ans. Because they were unable to pay loan defaults. 11. Who is a "Marginal Farmer"? Ans. A cultivator with a land holding of 1 hectare or less (2.5 acres) 12. Timing of Rabi crop : Ans. November – April 13. Where is the headquarter of FAO? Ans. Rome, Italy 14. Which state has completely privatised electricity? Ans. Orissa Page (29) of (44) IRMA Analysis

Sample Questions for your reference 1. The name of the prison where gross human rights violations were reported in Iraq by US soldiers was (1) Baghdad Central prision (2) Abu Gharib (3) Abu Sahara (4) Al Hasania 2. The term ‘food security’ as used in development and humanitarian aid implies (1) a situation in which people in a community at all times, have access to nutritious, safe, personally acceptable and culturally appropriate foods, produced in ways that are environmentally sound and socially just. (2) availability of ample storages and warehouses in a community, so that the food is secure. (3) availability of cultivable land to grow food crops. (4) as development takes places in a community, the food habits evolve and acquire a global character. 3. The NGO, ‘cry’ (child relief and you), was established in 1978 by (1) Amit Awasthi (2) Jagjit Singh (3) Rippan Kapur (4) Rohan Singh 4. The state to have recorded the most dramatic decadal growth in literacy since 1991 is (1) Orissa (2) Rajasthan (3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Chhattisgarh 5. Which state has the dubious distinction of recording the lowest sex ratio of 861 in census 2001. (1) Haryana (2) Bihar (3) Orissa (4) Rajasthan Page (30) of (44) IRMA Analysis

6. Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India. Accord to census 2001 it hovered around (1) 99%

(2) 90.92% (3) 95.6% (4) 88% 7. The top 3 states, in terms of literacy rates, in India are (1) Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andra Pradesh (2) Kerala, Mezoram, Lakhyadweep (3) Kerala, Mizoram, Tamilnadu (4) Kerala, Bengal, Tamilnadu 8. Department of ‘Ayush’ (Ministry of health and family welfare) is to (1) upgrade and strengthen Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda, yoga, Homeopathy, Sidha etc. (2) address the needs of aged people (3) supervise education of prodigal brains in the field of medicine and utilize their services in R&D. (4) None of the above 9. The term ‘Green GDP’ implies (1) net value of GDP, deducting the amounts not realized, thus what is left is the currency, which is green in colour. (2) the GDP of Islamic countries. (3) the adjustment of traditional GDP, deducting resource and environmental costs in economic activities. (4) the GDP of fastest growing economies, which causes envy to other nations, symbolically represented by colour green. 10. What is meant by ‘trickle-down’ theory of development? (1) Income generated in industrial sector at top will integrate the agriculture (subsistence) sector at the bottom by flow of income. (2) For development to become a reality, policies should focus on the marginalized sections, which have trickled down, and reached the bottom rungs of society. (3) Development should imply trickle down of power from center to grass root levels of panchayats. (4) None of the above Page (31) of (44) IRMA Analysis

11. In India, estimation of incidence of poverty is on the basis of per capita calorie consumption, which amounts to (1) 2400 cal for rural and 2100 cal urban areas (2) 2100 cal for rural and 2400 cal urban areas (3) 2300 cal for rural and 2000 cal urban areas (4) 2000 cal for rural and 2300 cal urban areas 12. According to the planning commission statistics, the percentage of people below poverty line in India, in rural & urban areas respectively, is (1) 26% and 23.6% (2) 30% and 26% (3) 23% and 22% (4) 30% and 35% 13. The long-term target of ‘National Population Policy 2000’ is to achieve a stable population by the year

(1) 2025 (2) 2010 (3) 2020 (4) 2045 14. ‘Operation Flood’ is a (1) cooperative based movement pioneered by Dr. Kurien, for the production of milk. (2) the rescue mission army undertakes to protect civilians from the wrath of floods. (3) strategy to flood foreign markets with cheaper goods. (4) programme to evacuate submerged villagers in catchment areas, when flooded by river after construction of a dam. 15. The human development Index (HDI) of UNDP measures three basic dimensions of human development. These does NOT include. (1) Longevity and Health (2) IT in governance (3) Education and Knowledge (4) Decent standard of living 16. GDI is (1) Grand Development Index (2) Gross Development Initiative (3) Gender related Development Index (4) Goals of Development in India Page (32) of (44) IRMA Analysis

17. How much was India’s production of sugarcane in 2007-08? 1) 194 million tonnes 2) 299 million tonnes 3) 344 million tonnes 4) 417 million tonnes 18. Which automobile company was in news recently for its new marketing initiative titled ‘Ghar Ghar Ki Pehchaan’ for tapping rural markets for its popular model? 1) Maruti-Suzuki 2) Hyundai 3) Tata Motors 4) Mahindra & Mahindra 19. NEERI – National Environment Engineering Institute, is situated at (1) Dehradun (2) Shimla (3) Nagpur (4) Trivendrum 20. How much was India’s per capita income in 2007-08 according to the Central Statistical Organisation? (1) Rs 19,718 (2) Rs 27,745 (3) Rs 33,131 (4) Rs 39,361 21. “Bhagidari’, is the successful citizen participation initiative of govt. of:

(1) Maharashtra (2) Delhi (3) Gujarat (4) Uttar Pradesh 22. The expenditure, as a percentage of GDP, on education, in India is (1) 2.4% (2) 8% (3) 5% (4) 3.9% 23. The expenditure on health, as a percentage of GDP, in India is (1) 9% (2) 5% (3) 4% (4) 3% Page (33) of (44) IRMA Analysis

24. Ironically, amidst the reports of starvation deaths, the food subsidy bill of India has climbed to all time high of (1) 27,746 crores (2) 40,000 crores (3) 1000 crores (4) 54,880 crores 25. As per the International Labour Organisation (ILO), what percentage of children (age group 10-14 years) are employed as child labour? (1) 10% (2) 12% (3) 14% (4) 20% 26. The chairperson of the NGO, center for science and Environment (CSE) is (1) Sunita Narayan (2) Aruna Roy (3) Amrita Patel (4) Maneka Gandhi 27. How much was India’s production of cotton in 2007-08 and how much is each bale worth? (1) 15 million bales, 130 kg (2) 19 million bales, 150 kg (3) 23 million bales, 170 kg (4) million bales, 190 kg 28. How much was India’s trade deficit (imports minus exports) in 2007-08, according to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry? (1) $ 56.7 billion (2) $ 72.4 billion (3) $ 80.3 billion (4) $ 97.1 billion 29. Survey of India comes under the purview of_____ (1) Defence Ministry (2) Environment and Forest Ministry

(3) Home Ministry (4) Science and Technology Ministry Page (34) of (44) IRMA Analysis

30. Name the scheme designed to provide AIIMS like institutions in 6 backward states of Bihar Chhattisgarh, MP, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttaranchal. (1) Pradhan Mantri Chirayu Yojna (2) Pradhan Mantri Sanjeevani Yojna (3) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Sangathan Yojna (4) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna 31. Demographic transition’ is the transition form a stable population with high mortality and high fertility to a stable population with (1) low mortality and low fertility (2) high mortality and low fertility (3) low mortality and high fertility (4) None of the above 32. The ‘Greenhouse Gases’ does NOT include (1) CO2 (2) Chloroflourocarbons (3) Methane (4) Sulphur dioxide 33. International Day against Drug abuse is observed on (1) June 26 (2) October 10 (3) April 5 (4) January 2 34. The ‘Golden Triangle’ of world’s primary opium and heroin producing areas, includes the countries of (1) Myanmar Thailand and Laos (2) India, Myanmar and Thailand (3) Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia (4) India, Myanmar, China 35. The limit on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the sector of print media in India is (1) 74% (2) 15% (3) 51% (4) 26% 36. The ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ (SSA) is a centrally sponsored scheme to universalize the (1) higher education (2) secondary education (3) elementary education (4) Vocational education 37. How much was the share of agriculture in India’s GDP in 2007-08, according to the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)? (1) 12.1% (2) 17.8% (3) 23.1% (4) 27.4% Page (35) of (44) IRMA Analysis

38. By what name was the 1992 ‘United Nations Conference on Environment and Development’ better known? (1) Earth Summit (2) Terra Firma Summit (3) Kyoto Summit (4) Globus Summit 39. The union cabinet approved implementation of PURA in 4130 rural clusters in next 5 years. PURA stands for (1) Pollution Under Control in Rural Areas (2) Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (3) People in Urban areas to be settled in rural Areas. (4) Providing Useful amenities to rural Areas.

40. How much was India’s production of crude oil and natural gas in 2007-08, according to the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas? (1) 34 million tonnes & 32,274 million cubic metres (2) 39 million tonnes & 31,274 million cubic metres (3) 43 million tonnes & 34,274 million cubic metres (4) 47 million tonnes & 29,274 million cubic metres 41. How much was the share of services in India’s GDP in 2007-08, according to the CSO? (1) 45.7% (2) 54.2% (3) 61.1% (4) 73.4% 42. How much was India’s foodgrain production in 2007-08? (1) 190 million tonnes (2) 219 million tonnes (3) 244 million tonnes (4) 69 million tonnes 43. Rajendra Singh is the founder of an origination, in the field watershed mgmt, which is transforming the landscape of Rajasthan. Name the origination. (1) Yuva Bharat (2) Mazdoor Kissan Sangarsh Sangh (3) Tarun Bharat Sangh (4) None of the above 44. 70% of the global total of HIV infected live in the (1) Sub Saharan Africa (2) Indian Subcontinent (3) Northern Africa (4) USA and Canada 45. How much was India’s external debt at the end of financial year 2007-08 (on March 31, 2008), according to the RBI? (1) $ 119 billion (2) $ 169 billion (3) $ 187 billion (4) $ 221 billion Page (36) of (44) IRMA Analysis

46. How much was India’s steel production in 2007-08, according to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion? (1) 54 million tonnes (2) 59 million tonnes (3) 64 million tonnes (4) 77 million tonnes 47. The rationale behind ‘Mid-day Meal’ Scheme is (1) to address the problem of absenteeism of teachers in rural areas. (2) to reduce the drop outs in primary school as midday meal serves as an incentive to attend school regularly. (3) Mid day Meals scheme would bolster food for work Programme. (4) None of the above. 48. An index combining the unemployment rate and inflation rate, used to measure the political significance of the condition of the economy and consumer confidence, is known as (1) misery index (2) unemployment index (3) discomfort index (4) weak index 49. What is Tobin Tax related to? (1) Stock market transaction (2) Agriculture tax (3) Property tax (4) Public property tax 50. What is sex ratio ? (1) Number of females per thousand males

(2) Number of males per thousand females (3) Number of females per sq. km. (4) Number of females per 100 families 51. Who among the following is the managing director of the home appliance major Whirlpool India? (1) Rajeev Kanwal (2) Pushpinder Singh (3) Raj Jain (4) Rajat Kapoor 52. Which company claims to be "India's first global corporation"? (1) Reliance group (2) Ranbaxy (3) Tata sons (4) AB Birla group 53. How much is the annual installed capacity of the India’s nuclear power programme run by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL)? (1) 2198 MW (2) 3153 MW (3) 4124 MW (4) 5393 MW 54. How much was India’s rice production in 2007-08? (1) 87 million tonnes (2) 94 million tonnes (3) 105 million tonnes (4) 112 million tonnes Page (37) of (44) IRMA Analysis

55. In India first agriculture insurance scheme, Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS) had been launched in which year? (1) 1999-00 (2) 2000-01 (3) 1985-86 (4) 1995-96 56. Which among the following statements is/are true about the Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT)? A. Mat is levied on companies whose tax liability in a particular year is less tha 7.5% of their book profits B. Mr. P Chidambaram had introduced this tax in his earlier stint in finance ministry C. The Budget 2004-05 has scrapped this tax Choose the answer from the following choices: (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) A and B (4) B and C 57. Which of the following has the highest share (2000 MW) of annual installed capacity in India’s nuclear power production? (1) Kakrapar (2) Kaiga (3) Kudankulum (4) Tarapur 58. According to the Central Statistical Organisation what was the growth rate in India’s industrial production in 2007-08? (1) 7.3% (2) 8.1% (3) 9.7% (4) 11.2% 59. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) how many vehicles (two-wheelers, three-wheelers, cars and utility vehicles and commercial vehicles) were exported from India in 2007-08? (1) 0.21 million (2) 0.67 million (3) 1.23 million (4) 1.94 million 60. Which type of winds generally bring rains in India? (1) Planetary winds (2) Monsoon winds

(3) Cyclonic winds (4) Anti-cyclonic winds 61. The name of Ishwarbhai Patel is closely associated with which of the following? (1) Herbal Medicine Plantation (2) Rural Sanitation (3) Power generation through garbage (4) Promotion of non-convention means of enemy Page (38) of (44) IRMA Analysis

62. Which of the following statements is true about Venu Srinivasan? (1) He is the Chairman of the Chennai-based TVS Motor Company (2) He is the first Indian to be honoured by Warwick University (UK) with doctorate degree (Honorary) (3) He excels in manufacturing technology and research (4) All of the above 63. Who amongst the following is the author of the book, Monetary and Financial Sector Reforms in India : A Central Banker’s Perspective’ which was published recently? (1) Dr. Bimal Jalan (2) Dr. Y.N. Reddy (3) Dr. N.Nagrajan (4) Dr. C. Rangrajan 64. On 1st July, Saddam Hussein faced an Iraqi judicial hearing, where he was read seven preliminary charges. Which of the following has/have been included in these charges A. Invasion of Kuwait B. Suppressing the Shiite uprising C. Gassing of the Kurds (1) A and B (2) B and C (3) A only (4) A, B and C 65. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a standard criterion for (1) Measuring oxygen levels in animals (2) Computing oxygen levels in forest ecosystems (3) Estimating pollution levels in aquatic systems (4) Measuring oxygen levels in blood 66. Agni-I missile has a range of: (1) More than 300 kms (2) More than 700 kms (3) 400 kms (4) 100 kms 67. Recently United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Oraganisation (UNESCO) has declared two temples in India as "World heritage monuments". These two temples are landmark examples of (1) Chola culture (2) Gupta architecture (3) Kushana architecture (4) Chandela culture 68. India is abundant in the reserves of which radioactive element? (1) Uranium (2) Thorium (3) Radium (4) Plutonium . 69. Which of the following is a famous international market for floricultural products of India? (A) Iraq (B) Netherlands (C) China Page (39) of (44) IRMA Analysis

(1) Only A (2) Only B

(3) Only A & B (4) Only C 70. What is common to Mangala, Aishwariya and Bhagyam? (1) Oil fields developed by Cairn (2) Drilling rigs of ONGC (3) Matchstick brands of ITC (4) Brands of fireworks from Sivakasi 71 A 533-Metre tall building is being constructed at the site of World Trade Tower that was destroyed on 11th November, 2002. The name given to the building under construction is (1) Phoenix Tower (2) Dragon Tower (3) Hope Tower (4) Freedom Tower 72. Except Pakistan, USA has offered non-NATO ally status to another country recently. The country is (1) Ukraine (2) Uganda (3) Uruguay (4) Morocco 73. Who is considered the pioneer of Green Revolution in India? (1) Dr. V. Kurian (2) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (3) Dr. J.V. Narikar (4) Dr. Amrita Patel 74. The first Amendment to the constitution was passed in the year (1) 1953 (2) 1952 (3) 1951 (4) 1950 75. Before the WTO came into being which agency/organisation deals with International trade issues? (1) FAO (2) ITC (3) GATT (4) UPOV 76. The documentary film, A Brilliant Sun, directed by Zafar Hai, chronicles the life of which business magnate? (1) J.R.D. Tata (2) Laxmi Niwas Mittal (3) M.S. Oberoi (4) Aditya Vikram Birla 77 Thymine deficiency causes: (1) Parkinson's disease (2) Beri-Beri (3) Scurvy (4) Pellagra 78. Total fatty matter (TFM) is a parameter used to judge the quality of which product? (1) Hair dye (2) Skin cream (3) Soap (4) Shampoo Page (40) of (44) IRMA Analysis

79. Why did the Indian government ban the import of ‘Terminator seeds”? (1) They contain a virus which can destroy local crops (2) These seeds are injurious to human and animal health (3) These seeds contain genetically engineered properties to prevent further multiplication (4) These seeds multiply at very slow rates 80. Instrument used to measure the force and velocity of the wind as (1) Ammeter (2) Anemometer (3) Altimeter (4) Audiometer 81. Recently the provision for ‘Rain Water Harvesting’ on all the building was made mandatory in a state. Which of the following is that state? (Success rate is also report

as 99%) (1) Delhi (2) Karnataka (3) Kerala (4) Tamil Nadu 82. Panchayati Raj Institutions help in attaining ..... . (1) Forest Development (2) Agricultural Development (3) Decentralised Development (4) None of these 83. Consider the following A. Bharat Electronics Limited B. Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited C. Goa Shipyard Limited Which of these is/are functioning under the Department of Defence Production and Supplies? (1) 1, 2 and 3 (2) 1 only (3) 2 and 3 (4) 1 and 3 84. Which one among the following is the highest peak? (1) Kamet (2) Kin Lun (3) Nanga Parbat (4) Nanda Devi 85. "Point 5353" which was at the center of controversy in recent past was related to (1) Kargil War (2) Indo-China Border Dispute (3) Indo-Nepal Border (4) Oil Exploration in Indian Ocean 86. "Powering India's Growth" tagline is associated with one Navratna PSU (public sector undertaking). The PSU in the question is (1) Power Trading Corporation (2) Indian Oil (3) NTPC (4) SAIL Page (41) of (44) IRMA Analysis

87. Applause-Entertainment, which recently produced Amitabh Bachchan-starrer film 'Dev', is financially backed by a well-known businessman. The businessman in the question is (1) Kumar Mangalam Birla (2) Ratan Tata (3) Vijay Mallya (4) Sunil Bharti Mittal 88. Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon? (1) Anthracite (2) Peat (3) Bituminous (4) Lignite 89. The currently under going Janmabhoomi programme relates to ..... . (1) the movement for temple construction (2) rural development in general (3) distribution of land to the poor (4) archaeological excavations for locating medieval structures 90. The Agricultural census is conducted to seek information on which of the following? (A) Number of ratio in each family (B) The number of tractors available in the country (C) Distribution of holding landlord (D) Land use the cropping pattern (1) Only A and B (2) Only B (3) Only C and D (4) Only C

91. India is the largest producer of ..... . (1) Coconut (2) Pineapple (3) Apple (4) Sugarcane 92. Which of the following has been made a fundamental right in 2001? (1) Food (2) Employment (3) Housing (4) Education 93. Who invented the World Wide Web in 1989? (1) Tim Berners-Lee (2) Ken Thompson (3) Bill Gates (4) Doug Englebart 94. The branch of agriculture which deals with the health and breeding of the domestic animals is called: (1) Dairy science (2) Veterinary Science (3) Poultry (4) Animal Husbandry 95. Which of the following is the second largest agro based industry in India? (1) Sugar (2) Oil (3) Paper (4) None of these Page (42) of (44) IRMA Analysis

96. "CRISIL" is an abbreviation for (1) Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (2) Child Rehabilitation Service of India Ltd. (3) Children Relief and Inhabitants Securities of India Ltd. (4) Credit Rating Investigation Service of India Ltd. 97. Constitution amending bill passed by the parliament also requires to be ratified by the legislatures of not less than half of the states in regard to the (1) Fundamental Rights (2) Fundamental Duties (3) Representation of states in the parliament (4) Constitutional Emergency 98. One of the essential conditions of perfect competition is (1) Different prices for identical products (2) Large number of buyer and sellers (3) Large number of buyers and less numbers of sellers (4) Only one seller in the market. 99. Under whose advice the President of India declares Emergency under Article 352? (1) Council of Ministers (2) Chief Ministers of all states (3) Cabinet (4) Prime Minister 100. Tenth Five–Year Plan covered the period: (1) 2001–2006 (2) 2002–2007 (3) 2003–2008 (4) 2000–2005 101. Largest Sugarcane Producing State in India is: (1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Haryana (3) Orissa (4) Bihar 102. Which of the following offices has not been provided in the constitution? (1) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha (2) Deputy speaker of Lok Sabha

(3) Deputy Prime Minister (4) Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assembly 103. What is ‘Sagar Samriddhi’? (1) ONGC’s multi-billion dollar deep–sea oil and gas hunt. (2) A new oil exploration ship. (3) The operation launched to increase the export of sea products. (4) A new nuclear submarine. Page (43) of (44) IRMA Analysis

104. Who is the successor to the authority that was functioning as the privy council before the coming into being of the Constitution of India? (1) The president of India (2) The council of Ministers of the central Government (3) Supreme court (4) The Rajya Sabha 105. Which of the following is not included in the National Income? (1) Imputed rent of owner occupied houses. (2) Government expenditure on making new bridge. (3) Winning a lottery (4) Commission paid to an agent for sale of a house. 106. ‘Ceteris Paribus’ means (1) Ignoring everything (2) Including each component (3) All other things unchanged (4) Everything variable 107. River Ganga does not pass through the state of: (1) UP (2) Bihar (3) Haryana (4) West Bengal 108. The Indian Government has approved in the end of 2001 the cultivation of genetically modified cotton called 'BT Cotton'. Which multinational company is the major beneficiary of this decision? (1) Cargill (2) BASF (3) Monsanto (4) Syngenta 109. Which PC component was invented by Douglas Englebart? (1) Hard disc (2) Processor (3) Monitor (4) Mouse 110. What is dry ice? (1) Liquid nitrogen (2) Water ice (3) Solid carbon dioxide (4) Frozen ethanol Page (44) of (44) IRMA Analysis

Answers Key

1.(1) 2.(1) 3.(3) 4.(2) 5.(1) 6.(2 ) 7.(2) 8.(1) 9.(3) 10.(1) 11.(1) 12.(1) 13.(4) 14.(1) 15.(2) 16.(3) 17.(3) 18.(2) 19.(3) 20.(3) 21.(2) 22.(4) 23.(1) 24.(1) 25.(3) 26.(1) 27.(3) 28.(1) 29.(3) 30.(4) 31.(1) 32.(4) 33.(1) 34.(1) 35.(4) 36.(3) 37.(2) 38.(2) 39.(2) 40.(1) 41.(2) 42.(2) 43.(3) 44.(1) 45.(4) 46.(1) 47.(2) 48.(1) 49.(1) 50.(1) 51.(3) 52.(4) 53.(3) 54.(2) 55.(3) 56.(3) 57.(3) 58.(2) 59.(3) 60.(2) 61.(2) 62.(4) 63.(2) 64.(4) 65.(3) 66.(2) 67.(1) 68.(2) 69.(2) 70.(1) 71.(4) 72.(4) 73.(2) 74.(3) 75.(3) 76.(1) 77.(2) 78.(3) 79.(3) 80.(2) 81.(1) 82.(4) 83.(1) 84.(3) 85.(1) 86.(3) 87.(1) 88.(1) 89.(3) 90.(4) 91.(4) 92.(4) 93.(1) 94.(4) 95.(4) 96.(1) 97.(3) 98.(2) 99.(3) 100.(2) 101.(1) 102.(3) 103.(1) 104.(3) 105.(3) 106.(4) 107.(3) 108.(3) 109.(1) 110.(3)

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