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IRMA – Question Bank 1.

According to the tenth plan the credit flow to the farm sector is a. Rs. 7,36,570 crore b. Rs. 6,43,249 crore c. Rs. 4,67,582 crore d. Rs. 3,45,678 crore


The number of member countries of the World Trade Organization at present is a. 143 b. 146 c. 148 d. 150


The percentage of the Indian population that directly or indirectly depend upon the agriculture is a. 50% b. 60% c. 70% d. 80%


Which of the following represents the fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP for the year 2005? a. 3.3% b. 4.4% c. 5.5% d. 6.6%


According to the Union Budget 2004-2005, the targeted disinvestments proceeds for the year 2005 has been pegged at a. Rs. 4000 cr b. Rs. 7500 cr c. Rs. 10200 cr d. Rs. 13400 cr


According to the Union Budget 2004-2005, the reduction in the short-term capital gains tax is a. 10% b. 15% c. 20% d. 25%


This personality is the trade Commissioner of the European Union (EU). Identify him from the given options. a. Romano Prodi b. Pascal Lamy c. Robert Zoellick d. Franz Fischler


Vyas Committee deals with a. direct and indirect taxes c. reforms in securities market

b. flow of agriculture credit d. Banking sector


This state was in the news as there were increasing number of suicide cases by the farmers from this state. Can you identify the state from the given options? a. Karnataka b. Tamil Nadu c. Andhra Pradesh d. Kerala


This state was in the news as red alert was sounded in the 10 districts of this state because of the outbreak of a viral disease that was affecting goats and sheep heavily. Identify the name of the state in question. a. Andhra Pradesh b. Tamil Nadu c. Karnataka d. Kerala ... Page : 1 ...


Which of the following represents the targeted GDP growth rate according to the tenth planning commission? a. 6% b. 7% c. 8% d. 10%


This personality is the founder of Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) and is the winner of the recent Lal Bahadur Shastri award for Management and Academics. Can you identify the name of the personality in question? a. Vandana Shiva b. Ela Bhatt c. Teesta Setalwad d. Shanta Sinha


The venue of the last (fifth) ministerial meet of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was a. Doha b. Singapore c. Cancun d. Geneva


Identify the incorrect match. SCHEME a. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana b. Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana c. Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana d. Swajaldhara Yojana

YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 1999 2001 2000 2003

Food Corporation of India (FCI) is chaired by a. V.K. Malhotra c. Bhure Lal

b. R.M. Premkumar d. None of these



In which of the following states of India would you find Indira Sagar project? a. Uttar Pradesh b. Rajasthan c. Madhya Pradesh d. Maharashtra


This personality was in the news recently as he replaced Sompal Shastri to get the chairmanship of the newly created National Farmer Commission. Identify the name of the personality we are concerned here with. a. Prof Yashpal b. M.S.Swaminatahan c. Mangala Rai d. R.S. Paroda


The approximate share of India in the Global Textile Trade is a. 2% b. 4% c. 6% d. 8%


The largest economy of the world according to the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is a. U.K. b. U.S.A c. Germany d. China


Which of the following represents the rank of India according to the purchasing power parity ? a. IInd b. IIIrd c. IVth d. Vth ... Page : 2 ...


This personality is the chairman and managing director of the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI). Identify him from the given options. a. V.P. Sinha b. Vijay Singh c. M. Damodaran d. P. P. Vora


e-choupal is the name of the IT project that won the International Chamber of Commerce award. Which of the following organizations you would associate with this IT project? a. ITC b. HLL c. NABARD d. IOC


SMILE expands to a. Securities and Management Integrated Logistics Extension b. Securities Markets Infrastructure Leveraging Expert Task Force c. Systems Multifunctional Integrated Logistics Exports d. Systems Marketing International Leveraging Extension


This personality is the deputy chairman to the planning commission of India. Can you identify the name of the personality from the given options? a. K.C. Pant b. M.S.Ahluwalia c. N.K. Singh d. Vijay Kelkar


According to the recently released UNDP's Human Development Index report, which of the following represents the rank obtained by India? a. 117 b. 127 c. 137 d. 147


This country was ranked at the top position in the UNDP's recently released Human Development Index report and is also known as "the land of midnight sun". Can you identify the name of the country in question? a. Japan b. Finland c. Italy d. Norway


Which of the following represents the present rate of service tax? a. 7% b. 8% c. 9% d. 10%


Which of the following banks was in the news recently as it launched the Kisan Samadhan Card? a. NABARD b. Canara Bank c. Bank of India d. State Bank of India


This personality will be heading the Group of ministers formed for identifying the possibilities of reservation in the private sector. Can you identify the name of the personality in question? a. Manmohan Singh b. Sharad Pawar c. P. Chidambaram d. Kamal Nath

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According to the recently released Foreign Trade Policy, which of the following represents the target of the global trade that the Government of India wants to achieve in the next five years? a. 1% b. 1.5% c. 2% d. 2.5%


Which of the following represents the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) at present? a. 4% b. 4.5% c. 5% d. 5.5%


The final approval to the plan of the Planning Commission is done by a. The ministry of Finance b. National Development Council c. Finance Commission d. Lok Sabha


This personality is the chairperson of NABARD. Can you identify the name of the personality in question ? a. Y.C. Nanada b. Ranjana Kumar c. A.K. Purwar d. G.S. Khush


According to the Central Statistical Organization's figures , which of the following represents the rate of growth of the GDP in the year 2003-2004? a. 7.6% b. 8.2% c. 9.4% d. 10.5%


Which of the following personalities is the present Solicitor General of India? a. Milon Kumar Bannerjee b. GoolamVahanvati c. Soli J. Sorabjee d. Harish Salve


Which of the following represents the venue of the farm talks of WTO that took place in 2004? a. New York b. Geneva c. Rome d. Vienna


VAT will be implemented throughout the country from a. January1, 2005 b. February1, 2005 c. March1, 2005 d. April 1,2005


This personality won the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration recently. Name him from the given options. a. Shyam Benegal b. Baba Amte c. Asghar Ali Engineer d. Swami Agnivesh


Which of the following personalities is the Father of Indian Poultry industry? a. Dr. V. Kurien b. Dr. B.V. Rao c. C. Subramanium d. Dr. G.S. Khush


Which of the following is the longest National Highway of India? a. National Highway number 3 b. National Highway number 5 c. National Highway number 7 d. National Highway number 9 ... Page : 4 ...


The first amendment in the Constitution of India took place in the year a. 1950 b. 1952 c. 1954 d. 1956


Kyoto Treaty is associated with a. Banning of Landmines c. Human Cloning

b. Global Warming d. Unification of Germany


Wangari Mathai is the founder of the Green Belt movement which she started in 1977 in Kenya. She is the recent winner of a. Right Livelihood Award, 2004 b. Nobel Prize for Peace, 2004 c. Magsaysay Award, 2004 d. Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for International Understanding, 2004.


Which of the following institutions publish the Global Competitiveness Report? a. World Bank b. International Monetary Fund c. World Economic Forum d. Federal Reserve Bank


Which of the following represents the amount that has recently been sanctioned by the government for the new 'food for work programme' cleared by the cabinet ? a. Rs. 1,560 crore b. Rs. 1,864 crore c. Rs. 2,020 crore d. Rs. 2,234 crore


Amnesty International, the foremost human rights organization is headquartered at a. New York b. London c. Geneva d. Paris


Which of the following days is celebrated as the International Labour Day? a. February 23 b. April 10 c. May 1 d. August 27


India's sixth Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Mundra is located in a. Madhya Pradesh b. Karnataka c. Maharashtra d. Gujarat


'Aao Gaon Chalen', is the name of the ambitious project that has been undertaken by Indian Medical Association primarily for providing _____ to every villager. a. drinking water b. electricity c. health d. education


According to the Union Budget 2004-2005, which of the following represents the increased target of covering families under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana? a. 1 crore b. 1.5 crore c. 2 crore d. 2.5 crore

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The oil cartel of 11 oil producing nations of the world OPEC is headquartered at a. Caracas b. Kuwait city c. Vienna d. Abu Dhabi


As an outcome of the construction of the Indira Sagar Dam, many families from this town Harsud had to relocate themselves as they were facing the imminent fear getting drowned. Can you identify the name of the state in which this town is located? a. Gujrat b. Madhya Pradesh c. Uttar Pradesh d. Maharashtra


Which of the following represents the targeted growth rate of exports for 2004-05 by the Government of India recently? a. 12% b. 14% c. 16% d. 18%


According to the recently released Economic Survey, the food grain production in 2003-04 has been a. 174.2 million ton b. 183.4million ton c. 191.2 million ton d. 210.8 million ton


'Operation Karn', is the name of the innovative programme launched by the Amravati district of Maharashtra. This programme is associated with taking care of the a. Oppressed women b. Malnourished children c. Old age people d. Unemployed youth


Which of the following is NOT true about the Economic Survey 2003-04 released recently? a. Industrial Growth rate should be 10%. b. Combined fiscal deficit in 2003-04 at 9.4% of GDP c. Foreign Exchange reserve at $119.3 billion as of May 31, 2004. d. Maintaining inflation at around 3% (5%)


This personality has recently been appointed as the new chairperson of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). Can you identify him/her from the given options? a. Berjinder Singh b. N.K. Jain c. Shobha Majumdar d. Radha Balakrishnan


According to a study conducted by the Reserve Bank of India, titled 'Growth Savings and Investment', which of the following represents the contribution of the domestic industries in the GDP growth in 2003-04? a. 12% b. 18% c. 26% d. 34%


Which of the following represents the position of India in the latest IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) 2004? a. 27th b. 30th c. 34th d. 38th

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The highest number of candidates that an Electronic Voting Machine can support is a. 46 b. 54 c. 64 d. 72


The lok sabha that is formed is _____ in number. a. 12th b. 13th c. 14th d. 15th


Who is the head of the Reserve Bank of India's panel on small saving schemes that has proposed a further cut in interest rates? a. K. J. Udeshi b. Rakesh Mohan c. Ashok Lahiri d. Vijay Kelkar


This bank has recently come up with a gold card scheme whereby all credit-worthy exporters including those in the small and medium sectors with a good track record will be eligible for a Gold Card which will provide them with certain privileges. Can you identify the name of the bank in question? a. State Bank of India b. Reserve Bank of India c. Canara Bank d. Bank of Baroda


In a recent development this state was sanctioned a drought relief of Rs. 501 crores from the center. Can you identify the name of the state in question? a. Orissa b. Maharashtra c. Rajasthan d. West Bengal


Who is the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission( NHRC)? a. A.S.Anand b. M.N. Venkatchelliah c. P.N. Bhagwati d. Kuldip Singh


Which of the following personalities will chair the National Committee on Rural Infrastructure? a. Sharad Pawar b. M.S. Ahluwalia c. Manmohan Singh d. None of these


Name the satellite that is being considered as a milestone in the distance education in India and was launched recently. a. Gyansat b. Edusat b. Knowsat c. Infosat


This personality has recently been appointed as the Chairman of the National Commission on Enterprises in the unorganized and the informal sector. Name him from the given options. a. Ashok Lahiri b. Arjun Sengupta c. Suresh D. Tendulkar d. Shankar J. Acharya


Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2004, released recently? a. India ranks 89th on the potential FDI Index. b. India tops the list in FDI in offshoring services. c. India has 60 export oriented FDI projects, second after US. d. All of the above are true. ... Page : 7 ...




According to the recently released population census based on religion, which of the following represents the approximate percentage of Hindus in the total population of India? a. 65% b. 70% c. 80% d. 85% This personality has been appointed as the head of the Group of Ministers (GoM) set up to look into the various issues pertaining to the now closed Dabhol Power Project .Identify him from the given options. a. Praful Patel b. Sharad Pawar c. Pranab Mukherjee d. P.M. Sayeed Monsanto is a. a genetically modified variety of wheat c. a US based agri- major

b. a genetically modified variety of rice d. a genetically modified variety of maize


Which of the following Indian personalities has recently been awarded with the Ramon Magsaysay award? a. T.S. Krishnamurthy b. Admiral L. Ramdas c. Adarsh Sen Anand d. P.N. Bhagwati


Which of the following personalities is the chairperson of the National Commission for Women? a. Vibha Parthasarthy b. Poornima Advani c. Vandana Shiva d. Mohini Giri


The Quest , The Hurdles: A Socialist Testament is the name of the collections of the former Prime minister of India. Identify the name of the personality from the given options. a. H.D. Devegowda b. I.K. Gujaral c. Chandrashekhar d. A.B. Vajpayee


The venue of the G-15 summit that took place in the year 2004 is a. Lisbon b. Harare c. Caracas d. Cancun


Which of the following represents the proposed venue of the 13th SAARC summit that will take place in 2005? a. New Delhi b. Kathmandu c. Male d. Dhaka


This ship became the first Indian ship to circumnavigate around 18 countries of the world in the year 2004. Identify the name of the ship from the given options. a. INS Parikrama b. INS Tarangini c. INS Pragati d. INS Lokayan


Which of the following is NOT a rabi crop? a. Wheat c. Rice

b. Barely d. Grams

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According to the latest census 2001, which of the following states is the largest in terms of population? a. Maharashtra b. Uttar Pradesh c. Bihar d. West Bengal


Sariska centuary is located in a. Karnataka c. Rajasthan

b. J&K d. Madhya Pradesh


Which of the following represents the contribution of the agriculture to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Indian Economy? a. 20% b. 25% c. 30% d. 35%


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT) was replaced by _____ in the year 1995. a. World Economic Forum b. International Monetary Fund c. World Trade Organization d. European Union


The first ministerial meet of WTO took place at a. Seattle b. Geneva c. Singapore d. Doha


Which of the following represents the name of the business group that owns 25% stake in the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd.(VSNL)? a. A.V.Birla Group b. Reliance Group c. Tatas d. Wadias


Lok Jumbish is the name of an educational project that was launched in a. Uttar Pradesh b. Rajasthan c. Maharashtra d. Gujarat


This bank was nationalized in 1955 and was earlier known as the Imperial Bank of India. Identify it from the given options. a. Reserve Bank of India b. Punjab National Bank c. State Bank of India d. Canara Bank


This plan of the Government gave maximum emphasis on agriculture. Identify it from the given options. a. Fourth b. Third c. Second d. First


Council for People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) came into existence in the year a. 1984 b. 1986 c. 1988 d. 1990


The world famous International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is based at a. Jakarta b. Kula Lumpur c. Manila d. Bangkok ... Page : 9 ...


Golden Quadrilateral is a project that that has the National Highways connecting to the major four metro cities. Can you identify the length of the road that will be covered under this project? a. 3456 Km b. 4567 Km c. 5846 Km d. 7300 Km


This place is also known as the Manchester of the South. Can you identify the name of the place in question? a. Kochin b. Vishkhapattanam c. Coimbatore d. Madurai


Bhakhara Nangal Dam is built over a. Ravi c. Satluj

b. Baes d. Chenab


The year 2004 was declared by the United Nations as the a. International Year of Child b. International Year of Girl c. International Year of Rice d. International Year of Mountains


This planet of our solar system has maximum number of satellites,22. Can you identify the name of the satellite from the given options? a. Jupiter b. Saturn c. Uranus d. Neptune


This personality is also known as the Father of the Green Revolution of India. Identify him from the given options. a. C. Subramanium b. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan c. Dr.S.S. Bhatnagar d. C.D. Deshmukh


National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is chaired by a. Dr. Verghese Kurien b. Dr. Amrita Patel c. Y.C. Nanda d. Ranjana Kumar


Annual Policy Statement is issued by a. Ministry of Finance, Government of India c. State Bank of India

b. Reserve Bank of India d. None of these


This state is NOT a part of the Satluj Yamuna Link (SYL) Canal issue that was in the news very recently.Identify the state from the given options. a. Punjab b. Uttar Pradesh c. Haryana d. Rajasthan


Which of the following represents the percentage growth in the core sector of India in the year 2003-2004? a. 4.3% b. 4.6% c. 5.2% d. 5.4%

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Answer Key – IRMA – Question Bank 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. b 13. c 14. d. 15. b 16. c 17. b. 18. b 19. b 20. c 21. c 22. a 23. b 24. b 25. b 26. d 27. d 28. c 29. b 30. b 31. c 32. b 33. b 34. b 35. b 36. b 37. d 38. a 39. b 40. c 41. a 42. b 43. b 44. c 45. c

Rs. 7,36,570 crore 148 70% 4.4% Rs. 4000 cr 20% Pascal Lamy flow of agriculture credit Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu 8% Ela Bhatt Cancun Swajaldhara Yojana 2003 (2002) R.M. Premkumar Madhya Pradesh M.S.Swaminatahan 4% U.S.A IVth M. Damodaran ITC Securities Markets Infrastructure Leveraging Expert Task Force M.S.Ahluwalia 127 Norway 10% Bank of India Sharad Pawar 1.5% 5% National Development Council Ranjana Kumar 8.2% GoolamVahanvati Geneva April 1,2005 Shyam Benegal Dr. B.V. Rao National Highway number 7 1950 Global Warming Nobel Prize for Peace, 2004 World Economic Forum Rs. 2,020 crore ... Page : 11 ...

46. b 47. c 48. d 49. c 50. c 51. c 52. b 53. c 54. d 55. b 56. d 57. c 58. b 59. c 60. c 61. c 62. b 63. b 64. b 65. a 66. c 67. b 68. b 69. d 70. c 71. c 72. c 73. b 74. b 75. c 76. c 77. d 78. b 79. c 80. b 81. c 82. b 83. c 84. c 85. c 86. b 87. c 88. d 89. b 90. c 91. c 92. c

London May 1 Gujarat health 2 crore Vienna Madhya Pradesh 16% 210.8 million ton Malnourished children Maintaining inflation at around 3%( 5%) Shobha Majumdar 18% 34th 64 14th Rakesh Mohan Reserve Bank of India Maharashtra A.S.Anand Manmohan Singh Edusat Arjun Sengupta All of the above are true. 80% Pranab Mukherjee a US based agri- major Admiral L. Ramdas Poornima Advani Chandrashekhar Caracas Dhaka INS Tarangini Rice Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan 25% World Trade Organization Singapore Tatas Rajasthan State Bank of India First 1986 Manila 5846 Km Coimbatore ... Page : 12 ...

93. c 94. c 95. b 96. b 97. b 98. b 99. b 100.d

Satluj International Year of Rice Saturn Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Dr. Amrita Patel Reserve Bank of India Uttar Pradesh 5.4%

Please Note :- This document is meant to give you the idea of the type of the questions tthat come in the IRMA ‘s GK section alongwith this it is a good source of quality questions also. Regards Kandarp Rai

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