Iqg Oct 2009 Newsletter

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October2009 MEMBERS' RETREAT - A QUILTER'S DREAM VACATION F riday-Sunday, November 13-15,2009 Country Inn & Suites, 1350N.W. 118th St., Clive 50325, phone 515-223-9254 Onceagainwe will gatherfor a relaxedfun weekendof sewingandsharingat CountryInn & Suitesin Clive where staff. The sewingroom will openat 8:00 AM on Friday.Bring a snackto theyhavegreatfacilities andaccommodating shareanda projectto sew.Meal breakswill be at participants'discretion. If you would like to showa tip or technique,presenta quick Activities will includescheduleddemonstrations. project,or leada mini-challenge,contactDianneDavis or MargeWooters[seecontactffirmation on the backcover]. Therewill be a Christmasornamentexchangeso stitch up severalasyou will takehomeasmanyasyou bring. A prizewill be awardedfor the ornamentvotedmostoriginal. Otheractivitieswill be a preludeto the March andJuly meetings.For the PaperDoll Exfiavaganzabring paperdoll fabric (if you havebeencollecting)and a fabric bondingmaterial;otherwisga smallamountwill be provided.This will be an introductionto possibilitiesfor e,ntriesin the PaperDoll Paradeat the March meeting. For a presentationon how to makefabric postcardsbring relatedsupplies.Somestiffeningfabric, stamps,andink wiii be pioltCed.Createa postcardto errterin the July Roadshowcompetition. Eacheveningtherewill be fabric games(materialprovided),andon Saturdayeveningshowandtell. ContactMargeWootersto signup for the Retreat.Make your room reservationbeforeFriday,October23, and mentionIQG to getthe specialrate.

INSII}E TIIIS I\TEWSLETTER In this newsletteryou will find previewsof theMarch meetingwith MarshaMcCloskeyandJuly Roadshowwith ShellyBurgeon page5 andearly registrationforms on pages5 andT . Readaboutthis year'schallenges on page6. Which oneswill you try? "Substantial"prizeshavebeenpromised. If you havenotrenewedyour munbership,seethefonn on page4. This is your last newsletterotherwise.

WILL YOU PICK T]PTIIE TORCH? IQG is in urgentneedof a President-Elect! Terurof Office: Sept.2009-2010 Expegtations' *Serveon the Board *Serveon the NominatingCommittee *ServeasPresident,Sept.2010-2011

Rewards: *Friendship,support,andgratitudeofIQG members *Pleasureof working with dedicatedBoardmembers *Opportunityto shapequiltrngexperiences for Iowa quilters *Satisfactionof giving backto the quilting community PleasecontactKarenWillis ifyou arewilling to serveor know someonewe shouldcontact.


Iowa PatchworkPrcss


PRESIDENT'SMESSAGE Ah, Fall. My favoriteseasonwith its emphasison warmth(browns,reds,oranges,andyellows),plelrty, andgratitude.As Iowa quiltersandfabric collectorswe havemuchthat promptsfeelinp of gratitudethis year! We have +Examples af leadershipand servicewithin the state and our own organization.Weare gratefulfor the tirelessefforts of memberswho work on the Boardandbehindthe scenesto keepIQG vital. Weappreciatethose who havesaid"Yes!" to assumingthejobs that keepthe organizationgoing. +Opportunities to learn. Hvcation is themissionof IQG. Checkout the educationalprogramsplanned by the ProgramCo-Chairsfor 2009-2010in this newsletter.Wecanlearnfrom oneanotherin retreats.Wecan learnfrom regionalandnationalexperts,like MarshaMcCloskeyand ShellyBurge.To theseaddthe wonderful quilt showslike AQS in DesMoineslaterthis monthandthe SacCountyQuilt-A-Fairlast weekend with their workshops,lectures,anddisplays. +Opportunities to shop. Our Iowa quilt shops,regionalshophops,andquilt showvendorskeepus abreastof thelatestideas,products,andmaterials.Whatan inspirationit is to seenewfabrics,newpatterns,and just the right gadgetto solveour quiltingchallenges! +Opportunities to makenewfriends. For me gettingbackinto quilting feelslike returningto the fold! Local quilt guildsprovide Quilters are a statewidefamily with warmtlr,support,and caringgenuine$expressed. muchof this support,but I seemanylong-termfriendshipsamongyou acrossthe state.Eachof us hasa stakein the lives of the othersAnd I am gratefulfor the opportunityto serveas Presidentof IQG this year.Weare offto a great beginning! Karen Willis, President

rQG MEMBERSrN AQS SHOW WINTERSET LOST & FOT]hII) LOST: One file folderconlainingbiue andpink quilt blockpieces.PleasecontactPamMesserI5l5-2204240, [email protected] so it canbe returnedto the owner.Thankyou.

SEPTEMBERMEETING Forty quilters gatheredin Wintersetin Septernber for the annualbusinessmeeting.The day was crowded with activities,includingelectionof officers,a trunk show by Cathy Busch"Sit & Seq Cathy'safternoonworkshop, and goodfood. Wealsohada charrceto seean antique crazy quilt recentlyreturnedto Iowa from California where it was discoveredby a generousdonor.It was a wonderful day for visiting with quilting friends,newandseasoned, for cappingoffthis 30th Anniversaryyear,and for launching the2009-2010guildyear.

ARDETII LAAKE Sadnewshasbeenreceivedofthe deathon October11ofArdeth Laakeof Belnond"current me,mberand formerPresidentof IQG. Shewill be sorelymissedby all who knewher,eitherpersonally or throughher wonderfulBaltimorealbumquilts.

Congratulationsto IQG mernberswhoseentries wereacceptedinto this year's AQS Showin DesMoines. They are RosalieBaker,JoAnnBelling Vicki Harris, SharonMeisenheimer, LynneOttoandLynn Wtzenburg.

EARLY IQG DAYS After my wonderfulexperienceat the Grout Museumthis summerwhenwe celebratedIQG's 30th AnniversaryI had a longingfor memoriesthat members might considersharingin future newsletters.During our Quilt Iowa weekendwe enjoyednot only visiting with each other,includingsomeof our foundingmembers;but we alsogot to view quilts they'vemade,someof which I remembered andothersthat werenew to me (from beforeI joined in l99l). On my drive homeI got to thinkingabout my IQG expoie,ncesandfriendships.I think it wouldbe mostinterestingreadingifour foundingmembersandother memberswould sharesomethoughtsandmemoriesof IQG. How did the original membersconnectwith one anotherto form the guild?How did membershipgrow? Who are somememorablemembers,prograrnsandworkshops,specialshowmemories,etc., etc.Now this should be enoughfood for thoughtthat any currentor pastmember canwrite at leasta paragraphfor the rest ofus to rea4 learnaboutthe gui@ or rememberthe goodold days! Pleasesubmityour memoriesto Janicefor our next newsletter.I think it would be interestingreading.Thank you in advancefor sharingyour memories.-LaurieTufford


IQG AI\IIUAL NALL RETREAT Friday-Sunday, Nov.13-15,2009 CountryInn & Suites CLTVE

Fridav 8:00 10:00 3:00


Saturdav 10:00 3:00 Evening Sundav 10:00 1:00


Iowa PatchwortPress

SewingRoom Opens Hangingof ChristmasOrnaments PaperDoll Extravaganza FabricGames OrnamentAwards& Distribution How to MakeFabricPostcards Tips,Techniques Demonstrations, FabricGarnes Show& Tell

GROUPMEMBERSHIPAND AMBASSADORPROGRAMS Weare the initiativeto documentallthe groups quilters of in Iowa andwould like to different challengeeachand everymernberto documentyour own local groupor guild andsharethis informationwith our ambassadors aremernberswho steeringcommittee.The volunteerto visit quilt groupsto shareinformationabout IQG. You canprint out the quilt groupandambassador from, applications or contactoneof the steeringcommitteemembers:Pat Follett, Chair,P.O.Box CleoneCap,or PamMesser,Membership grnail.corn I 99, Cambridge50046,ela.messer@ 5| 5 -2204240

Tips,Techniques Demonstrations, Departure

WEBSITE UPDATE I'm lookingforwardto working with all of you to makeour websitean interestingeverchanging,and informativeone.This is a very powerfultool we canuseto keepour membersinforme4 reachpotentialnewmernberso andshareffirmationI would like to adda newpage(asyet unnamed) whereall of us couldsendin tips and shortcutswe have learnedoverthe yearsthat would helpboth newand advancedquilters.If you sendyour ideasin PDF form to me,I will addthemto the newpageASAP.Also sendme suggestions for a namefor the page.-Karla Ndpath [email protected]




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St. MichaelSchool i 16280DuluthAvenue! PriorLake.Minnes<

Review11:00AM-12:30PM EntryFee$3 (lncludes drawing{ordoorprizes).

LiveAuction 'l:00 PM Quilts will be sold by live aucrion,silentauction,and direct sales. Dircct salesrvill alsofeaturequiltedcraftsand quilt-relateditems. D'REcI SATES OI OUITTS lvlLT ONLY BE AUALIABLE AFTER ITIE AT'CTIAN,

After 2Ot years, Itm downslzlng my shop, so there ire 1ot.s of bargalns Hr:ndnedsof bolts of available. fabrie et, 50* off , many at $2 a yardl Lof.s of $1, $2, $3 patterrs, al-lothers half prlcel l.{ haLf off all- booksl Open by'chanee or appotntment, please cal1. baforc conlng, l-eave a tnossagelf no answe!.. Happy quiltlng, f "*,


Lunchrvill be availablefor oulchase. Proceedsbenefit women& childten in need.

Schml,Si#rs#hfirtre &me -/



Ph: 507-38$4213 I e-mail: [email protected] wrirw.ssndmankato.ol

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Page 4

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Edgeto EdgeFreeHandQuilting


inches X $.01= $63.44 square Twin 61"X 104"= 6,344 =$79.04 Full 76"X104"= T,g}4squareinchesX$.01 X $'01= $89'38 inches square Queen 82"X 109"= 8,938 = 10,682 X $,01= $106.82 inches square King 98"X 109"

4 North SixfeenthStreef Esthenrille,trowo51334 wru.*


persquare inchfora a special toucb, I charge $.015

designin theouterborderanda centeroverallfreehanddesign. to smallwallquilbor babyquilb. My$35minimumquiltingchargeapplies in eachblock, designs Quitting(difierent Custom,Heirloom,or Competition

"fhe frier#liestshoporourd,' Yoursouce for quiltingondstitcherysrryplies owner:ltory F{art 712-362-?56r

is$15perhour,$300andup! &gridquihing) border, outining, sashirB,



INDIVIDUAL LIFE MEMBER [donationsaccepted] Do you want to receivenewsletters? YES NO

DUES [individualor group]: $20 Acce,pted after July I Due by SeptemberI (whenguild year begrns) Deadlinefor inclusionin Directory: DecenrberI Sendchecks(payableto IQG) andthis form to: PamMesser,P.O.Box 199,Cambridge50046 Membershipcardswill be includedin theDirec1ory.

NA]vIE: lindividualmemberor guild contactperson] ADDRESS: [includezip] PHONET



Iowa Patchwork Press





On March I9-20,IQG will meetin Ft. Dodgeat theB€st WestemStarlitefor two all day worlshops ad a lectureby MarshaMcCloskey. TheFriday workshopwill be on machinepiecing triangles.Learnthe bias-stripmethodto makeperfectlypiecedtwo-, thneo-,andfour-trianglesquaresthe easyway usingthe PrecisionTrimmerruler (offeredin classfor $5). Studentswill makefour differentblocksto learnthe techniqueandcombinetlree of theminto a table runner. On Friday eveningMarshawill presenta trunk showas shesharesthe "whys andwherefores"ofher color anddesignchoices. On SaturdayMarshawill teacha classon a gridbasedfeatheredstar from her newbook. Our lunchesboth dayswill be poolside.On Friday during lunchyou are invitedto participatein a paperdoll parade.This will be a tribute to our childhoodmemories anda recognitionof theplayful delightthat remainsin our hearts.Paradeenties canbe anythingrelatedto the theme, suchas a quilg playbooh decorativeiterq wearablg greetingcard etc. Prizeswill be awardedfor worlananship,originality, andhumor. On Saturdaythe Ft. Dodgequilt guild will present a walking quilt showat our poolsidelunch. Regishationis now openfor IQG membersonly until January3l after which it will be extendedto the public.Call theBestWesternStarliteat 515-573-7177 to reservea room(ask for the IQG rate).

TheIQG Roadshow, July 30-31,2010,will begin in Arres at theCounky Inn & Suiteswith an all day workshopandeveninglectureon Friday by ShellyBurge The workshopwill be the World's lwww.shglll,]. EasiestHouseBlock andthe lecture"Follow thePatchwork Road". A sit andsewroom will alsobe availableon Friday for thosenot takingthe worlshop. During the eveningmeetingand lectureprizesfor the ChallengeBlock contestswill be awarded,andtherewill be and Wearables showandtell. The nextday (Saturday) we will leaveAmesat 7:00AM on a one-daybustour.The first stopwill be Dike for a meetingwith the Wellsburgmemberguild and sharingof our ChallengeBlocks.The lunchstopwill be at Lou Ann's Quilt Shopin Oelweinfor e a walkingquilt tour. Our fabric postcardswill be displayedandwinners announced(asjudgedby Lou Ann's customas).The final shopstopwill be in Lansingat the YellowBird Art Quilt Shop.Wewill arrivebackin Amesat 8:35PM.

DATES FOR OFTICERS' RETREAT All pastandpresentIQG officerspleaseput on your calendarFebruaryL9-21as the datesfor this year's annualofficers' reheatat CampHantesain Boone. Sendaddressandemailchangesto Deb Kirby ddkirb],@iowatelwom,net.

Mail this fonn andyour check(madeout to IQG) to Malge Wooters,P.O.Box 96, Farnhamville50538 Friday Workshop TFiangles $40.00


Friday PoolsideLunch



Friday Evening Lecture $10.00 Saturday X'eetheredStar $40.00


Saturday PoolsideLunch

EMAIL: Chwk one:

IQG Member _

Sendsupplieslist by


Opento non-me,mbers after January31.



Sit & SewDonation [to pay for nooml NON-MEMBERS - Add $5.00 per day



Iowa Patchwork Press




This block challengewill be held in combinationwith next summetr'sIQG Roadshoqandthe entrieswill be displayedin conjunctionwith Friday's activitiesin Ameson July 30, 2010.Thereare a few rules for this blockchallenge which are listedbelowalongwith otheritemspertainingto the contest.Pleasenotethereis no giventhemeor specfficfabric requiredto be used,Also keepin mind the blockswill be donatedto IQG. It is hopedthat groupsof quilterswill combinetheir efforts,set a themeor selecta story they wantto tell andthat eachrremberof the gxoupwill thenmakea block for a futurequilt usingttrc theme.For example,six quiltersfrom a community,quilt group, family, or whateverties may evolvecould decideto eachmakea 14 inch block for a quilt that deals with gardening.Or possiblyfour quilting friendscould eachmakea 9 inch block depictingtheir individualinterests. Eventhoughquiltersmay electto work as a groupsettinga grouptheme,eachblock enteredwill bejudgedindividually to determinewinners.Therefore,if you don't havea groupto participatewit[ singleblockscan still beentered into this Roadshowcategory,and it is expectedthat this will be the casefor a numberof quilters.Justsetyour owntheme andmakethe block you desireand enterit in the contest.It will be IQG's responsibilityto furd a methodto combineindividual block entriesafter the contestis over.

BLOCK CI{ALLENGE RT]LES oBlocks areto be 6" or larger and24" or lesson a side. +Entrant(s) shouldsettheir own themefor their blocks. oBlocks may be enteredon an individualbasis,or a groupmay eachmakeand e,ntera block usingthe sametheure. oOne personmay enterrnorethan oneblock in thecontest. olnclude on a 4x6 cardthe themeanda statementor commentabouthow the block portraysthe theme.Cardwill be displayedwith the block. (NOTE: changein card sizefrom annualmeetinghandout) +On the backof the card includethe block maker'sname,address,andphone,andthe namesof any otherswho are makingbloclcsusingthe sametheme oThe blocksbecomethe propertyof IQG and will be combinedinto quilts and usedto obtainfinancesfor the guild and/or for educationalpurposes. oThree awardsof substantialvaluewill be given: (l) Bestporhayalof statedtheme,(2) Most original,and(3) Bestdesign. oBlock awardswill be givenon an individualbasis. +Awards will be chosenby viewers'choiceballoting. oBlocks will be displayedin Amesfor viewingandvotingin conjunctionwith the 2010Roadshowevent. oEnky deadlineis July I 5, 2010.Blockscan be mailedafter April I and posfrnarkedno laterthanJuly I 5 to Jo Scharn, or they maybe deliveredat the March IQG meeting. oContacts: Jo Scharn,1350- 240thSt.,Lytton 50561,[email protected] 712-790-1,276 JudySabbag,205N. Oak St.,Jefferson50129,[email protected],515-386-3072





l. Part of the ite,rnmustbe quilted. 2.Mty beembellishedwith threads,b@ds,rhinestones,etc. 3. Not shownin an IQG Show 4. Limit two itemsp€,rpersonper category 5. Must be modeled.

l. Easyto displayor wear etc. 2.May be embellishodwith threads,b@ds,rhinestones, 3. Not requiredto be quilted. 4. Not shownin a previousIQG Show. 5. Limit two itemsper personper category.

cludgng will takeplaceon Friday,July 30, after the eveninglecture. oFirst andSecondPlacewinnersin eachcategorywill be determinedby Viewers'Choice. oDEADLINE: JULY 15,2010.Se,nd your regishation(by ernailor post)alongwith a descriptionof the itemto be shown to Judy [email protected] or Deb Kirby ddkirby@iowatelecornnet. Seethe Directory for homeaddresses.

Iowa Patchwork Press



IQG BOARDIDENTTFIESCI{ALLENGES At its September meetingthe IQG Boardexplored challengesfacingthe organizationin 2009-2010.It is a priority for us to fosternew leadershipfor IQG. To accomplishthis we intendto be especiallywelcomingandfriendly to new membersandvisitors. Wewant themto feel part of our "family". Wealsowant to makeit easierfor thoseassuming Each to knowtheexpectations. IQG responsibilities memberof the Boardwill recordwhat shedoesthis year in tasklist--a"to do" an effort to developa calendar-based list for theyear.This, togetherwith job descriptions will helpnew leadersto feel comfortalreadydeveloped, saying to able "yes" leadershipresponsibilities. TheBoardwantsto makecommunicationamong membersevenmoreeffective.New Publicity Co-Chairs, andLibby Steinfeldt,bring freshideas JeniChristense,n that will build on thework of JenniferBernard Youcan expectsurv€ysthat will helpthe Boardbetterunderstand howto meetthe needsof its mernbers.Laurie Tufford will helpsupportttrat effort by managingthe businessendof theNewsletter.Karla Ridpathis re-designingthe webpage at to provideeasyandup-todateaccessto IQG information. Comntunication andincreasingmemboshipare alsothe focusof PamMesser'snewrole as Membership Chair.Her work will be supportedby a task forceon group membership andambassadors. IQG hasboth individual

membersandmemberguilds.MemberguildsreceiveIQG communications to sharewith their membersas well as someadditionalbenefits.Ambassadors areIQG members that could visit local guildsandbuild relationshipswith them.Pat Follett, CleoneCupp,andPamMesserhave volunteeredto provideleadershipfor communicatingwith and servingthe needsof our memberguilds. The ideaof groupmembersandIQG ambassadors wasthebrainchild of JenniferBernard. Educatingaboutquiltsandquiltingis themission of IQG. Our challengeis to learnwhat our membersseeas their needsandwants.MargeWootersandDianneDavis havetalkedto manyof you aboutyour quilting interests andhavedesignedprogramsto meetthosewishes.This yearthe Boardwill seekwaysto tap into the ideasof more of the membershipthroughsurveysandthe web site.This will helpJoanGelder,Program{hair Elect in her planningfor 2010-2011. Finally, like all individualsandorganizationsin 2009,IQG must find a way to shetchour resources.The Boardwill explorewaysto managethoseresourcesto meet the challengesdescribedabove.TreasurerDeb Kirby providestheBoard with goodinformation,both historical andcurrent,to help with resourceallocation. The Boardwelcomesyour ideasfor meetingthese challenges.Pleasesendyour thoughtsto me.-Karen Wlis, [email protected]

Mail this form andyour check(madeout to IQG) to MargeWooters,P.O.Box 96, Farnhamville50538 NAME: Friday lYorkshopHouseBlock $40.00


Friday EveningLecture $10.00 Sdurday BusTlip Deposit $25.00


NON-MEMBERS - Add $5.00pcr day


TOTAL: Checkone:

IQG Member

Sendzupplieslist by



Other Post


Iowa PatchworkPress




Our new PresidontKaren Willis wasamongthose whojoined in the early years.Careerandfamily hadtaken path awayfrom Iowa throughEl her on an adve,nturous then backagainto live andwork in Salvadorto Oregon, Iowa. Shehaslivedon theedgeof LakeCity since1977. Karengrew up in Marshalltownandattended Comell Collegein Mount Vernon.Shespenttwo yearsin thePeaceCorpsin SanSalvador.Duringthat time,the textilesof GuatemalaandPanamacaughther interestand kindledan appreciationfor the spiritual experienceand celebrationof individualsandclansrepresented by color, texturg anddesign.This influencemay play a part in Karen'stendencyto selectbatiksand internationaltextiles for her quilts. Karen'sgreat-grandmother was a quilter,but Kare,njokes that quilting skippedtwo genoations.The urgeto quilt startedwhenshewas raising a youngfamily in Oregonand cameafter beginningher sewingexperience with garmentconstruction. With a quilting philosophyof building on fradition Karen is passingon the appreciationfor quilts to her two daughtersandthreegrandchildren.Sbeseesappliqueand possibly,art quilts in her future. As personalquilting goals Karenis focusingon developingbetterpiecingmethodsand homemachinequilting skills. Karen'smachineis a Bernina Aurora 440 Quiltter's Model and her favorite accessoryis themagnifier.Her stashis graduallybuilding with a plan to fill in color andtexture,mainly to providea ready paletteto avoid the delayanddisruptionof lengthytrips to quilt shops.Shealso confesses to beinga fledglingcollector. Pleasetakethe opportunityto getto know Karen betterin this first year of IQG's fourth decade.

Myquilting life beganin 1988in Woodbinewhere I piecedandquilteda queensizedsamplerquift. Whata greatappreciationI havefor our ancestorswho spenthours on their handwork,plus doingotherdaily choreswithout all our modernconveniences. My fust IQG activity was attendingthe showin Marshalltownsoonafter we moved to Nevadain 1990.I servedIQG as ProgramChair,and my responsibilities includedprograms/activities for our showin ForestCity. During thosetwo yearson theBoardI servedfust underPresidentCuthyLitwinow andthen underCo-Presidents Ardeth LaakeandDarla Hanks.I was alsoShowSecretaryfor our lasttwo quilt shows.I work for a StateFarm agentin Nevada,but in my freetimeI golfing enjoyspendingtime with our five granddaughters, andhelpingfriendswith their boothsat major quilt shows. SometimesI eve,nfind time to quilt. My husbandBill andI alsoerfoy lnfshing natureandthe changngseasonsfrom our screenporchoverlookingthe lake.

LIBBY STEINFELDI PUBLICITY COCHAIR I am glad to bejoining the IQG Boardthis year, servingwith oneof my lifo-long bestfriends,Jeni Christense4as Publicity Co-Chair. I live in Iowa Falls with my husbandBill and daughterLorren. I haveworkedwith K-5 SpecialEducation studentsin Alden for 16 years.I enjoysewing scrapbooking,andphotogaphy.Over the last coupleof yearsI havephotographed families,seniors,andweddings as a hobbyandLOVE it! Who doesn'tlove a wedding? Lorren, who is seven,lovesto sewandcraft as well. Sheinheritedher love of fabric naturallythroughfour generationsof "fabriholics', all IQG me,mbers at onetime or another. I am lookingforward to the yearahdeadandall the fun thingseveryonehasplanned!

JEI\II CHRISTENSEN,PUBLICITY CO.CHAIR What fun I havehadthis pastyearas a newmemberso IQG gettingto meetsomeof you. I look forwardto many moreyearsof retreatsand daysspentsewingin the Sit 'n' Sewrooms.As a newquilter I amjust learningthe ropesand love seeingall of tbe projectsmmbers of our guild are workingon. I live in the village of Lamoillg abouthalf-waybetweeirMarshaftown and StateCenter.Both my husbandRon and I work for PioneerHi-Bred International.Wehavea 16-year-oldsonJackwho is a sophomorein high schoolat West Marshall.I am alsoa full-time graduatestude,ntat ISU, working on my Mastersof ProfessionalAgriculture degeewhich I hopeto finish this comingspring. In my sparetime I serveas the WashingtonTownshipClerk for Marshall Countyandassistmy husbandandfather with the renovationof our historichome(I'm startingto wonderif that project will everend).I love watchingmy sonplay football andtrack and spendingtime with family andfriends.My interestsincludeanythingcreative(gardening,music, jewelry, &awing photography,etc.)and anythingCyclone.Go Clones!

Desltlaine$ A8$$h0r*=-ocroher zB r 81 FREI GlfT frgm Thimhlchsrrl*s@

and $hawBargains EtothSlSlSl?l$l$


e$u sitor


www.|andauercorp. coim 800-557-2L44 Visit us at the AQSShsw EdytoSitar

gL[/sL?/gLg Booth


for a FREESift, Authorsignings,demonstrations, andmoFe. Wednesday & Thursday meet

Technigue demonstr'*tisnby

Technique demonstratinnby

LyneffeJ*nsen Thimblaileries@

FennyHaren Fie*edAppliqudffi

LynntrUitrenburg fsaehine Quilting

Technique demonstrationby

JenetFittman Appllqur*

IQG 2009-2010Olficers President:KarenWillis ll0l N. HancockSt. lake City 51,149 7t246+3713 kwillis@iowatel CoProgram{hair: Dianne Davis 1000SunsetDr., Corning 50841 (641\ 322-3703 [email protected]


President-Elect Vacant

www.iowaq uilten$

Prosam-Chair-Elscd: JoanGelder 22?'0-295thst. Jewell 50130

Iowa QuiltersGuil4 lnc., was organizedas a non-profit organizationin August 1979fot the purposeof promoting the art of quilting. Duesare $20.00per year,payableafter 1. TheGuild meets July 1. TheyearstartseachSeptember four times aye,a\ usually in September, November,Marclr, andJuly. TheNewsletteris publishedonemonthbeforeeach meeting(andthe annualDirectory in December).This meeting/newsletter scheduleis subjectto change. The Iowa Guild official logopin is availableat meetingsfor Quilters $5.00or by mailfor $5.50fromtheTreasurer.

Treasurer:Deb Kirby 512 W. WashingtonSt. l^akeCiry 51449

(7r2)464-3s67 Marge Wooters 400 Main" POB 96 Famhamville50538-0096

(sts)544-3741 [email protected]

[email protected] Parliamentarian: Pat Follett 33141Y Ave.,Union 50258 (64r) 486-254r [email protected]


(1) Senddues($20)andchanges (or corrections) ofaddress Secretarv:Marlene Armbrecht 504- 8th St.,RockwellCity 50579 Historian: Virginia Anderson to the MembershipChair (712)297-7916 5712ValleyRd.,Ames 50014 (2) Sendarticlesfor the Newsletterto the NewsletterEditor. (srs)233-2051 [email protected] (3) Makeinquiriesaboutworkshopsandprogamsto th€ [email protected] ProgramChair. Membershio:ParnMesser POB 199,Cambridge50046 Webmaster:Karla Ridpath (sr') 220-4240 1608- lEfth st. NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES [email protected] Clemo{rs50051 Send a check(madeout to IQG) andcamera-ready copy kJ

IOWA QLILTERS GUILD, INC. JaniceEifling Editor 2935 NorthwestemAve. AmesnIA 50010


Hoveyourenewed yourmembership? Pam Messer P O Box199 Cambridge, tA 50046


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