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IPSTAR Broadband Satellite



>> Removing distance barriers with the world’s most advanced broadband satellite communications system Digital technologies and broadband are opening new opportunities for administrations, businesses and communities in Asia-Pacific. In addition to being vital to productivity and development, the demand for broadband is constantly growing in everyday life, in schools and in public administrations as well as in every business sector thinkable. Public agencies and organisations need to answer the challenge of safeguarding homeland security and providing disaster recovery—anywhere and any time.

IPSTAR is the world’s largest commercial satellite and the only satellite designed for high speed communications over an Internet Protocol platform, facilitating two-way broadband connectivity and cost-effective solutions for any community or business lacking access to terrestrial line infrastructure. IPSTAR has established a new era in Internet Protocol based satellite communications, determined to provide universal access to broadband Internet across Asia-Pacific. The breadth of IPSTAR’s geographical reach covering an area inhabited by 3.2 billion people, or roughly 45 percent of the world’s population—positions IPSTAR as a preferred gateway into 14 countries in the Asia-Pacific, resulting in strategic advantages over other broadband satellites and setting the pace for innovation in the industry. > Bridging the digital divide With more than 100,000 User Terminals sold, IPSTAR has achieved a critical milestone in its pursuit to bridge the digital divide in the region, where the demand for broadband is constantly growing in everyday life, in schools, in public administrations, as well as in every business sector thinkable. Whether it is distance learning for rural communities and schools, retail network communication systems, or delivery of “always on” high speed Internet to small and mediumsized businesses and homes, IPSTAR Broadband 2

Satellite can play a key role in empowering universal access to broadband Internet. The key benefits of the IPSTAR system are its ability to provide an immediately available, high-capacity ground network with affordable bandwidth and satellite end user terminals. The system allows for rapid deployment and flexible service locations anywhere, any time under its extensive footprint. Since the launch of the satellite in August 2005, IPSTAR Broadband Satellite has become synonymous with cost-effective broadband services and solutions, aimed at helping the community at large, especially where there is a lack of landlines and telecom infrastructure able to support broadband technology. The satellite’s massive 45 Gbps of aggregate bandwidth capacity—far higher than conventional satellites—satisfies the enormous demand for broadband Internet for millions of users: consumers, corporate customers, service providers and telecom operators alike. > Enter the world of IPSTAR Broadband Solutions THAICOM has steadily extended and diversified the resources it allocates for broadband applications to capture growth opportunities in the region’s emerging broadband markets, including Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.


Whether it is distance learning for rural communities and schools, retail network communication systems, or delivery of “always on” high speed Internet to small and mediumsized businesses, IPSTAR Broadband Satellite can play a key role in empowering universal access to broadband Internet. In parallel to supplying service providers with bandwidth and reach, IPSTAR has developed proprietary on-ground infrastructure and expertise to provide one-stop shop broadband solutions in close collaboration with our partner network of System Integrators and Service Providers. This enables government agencies, local communities and businesses to benefit from the same level of broadband connectivity as users connected to terrestrial networks in urban areas.

“IPSTAR’s rationale is at the heart of broadband access for everyone, meeting the challenge of removing distance barriers and assisting underserved areas in the Asia-Pacific region with costeffective broadband satellite services—with quality of service that is second to none.”

Dr. Dumrong Kasemset THAICOM Chairman and CEO

I P S TA R c o m b i n e s d y n a m i c b a n d w i d t h allocation technology, highly secure network connectivity, and the highest bit rates in the industry into a preferred data connectivity platform for civilian and military land- and offshore-based communications.

www.ipstar.com 3

> Positioned to satisfy Asia-Pacific's broadband needs

>> IPSTAR Coverage The breadth of IPSTAR’s geographical reach, with up to ten million subscribers, positions IPSTAR as a preferred gateway into 14 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, resulting in strategic advantages over other broadband satellites and setting the pace for innovation in the industry.

IPSTAR’s ground-breaking in-orbit system design involves high performance two-way shaped and spot beams in combination with multi-band frequency reuse and air interface, including the first commercial deployment of advanced Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) on outbound and inbound links.



119.50 East


orbital slot

regional broadcast beams

Spot Beams



Shaped Beams

spot beams

shaped beams



Gbps of aggregate bandwidth capacity

gateways in



shaped and spot beams


Broadcast Beams

www.ipstar.com 5

Digital Signage

>> IPSTAR Enterprise Solutions We are in business to make your business work—anywhere and any time under IPSTAR’s extensive footprint in Asia-Pacific to meet your business communications needs and to deliver your competitive edge. IPSTAR Enterprise Solutions support all broadband communication needs and our portfolio goes hand-inhand with today’s real-time information flows, which is crucial for any business.

> Fueling global enterprise broadband growth

> Why choose IPSTAR Enterprise Solutions? Coverage

Whether you are an oil and gas producer with operations on land and at sea, a large retailer, an Internet Service Provider, or a corporation with multiple locations spread across Asia, IPSTAR answers all your communication needs.

IPSTAR provides broadband service to virtually any location across Asia-Pacific and under the satellite’s extensive footprint.

IPSTAR Enterprise Solutions provide highly reliable, end-to-end communications with guaranteed quality of service regardless of the number of sites or geographic locations. IPSTAR can be used for a variety of applications such as intranet and Internet access, voice services, connectivity to suppliers, customers and franchisees, credit card authorization and transactions, inventory management, content delivery, and video distribution.


Uniform Quality of Service (QoS) IPSTAR guarantees consistent Quality of Service (QoS), regardless of location.

IPSTAR provides high speed connections of up to 4 Mbps Receive and 2 Mbps Transmit for businesscritical applications. Cost-effective IPSTAR enables delivery of broadband Internet services at lower cost than conventional satellites. Reliable IPSTAR promises one of the industry’s highest link availability rates and cutting-edge network reliability. Secure The IPSTAR System’s inherent security advantage is based on small spot beam technology and proprietary coding which combine to guarantee high levels of network security with Cisco? IPSEC?. Scalability IPSTAR Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) technology allows seamless increase of users and locations on a single reliable platform, with shared and customized bandwidth, and minimal bandwidth consumption. Flexible IPSTAR supports GRE Tunneling Protocol and multiple IP applications for data, voice and video communications.


IPSTAR Broadband Satellite Solutions

Credit Card Transaction

Australia’s URSYS Uses IPSTAR for Oil Rig Communications

> IPSTAR Hybrid Solutions for effective network backhaul and trunking Whether it is backhaul and trunking services for cellular phone operators, cutting-edge CDMA for wireless last mile telephony, or seamless enterprise-class Wi-Fi and WiMAX wireless broadband access for remote communities, IPSTAR Hybrid Solutions provide for last mile broadband connectivity in remote and rural communities. For example, WiMAX/Wi-Fi and CDMA for wireless last mile telephony are costeffective, powerful solutions for any community lacking access to terrestrial line infrastructure, while IPSTAR GSM 2G/3G facilitates effective cellular phone and cellular network trunking for instant coverage in blind spot areas and wherever connectivity is required. IPSTAR has pioneered satellite link up service in combination with WiMAX and WiFi networks for both voice and data. Intel’s recent rural connectivity project in Tavan, Vietnam, marks the first time in Southeast Asia for link up service in combination with

a WiMAX network for both voice and data. IPSTAR provided seamless and cost-effective WiMAX wireless broadband access for the village’s school, homes, medical center, and small businesses. IPSTAR Enterprise Solutions for Large Enterprise Office & Banking High Speed Internet / Corporate Intranet / Video Conferencing / Voice over IP (VoIP) for Telco/Mobile Phone Operators GSM 2G/3G Trunking / Wi-Fi/WiMAX Hybrid / CDMA for the Broadcast Industry Satellite News Gathering (SNG) for Retail Business Credit Card Transaction / Digital Signage

In conjunction with specialist contractors and Marine Navaid Systems,the SeaTel distributor based out of Sydney, URSYS won the contract to supply and install a 1.2M SeaTel stabilized VSAT platform onto an oil exploration rig currently exploring for oil and gas off the east coast of New Zealand. URSYS chose to use a space segment provided by IPSTAR to directly link the IPSTAR Auckland teleport to the rig and the oil exploration company’s production office on the mainland. IPSTAR enables URSYS to provide four extension phone lines back to the client’s head office PBX and facilitates high speed Internet data access for management personnel on the rig. “The spot beam coverage from IPSTAR is excellent, allowing us to maintain 24/7 VoIP telephony support and unlimited Internet data service to floating oil platforms up to 250 kilometers off shore,” said Grahame Cover, CEO, URSYS Pty. Ltd.

www.ipstar.com 7

John Hawker, CEO, Sat-Ed Systems Co., Ltd.,Thailand

Sat-Ed is overcoming the digital divide in rural Thailand With a passion for bringing better education to remote areas in Thailand, Sat-Ed Systems is delivering learning centers in rural Thailand called 'Classroom for Life', using the cutting edge technology of the IPSTAR broadband satellite. Aimed at providing life-long learning for rural Thailand, this initiative is providing access to educational content in remote rural areas beyond the reach of terrestrial telephone networks. The 'Classroom for Life' provides email, ecommerce, video conferencing, and video on demand. "Without IPSTAR, Sat-Ed could not provide the essential business model for rural areas. While traditional VSAT solutions are too expensive, IPSTAR allows us to provide our services at prices affordable to rural communities and our business model of self-sustaining ICT Centers", according to John Hawker, CEO, Sat-Ed Systems Co., Ltd.

Cambodia Education Project

>> IPSTAR Remote Community & Government Solutions Our product and solution portfolio is designed to meet the precise needs of governments and administrations across Asia-Pacific. IPSTAR can play a key role in modern communication infrastructure, providing inroads into cost-effective and flexible government and public sector communications.

Information and education are crucial cornerstones for higher standards of living and competitiveness. At the same time, a widespread secure broadband infrastructure is essential for the development and delivery of services and applications to governments and the public sector, such as e-Medicine, eGovernment, and Distance Learning—making broadband indispensable for sustained economic growth and improved quality of life. A great number of administrations in AsiaPacific utilize IPSTAR for various purposes: To connect remote sites to a central site or to interconnect several sites To back up critical terrestrial connections, e.g. in Disaster Management To reach remote sites on borders, on coasts, in forests, or in deserts


> Rural community broadband access IPSTAR promotes the notion of sustainable development through a multitude of powerful broadband applications and services for rural communities. IPSTAR community broadband facilitates individual multimedia access through i n t e g r a t i o n o f I P S TA R w i t h o t h e r communication technologies. For example, Rural Telephony Backhaul, Voice over IP (VoIP) and WiMAX are cost-effective, powerful solutions for any community lacking terrestrial infrastructure access. Thailand’s Ministry of Education selected IPSTAR broadband to provide Internet access for more than 10,000 schools in the country. As of September 2007, 11,915 IPSTAR terminals had been deployed, providing high-speed Internet access and Voice over IP (VoIP). In addition, currently 7,000 communities in Thailand use IPSTAR broadband services.

IPSTAR Broadband Satellite Solutions

> Broadband solutions for a world without digital divide Government / Administration / Public Sector

Dr. Bernd Nordhausen Senior Solutions Architect, Intel

Interactive Distance Learning E-Government E-Medicine

WiMAX with IPSTAR Backhaul Links Remote Community in Vietnam to the World

Embassy Networks Emergency Communications & Disaster Recovery

Intel and several of its partners teamed up on a last mile initiative that combines WiMAX and satellite to provide a remote community in northern Vietnam with cost-effective broadband connectivity.

Homeland Security & Public Safety

Located in the highland area of Ta Van village, the WiMAX via IPSTAR satellite enabled network has been deployed in cooperation and support with service provider Vietnam Data Communication Company (VDC), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and IPSTAR. The Intel/IPSTAR WiMAX Solution provides robust broadband Internet and cost effective VoIP, delivering service to the village’s medical clinic, school, guesthouses as well as residential homes. “The IPSTAR platform is very effective for backhaul of WiMAX networks and can provide broadband connectivity anywhere at reasonable cost, thus bringing Internet access and VoIP to rural communities with educational and economic benefits. The scalability and adaptability of the solution was critical, as it would mean that it could be adopted in other regions of Vietnam as well as in neighboring countries”, said project coordinator Dr. Bernd Nordhausen, Solutions Architect, Intel Corporation.



>> IPSTAR Consumer Solutions Whether your customers operate from a small home office and want to connect to the global marketplace, or want to enjoy state-of-the-art High Definition TV, “always on” two-way broadband via the IPSTAR Satellite is for everyone across Asia-Pacific, especially where terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable or limited.

For consumers the Internet is evolving beyond e-mails, and broadband connectivity is becoming an implicit “way of life” for downloading music and videos, or reaping the benefits of distance learning. This evergrowing volume of rich media brings with it the need to deliver higher bit rates and universal broadband Internet access in even the remotest areas of the region. Previously isolated communities can now enjoy the same levels of Internet access (at typical ADSL and ISDN speeds) that is standard in metropolitan areas—all that is required is an IPSTAR User Terminal (antenna system and satellite terminal), which directly connects to the computer.

> Why choose IPSTAR Consumer Solutions? Reach IPSTAR enables anywhere, any time high speed Internet access. Affordable The most affordable broadband solution via satellite. The IPSTAR System ensures relatively low cost, high speed Internet using Ku-band spot and shaped beam technology. Convenient IPSTAR can be quickly installed, is easy to use, and offers the convenience of one bill for broadband data, video, and voice services. Fast I P S TA R p r o v i d e s t w o - w a y h i g h s p e e d performance comparable to ADSL with up to 4 Mbps Transmit and 2 Mbps Receive data rates.* Reliable IPSTAR Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) technology is the world’s most advanced, preventing outages even under most severe weather conditions.


> 360 of consumer broadband experience * Subject to service plan and satellite terminal used.


IPSTAR Broadband Satellite Solutions

Activ8me consumer broadband for Australia

Home / Multi Dwelling Units (MDU) / SME / SOHO Broadband Internet

Activ8me is brought to regional Australia by Australian Private Networks Pty Ltd (APN), a fully licensed telecommunications carrier and registered satellite broadband provider under the Australian government's Australian Broadband G u a r a n t e e Pr o g r a m . T h e C o m p a n y provides broadband service via IPSTAR to the country's rural communities and ADSL blind spot areas, with service prices comparable to metropolitan ADSL services.

High Definition TV Video-on-Demand (VoD) Voice over IP (VoIP)

"Whether business owners lack ADSL broadband connectivity or residential users simply want to replace their slow dial-up connections with high-speed Internet at affordable prices, with its first-rate high link availability, next generation IPSTAR is a proven broadband solution for us, providing reliable services that regional Australians can depend on", according to Ken Schubert, CEO, APN.

www.ipstar.com 11

>> IPSTAR neXus Partner Program Join our success and enter a whole new world of broadband satellite opportunities

We are proud to introduce our new Product Partner Program: IPSTAR neXus The development and provision of effective broadband solutions positions us as an effective Partner backed by the experience of a multi-cultural workforce and expertise of leading developers and system integrators for exploring new applications. IPSTAR is essentially a telecommunications platform that can integrate virtually any IPbased product from third-party providers under the satellite's extensive footprint in Asia-Pacific, thus providing inroads into synergies that can be derived from effective product integration. The key scenario to making this possible is to combine the natural advantages of the satellite with a robust IP-based product, resulting in a winning solution and empowering Partner Program affiliates to deliver their products through a satellite platform that has been tried and tested. A trusted name and innovative partner in the satellite industry for more than 15 years, THAICOM launched IPSTAR-1 in August 2005. With the revolutionary broadband satellite system come new opportunities for potential technology partners and system integrators to facilitate the development of a seamless satellite-enabled product that is customtailored to meet the requirements of local IPSTAR markets.


14 countries

10 million users

20 times more powerful than conventional satellite

IPSTAR Partnering Business Solutions

> IPSTAR neXus Partner Program benefits Extensive portfolio of broadband satellite solutions

> Become an IPSTAR neXus Partner Voice over IP (VoIP)

Request a copy of our partner program kit and e-mail us at [email protected].

New market and business opportunities for 3rd party products


Expand into untapped markets and/or market segments

Community Networks (WiFi / WiMax)

Networking opportunities within a pool of partners

Corporate extranet

Video Conferencing

Broadband Internet Access

Joint trade show and sales event opportunities

Retail broadband

Exhibit at our customer events and interact directly with our customers

High speed polling

Training opportunities Full engineering, technical and marketing support

Complete the IPSTAR Partner Program application on our website and review IPSTAR neXus guidelines on our new Partner extranet.


Credit card transaction

Mobile trunking & backhaul Rural Telephony Triple-Play / Multi-Play Satellite News Gathering (SNG) Mobile Trunking

www.ipstar.com 13

>> IPSTAR On-Ground Product / Technology Innovative product solutions for tomorrow's broadband applications IPSTAR has built success not only on the reliability and flexibility of our in-orbit resource, but with its ground system technology and TM products as well. The iCON satellite terminal, for example, is true testimony to our ongoing efforts to decrease the size and cost of IPSTAR user terminals, thereby setting industry benchmarks.

IPSTAR is driven by a quest for excellence and an ongoing commitment to innovation to broaden the scope of satellite applications, allowing us to develop and deliver effective broadband satellite solutions. In parallel with fostering a culture of technological innovation to extend the scope of satellite applications, we continue to pursue our commitment to investing in the IPSTAR onground infrastructure and system. In this respect, our new IPSTAR Gateway System facilitates highly efficient bandwidth utilization, promising one of the industry's highest link availabilities and first-rate network reliability.

> Continuous Technology Improvement: the IPSTAR User Terminal The IPSTAR User Terminal is a low-cost, twoway, high performance system that works in conjunction with the IPSTAR in-orbit resource and the on-ground system. The air interfaceemploying advanced waveforms on forward and return channels-is optimized for overall system efficiency. The waveform for the forward channel is based on TDM-OFDM technology that utilizes bandwidth and power more efficiently. The forward channel is optimized to accommodate multiple data rates, a variable number of users of different modulation formats, and forward error correction coding. The return channel is based on MF-TDMA technology for bursty traffic and dedicated allocation for high bandwidth applications. The waveform is fixed to a more robust modulation to ensure link availability at low transmission power. For higher transmission bit rates the return channel can be configured for dedicated bandwidth allocation, behaving as an SCPC-like (pre-assigned TDMA) channel that can support higher transmit data rates of up to 2 Mbps.


> Proprietary On-Ground Technology: Dynamic Link and Bandwidth Management Because satellite links will always have less theoretical bandwidth than optical fiber links, efficient bandwidth management technology is required to maintain the competitiveness of broadband satellite systems. A network control center is used to allocate bandwidth capacity to each connection according to current traffic characteristics, network congestion, link conditions and user requirements. This technology adjusts bandwidth dynamically (modulation and coding) to accomodate changes in weather conditions, thus maintaining very high link availability. IPSTAR's modulation and coding technology guarantees efficient use of radio frequency bandwidth, which allows for high and flexible digital transmission rates, thus enabling the use of small Ku-band antenna systems suitable for home and corporate use. The modulation and coding (link parameters) can be adjusted dynamically to optimize the trade-off between bit rate and sudden changes in weather conditions.

IPSTAR Broadband Satellite Solutions

iCON High-performance, two-way connectivity for easy broadband Internet access that comes in a unique form factor-ideal for small businesses and home users.

Antenna dish 84 cm

Enterprise Series

maXX-1 IPSTAR TCP-A Accelerator

www.ipstar.com 15

>> About THAICOM (Formely Shin Satellite) THAICOM, Asia's leading commercial satellite operator, has been developing, building and operating satellite networks since 1991. Through our commitment to innovation, we continue to introduce new technologies that redefine the standard for the industry. Our customers include incumbent telcos, corporations and governments across the world, and our name is synonymous with reliable, secure satellite communications. With the introduction of IPSTAR, THAICOM has established a new era in IP-based satellite communications.

THAICOM Public Company Limited / IPSTAR Company Limited 41/103 Rattanathibet Road, Nonthaburi 11000, THAILAND Tel: (66) 2591-0736 to 49 Fax: (66) 2591-0706, (66) 2591-0719 Email: [email protected] www.thaicom.net, www.ipstar.com

IPSTAR Australia Pty.Ltd. Building A, Level 3, Suite 3.1, 64 Talavera Road, North Ryde NSW 2113 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 (0) 2 8875 4300, Fax: +61 (0) 2 8875 4399 Email: [email protected] www.ipstar.com.au

IPSTAR New Zealand Limited Level 1, 706 Great South Road, Penrose Auckland, NEW ZEALAND PO Box 12776 Penrose, Auckland 1135 NEW ZEALAND Tel. +64 9 525 1706 Fax. +64 9 525 1702 Email: [email protected] www.ipstar.co.nz

THAICOM Public Company Limited Liaison Office 410, Mercantile House, 15 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, 110 001 INDIA Tel: +91 11 4151 0909 Fax: +91 11 4151 0099 Email: [email protected].

THAICOM Public Company Limited Beijing Representative Office Room 18C1, Building A, No. 2, Golden Resources Business Center, Landianchang East Road, Haidian district, Beijing 100097 P.R.CHINA Tel: 8610-6212-3271-2 Fax: 8610-6212-3270 Email: [email protected] www.ipstarchina.com

THAICOM Public Company Limited Hanoi Office, Vietnam Flr.5, HRS Building, 4A Lang Ha Str. Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: (+84) 4 7 724 600 ext.105 Fax: (+84) 7 7 724 601 ext 108 www.thaicom.net, www.ipstar.com

Whilst the above information has been prepared in good faith, and all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure its accuracy, THAICOM makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose or use of the information. THAICOM shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, including indirect or consequential loss, arising from use of the information and all warranties and conditions, whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise, are hereby excluded to the extent permitted by English law. IPSTAR is a trademark of THAICOM Public Company Limited. The trademark is licensed to THAICOM Public Company Limited. (C) THAICOM Public Company Limited 2008. All rights reserved.

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