Intrinsic And Structuring Element

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,790
  • Pages: 10
INTRINSIC AND STRUCTURING ELEMENT BY JOSE ANTOMIO GUTIERREZ CHAVEZ IND. Mech. Eng INDICE 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 6.1. 6.2.



1.1. BACKGROUND The study of systems intrinsic structure is opened or closed at the cellular level, component or group as such has not been understood. In the few times that has made similar studies are descriptive and analytical faunas microsystem from a morphological. 1.2. JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY A study of how that is done in this short report is important because it shows the conditions between open systems, closed and its integration and its importance in various aspects of them as I will see to consider this work. 1.3. INTRODUCTION The structuring of the term as orderly, and deductive logic, seeks to establish relationships between elements and their correlations with any system. 2.1. OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to show how powerful it may be a correlation method of operating functions via a logic to the natural sciences and other branches of human knowledge. 2.2. PROJECTIONS Projections of this methodology is so fertile that can be applied in a simple and analytical, or in different systems. 3.1. CONCEPTUAL HYPOTHESES Study of "Homo Sapiens" from the standpoint of the structure and intrinsic element. 3.2. STRUCTURAL HYPOTHESES We have the entity in question can be determined by: a) Structuring somatic b) Structuring mental c) Structuring coercienergética. 4.1. METHODOLOGY We employ a method of deductive method of directional intrinsic structure. 4.2. NOMENCLATURE LOGIC We use a classification based on the intuitive logic that is the groups are formed from discrete elements that can be linked through formal operands.


4.3. FORMAL NOMENCLATURE For purposes of the reader illustrates some mathematical symbols to describe that move for later reference. SYMBOL MEANING Correlation between elements, groups or associations BXA, 6XiA BX1, BXi Functions, open or closed systems BXA1 - BXi Operating open system BXAi Operating in closed system Another symbol is explained as needed. 5.1. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The study of homo sapiens in their theoretical context, it has been done since the dawn of humanity, but has not been systematized to place it in its true dimension, outside the pedestal that it has been established, so that their understanding dimension within the existing space. Similarly, this study could have referred to a simple amoeba with all its inherent somatic structure and show the methodology and scope of this work. It could refer to other beings in the biosphere to show his beautiful structure which is being damaged by the tenant as newcomer. 5.2. HISTORICAL FRAMEWORK In historical times, there have been a number of classifications of human beings, according to criteria humoral falling gloomy, morose and so on. More recently, new classifications have been made, all descriptive creating more or less complex theories to explain the human phenomenon. In primitive times it was a magic and animism causal. In historical times of Egyptian civilization man is divided into three parts, body, soul or ka ba and it has no association with remote structural phenomenology. To the Greeks was the topic of Uranus, all came from the gods and also in other civilizations and animist divinizada.


In order to avoid making the long historical and not talk of the Middle Ages, or the thought that he was riddled with errors and conceptual sense. Freud in modern times, which creates a whole paraphernalia of me, I super, ego, subconscious, and so on. Create your psychoanalytic method is not only an emotional vivencialización and reconditioning of the subject, which does not correct any dysfunction worse pathology basic latest incur other fundamental errors, 5.3. APPLICATIONS Applying the line of thought of the methodology, the subject of our work we have to drive homo sapiens underlying systems consisting of: a) Structuring somatic. b) Structuring "psychic". c) Structuring coerienergética. a) The intrinsic somatic Structuring ie morfofisiológicos systems established in the temporal variation and adaptation in cellular levels of chemical and physiological structures. Structured training of the human genome, with genes and chromosomes, structured within a single Patón basic characteristics of heredity "psycho-somatic." The underlying physiological structure morphology structure can also be studied as possible anomalies arising from the interplay of free radicals, oxidants, viruses or bacteria exist in closed or open systems environment and the fear. The intrinsic structure between elements of systems shows that bioenergy parent whose absence creates dysfunction or disease or abnormalities that leads to destruction or dysfunction of the system. Bioenergy systems and training specific to our subject of study, and create ad hoc groupings: Digestive system Respiratory system Brain System Some of them briefly here. Also the line of this study can be applied to both plant and animal species and their variations cromosomáticas induced natural, chemical or radioactive. Now apply the methodology of our study to a specific system, trying to simplify a bit to make it affordable to more publications.




Xa or X'a



Xb or XB

Broca's Area

Xw or XW

Wernicke's Area

XV or XV

primary visual area

XV1 or XV1

primary visual area Receiving 1

XV2 or XV2

primary visual area Receiving 2


receiving i Idea

Xh or

area of the hippocampus


XAf or XAf

afferent impulse

Xc or Xc1

associated systems

XM or XM

pulse efferent

The system is composed of different brain structures like this: I mainly. Broca's area and Wernicke partner, as we shall see in the diagrams. CHART 1


As we see in the diagram is as simple as a speech, it is necessary to structure at least seven specific areas, plus the speed of reaction of neurotransmisiones which omitted for simplicity, create a complex structure of intrinsic elements, which have an inherent sequentiality. Furthermore, as can be seen intuitively the results are not linear. So imagine that is a new element of correlation within the system can serve inhibitor in deep emotion, sudden danger, and so on. Freud claimed, and not as his subconscious, his superyo, etc.., etc. .. Moreover it goes without saying that the characters are intrinsic to the genetic structure and environmental conditions, they simply magnify or obscure these features but not create them, as claimed Joleman and others. Could continue to explore other and without fear, but given the short space of the report omitted several alleged cases paralogisms il Phineas Gage or Joon Elliot Then we will make a brief study of sleep: CHART 2


Sleep centers in the brain and hormonal compensation feedback inherently structured, that is to become unstable, at any given time the center of the real association or somatotésico seeks to establish the identity and find the image of hybrid and unreal such expression, or in cases of extreme tension prevailed dominant center and more excited as the above mentioned, see Diag.2 b) Structuring Psychic intrinsic elements develops systems closed, ie within specific areas create "memory logic is located at local schools. See Diag, 3 CHART 3

The memories are formed by logic located dendrital or increase density denditral interneuronal. Which may be short term or long-lasting as the center structured shutters which have specificity of action is to activate, in addition to the new transmitter is necessary to trigger specific "psychic", keyword, reference via emotional hearing. etc. The psychic structure depends on the intrinsic historical individual understands this by visencialidad, studies, etc.. 5.4. STRUCTURING SOMÁTICA As we have shown is determined by the developments of the different systems, logic associated with their areas, their rates of neurotransmitters and their íntercorrelaciones, which set the quality of the system is determined by somaticgeneric characteristics of the individual.


5.5. STRUCTURING "MENTAL" Is seen that this system depends on the intrinsic structure of elements "outside" the system, ie the historic event of the individual starting possibly in the last months of fetal development and ends with death. This system is also modified by environmental conditions in the broad sense of the word is, your mood, social pressure, and so on. 5.6. STRUCTURING COERCÍENERGÉTICA Pure energy of nature, whose role is to expand the "conscience" to new realities, is subject to the inherent structure, but it has its own laws that currently do not develop. 6.1. RESULTS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS For these reasons we see the importance of structuring somatic lines and giving guidelines to be followed for the proper functioning of the somatic base is much to be taken care of their primary stage, taking care system in excess of primary pulmonary form of cigarettes, pollutants, coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages, to be jeopardized by the action ensismática block neurotransmitters, but still kind of hallucinogenic drugs or so-called stimulants, which act directly on specific receptors centers blocking its action, creating strong unit known as the aftermath of the collapse of the "psychic" underlying. Of which suggests that schools should be exercised with a good methodology that enhances the latent capacity through adequate mental development, so as to give high plasticity to different schools through partnership correlative association objective so ways to generate emotional and somatic perceptions and open to both internal and external stimuli. Es decir sistemas educativos, plásticos variados que exijan y propicien el intelecto, como un desarrollo muscular armónico en conjunción con una vida sana, evitando todos los excesos, llevarán a buen puesto al elemento "Homo Sapiens”.


ABSTRACT The method of structuring between intrinsic elements, is a powerful logic analytical functions that correlate with analytical or vice versa, as well as groups of non-linear related or not, in open or closed systems providing sequential order, and within these mixed systems. As we have seen can be applied to a number of different problems, although in this report regarding preferential systems of the brain and has been cast as many theories on land in vogue today. Also shows with great simplicity and elegance of the correlation between different centers of the brain and his generation of elements "psychic" important speech, sleep, etc.. It shows that the generation of error conditions and is mainly due to systems failure or malfunction or structural energy matrix, as well as pathologies desgregantes forms of somatic structure at the foot of synaptic terminal. Although there is a brief introduction to the reports short and long term, demonstrating that methods should be used to enhance the different areas, but have a set of plastic and powerful. It has made recommendations on prophylaxis but very shallow system in general, anything can dispose of it in a larger period of time.



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