Intralis Seeds Of Magic

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  • Pages: 180
Intralis System Using the rules This is a permissive rule system. It details what you can do, with certain approximatio ns and guidelines on how to do deal with corner cases. In general, anything the rule system does not cover is not possible. The largest exception is magic with regards to how it reacts towards various phenomen a. Attempting to cover all potential interactions is a futile approach so various guidelin es as to how such magic would behave and the underlying explanations to known phen omena are given as examples so that game masters can adjudicate interactions that fa ll outside the stated scope of the rules.

Character Statistics

Core Statistics Muscle Represents core strength that provides ability to move. Represents the muscles in arm s, legs and body for humans (not jaw or internal muscles), but may not even be muscle s similar to humans in other creatures. Nerves Soul Life Strength

Skills are referred to as Stat(s) Base Statistics refer to the resources that represent the condition of a character's body and lifeforce. Base Statistics Vitality A character's maximum hp is his or her Vitality + half Constitution + half Life Strength A character regenerates hp equal to one tenth of Constitution per day At 0hp, a character is dying. At negative half maximum hp, a character is dead. Mana A character's maximum mp is his or her Mana + half Power + half Resistance

A character regenerates mp equal to Mana per day At 0mp, any further mp loss translates to hp loss at a 1:1 ratio. Effect type Magic Ener gy, damage type Magic Burn. Stamina A character's maximum sp is his or her Stamina + Constitution A character regenerates sp equal to maximum sp per six hours. At 0sp, a character is tired. At negative half maximum sp, a character is exhausted. At negative maximum sp, a character is unconscious. Any further sp loss translates to hp loss at a 1:1 ratio, effect type Chemical Effect, damage type Chemical Poison. Skills Skills represent a body of knowledge that is learnt or honed with practice. Players are encouraged to come up with specific skills dependent on those with a *. Th ese skills should apply to specialities that fall under those categories. Skills in puzzle like games or memory based games (eg. chess) often depend only on In telligence Skills in speed based games (eg. snap) often depend only on Reaction Task Resolution Whenever determining whether a character succeeds at a specific task, a Skill or Stat i s used. The chance of success is the character's score in the Skill or Stat used divided by the di fficulty of the task. (multiply by 100, roll 1d100, equal or under that number succeeds, rolling over that number fails) For any particular task, pick a skill that most closely matches the description of the tas k. The more specialized skill should be chosen. The character attempting the task can use his or her ranks in that skill or any skill it depends on (and their dependencies). If the character is using a dependent skill to perform a task, the task difficulty is double d. If the character is using a skill that the dependent skill depends on, the task difficult y is tripled; and so on as the skill applied gets broader. For tasks that have two characters opposing each other, whether it be an immediate co nfrontation or otherwise (eg. locksmith vs lockpick), the difficulty of the task is equal to the score in the relevant skill that the other character can apply. Similarly, the other character may apply a dependent skill to the task and the difficulty is reduced by half; it is reduced to one third if the other character uses a skill the depe ndent skill depends on, and so on. This works out to be the same whichever character's point of view is taken. Character resources Hit points are referred to as hp. These represent how much physical damage a charact er can take before he or she becomes disabled. When hp is at or below 0, the characte r is disabled and cannot act. A character dies when his or her hp is reduced below negative 50% of the normal max

hp. Magic points are referred to as mp. These represent how much expendable energy a c haracter has to influence the local magic environment. Some amount is required to ru n the character's life force and loss of too much mp can cause death. A character is unconscious when mp is at 0 and any further loss of mp causes the char acter to lose hp at a 1 to 1 ratio. Stamina is referred to as sp. These represent how much energy a character's body can expend to run and act. The maximum sp that can be spent on any one action must be less than an amount defined by the character's race. A character is fatigued when sp is under half of maximum sp A character is exhausted when sp is at 0 and can only take actions that cost 1 sp or les s


Some Stats are dependent on other Stats or core statistics. A stat that is dependent on another requires the basic body of knowledge of skill to be learnt before it can be applied. A character must have at least 1 point in a Stat before any points can be gained in it's dependent Stat. Exceptions exist. (see Character Creation) During any use of a Stat, except when checking for prerequisites, one fourth the points in all the Stats it depends on are added to that Stat. Fractions that result from this have no effect but will stack with fractions from other Stats. Thicker arrows between Soul -> Intelligence Life Strength -> Power Muscle -> Strength Nerves -> Dexterity represent stronger connections and one half the points in those Core Stats are added to the stats that depend on them when used. Points in Stats that the dependent Stats depend on are not counted for the use of a stat. eg. Using Mystic Theory will add one fourth of Academic Learning but none of Knowledge Skills (and none of Intelligence etc. ) Some Stats are synergistic with other Stats. They add one third their points to the Stats they are synergistic with (does not apply in reverse) when used. This is denoted by blue arrows, arrowhead indicates the direction; eg. Logic and Mathematics is synergistic with Mystic Theory, one third of Logic and Mathematics points are added to the effective number of Mystic Theory when Mystic Theory is used. This synergy does not apply when the Stat is used to meet any prerequisites.

Practice and Automatic Points

All characters progress as they use their Stats. For each ten unique uses of a Stat, whether the use resulted in failure or success, allow s a character to gain 1 point in the Stat that was used as well as 1 character point. This is modified by a number of conditions, each of which has it's own section. Non-unique uses Unique uses of Stats involve applying the Stat in a non-repetitive way. The first use of a Stat for that way is unique, applying the Stat in the same way again later is not. All common ways of using Stats (DM discretion) do not count as unique uses of Stats if the Stat is above 0. A trained character is assumed to be familiar with how to use the Stat and basic applications that define the Stat itself are never unique to a character. Non-unique uses of Stats are practice. Practice still improves Stats but non-unique use s take ten thousand uses to count as one unique uses. It is not recommended that each non-unique use is counted. The 10 000 number given is a rough guideline but assuming a schedule of 8 hours a day of practice, a character c an be expected to gain 1 point in the trained Stat and it's attendant character point in around three months. Mock combats and competitions are low stakes games where the participants compete to use their Stats better than their opponents. This progresses ten times faster than si mple practice and often progresses multiple skills at the same time. Mock combats will exhaust characters however (using sp and mp, perhaps even losing hp) and require recovery between them. A good guideline is 1 point in three of the mo st used stats every two months. Competitions in non-physical activities (eg. singing) does not necessarily result in use o f sp or mp or hp damage and thus can be practiced at a much faster rate than physical ones. Especially if a group can organize competitions or challenges regularly. Such co mpetitions or mock combats between partners or as part of an organization can be exp ected to gain 1 point in the trained Stat and it's attendant character point in around hal f a month (allowing for sufficient recovery or assuming a tight schedule of performance s). Any activity that causes the loss of hp counts as a mock combat (unless it's a unique u se) for the purposes of gaining points for Vitality. There is no possible practice activity other than this for Vitality. During a high stakes conflict of any kind, where characters try their hardest and overex ert themselves (DM's discretion, often quest/story related), ALL uses of a Stat are uniqu e uses. This does not happen often although life-threatening situations usually qualify. Losing 10% of maximum hp counts as one unique use for Vitality under such condition s. A total expenditure of mp equal to a character's maximum mp counts as a unique use f

or the purposes of gaining points for Mana. A total expenditure of mp equal to a character's maximum sp counts as a unique use f or the purposes of gaining points for Stamina. There is no possible activity other than this to gain unique uses for Mana or Stamina. Gaining points in Stats When a character gains an automatic point in a Stat, if the Stat is higher than the Stat or core statistic it depends on, the point is instead added to that Stat or core statistic. (and if those are higher than the ones they depend on, the point transfers again... etc)

Character Points and Spending Points

Character Points A character learns skills or improves the body and lifeforce as he or she gains experien ce. Character Points are gained through the practice or use of a skill or experience in gene ral. A portion of these points will automatically assign themselves depending on which skills the character has been using. Character Points that the player allocates represen t the character's focus on certain key Stats over and above what he or she learns by do ing. Character Points gained do not have to be spent immediately. Indeed, some things cos t more than 1 character point. Character Points represent the progress and development of a character. A running tot al of character points can be useful for estimating the strength of a character although this is merely a very rough estimate and cannot be relied on to be more than a guide. Character Points can be fractional but smaller fractions than half are discouraged to av oid excessive bookkeeping. A fractional point in a Stat does not provide any benefit but will add up with other fracti ons to form full points. Spending Points Characters can spend points to increase their scores in one or more Stat. Core stats ca nnot be raised by spending points and have to be trained slowly through character adv ancement. キ

The cost to raise a Stat by 1 is usually 1 character point

Specializing requires far more work and attention for lesser gain. The result is the adv ancement of one Stat at the expense of others. However, some specialization is encouraged, especially for the skills and statistics the character finds the most use of. キ

If the new score in a Stat to be raised will be higher than any Stat it is dependent o n, that Stat point costs 2 character points to raise by 1 point

eg. Bob has 6 points in Tumble and wishes he had 12. Tumble is dependent on Athletic s and Agility. Bob has 9 in Athletics and 6 in Agility.

Agility is his lowest Stat that Tumble is dependent on. Since Bob will have more Tumbl e than he has Agility, raising Tumble by 1 will cost him 2 character points. Raising Tum ble to 12 would cost him 12 character points. Correcting this imbalance later in the character's advancement does not refund the sp ent points. However, in the process of correcting the imbalance, the points are effectiv ely refunded. キ

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When raising a Stat that has dependent Stats, if those Stats that are dependent on the Stat being raised are higher than the Stat being raised (before it is raised) and t he Stat being raised is the lowest or tied for lowest among the Stats they are depen dent on, the qualifying dependent Stats receive a free half point Half points in the Stat being raised do not count for this purpose Free half points, when they become full points by combining with another half poin t, count as raising their Stat. This will create further free points in Stats dependent on it. Free half points do not count in any use of the Stat, but do count in determini ng if the Stat being raised is higher than a dependent Stat

eg. Bob now has 12 points in Tumble. Instead of raising it to 13, he decides that he will spend points in it's dependent Stats. If he raises Agility by 1 to 7, Tumble raises by 1/2 for free. This is because Agility is his lowest Stat that Tumble is dependent on and Tu mble is higher than Agility. After Bob raises Agility by 4 to 10, Tumble will increase by 2 to 14 for free. Further incr eases to Agility do not raise Tumble for free anymore since Agility is now higher than A thletics. Raising Agility and Athletics in turn would eventually result in them catching up to Tum ble. This would happen when all three scores are at 18, and doing so would cost Bob t he same number of points in total than if he had never raised Tumble higher than Agilit y or Athletics. Raising Agility or Athletics above 18 when Tumble is at 18 would not net free points in Tumble. - 18 x 3 = 54 points if Bob had raised Agility, Athletics and Tumble directly without pe nalty. - 6 Tumble, 9 Athletics and 6 Agility raised without penalty = 21 points. Raising Tumbl e to 12 = 12 points. Athletics and Agility to 18 without penalty (Tumble to 18 for free) = 21 points. 21 + 12 + 21 = 54 points. The benefit of Bob's specialization is that he reaches 12 points in Tumble with less char acter points than if he had worked on Athletics and Agility as well. (12 Tumble, 9 Athle tics, 6 Agility costs 33 points. 12 Tumble, 12 Athletics, 12 Agility costs 36 points) In doing so, however, the 12 character points he spent on the last 6 points in Tumble o nly net him half their effectiveness. Base statistics dependent on Core statistics can be hard to raise as Core statistics incre ase slowly. Core statistics are not dependent on other Stats but cannot be raised by spending char acter points. This is thus apart from the allocated points system.

Character Creation

Creating a character from scratch is much like receiving points. A character starts with a certain number of points to be allocated. Unlike normally spending points, a new character can place their starting points into th eir Core Stats costing 1 character point per point in Core Stat. All other Stats follow as if allocating points as they are gained. All Core Stats must be at least 1. Without muscle, a character cannot exert force. Without nerves, a character is paralyzed. Without soul, a character is not intelligent. Without life strength, it is not alive. Thus a character cannot be created with a point score of less than 4. Players may reserve character points from character creation or normal gain in order t o use them later (eg. unlocking Latent Talents or acquiring spells) Innate Talent At character creation, an option exists to acquire anything that normally has prerequisi tes without also acquiring those prerequisites. This represents an exceptional character who has gained or is born with natural unders tanding of concepts that normal people would not have. Innate Talents cannot be chosen on Stats dependent on Core Stats nor on the Core Sta ts themselves. Innate Talents can be chosen on magical abilities like Actions, Techniques and Compon ents. Even Ems and Spells themselves can be chosen as Innate Talents. This should be using sparingly. While they provide a flavourful addition to a character and grant early access to abilitie s characters normally would not have at a specific point score, they also cost more and are penalized once normal characters gain access. Three tiers of innate talent exist, with increasing costs and benefits: Gift - Double cost. The character can use the area he/she is gifted in at the rank learn t, ignoring prerequisites that are abilities or Stats. The character may not ignore the co st of using the ability. The character cannot improve his/her gift after character creatio n without first satisfying the prerequisites of progressing in it. Having a Gift in an area does not allow the character to use those points to satisfy prerequisites until the prere quisites for learning the Gift at the given level is met. eg. Melissa is gifted in Academic Learning. She has Academic Learning 3 naturally eve n though she has no points in Knowledge Skills. She cannot place character points into Academic Learning before gaining at least 1 point in Knowledge Skills. Her gift in Acad emic Learning 3 does not qualify her to take points in Mystic Theory until she has Know ledge Skills 1. Automatic points gained for an area a character is Gifted in but cannot progress in go b ack up the chain of dependent stats until it is one that the character can progress in. Talent - Cost as Gift + 4 character points. The character is Gifted in the chosen area. However, the character can progress in an area he/she is Talented in without first learn ing the prerequisites and always counts as having those prerequisites for the purposes of progressing in his/her Talent. (They still pay double cost for not having dependent S

tats if the Talent chosen is a Stat with one) Automatic points in Talents obey normal rules for stats if gained while the Talent's prer equisites are met. They are invested in the Talent if the prerequisites are not met (givi ng half points due to the double cost). Genius - Cost as Gift + 8 character points. The character is Talented in the chosen are a. However, the character can also use that area to fulfill prerequisites required by an other ability. Genius characters come with an uncanny understanding of concepts without prior foun dation. Their understanding, despite not being rooted firmly in a body of knowledge, is sufficient to explore and develop the field intentionally; perhaps without knowledge tha t the fundamental underlying field even exists! They are incredibly rare and should not be allowed without exceptional impact on the c haracter's background. A character can have a Talent or Gift in a skill or ability that is not usable at present. Latent Talent - 1 character point. The character has an untapped Gift or Talent in a s pecific area. The point score and cost of the Gift or Talent is decided at character creat ion. Unlocking a Latent Talent converts it into the Gift or Talent that was decided earli er, this costs a number of character points equal to the cost of the Gift or Talent minus 1. Vague signs of this Latent Talent should be included in the character's background. Th e character may even be aware of this and actively work to unlock it.



Human (Adult, 20 years old) Special conditions: Limbs can be damaged - Requires legs to walk - Requires hands to hold objects Standard population: 70% farmers (43 - 53 points) Knowledge Skills: 5 points Trade Skills: 5 points Farming: 5 points Specific farming skills: 5 points total Cooking: 0 - 5 points

Attention/Awareness: +10 points Interaction: 5 points Sense Motive: 3 points Negotiation: 5 points Entertainment: 0 - 5 points 20% artisan (52 - 67 points) Knowledge Skills: 7 points Trade Skills: 7 points Craft or Service skill: 14 points total Cooking: 0 - 5 points Attention/Awareness: +5 points Interaction: 7 points Sense Motive: 5 points Negotiation: 7 points Bluff: 0 - 5 points Entertainment: 0 - 5 points 10% other (40 to 100 points) Innate Talents: Any Geniuses: 1 in 1 million Untrained Statistics Range (20 years old, 85 - 200 points) Note that this range of statistics is often exceeded in the normal population by 30 to 4 0 points. This represents the base range that human biology falls into. Muscle: 10 - 15 Nerves: 10 - 15 Strength: 5 - 10 Dexterity: 5 - 10 Constitution: 5 - 10 Vitality: 5 - 10 Stamina: 5 - 10 Soul: 5 - 10 Life Strength: 15 - 20 Control: 0 - 5 Power: 0 - 5 Resistance: 0 - 15 Mana: 0 - 10 Intelligence: 10 - 20 Attention: 5 - 10 Awareness: 5 - 10 Charisma: 5 - 15 HP: 15 - 25 SP: 10 - 20 MP: 0 - 20


Cinqe - Vassa () Vassa are a bit like monkeys. Long limbs relative to bodies. Fur over most of the body and a long furry tail for balance and extra limb. Evolutionarily close to humans but further away than primates are in RL. Vassas are tiny compared to humans, roughly the size of a small dog. Cinques are intelligent parasites that infest Vassa hosts. Vassa themselves are about as intelligent as a monkey and but an infested Vassa is subsumed into the Cinque. The Cinque gains the Vassa's memories and takes on a bit of its personality. It is essentially one creature at that point, the gestalt having access to the higher of the skills of both the Cinque and Vassa. The infested Vassa never learns new skills, but the Cinque infesting it can learn and expand its own skill set, although it cannot use the Vassa's skills to qualify. The Cinque infestation eventually kills the host. (mean survival time is roughly two years) As the Cinque feeds on the Vassa host, the host body's Muscle and Life Strength deteriorate by 1 point per month. There are no independent Cinques. Cinques cannot survive outside a Vassa, lacking in any digestive system. Vassas grow like monkeys. Sexual reproduction can occur when females go into heat, ala monkeys. This happens every two weeks or so when the female has enough food, with a gestation time of ~7 months and a litter size of 4 on average. Food stress often prevents Vassa females from going into heat. Unlike humans, Vassa children are born competent and can care for themselves in the wild or in society. Vassas, when un-infested, have a natural lifespan of around 40. Being sexually mature at 2, and tailing off around 30, Vassas can bear litters virtually every year when there is enough food. An infested Vassa is sterile and never goes into heat if female. Occasionally, a Cinque may produce another Cinque. Cinque reproduction is asexual and occurs at random during infestation. This happens roughly every four years but never happens more than once per infestation. When reproducing, a Cinque can cause its host to inject a Cinque egg into another Vassa. A Cinque in a host Vassa will cause rejection of any eggs and no double infestations occur. If a Cinque, by choice or circumstance, does not inject its egg, the egg eventually gets rejected and dies. A Cinque may leave its host at any time by injecting itself into another Vassa. Doing this kills the original host. A Cinque that is killed also kills the host. The Cinque retains some memories of its previous host if it has made them part of its own memory. Learned skills tend not to get transferred although it has happened rarely. Cinques regenerate all the time and have no maximum natural lifespan. They do die when their host dies however.


Alfrs are plants. Young Alfrs grow from seeds and live for an indefinite period of time. When they sexual ly mature, which always happens after 20 years and before 60, they morph into a tree. This requires the Alfr to eat rather alot (and get fat) beforehand, so the transforming Al fr in its cocoon doesn't starve before it finishes tree-ifying. Young Alfrs can choose the t ime they mature by stuffing themselves with lots of food and finding a place to take ro ot. Young Alfrs are bipedal humanoids, but have a tough outer skin not unlike what you might find on a plant stem. Young Alfrs are omnivores and can digest plant matter. Instead of haemoglobin, young Alfrs use a protein to transport oxygen. Their blood is cl ear as water, although just about as viscous as human blood or tree sap. Young Alfrs d o not photosynthesize. Skin colour is usually pure white (which is really transparent but refracted too much, like a really misty day) Alfr-trees are non-sentient but retain the ability to wield magic, and young Alfrs can dra w on Alfr-tree magic. This connection is too complex and in-built into Alfr biology that n o other species can use an Alfr-tree's magic. Other than young Alfrs requesting Alfr-trees to use magic, Alfr-trees will also use magic in self-defence. Young Alfrs can request an Alfr-tree to grow wood in a certain shape an d then detach it. Only young Alfrs can do this. Of course, Alfr-trees only use magic or grow wood upon request if they can actually do it without comprising their magic and nutrient levels. Alfr-trees have no maximum natural lifespan. Alfr-trees are bisexual and can self-fertili ze. Alfr-tree pollen has a soporific (calming) effect on mammals, although unless conce ntrated, cannot serve as a sleeping powder or general anaesthetic. Note that this does n't work on young Alfrs. Alfr-trees drop seeds through the year. Alfr seeds grow as a plant for a short time (a fe w years) before morphing into their intermediate stage of the mobile young Alfr. This morph happens in the large tap root the Alfr-plant grows (far larger than would be expe cted out of a plant that size) Only mobile young Alfrs are sentient. The plant forms of Alfrs lack a nervous system at all. Young Alfrs never exit their tap root during winter. Development of the Alfr-plant is timed so that they exit from late-spring to mid-fall. One of the more basic food sources for a young mobile Alfr is the acorn-like seeds that Alfr-trees drop. Young mobile Alfrs can subsist indefinitely on a diet of only Alfr-seeds. Yes, its cannibali sm, but most seeds never survive even their first winter and if they all did, Alfrs would have the highest reproduction rate among all land predators. Since the young Alfrs are sentient and intelligent, they use this as a form of birth control. And food source. Since young Alfrs pretty much came with orchard farming inbuilt, they started agricultu re long before humans did. Plus, Alfr-trees need far less tending compared to crops, giv e a stable supply of food (and population) and provide a defensive environmental adva ntage to resident young Alfrs. (pollen induced drowsiness reduces predator aggressive ness, elves can draw on elf-tree magic for emergency defence) Not to mention, in an Alfr population boom due to allowing many seeds to sprout, soon,

the forest expands as well when the Alfr boom generation takes root. This has allowed them to create a civilization centered around forestry as a food source instead of farmi ng.

Mind Fish

Mind Fish are a large fish that can grow up to 6 feet long. They appear silvery due to t heir scales. Individual Mind Fish have a natural lifespan of only ten years. Mind Fish ea t smaller fish and scavenge when alone or in small groups. Large hives of Mind Fish de velop pack hunting behaviour and even tool use. Mind Fish can live in both fresh and salt water, although the adjustment process is unc omfortable for them. They have a tentacle inside their mouth they can use to manipulate objects. This tenta cle is quite thin but long, and it regenerates if cut off and the Mind Fish survives, like m ost of their body. At the end of the tentacle is a single sharp tooth that complements th e set of teeth and powerful jaw of the mouth. When regenerating from a cut tentacle, t he tooth regenerates at the new end and the tentacle slowly grows back to its full lengt h. The muscles in the tentacle are not powerful and the tentacle is more of a fine mani pulation tool. However, it is flexible and long enough to tie knots by itself. It cannot pus h very well but it can withstand stretching forces larger than the Mind Fish can exert by swimming, and large Mind Fish can even tow rocks and heavy objects through the wate r in this manner. Individual Mind Fish are not smart, being somewhere on the level of a dog. They use a language, although it isn't very complex. They can emit a high-pitched click that acts v ery much like a sonar, and also double as communication. Their scales contain various luminescent proteins and may emit light of various wavelengths when activated, which is a second method of communication that augments the language when in sight. The most important factor is the sharing of lifeforce. Mind Fish are unique among livin g things in that their lifeforce does not end sharply where their physical body does. A M ind Fish's lifeforce extends out to around three meters from their actual body. Overlapp ing Mind Fish lifeforces can transfer memories and communicate at the speed of thoug ht. Which, although not fast compared to thought processes other sentient races, does allow them to share very large amounts of experience in a short time. The intelligence of Mind Fish arises from this communication between a pack of Mind Fi sh. Mind Fish are inherently cooperative and their communication is fast enough (and t heir hearing can differentiate from multiple sources of clicks) and parallel enough that Mind Fish collectively can decide on things. It doesn't work so much like a committee a s more like a hive. The individual survival instinct is highly muted, to the point where i ndividual Mind Fish will sacrifice themselves if the hivemind thinks it is worth the loss. Mind Fish sexually reproduce. Sperm is released into the water near eggs and after ~t wo months, tiny Mind Fish hatch. Young Mind Fish develop the sonar and communicatio n at around three years, but they can hear and obey the hive mind even three days aft er birth. Young Mind Fish are transparent, small and hard to spot, and since they are b orn in large amounts, the hivemind often uses them as scouts and lookouts in pack hun

ting. Mind Fish pose an interesting problem for philosophers. One problem is that packs of M ind Fish generate a hive mind that is independent of its members, and even remember s things beyond the lifespan of any one Mind Fish. (hive memory tends to get scattered around the swarm, with redundancies that prevent loss of memory through accidents) The exact line where a hive of Mind Fish gets big enough to support a true sentience is blurry. The other problem is one of individuality. Mind Fish hives are sentient. However, two h ives within communication distance share memories and increase intelligence as if mer ging. The Mind Fish hivemind has no conception of identity and hives split and merge fl uidly, with no obvious transition point between multiple separate hives and one big hiv e. Like the differences between individual Mind Fish and hives, Mind Fish magic is limited alone. Each individual Mind Fish is weaker than any other intelligent race. Classically tr ained human casters can easily overpower even small groups of Mind Fish. However, M ind Fish instinctively know how to cooperate when casting spells and hive mind spells a re a conglomerate of the entire swarm's magic that can achieve incredible feats. More than one unwary fishing boat has met a watery end after accidentally netting part of a Mind Fish hive. One recorded case involved a hivemind, having been told where a particular lake was, swimming up a river and shooting a breeding pair of Mind Fish cannon-style over more than a kilometer of land to reach it. As well as sending enough magic to protect that p air upon landing. The resulting Mind Fish hive that arose in that lake fired another pair back to report the success to the mother hive that remembered to visit that place in th e river over twenty years later.


Dead Unconscious Unconscious characters cannot take any actions, even those that require zero time or e ffort. They may not change any use of their current active abilities, including desired mp expenditures. Exhausted a

Intralis Spell System

Player's Guide to Mana

Mana, General Overview Mana is a distinct part of the world, intertwined with the physical world and at the same time standing apart. It exists with it's own rules, and has specific interactions and effects on the physical world. Mana interacts with mana in very strange ways. Each bit of mana can have a variety of states, having different interactions with the physical world or with other mana. Inter-mana interactions are complex enough to carry information easily and can easily perform a wide variety of tasks. In their interactions, mana is continuously expending energy. This changes the expended mana into a more energy depleted state that cannot support complex interactions, from which the mana recovers automatically over time. Generally, mana exists everywhere. From each stone, wall and brick of cities to the air, clouds and mist, to the depths of the ocean, hot lava deep in the earth and the wispy thin air of extreme heights. There are exceptions, dead zones or overly active ones or even unequal distribution of elements. But in most cases, environmental mana has no display and little effect on the world, similarly, the world has little effect on the distribution of mana. Living things are no exception. Mana exists in them and is, for all creatures, a vital part of their life. The complex interaction of mana and matter, although weak, allows another way by which living things govern their own balance and this is critical in almost all life. Depletion of mana in this intricate governing process is a natural phenomenon and can be easily tolerated in small amounts. Too much depletion, however, causes the processes in life to weaken and possibly even fail. In most creatures, depletion of internal mana is experienced as fatigue that won't pass until the level of depleted mana has recovered to normal levels. It has been observed that causing massive mana depletion in living things kills the affected. Also relevant is the observation that most living things seem to have a majority of one type of mana, although every type is present in some quantity. This type appears to be random and does not seem to affect the development of the organism in any way. Interestingly, the way intelligent creatures can modulate their own mana states allows them to cause changes in the mana available in the environment. Some scholars posit that this is due to the role mana-matter interactions have with intelligence, allowing a conscious mental effort to change the states of mana in a creature. Inevitably, using magic like this causes depletion in the mana available for the creature's own life process, with the usual effects of mana depletion in the body.

What MP means Using magic has so many ways to generate the same effect that it is more a matter of skill than knowledge of a method. With practice in magic, a person gets more efficient in manipulating mana and maintaining control over the body's mana. The exact amount of mana in a creature doesn't change much. However, a person can usually find ways to achieve similar effects more efficiently and with less depletion of mana. The same amount of mana in a more skilled caster results in more effect than not. Thus MP is a measure of the magnitude of magical change a person can effect using all available spare MP. Maximum expenditure of mana in a single use Magic is inherently unstable and controlling the mana can be difficult. More mana is harder to control and thus there exists a safe limit of mana that can be used in a short period of time. The maximum mp that can be spent in a 1 second period is 5% of the caster's maximum mp. MP above the cap can be spent, but there is a backlash from spending too much mana at the same time. Additional MP above that cap deals an equal amount in HP damage to the caster. This backlash damage from spells originates from using the body's own mana and does not interrupt concentration or contribute to spell failure chances. Effect type is Magical Energy, damage type is Magic Burn Elements and the properties of Mana Properties of mana is important if a character is to use spell effects efficiently. Of the 6 base elements, each of them can perform 4 of the 8 branches of spell effects at equal efficiency. Of the 12 secondary elements, each of them can perform 2 of the 8 branches but with more power and efficiency than the base elements. Of the 6 tertiary elements, each of them can perform 4 of the 8 branches but with uneven efficiency among them. Void, the 7th base element, does not perform any spell effect beyond Manifest Energy and it's specific material. Since multi-element spells don't operate as efficiently, picking the right element for the spell (taking into account the character's ability) is critical to extended operation. A spell's components can be made of any element (apart from the restrictions on available spell effects). If subject to attack, the components affected behave as appropriate for the element they are made of. Most applicable to Spell Disruption. The names of these elements are derived from their unique properties under Manifest Material. Their standard operation in Manifest Energy and Channelling techniques have no relation to their names. This is a diagram detailing the elemental grid and their names.

This diagram shows the links making up each element in the same position. Elements diametrically opposite have opposing charges.

The following chart shows the properties of each element with regard to the action (Manifest Energy) they have available: In particular, Warm is the action of heating, Cool is the reverse Wet is the action of catalysis, Dry is the reverse Calm is the action of friction, Brash is the reverse (negative friction) Swift is change of direction Strong is increase in inertia Elements with +1 have property on the left hand side of the column. eg. Earth is a Warm 1

element, Air is Cool 1 element +2 indicates that they have twice the property on the left hand side. eg. Aura is a Warm 2 element, Shadow is a Cool 2 element +3 indicates that they have thrice the property on the left hand side. eg. Star is a Warm 3 element, Miasma is a Cool 3 element


Channelling is the act of using magic or influencing mana in the environment. A creature with the ability to channel can influence mana in the environment by causing changes in it's own personal mana that is part of the creature, these changes then propagate outwards towards the target of the channelling activity. This means that an area without magic is also an area that will block channelling. These are rare, thankfully. Some displays of magic are not spells. These generally are just magical phenomena that are based on simple direct applications of magic. Magic spells are made out of at least one component that has a specific purpose, the formation of a spell involved making the mana into the spell components. Mana is not necessarily visible. Mana present in the surroundings is usually not and most spells do not waste energy on making the mana manifest a visible effect unless as a side effect. A completely invisible spell (to the naked eye) is perfectly possible. However, magic is never completely undetectable. Due to the way mana interacts with other mana, any active mana use or changes in local conditions of mana causes ripples of changes in the local field of mana. These can easily be detected by any magic-sensitive life and with some sensitivity, the nature of the disturbance can be discerned. Spells Channelling mana to make spells and magical effects is a tricky business, requiring talent, skill and knowledge to perform. Knowledge of magic and channelling allows skill to be gained in that area. You cannot learn what you do not know exists. In general, usage of magic can be separated into three parts Actions, Spell Components and Techniques. Actions are the overall method used to cast a spell. Spell Components are individual operative components of a spell. These are specific groupings and arrangements of mana that perform an action to change the environment or the spell in some way. Techniques are ways to improve or modify spell components or channelling activity. These modify how a spell component works or allow a way to use channelling that wouldn't normally be possible. The currently known and mapped Spell Components and Techniques are shown below: The Level of a Spell Component or Technique is a rough gauge of the difficulty of using and learning it. A Spell Component or Technique that requires a level of knowledge of another component has a line drawn from the required component. The exact level required is in their individual description.


Kinesthetics is another way to use magic that is completely different from the principle of Channelling. Instead of propagating the changes in the creature's mana outwards to influence the mana in the environment, Kinesthetics creates the effects in or close to t he creature using the creature's own mana itself. Kinesthetics and Channelling are opposite philosophies of using magic although they ar e not incompatible. While Channelling is a deliberate act that requires learning and kn owledge, Kinesthetics is already in use by all living things. The simple act of living and moving already uses magic, as evidenced by the complete collapse of living systems w hen magic is removed. Unlike Channelling, Kinesthetics is learned through concentration and continuous practi

ce. The strengthening and use of a creature's lifeforce is not something that is learnt a nd applied through theoretical techniques. As a result of this, Kinesthetics achieves incredibly complex effects from the point of vi ew of Channelling, but ultimately is focused on the immediate area around the body of the user. Kinesthetics is also much less efficient in the use of mp than Channelling, but Kinesthet icists usually train their control of their own body's mana far more than Channellers do. After all, control and usage of their own body's mana IS the field of Kinesthetics. Ofte n, they make use of their stamina as well as their innate magic. Em The Ems are a list of Kinesthetic techniques that can be learnt. Ems are to Kinesthetics as Spells are to Channelling. Most of them are innate to animals in general and merely amplify or enhance their acti ons. Some of them are unique to a particular species or group of creatures. A large portion of these techniques are merely simpler techniques that are applied in c omplex ways. These often require the budding Kinestheticist to learn the underlying te chnique. Each Em comprises of many individual applications and variants. The central descripti on can be used to derive more uses for the Em. GMs should allow applications that mimic other Ems or spells, but should pay attention to the complexity of the task the Em is being used for. Generally, Ems increase in com plexity as their level increases and each level should be roughly similar in complexity. Too complex or too simple tasks should not be allowed.

Using Magic - Channelling

Definitions and Terms Concentration Concentrating is an active state of mind. The concentrating person may not take complicated mental actions (usually spells or similar concentration requiring actions) without special focus. Physical actions like dodging and running is easily possible, even writing and conversation. Objects Something is part of an object if it satisfies either condition:

- Anything that is the same material and in physical contact - If the object is moved, the portion is question is moved along with it (not necessary to retain shape to satisfy criteria) Creature Creatures are Objects that have a life-force. (they count as both Objects and Creatures) Dead creatures (without life-force) are just objects. (they count only as Objects) Magic Sensitive A type of creature. Any creature that depends on mana to maintain it's life force and thus has mp, is magic sensitive. Magical Barrier An volume of high magic density that interferes with the operation of other effects. Effect shapes, of which one is a magical barrier, will only interact at their edges, the magical barrier will exclude any other effect from it's volume. Living things all use magic (including inanimate objects like trees and grass) and thus are magical barriers and block magical line of effect. Living things that present less than 1 mp of resistance over the area of the interacting effect are not magical barriers. This does mean that extremely thin spells can pass through a field of grass to reach the ground below, while a flat square will not. Zero magic areas are magical barriers in that they block magical line of effect but otherwise have different behaviour from normal magical barriers. Magical Line of Effect A magical line of effect is a cylinder approximately 10cm in diameter, the long axis lies on the line of effect. If more than 1/4 of the cylinder's cross-section is occupied by a magical barrier at any point along that line, cumulatively, then the magical line of effect is said to be obstructed. Otherwise, that magical line of effect is said to be open or unobstructed. Convex A volume is not convex if a line drawn between any two points in the volume never exits the volume. Abilities The name of the body of knowledge of how to manipulate magical effects. General name for Techniques, Spell Components and Actions. The level of an ability is a rough indicator of it's complexity and thus difficulty in casting. High level abilities are not necessarily powerful. Techniques A study of magic that allows the mage to modify how his/her spell behaves. Can be applied to Spells and Actions that meet the requirements. Spell Component Basic unit of a spell. An application of magic that causes an effect to happen or modify the behaviour of the spell. These always require mana to use. Each component can contain only 1 element of mana. Action A special magical manipulation that the caster can use. Not a spell.

Effect Shape An effect shape is the volume in which a spell component operates it. By default, spell components only operate in the effect shape they are in. More than one spell component can share the same shape. Spell A complex package of mana meant to perform a specific task. Must be studied and/or created before the caster may use them. Unless otherwise stated, magical effects must be used as spells. Variant These indicate a very similar ability to the parent ability, or the parent ability applied in complex ways to achieve a new effect. They do not count as individual abilities. Unlike learning a new level in an ability, variants are immediately available when their learning prerequisites have been met. It is possible that certain abilities have all applications in variants and none in the parent Ability. Variants will only state how they differ from the parent Ability. Any field not mentioned remains the same as the parent. Application is always different. - The exception is that variants inherit all the prerequisites of their parent ability in addition to their own prerequisites Each component or technique may only apply one variant per use. Using the normal application of an Ability also prevents the use of variants in that use of the component or technique. If the effects of two variants from the same component or technique are desired, multiple applications of the component or technique are needed. Which variant to apply is decided at spell creation. Levels Levels of skill represent a body of knowledge or practice that is applicable in some way. Knowledge less than the amount needed to gain one level is a fragmented, incomplete understanding of the principles. This can direct the character to gain the rest of the knowledge for that level but isn't enough to be applied usefully. Levels of skill start from 0. Level 0 represents the basic ability to get something to work. The level of a Action, Technique or Component is used to determine the final spell level. Ready A Readied effect is an effect that the caster has almost completed and can be launched as split second reaction. The caster must concentrate to maintain the Ready state. Loss of concentration indicates spell failure. A Readied effect is still subject to standard mp loss. Delay A Delayed effect is an effect that has been cast successfully but has not begun to work. The delay time is set by the caster at the time the casting is complete and is a value that is set at the time of casting. During this time, disrupting the effect works as normal. A Delayed effect is still subject to standard mp loss. Parameter A modifiable part of an effect.

Not as easy to modify as values that are determined at the time of casting but are easier than values determined at the time of spell creation. Stationary Objects are counted as stationary with respect to spells if they are stationary with respect to the mana particles around them. Mana particles are attracted to matter. Heavy objects can move faster and still count as stationary. Note: the planet is heavy enough to count as stationary with respect to its orbit and rotation See Acceleration/Deceleration in Mana Physics Spells are counted as stationary if they are not moving in the mana field they reside in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Formulae Accuracy and Hitting Chance to hit with spell effect = Attacker's Control * Base Accuracy * Modifiers / Defender's Reaction This gives a number. Multiply by 100 to convert to %, round up to nearest % and roll 1d100. Higher than 100% means it always hits. 0% or less is an auto-miss. Attacking Control and Defending Reaction have a minimum of 1. Statistics of less than 1 count as 1 for this calculation. If attacker hits, then calculate damage dealt from next section. Note that magical attacks tend to be deadly if they hit, but most barriers and shields can block attacks quite easily. Some magical effects do not miss at all, instead hitting everything in an area so large that it cannot be dodged. Offense and Damage Offense = (Attacker's Power + Skill level in spell) * Modifiers For Magic Energy: Defense = Defender's Resistance * Modifiers For Direct Effect: Defense = (Defender's Stamina + 1/2 Defender's Resistance) * Modifiers For everything else: Defense = (Defender's Stamina) * Modifiers Finally: Damage dealt = (Offense / Defense) * Base Offense

Spell Overview

Knowledge of spell components and casting techniques has no use without first making a spell. (except for some simple magic) Spell operation requires the determining of so many factors that creating spells on the fly is difficult. In general, spells can have a large variety of effects. These descriptions are meant as a guide to the mechanism behind the listed effects. In the cases where the description warrants a closer look at how the spell(s) interact with a troublesome case, GMs are advised to give a reasonable extrapolation from the description to modify the rules text. In particular, some components have extremely variable effects depending on what type of target they hit. In these cases, guidelines are given with as much of the figuring done, approximations to the closest fit is the recommended action. Spells are constructed from their components. In general, each component enables the spell to do what it does. Requirements for casting a magical effect To cast a spell, the caster must first have an understanding of how it works and be able to use all the components that make it up. This is generally gained by the caster making it him/herself or being taught it. See Learning a Spell below. - The caster must also meet all Prerequisites and Casting Prerequisites of those Abilities to use anything that contains them - Being able to cast at a spell level of the spell is always a Casting Prerequisite of the spell. - Using the required amount of mp for the spell level is always a Casting Prerequisite of the spell. - Failure to meet them causes the Base Failure Rate of the spell to be 100% (140% for Void mana spells) - High levels of familiarity (and use of other Abilities) with the spell can allow the caster to ignore prerequisites. - Learning the spell is not a prerequisite that can be ignored this way, lack of skill level 0 in a spell does not allow the caster to even attempt a casting. Some exceptions exist (see Similar Spells below) - Sudden inability to meet the prerequisites of a spell mid-way through casting causes the relevant increase in spell failure. - Note that skill level Prerequisites and Casting Prerequisites do not require the spell to use the indicated Ability, merely that the caster knows them Some magical effects are not spells. These do not have the same requirements as spells. (see the description of the Action that allows it) While casting a spell, the caster concentrates on channelling If a caster is concentrating on something else, then the caster cannot cast a spell without special abilities. While a spell is being cast, it still suffers less than usual mp loss (see Spell Operation) - Long casting time spells can be significantly weaker at completion than at the start When a spell is interrupted or otherwise fails, the caster wastes the mp used in the spell. It is important to note that the minimum mp spent on a spell is 0. In no way can a spell have less than 0 mp cost. It is also important that casters may spend fractional amounts of mp unless stated otherwise. Casting a magical effect At the start of the casting time, the caster begins chanting the invocation and can be observed to be

concentrating. MPE is generated (see Detecting Spells below). The caster spends his/her mp for the spell at this point. - The caster can opt to not spend any mp and immediately fail to cast the spell. The element(s) of each component of the spell is decided just before the casting is begun and cannot be changed afterwards. Some Spell Components restrict the elements that can be used with them. Any Techniques or modifications that are applied at casting time are decided now. Any decisions about the operations of spells that are made at casting time are decided now. Spell Failure is rolled after all above decisions are made. Once spell failure is rolled, that level of spell failure has been avoided. Any increase in spell failure mid-cast that exceeds a previously avoided level of spell failure forces a reroll to avoid spell failure. To succeed, this reroll only has to be higher than the increase in spell failure instead of the new level of spell failure. - Negative spell failure counts as 0% failure (applies before and after increases, thus an increase is partially or completely offset by negative spell failure) - Due to the way this works, small increases in spell failure are more easily tolerated than a single large increase A Spell Disruption Attempt that hits the caster reduces the mp of the spells being cast equally. Split the effective mp for the Spell Disruption Attempt equally among all the spells being cast. This may cause automatic spell failure if the spell fails to meet prerequisites or remain in the mp range afterwards. Manipulating mana requires a manaeic connection to the target point - This is called a magical line of effect (a line along which there is no magical barriers) - This is not the same as a physical impedance. Most magical effects can actually travel through physical objects. - Aiming effects through a barrier the mage cannot see through is often difficult, for obvious reasons. The caster must know the position of the target, this is most easily achieved through looking at it although a simple distance and direction will do. The caster can also opt to drop the casting at any point during the casting time and waste the mp. This works for all purposes as if the caster did not avoid spell failure. (even if the caster has 0% or less chance to fail) The caster may opt to deliberately take longer at casting the spell than the casting time requires, limited only by the need to maintain concentration and loss of mp. Extending the casting time in this way by more than 20% makes it obvious that the caster is holding back and taking his/her time. This is often used to teach the spell. The caster can also opt to "Ready" the spell once the casting time is over by deliberately not completing it. The caster has to maintain concentration while the spell is "ready", failure to do so causes the spell to be miscast. "Readied" spells can be completed with effectively 0 time but not in response to an event the caster is unaware of. Completing the casting of a magical effect At this point, the caster chooses a valid target. (this is often easier than expected) - The target can be decided with effectively 0 time (but not in reaction to events the caster is unaware of) - Target points in space can be defined relative to anything the caster can see (defaulting relative to the caster otherwise) - Distance penalties apply as if to the furthest target point ever chosen during the casting (additional required mp must be expended immediately or the spell fails) No valid targets means the spell fails and the mp spent is wasted, this generally happens very rarely as most spells have a direction or point as a target.

If the caster has successfully dodged spell failure and all interference, the spell's duration begins. Duration can mean one of two things: The time taken for the spell to deploy after being cast. - These spells usually run out of mp after their duration and the effect they have takes place then - During this time, disrupting the spell reduces their effect OR The time taken for the spell to run out of mp - These spells operate continuously over a period of time - During this time, disrupting the spell reduces their duration Instant means the spell happens over a period of time too fast to react to. (not even for effectively 0 time actions) A range is usually given there for DM adjudication. Concentration means the spell effect applies as long as the caster channels mp to power the spell (which requires concentration). The caster can opt to "Delay" the onset of the beginning of the spell by any amount of time including "indefinitely". - Delayed spells do not operate and simply exist, they lose less than usual mp over time (see Spell Operation) Attempting to cast a spell at an invalid target causes automatic spell failure at this point (after completion). The caster knows the reason for the spell failure is due to the target being invalid. The caster may opt to drop the spell at any point prior to this and waste the mp if no desirable target can be found. (eg. finishing an attack spell but no enemies to attack are left) Spell Operation Components, Actions and Techniques that require mp and reach 0 mp for any reason instantly end. They disappear from the effect and effectively do not exist. Without the ability to create new Components or apply new Techniques or Actions to spell effects, those that end cannot be reinstated. Standard mp loss: Spells lose (number of components % of total mp) + (number of components) mp every (60 / number of elements) seconds, affecting components in the same order as Spell Disruption Attempts. - 1 element spells lose 1% + 1 mp per component per 60 seconds - 2 element spells lose 1% + 1 mp per component per 30 seconds - 3 element spells lose 1% + 1 mp per component per 20 seconds etc. This is in addition to the rate at which components lose mp according to their operation. This rate is continuous and only presented in discreet amounts as a simplification. This mp loss affects all magic effects, including spells that still being cast. Taking too long to cast a low mp spell could potentially make the spell run out of mp before it even starts. While spells are being cast or when they are held at Ready or Delayed, spells suffer one tenth the standard mp loss. Effects without either Components or Actions immediately end. Any remaining mp is lost. All Effect Shapes of the spell must interact with another Effect Shape of the spell at all times (unless there is only 1) - This must be arranged in such a way that there is a continuous sequence between any pair of Effect Shapes (ie. you can go from one Effect Shape to any other Effect Shape without exiting the spell's area) - Any internal attempt from the spell to move Effect Shapes apart so that they don't fulfill this

criteria simply fails to do so, the moving attempt simply does not cause movement. External forces causing such a break (eg. inserting a magical barrier through a component that bridges two halves of a spell) forces the spell to split with the relevant components in each severed part. Techniques that affect the entire spell are copied to all of them. Maintaining Spells Some spells operate by drawing on mp from the caster to support it's expenditure. Maintenance of any number of spells counts as one concentration Action. A caster becoming unconscious (or otherwise unable to make further decisions) makes a decision just before doing so whether to maintain each effect. The caster may opt to stop maintaining a spell by breaking the link and this prevents the resumption any further maintenance without special techniques. This action takes effectively zero time but cannot be done in response to events the caster is unaware of. This link is identical to the link generated by Spell Manipulation. The link requires a magical line of effect to the center of at least one effect shape or the target. The cost of the spell is distributed as decided at spell creation. Each component's starting mp is called the mp level, tracked for each component of the spell. - Loss of mp from use or operation will draw on the caster to replenish mp up to the mp level. Most components will only spend the mp they have now each second. - The mp the caster spends brings the spell back up to it's mp level for the next second of operation. The amount of mp spent by the caster for this maintenance is subject to the same modifiers as the original casting of the spell, including distance penalties, maximum safe mp limits, skill level and other Abilities affecting it. - The distance penalty is calculated from the caster's and spell's current position. - The maximum safe mp limit applies to total mp spent on maintenance for that spell over any 1 second period The mp spent to maintain each component must be of the same element as that of the component. Standard mp loss due to normal operation can be made for by maintenance. The caster may not spend more mp on maintenance than required to bring the spell back up to it's mp level. Opting not to spend any mp on a spell does not break the connection. Loss of mp from a Spell Disruption Attempt does not draw mp and reduces the mp level of each component to the amount of mp remaining in each after the end of the Spell Disruption Attempt. Failure to maintain the component at it's mp level when mp is spent reduces the mp level to the amount of mp remaining in it. Maintaining the spell does not grant the ability to change anything about the spell. Some components have ways to be changed by maintaining the spell. While maintaining a spell, the caster doing so knows the total amount of mp in the spell as well as the total amount of mp in each effect shape as a sum of the mp level in their components. The caster also knows the exact location and shape of all the effect shapes that comprise the spell. Spell Interactions Two spells that have overlapping area of effects are interacting spells. This usually does not affect spell operation but some components have special effects on interaction with another spell. Components that act as magical barriers prevent other effect shapes from sharing space with the effect shape it is in.

Unless stated, components are not magical barriers. Spells that try to move into a space occupied by a magical barrier merely fails to proceed. This also causes the spells to interact. This bouncing effect does not affect the magical barrier, although the interaction might do so. Range Effects are more inefficient with range: To generate the magical effect at the target point/area, the strength of control drops: - generates a 1mp effect at 1m at the cost of 1mp to the caster - the efficiency drops by a multiple of the range squared (at less than 1m, the efficiency is still 1) - ie. at 2m, 2mp from the caster generates a 1mp effect - at 3m, 9mp from the caster generates a 1mp effect - at 4m, 16mp from the caster generates a 1mp effect

Range is calculated from the nearest edge of the caster's body to the target point. For Areas, use the center of the area as the target point. The efficiency decrease is only applied at the origin of the effect. (how the spell moves or changes afterward does not affect this)

Elements and Affinity

Any living thing has a specific dominant element that makes up most of the mana in his/her/its body. This elemental affinity affects casting as the element that is primary in the body is the easiest affected. This affects reduction in spell failure and elemental resistance. - Spell failure for spells reduces spell failure by the relevant percentage for the highest mp element in the spell (including increasing spell failure by subtracting a negative percentage) - All magic energy damage is increased by the relevant percentage (same elements deal more) These numbers also apply as a modifier on the effective mp for Spell Disruption attempts. Use the elements of the components concerned. If the creature is not Void, Chaos or Order: Same element, +50% Same spoke: +40% Half-spoke away: +30% Adjacent spoke: +20% One and a half spokes away: 0% Void, Order, Chaos: 0% Two spokes away: -20% Two and a half spokes away: -30% Opposite spoke: -40% Opposite element: -50% If the person is Void element:

Void: +30% Everything else: -30% If the person is Order element: Void, Chaos: -30% Order: +30% Everything else: +10% If the person is Chaos element: Void, Order: -30% Chaos: +30% Everything else: +10%

Spell Prerequisites

Spells, Components, Techniques and Actions all have their own prerequisites. Prerequisites must be met when learning and using an effect with it. Casting Prerequisites must be met when using an effect with it, but is not required when learning skill levels. Learning Prerequisites must be met when learning it, but is not required when casting an effect with it. All prerequisites (normal, casting and learning) listed for a parent Ability also apply to all its variants unless directly replaced. eg. Parent ability has Casting Prerequisites "Control 20" and Learning Prerequisites "Spell Technique 1" Variant has Casting Prerequisites "Control 12" Using the variant would have Casting Prerequisites "Control 12" and Learning Prerequisites "Spell Technique 1" The variant inherits Control 20 and Spell Technique 1 from its parent but overwrites the control prerequisite with it's own.

Learning and Making Spells

Learning Abilities Abilities can be learnt by spending 3 character points to learn level 0 of an Ability or 2 character points to increase the known level of an Ability by 1. Fractional levels are allowed but do not do anything until they become a whole level.

Using Abilities does not increase their level. A character must apply character points to advance in channelling magic. Abilities do not have dependencies and the cost of an Ability in character points remains the same. Learning Spells To learn a spell, the caster must meet the Prerequisites and Learning Prerequisites of all its Techniques, Components and Actions. - Temporary inability to meet the prerequisite does not prevent the caster from learning the spell. - However, as long as the inability persists, the caster does not learn the spell fully and does not count as having learnt it with regards to casting. - When access is regained, the caster needs to merely practice a few times (can be done in 1 to 4 casting times, this does not require mp) to finish the learning process. A caster can be taught a spell from another caster who knows it. A caster can also learn a spell in a form detailing the theory and mechanics of the spell. - Many variations abound, as long as the medium is suitable for communicating language, it can teach a spell - This often takes the form of a written scroll or pages of a spell book - Other more exotic mediums include stone tablets or a magically recorded dictation When learning the spell from any method, the caster must at least practice the casting a few times (between 1 to 4 times, this does not require mp). This has generally low to no effect compared to the normal spell and is not suitable for normal use due to the less than reliable nature of a barely understood spell. - Inability to practice works like not meeting the prerequisites. As soon as practice is completed, the spell is learnt. Generally, learning a spell takes 1 day per spell level. Focus on studying to the exclusion of other activities can speed this up to three or four fold. (DM's discretion) Deciphering or translating the script and other difficulties may require extra time to overcome. Learning a spell costs 1 character point After learning the spell, the caster gains skill level 0 in the spell. Spell Construction A caster automatically learns all spells he/she made at skill level 1. Creating a spell costs 3 character points Spells may contain/use any number of Techniques or Components provided the caster can access the requisite level of spell - Spell Level is the sum of the highest level Action, Technique or Component under each of the Categories: Channelling, Manifest Energy, Manifest Material - The level is listed before the Class of the ability (eg. Level 0 Action) The skill level of Actions, Techniques and Components used can be from 0 to the level the caster has learnt. - The lowest skill level that is required to operate is sometimes used in order to minimize casting prerequisites - The skill level used in the making of the spell is the skill level that must be used during the casting Spells must have at least 1 Component. Any spell or effect must originate from an Action. - Some effects are not spells and do not require components. - Each Spell Component must be contained in one Effect Shape. Each Spell Component can only

apply to one Effect Shape. - Each Effect Shape must have one or more components. - Components of spells can be used multiple times for repeated or different effects, applying to the same or other effect shapes. When creating a spell, take all the Techniques and Components used and assume the minimum mana required for all of them to work (allocate as desired within constraints). This is the "base" spell. - Calculate all the numbers of all effects of this "base" spell - Decide on how much mp will each "step" of augmentation cost (more than one type of "step" may be defined) - Decide how a "step" distributes it's mp - Calculate the increase in effect for each "step" - Final spell description is read as (effect of "base" spell) + (effect per "step") - Each spell can only have 1 augment "step" which must be applied in multiples during casting time Each component or technique employed in the spell or effect increases casting time. (unless casting time is given in the related Action) The proportion of the total mp in the spell going to each component is decided at the time of spell creation. (see augmentation "steps" above) - components that do not need preparation to use (eg. manifest energy) can have extra MP allocated to them after deciding how much to spend on the spell - if a spell is often used with these extra components, the list of augmentations often includes those as well Casting time of spells are 1 second per component/technique + 0.1 seconds per mp spent in total. Actions do not count to this total. An Action-only effect either lists it's casting time or it can be used in effectively 0 time. (but not in response to an event the caster is unaware of) Casting time may be reduced by 0.5 seconds by increasing the mp cost of the spell by 1. To a minimum casting time of 1 second per component or technique. - This extra cost of mitigation counts towards effects of mp expenditure, including but not limited to casting time increase and safe mp expenditures - This mitigation does not count towards spell level limits or minimum mp requirements, it is not part of the casting of the spell. This mitigation of casting time is applied at the caster's choice during casting time. Spells have fixed mp ranges that they are cast in. Very large or very small amounts of mp requires more complex techniques to manipulate, this is represented by requiring a higher spell level. A spell can only be cast in the mp range it is created for, any augmentations (besides casting time) must remain within this range. Casting time reduction by using mp does not count toward this limit. Later changes to the mp of the spell does not need to obey this limit. Very small or very large amounts of mana require different techniques to apply and thus exist as different spells. Spells from 1mp to 20mp are the default range. Spells less than 1mp have their spell level increased by 1. Spells from 20mp to 50mp have their spell level increased by 1. Spells from 50mp to 100mp have their spell level increased by 2. Each additional spell level allows 20mp larger increase in mp limit than the previous level. (100 to 170mp increases spell level by 3) This formula is accurate until spell level +9. Spells with mp cost higher than 1010mp are always Arcane level and can be cast at any mp cost that can be afforded. Modification of the spell after casting is not restricted by spell level. In fact, spell level is only a measure of how difficult a spell is to cast, and has no actual effect on the spell operation. The process of making a spell in character requires at least 1 week of experimentation per Spell Component and Technique applied. This time assumes approximately 8 hours a day is dedicated

to the design and testing of the spell. More dedication can net lower research times (DM's discretion) Multiple casters can cooperate on making a spell, each additional caster decreases the time by 1 week / number of casters already working on the spell to a minimum of 1 week to make the spell.

Experience and Using Spells

By using a spell often and in new ways, a caster can become better at using it. This is represented by skill level in a spell and gives a variety of bonuses. The skill level of a spell is a minimum of 0. Not having skill level 0 in a spell means the character cannot use it. Each character point spent increases the skill level of the spell by 1. Spells do not have dependent abilities. Spells always cost 1 point to raise by 1 skill level. Usage of a spell counts as a use of a skill with respect to practice and automatic points. Automatic points gained will raise the skill level of the spell. Whether it is a unique use or not depends on the circumstances, however, unique uses of a spell only happens in a high stakes conflict. A caster can choose to case a spell at a lower level of skill than he has learnt it at. Spell Failure Chance to fail casting a spell is usually as follows, some spells have a greater or lesser chance of failure. Base Failure Rate: 30% (70% for Void mana spells) + 5x % of hp damage taken in the last 5 seconds - 10% x skill level This can go below 0%. Negative spell failure offsets increased spell failure from other sources but otherwise has no effect. Maximum safe mp limits Each skill level reduces the spell's impact on the caster's maximum safe mp limit per second by 5%. At skill level 20, the spell does not count towards the maximum safe mp limit anymore. MP efficiency and casting time efficiency With skill level 0, a caster pays the full cost of mp in casting it and takes the normal time to cast the spell. Each level of experience above 0 increases the effective mp of the spell by 10%. This additional mp only increases the effect of the spell (and its MPE signature), it does not count towards minimum or maximum mp requirements of casting the spell, does not use the caster's mp and does not count towards maximum safe mp limits per second. Each level of experience above 0 reduces the casting time of the spell by 5%. This reduction is added to any from Rapid Channelling if applied before calculating the actual casting time.

Similar Spells

Spells that are sufficiently similar have skills that can be applied to both. To determine similarity between spells, add the number of differences between the spells. Each of the following is 1 difference: - 1 spell level difference - 1 effect shape of a different shape (Area, Point, Layer, etc... parameters of the shape do not matter) - 1 difference per number of effect shapes added/removed (additional Spell Components in those shapes will generate their own differences) - Applied skill level of an Action, Spell Component or Technique (any change is 1 difference) - Variants of Spell Components or Techniques are considered unrelated for this counting - 1 Parameter difference in Spell Components (more than 2 Parameter differences in a single Spell Component count as 2) - A Spell Component that does not exist in one of the spells counts as 2 differences regardless of the number of Parameters of that Spell Component - A Data Processing or Problem Solving component that does not exist in one of the spells counts as 5 differences regardless of the number of Parameters added with it - 1 Parameter difference between Techniques (more than 3 Parameter differences in a single Technique count as 3) - A Technique that does not exist in one of the spells counts as 3 differences regardless of the number of Parameters of that Technique - A Spell Technique that does not exist in one of the spells counts as 3 differences + 1 per instruction in the Spell Technique beyond 3 Anything that can be applied without making a new spell does not generate differences when counting similarities. They are peripheral changes that do not affect the core of the spell's function. There can be more than one way to calculate differences between spells. The way that generates the least number of differences is the correct way. For pairs of spells with 3 or less differences, the number of skill levels applicable to a similar spell is Skill level / (Differences+1) rounded down to the nearest 1. Pairs of spells with more than 3 differences do not share applicable skills. A spell can receive applicable skill levels from more than one source, these add together. A caster can use a spell at the skill level it is learnt at plus the number of applicable skill levels. These applicable skill levels behave as normal skill levels for the purposes of casting them. (not for the purposes of determining applicable skills) In theory, all spells can be used without learning so long as the caster can cast spells at all. However, this is incredibly difficult. Similar spells can be used without having to learn them first. Using them without learning imposes an increase in spell failure of 30% per difference. Each skill level in a spell decreases the spell failure for similar spells cast without learning by 10% to a minimum of 0%. Such similar spells used without learning are cast at a skill level of the original spell / number of differences rounded down.

Detecting Spells

Generally, spells generate fluctuations in the local magical field and thus are easy to detect. The act of casting a spell disturbs the local mana field. It is difficult to hide the casting of a spell from any magic sensitive creatures without special training. Any magical signal of over 1 mp equivalent (MPE) can be felt by any magic-sensitive creature. Multiple signals appear to be the average of their positions proportional to their magnitude. To humans, this appears as a "sixth" sense, identifiable as magic. This resonance goes in a straight line through physical barriers but not magical barriers. The resonance does not spread around corners. The distance is calculated from the nearest edge of the spell's effect to the sensing creature/effect. Casting a spell also generates fluctuations, the same rules apply to the caster as well as the effect. Treat the caster as sources of fluctuations of magnitude equal to the effect for the period of maintaining or having a connection to. (including holding the spell at Ready) For the time of casting, treat the caster as a source of fluctuation equal to the mp spent on the spell currently being cast. Note that the caster can act as sources more than once. The effects overlap and add to each other. Spells generate MPE inversely proportional to the range and proportional to the mp spent on the spell. - MPE = mp spent / distance in meters At the range of 1 meter per mp spent, spells normally generate 1MPE. Doubling the range halves the MPE generated. eg. A 10mp spell would generate 1MPE at 10 meters and thus any creature can detect the spell's operation within 10 meters. It would then generate 0.5 MPE at 20 meters and thus any creature that can detect 0.5 MPE can detect the spell's operation within 20 meters. It generates 0.25 MPE at 40 meters and so on. Multiple fluctuations from different spells/effects are additive. Sum all the MPEs from each effect to get the MPE at a particular point. This can generate false positives if the fluctuations of many spells overlap. The elements involved in all the signals can be determined. Multiple signals and multi-element sources give mixed answers, the proportions of the elements responsible for the signals can be determined based on the MPEs and the sources. Extreme Conditions Very high MPEs can have a magical concentration almost equivalent to an actual spell. MPEs higher than 1000 over a volume of 1m3 is about equal to the magical activity of a 1mp spell over the same volume. No in-game effect. Scales linearly to MPE. MPEs higher than ~20 000 begin to attract significant amounts of mana of the same element, amplifying the observed MPE value above the actual value (+1% per 500 actual MPE above 20

000) Obscured Channelling does not work within such an area. Observed MPEs over ~100 000 have such magical density that the material form of the elements involved manifests randomly within the area. This works as a Spell Component of that element with an mp per m3 equal to 10 000 * Observed MPE / (10 000 000 - Observed MPE) within that volume. - This further adds to MPE in the area but can be estimated as a single step for observed MPEs less then 5 000 000, in two steps for observed MPEs less then 9 000 000 - At an observed MPE of ~9 990 000 over 1 m3 (actual MPE of ~720 000), the amount of MPE added by the side effect is equal in magnitude to the original MPE, making this a runaway buildup, see below - At this point, most magical spells fail within the area, the magical density making the entire volume count as a magical barrier Observed MPEs over ~1 000 000 have enough density that they will attract mana of any element in the area, except for the Void element, towards itself. (MPE buildups of Void element will repel all other elements except Void) These other elements will thus also manifest within the area. A runaway buildup continually adds MPE without limit, instead restricted by the rate of mana flowing into the area. This is normally very high. (dependent on the magical density and speed of magical "sound", easily exceeding 100 000 mp per second) Observed MPEs over ~1 000 000 000 (can take around two hours to achieve this limit from ambient attraction) apply enough force to crush magical particles into each other, causing an elimination of opposite-aligned mana particles. This produces enough energy to blow the concentration apart and often generates an instant of power from 1 to 4 petajoules. (equivalent to 250 kiloton to 1 megaton of TNT, 15 to 60 times the yield of Little Boy, the Hiroshima atomic bomb) The amount of magic eliminated is estimated to be only a bit more than 7 moles of particles (28 grams by mass). - This blast generates a fireball between 1/4 to 1/2 a kilometer in diameter. Everything in the fireball is vapourized with impossibly high heat, pressure and radiation. - Scattering and destruction of every solid/liquid object occurs within 2 to 4 kilometers. - Moderate to high damage of buildings and objects occurs within 8 to 17 kilometers - Radiation ignites all flammable materials within 5 to 10 kilometers while light burns can be sustained out to 20 kilometers. During the buildup to the final explosion, a variety of higher order magical effects take place due to the immense quantity of mana present. Among those that are currently understood include the spontaneous crystallization of mana into material forms; magic sticking to physical objects and being activated by movement (theoretically allowing spells to be literally drawn on a surface); and as the concentration approaches the elimination threshold, a light haze of magical sparks as individual mana particles begin to combine and eliminate, the primary elements also begin to condense into secondary and tertiary elements. Additional effects are expected to occur as the final threshold approaches but those are too difficult to predict. Investigation into this high-energy situation is limited as any traces or residue of these effects have been completely wiped out in the explosion. Such events are extremely rare (the only such events known to have occurred were early in the formation of the world, their resulting craters are still visible today) due to the immense amount of energy required to achieve the 720 000 mp limit required to set up a self-sustaining magic attractor. Speculation has put it that a sufficient concentration of magic would have an MPE value high enough to overcome the repulsion generated by the elimination process and thus collapse into a magical singularity (or sustain a constant elimination reaction until it's mana amount dropped below the critical threshold, it is a subject of academic debate as to which would happen). Achieving such a density is impossible since even conservative estimates put the value higher than the estimated amount of mana on the entire planet. The elimination process does not happen if no opposing elements are present (all the elements present are comprised of three primary elements from the same half of the elemental graph), it is unclear what would happen to such a stable concentration as there has never been a 'pure' concentration of mana before. (environmental mana often contains multiple elements, even

opposing ones, and Void mana is never present in high enough concentrations)



Learning Prerequisites: Is a Creature Mystic Theory 1 Casting Prerequisites: Level X - 10 + 10X maximum mp Control 2 Class: Level 0 Action Description: This basic technique manipulates mana by causing fluctuations in the body's own mana. Standard Use: Required to use MP. Is used in most spells and magical effects. Has basic manipulation ability. Application: Can be used to roughly manipulate mana, generating magical phenomena. These variations assume at least some basic training in control of mana. Untrained Channellers may get unintended effects. Casting time of all these is 1 second. Each level of channelling increases sensitivity to magic by 1 fold. Level 0 Channelling - Sense 1/2 MPE Level 1 Channelling - Sense 1/3 MPE ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Effect Shapes (Parameter) Basic magical phenomena involve moving mana around and/or activating the mana - Activating the mana generates a magical effect, like an Active component - This requires an open line of effect free from magical distortion (eg. magical barriers) to the target

location(s) More than one shape can be used at the same time - Caster controls dividing the mp of the effect among each component in each shape at spell creation Effects generated with this Action are maintained by the caster. When creating a spell, the effect shape has to be decided. The position of that shape is decided at casting (this is the target of the spell). Simple spells with no Techniques are easier to cast and have lower spell failure. This is inherited by anything that uses the same effect shapes and meets the requirements. Point Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Application: Target: A point that is to be the center of the sphere created Activates mana in a confined spot - A sphere, maximum radius 10cm, minimum radius 1cm - 10 cm radius sphere is 4189 cm3 or ml Making the point appear on an object has a Base Accuracy of 0.8 Spell Failure is lowered by 20 + (skill level in channelling x 10)% if no techniques are applied Area Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Application: Target: A point that is inside the intended area Activates mana over a volume that is contiguous and convex. - Volume must be larger than a sphere of 10cm diameter (otherwise, see Point) - Shape of the volume must be decided at spell creation - The volume must be at least 1cm deep from any edge (ie. a 1cm sphere placed against the edge must always fit inside the volume) - Maximum size of volume is equal to (mp spent on spell) m3 - Effect is spread out over the volume. Distribution depends on the effect chosen (default is the effect affecting all targets with equal mp distribution) - Range penalty is calculated to the center of the volume - the center is defined as the geometric center of the volume - Caster only needs an open line of effect free from magical distortion to the target - the target needs a straight line of effect free from magical distortion to every point inside the area or the area will not extend to that point Catching an object in the volume has a Base Accuracy of 1 x depth / (speed of target * reaction time) - Depth is the shortest distance from the object to an edge of the volume in meters (edge must be able to accept the object moving out of the volume) - Speed of target is substituted for movement speed (in m s-1) if the target is a creature - Reaction time is the time available to the target to react to the attack (usually from the end of

casting time, unless the spell is concealed) - use 1 if the target has no reaction, use current speed of the target in this case (usually for inanimate objects) - Caster's Dexterity and Target's Agility statistics are not used (use 1 in the calculation) Spell Failure is lowered by 10 + (skill level in channelling x 10)% if no techniques are applied Pulse Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 2 Application: Target: A point that is to be the center of the sphere created and a direction Activates mana and sets it moving in a direction (direction decided at casting, Parameter) - Range penalty to effect only applies with regard to the point of origin of the pulse - Size and shape of the pulse is the same as a Point - Speed of travel is set at spell creation (up to 10m s-1) After travelling for 30 seconds, Pulse automatically comes to a stop unless Spell Technique is applied to the spell. - This is the same as it having a speed of 0. It can be set going again by changing the speed. Effect of the components applies to anything the pulse goes through - The pulse disappears when the mp used for it is used up - Generally travels in a straight line - If the pulse meets a magical barrier, it usually deforms onto the barrier and stops. Hitting an object with the pulse has a Base Accuracy depending on range and speed - Speed / (5 x distance to the target in meters), maximum of 0.8 Spell Failure is lowered by (skill level in channelling x 10)% if no techniques are applied --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Mana Manipulation Directly interfering with how mana behaves in a certain range. Not compatible with Components or Techniques unless specified below. These variants cannot be used with spells, usage of this variant does not need construction of a spell - Skill level in Channelling lowers spell failure and mp cost for this variant as per skill level in individual spells. Range penalties apply for all expenditures of mp (numbers given assume 1 meter range). Techniques that affect this can be applied (eg. Ranged Channelling) Casting time of all these is 1 second. Moving Mana Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Application: Target: A point at the center of an effect or an area containing at least 1 effect

Moves mana in an area or effect to a new location - Range is determined to the center of the target. Can change the movement path of spells or move a magical effect. - Mp needed to move the effect 1m s-1 = Mp of effect / 5 - Using less/more mp to move the effect results in less/more movement - Hitting something with this effect has a Base Accuracy of Speed / (10 x distance to the target in meters), maximum of 0.8 Using this on an item, if successful, causes the item's enchantment to move off the item and can destroy the enchantment Can be used to prevent another Channeller's use of this variant on the effect. Mp spent on moving the target mana will cancel out (at 1:1 ratio) mp spent on moving the mana in any another direction. Mp spent to intentionally disrupt such an attempt will not move the target mana even if it exceeds the mp of the attempt it is disrupting. Spell Failure is 0% (ignores Void mana increased spell failure chance) - Only hp damage causes spell failure Deactivate Mana Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Application: Target: A point at the center of 1 effect or an area containing at least 1 effect Attempts to shut down manaeic activity in an area or effect - Range is determined to the center of the target. Can stop spells from operating or stop a magical effect - Mp spent on deactivation reduces the Mp of the effect or one chosen effect shape of a spell at a 1:1 ratio - Mp loss is applied to any Buffers first then distributed evenly across the remaining components Spell Failure is 0% (ignores Void mana increased spell failure chance) - Only hp damage causes spell failure Magical Signalling Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Application: Target: One intelligent creature Costs 0.1mp per second of communication. Range penalties apply. Sends a magical signal that mimics sound that is heard mentally by the target. Volume is tolerable and clear regardless of any external sound the target is hearing. The target may not refuse to hear the signal without magically shielding. This effect is Magical Energy and subject to magic resistance. The mp cost per second required to transmit the signal is increased by the magic resistance stat of the target. This effect requires that no barriers that block magical effects are between the caster and the target.

Indirect Channelling

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Casting Prerequisites: Special, see below. Class: Level 1 Action Description: Manipulating mana at a distance in a way that distorts channelling from that point Essentially acts as a magical lens that bends the direction of casting, allowing the caster to cast an effect through it. Standard Use: Often used to affect things when there is a barrier in the way by casting the spell around the barrier. Can also be used to mitigate the loss of mp through range when nested inside itself. Application: Target: A point At the time of casting, a second target must be defined in relation to the target point. This Action allows the use of any other Action or spell (including itself ) through the target point and to the second target. - This Action raises the cost of the secondary Action or spell by 1mp. This counts towards spell level mp requirements. - Any criteria involving line of effect for the secondary Action or spell applies to the line from the target point to the second target. - The casting time is the casting time of the secondary Action or spell. - Casting prerequisites of the secondary Action or spell are added to the Casting Prerequisites of this Action. - The Casting Prerequisite of Indirect Channelling whose secondary Action is not Indirect Channelling is Control 5 - A use of Indirect Channelling whose secondary Action is Indirect Channelling has a Casting Prerequisite of 1 Control higher than it's secondary Indirect Channelling. eg. Indirect Channelling -> Indirect Channelling -> Indirect Channelling -> Physical Synergy has a Casting Prerequisites of Control 7 - Each additional time it is used as a secondary Action in the same casting raises the cost by another 1mp. This counts towards spell level mp requirements The target point has a magical signature equivalent to a 1mp effect. The distance penalty is applied to the distance from the target point to the second target. Every skill level in this Action lowers the added cost by 1mp.

Rapid Channelling

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Casting Prerequisites: Control 5 + (5 x mp cost + casting time reduction in %) / (50 + 5 x skill level in this technique) Class: Level 1 Technique Description: Rushing a spell causes mistakes to become more likely, but in certain cases, this is a worthy tradeoff. Training in quick use of magic makes this less of a likely occurrence. Standard Use: Used to speed up casting of spells when time is tight. Often used with Physical Synergy. Application: Casting time of the spell this is applied to does not increase with the application of this technique. This technique can be applied to a spell at casting time without need to make a new spell. Casting time of the spell is reduced from it's normal. - If the spell is not silent, phrases can be dropped from the spell, making each line shorter - This reduction is applied after the reduction from additional mp spent but before the reduction from skill level in the spell For each 1% of casting time reduction, the spell failure chance is increased by 1%. The maximum casting time reduction is 5% + 5% per skill level to a maximum reduction of 100%. A net casting time reduction of 80% or more requires the caster to also apply Silent Channelling. A net casting time reduction of 100% or more makes casting time effectively 0, but the spell cannot be used in response to events the caster is unaware of. Each skill level in this technique reduces spell failure chance increase due to this technique by 5% to a minimum of 0% increase --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Careful Spell Learning Prerequisites: Rapid Channelling 0 Description: Reverse of rapid channelling. Careful slow application of magic reduces spell failure. Standard Use: Used in situations where a risky spell is being attempted when time is not an issue. Note that both Careful Spell and Rapid Channelling can be applied. Applying both results in a general decrease in spell failure instead of a reduction in casting time.

Application: Casting time of the spell this is applied to does not increase with the application of this technique. This technique can be applied to a spell at casting time without need to make a new spell. Cannot be applied to a spell that has Rapid Channelling. Casting time of the spell, after mitigation from extra mp spent, is increased to 100-300% of it's normal. For each 2% the casting time is increased, the spell failure chance is decreased by 1%.

Channelled Defence

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 0 Class: Level 1 Action Description: Uses active channelling to disrupt incoming spells or magical effects in order to avoid harm. Acts like Mana Manipulation techniques (Channelling), moves magical effects or deactivates them. Can be initiated very quickly and without much action. Fast enough to react from a surprise attack as long as the caster can sense the magic of the spell. Standard Use: Used as a last line of defence. Shields the mage from most magical attacks but is very inefficient. Does not work against physical attacks. Can be used to defend against the magical portion of a combined physical and magical attack. Application: Can be used as long as the caster can Channel magic. Not compatible with any component or technique. Does not require incantations to use. Skill level in this technique lowers spell failure and mp cost for all applications as per skill level in individual spells. Casting time is effectively 0, but cannot be used against attacks the caster is unaware of. Effect type is Magical Energy The caster must concentrate to use this action and it lasts as long as the caster concentrates. Generates a field around caster that suppresses magical effects the caster chooses. - Field extends in a 1 + level squared meters range around the caster Caster can choose to attempt to move or deactivate any effect (as per Moving Mana and Deactivating Mana in Channelling) within range the caster is aware of. The caster also allocates the mp to the attempt individually. - The caster may not move the effect outside the range

- The caster must be able to sense the effect to use this Action on it (see Detecting Spells) This technique will not use more mp from the caster than required even if the caster allocates excess mp. Spell Failure is 0% - Use of this technique does not fail unless under exceptional circumstances

Silent Channelling

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 3 Casting Prerequisites: Control 5 + mp cost / 5 - 2 x skill level (minimum 5) Class: Level 1 Technique Description: Casting a spell requires the caster to concentrate precisely to manipulate the mana correctly. Normally, casters use a series of mnemonic lines that help them to achieve the correct state of mind. This can be dispensed with with training and good control. The more powerful the spell is, the harder it is to control the effect. A special concentration technique can remove the need for the caster to say mnemonic lines when casting spells. Standard Use: Used to stay silent while casting, either to conceal the spell being cast or to avoid attracting attention. Application: This may be applied to a spell at the time of casting without need to make a new spell. Must be applied to all effect shapes to be used. (counts as 1 technique) Spell Failure increased by 20% - This is spell failure increase is decreased by 5% for each skill level in Silent Channelling. Special: This can be used without having any skill levels, unlike most Techniques. Not having even skill level 0 imposes a Spell Failure increase of 30%.

Obscured Channelling

Learning Prerequisites: Silent Channelling 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 8 + 1 x skill level Mystic Theory 2 Class: Level 2 Technique Description: Fragments of mana that normally escape from the spell's volume are tied back into the area, greatly reducing loss of fragments and hence reducing the range at which the spell can be detected. Standard Use: A careful casting of the spell can be used to conceal that the spell is active or being cast. This can be useful in certain situations. Often used when discretion is necessary. Application: This may be applied to a spell at the time of casting without need to make a new spell. The caster reduces the range at which the spell can be detected. The spell generates MPE = (mp spent on spell) / (distance in meters squared x (skill level + 1) ) This generates a very large MPE value near the spell, which is a result of pooling the mana fragments near the spell's center. - This inverse square law relationship breaks down at short ranges, having a maximum MPE equal to the mp spent on the spell eg. a 16mp spell would generate 1MPE at 4 meters with a skill level of 0 (it generates 1MPE at 16 meters without the Technique) It also generates: 16 MPE at 1 meter or less 4 MPE at 2 meters 0.5 MPE at 5.66 meters 0.25 MPE at 8 meters At a skill level of 1, to generate 1MPE at 4 meters takes a 16 x 2 = 32mp spell It also generates 32 MPE at 0.5 meters and 16 MPE at 1 meter. This reduced detection range applies for the entire of the spell's duration. The reduced detection range also applies to detecting the caster casting this spell. Using this technique either increases the casting time of the spell or the mp cost by 100% at the caster's option. (increased cost counts towards all aspects of the spell including MPE generated) Each skill level reduces this increase by 10%, to a minimum of 0% increase at skill level 10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Bright Casting Casting Prerequisites: Control 12

Description: By dedicating some power of the spell into specifically generating disturbances, a spell's magical signature can be massively increased. Class: Level 1 Spell Component Application: This Spell Component generates MPE as if it was the square of it's own mp. Obscured Channelling applied to the spell has no effect on the MPE generated by this component. For the purposes of extreme conditions, this Spell Component generates MPE as normal.


Learning Prerequisites: Silent Channelling 0 Casting Prerequisites: Level X - Control 6 + 2X Class: Level 2 Technique Description: A technique that allows a mage to cast more than one spell at the same time. One spell is silent, the other uses the standard casting lines. Standard Use: Long spells have a tendency to leave mages very vulnerable to attack. This technique allows mages to cast a long, powerful spell while still being able to defend themselves with Actions and simple effects. Application: This may be applied to a spell at the time of casting without need to make a new spell The caster must also apply Silent Channelling to the spell(s) this technique is applied to. The casting of this spell does not prevent the casting of another spell Casting time of the spells remain as they were, overlapping as necessary As long as one spell is being cast, the caster must concentrate - Spell Failure for each spell being cast is resolved separately The casting of this spell does not prevent the use of Actions - Normally, only one spell can be cast at a time, this allows multiple spells, the last one of which need not be Silent (but may be if the caster wishes) Spell Failure for all spells is increased by 30% - This is spell failure increase is decreased by 5% for each skill level used in Multi-Channelling

Any number of spells may be attempted at the same time via applying Silent Channelling and MultiChannelling to all of them. Each additional spell adds 30% spell failure to all spells - The above 5% decrease per skill level used applies as normal - Note that increasing the spell failure rate of spells after casting necessitates another check A single concentration is enough to cast all Multi-channelling spells + 1 non-Multi-Channeling spell. This technique does not allow the caster to concentrate to maintain a spell and cast at the same time. See below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Multitasking Learning Prerequisites: Level X - Multi-Channelling 6 + 6 * X Class: Level 0 Action Application: The caster may concentrate on two actions that require concentration at the same time. For each additional level in Multitasking, the caster may concentrate on one additional action. Each additional action to be concentrated on adds 30% spell failure to all spells. - This is spell failure increase is decreased by 5% for each skill level learnt in Multi-Channelling Technique

Ranged Channelling

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Casting Prerequisites: Power 10 Class: Level 1 Technique Description: Normally, effects drop off at the square of the distance the effect origin is from the mage. This technique is a special extension that changes the propagation effect of channelling, so as to drastically increase the effective range of magical effects. It, however, sacrifices finesse in the effect for the distance and hence complex spells are difficult to use with this.

Standard Use: Used to generate effects at the distance where it would be unfeasible to directly channel, hence negating the need to move a spell effect directly to the target location. Application: Effective Control stat for the spell decreased by 1 per meter distance the effect is from the caster Instead of decreasing at the square of the distance, the effect drops off proportionally to the distance. ie. 1mp generates 1mp effect at 1m - 2mp generates 1mp effect at 2m - 10mp generates 1mp effect at 10m

Active Detection

Learning Prerequisites: Ranged Channelling 0 Class: Level 2 Action Description: A line of mana that takes in any magical fluctuations and propagates it along the line, presenting magical fluctuations to the caster. Extends the range of magical detection. Standard Use: Used to sweep areas for magical activity. Can extend through physical barriers but not magical ones. Application: Not compatible with any component or technique. Does not require incantations to use but still requires concentration. Skill level in this technique lowers spell failure and mp cost for all applications as per skill level in individual spells. Casting time is effectively 0, but cannot be in response to events the caster is unaware of. The sweep extends a line of mana, costing the caster 1mp per 10 meters length per second. This line is a cylinder 1cm in diameter. If any point on the line touches a point that experiences at least 1MPE of magical fluctuations, the line ends there - The caster then knows the direction and distance to the point the line ended Unlike direct sensing, the magnitude of the effect is not directly known but can be estimated from the size of the 1MPE field The sensitivity of the line can be modified. The MPE detected can be increased or decreased up to 2x(skill level+1) times of 1MPE The caster must concentrate to use this action and it lasts as long as the caster concentrates - The caster can rotate the line by a 10 degree arc per second (taking 36 seconds for a full circle)

- Note that the line is a thin line in a 3 dimensional space. Scanning the surface of the ground will not register magic in the sky Each skill level above 0 increases the speed of the sweep by 10 degrees per second Each skill level above 0 increases the length of the line per mp by 5 meters The line generates 1MPE fluctuations in it's volume and less than 1MPE out of it The caster generates MPE as if casting a spell of the line's cost per second Spell Failure is 0% (ignores Void mana increased spell failure chance) - Only hp damage causes spell failure

Cooperative Casting

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 2 Class: Level 1 Action Description: A method of manipulating mana in sync with other casters. Standard Use: Used to cast joint spells and rituals. These cooperative spells spread the load among casters to prevent backlash and to exceed limits on spells. Application: The caster may take part in the casting of spells that has Multi-Component Spell applied. - The caster does not need to know the Multi-Component Spell component to participate. - The caster does not need to be able to cast the spell to participate. At least one caster participating must know the spell being cast. - At least one of those casters knowing the spell being cast must apply the technique MultiComponent Spell to the casting. - These casters (who know both the spell and Multi-Component Spell) do not need to know or use Cooperative Casting to participate. These casters control the casting process and are know as the main caster(s) - A main caster can still lead the spell even if they have miscasted it (by failing to avoid spell failure or deliberately failing) A caster can join the casting using this Action or as a main caster as long as another main caster is still casting or Readying the spell. - Joining the casting requires the permission of all the main casters. Attempting to join hostile castings is possible only as a main caster. See Multi-Component Spell. All the casters must spend the entire casting time casting their part of the spell, techniques to reduce this work for that caster only.

- If the caster fails to avoid spell failure, the caster still has the option to continue to participate to provide prerequisites. - The spell does not complete until the main caster(s) decides it is done. See Multi-Component Spell. The caster decides how much mp to use in the casting, allocating it to each augmentation as the caster desires. - The caster must contribute at least the minimum required for the spell to work as if casting the spell by itself. The sum of all the mp spent by all the casters for each augmentation is the final mp spent in that spell's augmentation. While casting, all casters are aware of how many casters are participating and how much mp each caster is spending on each augmentation. (apart from casting time reduction) - The identity of the other casters in relation to their contribution are not obvious without some other means of sensing what the others are casting. The caster must contribute mp within the mp range of the spell (as per the spell level increase). - This causes the final result to exceed the mp range without increasing the spell level. The caster suffers from spell failure chance as per normal for that spell. A participant miscasting does not contribute his/her mp to the spell and wastes it, but otherwise does not affect the casting. The requirement of at least one caster knowing the spell can be met by a miscasting participant as long as the participant continues to cast the spell (with no contribution) for the casting time. Individual spell failure chance, mp efficiency and mp limit improves with skill level for the spell in question. (no familiarity with the spell counts as skill level 0)

Spell Disruption

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Class: Level 1 Action Description: Attempts to disrupt magical activity by separating and disrupting the mana in the effect Standard Use: Used when a magical effect needs to be put down and a spell is not needed. Application: Applied directly to the target effect without need for a spell. (casting time = 1 second) Range is determined to the center of the target. Target: A point at the center of an effect or effect shape of a spell Hitting an Effect with this Action has a Base Accuracy of 10 / speed of the effect in m s-1. The Reaction Stat of an Effect is equal to the caster's Control Stat. Conducts a Spell Disruption Attempt on the effect targeted. If directed at a spell, the Spell Disruption Attempt applies only to the effect shape targeted.

Mp channelled through this Action counts 200% + 100% per skill level to the Spell Disruption Attempt Base Spell Failure is 0% (ignores Void mana increased spell failure chance) - Only hp damage and elemental affinity causes spell failure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spell Disruption Attempt The Spell Disruption Attempt is referenced in multiple effects. The relevant details are below: The targeted effect or effect shape loses mp equal to: 2 x mp spent x (caster's control stat / target effect's control) - Distribute evenly among components affected and redistribute any excess until none remain - Affects Life Wards first, Manifest Energy components second, then Buffer techniques third. Any remaining effect is distributed evenly among the components - Components reduced to 0 mp are destroyed - If the targeted effect is destroyed, the remaining "mp spent" is not required and is returned as "excess mp" Opposing elements to the target (directly opposite on chart) have their effect doubled. Partially opposing elements (opposite half of the chart) have their effect increased by 1.5 times. Non-opposing elements (same half of the chart) have their effect increased by 1.2 times. Chaos and Order is opposing to nothing but each other. Void is opposing to everything but Void. This generates fragmented spells that quickly disperse. This is very obvious to magical senses, the MPE generated by this effect and the target effect is doubled for one second.

Spell Manipulation

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Disruption 0 Channelling 2 Mystic Theory 2 Casting Prerequisites: Level X - Control 10 + 3 * X Class: Level 2 Action Description: Usage of mana interactions can modify magical effects. This is a complex task that requires good control and lots of skill to do. Used properly, this is an extremely powerful tool.

Standard Use: This Action is very versatile and can be used to do many things. Most common applications are in changing a spell's operation after the spell has been cast, or hijacking a spell from an enemy. Other applications are conducting risky on-the-fly modifications to spells that are "Delay"ed in order to better suit them for the current situation. Often used by mages wishing to test out a new spell concept before dedicating research time to making a proper spell. Application: Does not require incantations to use. Not compatible with Components or Techniques unless specified below. Skill level in this Action lowers spell failure and mp cost for all applications as per skill level in individual spells. - Spell Failure for this Action has a minimum of 20%, regardless of skill level or external factors, except by reduction through Careful Spell - Thus the minimum 20% Failure can be made up for by increasing casting time by 20% if the caster can use Careful Spell - Failure to use this Action does not sever a connection unless failing at Establish Connection. Range is determined to the center of the target. - Range penalties apply for all expenditures of mp (numbers given assume 1 meter range). Techniques that affect this can be applied (eg. Ranged Channelling) Unless otherwise stated, any casting times listed in this Action may not be reduced by any means. Target: A point at the center of an effect Establish Connection The caster using this Acton must first establish a connection to the target effect, which has a casting time of 1 second. The caster expends 1mp to establish this connection. Establishing this connection is subject to spell failure, failure here causes any existing connection to the target effect to break. Failing to apply a modification does not sever the connection. Maintaining a connection requires concentration but not mp. A caster who is casting an effect has a connection to it without having to establish one. A caster who has successfully cast a spell can opt to have a connection to the spell without having to establish one if he/she has at least skill level 0 in this Action. If the effect has a connection to another caster who does not cooperate, a contest occurs. The contest happens over the space of 1 second. Each caster may expend mp and the caster who expends a higher effective mp wins the contest and can sever the other caster's connection. - Casters may raise their mp expended in response to competitor's actions and the reverse applies. The minimum rise in expenditure is 1 effective mp. This takes effectively zero time. - This is base for level 0 in this skill, each level above 0 adds 100% effective mp to the contest per mp spent by the caster - In the case of a tie, the contest continues for another round. All sides that did not spend as much mp as the highest amount have their connection severed. - A caster may opt to spend no mp in the contest, likely losing his/her connection. Casters without skill level 0 in this Action, or not satisfying the criteria for using this Action, obey mp limits and efficiency for contests as if having skill level 0. (they are usually the original caster since without at least level 0, a connection cannot be established) Each contest is considered a new spell for the purposes of maximum safe mp limits.

Contests do not take time or concentration, nor do they have or trigger spell failure. In the case of a multi-sided contest, the caster who expends the highest mp out of the lot can sever the connection of all others at his choice. If he chooses not to sever a caster's connection, that caster may well initiate another contest. Cooperating casters who each have a connection can pool their expended mp and behave as one connection for the purposes of this contest. A contest manifests as flashes of coloured light connecting the competing casters to the effect, colour depends on the element of the mana spent. This is actually a stream of mana connecting the casters to the effect, light is shed due to the competing effects of the mana. At the end of each contest, the effect suffers a Spell Disruption Attempt of mp equal to the highest mp spent among the sides. The element of this attempt is the one that side chose to spend as mp. In the case of a tie, the effect suffers a Spell Disruption Attempt from each of the highest mp spent. Annex Spell The caster that wins the contest takes over the task of maintaining or concentrating on the effect (if required) once a connection has been established. The caster now has an uncontested connection to the effect. The caster must know the Action that was used to cast the effect or will automatically fail to maintain/concentrate on it. The caster can resume maintenance on an effect that has stopped receiving maintenance. Anything that can be changed by maintaining or concentrating on the effect (if caster does so) can be changed by a caster who has annexed the effect; provided the caster knows about the parameters that can be changed. This does not grant the caster any special knowledge about the spell that has been Annexed. The caster must know which components or techniques are being used in order to change them. The caster may still maintain an effect which he knows nothing about. The caster is, for all intents and purposes, now regarded as the original caster for the effect he/she has annexed and is now maintaining. Effects that do not need maintaining are still annexed, only that the caster need not know the Action that was involved in casting the effect. Annexing an effect that is currently being cast causes the caster to now be responsible for completing the effect. The caster kicks out the original caster and takes over, without need to spend the mp on the effect. (since the original caster has done that already) - The caster is subject to a spell failure check for that effect to continue. - The caster must know the effect and be able to cast it or immediately miscast. - The caster can have a lower skill level in the spell than what is being cast, the caster will have to pay the difference in mp (or immediately miscast) and take the additional length of casting time to finish the spell. - Any such additional mp spent counts towards the maximum safe mp limits (but not the mp the original caster spent) - Annexing a Cooperative Casting means the caster replaces the target caster whose contribution was annexed. A Cooperative Casting does not technically exist as a single entity (it is a mass of separate contributions) until it is launched. Modify Spell The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to the target effect Once an uncontested connection has been established, the caster may maintain the connection to continue modifying by concentrating

The effect can then be modified with any particular action Spell Technique could apply except for reallocating mp. The numbers and parameter of that action is determined by the caster. This takes a casting time of a number of seconds equal to the number of components and techniques whose parameters are being changed - 1 component or technique's parameters are changed per second and the changes come into effect immediately Any part of a component or technique that is decided at casting time can also be modified (including mp level for maintenance), taking 1 second per component or technique changed. Each component or technique modified costs the caster 1mp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Recharge Spell Learning Prerequisites: Spell Manipulation 1 Manifest Energy 1 Application: The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to the target effect The caster can then reallocate mp among the components and techniques as per the operation from Spell Technique - The caster may not reduce the mp allocated to a component below the minimum required for the component to work unless that component is a Buffer component (Manifest Energy), in which case the Buffer component is destroyed once all mp has been removed from it This takes a casting time of 1 second to modify each component or technique this way. Each component or technique modified costs the caster mp equal to 1% of the mp moved to a minimum of 1mp. The caster must do these one by one. Modifications take effect immediately. The caster may put some of his/her own mp into a Buffer component to be redistributed via the reallocation of mp, creating a Buffer component if none exists - This takes a casting time of 1 second + 0.1 seconds per mp the caster is placing in the Buffer. The caster may reduce this time in the same way as casting time reductions for normal effects. - The caster must be able to use the same Action that was used to cast the effect - The caster must meet the casting requirements of a Buffer component - This is subject to range penalties if the center of the effect is far enough to cause a penalty Modifications take effect immediately. Each modification is subject to spell failure individually. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Augment Spell Learning Prerequisites: Spell Manipulation 2 Application: The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to the target effect The caster may modify parameters that are decided on spell creation, except for which variant or base application of the spell to use. The caster may convert an already existing component into a Buffer component of the same element. This can result in the spell having two buffer components of the same element. The caster may remove a technique that is in use, the mp in that technique, if any, is placed in the

lowest mp Buffer component of the same element. This creates a Buffer component if none already exists. This takes a casting time of 1 second to modify each component or technique this way. Each component or technique modified costs the caster 1mp. The caster must do these one by one. Modifications take effect immediately. The caster may create a component, place some of his/her own mp into it and then insert the component into the effect, deciding the parameters of operation as if creating a effect. The caster may also apply a technique in the same way to the effect. - The caster must be familiar with the component to be inserted or the technique to be applied - The caster must be able to use the same Action that was used to cast the effect - This is subject to range penalties if the center of the effect is far enough to cause a penalty - This takes a casting time of 1 second + 0.1 seconds per mp the caster is placing in the component. The caster may reduce this time in the same way as casting time reductions for normal effects. - Techniques have an additional casting time equal to 0.1 seconds per mp of the portion of effect affected by the technique (components and techniques within the effect shapes the additional technique will apply to) - Techniques, that require the additional expenditure of mp when used in casting an effect, require the same amount of mp as if the effect had been cast in the state it is in - The caster may reduce this time in the same way as casting time reductions for normal effects. - The Modular Spell technique cannot be added to a spell that is not still being cast. Modifications take effect immediately. Each modification is subject to spell failure individually. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Merge Spell Learning Prerequisites: Spell Manipulation 2 Application: The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to two effects to be merged. The two effects must have the same base Action and at least one effect shape from each effect must be in contact. This takes a casting time of one second. The caster combines the two effects into one effect, retaining all Components, Techniques and Effect Shapes as they were. This allows crossover of Spell Technique parameters and redistribution of mp within the effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Split Spell Learning Prerequisites: Spell Manipulation 2 Application: The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to the target effect This takes a casting time of one second. The caster splits the effect into two effects, deciding which Components, Techniques and Effect Shapes go with which effect.

- Techniques that affect the whole parent effect go into both daughter effects Both the new effects have the same base Action as the original. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Recast Spell Learning Prerequisites: Spell Manipulation 3 Application: The caster must first have established an uncontested connection to the target effect The caster may change the base Action that was used to create the effect to any Action the caster can use at that point in time. This takes a casting time of 1 second. This costs 1mp per component and technique in the spell. The caster may wish to move the spell to change it's target. This requires the use of Moving Mana (Channelling) with it's attendant costs and casting time. - This is required when the target type is changed (eg. from point to creature or vice versa) The base Action of the spell cannot be changed to Cooperative Casting if the spell is still not being cast. Changing the base Action of the spell to Cooperative Casting requires that the caster can use the Multi-Component Spell technique. This technique is then applied to the spell for free.

Physical Synergy

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Class: Level 1 Action Description: A study of the use of magic to augment physical performance. Often used to increase abilities beyond what is normally possible. Standard Use: Usually used in combat to improve physical attacks and endurance. Can also be used out of combat in various applications. Examples of use include: Accelerate on bones to make movement faster Heat in body to maintain body temperature Resist on skin and muscle to increase Kinetic damage resistance of skin "Metal" on the surface of skin to increase effective thickness of armour Catalyzing muscle reactions to improve SP expenditure cap Inhibiting muscle reactions to decrease backlash from SP expenditure Accelerate and Deflect on feet to make quick or long jumps and even turn in midair.

Application: Used similarly to Channelling, except with different effect shapes present. Caster must maintain concentration on the effect for entire duration of effect or the effect disappears and any remaining mp is lost. The caster must have an open line of effect free from magical distortion (eg. magical barriers) to the target location(s) Target: A point at the center of the volume to be affected Hitting a target creature with an effect using this Action has a Base Accuracy of 0.8. Usage of various components on the caster's body become non-damaging due to precision of effects. The caster's effects used through this action near the caster can be made to stay in position and/or rotation relative to the caster's body surface. (optional) - works within 1 meter - staying relative to armour is roughly possible but weapons, loose clothing (eg. cloaks) and carried equipment move around too much for this to work Control of those effects become precise enough to target the required volume correctly. - Can differentiate and confine effects to layers of the caster's skin, muscle, bones and individual pieces of clothing. Effect Shapes (Parameter) Once a shape has been applied, the effect normally does not move unless the caster opts to have them move together with him. The caster may change the shape of the effect at will. This takes effectively 0 time but may not be applied in response to an event the caster is not aware of. Surface The effect can be applied to the volume of gas (or vacuum) within 1cm of the surface of a liquid or solid target. The edges of the surface curve around the edges of the target, gaps of less than 1mm are jumped at the caster's option. (jumps across small gaps by default) The edges of the surface can be of any shape but must be convex and at least 1cm deep from any edge. Layer The effect can be applied to the volume containing a specific layer or layers of material of an object Layers are defined as a contiguous volume of the object that have the same material. (not including small variations) Layers less then 1mm thick cannot be targeted individually and must be combined with other layers to make up at least 1mm thickness. The edges of the surface can be of any shape but must be convex and at least 1cm deep from any edge. Event Types (Parameter) Additional events that are usable by Spell Technique with this Action. Shock Triggered when the material in the target area is subject to sudden shock. Can give different triggers for high acceleration (>10 m s-2), sudden increase in acceleration (>10 m s-3) or shockwaves (>10 kN m-2 or 0.1 atm). Property Change Triggered when the type of material making up the layer changes. Can be restricted to triggering only to changes in a limited volume of the component. Can give different triggers for different volume of change, less than 10%, less than 50%, more than

or equal to 50%, more than 90%.

Martial Magic

Learning Prerequisites: Physical Synergy 0 Channelling 3 Class: Level 2 Action Description: A way to use magic to enhance physical attacks and movement. This allows the tagging of spells and effects to an "object", making it easy to manipulate and add temporary magical properties. Standard Use: This is normally applied when plain physical things simply will not suffice. Usually used to add magical effects to otherwise normal actions. Differs from Physical Synergy in that it allows application of more overtly magical effects instead of mere enhancement. In particular, quickly moving objects are easily enhanced and augmented using magical effects. Examples of use: "Fire" confined to an area around the object to add fire damage to weapons and ammunition A shield following an object or target creature to protect it or to make it harder Resist on a projectile to make it hit harder. Application: Applied without spells or incantations (always Silent). A different form of magic. Maintaining the spell requires the caster to concentrate on it but unlike Physical Synergy or Channelling, the spell will not disappear if the caster does not concentrate on it. The caster must have an open line of effect free from magical distortion (eg. magical barriers) to the target location(s) Allows usage of 1 Manifest Energy or Material component without need to make a spell. Skill level in this technique lowers spell failure and mp cost for all applications as per skill level in individual spells. Casting time is 1 second. This is not mitigated by spending extra mp, Rapid channelling or skill level. This is not increased when spending extra mp. Techniques are not applicable to this Action with the exception of Ranged Channelling. The caster decides how much mp to spend on an effect before casting. Depending on the component used, this can last differing amounts of time. The effect still loses 1mp per minute as usual, multi-element effects are not possible as there is only 1 component. The caster's effects used through this action can be made to stay in position and/or rotation relative

to the target object - works within 1 meter of target object Effect Shapes of Physical Synergy and Channelling can be used with this Action. Base Accuracy and Target is determined by the effect shapes or actions referenced.

Life-force Synergy

Learning Prerequisites: Physical Synergy 1 Channelling 3 Class: Level 2 Action Description: A way to use magic that affects life-force directly. Taps into or alters the large amount of information that life-force contains and thus able to discern what is part of the target and where the target is. Also enables the spell to alter the target's properties at a fundamental level. Standard Use: Depending on how the information is used and handled, can be used to heal or hurt. If the caster is skilled enough, altering the life-force is actually possible and certain... strange effects result. Application: This Action may be used to cast spells normally with a different target. Spells based off this Action must be created separately from those based off Channelling. Target is now a creature instead of a position. The caster must have an open line of effect free from magical distortion (eg. magical barriers) to the target location(s) - Attempting to cast through a magical barrier hits the magical barrier with a Spell Disruption Attempt of mp spent equal to half the mp in the spell, split over the duration of the casting time. This immediately ends the spell. - Note that the caster counts as a valid target as long as the caster is a creature. The caster targeting him/herself counts as a range of 0 and on a line free from magical distortion regardless of environmental conditions. Range penalties apply. Magic resistance applies. If the target ceases to be a creature (often by dying) while the spell is operating, the spell is left targeting the point of the creature's last position. This is invalid for the spell and the spell is Delayed. - To retarget the spell onto another creature (or the same creature if it resumes being a creature), Recast Spell from Spell Manipulation must be used (changing Action from Life-force Synergy to Life-force Synergy and moving the spell onto a creature)

All effect shapes the caster has access through any Action can be used with this Action. Any effect shape must be applied with the center at the target. Spells will move in relation to the position of the target. - Rotating effect shapes with the target requires Spell Technique Hitting a target creature with an effect using this Action has a Base Accuracy of 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Special Actions Each of these must be made into a spell or learnt before they can be used. All of these can only be used with spells using the Life-Force Synergy Action Status Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 0 Class: Technique Application: The target of this spell is referred to as the subject. May target caster. A spell with this technique allows Spell Technique to access events and values related to the subject's life-force and biological status. Value Damage Subject's hp Exhaustion Subject's sp Depletion Subject's mp Temperature Subject's core temperature Energy Subject's energy store, in joules Includes anything metabolizable that does not impair function (eg. sugar, fat, excess protein, but not muscle protein) Events Targeted Subject is the target of another Life-force Synergy effect that is being casted This triggers when the targeting spell has finished casting but before it has begun operation Dead Subject has died (life-force lost) Happens just before the spell becomes invalidly targeted (In)Active (chemistry based animals that have nervous systems and sleep only) Subject is (asleep) awake Trigger (chemistry based animals that have nervous systems only) Subject uses a unique magical trigger specific to this spell (Each spell has its own trigger(s)

determined at spell creation, repeated castings of the same spell will all trigger from the same magical sign) - Using a trigger takes no mp and can be done with effectively 0 time - The subject does not necessarily know the trigger unless told. The trigger can be any minor movement-like action. Metabolic Acceleration Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 0 Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Class: Spell Component Application: Not applied to an effect shape. The target of the spell is the subject. May target caster. Element must be the same as that of the subject's affinity. Only works on chemistry-based creatures. (eg. all humans, animals, plants and bacteria. Not stones[not a creature] and not spirits[non-material creature]) By direct manipulation of the life-force, the subject accelerates it's metabolism, without the side effects of high reaction rates. (eg. not lowering combustion point) This allows the subject's metabolism to be increased to very high levels without exceedingly adverse side effects. All biological functions increase in speed, wounds heal faster, energy is consumed faster (a fever often results from this). - Digestion works at the normal speed however, and excessively high application of this will cause the subject to starve - Photosynthesis works at the normal speed, see above Max SP expenditure for all activities rises by 5% per mp in this component. SP recovery increases by 5% per mp in this component. Apart from depletion of energy stores, a subject will also raise its body temperature due to energy expenditures. Other components may be required to avert a lethal fever. Wounds heal at a rate of 5% faster per mp in this component. Steal MP Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Class: Spell Component Application: Not applied to an effect shape. The target of the spell is the subject.

The spell must also interact with a secondary target which is the owner. This secondary target can be anything that can store mp, including a spell's Buffer component or a caster. Subject may not be the caster. Owner may be the caster. Element must be the same as that of the caster's affinity. Forces the subject's mana into Active mode and pass the Activity onto the owner's mana. The subject takes mp damage equal to the effective mp of this component. (Note that there is no Offense check, the subject takes damage directly) Effect type is Magical Energy, Damage type is Magic Drain The owner gains mp equal to the effective mp of this component. The component loses all it's mp and dissipates at this point. Recharge MP Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 2 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Class: Spell Component Application: Not applied to an effect shape. The target of the spell is the subject. May target caster as long the caster is a valid target of Life-force Synergy. Element of this component must be the same as that of the subject's affinity. Shuffles out depleted mana in the subject for fresh, Dormant mana in the environment. Can be used to regain mp quickly at a cost of stamina. The subject regains mp equal to the effective mp of this component. The subject takes sp damage equal to half the effective mp of this component (Note that there is no Offense check, the subject takes damage directly) Effect type is Magical Energy, Damage type is Magic Burn The component loses all it's mp and dissipates at this point. Instant Death Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 3 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Class: Spell Component Description: Attempts to kill the subject by attacking it's life force directly. This attack is not a blunt brute force attack (see Manifest Energy for that), it attempts to pick apart core elements of the subject's lifeforce.

Application: Not applied to an effect shape. The target of the spell is the subject. May target caster. Element of this component must be the same as that of the subject's affinity. Requires mp equal to the subject's remaining hp or mp whichever is lower. Note that the caster might not have a good idea of how much hp or mp the subject has remaining. If the component does not have enough mp to kill the subject, the subject takes mp damage equal to the mp of the component. (Note that there is no Offense check, the subject takes damage directly) The component loses all it's mp if this occurs. Effect type is Magical Energy, damage type is Magic Disruption If the component hits and has enough mp, the subject's hp and sp is instantly reduced to 0. (which normally disables and knocks them unconscious) The component does not lose any mp when doing this. Until the component runs out of mp and dissipates, the subject loses 10% of it's maximum hp and sp every second. (which will normally kill in 5 seconds) When the subject is dead, the subject is no longer a creature and the spell is affecting an invalid target (a point) and the component stops operating. - Resumption of operation restarts the spell from the beginning (reducing the target to 0 hp and sp) People killed by this component do not have any obvious mark or magical distortion. Their life force is simply destroyed and their bodily processes stop working. Life Ward Learning Prerequisites: Life Force Synergy 4 Casting Prerequisites: Control 20 Class: Spell Component Application: Not applied to an effect shape. The target of the spell is the subject. May target caster. Element must be the same as that of the subject's affinity. Shields the subject's life force and mana with a magical field. The magical field counts as a magical barrier to any effect targeting the subject as a creature. (ie. not just on the subject's position) This component will be affected first by Spell Disruption Attempts. This component only loses 1/4 the mp it would lose from a Spell Disruption Attempt. This component is affected before Buffer components in a Spell Disruption Attempt.

Spell Technique

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 2 Logic and Mathematics 3 Mystic Theory 4 Casting Prerequisites: Spell must contain at least 9.8mp + (0.1 per event or action) - (2 x skill level) - Minimum 5 mp Class: Level 1 Technique Description: A method of manipulating mana to achieved desired behaviour that has been pre-programmed. Generally runs around 100 to 200 instruction lines per second. Standard Use: This technique is the basis for anything more complicated than a simple direct effect. Any spell that changes it's behaviour by itself uses this technique. All classical magic and its advanced forms use this Technique. Effects that do not use this Technique are not regarded as proper spells. A number of more flexible magical paradigms do away with this Technique, preferring simpler but more flexible effects. (that are still learnt as a spell) Application: Used for complex magical effects. The basis of any spell more complicated than one effect. More than one event and operation can be used in the same spell, allowing for complex effects and even calculations. All variants are included in a single application of Spell Technique (this is an exception to the 1 variant per use rule) Each event or operation increases the required mp for function by 0.1 Must be applied to spells that have at least one Spell Component. If mp in the spell drops to below the mp requirement (same as casting prerequisite), this technique becomes inactive. - Can be reactivated if the mp increases above the requirement again. Single Events and Operations of Spell Technique happen faster than 0 time events. These cannot be properly responded to until after they have resolved. The order of resolution of simultaneous events generated by this Technique is decided at spell creation. If unspecified, simultaneous events resolve in a random order. These also happen before the effects of the Spell Components can take effect due to whatever triggers that event. Especially useful in preventing unwanted waste of mp during a Collision event. - Running more than 10 or so instruction lines may cause small delays This Technique can be applied to any effect shape and will automatically expand operate throughout the spell. - Multiple applications of this Technique are redundant as instruction sets from those merge (and operational mp requirements are likewise increased) Using this Technique dissociates the spell from the caster. The caster does not concentrate on the effect for it to operate and may not opt to retain the connection to maintain the spell.

- This overrides the base Action's requirement (if any) for the caster to concentrate to maintain the effect. Each skill level in this Technique reduces minimum mp requirement of this technique by 2, to a minimum of 0 A convention in the usage of this Technique is to record the instruction set as a bunch of lines with each line being a linked Event and one or more Operations eg. Spell Technique algorithm: (3 events, 4 operations) 1. Time Elapsed = 0;; Delay Fire component 2. Collision;; Distance value = Time Elapsed x 10 3. Time Elapsed = Distance value / 10;; change Effect Shape to Area (sphere Size meters in radius, centered on current location) Activate Fire component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Value Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Application: Not really a variant as it is virtually always applied to Event and used in Operation Values (Parameter) Timer Time elapsed since start of timer Time Elapsed A special timer. Starts when the spell begins operation and cannot be reset or paused. Delayed Spells (including that from Delay after casting a spell) will still count their Time Elapsed Mana Total mp in a spell This cannot be changed Direction A set of three Euler angles relative to a reference point within an Effect Shape of the spell that can indicate any arbitrary direction. Variable A Value of any type, including a new type defined at spell creation, decided at the time of casting (a name is given to reference this value) Can be anything including other values, even up to special magical signals used to identify Spell Components Volume A number describing a volume in m3 Each effect shape generates a volume value that is it's own volume in m3 - This is not changeable unless it's a Parameter

Shape A 3D shape Each effect shape generates a shape value that is it's own shape - This is not changeable unless it's a Parameter Parameter Any value that a Parameter currently has is available to Spell Technique as a value This is not a real value that Spell Technique can manipulate without consequences. Changing Parameters will change the spell's operation. Instruction A reference in the instruction set of this Spell Technique to an Event or Operation Each line generates one Event Instruction value and one or more Operation Instruction values that are tied to the event - Changing this Instruction value tied to an Instruction line will change the operation of Spell Technique - This practice is for advanced users and can generate incredibly complicated spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Event Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Application: Not really a variant as it is virtually always applied to Operation Multiple distinct things that trigger one event each require an independent event to detect each one of them Events can be used in more than one line, when it is satisfied, it will trigger all the lines that depend on it Events can be linked with logical statements. "If", "And", "Or" and "Not" - The entire logical statement counts as one Event for the purpose of the Instruction value Expanded logical statements including "Nand", "Nor", "Xand" and "Xor" are also valid but recommended for advanced users only When an event triggers, it applies any Operations that is linked to it Event types (Parameter) Variable Changed A value has changed Each value carries it's own Variable Changed event Collision The effect shape is colliding with any magical effect that it cannot cross. Note that these can be other effects acting as magical barriers to exclude this effect shape or this effect shape acting as a magical barrier and barring another effect Each effect shape carries it's own Collision event

Activation A Spell Component or Technique is Active Each Spell Component carries it's own Activation event Inactivation A Spell Component or Technique is Inactive Each Spell Component carries it's own Inactivation event Manipulation There is a connection to this spell Each connection carries it's own Manipulation event The spell also carries it's own Manipulation event, this triggers as long as there is any connection to this spell Manipulation Stopped A connection to this spell has been dropped Each connection carries it's own Manipulation event The event is gone immediately after triggering once and will not trigger again (must be reassigned) Logic Only triggers when the Operation for logical comparison used Each such operation in the entire instruction set carries its own Logic event Trigger Only triggers when the Operation to trigger is used Each such operation in the entire instruction set carries its own Trigger event Yes Continually triggers No Never triggers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Operation Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Application: The spell may change the parameters of it's Action, Spell Components or Techniques according to predefined events. Some functions of Spell Components may even require Spell Technique to work. Parameters include different applications of the same Action, Spell Component or Technique but do not normally include variants. Changeable parameters are labeled (Parameter). All details of every parameter to be used must be defined beforehand.

The most common application for this is to use this in conjunction with Channelling to change the Effect Shape of the spell during operation. Eg. a Pulse expanding into an Area. The center of the old and new Effect Shape are at the same point. Changing the Effect Shape requires that the center of the component to be changed has a open line free of magical effect to all points in the new Effect Shape. - ie. Spell Technique cannot turn a Pulse into an Area if the Area has portions that have a Magical Barrier between it and the center - Attempting to do so simply distorts the Effect Shape such that it does not appear in the inaccessible area - This can allow Effect Shapes to violate certain conditions of their creation (usually the Convex criteria) - Magical Barriers created by this Effect Shape being changed do not interfere with the changing of it's own shape Operations (Parameter) Valid Operations on any Action, Spell Component or Technique: (including those without Parameters) Do Nothing Inactivate / Activate Spell Component - Inactivated Spell Components do not operate and do not impose prerequisites or restrictions - Spell Components that are Inactivated at time elapsed = 0 do not impose prerequisites or restrictions on casting the spell - Mp in Inactivated Spell Components have no effect other than counting as a Spell Component in a Spell Disruption Attempt - The Spell Component can be Activated to resume function - Doing so requires the casting of the spell to meet the prerequisites and casting prerequisites for the casting - Inactivated Spell Components must contain at least 1mp or disappear Change mp allocated to Spell Component - Moves mp from one Spell Component to another, changing mp levels accordingly. Both components must have mp of the same element - Mp can go into a Buffer Spell Component (from Manifest Energy) of that element, creating one if none exists in the spell. - Changing mp in a Spell Component to 0 destroys the Spell Component if not added back instantly. - The spell can only move up to ( total mp / [(spell level + 1)2] ) mp per second Activate Spell Component - If the Spell Component depends on a signal from the caster to activate, the Spell Component can be forced to activate - Activating an Inactivated Spell Component requires that all prerequisites and restrictions of the component are met, otherwise Activation fails but has no ill effect and the Spell Component is still Inactivated Activate Spell (redundant) - Delayed spells can be Activated as an operation of spell technique, but Delayed spells themselves cannot use spell technique - Included as other Techniques and Actions can use spell technique operations on Delayed spells Delay Spell - The spell can be placed back into Delayed status - All Actions, Spell Components and Techniques cease to work as if the spell was just cast in its current state and Delayed

- The length of the delay is a Timer value - Delayed Spells (including that from Delay after casting a spell) will still count their Time Elapsed Valid Operations on parameters: (number, direction, area, volume, variable, etc..) No change Start, pause or reset Timer value Replace value with another value - Change a value, area, volume, or range of values that is normally set at time of casting - Change a Parameter into another value - Will change the spell's operation - Must replace with value of the same type - Can change into a random valid value instead of another defined value Perform a simple mathematical operation and replace value with result (+, -, *, /, may use other values as input) - Adding volumes together gives a volume that includes both (double counted areas are normal) - Difference between volumes gives a volume that includes one or the other but not both - Multiply and dividing volumes is not valid - Adding directions gives a direction that is the average of the two - Minusing direction A from direction B gives the direction from point A to B (from unit distance of A and B directions) - Multiplying directions gives a new direction perpendicular to both (directions are treated as unit vectors and cross multiplied) - Dividing directions is not valid Convert value into another type - Convert a value into another type provided the information remains identical and valid for the new type Trigger - Triggers the linked trigger event Logical comparison - Compares one or more values of the same type and triggers the linked Logic event if they satisfy a set criteria (parameter) - This criteria is often "identical" - For values that are single numbers, this can trigger if A is above or below B - Logical operations can be used for this comparison eg. "Volume of Area effect shape is above Volume A or identical to Shape B"

Mana Manipulator

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 1 Silent Channelling 0 Mystic Theory 7

Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: Creates the same pattern of mana in a spell that allows casters to manipulate magical fluctuations. This arrangement allows the spell to remotely manipulate mana as if it were a caster. Standard Use: Used to create multi-stage spells to aid the caster in doing more things than normal. A simple one is to create a spell with 4 of these components and maintaining that spell while making it use Spell Manipulation's Annex Spell on the caster's own maintained effects in order to effectively maintain 4 effects while requiring concentration on only one. More complex applications can allow a caster controlling this to cast more than one effect while concentrating on only one. Application: Each Mana Manipulator Component present adds one to the spell level of the spell All parameters of this spell can be changed by the caster when maintained. A spell with this component is easier to establish a connection to, Channelling may be used to establish a connection in the same way as Spell Manipulation, with a skill level of 0 or the skill level of Spell Manipulation, whichever is higher. This component can act as a caster by using any magical Actions, with Techniques, that it has 'learnt'. Any decisions for their use to be made 'at the time of casting' can be made on the fly if this component is maintained or at the time of casting if not. - All such decisions are parameters of this component Any decisions for their use to be made 'at the time of spell creation' must be made at the creation of this spell. This component still needs to fulfill all requirements and casting requirements to use them except for maximum or minimum mp requirements (which it does not have to fulfill) This component has an elemental affinity of the element of the mp used in this component. This component expends it's own mp to power these uses. This is subject to reductions as normal. eg. skill levels, elemental affinity, etc. - The mp available for this component to use is equal to the effective mp spent on it. - The component may use any element despite being made of only 1 element This component does not have a maximum safe mp limit and may use any amount it needs to up to it's own mp level This component cannot be distracted from it's concentration by hp damage This component acting as a caster is subject to spell failure as normal This component always 'knows' and applies Silent Channelling at the maximum skill level it knows whenever it is casting This component may not cast spells or perform Actions that require the creation of any spell component. (but see Spell Component Creator) - Spell Manipulation's Split/Merge Spell is an exception. This component can perform those Actions. This component may not cast spells or perform Actions that targets the spell that contains it. The statistics of the component as a caster is 50% that of the caster. (which may change if the

caster changes through Annex Spell) The component can maintain or concentrate on one spell or task as if it were a caster. The location of the component is the target of it's effect shape. The component can only target points or things that are in the area of it's effect shape. The effects of it's use of that targeting may exit the effect shape, only the initial targeting matters. The component can only concentrate on or maintain effects that are interacting with it. This component has skill levels granted to it by the following method: (applied at casting time, not a Parameter) Actions, Components, Techniques and Spells can be 'taught' to this component by the caster. Each Action, Component, Technique or Spell to be 'taught' works as if applying a Technique of no effect (but requiring the caster to meet all prerequisites of the 'taught' Ability) to this component for all purposes. This component then 'learns' them at the skill level of the caster. Learning prerequisites are ignored for this purpose. "Teaching" additional Actions, Components, Techniques or Spells to a Mana Manipulator that has been cast can be done using Modify Spell from Spell Manipulation. (it is a change to decisions made at casting time) If the caster has any, the caster may also impart ranks in Ems in the same manner the caster teaches Spells. This component may not use Ems without Spell Component Creator, but otherwise uses Ems just like any other caster. For the purposes of Ems, this component's "body" is the effect shape this component is in. Ems that move the caster's body will move the effect shape this component is in, subject to the same restrictions of moving effect shapes on spells. This component can only be learnt to a maximum skill level of 10. Each skill level in this component allows the component to use or maintain that level of effect. (skill level 0 components can only use and maintain level 0 spells or effects, skill level 10 components can use Arcane level effects) Each skill level increases the statistics of the component by 5% that of the caster. (to a total of 100% of the caster's statistics at level 10)

Spell Component Creator

Learning Prerequisites: Mana Manipulator 1 Data Processing 0 Mystic Theory 8 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Class: Level 3 Technique Description: A leap of complexity in the magical pattern allows it to manipulate mana in more complex ways for full effect.

Standard Use: Allows the Mana Manipulator component to cast proper spells. Using this arrangement to cast a spell from a spell allows the caster to bypass usual safe mp limits by charging the Mana Manipulator first. Application: Each Spell Component Creator Technique present adds one to the spell level This technique must be applied to a Mana Manipulator component. This component has a maximum skill level of 0. The Mana Manipulator component this is applied to may cast spells or perform Actions that require the creation of any spell component. Any decisions for their use to be made 'at the time of casting' can be made on the fly if the component is maintained or at the time of casting if not. Any decisions for their use to be made 'at the time of spell creation' must be made at the creation of this spell. All such decisions are parameters of the component. The component still needs to fulfill all requirements and casting requirements to use them.

Propagation Spell

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 2 Mystic Theory 6 Class: Level 2 Technique Description: Makes individual mana particles convert ambient mana into more of themselves. Used to amplify the power of a spell by sacrificing fine control over the effects. Standard Use: Generally used to achieve very high peak power outputs. Most useful in offensive spells. Application: Can only be applied to a Point effect shape that has only 1 Spell Component from either Manifest Energy or Manifest Material (including derivatives) - Applied to any other effect shape or to one with more than 1 Spell Component or one of the wrong type causes this Technique to be Inactive Creates a field of mana around the Point, as per the Effect Shape Area in a sphere. The sphere will deform around magical barriers (including physical barriers if Manifest Material is used). The sphere requires 1 second to deploy, while deploying, the component in the Point uses all its mp and reduces its mp level to 0. - Mp can be reallocated to the component and it will deploy another sphere 1 second later This additional Effect Shape is not part of the spell and is an independent effect.

The sphere requires mp equal to 5 times the square of it's radius. (Each 1 meter requires a 10mp larger increase in mp than the previous 1 meter) The sphere has mp equal to (mp in the Point) x (radius + 1). Point's mp 5mp 20mp 45mp 80mp

Radius 1 meter 2 meters 3 meters 4 meters

Sphere's mp 10 mp 60 mp 180 mp 400 mp

The sphere has the same component as the Point with no techniques applied.

Chain Reaction

Learning Prerequisites: Propagation Spell 0 Mystic Theory 7 Class: Level 3 Technique Description: Makes the spreading mana dormant and dependent on a specific trigger to become Active. Standard Use: Triggers can be made the same as the effect of the component, causing a feedback loop for even higher peak power output at the cost of even more control. Can also be used to prevent instant activation of the propagated spell. Application: Must be applied to an Effect Shape that has Propagation Spell applied. The component in the sphere created by Propagation Spell is Delayed. - When a trigger condition is met (specified at spell creation), the component in that sphere Activates This trigger can be any Event that Spell Technique has access to if it was applied to the sphere created. Only 1 trigger allowed. The transfer of mp to the component can be confined to the volume that is exposed to the trigger. This has to be decided at the time of spell creation.

Standing Spell

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 1 Mystic Theory 5 Casting Prerequisite: Control 10 Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: Shuffles mana out with the environment to regain mp. Standard Use: Used to make spells last indefinitely or to slow down mp loss. In large quantities and with a controlled rate of mp usage, can be used to power spells. Application: For every 1 mp in this component, the component generates 0.05 mp per minute. The spell's normal rate of mp loss is first reduced by this component's mp generation (negating that mp generation). Any extra is transferred to a Buffer component of the same element as this component, creating one if none exists. This effect only works in areas that have free magic of this component's element. (Usually available) This component's mp may not be redistributed. None can be added or removed without Spell Manipulation or a Spell Disruption. This component can have a maximum of 50 mp. Additional Standing Spell components may be added to increase the mp generated. Each skill level increases the mp generation by 0.01 mp per mp per minute. Each skill level increases the maximum mp the component may have by 10.


Learning Prerequisites: Standing Spell 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Class: Level 3 Action Description: Uses physical materials to create an item that supports the spell. The basis of all magic item

effects. The mana is trapped in the item and automatically refreshes over time instead of being released when depleted. Standard Use: Used to generate permanent effects with an item as the base. Application: Any Effect Shape that the caster can access through other Actions can be used with this Action. The supported spell is not subject to normal mp loss. Usage of mp by components still occurs. - This applies even during the casting of the spell. Alchemy is thus often used to launch high casting time spells. The item used to support the spell must be completely inside the area of at least one Effect Shape, called the anchoring Effect Shape. The item must count as one object. - The anchoring Effect Shape will not move relative to the item unless deformed by magical barriers or moved by Moving Mana from Channelling - Moving the anchoring Effect Shape off the item makes the spell start to lose mp from normal operation until moved back The spell can define a portion of the object as the item (eg. counting the house as the item and not the entire world, the blade of a sword but not the handle) More than one spell can be attached to the same item, these spells are always interacting. A spell to be used with this Action must be researched independently of it's normal operation. Casting a spell with this Action costs 3 times more mp than normal. - This increases the mp expenditure for all purposes but with only 1/3 the normal effect for the mp spent - Recasting an Alchemy enchantment into a normal spell makes it 3 times as effective - Recasting any non-Alchemy spell into an enchantment makes it operate at 1/3 the normal effect - The MPE generated by the spell is the same as if it was at 1/3 it's mp Casting time of the spell is increased by 30 times (after including the 3 times increase in expenditure of mp) and also may not be reduced via increased mp expenditure The positions and angle of the entire spell will rotate and move relative to the item. One of the following three requirements about the item must be satisfied for the item to be valid. Failure to meet at least one of the requirements means the spell begins to lose mp from normal operation until the requirement is met. 1) The item must have a minimum weight for the power of the spell: 10 / (skill level + 1) grams per mp 2) The item can also have a minimum amount of special materials depending on the elements used in the spell. This is cumulative for all the active Alchemy effects on the item. The special materials must be in one single piece for each material, embedded into the item as part of the object. All materials must be pure and untarnished. The required weight of materials is divided by skill level + 1. 3) The magical material (see Manifest Material and derivatives) related to the element of the component qualifies as special materials. 1g of magical material will sustain 1mp of enchantment. (note that magical materials tend to disappear quickly and have to be sustained somehow) Skill level does not improve this ratio. Earth - 0.1g of lignum vitae per mp (a very heavy and hard wood, does not float) Light - 0.01g of aluminum per mp Fire - 0.1g of black phosphorus per mp

Air - 0.1ml of air per mp (simply exposing the item to air works, but care must be taken not to smother the item) Dark - 0.1g of lead per mp Water - 0.1g of distilled water per mp (no dissolved gases but trace minerals allowed) Aura - 0.01g of gold per mp Metal - 0.1g of iron per mp Gravity - 0.1g of obsidian per mp Wood - 0.1g of yew per mp Heat - 0.1g of white phosphorus per mp Prism - 0.1g of clear glass per mp Ice - 0.1g of green glass per mp Lightning - 0.05g of silver per mp Burst - 0.1ml of hydrogen per mp (100%, 1 to 3 atmospheres) Shadow - 0.1g of mercury per mp Pressure - 0.01ml of compressed air per mp (10 atmospheres) Mist - 0.1g of pure water per mp (no trace contaminants but dissolved gases allowed) Star - 0.01g of meteoric iron per mp (iron-nickel alloy, 19:1 to 3:1) Crystal - 0.01g of flawless diamond per mp Order - 0.01g of flawless sapphire per mp Gel - 0.1g of oil per mp (any long-chain saturated hydrocarbon that is liquid) Flare - 0.1g of sulfur per mp Chaos - 0.01g of flawless ruby per mp Sound - 0.01g of crystal glass per mp Miasma - 0.1ml of inert air per mp (no oxygen) Void - 0.01ml of vacuum per mp (<0.01 atm) If the item is a potion (ie. the object is a liquid, the flask is not part of a potion), use the table below for special materials. Spilled, drunk or evapourated liquids destroy the object. Some special materials are highly poisonous. Earth - 0.1ml of pure vinegar per mp (acetic acid) Light - 0.1ml of acetone per mp Fire - 0.1ml of alcohol per mp Air - 0.1ml of aerated water per mp (water with dissolved air, only the air is needed) Dark - 0.1g of powdered lead per mp Water - 0.1g of distilled water per mp Aura - 0.01g of powdered gold per mp Metal - 0.1g of powdered iron per mp Gravity - 0.1g of powdered obsidian per mp Wood - 0.1g of palm oil per mp Heat - 0.1g of powdered white phosphorus per mp Prism - 0.1g of powdered clear glass per mp Ice - 0.1g of powdered green glass per mp Lightning - 0.05g of powdered silver per mp Burst - 0.1ml of methanol per mp Shadow - 0.1g of mercury per mp Pressure - 0.1g of salt per mp (sodium chloride) Mist - 0.1g of pure water per mp (no trace contaminants but dissolved gases and special materials allowed) Star - 0.01g of powdered meteoric iron per mp (iron-nickel alloy, 19:1 to 3:1) Crystal - 0.01g of powdered diamond per mp Order - 0.01g of powdered sapphire per mp Gel - 0.1g of oil per mp (any long-chain saturated hydrocarbon that is liquid) Flare - 0.1g of powdered sulfur per mp Chaos - 0.01g of powdered ruby per mp

Sound - 0.01g of powdered crystal glass per mp Miasma - 0.1ml of hydrochloric acid per mp (of 1 to 2M concentration) Void - 0.1ml of ether per mp (ethoxyethane) Many types of special materials exist, some are more efficient than others at sustaining magic. The ones listed here are only the most commonly used.

Multi-Component Spell

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Mystic Theory 4 Class: Level 2 Technique Description: Used to modify the casting method of a spell to allow mp contributions from more than one source. Standard Use: Used to cast joint spells and rituals. These cooperative spells spread the load among casters to prevent backlash and to exceed limits on spells. Application: This may be applied to a spell at the time of casting without need to make a new spell. Must be applied to all effect shapes to be used. (counts as 1 technique) See Cooperative Casting for contributing casters. Knowledge of this technique and application to the spell being casted allows the caster to control the casting. The caster must contribute at least the minimum required for the spell to work as if casting the spell by itself. The casters who are using this option are called the main casters. - When main casters have finished casting the spell, as long as another main caster is still casting, they can stop casting and give up control over the spell. They are then free to do something else, including joining again for a second casting. - They can also opt to Ready the spell and not complete the casting in order to wait for others to finish. Juggling is possible where a main caster joins again to let the other main caster holding the spell at Ready pass it on to them. This allows for two or more main casters to extend the ritual time as long as their concentration can hold. Once all main casters have finished and the last one opts to launch the spell instead of Readying, the spell's duration begins as if it's casting was completed. - As long as one main caster has not finished casting, the spell cannot be launched. Attempting to

launch the spell while another main caster has not finished or is holding it at Ready merely makes the launching caster leave. - Main casters that incur spell failure and miscast do not contribute. They may immediately opt to leave, hold the spell at Ready or launch it as if they have completed their casting. - A miscasting main caster holding the spell at Ready still counts as a main caster (just with 0 contribution) as long as they maintain concentration. Spell failure while holding the spell at Ready launches the spell if they are the only main caster and makes them leave if they are not. Any contributing casters still casting at the time of the spell's launch immediately miscast and lose their contribution to the spell. Launching the spell with no one completing their casting (eg. by lone miscasting main caster who opts to leave before the contributing casters finish) has completely no effect as the resultant "spell" has 0mp. Casters attempting to join a hostile Cooperative Casting in order to control it as a main caster may try to. This attempt requires use of Spell Manipulation to establish a connection and then win a contest against the hostile casters. Friendly casters already part of the ritual may help. Neutral casters may opt to stand aside and not participate in the contest. Modifiers and resolution of the contest is the same as that in Spell Manipulation. This contest does not interrupt anyone's casting. Winning the contest does not sever anyone's connection. The contest does not disrupt the spell. Apart from the mp spent on the contest, failure to join does not cost any mp. Once a connection has been successfully established, the caster now counts as a main caster and may contribute or function just like any other main caster. Main casters can attempt to kick main or contributing casters from the casting one at a time. To kick any one caster, all main and contributing casters opposing the kick initiate a contest with those supporting it. If the supporters win, that caster immediately miscasts and leaves. If the opposers win, nothing happens. One contest (to kick one caster) can be initiated by each main caster every second. Large disputes with many casters on each side (or even multiple sides) can easily drain more mp than was spent on the spell itself!

Modular Spell

Learning Prerequisites: Multi-Component Spell 0 Mystic Theory 6 Class: Level 3 Technique Description: Breaks up the casting of a spell into discreet chunks that are cast separately which then automatically combine into a finished spell. Standard Use:

Used to create long casting time spells that the caster cannot cast all in one go. Often used for complex spells. Can also be used as a substitute for ritual casting. A popular application is to have many re-combinable sub-spells that can be mix and matched on the fly to tailor the final completed spell to the situation. An often used sub-spell is one containing nothing but a Buffer component for Spell Technique to reallocate. For example, a fireball can be broken up into a spell level 3 Buffer sub-spell that is combined with a Fire + Spell Technique sub-spell. If an Accelerate + Spell Technique sub-spell is applied instead, it can change into a Telekinesis spell. Enough investment and branching allows the caster to increase the flexibility of his or her spells without learning many marginally different spells that differ only by spell level or one specific component. Application: The number of portions the spell is broken into is decided at spell creation. Each portion (now called sub-spells) must contain at least one spell component, this Technique (applied to the whole sub-spell) and uses the same Action to cast as the complete spell. All the sub-spells together must contain exactly one copy of each spell component and technique applied to the relevant effect shapes that the complete spell will contain. ie. the complete spell is the sum of it's sub-spells with effect shapes meant to merge doing so. - Techniques that are applied can only apply to the components they are casted together with in the same sub-spell - Techniques that affect a whole effect shape must be applied to all the components in sub-spells that are added to that effect shape, even one sub-spell failing to do this causes the technique to not operate - Techniques that affect the whole spell must be applied to all sub-spells incorporated (except the ending sub-spell) or not operate Sub-spells carry a unique spell signature that can be changed by the caster at any point during their casting time. Applying this technique reduces the effective mp of each sub-spell by 5% to a minimum loss of 1mp per sub-spell. An additional ending sub-spell containing no spell component, only this Technique and the base Action must be cast to finish the spell. - This ending sub-spell costs at least 1mp (the caster may spend more if he wishes), takes 1 second of casting time, modified by any standard spellcasting modifying techniques applied at casting time - This ending sub-spell is cast at a skill level equal to the skill level in this Technique. The caster does not need to craft specific ending sub-spells for each Action, he can use any of them without learning them - The caster of the ending sub-spell is considered the caster of the spell for the purposes of maintenance and concentration - An ending sub-spell contributes nothing to the completed spell, no Techniques that apply to whole spells need to be used - An ending sub-spell cast at empty space is Delayed indefinitely and sets off the first sub-spell to merge with it All the sub-spells must be cast at the same target. (which isn't necessarily in the same spot all the time) Upon receiving the ending sub-spell, the spell is cast and the duration begins. - The completed spell is the sum of all the parts received. If one sub-spell isn't received, the spell blindly operates without them. - Loss of controlling techniques like Spell Technique can result in strange or no behaviour from

the components. - Receipt of extra copies of sub-spells introduces additional components or duplicate techniques which have cumulative effects. - The completed spell will, at launch, automatically remove all the copies of the Modular Spell technique that result from this cumulation - sub-spells flag the effect shapes their components apply to with a special unique shape signature, only sub-spells with an identical effect shape of the same shape signature will merge those effect shapes together - "No signature" is considered a specific unique shape signature (ie. will only merge with other nosignature effect shapes) - Only identical effect shapes and identical shape signatures will cause them to merge, a slightly different effect shape (in size or form) or shape signature will cause the components to create their own effect shapes eg. Identical effect shapes but different shape signatures will cause the two components to be on separate but overlapping effect shapes (difference being, if one is a magical barrier, it will exclude the other, not so if they are on the same effect shape) - sub-spells also flag their component with another component signature in a similar fashion - Identical components (effect shape and all parameters/decisions/element must be the same) with identical component signatures will merge into one component with the sum of the two contributing component's mp - The merged component must meet all restrictions and prerequisites on the component as if casted at the higher mp or the merge will fail and the two remain separate The signatures used to identify the sub-spells, sub-spells' effect shapes and their components are known only to the caster and can be changed at any point during the casting time. This signature can be communicated by any language method. (it's a specific way of using magic) Spell, shape and component Signatures are decided at casting time. Each sub-spell is cast and is augmented (with spell failure and range penalties) in the same way as a normal spell is. - The casting time and prerequisites for each sub-spell is calculated from it's components like a normal spell - The learning and skill level of each sub-spell is separate. Every sub-spell counts as an individual spell that must be learnt and familiarized separately Completion of a sub-spell merely creates a Point effect shape on the target (subject to range penalties) that consists of an effect that is Delayed indefinitely until the ending spell is received, at which point all the completed spell's associated effect shapes at the start of duration appear and begin operating. - All sub-spells cast at that target are absorbed into the growing incomplete spell (which is also indefinitely Delayed and has the same properties of a large sub-spell) provided they have the same spell signature - Absorption of sub-spells requires the sub-spells have the same target - Points in space separated by less than 1cm are considered the same target, the new target point is halfway between the two - An incomplete spell can be launched by removing the Delay using Spell Manipulation (setting the Delay time to any number including 0 is an operation Spell Technique can do and thus can be easily used by Spell Manipulation) This works as if the ending sub-spell has been absorbed Mp limits from spell level are calculated for each sub-spell. The (in)completed spell's level is the highest level of all the sub-spells. - This allows the generation of high mp effects at a low spell level Note that while Delayed, the sub-spells still suffer standard mp loss and may require recharging if the casting time takes too long. The sub-spells can come from different casters. It does not matter who casted the sub-spells, they

will all merge into one complete spell as long as they have the same spell signature. This makes Modular Spells subject to premature launch by an opponent caster casting an ending sub-spell at an incomplete Modular Spell provided he knows the spell signature.

Moving Spell

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A continuous current of mana applies a constant velocity to everything in the spell. Standard Use: Used to move spells that cannot be in pulse effect shapes. Application: Applied to the entire spell covering all of the effect shapes, counts as 1 component. All parts of the spell move at the same speed and (without other influences) will stay in position relative to each other. - A Point will look much like a Pulse when this is applied - A Pulse will travel in an arc if the direction of motion is different from the direction of the Pulse This continually changes the target of the spell in the same way as Moving Mana from Channelling does. - This makes using Moving Spell with Life-Force Synergy almost impossible without a guiding technique (see Redirector or Spell Technique) The direction of motion (Parameter) is chosen at the time of casting and will not change by itself once the spell is cast without techniques that manipulate Parameters. This component is required to contain mp equal to 1% of the total mp in the spell not including any Moving Spell components, rounded up to the nearest 1mp, in order to work. It does not actually spend the mp in moving the spell. The speed this component moves (Parameter) the spell is up to 1 meters per second. Increasing this limit by 1 meter per second increases the mp cost by another 1% of total mp. Multiple Moving Spell components act independently of each other.


Learning Prerequisites: Moving Spell 0 Class: Level 3 Technique Description: An encrypted trigger allows the ability to redirect the flow of mana of a moving spell, changing it's direction of motion or even turning it off. Standard Use: Often used to create a spell that can be directed towards targets and moved around easily. Such a trigger is usually safe from enemies using it since it is lightly encrypted and difficult to guess. Eg. A blast of fire with this component and Moving Spell can be directed around to chase enemies. Application: Can only be applied to the Moving Spell component. Only one Moving Spell component per Technique application is affected. This Technique allows the Moving Spell component to receive a signal that changes it's direction and speed within it's limits. This signal can be from any caster or a spell able to do so. (see Data Processing and Mana Manipulator) This signal can be received over a distance equal to 10 meters per mp in the Moving Spell component. Using the signal does not use mp. Usage of the signal requires skill level 0 in Spell Technique. Such a signal is unique to each individual casting of the spell with this technique. At the caster's option, it can be fixed into a predefined signal decided at casting time. The caster(s) of the spell containing this technique knows the signal. This unique signal can be known to others by analysis of the spell (see Data Processing) or by the caster informing them of it using any form of language.

Elemental Shift

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Class: Level 2 Technique Description: A technique that involves substituting a component's mana for another suitable element. Standard Use: Often used to change elements of components to access a different element that the caster cannot

easily cast with. Application: Can only be applied to one Spell Component at the time (Parameter) This Technique has two states, On and Off. (Parameter) When in the Off state, it does nothing. When in the On state, the component it is applied to changes all it's mp for mp of a chosen element (Parameter), the technique then returns to the Off state.

Data Processing

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 2 Intelligence 12 Logic and Mathematics 6 Casting Prerequisites: Control 5 + 1 per mp spent on this component Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A highly compact signalling network between mana particles trapped in logic circuits. This allows the component to process huge quantities of information. In particular, it can crunch mathematical data and perform comparisons blindingly fast. Based off a computational theory, the theoretical maximum speed of a calculator built with this component, is approximately 3.5 x 1030 flops per mp. (4.5 x 1032 Hz, for an RL comparison, 1 GHz is 109) Consisting of ~1023 transistors running at ~3 x 1010Hz. This makes the component excellent for crunching huge amounts of independent data but less good at single threads of instructions that must be carried out very fast. Even though a normal casting does not reach anywhere near the maximum speed, for most purposes it will compute any given problem faster than reaction is possible. It executes ~100 spell technique instructions per second per circuit, which makes it fast enough for any combat or utility purpose outside of combinatorial problems. - Even most small scale combinatorial problems can be solved easily. Since computational power is so high, brute force solutions can be gotten for "simple" problems that RL supercomputers couldn't do. This resulted from the dedicated running of incredibly complicated Spell Technique instruction sets to process alot of information, organized into "libraries" and with a defined programming procedure. When the information processing limit of Spell Technique is hit, more mana can be used to increase it. Standard Use: Not often used in combats unless in a large and protracted encounter. Data Processing consumes

mp continuously and takes too long to cast for it's benefits. When used properly, Data Processing allows all manners of complicated attack patterns and simplifies management of spells and their effects. Some components grant Spell Technique an array of values (eg. Void) that require hundreds or even thousands of spell technique instructions to process. Data Processing allows easy manipulation of these values where raw application of Spell Technique would require infeasible mp levels. Applications of Data Processing are often summarized in the broad strokes of how they operate, only indicating the fine details of an algorithm if it is particularly unique or unorthodox. Eg. Event: Object enters Effect Shape (as detected by occupancy of 1cm3 cells in Mist component) Triggers: Change Effect Shape containing Fire into an Area wrapping around that object Application: This component requires that Spell Technique is applied to the spell to function The mp used to cast this component adds to the minimum casting time of the spell and cannot be mitigated by additional mp expenditure - Multiple applications of Data Processing are redundant as instruction sets from those merge (mp spent on them is cumulative) This component must exist in an effect shape of volume equal to or greater than it's mp in ml - The component fails to operate in a volume that is too small and behaves like a Buffer component instead (does not use mp) This component adds 1 second of casting time per mp spent on it (instead of 0.1). This increase in casting time cannot be reduced by additional mp expenditure. This component uses all of its mp every second The component takes control of Spell Technique's algorithms, processing events and applying changes. All Spell Technique algorithms do not apply to the spell. Any Spell Technique behaviour can be used by Data Processing If an approximation of how many instructions Data Processing can process is needed, a good guideline is ~10 million instructions per mp spent per second. Each skill level improves this by 1 multiple. Skill level 1 = ~20 million instructions per mp and so on This increases the effectiveness of mp used by Data Processing. Each skill level nets a 100% increase in the effective mp spent on this component. Data Processing is incredibly flexible and can bypass certain limits on spells by dint of sheer processing power. The following are examples of how spells can be changed with Data Processing. Additional uses can be added at the GM's discretion but care must be taken to limit it to things that are resulting from being able to process alot of information. Data Processing does not add power or improve it's use in a numerical way. Non-Convex Volume Effect shapes controlled by Data Processing can ignore usual limits on their shape. - Eg. Point Effect Shapes can be non-spheres. - Eg. Area Effect Shapes can be non-convex and have less than the 1cm minimum distance from the edge. Making a sharp edge to an Area Effect Shape is simple enough for Data Processing. The effect shapes can have holes and gaps in them as well. The Data Processing component must have at least 0.1 mp for this function.

System Simulation The Data Processing component can simulate various things. By representing a model and running it according to a specified set of rules, it can predict certain things in the future. For obvious reasons, modelling the behaviour of complex objects takes a higher processing power and a better model. Since the accuracy of the prediction depends on the initial knowledge and the model's approximations, the amount of time a model can predict into the future depends on the size of the modelling package. Using these requires that the caster knows how to model these things. To model the physics of objects, the caster must first know the physics. Simple things like physics calculations for simple objects (hard, inflexible objects that aren't expected to break) can be predicted for 1 second in the future (after 1 second of calculation) with 1 mp spent, with duration of accurate predictions rising roughly to the square root of the mp spent. Note that the model only includes information that it can access. Without knowledge of a sniper on the rooftop, a model cannot predict the hitting of an arrow. This is often used to calculate trajectories of difficult shots and the predicted mp usage of defensive measures. This is especially good at predicting the movement of simple spells based on past behaviour. More complex physical calculations for secondary effects or complex objects (multiple connected pendulums, fluids, airflow simulation, feedback systems) are very difficult to predict as they depend highly on the accuracy of the initial measurement. The duration of accurate predictions arising from perfect data is 1 second in the future (after 1 second of calculation) with 1 mp spent, with duration of accurate predictions rising roughly to the square root of the mp spent. However, most data is imperfect, especially those gathered in haste. Provided with the appropriate tools (parameters that spell technique is granted access to by various spell components), data processing can gather the requisite data at the same time as running the simulation. Data enough for 1 second of prediction requires the expenditure of 2mp on top of whatever is needed to run the information gathering. The expenditure doubles for each addition second of prediction required. Of course, running Data Processing continuously can overlap multiple short predictions over a long time while continually gathering data. More complex things like other Data Processing spells and life-forces are too complex for Data Processing to simulate. Analyze Effect This can be used to analyze a spell or magical effect. Interacting with another spell over at least 1 second, Data Processing can gain information about the identity and parameters of random components, techniques or effect shapes whose identity has not been identified by spending mp equal to the number to be analyzed. Note that after identification, the parameters of that portion of the target spell can change and Data Processing will have to work again. Re-identification of a known component, technique or effect shape can be targeted directly at them instead of working randomly. The instructions contained in Data Processing components are not revealed by this analysis although it's presence is. Ciphered Spell A Data Processing component in a spell can actively change the spell on the fly to guard it against modification. This blocks anything forming a connection to the spell via Spell Manipulation unless they can bypass the protection through a predetermined signature. As a Parameter, this signature can be changed by Data Processing and there can be no valid signature at all or more than one valid signatures. This valid signature can be a random one generated by the spell, in which case no one can connect to it unless the signature is communicated. It can also follow a pattern which the caster determines

(and thus will know), leading to the caster being the only one able to form a connection. Cipher Attack A Data Processing component in a spell can attempt to determine the signature or signature pattern required to connect to a spell locked by Data Processing. This requires the spell attempting to gain that information interact with the target spell and spend 1 second per mp dedicated to the defending spell's Data Processing lock. This time is reduced by 1 second per mp spent on attacking spell's Data Processing attack to a minimum of 1 second. By spending at least 1mp and 1 second, this function of Data Processing can also obtain the signature of other uses of magic. Eg. the signatures of a modular spell Another example is figuring out the unknown signature of a spell with a Redirector Technique.

Signal Detection

Signal Pattern Parser

Language Parser

Magic Detection

Magic Radar - Emits high MPE ping in chosen direction - Receiver sensitive to very low MPE in chosen direction - Detects all active spell effects and determines their distance and direction - Magical barriers block signal but show up strongly - Detects lifeforce as well

Guided Spell

Adaptive Function

Adaptive Component


Problem Solving

Targeting Prioritiser

Friend-Foe Recognition

Command Recognition

Decision Theory

Rule Recognition

Moral Judgment

Learning Memory

Critical Path Analysis

Autonomous Operation

Manifest Energy

Learning Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Class: Level 0 Spell Component Description: The simplest magical effect possible, also the most inefficient. Most mages can add this component to any spell on the fly. The Active mana making up this effect disrupt spells. Standard Use: Mages can use this as a generic uncontrolled magic effect. Generally not used at all. Sometimes channelled by mages to demonstrate magical ability. Sometimes used in mana-damaging attacks. Also used as a last resort shield or a counter-spell. Application: Can be added to any spell without construction of a new spell. If applied as the only component of a spell, the spell does not need to be learnt and counts as skill level 0 in use. - Learning the spell allows skill level bonuses to apply as usual. If it interacts with an effect, this component attempts to destroy it. - The mp in this component is spent in a Spell Disruption attempt against the effect shape it interacts with - The mp in this component counts (1 + skill level) times to the Spell Disruption Attempt - Any excess mp returns to this component If it hits a mana-sensitive creature, the creature is dealt mp damage - Offense value = mp spent on this component x 5 - This is subject to the elemental resistances table - Effect type is Magical Energy, Damage type is Magic Disruption If an effect shape containing this component is the target of a Spell Disruption attempt, this component is affected first. This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. High magical density can also prevent other spells from entering the area. Spending more than 20mp on this component per m3 volume of the effect shape it is in causes that volume to exclude mana particles and act as a magical barrier. This amount is affected by elemental affinities. (ie. it is harder to exclude same element effects but easier to exclude opposing element effects) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Variant: Buffer Prerequisites: Channelling 1 Class: Technique Description: A display of energy that is characteristic to the element used in this effect. Unharnessed mana used to buffer the spell against external effects. Application: Can be applied to any spell component. Can be used as a spell component by itself. Applying this to a spell component can be done at the time the spell is cast without creating/learning a new spell. Component requires extra mp to function - Amount decided when the spell is cast - The extra mp generates a visual effect characteristic to the element involved A component that contains mp in Buffer will lose mp in Buffer before most other components - This applies to Spell Disruption Attempts and anything that otherwise affects or alters this component - The mp spent on a Buffer counts (1 + skill level) times to absorbing Spell Disruption Attempts A spell can only have mp in Buffer equal to it's total mp x (skill level + 1) without buffer - Any extra transferred to them or spent on them is lost Standard Use: Used to buffer components against disruption as the extra mp increases the difficulty of disruption Also used as a mana pool to draw from for components that can manipulate mana.

Brash: Accelerate

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This adds kinetic energy to all objects in its area, causing everything to accelerate. Stationary objects accelerate in a chosen direction. Works very similarly to negative friction that applies everywhere. Except that stationary objects have a chosen direction. Underlying mechanic:

- Exerts force on an object in the same direction of the object's motion - Object traveling below a limit count as stationary - Stationary objects can be accelerated in any chosen direction decided as spell creation - Limit is determined by the object's mass, higher mass means the faster the object can travel to count as stationary Formulae apply to Brash 1 elements Brash 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Brash 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Generally used to accelerate objects. Any object. Lift an object and then throw it. Tear things apart. Crush them. Very versatile effect that can be employed in most mundane and combat uses. The number of applications for this component is very wide and almost impossible to completely quantify. Below are examples, other applications, if reasonable should be allowed and the formulae should be similar in power to these. The complexity of the other applications may require Spell Technique or Data Processing to carry out. Application: Component must use Brash Elements only (Fire, Air, Dark, Lightning, Burst, Shadow, Order, Flare, Sound, Miasma) A set force is applied to every stationary object in the area in a set direction Makes objects, that were already moving, move faster MP Distribution - An object weighing less than 10 grams counts as 10 grams of weight - Any large object weighing more than 20kg can be excluded at caster's option - Air has a density of 833ml per gram - Any part of an object not in the volume is not included - Any object weighing more than 1kg or is larger than 1m3 is divided into sub-objects that are targeted individually - Blocks must be less than or equal to 1kg weight - Blocks must be both contiguous, convex and fit in a cube of 1m side - Must use the least number of blocks possible - The shape of the division is defined by the caster, including any bits that have different density Total mp spent like this is divided equally (by mp) among all valid objects - Excluding objects based on weight requires Spell Technique - Identifying which objects have already been accelerated by the spell (and thereby setting a maximum mp per object cap) requires Spell Technique - Making the spell allocate mp based on final speed requires Spell Technique Mp spent in total per second is equal to the component's mp level. This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level unless sustained. Underlying mechanic: Increases speed of all objects in an area (includes gases!) Mp cost of speed increase: Speed increase (m s-1) x total mass (kg) x 4 per object - Conversely, Speed Increase = Mp cost / ( total mass x 4 ) Path length of launch required to increase the speed is (0.1 x mp spent to increase speed / control stat) m

If an affected object has magic resistance, the mp spent on that object is reduced by the magic resistance stat, to a minimum of 0. This applies every time the spell affects them. The objects can be thrown to deal damage. For use as a weapon, see the Projectile Attack Formula below. Each object is calculated separately and uses it's own speed. Related skill for the attack is Wisdom Distance required to increase the speed is (0.1 x mp spent / control stat) m Distance is calculated for each object (if it matters) by the mp spent on each object This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. The direction of acceleration of stationary objects are determined individually when casting the spell The acceleration of moving objects is the same direction as it was already moving in Component dissipates when it has no remaining mp, if it has no valid target within the area, it remains until one appears If not interfered with, and the target objects are reasonably stable, the objects are accelerated uniformly enough that they do not shake much --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Controlled Standard Use: Used to manipulate objects where accuracy is more important than power. Most often used by healers or when delicacy is needed. Application: Fine Manipulation Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Accelerate 2 Deflect 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Application: Component must use Brash and Swift Elements only (Air, Flare, Miasma) Exerts a controlled force on an object. Can control the direction, facing and speed of the object to a high extent. Generally able to lift and turn the object as if being grasped by a hand. Object weight is compensated for. Eligible objects (usually) have low mass and can only be pushed to a low speed. Underlying mechanic: Accelerates an object to a desired speed, deflects excess momentum into correct direction Mp cost per second is a Parameter, equal to or greater than mass of object (in grams) and lower than the mp level of the spell. Maximum speed (cm per second) = mp cost per second / 10 - Extra mp per second can be used despite the mass of the object not requiring that cost - Object can travel at any speed at or below the maximum speed, the object can slow down (but

must rotate to compensate) - Object instantly stops if it encounters resistance, no damage possible - The caster can force an object through weak resistance if desired, dealing 1 damage at maximum - Effect Type is Direct Effect, Damage Type is Collision, subtype depends on object shape Acceleration path length is negligible (<0.1 mm). This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Powered Description: A slight variation in spell structure allow this component to be far more efficient at accelerating objects. At the cost of stability. That said, the stability loss is not much and any streamlined or approximately round object won't be much affected by this. In other words, this variant is specifically designed to throw things very fast. Standard Use: Generally used as a combat weapon. It is somewhat standard practice to throw your opponents if you can hit with the spell. Throw Object Learning Prerequisites: Channelling - Pulse Accelerate 1 Application: Component must use Brash Elements only (Fire, Air, Dark, Lightning, Burst, Shadow, Order, Flare, Sound, Miasma) Accelerates an object to a fast speed and the component dissipates, leaving the object to fly as it will. Underlying mechanic: Momentum increases linearly over a straight launching path. Mp cost of speed increase = Speed increase (m s-1) x total mass (kg) - Conversely, Speed Increase = Mp cost / total mass - An object weighing less than 10 grams counts as 10 grams of weight The path length of the launch depends on the caster's control stat. Path length is (0.1 x mp spent / control stat) m This component triggers on the first solid or liquid target the spell hits, using mp equal to it's mp level. - If it hits an object with magic resistance, this component loses mp equal to the resistance stat For use as a weapon, see the Projectile Attack Formula below. Related skill for the attack is Intelligence. Once the object has completed it's acceleration (exiting the path length), this component has expended it's mp, decreasing it's mp level to 0 unless restored by other means. Formulae accurate for stationary objects only. - If applied to a moving object, the object merely accelerates (amount is the same) in the same direction as it was already moving. - Offense value of the moving object increases by the Offense value the formula would generate

Thrown objects are not stabilized and may tumble around if oddly shaped (eg. people) Tear Object Learning Prerequisites: Channelling - Pulse Accelerate 2 Application: Component must use Brash Elements only (Fire, Air, Dark, Lightning, Burst, Shadow, Order, Flare, Sound, Miasma) Causes the bits of the object to accelerate in different directions. Underlying Mechanic: Bits of the object get pulled in different directions, causing damage. Can be used to spin the object. Net force is change in momentum divided by time exerted. This component triggers on the first solid or liquid target the spell hits, using mp equal to it's mp level. - If it hits an object with magic resistance, this component loses mp equal to the resistance stat If the component triggers, it does not miss. The component attacks the target with a Base Offense of (mp spent x 2) Related skill for the attack is Intelligence. Type of attack is Direct Effect. Damage type is Kinetic - subtype Shear, Tensile, Compressive, Torsional, chosen when the spell is cast Shear is caused by two halves of the object moving past each other Tensile is caused by two halves of the object moving away from each other Compressive is caused by two halves of the object moving toward each other Torsional is caused by the two halves of the object rotating against each other This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Leverage Description: Yet another variation of spell structure. Also, reducing stability for efficiency in power. This component works very similarly to the Powered Variant, the efficiency is even higher but at the cost of a fixed area. Standard Use: Can be used to lift heavy objects or bend a resistant object. Application: Heavy Lift Learning Prerequisites: Channelling - Area Accelerate 2 Application: Component must use Brash Elements only (Fire, Air, Dark, Lightning, Burst, Shadow, Order, Flare, Sound, Miasma)

Affects only stationary objects. Lasts for a set duration (in seconds). Affects a contiguous area that is determined when the spell is cast. Underlying Mechanic: Exerts a large force over a small area As long as stationary objects are inside the area, the objects experience a net force of (Control Stat * mp spent / duration) N. - Objects that begin moving by this spell cease to be accelerated when their speed goes above the stationary limit for that object Objects that exit the area cease to be affected by this component. Assuming only lifting against gravity, the maximum weight this spell can lift is (net force / 10) kg. If a stationary object is partially inside the field, only that part experiences the force. This can be destructive or can cause the object to spin. If two or more of these components are employed to exert force in different directions on an object in order to destroy it, this is essentially the same as the Tear Object component - Hits all objects crossing the boundary between the conflicting fields - Base Offense (mp spent / duration) - Hits once per second for the duration, as long as the object is still affected - Related skill for the attack is Wisdom. This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Projectile Attack Formula This formula is used in this component to determine the accuracy and damage of a projectile that is accelerated by this component The object uses a base accuracy of (Speed / (10 x distance to the target in meters) ) to a maximum of 0.8 - If the object is part of another attack, use this accuracy or the other attack's accuracy, whichever is higher If it hits a target, the target is attacked by a Base Offense of (2 x Speed x Material modifier x Shape modifier x Mass) - Material modifier and Shape modifier are properties of the object - Shape modifier depends on the profile of the object, a smaller object (usually) has a higher shape modifier. - eg. The front of an arrowhead has a modifier of 2, a knife is 3, the feathers of an arrow is 0.5, a smooth pebble is 1 - Soft materials deal less damage, hard materials deal more. eg. Iron has a material modifier of 2, diamond is 3, writing paper is 0.5, water is 1 - If the object is part of another attack, this Base Offense is resolved separately as an additional attack. If it hits before it has traveled the path length of the launch, reduce the offense value by the proportion of the path length not covered At range, the object loses Speed at the rate of (range modifier * resistance modifier / mass) per meter traveled past the path length of launch - Range modifier is a property of the object (average of 2) - Air has a resistance modifier of 0.01, can change if there's wind (headwind increases resistance, tailwind decreases resistance) This does not affect the accuracy of the attack If the target is lower than where the object was launched, the Speed lost to range is reduced by the

height the target is below the object. (only for the purposes of determining Base Offense. Accuracy does not change) - Similarly, if the target is higher than where the object was launched, the height the target is above the object is treated as extra range that deducts from Base Offense - This calculation is only used if the target is more than twice the path length of launch away from the object The object also takes this damage (and may even be destroyed) The type of attack is Physical Energy (unless the projectile has other properties) The damage type depends on the object shape but is one of Collision Projectile Compressive, Shear or Point Indirect Fire If any of the projectile attacks are used in indirect fire, the range/distance in this formula is the horizontal distance to the target, not the arc distance The object uses a base accuracy of (half mp spent / distance to target in meters) to a maximum of 1 - If the object is part of another attack, use this accuracy or the other attack's accuracy, whichever is higher


Class: Description: Application: Standard Use:


Complex Sound



Static Charge

Calm: Decelerate

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This removes kinetic energy of all objects in its area, causing everything to slow down. Works very similarly to friction that applies everywhere. Underlying mechanic: - Exerts force on object in opposite direction of the object's motion - Object traveling below a limit count as stationary - Stationary objects cannot be affected by this component - Limit is determined by the object's mass, higher mass means the faster the object can travel to count as stationary

Formulae apply to Calm 1 elements Calm 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Calm 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Used to slow down or stop objects. Reverse of Accelerate. Also works to prevent movement if the object is stationary. Application: Component must use Calm Elements only (Earth, Light, Water, Aura, Wood, Ice, Star, Crystal, Gel, Chaos) If this component can't spend all it's mp, the component stays active and triggers on the first eligible target. Variant: Area Learning Prerequisites: Channelling - Area Decelerate 0 Application: Component must use Calm Elements only (Earth, Light, Water, Aura, Wood, Ice, Star, Crystal, Gel, Chaos) Slows down movement on all moving objects in the area. Spends equal amounts of mp on each object. MP Distribution - An object weighing less than 10 grams counts as 10 grams of weight - Any large object weighing more than 20kg can be excluded at caster's option - Air has a density of 833ml per gram - Any part of an object not in the volume is not included - Any object weighing more than 1kg or is larger than 1m3 is divided into sub-objects that are targeted individually - Blocks must be less than or equal to 1kg weight - Blocks must be both contiguous, convex and fit in a cube of 1m side - Must use the least number of blocks possible - The shape of the division is defined by the caster, including any bits that have different density Total mp spent like this is divided equally (by mp) among all valid objects - Speed decrease is then calculated backwards - The ground or any large object weighing more than 1/2 the mp of this component in kilograms can be excluded - Excluding objects based on weight requires Spell Technique - Identifying which objects have already been decelerated by the spell (and thereby setting a maximum mp per object cap) requires Spell Technique - Making the spell allocate mp based on final speed requires Spell Technique Mp spent in total per second is equal to or less than (if there is no movement) the component's mp level. For objects with magic resistance, the effect of the mp spent on them is reduced by their resistance stat. This applies to every reallocation of mp. Underlying mechanic: Decreases speed of all moving solid or liquid objects in an area Mp cost of speed decrease: Speed decrease (m s-1) x mass (kg) x 4 per object Conversely, Speed decrease (m s-1) = mp spent / (4 x mass (kg) )

Speed decrease takes place over a period of 1 second. With respect to projectiles, this decreases their speed with effect on Accuracy, Damage and Range. Air in the area has it's wind dampened. Liquids in the area have their current dampened. Both are at the cost of mp as per the above formula. Usage on stationary objects that are in the air results in a slow fall until they exit the field or hit an obstruction. - The object experiences a reduction of acceleration from gravity equal to (mp spent last second) / (4 x mass) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Controlled Standard Use: Used to mimic the action of Cool mana when using those elements are undesirable. Pseudo-Cooling Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Decelerate 2 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 + 3X Description: By controlling the mana carefully, even very small vibrations are damped, resulting in the loss of heat energy. Application: Component must use Calm Elements only (Earth, Light, Water, Aura, Wood, Ice, Star, Crystal, Gel, Chaos) This variant behaves the same as the Spell Component: Cool at level X. - Mimicking Level 0 Cool takes 15 Control, level 1 Cool takes 18 control, etc. This does not count as skill levels in the mimicked Spell Component and cannot be used to satisfy prerequisites. - Variants on the Spell Component for Cool can be used if the prerequisites (mainly skill levels) have been satisfied in some other way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Leverage Standard Use: Used to apply more deceleration over time, preventing more movement. Object Pin Learning Prerequisites: Decelerate 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Application: Component must use Calm Elements only (Earth, Light, Water, Aura, Wood, Ice, Star, Crystal, Gel, Chaos)

Applied to a stationary object to keep it stationary. This component cannot spend more than 40mp per kg weight on each object affected. The targets' speed are reduced as per the Area variant. If an affected object is stationary and the component still has mp, the component then negates any further force placed on the object at the cost of it's own mp. Use one of the following formulae, whichever is more appropriate - This costs mp per second of force exerted = Force exerted (N) x 4 - This costs mp per second of acceleration = Acceleration (m s-2) x mass (kg) x 4 If the object is not supported, gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s-2) has to be negated. This costs mp per second = 39.24 x mass (kg) - Affected objects in liquids are supported if they float. - Affected objects in liquids are not supported if they sink. Effective mass of the object used to determine mp spent is reduced by the mass of water displaced. - Density of water = 1 g cm-3 = 1 kg L-1 = 1000 kg m-3 - Object Pin reduces pressure at the bottom of a column of water if used at the top, note that water pressure depends on depth from the highest point that is in the body of water This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. When applied in Area form, this component distributes mp as per the Area variant. Cost to negate movement applies for each object resisting the force. The component also resists rotation.


Null Acceleration Field

Sound Dampener

Swift: Deflect

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This changes the direction of movement in a target. Underlying mechanic: - Exerts force on object perpendicular to the direction of motion - Object traveling below a limit count as stationary - Stationary objects cannot be affected by this component - Limit is determined by the object's mass, higher mass means the faster the object can travel to count as stationary Formulae apply to Swift 1 elements Swift 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Swift 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Used to change direction of motion. Shields, redirection and limited telekinesis are common uses. Often applied together with Accelerate to achieve true telekinesis. Variant: Change Direction Learning Prerequisites: Deflect 0 Application: Component must use Swift Elements only (Light, Air, Water, Prism, Ice, Pressure, Crystal, Flare, Chaos, Miasma) Changes direction of motion of all objects in the volume in a set specific angle per second. 90 degrees change is a right angle turn. 180 degrees change is an about turn. MP Distribution - An object weighing less than 10 grams counts as 10 grams of weight - Any large object weighing more than 20kg can be excluded at caster's option - The entire object (for light ones) is affected, even if part of it is outside the field. The spell propagates through objects to affect all parts equally. - Any object weighing more than 20kg or is larger than 1m3 in volume is divided into sub-objects that are targeted individually - Blocks must be less than or equal to 20kg weight - Blocks must be both contiguous and have a volume of less than 1m3 - The interface between blocks must be convex (not so if the block ends at the edge of the object) - Must use the least number of blocks possible - The shape of the division is defined by the caster, including any bits that have different density - If a block is outside the field, it is not affected by the spell Total mp spent like this is divided equally (by mp) among all valid objects

- Excluding objects based on weight requires Spell Technique - Identifying which objects have already been deflected by the spell (and thereby setting a maximum mp per object cap) requires Spell Technique - Making the spell allocate mp based on final speed requires Spell Technique Mp cost of 5 degree change: Speed (m s-1) x total mass (kg) per object - This happens over a period of 1 second Obviously, this makes targeting an attack that is subject to this effect through a field of active Deflect magic very difficult. The attacker's effective statistic to accuracy is reduced by 1/3 the total mp cost of this application spent on the object. The attacker does not take this penalty for attacking through a field that he or she understands the direction of. (which can be observed with a test object) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Controlled Standard Use: Used to impart rotation onto objects. Needs to convert normal motion into rotation. Can be used in reverse to convert rotation back into linear motion. Spin Learning Prerequisites: Deflect 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Description: By controlling the mana carefully and deflecting motion on part of the object, the object can be made to rotate. Forward motion on the object is converted into rotation, which slows or even stops the object. Application: Component must use Swift Elements only (Light, Air, Water, Prism, Ice, Pressure, Crystal, Flare, Chaos, Miasma) Mp spent per object per second can be limited by the caster. Mp cost to convert 1m s-1 motion into rotation: 18 x total mass of the object Final rotation speed in full rotations per second: 1.5 x (radius of object squared) / total motion converted - radius is calculated as the distance from the center of gravity of the object to the end furthest away from it - This happens over a period of 1 second Objects entering the field begin to rotate perpendicular to their longest axis. Floppy objects may exhibit complex behaviour and jerk around chaotically for a while before settling down to a stable spin. This component loses the mp it spends, lowering it's mp level. Objects remaining in the field will fall slower than usual and not fall at all if the field is using 180 x total mass of the object per second. Falling speed is converted into rotation just the same as normal motion. Excluding downward motion from the field's effect requires spell technique.

Unspin Learning Prerequisites: Deflect 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 10 Description: In a similar, but inverse way, spinning objects can be given linear motion in any direction. Application: Component must use Swift Elements only (Light, Air, Water, Prism, Ice, Pressure, Crystal, Flare, Chaos, Miasma) Mp spent per object per second can be limited by the caster. Mp cost to gain 1m s-1 motion from rotation: 18 x total mass of the object Loss of rotation speed in full rotations per second: 1.5 x (radius of object squared) / total motion converted - radius is calculated as the distance from the center of gravity of the object to the end furthest away from it - This happens over a period of 1 second - direction of gained speed can be in any direction, including being used to slow down current linear motion Spinning objects entering the field slow their rotation. Floppy objects may exhibit complex behaviour and jerk around chaotically for a while before settling down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Reflect Standard Use: A concerted application of force on the object to turn the object's motion around 180 degrees. Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Deflect 2 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Description: Be applying a continuous force over a period of time towards the center of the arc, the affected object(s) are less scattered than a simple deflection field. Application: Component must use Swift Elements only (Light, Air, Water, Prism, Ice, Pressure, Crystal, Flare, Chaos, Miasma) The arc the object travels in is the largest that will fit into the area of the field. This may cause the object to hit obstacles present in the field. The size of the arc may be restricted to less than the size of the object, causing the object to rotate briefly while the movement is converted. An object being reflected will travel in the opposite direct at the same speed it came in at. Mp cost of reflection: Speed of object (m s-1) x mass (kg) / [ 36 x radius of field (m) ] - This happens over a period required for the object to travel across the arc

Kinetic-Heat Converter

Strong: Resist

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This makes the object more resistant to changes in it's motion. Exerts force in the opposite direction of the net force the object experiences - An interesting interaction with gravity is that the object also resists gravitational pull Formulae apply to Strong 1 elements Strong 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Strong 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Making objects harder to move and thus more "solid", resistant to changes in shape. Effectively increases the inertial mass of the affected object. Can be used to make light projectiles have more effective mass for a larger punch. Application: Component must use Strong Elements only (Dark, Earth, Fire, Metal, Gravity, Burst, Star, Order, Gel, Sound) The mp distribution of this component follows that of Accelerate The affected object(s) appears to weigh more for all movement and damage calculations (including magic) except for gravity. Additional weight (kg): mp level / 20 - This operates more obviously on light objects - 20mp spent on a feather would increase the feather's weight by 1kg (a lot for a feather) - The same expenditure on a heavy rock has the +1kg but is much less useful The affected objects' apparent weight does not apply to the Resist component or it's variants. - For those components, use the original weight instead

With regards to gravity, the object resists gravitational pull as if it weighed more but did not experience more force. Acceleration from gravity multiplier: original weight / (original weight + additional weight) The object also receives less damage from kinetic and collision attacks. All kinetic-type Defense values on the object are multiplied by: (original weight + additional weight) / original weight All collision-type Defense values on the object are multiplied by: (original weight + 0.5 x additional weight) / original weight - Damage resistance is only granted if the whole object or the layer that was hit is affected - Note that creatures also count as objects A creature affected by this component also finds it more difficult to move and suffers a multiplier to dexterity, agility and speed - multiplier: original weight / (original weight + additional weight) A creature affected by this component lands blows that are harder to resist and gains a multiplier to strength and might for melee attacks - multiplier: (original weight + additional weight) / original weight This component does not use up mp in operation, only subject to normal mp loss. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Controlled Learning Prerequisites: Resist 1 Casting Prerequisites: Control 15 Description: A specific function of magic. This makes the object more resistant to changes in it's motion. Exerts force in the opposite direction of the net force the object experiences, proportional to that net force Standard Use: This is more efficient than the original version when applied to heavy objects. Almost useless when applied to a light object. Weight increases proportionally to the weight of the affected object Application: Component must use Strong Elements only (Dark, Earth, Fire, Metal, Gravity, Burst, Star, Order, Gel, Sound) The mp distribution of this component follows that of Deflect The affected object(s) appears to weigh more for all movement and damage calculations (including magic) except for gravity. Weight multiplier: 1 + (mp spent / 20) - This operates more obviously on heavy objects - 20mp spent on a feather would increase the feather's weight by two times (not much) - The same expenditure on a heavy rock also doubles it's weight (as long as the rock is not more than 20kg)

The affected objects' apparent weight does not apply to the Resist component or it's variants. - For those components, use the original weight instead With regards to gravity, the object resists gravitational pull as if it weighed more but did not experience more force. Acceleration from gravity multiplier: 1 / (1 + mp spent / 20) The object also receives less damage from kinetic and collision attacks. All kinetic-type Defense values on the object are multiplied by: 1 + (mp spent / 20) All collision-type Defense values on the object are multiplied by: 1 + (mp spent / 40) - Damage resistance is only granted if the whole object or the layer that was hit is affected - Note that creatures also count as objects A creature affected by this component also finds it more difficult to move and suffers a multiplier to dexterity, agility and speed - multiplier: 1 / (1 + mp spent / 20) A creature affected by this component lands blows that are harder to resist and gains a multiplier to strength and might for melee attacks - multiplier: 1 + (mp spent / 20) This component does not use up mp in operation, only subject to normal mp loss.

Temperature Stasis

Warm: Heat

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This adds a small amount of momentum to particles in the same direction they were moving in. Since particles have disordered motion due to existing heat, the amount of heat is amplified. Formulae apply to Warm 1 elements Warm 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Warm 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3

Standard Use: Heating. Unlike the "Fire" material, the Heat component applies heat directly to the target. Heating air or water is commonly used for temperature control, especially during winter. Direct heating of objects tends to be restricted to damaging spells although using it for forging special materials is not unheard of. Useful values: To melt 1g of ice (0*C to 0*C) = 3.33mp To boil 1g of liquid to vapour: (from 25*C) Water (100*C) - 25.71mp Alcohol (78.5*C) - 9.69mp To bring 1 gram of material to 100*C: (assuming starting at 25*C) Air - 0.75mp Water - 3.14mp Human tissue - 1.39mp Iron - 0.34mp Lead - 0.1mp Glass - 0.63mp Sand - 0.53mp Paraffin wax - 1.87mp Ethanol (to 78.5*C) - 1.3mp Ignition temperatures: [mp required to bring 1g of air to that temperature (air is 1.2 kg m-3) = 833ml of air] Paper/Diesel - 220*C = 1.95mp Paraffin wax - 250*C = 2.25mp Alcohol - 425*C = 4mp Cotton - 405*C = 3.8mp Oily Cotton - 120*C = 0.95mp Application: Component must use Warm Elements only (Earth, Light, Fire, Aura, Metal, Heat, Star, Crystal, Order, Flare) Applies heat evenly over the volume of the component over time, 1mp = 100 joules of heat The rate of mp loss of this component is adjustable. The slowest possible rate of mp loss is 1mp per 10 seconds, generating at the rate of 10 watts The maximum possible rate of mp loss is all the mp in 0.1 seconds. Used on an object, has offense value per second = 8 x mp spent - mass of affected volume Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Energy Heat Very high mp loss in a small area can superheat targets, effects depend on target material but water-based objects (like humans) have a tendency to explode when the water suddenly evaporates. This explosion has not been factored into the offense value above, DMs are advised to adjust the number above depending on target object's resistance to heat. - Generally, the formula is accurate for objects that simply melt or burn, like iron or paper - High-water content objects that have been pushed beyond their evaporation point (~25mp per gram of water) should receive additional damage from 10 to 100% extra depending on local conditions, like whether the explosion is confined (more damage) or if the steam has space to expand into (less damage)

- Other liquid based objects have similar properties but at a different evaporation point If the temperature of a creature is pushed beyond it's biological range, it also receives chemical damage as it's biological systems begin to go out of control. This requires that the core section of the body be heated and maintained at that temperature over the period of time. This obviously varies between creature types, but for humans: Raising body temperature above 40*C results in the target losing 5% of max SP in SP damage per 10 minutes. Above 50*C results in the target losing 5% of max SP in SP damage per minute. Above 60*C results in the target losing 5% of max SP in SP damage per 10 seconds. Above 70*C results in the target losing 5% of max SP in SP damage per second. Plus 1% for each 1*C above 70*C. Maximum temperature effect is 100*C, any higher temperature simply causes water to boil and physically damages the creature. Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Poison Catalysis In general, a biological creature suffers similar effects at the same temperature differences from their standard body temperature.


Active Hologram

Coherent Light

Cool: Cool

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class:

Level 1 Spell Component Description: A specific function of magic. This removes a small amount of momentum from particles. Since particles have disordered motion due to heat, the amount of heat is reduced. Formulae apply to Cool 1 elements Cool 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Cool 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Cooling. Works far faster than the Ice material due to direct cooling of the target. Is less efficient. Cooling the air works as a temperature control. Used in summer or in hot deserts. Cooling liquids can be used to generate chilled drinks or as part of an alchemical/medical procedure. To freeze: 1g of water (0*C to 0*C) - 3.33 mp 1g of steam (100*C to 0*C) - 30.08 mp To freeze (starting at 25*C): 1g of water (0*C) - 4.367 mp 1g of pure alcohol (-114*C) - 4.46 mp (for mixtures, use proportion of alcohol:water to determine freezing point) 1g of CO2 (-78*C) - 6.57 mp (790 times smaller) To condense (starting at 25*C): 1g of O2 (-183*C) - 4.03 mp (861 times smaller) 1g of N2 (-196*C) - 4.28 mp (646 times smaller) 1g of air (-196*C, 0.21g liquid O2 + 0.78g liquid N2) - 4.42 mp (743 times smaller) To cool to 0*C (starting from 25*C): 1g of air - 0.25 mp Application: Component must use Cool Elements only (Air, Dark, Water, Shadow, Pressure, Mist, Gel, Chaos, Sound, Miasma) Removes heat evenly over the volume of the component over time, 1mp = 100 joules of heat The rate of mp loss of this component is adjustable. The slowest possible rate of mp loss is 1mp per 10 seconds, removing at the rate of 5 watts The maximum possible rate of mp loss is all the mp in 0.1 seconds. High mp loss in a small area has a tendency to freeze things. Note that it is easier to condense the air itself than to freeze water. Low temperatures doesn't deal damage to homogenous objects, like metal bars or ice blocks. Complex objects with many joints of differing materials will bend as the materials contract at different rates. - A rule of thumb is that with over 10mp exposure per gram (enough to bring non-water objects to near absolute 0), the joints tend to break or separate, making complex objects fall apart into their

component pieces Creatures that depend on chemical reactions to live (most of them) move slower as the temperature falls outside their normal range For humans and similar creatures: - lower than 30*C reduces max sp and max sp expenditure by 10% - lower than 20*C reduces max sp and max sp expenditure by 30%, the creature also takes 5% of it's max sp in sp damage per ten minutes - lower than 10*C reduces max sp and max sp expenditure by 60%, the creature also takes 5% of it's max sp in sp damage per minute - lower than 0*C freezes the creature (max sp goes back up to normal and the creature stops losing sp over time, see below) Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Poison Inhibition Water containing objects are much harder to freeze, but will crack when ice forms. - The way water expands when it freezes breaks up the structure of the object. This reduces the hp of the object by (% water content) x maximum hp. - This is not an attack, there is no damage reduction or opposed checks - Water-based biological systems also completely stop when they freeze, if they aren't dead yet. (strength, dexterity, stamina, agility become 0, paralyzed and unconscious) - Freezing creatures also lose sp equal to the hp they lost when freezing.

Absorb Light

Wet: Catalyze

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: Reduces the inertia of all particles but opposes forces in the same proportion in the macro-scale environment. - No net change to the object's inertia - Increases effective particle speed at the same temperature, leading to more collisions per second and faster reaction rate For objects moving below their stationary limit, the macro-scale inertia doesn't come into play and the objects appear lighter. Exhibits strange behaviour at very micro-scale objects. Easily observed when used on dust

particles. - Brownian motion is increased by the same factor as the reaction rate. Formulae apply to Wet 1 elements Wet 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Wet 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Makes all reactions in the area go faster. All chemical effects are increased eg. - fire burns hotter and faster, consuming more fuel and releasing more heat. Makes fire easier to set by lowering ignition temperature (~3 degrees per mp) - creatures move faster, exert more force and given enough exposure, reproduce faster - more notably, poisons work faster and have amplified effects Application: Component must use Wet Elements only (Earth, Dark, Water, Gravity, Wood, Mist, Crystal, Order, Gel, Miasma) All chemical reactions in the area have their rate increased by 5% per mp in this component. Note that forward and backward rates are equally affected and competing reactions are also equally affected. Chemical damage in the area increases by the same amount. When covering the entire volume of the creature, increases the maximum amount of sp the creature can spend at any one time by the same percentage. The creature also suffers an increased effect from excessive loss of sp by the same amount.

This component does not use up mp in operation, only subject to normal mp loss.

Dry: Inhibit

Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Energy 0 Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: Increases the inertia of all particles but amplifies forces in the same proportion in the macro-scale environment. - No net change to the object's inertia - Decreases effective particle speed at the same temperature, leading to less collisions per second and slowerreaction rate For objects moving below their stationary limit, the macro-scale inertia doesn't come into play and the objects appear heavier. Exhibits strange behaviour at very micro-scale objects. Easily observed when used on dust particles. - Brownian motion is decreased by the same factor as the reaction rate. Formulae apply to Dry 1 elements Dry 2 elements take half the mp to generate the same effect but halves the caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component Dry 3 elements take 1/3 the mp to generate the same effect but reduces caster's effective control and dexterity stat for this component to 1/3 Standard Use: Makes all reactions in the area go slower. All chemical effects are decreased, some may even stop eg. - fire burns slower, consuming less fuel and giving out less heat. Too slow burning may extinguish the fire as temperature requirement to sustain fire remains the same - creatures move slower, exert less force and generally age less - poisons work slower and have less effect Application: Component must use Dry Elements only (Air, Light, Fire, Heat, Prism, Lightning, Star, Flare, Chaos, Sound) All chemical reactions in the area have their rate decreased by 5% per mp in this component. Note that forward and backward rates are equally affected and competing reactions are also equally affected. Chemical damage in the area decreases by the same amount. When covering the entire volume of the creature, decreases the maximum amount of sp the creature can spend at any one time by the same percentage.

The creature also suffers a decreased effect from excessive loss of sp by the same amount. This component does not use up mp in operation, only subject to normal mp loss.

Refract Light

Passive Hologram

Light Containment


Confined Path

Dampen Electricity

Manifest Material

Learning Prerequisites: Spell Technique 0 Channelling 2 Casting Prerequisites: 5 Control + skill level Class: Level 1 Spell Component Description: Forces mana to take up volume by using a special state. Mana must be Active to take up space. Mana in 'material form' changes it's behaviour with respect to various forces: - Normal matter is excluded, and thus momentum can be transferred to/from normal matter to "material" mana - This leads to the "material" mana experiencing collisions similarly to normal matter - Since they move and can be moved, heat is also conducted by "material" mana - "Material" mana falls and obeys gravity as normal. - Most "material" mana do not react much to electric or magnetic fields but most of the elemental types display such behaviour - This also makes "material" mana chemically inert. They take up space, but they do not react. Most importantly, "material" mana responds to Manifest Energy as if like a normal material, but can also be moved around by Channelling. Forcing mana into "material form" requires precision and some power. Generally, such effects are limited by the number of mana particles that can be converted into "material form". Since mana particles have one of three values of mass (and only one in this state, 4 grams per mole of particles), this makes it easy to quantify the effect by simply counting how much "mass" is produced. Each element (which is a combination of the 6 mana particles + void) has it's own quirks and strange behaviour. The names of the elements are inherited from observed similarities to real world phenomena. Standard Use: Used to manifest manaeic material which behaves like inert matter. Unlike normal matter, manaeic material also excludes mana from it's position. Can be used for many purposes, mostly dependent on it's space-occupying properties. Depending on the application, either volume or density of "material" produced per mp will be the more convenient value to use, hence both are provided. Application: These basic forms only concern manipulation of the exclusion force and inter-mana attraction. Special effects due to the element of mana used are suppressed as the mana is not in Active state. Due to not interacting with light, all material created by this component is completely transparent. They do displace air, and so can be seen as a mild distortion of light. This can cause problems

when trying to spot small amounts of "material" mana. Light is distorted by all forms of material mana less than high-quality clear glass. In the opposite direction of normal refraction. 1mp effect generates 1 gram + 0.5 grams per skill level of "material" mana. Effect type of most effects of "material" mana is Direct Effect. When created, "material" mana is at 300 Kelvin (~27*C, room temperature) unless otherwise stated. Due to collisions with the environment (eg. heat), "material" mana components gradually lose mp over time. This erodes any "material" mana by 1mp per 10 seconds per continuous segment - Note that "material" mana is not part of any spell and is not subject to a spell's normal mp loss for operation - Some types of "material" are not subject to this Once created, the "material" acts on its own and is no longer tied to any Effect Shape "Material" can be affected by Spell Manipulation as if it was it's own separate effect - "Material" is not cast with any Action and thus cannot be merged or recast The component has an On and Off state (Parameter) In the On state, the component spends all it's mp to create "material", reducing it's mp level to 0, and immediately goes into the Off state. In the Off state, the component does not spend it's mp to create "material". Any functions of the component apart from creating "material" still function as normal. Spell Technique can use any Manifest Material component to detect if it is about to collide with an object. Value Solid Collision An effect shape collides with a solid - True if any part of the effect shape overlapping with a continuous solid body more than 1cm across in at least two dimensions, otherwise false Each effect shape carries it's own Collision value Liquid Collision An effect shape collides with a liquid - True if any part of the effect shape overlapping with a continuous liquid body more than 1cm across in at least two dimensions, otherwise false Each effect shape carries it's own Collision value All derivative components and variants of Manifest Material inherit the above properties unless otherwise stated or contradicted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Gas Prerequisites: Component Element must be one of: Air, Fire, Mist, Aura, Heat, Miasma, Flare, Sound, Void Manifest Material 0

Description: "Material" form mana that exhibits very low attraction for other mana particles behaves very similarly to a normal matter gas. It, however, does not chemically react like air and will not support life. Gas is easily moved by Channelling and can be nudged around as if by a light wind without expending mana on that Technique. While confining the mana into an area is possible by using Channelling on the Gas, (de)compressing the gas to a pressure difference of more than 1% of it's surroundings is not possible without expending significant energy. Application: Density at time of creation: up to 1600 grams per m3, exerts pressure of up to 10 atmospheres at 20*C (This is added to existing density) Volume per mp (1 atmosphere, 100% concentration): 0.00833 m3 or 8.33 liters Heat capacity: 2.3 J K-1 g-1 Boiling point: -30*C - Enthalpy of vapourization: 0.5 kJ g-1 Gas will not freeze, even at absolute zero. - Freezing Gas requires extremely high pressure and low temperature conditions (around the same needed to freeze helium) Moving the Gas with Channelling causes wind in it's area at the velocity the Gas is moved at. - winds up to 1 meter per second can be used, stronger winds requires use of Moving Mana from Channelling Presence of Gas can be seen by the naked eye appearing similar to a heat haze (without the heat) At high concentrations of Gas, a significant quantity of air is displaced. As Gas is inert, it does not support life. Above 40% concentrations (64 grams per m3), this causes slow asphyxiation from lack of air, dealing 5% of target's maximum SP in SP damage per minute. Above 80% concentrations (128 grams per m3), this causes suffocation. Anything that needs to breathe begins to choke immediately. Damage Type is Poison Inhibition. This can also prevent access of oxygen, stifling fires. At 40%, fire smoulders and above 80%, oxygen-dependent fires do not burn at all. Pressure above 10 bars cannot be forced as the additional Gas condenses into Liquid at room temperature above that pressure. Below 1 bar pressure, Gas can be created at any concentration, doubling concentration doubles mp cost per volume. Creating high pressure Gas is difficult. Mass Activation of mana is needed and this gets less efficient the more pressure is needed. - For each 1 bar above atmospheric pressure, the mp cost of creating that much Gas increases by 100% - ie. creating 6.5 liters of 3 bar Gas (weighs 3g) costs 9mp instead of 3 High pressure Gas, if not confined after creation, instantly explodes as the pressure equalizes with the surroundings. The power of the resulting shockwave depends on the total volume and pressure difference of the Gas at time of creation. This shockwave isn't enough to deal much damage but will push light objects that are not fixed in position. Speed (in m s-1) = 10 x [ Pressure of Gas -1 (in atm) ] x Volume of Gas (in liters) / [ distance to

center of volume squared (in m) x weight of object (in g) ] - Formula assumes the object is of around 0.1 to 1kg in weight and approximately spherical. Deviations may occur. The shockwave does not miss anything if it's in the area. Offense value = [ Pressure of Gas -1 (in atm) ] x Volume of Gas (in liters) / distance to center of volume squared (in m) Effect type is Physical Energy, Damage type is Collision Blunt Gas does not behave as a magical barrier to other spells, but will collide with solid or liquid material objects (since it occupies space). Solid or liquids will behave as if they were magical barriers to any effect shape containing the Gas component. Flying objects from the shockwave can deal damage if they hit other objects Use projectile attack formulae from Manifest Energy -> Accelerate Accuracy = 0.5 if in the right direction, 0 otherwise; use Dex of 10 instead of the caster's for this attack. Loss of mp lowers density evenly across the occupied volume. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Liquid Prerequisites: Component Element must be one of: Water, Dark, Pressure, Shadow, Gel Manifest Material 0 Description: "Material" form mana that has short range, strong attraction can behave like a liquid. Although most "material" form mana can be forced into such a state, only very few have the correct attractive force to be liquid at atmospheric pressure and standard temperature. Similar to Gas, Liquid does not react chemically and does not support life. Liquid, like most mana materials, does not respond to electromagnetic fields. Since the attraction between Liquid particles is from the Charge Force, Liquid particles do not attract normal matter. This has a number of consequences. Liquid will not mix with any normal liquid, nor will any matter substance dissolve in it. Water breathers cannot breathe in Liquid as there is no oxygen dissolved in it. Unlike Gas, Liquid is not easily manipulated by magical influence. Density variations are nearly impossible, causing currents or moving the liquid will require expenditure of significant magical energy. (needs Accelerate or similar influence) Application: Density: 0.1 grams per cm3, lighter than virtually all mundane liquids Volume per mp (100% concentration): 10 cm3 or 0.01 liters Heat capacity: 3.1 J K-1 g-1 Boiling point: 75*C - Enthalpy of vapourization: 1.5 kJ g-1 Freezing point: -110*C - Enthalpy of fusion: 0.25 kJ g-1 Small amounts of liquid can be seen as nearly invisible droplets. Large quantities can be seen from the ripples on the surface distorting light more than a flat surface would. Attempting to create Liquid across a volume larger than it would take up spreads it evenly, resulting a mist when thinly spread

- Liquid mists refract light enough to look slightly opague, visibility is about twice as far in Liquid mist of the same density as water mist Water breathers in water contaminated with Liquid have the same choking hazard has Gas in air. Moving Liquid generates a current approximately in the direction and speed of the movement. Liquid is not as viscous as water. Moving in Liquid only has half the penalties that moving in water has. Loss of mp results in loss of density and a slowly shrinking puddle of Liquid. Unlike Gas, Liquid is dense enough to exclude other mana particles from it's area, acting as a magical barrier. This property doesn't work if the Liquid is boiled into Gas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Solid Prerequisites: Component Element must be one of: Earth, Ice, Prism, Metal, Wood, Crystal Manifest Material 0 Description: "Material" form mana that has long range ordering on top of the short range, strong attraction will be a solid. Similar to Liquid and Gas, Solid form mana does not react chemically. It will not burn, nor corrode or rust. The long range ordering takes the form of a simple hexagonal packing of sphere-like manaparticles. This causes Solid to behave very much like a crystal, especially since it's completely transparent. In fact, since light barely refracts off the interface, pieces of Solid are very nearly invisible. In particular, the strength of Solid is very similar to quartz (Mohs Hardness 7) Harder than metal, but prone to shattering along the stress lines. Application: Density: 1 gram per cm3, equal density with mundane water Volume per mp: 1 cm3 or 1ml Heat capacity: 2.05 J K-1 g-1 Melting point: 1500*C - Enthalpy of fusion: 0.5 kJ g-1 Boiling point: 3100*C - Enthalpy of vapourization: 3 kJ g-1 Volume of component must not be more than the amount that can be created. Solid is also dense enough to exclude other mana particles from it's area, acting as a magical barrier. Hp per cm3: 5 Damage Resistance: Immune to Chemical Effect type, Damage resistance as Iron Burrowing creatures cannot move through Solid unless they can also dig through iron. Loss of mp causes the edges to slowly disappear. The Solid disintegrates from the outside in.


Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0 Casting Prerequisites: 7 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A specific manifestation of material made of Fire mana, has special properties exhibited by the particles. Fire is a gas, it's activity force exerts force in the same direction it is moving it so it amplifies the individual particle's motion. This generates heat. It's particles also generate small electromagnetic distortions and absorb blue light, thus appearing orange-red in colour. - It's particles also radiate red colour light, giving off a glow - This colour is a single wavelength, appearing pure red and nothing like a normal fire. Standard Use: The heat generated from a Fire component depends on the manner of Activation. The faster heat is generated, the faster the component loses mp. This can be used for anything from warming a cold room to boiling water and "burning" things. Refer to table of useful values under Warm: Heat. Note that while air/water temperature is easily raised by Fire, conduction to the target material make take some time and defeat the purpose. Fire prefers to stick to liquid and solid objects, displaying a water-tension like property. Rapid movement within an area usually causes Fire to stick onto any surface and deposit it's heat there instead of in the air. This is due to Fire having a randomly shifting electric dipole, similar to water at high temperature. This theoretically should allow Fire to condense at around -10*C but innate energy production of Fire prevents the temperature of the gas from dropping below 25*C regardless of environmental conditions. (conduction into a perfect heat sink and heat generation of Fire are in equilibrium at 25*C) Application: Component must use Fire mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Gas from Manifest Material Fire does not condense at pressures under 100 atm. When condensed, Fire becomes inert and has the properties of Liquid. Fire does not freeze. Used in direct contact with another object, has a Base Offense value per second per gram in contact = 5 x weight lost per second

Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Energy Heat 1 gram = 100 joules of heat Fire does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Fire disappears within 1 second, generating an energy output of 100 watts per gram, unless methods are employed to input mp as fast as it outputs heat. Note that setting objects aflame requires that concentration of Fire be less than 40% to avoid stifling the fuel of oxygen. It also requires the object to reach ignition point. Fire will prefer to be created on solid or liquid surfaces in the volume of the component. Spell Technique can use Fire to detect the temperature of the surroundings. Value Heat The spell can sense the average temperature of the volume the Fire component occupies. (number) Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Fire component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Fire component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the value is -1.


Learning Prerequisites: Fire 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: A liquid very similar to Fire. Its particles constantly accelerate similar to Fire's. It is a very sticky liquid, almost like glue, due to a continuously fluctuating electromagnetic force, much stronger and longer ranged than Fire's. This makes it bind to all solids and dissolve well in all liquids. Unlike Water or Miasma, it does not bind to particles due to its continuous vibration. It is not poisonous but does shed a lot of heat. Unlike Fire, appears as a transparent liquid similar to water. Standard Use: Used to apply a lot of heat concentrated onto a small area. Will choke out flames but smothered flames usually reignite spontaneously once the covering is gone. A blob of Heat in a non-viscous fluid like water or alcohol will generate enough convection to mix itself in.

Very deadly to things that can burn. Often used to set fires when less flammable fuel is present, Fire is good for dry paper and easily burnt objects, Heat is often used to ignite wood and harder to burn plant material. Similar to Fire, Heat cannot be cooled to below 100*C. When vapourized, Heat acts like Fire. Can be used in cooking when applied to the bottom of a pan or directly to food. In controlled amounts of course. Application: Component must use Heat mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Liquid from Manifest Material Boiling point: 800*C Heat does not freeze Used in direct contact with another object, has a Base Offense value per second per gram in contact = 0.8 x weight lost per second Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Energy Heat 1 gram = 150 joules of heat Heat does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Heat disappears within 0.1 seconds, generating an energy output of 1500 watts per gram, unless methods are employed to input mp as fast as it outputs heat. Note that setting objects aflame requires that the object first be heated to ignition point then the liquid Heat removed in order to expose the object to the air. If the liquid Heat does not fully cover the object, exposed areas will likely catch fire.


Learning Prerequisites: Heat 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 5 x skill level Class: Level 4 Spell Component Description: A solid very similar to Fire. Its particles constantly accelerate similar to Fire's. A hard crystalline material. When melted, it behaves like Heat. Unlike Heat or Fire, Flare is not sticky and when the crystals are small, behave similarly to very hot sand. Dissolves in Heat.

Standard Use: Radiates very high heat output but is hard to focus or apply in concentration. While Heat can be added directly to cooking to provide heating, Flare has to be used similarly to burning coals. Similar to Fire, Flare cannot be cooled to below 450*C. When melted, Flare acts like Heat; when vapourized, Flare acts like Fire. Often used as a heating source for efficiency. Application: Component must use Flare mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Solid from Manifest Material Melting point: 3100*C Boiling point: 3600*C Used in direct contact with another object, has a Base Offense value per second per gram in contact = 10 x weight lost per second Effect type is Direct Effect, Damage type is Energy Heat 1 gram = 2000 joules of heat Flare does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Flare disappears within 10 seconds, generating an energy output of 200 watts per gram, unless methods are employed to input mp as fast as it outputs heat. Flammable objects or liquids in contact or placed very close to blocks of Flare will often catch fire spontaneously. Flare is even capable of melting most metals given time and enough magic. Powdered Flare is one of the most deadly substances in Intralis. The low density of Flare prevents fine powders from sinking and indeed, even convection currents from its heat will scatter the dust, depositing its immense heat over a very large area.


Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A gas that amplifies and distorts movements in it. Air particles adjust their direction of motion to be similar to other Air particles around it. This feedback mechanism makes any continuous volume of Air above 0.5 atm pressure always move in the same direction.

Air particles tend to stick together more than other gases. Left alone, Air condenses into a sphere ranging from 0.7 atm pressure at the edge to pure Air in the center. Air particles do not interact with light and appear (if at all) as a light heat haze. Standard Use: Can be used as a simple movement distortion shield or a movement amplifier. Can be used to set up a continuous current which can be used for lift or various movement tasks. Application: Component must use Air mana. Air has all the properties of Gas unless otherwise stated. The boiling point of Air is -40*C. When condensed, Air loses it's self-organizing properties and behaves similarly to Liquid. The freezing point of Air is -178*C. When frozen, Air behaves like Solid. The effects listed below are the most common behaviour seen under normal conditions. Due to self-organizing movements, Air often reacts drastically differently in different environments. Air does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Air loses 10% of it's mass per second to a minimum 1 gram per second for each continuous segment. Shockwave When subject to a force in one direction (eg. a strong wind), or when a fast moving projectile enters the volume of Air that is at least 40% of atmospheric pressure, the Air particles mimic the movement, and almost instantly, the entire volume is accelerating in the same direction as the original impulse. This offers almost no resistance (beyond the usual air resistance) to a projectile traveling through it. The entire volume moves forward as one mass, compressing into a small ball (due to drag folding the edges back into the main mass) containing all the Air particles. Speed is equal to the speed of the impulse. When the ball collides with a solid or liquid object or a magical barrier, it has a tendency to splatter and deliver a kinetic attack. Refer to the Projectile Attack Formula under Manifest Energy: Accelerate. After splattering, the separated chunks of Air evapourate individually. (usually in less than 2 seconds unless the attack is large enough to occupy most of the volume in the local area, then would fragment into proportionally less pieces) Amplify Sound When subject to a sound, Air will often amplify and disperse the sound in all directions. Treat the pocket of Air as another sound source as loud as the source sound is at that point. A sound loud enough to deal damage can often hit the maximum energy output of Air. A pocket of Air will create sound in all directions dealing the same damage as the source sound or 1 point of base offense per gram of Air, whichever is lower. Deceleration When left in an environment that is not moving relative to itself, Air has a tendency to slowly lose kinetic energy (but not momentum) and clump together into a slowly moving ball. It's speed is equal to the wind speed in the immediate surrounding air.



Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: A gas that interacts strangely with light. Does not absorb light at all but instead any light that enters the radius of it's exclusion force is bent slightly off it's original direction. This direction change is random and each particle of mist is independent of the others. This causes any light that enters a volume, containing even as little as 1% by volume of Mist, to scatter in every single direction. In bright areas, this causes Mist to appear as white fluffy clouds that grow brighter/dimmer depending on the average light level that enters it. In dark areas, Mist simply obscures objects, appearing as a dusty black smoke. Standard Use: Used to block vision and hide objects. Often used as a smoke bomb just prior to attacking in military operations. Also used to make sunlight more diffuse for shading areas. Doesn't work as well as clouds or actual mist but lowers temperature significantly while maintaining illumination. Application: Component must use Mist mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Gas from Manifest Material 1mp = 83.3 liters of Mist at 1% concentration Any light-based effect that enters this area is scattered. This highly dilutes light and most light based attacks simply fail to do damage if fired into such a cloud.

- Technically, the light is scattered within a Normal distribution (statistics) of angles centered about the original angle. The scattering increases with concentration and path length through the cloud. - A light based attack is spread out in a cone as it travels through the cloud. Treat this as an area attack with regards to dodging. It's power is also spread out over the area. The angle of the cone that contains significant energy from an incoming line of light is approximately 1 degree per 1% concentration per meter traveled through the cloud. (Note that this can reach 180*, in which case, the cloud will emit the light attack in all directions) Line of sight is blocked past (40 / concentration in %) meters of volume. Ranged attacks made through an area containing Mist suffer a (3 x concentration in %) percentage penalty (maximum 90% penalty) to the attacking statistic to hit. - Attacks from less than (10 / concentration in %) meters of volume suffer half the above penalties for attacking. Attempts to dodge incoming ranged attacks when inside a volume with Mist that require sight to detect (note: magic does not) suffer a (4 x concentration in %) percentage penalty (maximum 100% penalty) to the defending statistic to avoid. At 1 to 5% concentration, objects viewed through it appear as blurred outlines. - At 1/3 the maximum sight range, objects appear as if at 5 to 10% for descriptions - At 2/3 the maximum sight range, objects appear as if at 10 to 20% for descriptions At 5 to 10% concentration, objects viewed through it appear blurry and indistinct with washed out colours, as if viewed through heavy fog. - At 1/2 the maximum sight range, objects appear as if at 10 to 20% for descriptions At 10% to 20% concentration, objects are partially to completely obscured, appearing as dark or lighter patches in the mist. Object shape cannot be discerned by sight. Mist loses 1% of it's mass per second to a minimum of 1 gram per second for each continuous segment. Spell Technique can use Mist to detect the position of obstructions in the area. Value Detect Obstruction The spell can sense the position and approximate shape of objects and magic barriers the Mist component occupies. (magic barriers will often be on the edge of the component) Each cube 5cm across has a value of true if there is a solid or liquid object or magic barrier larger than 1ml inside it (false otherwise). Each cube also has a point Value corresponding to it's position. Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Mist component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Mist component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) all the values are null.


Learning Prerequisites: Mist 0 Casting Prerequisites: 15 Control + 10 x skill level

Class: Level 4 Spell Component Description: A heavy gas that appears green. The particles have malleable exclusion forces. This is similar to the activity force of Water, except that due to the poor attraction Miasma particles have for each other, it is a gas at normal temperatures. The electromagnetic forces are also less pronounced, making Miasma properly dissolve only in polar and ionic solvents. (eg. water, alcohol, fats, will not dissolve in mineral oil, ether and similar solvents) This makes Miasma particularly dangerous as it will diffuse poorly through the skin and dissolve in the bloodstream or cells. Even chitin, nails, hair and bone are not impermeable to Miasma, only completely solid and inert materials like metals will block Miasma. Miasma sticks to all particles poorly, when combined with it's overall higher movement, will stick best to things that trap it. Biological enzymes will do this, certain crystals with empty pores (eg. glass and graphite) will do so poorly and Water is best at trapping Miasma. Standard Use: The way Miasma interacts with biology is strange. At high concentrations (>0.5 atm), Miasma will shut down all biological activity, making it inert but also prevents decomposition. This does not properly kill the organism but it is unlikely anything in such suspended animation will survive any revival attempt. Over time, the organism still undergoes chemical decomposition not dependent on enzymes, which could kill the organism. At medium concentrations, Miasma is the most dangerous substance to be found, at least towards biological life. As not all activity is abolished, the balance required to maintain life is disrupted and the organism dies more or less instantly. Survival rate after exposure to 0.2 atmospheres is zero, even if immediately removed, the only variable is how long the organism takes to die. Most simple organisms (eg. jellyfish) can survive for a minute or two and microorganisms can survive up to an hour. Any animal that relies on a nervous system or chemistry based signalling system dies in seconds as any such system breaks down when exposed to such high levels of Miasma. All rules below apply to low concentrations of Miasma. (<0.2 atmospheres) Survival at low levels of Miasma is still uncertain and permanent damage to complex organisms can result from even minute exposures (0.01 atmospheres) Concentrations denote the average pressure of Miasma in the body volume of the creature. Application: Component must use Miasma mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Gas from Manifest Material 1mp = 0.833 liters of Miasma at 1% concentration (0.01 atm) Density at 1 atm pressure: 16kg per cubic meter (about twice the density of air) Miasma will dissolve in and diffuse away from any liquid except Water. Miasma will enter a liquid if the atmosphere contains more of it per volume and it will exit the liquid into atmosphere if the atmosphere has less. Miasma dissolved in Water will not diffuse away provided the weight of Miasma does not exceed that of the Water it is dissolving in, producing a stable green liquid. This is the only safe form of Miasma. Contact with Miasma dissolved in Water does not poison the creature.

Miasma will also bind to virtually any solid surface and stick there. Miasma is a deadly poison to any chemical life, including all the intelligent species. Concentrations denote the average pressure of Miasma in the body volume of the creature. Any animal that has a nervous system suffers a loss of coordination, losing 10% of their Nerves per 1% concentration per second. Note that a 0 score in Nerves results in instant death. Convulsions and loss of coordination follows immediately and in addition to Nerves, 10% of Dexterity and Intelligence is lost per 1% concentration per second. Nerves, Dexterity and Intelligences losses are halved if the creature is exposed to Miasma through the skin and not inhaled. All chemical life has it's maximum vitality reduced by 5% per 1% concentration per second, this is regardless if the organisms breathes or even if it requires air. Constitution is likewise reduced by 5% per 1% concentration per second. All statistics losses are permanent. Losses to statistics do not propagate to affect statistics that depend on them or that they depend on. Statistics losses should be marked down and remembered as chemical damage. Miasma disappears in 1 second unless re-created immediately.



Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A liquid with similar boiling and freezing points to normal water. Water slows light down, similar to mundane water. In fact, Water appears to the naked eye to be extremely similar to mundane water except for a very slight blue tint due to Water absorbing red light very poorly. The particles have malleable exclusion forces. The shape of the field can change and is excluded

by electronic shells in mundane materials. At the same time, it's activity force behaves similarly to an electric field, except that the electrical fields are complementary to the local (atomic scale) electronic environment. A highly charged ion will cause Water particles near it to behave with an opposite charge and thus attract the ion. Generally uncharged molecules will still generate small fluctuations that Water will mirror perfectly. This causes Water to stick to mundane molecules very well and surround them. All non-magical solids will dissolve (eventually) in enough Water, to about half the concentration as salt will dissolve in normal water. All liquids can mix with Water at any proportion and Water behaves similarly to a detergent when placed in a mixture of two liquids that don't mix, even a small amount of Water particles will dissolve liquids that don't mix into each other. Most magical solids and liquids will dissolve or mix well with Water. However, Fire, Heat and Flare are major exceptions and will refuse to mix. Molecules dissolved in Water will still undergo chemical reactions with each other but not with Water. Water does not form strong enough electric fields to forge chemical bonds. Standard Use: Often used to dilute the concentration of various chemicals as Water acts as an inert medium in which to conduct chemistry. Other uses include usage in dissolving hard stains or even insoluble materials like metals. The ability to create liquid solutions of almost anything that can later be frozen in place is very useful for alchemy. Water is also corrosive if left on a surface for long. Since it dissolves nearly everything, neither metal nor glass will resist it for long (~1min per mm thickness or so, faster if stirred). Polymer materials like wood and paper will take a lot longer to dissolve (although oiled paper will have it's oil dissolve and stop being waterproof), lasting between 5 mins to an hour per millimeter thickness. (Long chained polymers like plastic will last even longer, on the order of days, but plastics have not been invented yet) "Material" does not have electric fields and will not dissolve in Water. This often leads to Water being stored in it's frozen state. It's high freezing point is very convenient for this purpose. Application: Component must use Water mana Unless stated otherwise, this has the properties of Liquid from Manifest Material Boiling point: 100*C Freezing point: 10*C Molar density of pure Water: 50 mols per liter (used for determining chemical dilution) Density: 5 ml per gram Water is a universal solvent, it will mix in any liquid and dissolve any solid or gas. In general, up to 3 moles of solids and gases will dissolve in Water. (~180 grams per litre of salt, remember that weight does not translate between substances) Anything more than 1% concentration (by volume) of Water in a liquid will enable the mixture to mix with any other liquid. Mundane water and oil is the common example of Water mimicking soap. In general, reaction speeds in Water is inversely proportional to the Water concentration. 50% Water will halve reaction rates and 99% Water will depress reaction rates to 1% of their normal. This decrease only applies to reactions involving liquids in the mixture. This is due to the dilution of that liquid by Water.

Drinking Water is about as poisonous as drinking a strong detergent. It dissolves tissues and causes internal bleeding. Creatures that depend on chemistry to survive lose hp equal to (mass / 8) of Water drunk. If they lose more than a third of their maximum hp to Water poisoning, they also permanently lose 2 points of constitution per 1/3 of hp lost. When liquid or solid, Water does not lose mp, unlike normal material mana. When solid, Water will not dissolve anything, but will keep anything that is dissolved in it dissolved. When evapourated, gaseous Water behaves like Gas and is subject to normal material mana erosion. Dissolved material, if liquid or gaseous at current temperature and pressure, counts as the appropriate liquid or gas for the purposes of Alchemy. This appears even if the Water is frozen. Water will slowly evapourate when in liquid form even when not boiling, it evapourates about as fast as mundane liquid water will if left open. It's exposed surface dictates how fast it evapourates. (a few minutes if spread out to days if kept in a half filled bottle) Since evapourated Water erodes very quickly, Water is often lost to evapouration. Water kept completely enclosed in a solid will not evapourate and thus Water kept in a completely full bottle will not lose mp over time. Finding a bottle that will resist Water's erosion is obviously a problem. Spell Technique can use Water to detect the shape of Water bodies inside it's volume. Detect Shape Any body of liquid Water within this component's volume generates a volume value that is the entire volume of the Water. Each body generates it's own variable.




Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0

Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A volatile liquid that absorbs light on all visible wavelengths. Appears completely black. Thin sections of Dark mana appear partially transparent but dim all light passing through. Gas phase Dark mana (Dark slowly evapourates even at room temperature) can make an area appear supernaturally shadowy. The electromagnetic dipole on particles can rotate and displace slightly from the actual particle. The dipole is also able to expand or contract around the particle that gives it a virtually unlimited amount of energy levels to occupy. Depending on local conditions, the zero-point energy of this dipole motion is approximately equivalent to a light wave of the dipole's size. Hence, any light with a shorter wavelength than approximately 10cm gets absorbed. Absorbing light deactivates Dark particles. Standard Use: Used to block light or lower the light level in the area. Makes an effective smokescreen. Application: Component must use Dark mana Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Liquid from Manifest Material Boiling point: 40*C Freezing point: -50*C Dark does not lose mp like normal material mana. Needs to absorb ambient light to convert back to non-material mana. 90 joules of absorbed light converts 1 gram of Dark back to normal mana. Absorbs 50% of incident light per centimeter thickness. Spell Technique can use Dark to detect the level of light in the area. Value Brightness The spell can sense the average light level (in joules) of the volume the Dark component occupies. (number) Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Dark component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Dark component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the value is -1.



Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A liquid that generates light. Continuous, fixed rotation of electromagnetic dipole creates light. The presence of dipoles makes the liquid easy to condense. Weak intermolecular interactions means it is also easy to boil however. Will emit light in the direction each particle faces (which is usually random due to heat) Can be polarized by electromagnetic fields. Individual particles will rotate to face in the same direction as the direction of light passing through it. - This effect is strong enough to override the randomizing effects of heat - Light particles prefer to enhance ambient light than to generate their own - Note that "Light" material is transparent (but glows) Standard Use: Used as a simple way to generate light (easier than stimulated emission from Manifest Energy: Heat) "Light" can be used to heat or simply light a room. Wavelength (and thus colour) varies with spin rate and can be practically controlled anywhere from microwaves to near ultraviolet (~1cm to 300nm). - Natural phenomena may generate frequencies as low as radio waves to as high as X-rays - A commonly picked wavelength is yellow, or a white mix Can be used to display an image with Data Processing. The image must be programmed into the spell or the data obtained through Data Processing. Application: Component must use Light mana Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Liquid from Manifest Material Boiling point: depends on frequency, near UV is at 50*C, microwaves are at 60*C Freezing point: depends on frequency, near UV is at -30*C, microwaves are at -10*C Undisturbed Light particles output light of a specific frequency set at the time of activation (decided at casting time, Parameter) - When subject to magical or physical interference, it tends to vary its frequency, generating different colours (mostly not in the visible spectrum) - Error in frequency is noticeable (approximately 1 part in 10), colour of the light emitted has a small range around the desired frequency

Light will emit in the same direction as light that passes through it. Generates approximately 90 joules of light per gram. (average sunlight is 1350 watts per square meter) Incident light on a surface is partially absorbed as heat (deals damage as per the Warm: Heat component, but reduced for imperfect absorption) and partially reflected. Most materials will absorb light from all frequencies except their colour, even high-quality mirrors do not reflect more than 90% of incident light. (absorbed heat will then damage the mirror and reduce reflection leading to more heat damage...) - Smooth surface metals have extremely high reflectance (~90%) for the visible wavelengths but absorbs all infrared and microwaves - Transparent substances however, do not absorb, and merely transmit light, often refracting the rays in doing so (some do both) This material loses mp at the rate of 1mp per second per gram of material, generating an energy output of 90 watts per gram. - This generally means that "Light" disappears within 1 second unless methods are employed to input mp as fast as it disappears.

Spell Technique can use Light to detect the level of light in the area. Value Brightness The spell can sense the average light level (in joules) of the volume the Light component occupies. (number) Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Light component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Light component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the value is -1.


Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 0 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 3 x skill level Class: Level 2 Spell Component Description: A black crystalline solid. Usually appears in lots of small crystals. Earth absorbs all wavelengths of light as heat. Earth experiences a force that counters the net force exerted on it, proportional to that force. This makes it appear to have a higher inertial mass than other mana. This is exactly counteracted by a having a higher volume for the same amount of particles, it's density remaining equal to that of water's, effectively allowing the same amount of mp to occupy more space and weigh more. It's large and powerful (relatively) attraction between Earth particles makes it a solid that takes up lots of space. Together with the tendency to form as small crystals (fusing together if there's not enough space), Earth behaves very much like inert sand. Standard Use: Used to build barriers and occupy space. A pile of Earth particles is a good makeshift barrier and easy to create. Used as a temporary wall, support or changing the terrain. Application: Component must use Earth mana Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Solid from Manifest Material Melting point: 1750*C

Boiling point: 3800*C Earth resists attempts to move it, acting as though it was 100 times heavier than it actually is. (1mp creates 1gram which is effectively 100grams) It's effective density is still 1g cm-3, which means 1mp occupies 100cm3 (100ml) of space. Technically, Earth does not respond to the Gravity and Void components as well as actual gravity. (they are accelerations not forces) Yet, for most purposes, Earth behaves as if it was 100 times it's weight. A falling block of Earth is 100 times harder to stop than the mass it actually weighs. This still applies even if the chunk is at rest and supported by something. - A extremely huge chunk of Earth can be shown to have a gravity expected of it's actual weight, not its effective weight. Hp per cm3: 10 Earth loses 1% of it's mass per second to a minimum of 1 gram (0.01 actual grams) per second for each continuous segment. Spell Technique can use Earth to detect forces within the volume of the component. Value Force Exerted The spell can detect the magnitude and direction of any force exerted within the volume the Earth component occupies (number and direction) Each cube 1cm across has a value (magnitude of force in grams of weight) and a direction. Each cube also has a point corresponding to it's position. Forces less than (1 / mp in the component) grams are not registered. Magnitude of forces are rounded to the nearest (1 / mp in the component) grams. This returns as long as the Earth component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Earth component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the magnitude value for all cubes are 0, the direction is null and the value for all their points are null.





Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: A glass-like solid that is perpetually losing heat energy. Its particles continually decelerate (losing a fixed amount of heat energy per second) and if no heat is conducted in, Ice will reach absolute zero easily. Ice does not interact with light except to slow it down. It thus bends light similarly to extremely clear glass (much more than normal "material"), appearing as a brilliant crystal if it is uneven. However, when exposed to air, the water vapour in the air will generally condense, obscuring Ice in a cold mist. Standard Use: Often used to lower temperatures of an area over time. Used in small chunks or slivers to increase cooling effect. (Conduction is based on exposed surface) Covering people with Ice or putting Ice in them rapidly leads to hypothermia and death if the Ice doesn't evapourate first. Refer to Manifest Energy: Cool for useful values. Application: Component must use Ice mana Ice has all the properties of Solid unless otherwise stated. The melting point of Ice is 100*C. When melted, Ice behaves similarly to Water except that it still cools in the same way as normal Ice and has a freezing point of 100*C. (turns back into Ice when frozen) Ice has a boiling point of 1300*C. When in a gaseous state, Ice behaves similarly to Gas with the same exceptions as above. Ice loses 50 degrees of temperature per second regardless of external conditions until it reaches absolute zero. (upon which it stops losing heat) This material loses mp at the rate of 1mp per second per gram of material per 300 Kelvin of current temperature. - This generally means that at room temperature, Ice disappears within 1 second unless it is replenished

- This also assumes that the Ice is in powder form and relatively scattered throughout the area it is in - Ice at absolute zero does not lose mp at all. Contact with any material will restart the loss by simple conduction. Large lumps or solid blocks of Ice take far longer to disappear. In general, Ice loses 1mp per second per 6cm2 surface area (cubic blocks 1cm on the side are 6cm2) Spell Technique can use Ice to detect the temperature of the surroundings. Value Heat The spell can sense the average temperature of the volume the Ice component occupies. (number) Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Ice component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Ice component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the value is -1.


Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: A solid with changeable optical properties.

Standard Use: Application: a


Learning Prerequisites:

Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: Gravity doesn't take up any space and can quite easily fit inside anything. It can't be touched by material objects or mana. It does not interact with gravity (unlike normal material form mana) and will float in position unless moved magically. (it can't be moved physically since it can't be touched) It does not have a temperature. (since it is non-material) It has negative exclusion force and does not act as a magical barrier. Negative repulsion is an attraction, anything (physical or magical, including magic effects) within range experiences an attraction towards it. Despite the similarities and name, this attraction has nothing to do with actual gravity. This force does not have a reaction on Gravity. Despite attracting things, Gravity is not attracted to materials or magical effects. (but can be attracted by them) Gravity distorts light in its attraction radius (due to attracting light as well), this distortion is very small but noticeable for large concentrations or under detailed examination. Standard Use: Used to distort spells. Very good against area spells and material mana shields. Can be used to inefficiently drag objects and deflect attacks. Application: Component must use Gravity mana. Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Solid from Manifest Material Does not act as a magical barrier. Density: - (all created mass of Gravity quickly condenses onto the same point) Melting point: Boiling point: Heat capacity: Despite not taking up space, Gravity still has a mass, which is standard for all material mana. Gravity will react normally to magical effects that push/pull things, like Accelerate. The size of Gravity's attraction radius is variable. The larger the size, the higher the mp cost and the less pull it has. The mass of Gravity created is divided by the attraction radius (in meters, minimum 1) before the material is created (this reduces the material's effective mp for all operation, including disruptions and mp loss) Gravity exerts an equal attraction on all objects inside it's attraction radius. This pulls objects and mana (and the portion of magical effects whose area overlaps the attraction) towards Gravity. Effect shapes can be distorted by this and the portion inside the attraction radius shrinks proportionally to the distance it has been sucked in, this takes a minimum of 1 second. (to 1 cm radius at the center) Base Acceleration (m s-2) = mass created / 10 - This acceleration is multiplied based on the polarity of the elements of an attracted effect:

- Using the elemental affinities table, the acceleration is multiplied by the percentage / 100 (This will attract Gravity 150% more, but will repel Prism, the opposing element, at 50% speed) - Non-magical things (like physical objects) are attracted at the base acceleration stated above This attraction force does not extend through magical barriers. (but will attract the barrier itself) Note that this causes almost all ranged attacks fired through the attraction radius to veer off course. Depending on the nature and speed of the attack, some are affected more than others. Light based attacks are practically unaffected while slow projectiles like arrows will miss completely. Gravity does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Maintaining the attraction field costs it 10% of its mass per second, minimum cost of 1 gram per second for each point. Spell Technique can use Gravity to determine the direction of gravity. Value Down A direction that indicates the prevailing downwards direction of gravity. This measurement is independent of any and all outside forces (apart from actual gravity) and conditions, including all magical influences, even that exerted by this material. Individual components have their own independent measures. This returns as long as the Gravity component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Gravity component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the direction is null.


Learning Prerequisites: Gravity 1 Cost of learning level 0 of this spell component is 2 character points if prerequisite is fulfilled No level higher than 0 can be learnt in this spell component, the learnt level of this component is the same as the learnt level of Gravity Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 5 x skill level Class: Level 4 Spell Component Description: This variant of Gravity differs enough from the original use that it is often categorized as its own component and requires learning some new techniques. However, most of the skills are the same as Gravity's once the basics have been learnt. A borderline case between variant and derivative component. As with the name, Anti-Gravity simply pushes things away instead of attracting them. Standard Use: With difficulty, Anti-Gravity can be used to push material objects or open holes in magical fields.

Apart from extremely niche uses, Anti-Gravity is not well understood and does not see much use. Application: Component must use Gravity mana. In all cases, Anti-Gravity behaves exactly like Gravity, except for the following: All accelerations are reversed. Anti-Gravity ignores the effect of Gravity and Anti-Gravity.


Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: A nearly invisible solid that attracts electrons through exertion of a positive electric field. It will also store electrons in the spaces between it's particles to build up charge. This results in a very strong binding energy between Lightning particles and also makes it an excellent conductor. Although arcing electricity appears as sparks and lightning strikes, Lightning itself does not interact with electromagnetic fields at all, appearing completely transparent. High levels of static electricity will create a blue halo in the air around the charge, including small sparks of discharges to nearby objects. Metal close to this tend to glow with St. Elmo's fire. Despite the very high voltages thrown around by Lightning, the actual physical current is comparatively low. Much like natural lightning, the discharges are single extremely short-lived strokes that do not individually have much energy. Energy stored in electric field by a fully charged Lightning crystal is ~10 joules per mp. Useful values: Electric breakdown of air is 3.3 megavolts per meter (required voltage to create a spark of 1 meter from nothing) Standard Use: A single continuous crystal of Lightning is used to build up a static charge, which can then be earthed in a nearby object or passed to another such crystal. A Lightning crystal is usually persuaded to discharge it's power by placing another very small crystal next to it. The next discharge will charge the small triggering crystal, which then discharges back to the main crystal, causing that one to discharge.

Electricity passing between Lightning crystals lose very little power and with correct arrangements can be chained to arc through many targets. Application: Component must use Lightning mana Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Solid from Manifest Material Melting Point: 7000*C Boiling Point: 9350*C Density: 10 grams per cm3 Fire Resistance: 4 per gram Weight: Lightning is not attracted by gravity and will float in position unless moved. - There is a slight buoyancy due to it displacing air, making Lightning slowly float upwards (similar to how hot air rises but many hundreds of times slower) Lightning has two states, Charging and Discharging. The state is a Parameter of the effect. This component has a Parameter that determines the initial state of the Lightning created by it. In the Charging state, Lightning crystals gather static charge from the air by mimicking a positive charge. The strength of the electric field (and thus the maximum charge it will attract from the surroundings) is ~3 megavolts per gram. - Lightning crystals gather 1/3 their net voltage per second, to a minimum of 1 megavolts per second - Net voltage is the strength of the exerted electric field minus the gathered voltage A large buildup of static electricity affects nearby objects, once every second, a discharge hits the nearest solid or liquid object (including the ground) within a number of meters equal to 0.1 x gathered voltage (in megavolts) - This discharge will prefer to arc to the nearest Charging state Lightning crystal (not counting this one) within double that distance (it goes around obstacles that do not conduct electricity, those obstacles are also hit as if they were the target of the discharge) - Between multiple discharges, the largest of them resolve first, ties are broken randomly - This discharge will not arc to Discharging state Lightning crystals - This effect never misses, Effect Type is Physical Energy (unlike most material mana effects) - Base Offense 0.05 x gathered voltage (in megavolts), Damage Type is Energy Electricity - Base Offense 0.01 x gathered voltage (in megavolts), Damage Type is Energy Heat - This discharge is accompanied with a loud crackle that is similar to a small explosion - Any metal within this range also glows with a brilliant blue aura (known as St. Elmo's fire, about as bright as glowing charcoal, not enough to see by) - The loss of charge due to this is factored into the charging rate (the discharge is still lost even if there is no object to target besides the air) If a Charging state Lightning crystal is hit by any Damage Type of Energy Electricty, it does not take any damage and it's charge increases by a number of megavolts equal to the Offense of the attack. If the electric potential of a Charging state Lightning crystal changes rapidly, usually by receiving an electric discharge with a Base Offense of at least 1 Energy Electricity, the crystal instantly changes to a Discharging state (takes ~1 microseconds per meter length of the crystal) Lightning crystals in this state only lose mp 1/6th as quickly as normal material mana. (at 1 gram per minute instead of per 10 seconds) In the Discharging state, Lightning crystals do not exert an electric field. Any electrical charge built up before is instantly discharged into the nearest object (including the ground) within 1 meter per 3 megavolts. - This discharge will prefer to arc to the nearest Charging Lightning crystal within double that distance (it goes around obstacles that do not conduct electricity, those obstacles are also hit as if

they were the target of the discharge) - This discharge will not arc to Discharging state Lightning crystals - The discharge is lost even if there is no object to target besides the air - This effect never misses, Effect Type is Physical Energy - Base Offense 0.5 x gathered voltage (in megavolts), Damage Type is Energy Electricity - Base Offense 0.1 x gathered voltage (in megavolts), Damage Type is Energy Heat - This discharge is accompanied by a powerful shockwave of hot air hitting everything within 0.1 x gathered voltage (in megavolts) meters of the path of the discharge (including the target) - This effect never misses, Effect Type is Physical Energy - Base Offense 0.05 x gathered voltage (in megavolts), Damage Type is Energy Sound If the electric potential of a Charging state Lightning crystal changes rapidly, usually by losing it's built up charge, the crystal changes to a Charging state after a short time (~1 second) Lightning crystals in this state lose mp at the same rate as normal material mana. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extreme Conditions When the exerted electric field of a Lightning crystal exceeds ~3000 megavolts, it can polarize the ground nearby, leading to a phenomenon called earth potential rise (EPR). This effect occurs within gathered voltage / 10 meters. EPR causes a difference in potential between two points on the ground close to the crystal. This deals Offense (0.1 x gathered voltage / distance from center of crystal in meters calculated from the nearest point) every second to anything that is not a conductor and is touching two points on the ground at least 20cm apart. This effect does not miss. Damage Type is Energy Electricity. This extremely dangerous effect extends 0.5 x gathered voltage meters away from the crystal and anything that touches a conductor (whether that thing is inside the zone or not) that is touching the ground inside the zone also takes the electricity damage as if it was affected at the point the conductor touches the ground. For the purposes of this effect, the ground is any suitably large object that extends at least ten times beyond the earth potential rise area.



Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 1 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 4 x skill level

Class: Level 3 Spell Component Description: z Standard Use: A Application: Component must use Burst mana




Learning Prerequisites: Manifest Material 3 Casting Prerequisites: 10 Control + 6 x skill level Class: Level 5 Spell Component Description: Void doesn't take up any space and can quite easily fit inside anything. It can't be touched by material objects or mana. It does not interact with gravity (unlike normal material form mana) and will float in position unless moved magically. (it can't be moved physically since it can't be touched) It does not have a temperature. (since it is non-material) It's exclusion force is only applicable to mana and repels all magical effects and mana except those using void mana away from itself.

Void mana ignores this exclusion force. Standard Use: Used to make low magic zones. Also used to punch holes in barriers or clear an area of magical effects. Application: Component must use Void mana. This component creates Void at one point within it's volume determined at casting time. (Parameter) Unless otherwise stated, this has the properties of Solid from Manifest Material Does not act as a magical barrier. Density: - (all created mass of Void quickly condenses onto the same point) Melting point: Boiling point: Heat capacity: Despite not taking up space, Void still has a mass, which is standard for all material mana. Void will react normally to magical effects that push/pull things, like Accelerate. The size of Void's repulsion radius is variable. The larger the size, the higher the mp cost and the less pull it has. The mass of Void created is divided by the attraction radius (m) before the material is created (this reduces the material's effective mp for all operation, including disruptions and mp loss) Void exerts an equal repulsion on all magic inside it's attraction radius. This pushes mana (and the portion of magical effects whose area overlaps the attraction) away. Effect shapes can be distorted by this and the portion repelled expands proportionally to the distance it moves, this takes a minimum of 1 second. This can cause spells to fail if separate effect shapes lose connection. Acceleration (m s-2) = mass created / 10 This repulsion does not extend through magical barriers. (but will push the barrier) Void does not lose mp over time from normal material mana erosion. Maintaining the attraction field costs it 10% of its mass per second, minimum cost of 1 gram per second for each point. Spell Technique can use Void to detect MPE within the volume of the component. Value Magical Activity The spell can detect the magnitude of MPE within the volume the Void component occupies (number) Each cube 1cm across has a value equivalent to the MPE at that point. Each cube also has a point corresponding to it's position. MPEs less than (0.1 / mp in this component) are undetected. MPEs are rounded to the nearest (0.1 / mp in this component). This returns as long as the Void component (not the created material) has at least 1mp and is Active. If the Void component has less than 1mp (or does not exist) the magnitude value for all cubes are 0, the value for all their points are null.

Using Magic - Kinesthetics

Em Overview

Each Em is broken down into various applications. Each application of an Em is learnt and practiced just like a skill. Each use of an Em counts as a practice equivalent to a n on-unique use, and can be counted as more if used in a mock combat or tense situatio n. 2 character points can be used to learn 1 skill level in an Em. Ems do not advance like skills when used. Only character points maybe used to learn Ems. Unlike skills, Ems do not have dependent skills. Unlike skills, Ems with no ranks may not be attempted. And unlike skills, Ems have usage and learning requirements. Learning requirements are needed to gain further ranks in Ems. Ems that a user alrea dy has ranks in do not require the user to meet learning requirements to use them. Unlike spells, Ems are not disrupted by damage nor do they require concentration to us e. Ems do not effectively hinder the use of other abilities nor are they hindered by con ditions. Most of them can even remain active as the user sleeps, although many requir e conscious direction to be useful. Using Ems Ems are either active or inactive. Activating an Em takes an effectively zero amount of time but cannot be done in response to events the user is unaware of. A user can have more than one Em active at a time. Changing the desired mp expenditure and variables of using an Em is an action that ta kes an effectively zero amount of time but cannot be done in response to events the us er is unaware of. A caster may choose to use an Em at a lower skill level than he can normally do. Detecting Ems Ems can be detected in the same way as spells. They generate MPE equal to their exp enditure of mp in the last second. Maximum safe mp limits Ems count towards the maximum safe mp limits of the user. Equipment An Em does not affect the user's equipment unless otherwise stated.



Learning Prerequisites Control 5 Vitality 10 Casting Prerequisites Control 5 Vitality 5 Class Level 0 Em Description The Toughness Em focuses on manipulating the structure of the body to resist outside forces. This Em often channels mana with Calm, Strong or Dry traits. Often, a creature re-inventing magic from scratch will develop an Em. This Em is almost certainly Toughness. This Em manipulates the passive defence that all major lifeforms use. This Em does not consume any mp while active, unless it is being used for some purpose, and thus is always considered active. Application Toughness This use requires the use of Calm or Strong mana. At it most basic use, Toughness adjusts physical forces in the body. Dispersing point effects into harmless areas and moving bones and structures in time with shock are simple for an Em, impossibly complicated for spells. Any Kinetic type damage on the user can be reduced by an amount equal to (1+skill level) times in mp expended, to a minimum of 0 damage. The decision to expend mp is a low level instinct, but still requires an action that is effectively 0 time but not in response to an event the user is unaware of. Resist Magic Many creatures that learn Ems develop the relatively simple ability to disrupt unwelcome magic. Any individual magical effect at the creature's choice that touches or is inside the

creature's body suffers a continuous erosion of mp similar to a Spell Disruption Attempt equal to the desired mp expenditure per second. Any magical effect coming into contact with the body suffers from the equivalent of 1 second of erosion This application uses an element that is opposite to that of the targeted effect. Temperature This uses Warm or Cool mana. Another simple use is to adjust the current temperature of the body. This effect is incredibly efficient compared to spells and many living things in Intralis utilize this to survive in harsh environments. The body temperature can be adjusted upwards or downwards, even to harmful levels. Each 1 degree of change per second requires 1mp per 20kg of body weight. Adjusting for temperature differences to keep at an ideal temperature obviously depends on the exact materials and temperature. For an adult human, every 1 degree of difference in temperature with the air requires 1mp per hour to maintain temperature. This increases with increasing absolute surface area, hence a child will require proportionally less magic and a tree would require much more. In particular, Alfr-trees often have high enough magic regeneration that they can maintain their core temperatures even in the middle of a snowstorm. Hence, Alfr forests are known to generate warm environments in winter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Cool Casting Prerequisites Control 7 Toughness 1 Description With additional practice, even sudden temperature spikes can be compensated for. Application This uses Cool mana. Damage of Energy Heat type can be reduced by an amount equal to (1+skill level) times in mp expended, to a minimum of 0 damage. The decision to expend mp is a low level instinct, but still requires an action that is effectively 0 time but not in response to an event the user is unaware of. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variant: Life Fuel Casting Prerequisites Must be a living thing Toughness 2 Description Unlike the defensive nature of the rest of this Em, a creature can reduce the mana inherent in its lifeforce to free up additional magic for use. This controlled manner of depletion allows the body to compensate for the loss more easily than outright disruption, resulting in a more gradual deterioration than a sudden shock.

Application Every second, the user can draw up to the maximum safe mp limit of temporary mp that does not count towards the maximum mp the user can have. This temporary mp behaves and is used in the same way as normal mp. Any mp usage or deduction goes first to temporary mp before normal mp. The total amount of mp drawn from the user's lifeforce in this manner deals a backlash in sp damage every second equal to 10% of the mp drawn and hp damage every minute equal to 10% of the mp drawn. The Damage Type is Magic Drain. This backlash continues until the user is dead or the user repays the mp drawn by using mp equal to that drawn. Partial repayment reduces the backlash by the proportional amount. Repayment is an action that requires effectively 0 time but cannot be done in response to an event that the user is unaware of. Any external effect that causes the user to gain mp will cause repayment before actually restoring mp. Normal mp recovery will also cause repayment before restoring mp.




Learning Prerequisites Control 5 Strength 10 Casting Prerequisites Control 5 Strength 5 Class Level 0 Em Description

The Movement Em focuses on amplifying or accelerating the motion of the body, or even providing motion where it was not possible. Application Strength Speed Stop





Learning Prerequisites Control 5 Attention 10 Casting Prerequisites Control 5 Attention 5 Class a

Description a Application Sight Heat Sight Penetrating Vision Sound Echolocation Contact


Force Projection



Learning Prerequisites Control 5 Constitution 10

Casting Prerequisites Control 5 Constitution 5 Class a Description a Application Chemical Balance Metabolic Boost





Learning Prerequisites Control 5 Charisma 10

Casting Prerequisites Control 5 Charisma 5 Class a Description a Application Sense/Project Mood Sense/Project Intention




Learning Prerequisites Control 10 Power 10 Casting Prerequisites Control 10 Power 5 Class a Description a Application Heat

Motion Electricity

External Effect


Learning Prerequisites Control 10 Mana 20 Casting Prerequisites Control 10 Mana 15 Class a Description a Application Manifest Material





Mana Physics

The Intralis setting assumes a number of modifications to physical rules. 1. The physics of material objects obey strictly Newtonian physics. - There is no light speed limit or relativistic effects. - There is no quantum effects. Wave-particle duality does not apply. Material particles that take up space are particles, force carriers are waves. -- The exception is electrons and related particles (leptons), these are waves in order to preserve how chemistry works. 2. Gravity is a force. Mass is essentially a gravitic charge and it's force carrier are gravitons. Mana particle - Mana Number = 1 or 2 - Rest Mass = 4 atomic mass units - Contains 4 charges, each charge can be +1, 0 or -1 - Momentum Charge - Direction Charge - Catalyst Charge - Heat Charge - Interaction State A & B: - A is a real > 1 - B is a real > 0 - Activity level: real number between 0 and 1 - Activity State: 2, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d or 0 (called Material, Active (a,b,c,d are activity on each of the 4 charges) and Inactive respectively) Matter Mana Number = 0

- No charges Manaeic Photons - Mana number = 1 - no rest mass, carries small energy - these are the charge force carriers of mana particles - comes in 4 varieties, 1 per charge Parallel Laws Mana - Mana interactions follow an analog of these physical laws: Conservation of Linear Momentum Conservation of Angular Momentum Importantly, mana interactions are not time symmetric and do not conserve energy. Principle of Charge Conservation For interactions between mana number 1 particles, the sum of the 4 charges are individually conserved Which means that two particles who oppose each other on every single charge can eliminate each other and liberate their rest mass in energy. Principle of Mana Number Exclusivity In any interaction of particles of the same mana number, only other particles of the same mana number can result. Interactions of particles of differing mana number do not obey the alternate principle below. Principle of Mana Number Conservation In interactions of particles of different mana number, the total mana number of the resulting particles must be the same as the total mana number of the reacting ones. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Standard Model mana-mana interactions at a subatomic scale One type of mana particle is called a Mion. (arbitrary name) These comprise the 6 basic elements 1. Mions cannot have any of it's charges be 0 2. The sum of all the charges on a Mion must be 0 3. Mions have an inertial mass of 4 relative atomic mass units - An exclusion pressure forces Mions apart at short ranges (around atomic distances) - Exclusion pressure only affects mana particles, it does not extend to material particles. Karyons are exactly like Mions except: - Mana number = 2 - All charges are 0 (rule 1 & 2 are irrelevant) - Karyons have an exclusion pressure following the same formulae as Mions This is termed Void mana Exclusion Pressure

Exclusion pressure scales by the 4th power of distance It's magnitude is roughly similar to the Pauli exclusion pressure between atoms Exclusion pressure is multiplied by this formula: | C1 + C2 | C1 + C2 is the sum of the relevant charge value of the two interacting particles || means absolute value, ie. if negative, multiply number by -1 This is added for each of the four charges Charge-Force Each mana particle exerts a Charge-Force. There are four different Charge-Forces, each of which correspond to a different mana charge. The force's magnitude varies with distance depending on the mana particle's interaction state. F = X * -G * C1 * C2 * A|X| * e-A / [ A * Gamma(|X|) ] Where F is the force vector A is the interaction constant of the particle exerting the force G is the Charge-Force constant C1 * C2 is the multiple of the relevant charge value of the two interacting particles X is the vector from the particle exerting the force to the particle experiencing the force X is the unit vector of X |X| is the magnitude of X Gamma() is the continuous version of the factorial The magnitude of this force is comparable to the exclusion pressure, but this force can work at longer ranges. The net result of this function is that the distance at which the force is greatest depends on the value of A. Thus particles can "choose" to affect other particles that are further away more than the ones nearby. Interaction between particles causes A, B and activity state of the interacting particles to change. - The set of interactions is Turing complete and can mimic any algorithm. Observations The 6 base elements are each a different Mion, corresponding to the different combinations allowed. Karyons are also called Void mana. Mions can form Bions if the two Mions manage to overcome the exclusion pressure - Exclusion pressure is usually only slightly stronger than the Charge-Force - With enough energy, and good Charge-Force attraction, two Mions can overcome the exclusion pressure The formation of Bions obeys the Principle of Charge Conservation - The Bion created has it's charges be the sum of it's constituent Mions

- Bions have an inertial mass of 8 relative atomic mass units A zero Charge Bion is able to decay to Manaeic Photons as that reaction obeys the Principle of Charge Conservation - IE. these Bions rapidly explode by converting all their rest mass into energy (gamma rays and neutrinos) as well as emitting manaeic photons - Therefore, Bions cannot be stably composed of opposing Mions - There are 12 possible Bion combinations, corresponding to each of the 12 "secondary" elements Even though Karyons have 0 charge, they have mana number = 2, and thus cannot decay, by themselves, into manaeic photons which have mana number = 1 A Bion can combine with other Mions or Bions to form even higher-order particles. (eg. Trions) - The number of Mions that have combined to make up the particle add their inertial mass to the particle - Trions have an inertial mass of 12 relative atomic mass units A Trion that is comprised of two opposing Mions and one other will be able to decay into that remaining Mion and manaeic photons (obeys Charge Conservation) - Therefore, Trions cannot stably contain two opposing Mions - There are 8 possible Trion combinations, corresponding to each of the 8 "tertiary" elements A Karyon exerts no Charge-Force and does not experience Charge-Force. It still can interact via the Charge-Force by changing interaction variables but it does not move particles nor gets moved by particles due to these interactions. - Since there is no Charge-Force, in order to directly react a Karyon with a Mion, the full exclusion pressure has to be overcome - Therefore, it is difficult to force Void mana into contact with any of the other elements - Charge-Force symmetry is broken in such a reaction, Karyons and Mions (and derivatives) eliminate to give manaeic photons Two opposing Mions/Bions/Trions will have a 0 multiplier for the exclusion pressure (and thus will not repel each other at short ranges) but will experience repulsion on all four of the Charge forces. - Forcing together opposing elements is difficult (only slight less so than Void) - But once the initial Charge-Force barrier has been overcome, there is no short range repulsion and the two readily combine and then explode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Activity Active particles drop in Activity level linearly over time. When Activity level reaches 0, the particle is considered Depleted. Activity level 0 particles cannot be in Active state. Activity level recovers linearly over time. Activity Force effects of mana Mana particles project an activity force. It's range, shape and effects depend on the activity state.

Elements in activity state 0 have no activity force. Activity forces in the other five states may interact with both mana particles and material particles. This interaction is mediated by the charge force carriers for state 1a to 1d. In state 2, activity forces can mimic the actions of other forces with unique patterns often not observed elsewhere, dependent on the interaction variable B. Mana - Matter Interactions molecular scale interactions Mana is affected by gravity, hence attracted to matter. Mana exerts no gravity. Mana is affected by electromagnetic fields, is affected by the chemistry of the matter nearby. Mana exerts no electromagnetic fields without being active. - This can often stabilize activity levels or variables in mana particles depending on the element involved and chemical arrangement - Life has adapted to this and uses it to stabilize and gather mana from the environment - Item enchantment depends on this interaction Mana whose charge is at an Active energy level interacts with matter at close range: +ve Momentum charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-27kg of force in same direction of mana particle's motion -ve Momentum charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-27kg of force in opposite direction of mana particle's motion +ve Direction charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-27kg of force on matter particle perpendicular to direction of mana particle's motion -ve Direction charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-27kg of force on matter particle opposite to the direction of force the matter particle experiences (acts like friction) +ve Catalyst charge - Decrease permittivity of free space nearby by 1 unit <...> -ve Catalyst charge - Increase permittivity of free space nearby by 1 unit <...> +ve Heat charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-28kg of force in same direction of matter particle's motion -ve Heat charge - Exerts 1.66053886x10-28kg of force in opposite direction of matter particle's motion Acceleration / Deceleration using the momentum charge Mana moves together with matter. As a consequence of it's attraction by gravity and electromagnetic forces. Mana tends to gather near high density mass. Large mass object can thus move the local mana particles in the area around them when they move. Moving objects are then accelerated or decelerated by the mana particles adding momentum in the same direction as they are moving in. Since small changes in direction are easily possible while the object is stationary with respect to the mana field, a caster can choose which direction he/she accelerates the object in. Objects are considered stationary in a stationary mana field when they are moving at a rate of less than 1mm s-1 kg-1. . Important considerations: The planet is stationary with respect to it's orbit around the sun. The surface of the planet is stationary with respect to the planet's rotation.

Note that this relation starts to breakdown for large objects. Individual sections of the planet (eg. tectonic plates) could move and they would also count as stationary. This has to do with the way mana clumps in objects depending on density. In general, large and fast spinning objects would experience an effect where the outsides of the objects count as moving while the center is stationary. This takes something around the size of a small hill or castle that is spinning more than one revolution in a few seconds, and hence does not occur often. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Material Mana In activity state 2, the exclusion force exerted by mana particles affects matter as well. This effect is less powerful than standard repulsion between atoms and isn't completely exclusive. This causes mana to take up space. (but able to squeeze between matter with great difficulty) Depending on the interaction variable B, the activity force could have no effect or gain a unique effect dependent on the element. Combinations of elements (secondary and tertiary) often have their own unique effects that are not simply additions of their constituent elements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mana - Mana Interactions large scale interactions Life-Force A life-force is a special arrangement of mana in a living being. Which way the definition goes is unclear, does having a Life-force define what it means to be alive or that being alive creates a lifeforce is a philosophical question that this book does not attempt to answer. What is known is that all and only living things have it. A life-force is able to create and process alot information. Exactly what that information contains and how it's arranged is rather unclear due to the huge amount of it and the resulting difficulty in making any sense out of the minute data. Lifeforce's information includes the current state of the biological and magical body, the ideal state of the biological and magical body and all current memory and skills held by intelligence if the creature is intelligent. A new lifeforce can be made by another lifeforce through it's standard reproduction process. The lifeforce directs interactions in the body through small directed changes in the body's magical structure (lots of small minor magic, a bit like magical biology), trying to restore the physical and magical body to it's ideal state. It also runs any and all intelligence. A living thing's lifeforce is responsible for most of the biological processes that take place in a living organism. Without a life-force, usually through it being destroyed somehow, the body does not grow, metabolize or think. It is effectively dead. Life-force can be destroyed if the body's physical or magical structure is too badly damaged. The

information it contains is likewise destroyed. This is the major obstacle in futile efforts to resurrect dead people, the requirement that huge amounts of information making up the body, memory and skills of the dead person must be conjured up from nowhere. This does imply that such biology is not the same as RL biology, the biology of this system implies that life is strongly dependent on a (relatively) fragile magical system to work at all. Channelling Life contains lots of mana, some of which are Active, Dormant and Depleted. Mostly Dormant. These mana particles interact with each other, in a complex manner, that is Turing complete. Thus they can do any sort of computation. The life-force uses this to do complex information processing that makes up an sentient consciousness. By causing some of the mana making up that life to go into Active mode, the consciousness can then cause those Active mana to make other nearby mana go into Active mode and so on. The exact process controlled by the makeup of each element and their interaction states. The chain reaction then causes the ambient mana to also become Active and so on. At a much slower rate, Active mana can also occasionally react with matter rather than other Dormant mana. The effects of Active mana is then called a spell. Needless to say, designing a pattern of Activation that will deploy, propagate and launch into a useful effect is difficult. Casting spells is also difficult. Precise mental focus is needed to create the requisite pattern of mana that will deploy properly. Casting spells also literally drains the mana used in maintaining bodily processes. This manifests as mental exhaustion, unconsciousness, or in severe cases or under magical attack, death. Magical Ability Differing levels of magical ability is simply due to the arrangement of mana-matter interactions in the living creature. Some arrangements are able to more easily induce the interactions needed to cast certain spells. In general, the dominant element in the life-force is the most easily manipulated due to the strong Charge-Force interactions between particles of the same charge. People are better at manipulating mana of their own element. This ability is mostly due to genetic makeup controlling the development of the young life when it is accruing mana. Magic Sense A spell will usually have spillover effects, the central activity generating a minor chain reaction that spreads outwards. The physical effect of these spillover effects of a spell is negligible but it can affect the mana interactions of a life and thus all creatures with magical ability also have a slight ability to sense magic use. These spillover effects die out with distance. A more powerful spell involves more mana and generates a larger reaction and thus can be sensed at a longer range. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 dimensional physics of teleportation, bags of holding and the ethereal plane Although matter, light and energy remain within the visible 3 dimensions, the world actually contains 4. Light (and electromagnetic forces) project weakly across the 4th dimension and is restricted to traveling within the 3 dimension "plane" at a specific distance along the 4th dimension. Normally, objects have a 4 dimensional "depth" of around 1 centimeter. For most purposes, anything less than 1cm apart on the 4th dimension can interact, those that are further apart, do not. Even most magical interactions do not have a depth much beyond 1cm. Collisions along the 4th dimension behave similarly to how things would collide in the usual 3. Objects can push each other along the 4th dimension provided they are moving in that direction. The 4th dimension behaves similarly to the normal 3, except for an important distinction. The spatial axes are curved along the 4th dimension. Calling the "outwards" direction of the 4th dimension as +ve, (and "inwards" as the -ve) each 1 meter outwards halves the spatial distance between two points. By moving 10 meters outwards from the real world, then traveling 1 big step (1 meter say), when you returned, you would find that you had traveled 1024 meters. Similarly, traveling inwards has the opposite effect, at 10 meters inwards, it would take 1024 meters of travel to move 1 meter in the real world. Known effects along the 4th axis A pull on material objects (not mana) exists along the 4th axis towards the real world, pulled by the existence of other material objects. Planets are very big and usually dominate the 4th dimensional "gravity". This is not real gravity and does not affect mana. At the same time, movement of material objects (not mana) along the 4th axis experiences friction due to Ether Wind (see below). This causes an unsupported object along the 4th axis to "come out/in" to the real world automatically. - The motion is critically damped but extremely strong, enough to force objects to insert themselves wherever they land, pushing anything in the arrival zone aside. Real gravity behaves strangely when projected along the 4th dimension, in addition to attracting objects back to the real world. Objects project gravity into the 4th dimension when they spin. This gravity in the 4th dimension is proportional to how fast they spin and not their mass, but will not exert more gravity than full gravity experienced in the real world. This projected gravity is of the exact magnitude as the centripetal acceleration of the spinning object provided that amount is lower than the gravity that object exerts in the real world. IE. it is enough to keep anything in the gravity well spinning around the center at the same speed as the object spins. All objects not in the real world are orbiting the planet's center as if in free fall. As with gravity, this effect fades with distance and once above the surface of the spinning object, it does not exert enough force to keep objects orbiting at the same rate as the object spins. (orbits are slower the further out from the spinning object) Since magic is attracted by gravity, it spins in the same way. This surrounds the line along the 4th dimension axis of every planet with a mana field with a swirling cylinder of mana that rotates as fast as the planet rotates. This is known as the Ether Wind. The Ether Wind is a gas of material mana. This exerts a frictional force approximately identical to air friction. It also sheds a low level of light, generally appearing as a soft glow about the same as a candle in all directions and on all surfaces. Thus, anything travelling out or inwards along the 4th dimension will automatically return to the real world when not supported. As well as match the planetary rotations of the planet it was travelling

inside or on the surface of. Other than this effect, the 4th dimension is at zero gravity. Travellers, if not travelling up or down, will arrive at the same distance from the center of the planet relative to where they started from. Any motion apart from along the 4th dimension (and not in the real world) subject to friction by the Ether Wind. Teleport, "Outwards" travel By inserting an object outwards, moving it, then inserting it back (or letting it drift back), teleportation is achieved. It is possible by this method to travel arbitrarily fast by diving as far outwards as you like. Of course, such travel is not without it's hazards. The 4th dimension is mostly empty but not completely empty. It does not have breathable air, although the Ether Wind on Intralis exerts approximately atmospheric pressure. This cuts short most trips into the 4th dimension, unless steps are taken to bring breathable air along. The distance compression applies to objects as well! Things would end up occupying a smaller space than their normal volume and will experience the equivalent of pressure when moving along the 4th axis. Humans can only withstand ~1cm (on 4th dimension scale) per second diving speeds. Harder objects can withstand higher speeds. Uniform objects whose structure is not relevant can be moved at phenomenal speeds (a few thousand km per second) since only their atoms have to stay intact. Such speeds will reduce nearly anything to atoms. Furthermore, the Ether Wind is not uniform. Drafts, currents and occasionally higher concentrations of magic swirl in the 4th dimension. These can be dangerous, usually pushing a traveller off course, and navigation on the 4th dimension is very difficult since there are no stars nor landmarks to guide travel. Higher concentrations may even build into a complex 4 dimensional storm of magic that can disrupt spells and even kill with energy outbursts. As the effective size of the planet decreases the further outwards a traveller goes, the speed of the Ether Wind (paradoxically) decreases. At extreme ranges, the Ether Wind barely even moves as the planetary rotation is applied to an ever smaller area. Thus, there exists a 'dangerous belt' near the real world, that once a traveller goes beyond becomes relatively stable. Travelling too far away from the planet in the usual 3 dimensions decreases the gravitational force that keeps the Ether Wind locked in rotation with the planet, hence reentry into the planet's sphere of influence will subject the traveller to the speed difference in Ether Wind. When travelling really far away from a planet in the 4th dimension, the gravitational force projected into the 4th dimension becomes too weak to keep the Ether Wind material. The pressure exerted by the Ether Wind gradually drops until it becomes a vacuum, much like the void between planets. Bags of holding, "Inwards" travel In contrast, travelling inwards is much safer. The increasing distances on inwards travel makes the Ether Wind more uniform and less prone to dangerous drifts and storms. The Ether Wind does increase in speed, but at the same time, the increase in size also makes exiting the Ether Wind an unlikely event. Since distances increase when travelling inwards, inwards travel is useless for transport. It would cost more time to move across the same distance than it would in the real world, so unless outwards travel is somehow hazardous, inwards travel is rarely used for transport. At the same time, since distances increase, the volume in the real world effectively occupied by an

object stuck inwards is less than its real world volume. This is makes inwards travel very suitable for storage spaces. Such storage spaces do have problems overlapping and bringing one inside another can cause collisions between objects that are not immediately obvious will happen. It is not uncommon to see objects "floating" in mid-air or appearing completely unsupported when intersections of such storage spaces occurs.

Brief History of Intralian Science


Spellcasting Paradigms The different ways spells are employed Direct Effect - Channelling (Basic Spells) - Martial Magic - Channelled Defence Uses spells cast on the spot to deal with the situation. Good: Extremely flexible, provided the caster learns a wide range of spells that have many applications. Has high channelling Skill Level to allow martial magic to have very low spell failure (hard to interrupt) Bad: Poor at complex spells and inefficient mp usage due to casting time mitigation Prepared Spells - Spell Technique - Physical Synergy - Spell Manipulation Casts spells with a Physical Synergy Action, then Delays them indefinitely using Spell Technique. When the spells need to be used, Recast Spell is used to change the spell to the correct Action and the Delay is removed. Good: Allows very complex spells without the attendant casting time. Efficient mp usage.

Bad: Requires the caster to recharge spells throughout the day to offset mp loss. Effectively reduces caster's mp regeneration. Each spell must be prepared and sustained per use. Once used, the spells must be recast. Spells must be prepared beforehand. Prepared spells are subject to dispelling. Ritual Spells - Cooperative Casting - Multi-Component Spell - Modular Spell Casts spells piece by piece, either with many casters contributing or simply casting spells in multiple steps Good: Used to make the most complex spells. Mp cost limits are very high or non-existent. Spells are often very powerful and have precise yet intelligently adaptable effects. Can even be changed or modified on the fly for Modular Spells. Synergizes well with Alchemy to improve the enchantments the caster can make. Bad: Longest casting time of any spell. Some rituals or modular spells can take days or even weeks to build. Easy to disrupt (comparably) and can be hijacked. Alchemy - Alchemy - Spell Technique - Mana Manipulator Place spells on items using Alchemy Action and trigger them when they are needed. Could be temporary one-shot enchantments or made to last for a long time and self-recharge. Good: Enchants items with special powers. Allows the caster to store up magic for later use. Mp cost is extreme on short-term scale but can last forever. Bad: Costs money and special materials. Item dependent. Subject to stealing and various item problems. Activated Magic - Alchemy - Cooperative Casting - Spell Manipulation Amplifies the effects of items and focuses on using them well. Good synergy with Alchemy. Good: Very powerful and fast. Able to achieve high peak power in short time. Spells are often very powerful and are similar to Direct Effect in simplicity. Bad: Costs alot to use in expensive recharging items. Very inflexible as item types limit the range of abilities usable.

Magical Contracts - Diplomacy - Knowledge (Magical Creatures) - Spell Manipulation Practical Magic Combat The different philosophies in how to use magic in conflict Blasting Fight fire with fire! Plain and simple, easy to understand. Level everything with a fireball. Crush things with a huge rock. Smash enemies away with raw magic. Emphasizes flexible magic, high Power stat and fast casting times Turns targets into a pile of ash. Terrain Control Divide and conquer. Well placed, maintained spells used to generate barriers that either prevent movement and attacks or merely discourage them. Build a wall, make the ground uneven, summon hurricane winds. Emphasizes tactical use of high-powered spells. Manipulates battle conditions to favour allies. Splits enemies into more manageable chunks. Metamagic The magic against magic. Negate and use enemy magic against them. Dispel enemy enchantments, hijack and twist enemy spells, counterspell and waste opponent's mp. Emphasizes anti-magic and magic manipulation. Twists magical conditions to allied benefit. Neutralizes and uses enemy magic. Information Denial What you can't see can't hurt you... or can they? Control information that the enemy sees and you will win the battle. Change appearances, look through walls, make false targets to draw fire. Emphasizes misdirection and information gathering. Reliant on allies to do the main work. Makes enemies lost and confused.

Spell Description Format

Spell descriptions in the Spellbook are formatted in the following order: Name The name of the spell. Often a good summary of what the spell does. Effect Type

The general mode of operation of the spell. Generally falls into one of a few categories: --Magical-- (Use defender's Resistance) Magical Energy Magic Barrier Direct-effect - Teleportation - Object Creation - Chemical Manipulation Mixed, Magic dependent --Physical-- (Use defender's Stamina) Physical Energy Physical Barrier Chemical Effect Mixed, Magic supported Level The level and primary element of the spell. A general measure of the power and scale of the base effect. Components and Techniques The Component, Techniques and Actions that are used in the spell. Prerequisites Ability score requirements are listed here as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mechanics The rules information on the effects of the spell when used as expected. Defers to description section when unable to resolve a conflict. Range Determines the range at which the spell can be used at. Is generally a recommended range as longer ranges mean incurring ranged penalties. "Exactly" means that the spell effect can only be used at the specified range, neither further nor closer than it. Ignoring "exact" range can cause spells to not work. Casting Decisions Decisions made at casting time that are not augmentations or additional techniques. Casting Time Time taken to cast the spell. Often scales with mp cost. Duration The time the spell is in operation. Cost How much mp is require make the spell work at all. Does not guarantee usefulness, just that the spell can work with that amount of mp. In general, casters can choose to increase the amount of mp spent on the spell for a larger effect, simply following the formulae given in the spell description.

Mp Range The range of mp in which this spell operates in. Effect Describes the in-game effect of the spell with references to attack and offense and so on. Tells the number/strength of attacks or other effect. If it deals damage, the related skill to add to the Offense value is stated for the attacks. Augmentation Most, if not all, spells have some way to modify or augment the spell, usually by spending more mp. Mp from augmentations count toward spell level limits and casting time. - except the augmentation that reduces casting time, which only adds casting time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description Contains the magic theory / physics aspect of how a spell works. To be used to determine what happens in cases where the Mechanics section is unclear or does not cover.

Damage Types

Kinetic Description: Forces on an object tear it apart or crush it Subtypes: Compressive Dispersive Shear Shock Collision Description: Two objects colliding deal damage to the weaker object Subtypes: Point Blunt Slice Variants: Projectile Energy Description: Excessive energy causing expansion, change of state and general structural defects

Subtypes: Heat Light Sound Electricity Chemical Description: Change of chemical behaviour or introduction of chemicals designed to upset a chemical-based biological system Subtypes: Catalysis Inhibition Conversion Poison Corrosion (Acid, Alkaline, Reductive or Oxidative) Magic Description: Disruption, forceful activation and draining of mana causing imbalance in living systems dependent on mana Subtypes: Disruption Burn Drain Holy/Nether

Direct Damage Spells

Spells focused on damaging targets. Used as the mainstay of magical combat, in general. Also finds uses in demolition and for certain applications of concentrated magic. Spells in this category tend to have various ways to improve their power, often sacrificing control and casting time in order to achieve very high peak outputs. Common techniques include usage of Propagation Spell and Chain Reaction.

Magic Arrow I


Magic Arrow Effect Type: Magical Energy Level: 0 Components and Techniques: Channelling 2 (Pulse), Manifest Energy 0 Prerequisites: 30mp Channelling 2, Manifest Energy 0 Mechanics: Range: 1 meter Casting Decisions: Point in range and a direction Casting Time: 1 second + 0.1 seconds per mp spent Duration: Until impact or concentration/mp exhausted Cost: 1 mp Mp Range: 1 to 20 mp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect: Element determined at cast time Spell Failure is reduced by 20% for this spell. The pulse of disruptive mana damages mana in targets. This pulse travels at 10 m s-1. Hitting with the pulse has a base Accuracy of (2 / distance to the target in meters) maximum of 0.8 Hitting an effect with the pulse causes a 1mp spell disruption attempt on the target effect. - If the spell does not run out of mp, it continues with it's remaining amount Hitting a creature with the pulse deals mp damage with Offense Value of 5. - This is modified by elemental resistance - Damage type is Magic Disruption The pulse does not affect or trigger on targets that are not magical barriers, magical effects or magic-sensitive creatures. Maintaining the spell is required for the pulses to keep existing. Augmentation: +1 mp increases one arrow's mp of the spell disruption effect by 1 and the Offense Value by 5 +1 mp adds one additional arrow with Offense Value of 5 and a 1 mp spell disruption effect (additional Manifest Energy component) - Each arrow is augmented individually and targeted independently - Each arrow also adds 1 second to the casting time +1 mp reduces casting time by 0.5 seconds to a minimum of 1 second per arrow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Description: Moving Activated mana particles. Does not actually require a spell to use. If learnt as a spell, allows for skill boosts for skill level in the spell. Since Manifest Energy components can be created at the time of casting, it is easy to create a new effect for an additional arrow.

Arrow of Fire

Name: Arrow of Fire Effect Type: Direct Effect Level: 2 Components and Techniques: Channelling 2 (Pulse), Fire 0, Spell Technique 0 Prerequisites: 30mp, 10 Control Channelling 2, Spell Technique 0, Manifest Material 0, Fire 0 Mechanics: Range: 1 meter Casting Decisions: Point in range and a direction Casting Time: 2 seconds + 0.1 seconds per mp spent Duration: Until impact (and then 1 second) or mp exhausted Cost: 10 mp Mp Range: 10 to 20 mp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect: Caster must use Fire mana to cast this spell. The pulse of Fire heats up targets it hits. This pulse travels at 10 m s-1. Hitting a target with the pulse has a base Accuracy of (2 / distance to the target in meters) maximum of 0.8 Deals damage to the first thing it hits. Offense value 50, Damage Type is Energy Heat. Initial mp distribution: All in Fire component Spell Technique algorithm: (2 events, 2 actions) - Time Elapsed = 0;; Delay Fire component

- Solid Collision or Liquid Collision;; Activate Fire component Augmentation: +1 mp increases Offense value by 5 +1 mp reduces casting time by 0.5 seconds to a minimum of 2 seconds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: A pulse of dormant Fire mana is sent towards the target and activates on impact.

Fireball I

Name: Fireball Effect Type: Direct Effect Level: 4 Components and Techniques: Channelling 2 (Pulse), Spell Technique 0, Fire 0 Channelling 1 (Area) Prerequisites: 30mp, 10 Control Channelling 2, Spell Technique 0, Manifest Material 0, Fire 0 Mechanics: Range: 1 meter Casting Decisions: Point in range, a direction, a value (Distance in meters), a value (Size in meters, must be 1 or larger) Casting Time: 2 seconds + 0.1 seconds per mp spent Duration: Until impact (and then 1 second) or mp exhausted Cost: 20 mp Mp Range: 20 to 50 mp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect: Caster must use Fire mana to cast this spell This spell ties a large packet of magical energy into a Pulse and converts it all to Fire upon impact or reaching a destination point.

The caster chooses a direction and a distance, defining a point relative to the place he casted the spell at. The spell does not miss this point. Upon collision with any solid, liquid or magical barrier, the spell detonates. The spell also detonates when it reaches that point defined above if it has not done so already. The caster may intentionally choose to try and hit a specific target by defining distance and direction appropriately, this has a base Accuracy of (2 / distance to the target in meters) maximum of 1 - 0.1 x distance - A target hit in this way will be in the center of the created sphere At casting time, the spell Delays the Fire component, allowing it's transport in a Pulse Effect Shape without losing too much mp. When the indicated distance is covered, the spell turns into a stationary sphere centered on that point and Activates the Fire component The spell takes Distance in meters/10 seconds to reach the target point. All similar size objects in the sphere receive approximately equal proportions of Fire mana. This deposits heat over the period of 1 second before disappearing. - Catching an object in the sphere has a Base Accuracy of 1 x distance to edge / (speed of target * 1 second) - Damage is spread approximately evenly across all solid and liquid targets in the area, dealing Offense value of 100 / number of targets - Damage is also proportional to size. The formula applies to human sized targets. Larger targets count as more than 1 target and receive more damage. Smaller targets count as fractional number of targets and receive less damage. - Objects with magic resistance have the Offense value for them reduced by the magic resistance stat Damage type is Energy Heat Initial mp distribution: All in Fire component Spell Technique algorithm: (3 events, 4 actions) - Time Elapsed = 0;; Delay Fire component - Collision Or Solid Collision (any above 1cm2) Or Liquid Collision (any above 1cm2);; Time Elapsed = Distance value (to instantly trigger the detonation) - Time Elapsed = Distance value / 10;; change Effect Shape to Area (sphere Size meters in radius, centered on current location), Activate Fire component Augmentation: +1 mp increases Offense value by 5 / number of targets +1 mp reduces casting time by 0.5 seconds to a minimum of 2 seconds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Dormant Fire mana is sent in a tight packet towards the target point. An internal clock times the detonation to tell when the point is reached and sends the mana flying outwards with a set velocity. This velocity determines the area the mana spreads over. Solid and liquid objects behave like Magic Barriers with regards to the area affected. The expansion of the Area deposits Fire evenly across available surfaces very quickly. Almost no mana is left in the air if there is a solid or liquid object in the area. An Area with no targets has rapidly swirling Fire mana for 1 second, depositing it's heat into the air. Within the mp range, there is little effect on pressure although a very light wind is generated for 1 second.

Lucine Beam


Light Nova

3 part spell 1: Propagation spell - Chain reaction (specific trigger) - Very powerful and large Light component 2: Propagation spell is compressed into a tiny area by creating Gravity 3: Propagation spell is set off by casting a pilot beam to guide the direction and then triggering

Combat Support Spells

Used to amplify the physical or magical capabilities of people. Often used in battle to defend or buff allies and debuff enemies. Also finds use in emergency rescues and various non-lethal subduing operations like law enforcement.

Magic Shield I

Deflection Shield

Crystalline Dampener

Object Locator

Proxy Manipulator

Terrain Control Spells

Used to manipulate the properties of an area or surroundings. Often finds applications in landscaping and construction. Can be used in combat to create hindrances and obstacles.

Obscuring Mist

Poison Cloud

Magic Manipulation

Healing Spells

Alchemy Enchantments

Magic Tool

Name: Enchant Magic Tool Effect Type: Direct Effect Level: Complete spell: 3 Part 1: 3 Part 2: 3 Ending: 3 Components and Techniques: Part 1: Alchemy 0, Modular Spell 0, Spell Technique 1, Mana Manipulator 3, Spell Component

Creator 0 Part 2: Alchemy 0, Modular Spell 0, Standing Spell 5 Ending: Alchemy 0, Modular Spell 0 Prerequisites: Control 25, 30 mp Channelling 2, Spell Technique 1, Silent Channelling 0, Mana Manipulator 3, Data Processing 0, Spell Component Creator 0, Standing Spell 5, Alchemy 0, Multi-component Spell 0, Modular Spell 0, Spell Disruption 0, Cooperative Casting 0, Manifest Energy 1, Accelerate 1, Decelerate 1, Deflect 1, Resist 1, Warm: Heat 0, Cool 0, Catalyze 0, Inhibit 0, Manifest Material 0, Air 0, Earth 0, Fire 0, Water 0, Light 0, Dark 0 Mechanics: Range: 1 meter Casting Decisions: Point in range Casting Time: 23 minutes 39 seconds total Part 1: 189 seconds Part 2: 240 seconds each (cast 5 times) Ending: 30 seconds Duration: Indefinite, until dispelled Cost: 306mp total - Mana Manipulator: 1mp - Standing Spell: 20x5mp - Ending: 1mp - Alchemy: x3 Part 1: 3mp Part 2: 60mp (casted 5 times) Ending: 3mp Mp Range: NA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Effect: Mana Manipulator is a sphere around the rod to be enchanted. (also the Anchoring Effect Shape) - Standard radius is 1 meter. - This places a normal human sized caster inside the Mana Manipulator's volume when held at waist to chest height. - A rod not meant to cast effects on the caster will be smaller, often a cylinder 10cm in radius extending 30cm in front and behind the rod. Mana Manipulator 'learnt' Abilities: Channelling 2, Spell Technique 1, Spell Disruption 0, Cooperative Casting 0 Manifest Energy 1, Accelerate 1, Decelerate 1, Deflect 1, Resist 1, Warm: Heat 0, Cool 0, Catalyze 0, Inhibit 0 Manifest Material 0, Air 0, Earth 0, Fire 0, Water 0, Light 0, Dark 0 20 Abilities adds 20x3 seconds to the casting time (included in the number for part 1) Each additional ability to be included adds 3 seconds to the casting time for part 1. Initial MP distribution: Standing Spell - 100mp Mana Manipulator - 1mp Standing Spell mp generation: 100mp (level 5) = 10 mp per minute No maintenance cost due to Alchemy

Spell Technique algorithm: (1 event, 1 action) - MP in buffer component > 100;; redistribute (buffer component mp - 100) in mp from buffer component to Mana Manipulator component. Augmentation: Additional casting of part 2 will create more Standing Spell components, divided into neat 100mp components before making new ones - This is used to increase the mp output of the tool --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Creates a casting aid. The tool can manipulate mana and will help the caster maintain and cast basic effects that are within it's volume. Larger volumes allow the tool to manipulate mana at a distance but also present a larger target for attacks. Often cast using the same element as the caster's affinity. Some mages carry backups with different elements in to use normally disadvantageous spells. Due to extremely long casting time and high cost, multiple casters are sometimes used to create this or the enchantment is spaced out over a long time.


Staff of Flight

Strategic Spells

Grey Mist

Name: Grey Mist Effect Type: Direct Effect Level: Arcane Components and Techniques: Data Processing, Spell Component Creator, Mana Manipulator Effect: Base: Effect Shape is Channelling (Pulse) Mana Manipulator 'learnt' Abilities: Data Processing, Spell Manipulation, Life Force Synergy, Mana Manipulator, Spell Component Creator, Grey Mist - All dependent abilities included Spell Manipulation -> Target all magic effects that do not possess control mark within 1m, Merge this spell with target magic effect, redistribute all mp from that effect into component Mana manipulator, then remove all techniques and components from that effect. Life Force Synergy -> Target all lifeforce within 1m with Steal Mp every second. Target self with Recharge Mp every second. Spell Component Creator -> If Mana Manipulator has mp > base casting mp, cast Grey Mist targeting random point in range towards random direction Mina's version: Effect Shape is Channelling (Point) Adds Magic Detection, Moving Spell As above but, if magic detection senses > 1MPE, move in direction of fastest MPE decrease. The spell cannot operate in higher than 10MPE environments (Lost Technique). If magic detection sense specific coded signal, the spell deactivates itself.

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