Interview Survey Aks Malta

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Interview Survey By AKS (Association of Schools Councils) Malta

PATCH-WORLd – PArents and CHildren Working, ORganising and Learning together 135285-LLP-1-2007-1-IT-KA3-KA3MP Grant Agreement 2007- 3620/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein




Name & Surname: __Carmen Borg_______________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: 2 Adults + 3 Kids (16,10,8) Address/Nation: _____B’Kara Malta_______________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]______________ Profession:____Clerk_____________________________________ Level of ICT literacy: __ECDL level for Mother, very basic for Father and kids are learning ICT at school Name of Interviewer:__________Carol Debono__________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? ___PC, Mobile phone, Video Games, ATM Banking,__ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ___Mobile Phone and PC_____________________ ______________________________________________ __


______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? ___PC and Video Games________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ 3 __

Do you know which/what type of games your children play? __Yes Do you know the games content? ___Yes_______________________ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? __They are allowed to play after finishing their HW and studies Do you play video games with your children? ___Yes_________________________________ ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? __Yes I like keeping myself well informed_ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? __Yes_____________________ ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? ___Yes__________________________________ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? _Help in research and play educational games together


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? __Yes very conscience____________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? __Yes as much as possible_________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? __Yes I think it is very important_______ ________________________________________ __ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? __Yes___________________________________ _ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? __Yes__________________ _________________________________________ _ In which way? __Parental Control, PC History checks and try to be with them as much as possible when they are using the PC _________________________________________ _


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __Mariella Camilleri___________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: Mother, Father, 13yr old son Address/Nation: ___Iklin - Malta_________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]__________ Profession:__Housewife, Location Manager, Student_____________ Level of ICT literacy: __Average____________________________________ Name of Interviewer:____Carol Debono__________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _Mobile phone, PC and Videogames________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? __PC_________________________________________


___ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? __PC_________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _None________________________________________ __


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Information, Used for work, occupies time for children ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Addiction especially during use of games________ ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _It occupies too much time__________________ ______________________________________________ __


Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Child’s level is much higher___________________ ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _Entertainment_________________________________ _ ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _Child_________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? Yes_____________________________________ __ Do you know the games content? _Yes Definitely no war games or aggressive games Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _Try to control as much as possible: School days – 1 hr, Weekends and holidays 3 hours daily Do you play video games with your children? __No____________________________________ _ ________________________________________


_ Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes ____________________________________ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _No_____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? Help in research__________________________


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web?


_Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _Yes_____________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ In which way? _Room door kept open, Regular checks in room and checking of PC History _________________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __Pam Muscat___________________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: _Mother, Father, 18yrs, 14yrs, 13yrs, 10yrs and 3yrs


Address/Nation: __Mellieha Malta_________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_________________ Profession:_Mother - LSA, Father – Catering Manager, Kids - Students Level of ICT literacy: ___Mother – ECDL, Kids still studying________ Name of Interviewer:__Carol Debono____________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? __Mobile Phone, PC, Video Games_________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ___Mobile Phone and PC_________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? ___Mobile Phone and PC_________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __


What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _PC__________________________________________ __


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Helps during HW, Close contacts with family and friends, research, keeps children occupied during their free time ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Adiction______________________________________ _ ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _More time together and better help to each other ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Mother – ECDL level, Father uses PC only for work, Kids are very advanced since they study it at school ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _Brainteasers___________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _All the family_________________________________


______________________________________________ __

Do you know which/what type of games your children play? __Yes __ Do you know the games content? __Yes - strict family rules – NO WAR GAMES _______________________________________ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _1 hour d day ________________________________________ Do you play video games with your children? _Yes – Brainteasers __________________ ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? Yes_____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __


Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? _Research together and educational games


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? __Yes definately__________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Regularly________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _Sometimes I do trust my children_________ _________________________________________ _


In which way? _PC in open space, check PC History and Chatlogs _________________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: ____Magda Musu_________________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: Mother, Father, 18yrs, 16yrs, twins 12yrs Address/Nation: _Qawra Malta_____________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_________________________ Profession:___Mother – Housewife, Father – Shipping Manager, Kids Students Level of ICT literacy: _Average to High_____________________________ Name of Interviewer:____Carol Debono__________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _PC, Mobile Phones and Video Games______________ ______________________________________________


__ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? _Mobile Phone___________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? _PC ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _Mobile Phone__________________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Keep children settled__________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Adiction – difficult to control time___________ ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _Information and research_______________________ ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Children are much more advanced______________ ______________________________________________


__ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _Twins love them________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _12 year old twins______________________________ ______________________________________________ __

Do you know which/what type of games your children play? _Yes____________________________________ _ Do you know the games content? Mostly Educational and brainteasers______ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _School days 45 minutes, Weekend and holidays 3 hrs daily Do you play video games with your children? _No_____________________________________ _ ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes____________________________________


__ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes especially during HW_________________ ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _No_____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? Research together_____________________


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? __Yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Yes and they are also informed from school ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems


installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _Yes _________________________________________ _ In which way? __ PC is kept in a common open space area _Bigger brothers check on younger ones___________ _________________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: ________Mark Buzuttil__________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: 2 Parents + 2 Children (9&13Years) Address/Nation: _______Marsaxlokk -


Malta________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]___________ Profession:_______Customs Officer_______________________________ Level of ICT literacy: ______Average________________________________ Name of Interviewer:________Paul Dalli________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? Mobiles, Internet e-maILS, pc, games, interner ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? __Mobile, PC____________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? __PC, internet________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __


What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _PC, Internet__________________________________

What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Information, knowledge easy communication amongst family members ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? __addiction and time consuming________________ ______________________________________________ __


How can ICT improve communication between the members of your family? __ease of contact among family members and serves as a medium to get members together ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Children are more advanced and are more versatile in the use of ICT than parents ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? ___as a means of entertainment and used as an instrument to integrate the family together. Who plays the games? __all emebers and parents and children together_


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? __Yes because parents participate_________ Do you know the are the contents of the games?


__Yes___________________________________ ____ Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? __Yes (not more than 2 hours per day)____ Do you play video games with your children? _Yes____________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? __Yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? __Yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? __No____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard


to the use of ICT for educational purposes? __Supervise and advise____________________

Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? __Yes because also trained as a Customs Officer___________________________________ Do you talk about them with your children? __Yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? __Yes___________________________________ __


________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? ___Yes__________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activities? __Yes____________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ In which way? __Anti-irus anti-spam/ and other security programmes______________________________


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: ___Jane Giudice_________________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: _4 – 2 Adults & 2 children__ Address/Nation: ___Malta_________________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]______________________ Profession:_____Bank Official_____________________________________ Level of ICT literacy: ____Home Computer user since 1987______________ Name of Interviewer:_____Bernardette Micallef_____________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _- Internet use, communication by means of email, _______


__telephony, file banking_______________



______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? __as above____________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? __- Gaming, watching dvd’s, downloading music, ________ ___internet, e-mail & chatting________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _- Research___________________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Information, on-line shopping______________________ ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _- Can be hazardous in the sense of less communication in


__the household_________________________________ How can ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _- Friends and relatives residing abroad or on long stretch,_ __e.g. studying abroad__________________________ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Yes__________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _High – son too keen gaming_____________________


______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _Son__________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? _Yes, Call others__________





Do you know the games content? _Varied__________________________________


Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _- It is never time_______






Do you play video games with your children? _No_____________________________________ ________________________________________ _ Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _- No, they are old enough to do it on their own____ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? _They are independent in this regard___________


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _-


Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _- Yes____________________________________ _________________________________________ _ In which way? _- No pc’s are allowd in bedrooms; parental control_ __& history browsing time___________





INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: JOSETTE CALLEJA______________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: 4 – 1 Adult & 3 Children___ Address/Nation: __Malta ________________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]___________________________________ ___ Profession:_____Bank Clerk________________________________________ Level of ICT literacy: ____Fair______________________________________ Name of Interviewer:_____Bernardette Micallef_____________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _Surfing the net_________________________________ _Keeping _______ _-




news Chatting


___________________________________ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? _Surfing the net ______________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? _Chatting _____________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _- Using the wwb for research – projects, etc _


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _- A mine of information easily accessible at a click of a____ __button______________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _- Lack of useful time-management when children are_____ __engrossed chatting_____________________________



How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _I believe that ICT is rather individualistic______________ ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _- Children study “computer” at school nowadays hence___ __making them literate_________________



What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _- Non existent_________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _N/A__________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? _N/A____________________________________ Do you know the games content? ________________________________________ _ Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games?


________________________________________ _ Do you play video games with your children? _No_____________________________________ ________________________________________ _ Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _- They play an important part in the research and__ __sourcing information______________________


Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes occasionally__________________________ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _- No___________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? _- By helping them source websites for information_ and appropriate search engines


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _Certainly_________________________________ ________________________________________ __


Do you talk about them with your children? _Occasionally______________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Definitely________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _No_____________________________________ _________________________________________ _ In which way? _N/A_____________________________________ _________________________________________ _


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __Raymond Formosa ___________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: _4 – 2 Adults & 2 Girls ____ Address/Nation: ___Malta__________________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]___________________________ ___ Profession:_____Bank Manager_____________________________________ Level of ICT literacy: ___Proficient in internet and other usages _________ Name of Interviewer:____Bernardette Micallef_______________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? ______________________________________________ __ _emails________________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ______________________________________________


__ _Internet & phone_________________________


______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? _Internet & mobile phone ______________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _- Mobile phones sms_____________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _- Mobile phones facilitate conversation when not together_ ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Very often it creates distraction and isolation__________ ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _- It gives an opportunity for better communication when___


__not together____________________________________ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Children – good compared to level of education________ _- Adults – some are competent others no because of lack of information____________________________________ _ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _Minimal_______________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? _Children – old________________




______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? _Simple games_______________________


Do you know the games content? _Not much________________________________ Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _- 1 hour in each sitting- not every day and according to season


Do you play video games with your children? _No_____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Occasionally_____________________________ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _Not really________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? ________________________________________ __ - By guiding them in their research for projects


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __


Do you talk about them with your children? _My does_____________________________


________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes_____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _No_____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _really________________________________


_________________________________________ _ In which way? _- Occasionally we check the history of sites entered _________________________________________ _


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: ___Simon Tabone________________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: _3 – 2 Adults & 1 Child____ Address/Nation: ___Malta_________________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_______________________ Profession:__CAD (Computer Aided Design)/CAM Products Manager_______ Level of ICT literacy: ___Computer user since approx 1985_______________ Name of Interviewer:____Bernardette Micallef______________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _- Research, study, communication, photographic storage/ __manipulation, transactions___________



______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? __- Research, communication (e-mail), photographic related ___music, banking transactions_______________ ______________________________________________ __


What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? __- Research, communication, games, music (computer has ___great sound!)_________________________________ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _- Research, study ________________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Research, self sufficiency in holiday/flight bookings,_____ __communication________________________________ _ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _- Reduced time together (not very relevant since time on _ __PC is excessive)_____________________________


How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _Keeping in touch with family abroad_________________ ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _- Father (self) - most IT literate______________________


- Mother - computer user – banking/internet _____ _- Dauthter – reasonably IT literate but doesn’t attach too__ __much importance to IT. Uses computer for study______ purposes and entertainment______________________ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _- Fairly limited – daughter sometimes goes to wellknown_ __sites games_________________________________ Who plays the games? _Mostly ________________________________



______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? _- Fashion related (Star Dolls), games from Miniclip _- definitely not violent! Do you know the games content? _- Yes___________________________________ Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _Very little reading_____________




Do you play video games with your children? _-


Occasionally_____________________________ ________________________________________ _ Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes ____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes____________________________________ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? ________________________________________ __ - By identifying proper search engines


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Yes____________________________________


________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes____________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes – Anti Virus, Firewall, Parental Control______ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _- Yes____________________________________ _________________________________________ _ In which way? _Computer is in ‘public area’, through internet history _and parental control_____________________



Name & Surname: __Paula Farrugia___________________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: Mother, Father, 10yr old daughter, 13yr old son Address/Nation: ___Gzira Malta_________________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):__ [email protected]__________ Profession:__Housewife, Businessman, Student_____________ Level of ICT literacy: __Average High______________________________ Name of Interviewer:____Carol Debono__________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _Mobile phone, PC ________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? __PC and Mobile Phone___________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? __PC_________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________


__ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? _PC__________________________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Information, Used for work, Help during HW, Research, Entertainment, Keeping contacts with friends ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Might occupy too much time________ ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? _Helps us work together__________________ ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? _Parents learn by experience while children learn ICT at school ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? _Entertainment_________________________________ _ ______________________________________________ __


Who plays the games? _Children______________________________________ ____ ______________________________________________ __

Do you know which/what type of games your children play? Yes_____________________________________ __ Do you know the games content? _Yes ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? _Yes they are allowed only 30 minutes daily Do you play video games with your children? __Rarely_________________________________ ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes ____________________________________ ________________________________________


__ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? _Husband________________________________ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? Help in research__________________________


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? _Yes_____________________________________


_ _________________________________________ _ In which way? _Parental Control Programme, Open Room Policy, Computer History checked regularly _________________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __Carmen Borg_______________________ Number and kind of the members of the family: 2 Adults + 3 Kids (16,10,8) Address/Nation: _____B’Kara Malta_______________________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]______________ Profession:____Clerk_____________________________________ Level of ICT literacy: __ECDL level for Mother, very basic for Father and kids are learning ICT at school Name of Interviewer:__________Carol Debono__________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA



What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? ___PC, Mobile phone, Video Games, ATM Banking,__ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ___Mobile Phone and PC_____________________ ______________________________________________ __ FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? ___PC and Video Games________________________ ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? ___PC and Video Games__________________________


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? _Time saving when it comes to internet shopping, banking, paying bills, keeping in touch with relatives, record keeping ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or


can bring to your family? _Takes up a lot of time – sometimes children get too closed up in a dream world ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? __Using PC together gives us time to be together ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? __Kids are more ready to risk and experiment and the fact that ICT is taught in school keeps them very updated ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? __We really them____________________________


Who plays the games? ______________________________________________ __ __All the family_____________________


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? __Yes Do you know the games content? ___Yes_______________________ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? __They are allowed to play after finishing their HW and studies Do you play video games with your children? ___Yes_________________________________ ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? __Yes I like keeping myself well informed_ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? __Yes_____________________ ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? ___Yes__________________________________ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes? _Help in research and play educational games together


Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? __Yes very conscience____________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? __Yes as much as possible_________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? __Yes I think it is very important_______ ________________________________________ __ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? __Yes___________________________________ _ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activites? __Yes__________________ _________________________________________ _ In which way? __Parental Control, PC History checks and try to be with them as much as possible when they are using the PC _________________________________________ _


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname:---------Patrick Lentini------------------------------------------------------------------Number and kind of the members of the family: -------2 adults, 1 son----------------------------Address/Nation:--------Malta----------------------------------------------------------------------E-mail (or other contacts) of ICT literacy basic-----------------------------------------------------


NameofInterviewer ……Josette Parnis…………………………………………… … ANALYSIS AREA MAIN QUESTIONS FAMILY What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT GENERAL USE both across households and within families? OF ICT Internet research and e-mails ______________________________________________ __

What are the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? Searching for holidays, buying on e- bay, u-tube, newspapers and football


______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What are the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Playing games, searching for interesting things ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What are the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? Learning about environment and education programmes ______________________________________________ __ FAMILY COMMUNICATI ON AND RELATIONSHIP S THROUGH ICT

What are the main advantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? More knowledge about the things that interest us .i.e searching for new countries

What are the main disadvantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? That a person of our family becomes addict to ICT

______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? WE can have sometime together in front of the computer


Can you identify the gap in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children?

My son knows exactly all the things the parents know about computers


What’s the role of the ICT games in your family? __My son plays on internet__________________________________ _____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Who play the games? My son________________________________________ Do you know which games your children play? ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Yes______________________________________ __ Do you know the games contents? _Yes_____________________________________ ___ Are you able to understand the time your children spend playing video games? __Yes____________________________________ ___ Do you play video games with your children? _No_____________________________________ ___


Do you know the use and the potential use of the ICT tools for education? Yes _________________________________________ _ Do you help your children in finding educational information in Internet? _Yes_____________________________________



Have you ever performed an on-line training activities? And your children? No _________________________________________ _ How you interact with your children concerning the use of ICT for educational reasons? __Yes, sometimes we study together using Ict______________________________________ __ _________________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you know the dangers of the internet? Yes Do you talk about them with your children? ___Yes sometimes________________________________ _______ Do you encourage your children to look at the information they find on the web critically? Yes

Do you have the basic computer security systems in place? __Yes____________________________________ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activity and movements? Yes In which way?


Every now and then I go to see what is happening (approximately every 15 minutes)

_____________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname:------Paul Calleja---------------------------------------------------------------------Number and kind of the members of the family: --------2 adults and 2 boys-------------------------Address/Nation:--------"Hagra", triq ilHatab, Malta----------------------------------------------------------------------


E-mail (or other contacts) offiicer-----------------------------------------------------Level of ICT literacy -----------------------------------------Very little----------------------------------Name of Interviewer ……… AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE

Josette Parnis…………………………………………… ANALYSIS MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both across households and within families?


Internet, e- mail ______________________________________________ __

What are the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? E-mails, internet banking ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ OF ICT

What are the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? E-mails and chatting ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What are the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? E-mails and information sources ______________________________________________ __


What are the main advantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Independency, fast communication, services from your home

What are the main disadvantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Time consuming, lack of privacy and can impair quality time together


______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? It does not improve

Can you identify the gap in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Plenty. At my age there was no computer available


What’s the role of the ICT games in your family? Quietlow ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Who play the games? _My son (age15)_______________________________________ Do you know which games your children play? ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

_No______________________________________ _ Do you know the games contents? _no______________________________________ Are you able to understand the time your children spend playing video games? __No_____________________________________ __ Do you play video games with your children? __No_____________________________________ __


Do you know the use and the potential use of the ICT tools for education? Yes _________________________________________ _ Do you help your children in finding educational information in Internet? My wife _________________________________________ _


Have you ever performed an on-line training activities? And your children? No _________________________________________ _ How you interact with your children concerning the use of ICT for educational reasons? __Quiet__________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you know the dangers of the internet? Yes Do you talk about them with your children? __ Yes______________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to look at the information they find on the web critically? Yes

Do you have the basic computer security systems in place? ___Yes _________________________________ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activity and movements? No In which way? By checking on them from time to time Installing the latest security systems


_____________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname:----------------Bernard Piscopo-----------------------------------------------------------Number and kind of the members of 5(2adults,2sons 1 daughter)---------------------




Address/Nation:---TarxienMalta----------------------------------------------------------------------------E-mail (or other contacts) of ICT literacy ---------Self-taught------------------------------------------------------------------NameofInterviewer ……

……JosetteParnis…………………………………………… ANALYSIS



MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both across households and within families? General pc use _______________________________________________ _

What are the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? Special sheets, internet browsing and e- mail _______________________________________________ _ FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

_______________________________________________ _ What are the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Internet games _______________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________ _ What are the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? Games _______________________________________________ _


What are the main advantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Easy access for information

What are the main disadvantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family?


One can get hooked for hours to PC

_______________________________________________ _ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Time sharing in PC use

Can you identify the gap in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Children get more orientated to common terms in PC language


What’s the role of the ICT games in your family? Quite fair _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Who play the games? ____________Mostly ____________________


Do you know which games your children play? ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

___ Yes_____________________________________ Do you know the games contents? _____Yes________________________________ ___ Are you able to understand the time your children spend playing video games? __


Do you play video games with your children? _____yes_________________________________ ___ EDUCATION THROUGH ICT

Do you know the use and the potential use of the ICT tools for education? Yes _________________________________________ _ Do you help your children in finding educational information in Internet? ____Yes__________________________________ ____


Have you ever performed an on-line training activities? And your children? No _________________________________________ _ How you interact with your children concerning the use of ICT for educational reasons? __Fair____________________________________ ____ _________________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you know the dangers of the internet? Yes Do you talk about them with your children? _________________________________________ _ Do you encourage your children to look at the information they find on the web critically? Yes

Do you have the basic computer security systems in place? ______Yes________________________________ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activity and movements? Yes In which way? PC is in the kitchen PC startup has password


_____________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __________Georgina/Lawrence Pavia______________ Number and kind of the members of the family: __Two paretnts + 4 children Three girls aged 20,18,16 and one boy aged 10 Address/Nation: __________Marsaxlokk / Malta__________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_________________ Profession:____________Teacher________________________________ __ Level of ICT literacy: _______average_______________________________ Name of Interviewer:__________Paul____________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA



What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _SMS, iPods, e-mails, MSN, Skype, internet, internet banking, holiday booking, PC ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __


What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ______________________________________________ __ mobile phones, e-mails, MSN, Skype, internet banking, holiday booking ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Games, MSN, Skype, SMS, e-mails, internet,PC ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? Skype, PC, mobile phone


What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Research, holiday booking, ease of communication, knowledge, education, entertainment, news and current affairs ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Used for too long, exposing personal details to strangers. ______________________________________________


__ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Ease of research and ease of contact ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Children are more versatile and knowledgeable than parents ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? Younger child and older child play for entertainment but not for too long ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? Children_______________________________________ _ ______________________________________________ __


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? Yes in case of younger child and No in case of older child Do you know the games content? ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

As above_________________________________ Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? Yes and controlled and not for long_ Do you play video games with your children? NO ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? Yes___________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _Yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? __No____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard


to the use of ICT for educational purposes? __advice, guidance and assist

Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? ________________________________________ __ Yes definitely (Presented a talk about the subject at child’s school to other partents) Do you talk about them with your children? _yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _yes____________________________________ __ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? __yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activities? __Yes _________________________________________ _ In which way? In case of younger child – monitor and surprise visits, in case of elder children, check history


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __________Joe & Joyce Cauhi Number and kind of the members of the family: __Two paretnts + 3 children Two boys aged 23, 22 and girl aged 20 Address/Nation: __________Marsaskala / Malta__________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_________________ Profession:____________Teacher________________________________ __ Level of ICT literacy: _______average_______________________________ Name of Interviewer:__________Paul____________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA FAMILY GENERAL USE OF ICT

MAIN QUESTIONS What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _PC, mobile phone, MP3 ipod, MP4, Skype ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________


__ What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ______________________________________________ __ mobile phones, Skype, internet, PC ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Games, internet, PC, games, downloads

What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? Skype, PC, (children explain how things work) FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH ICT

What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Ease of communication knowledge





______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Addiction and bring quarrels between family members. ______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Ease of contact in direct proportion to distance ______________________________________________ __


Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Yes enormous difference ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? Children play games frequently and are addicted ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? Children_______________________________________ _


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? Yes strategic games Do you know the games content? Yes_________________________________ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? Yes – too much_ Do you play video games with your children? NO ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? Yes___________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? _the other way round ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? __No____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes?


__N/A Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? Yes ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? _yes____________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _yes____________________________________ __ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? __yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activities? __No _________________________________________ _ In which way? N/A


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname:-----------Nicholas Farrugia----------------------------------------------------------------Number and kind of the members of the family: -------2 adults, 3 sons----------------------------Address/Nation:------AttardMaLta-------------------------------------------------------------------------E-mail (or other contacts) nurse-----------------------------------------------------------------Level of ICT literacy basic---------------------------------------------------------------


NameofInterviewer………JosetteParnis………………………………………… ………… ANALYSIS AREA MAIN QUESTIONS FAMILY What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT GENERAL USE both across households and within families? OF ICT Research, internet shopping,e-mails ______________________________________________ __

What are the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family?


MS Word, internet research,e-mails ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What are the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Games, drawing, MS Word ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __ What are the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? NIL ______________________________________________ __ FAMILY COMMUNICATI ON AND RELATIONSHIP S THROUGH ICT

What are the main advantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Easy access to infirmation and communication

What are the main disadvantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Games can become addictive to children

______________________________________________ __ How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Switch off the computer


Can you identify the gap in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Children tend to be more confident-


What’s the role of the ICT games in your family? Entertainment_____________________________ ____________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Who play the games? _The children_______________________________________ Do you know which games your children play? ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

__Yes____________________________________ __ Do you know the games contents? __Yes____________________________________ ___ Are you able to understand the time your children spend playing video games? ___Yes___________________________________ ___ Do you play video games with your children? ____NO__________________________________ ___


Do you know the use and the potential use of the ICT tools for education? Yes _________________________________________ _ Do you help your children in finding educational information in Internet? __Yes____________________________________ ____


Have you ever performed an on-line training activities? And your children? No _________________________________________ _ How you interact with your children concerning the use of ICT for educational reasons? ____Help identifying the source___________________________________ ___ _________________________________________ _ _________________________________________ _ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

Do you know the dangers of the internet? Yes Do you talk about them with your children? __YEs____________________________________ ____ Do you encourage your children to look at the information they find on the web critically? Yes

Do you have the basic computer security systems in place? ___Yes___________________________________ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activity and movements? Yes In which way? They use it in our presence If necessary check browsing history


_____________________________________ _

INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname: __________Joe Miriam Bartolo Number and kind of the members of the family: __Two paretnts + 3 children Three boys 24, 22 and 13 Address/Nation: __________Zebbug/ Malta__________________ E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]_________________ Profession:____________Bankerr________________________________ __ Level of ICT literacy: _______average_______________________________ Name of Interviewer:__________Paul____________________________________ ANALYSIS AREA



What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT both between households and within families? _PC, mobile phone, MP3 ipod, MP4, Skype ATM ______________________________________________ __ ______________________________________________ __


What is the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? ______________________________________________ __ mobile phones, MSN, internet, PC ______________________________________________ __ What is the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Mobile, internet, PC,

What is the most common ICT use performed together (parents and children)? Mobile, internet FAMILY COMMUNICATION AND RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH ICT

What are the main advantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Communication, knowledge and entertainment ______________________________________________ __ What are the main disadvantages that ICT brings and/or can bring to your family? Too much time , addiction. ______________________________________________ __


How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Ease of contact ______________________________________________ __ Can you identify the difference in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Yes enormous difference ( one family member aged 22 is an ICT graduate) ______________________________________________ __ What’s the role of ICT games in your family? entertainment ______________________________________________ __ Who plays the games? Children_______________________________________ _


Do you know which/what type of games your children play? Yes Do you know the games content? Yes_________________________________ ICT GAMING AND RECREATION

Are you able to quantify the time your children spend playing video games? Yes Do you play video games with your children? NO ________________________________________ _


Do you know the use and/or the potential use of ICT tools for education? Yes___________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you help your children search educational information on Internet? Yes (youngest child) ________________________________________ __ Have you and/or your children ever performed any on-line training activities? __yes___________________________________ ___ ________________________________________ __ How do you interact with your children with regard to the use of ICT for educational purposes?


Guidance and help in research Are you aware of the dangers of the internet? Yes ________________________________________ __ Do you talk about them with your children? No______________________________________ ________________________________________ __ Do you encourage your children to evaluate the information they find on the web? _yes____________________________________ __ ICT SAFETY AND SECURITY

________________________________________ __ Do you have the basic computer security systems installed and updated? __yes___________________________________ __ ________________________________________ __ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activities? __No _________________________________________ _ In which way? N/A


INTERVIEW SURVEY Name & Surname:-----------Louise/Sandro (parents)--------------------------------------------------


Number and kind of the members of the family: -------2 adults, 2 children (boy 12, girl 9 years)---------------------------Address/Nation:------Buibba - MaLta------------------------------------E-mail (or other contacts):[email protected]:--------------------housewife--------------------------Level of ICT literacy basic---------------------------------------------------------------


NameofInterviewer………Paul Dalli………… ANALYSIS AREA MAIN QUESTIONS FAMILY What is the range of activities undertaken through ICT GENERAL USE both across households and within families? OF ICT Mobile, PC internet, ATM What are the most common ICT use performed by adults in your family? Mobile, PC, ATMW What are the most common ICT use performed by children in your family? Internet, PC

What are the most common ICT use performed together


(parents and children)? Games Internet

What are the main advantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Knowledge & entertainment

What are the main disadvantages that ICT bring and can bring to your family? Too much time consuming FAMILY COMMUNICATI ON AND RELATIONSHIP S THROUGH ICT

How ICT improve communication between the members of your family? Sitting together

Can you identify the gap in the level of ICT literacy between parents and children? Children tend to be more confidentChildren still learning


What’s the role of the ICT games in your family? Entertainment and education _________________________ Who play the games? The children and the parents


Do you know which games your children play? __Yes_______________________________ Do you know the games contents? __Yes_______________________________ Are you able to understand the time your children spend playing video games? ___Yes controlled and done together Do you play video games with your children? ____Yes_____________________________ Do you know the use and the potential use of the ICT tools for education? Yes Do you help your children in finding educational information in Internet? Yes


Have you ever performed an on-line training activities? And your children? No How you interact with your children concerning the use of ICT for educational reasons? ____advise and guide________


Do you know the dangers of the internet? Yes __________________________________


Do you talk about them with your children? __YEs______________________________ Do you encourage your children to look at the information they find on the web critically? No ___________________________________ Do you have the basic computer security systems in place? ___No______________________________ Do you track and monitor your children’s online activity and movements? Yes In which way? Continuous supervision


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