Interview Questions

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Job Interview Questions Likely questions Employers will ask a range of questions, broadly categorised as follows: Warm ups ... Questions designed to relax you, although some employers like to put you on the spot straight away ¾ Tell me about yourself? ¾ What should I know about you? ¾ Paint me a picture of yourself? ¾ What are your main achievements to date? ¾ What is in the headlines this morning? ¾ Why do you want to work for us? Questions to find out how well prepared you are, how keen you are to fill this job and / or to work for this particular employer. ¾ Why do you want to work for us? ¾ Why should we take you on? ¾ What can you do for us? ¾ What can you contribute to this industry? ¾ What is your impression of this industry / organisation? ¾ What are the main issues facing our organisation at present? ¾ Where do you think we stand in our industry? ¾ Who else have you applied to? ¾ Where did you hear about us? ¾ What do you think are the main skills and qualities required for this job? Questions to find out about what you have gained from being at the Institute ¾ Why did you choose your course, and what have you gained from it? ¾ Why did you study at your Institute? ¾ What relevance does your qualification have to the real world? ¾ What extra curricular activities did you get involved at the Institute? ¾ How has your Project work contributed to your career aspirations? Weak points ¾ Have you got a weak point that is going to affect your ability in this job? ¾ What are your weaknesses? ¾ Why did you leave your previous job if any? ¾ Why have you not got much work experience? ¾ What have you been doing since you left the Institute? ¾ How would your worst enemy describe you?


Scenario questions Employers will present you with a hypothetical situation and ask how you would respond. This type of question has a number of purposes, including finding out whether you can think on your own and giving an indication of how you can transfer your experience from one situation to another. This is especially useful if you have limited experience of the job for which you are applying and where employers are recruiting you on your potential to fulfil the role. 1. You are Brand Manager for a large confectionery firm. One day, you are sent a note telling you that some of your brands have been purposefully contaminated with a lethal substance before leaving the warehouse for the retail outlets. What should you do? 2. As a manager, you are responsible for introducing a staff appraisal scheme into the work place. How do you allay some of the concerns voiced by your staff?

Competence or behavioral questions Employers will ask you to give examples of situations when you have used particular skills so that they can gather real evidence of the extent to which you have developed and used them. The key here is to provide lots of evidence of how you used your skills rather than simply describing the situation. Pay particular attention to the follow up questions the employers ask. ¾ Give an example of when you influenced the work of others. What did you do and how did you achieve it? What were the outcomes? ¾ Give an example of when you successfully introduced change into a project or task. How did you do it and what were the outcomes? Check out questions These are questions that either end your interview or clarify aspects of your application. It's also your last chance to make a lasting impression. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

How geographically mobile are you? How much do you want to be paid? If you were me, what would you look for in a candidate for this job? How soon could you start? To make sure we get a good picture of you, what else should we know about you? What are you looking for in your first job? Why do you think you will be a success in the position you are applying for? Is there anything you wanted to tell us about but you haven't had the chance?

-3Typical questions A selection of questions collected from employers, that you may be asked. ¾ What frustrations have you encountered in you present or previous jobs? How do you minimise their effect on you? ¾ Describe a time when you were asked to co-ordinate a group task. ¾ What has been the most interesting project that you have been involved with during your present course? What skills have you developed from this? ¾ How do you deal with problems? Give me an example. ¾ Describe a time when you were particularly proud of an achievement on your course. What made you feel so good? ¾ Give me an example of when you have had to juggle more than one task at a time. How did you achieve your results? How successful were you? ¾ Describe a time when you have had to use your initiative to resolve a difficult situation. What did you do? ¾ How would you describe your preferred role when working in a team? ¾ Describe a situation where your role was not your preferred one. How did you manage yourself? ¾ Describe an occasion when you were not satisfied with a piece of work that you carried out during your course. What did you learn from this experience? ¾ What kind of things annoy or upset you? Give examples. ¾ In a seminar or group task, how do you ensure that your point of view is heard? Back this up with a specific example. ¾ What motivates you as a student? How do you make sure that your motivation remains high? ¾ Describe a time when your motivation, in any situation, was low. How did you deal with this? ¾ How do you deal with problems? Give examples. ¾ Describe a situation where you used your initiative to resolve a difficult issue at work. How do you feel you did? Could you have done anything better? ¾ How well do you work as an individual? ¾ Give me an example of a problem you have encountered during your present course when working on an individual assignment, and say how you resolved it. ¾ Tell me about your most current or most recent job. What exactly do you, or did you, do? ¾ What examples can you provide which demonstrate your ability to communicate with members of the public? ¾ Give an example of when you were asked to plan, implement and evaluate a project or task. How did you feel you performed, and what were your measures of success? ¾ How do you set your priorities for your course work? Describe whether they vary, and if so, what changes them? Give specific examples. ¾ Describe your own coping strategy for dealing with stress at work. Illustrate your answer with a specific example.

-4¾ Why did you choose your current course? In retrospect, did you make a good choice? How might you have improved the decision you made? ¾ What is your view of people who consistently work over their allocated working hours? How would you deal with this situation? ¾ How would your worst enemy describe you? ¾ Describe a time when you have had to enforce a decision that was unpopular. How did you go about implementing this decision? Did you make any attempt to win over people's support? How successful were you? ¾ Have you, at any time, been ultimately responsible for a task or project at work? Describe it, and indicate how successful it was. How did you measure its success? ¾ What are your best qualities? ¾ How do you ensure that you keep a balance between your study and social life? Give me an example of how you set your priorities for these. ¾ How do you deal with difficult or aggressive colleagues? Give me an example. In this example, how successful were you? ¾ What are your weaknesses? How do these affect your study?

Interview Questions for Executive Batch ¾ "Why are you looking for another job? When answering this question: ¾ Keep your answer brief - don't go into a lot of detail (the briefer the response-the more convincing the answer) ¾ Do not knock your last employer, at this stage or any other. ¾ Do not volunteer any unnecessary information: ¾ Do not say you have been made redundant- it was the department or function that was made redundant. Draft your answer to this question now. ¾ “Have you changed jobs frequently? (are you a job hopper?) Work out in advance a good rationale for your moves. People do change jobs and if your reasons are sound, say so. Don't be defensive or you’ll trigger warning bells. Some acceptable reasons include: ¾ Reorganisation (a new Manager arrives and brings in his team), the company was in difficulty and had a massive lay off, ¾ A major contract or customer was lost resulting in loss of sales, the company was sold, you were offered a re-location that would have meant no apparent opportunity, Reasons to avoid: ¾ Did not get along with employer, other staff or customers, ¾ Did not like the management policies, ¾ Passed over for an increase in salary, ¾ too much pressure/work/overtime, ¾ Too many arguments, ¾ Health problems, ¾ Personal problems interfering with work. ¾ “You’ve moved around a lot, how long would you stay with us?” This needs preparation. If you have moved around, something along the lines of I am seeking a long term opportunity, where I can learn and develop. Does this come with the position we are discussing?' should set the interviewer’s mind at ease.

-2¾ "What sort of job are you looking for?" Every interviewer hopes that the next candidate to walk through that door will be the answer to his search. So many candidates sabotage their own chances by answering the above question from their own point of view rather than from that of the company's/interviewer's. The company is only interested in how you can satisfy its needs and match its job requirements, your needs are secondary importance. The best way to answer this question is to follow on from the "Tell me about yourself" answer and transfer those abilities into discussing the job in question and the contribution you can make to it. The word 'contribute' is the magic word to a prospective employer. He/she is looking for what you can bring to the organisation. If you have done your research properly and discovered what they do need then it will be hardly surprising when your attributes match their requirements! If you are at all uncomfortable representing yourself as the perfect match - what are you doing at this interview? ¾ “What salary are you looking for?” This can be a very dangerous question. At all costs you should try and avoid being the first to mention a number. You could sell yourself short, and miss an opportunity for a higher package or you could price yourself out of the running. Attempt to turn the question round. For instance: It's hard to discuss salary without knowing more about the job responsibilities. If a salary range has been tabled, relate your experience to the range without being necessarily precise: I think my experience would put me near the high end of the range, don't you? (SAY IT - ASK IT). ¾ What was your salary in your last job? You are under no obligation to reveal information about your past salary, however you will almost certainly be asked. If you are in front of a recruitment consultant, tell him your salary package range. If you are in an interview, try to put the salary question to one side. A good reply is 'I was well compensated in my previous company but really do not wish to prejudice myself here by being too high or low. Can we delay this until after we've looked at all aspects of your current need? or ‘What is your range for this job?’

-3¾ “Have you been fired?” Throughout the interview we have advised you not to lie. If you have been fired, a lie can look very tempting when faced with this question. However, lying is never a wise course of action; you would be amazed how often people are caught out. The best course of action is to present the truth in the most favourable (but honest) light possible. Have a good explanation worked out and tested with friends. For instance: 'We had a change in general managers and although I had been doing a great job, as you can see from my achievements, I was replaced by one of his former associates'. or: ‘The company decided to close down its operation and offered me a job elsewhere. I would like to stay in the area so that's why I'm looking around’. ¾ Can you work under pressure? Indicate that you can, then counter: 'How much pressure is involved in this position?' Learn what he/she means by pressure. If you excel at pressure jobs, give her a few examples. ¾ What is your opinion of the last company you worked for? Stay neutral or positive, no negatives. Try to focus on situations in which you learned and/or contributed something. Running down or insulting your previous employer will make you look far worse than them. ¾ What did you think of your supervisors? As above, whatever your true feelings, be positive. 'He was the kind of person I could learn from'. or: 'We were able to communicate well and things got done quickly'. Never insult or mock former supervisors, it paints a poor picture of you, not them. ¾ What is your greatest strength? Recall your list of strengths and identify one that you feel would be particularly appropriate for the position in question. Tie it to an achievement and ask: 'Is that the kind of quality that would help you? Remember ‘Say it – Ask it’ at every opportunity!

-4¾ What is your greatest weakness? Look at your list of weaknesses and relate the weakness (excess) back to your strengths 'I like to get things done quickly.... sometimes I get impatient but I'm learning how to overcome this.' Don’t think you can get away with announcing proudly that you have no weaknesses, the interviewer will not be impressed. And don’t declare that you’re greatest weakness is that you like to work too hard. The interviewer has heard them all before and won’t take you seriously. ¾ How much do you know about our company? This should present no problems to the smart candidate who did their research properly. Confidently deliver the key points about the products, sales, profits, (or losses), news or personnel? Don’t try and prove you know everything there is to know by rambling on for half an hour. The key elements will suffice. ¾ Are you willing to relocate? Do not pause - have your answer ready, you should already know whether you are prepared to relocate or not. 'Yes, for a super opportunity. What did you have in mind?' ¾ Do you have any vices like smoking and drinking? We’re not joking, some candidates have been asked this question although it’s not particularly common. A possible answer might be: 'No, is that a problem you've encountered previously?' If you have had a drinking problem in the past and are on the road to recovery, there is no sense in bringing it up, especially as the question refers to the present. Had the question been stated: 'Have you ever had a drinking problem - and you once had one - you could say, 'I was once concerned about having too many business lunches with wine, so on my own, I stopped all drinking during working hours'. (If you still have a problem, help is available Get it!) ¾ What kind of manager are you? You should have developed a “feel” for the organisation’s culture by this stage. For instance, formal or informal, bureaucratic or meritocratic? Frame your response accordingly. Have a few key examples tied to achievements that show your management capabilities.

-5¾ What do you not like to do? A very loaded question. Under no circumstances list tasks and responsibilities that you dislike, you’ll rule yourself out of the running at record speed. A positive reply might be; ‘I'm the kind of person who does whatever is necessary to get the job done. When I do run into something disagreeable, I try to do it first and get it behind me. I have no particular dislikes’. “Did you increase sales/profits in you last job?” Here is your chance to elaborate on your best achievements '...Is that the kind of sales person you seek?' (SAY IT - ASK IT) “How did your boss, colleagues and subordinates get on with you?” Have some examples of the kind of team member you are. This is a good time to bring up that you are a non-political person and to illustrate your team worker and inter-personal skills. Look back at your answers to those questions in your Career Appraisal questionnaire, such as 'What are your subordinates saying about you now?'. ¾ Do you know how to motivate people? This is a classic leadership question. Do you know what it takes to be a good leader? In preparation, think of the best people you have worked for and identify their leadership attributes. Recognition and helping the people who depend on you often weigh as heavily in motivation as monetary reward. Recognise that management skills and leadership skills are often different. ¾ What are your short, medium and long term goals? Tie your answer to goals that could conceivably be realised in the interviewing company. For instance, if your long-term goal is to set up your own company, this may not be the best forum to discuss it. Limit your goals to just the short and medium range. Be realistic. A good reply is orientated toward growth and achievements. ¾ How many people have you fired? Watch out - this is another loaded question. Firing people is partly the company's responsibility as well as the individual's and is often considered to signify a failure in the recruitment and selection process. It is beneficial to analyse what went wrong and why. A sensible answer acknowledges the seriousness of firing people and recognises its importance as a learning experience. For instance, “I did have to fire people in my last job. It made me realise how important it is to make the right selections the first time round.”

-6¾ Why should we employ you? You know and understand the job requirements, match them with some of your significant achievements. This demonstrates your ability to do the job. Round your answer off with another Say it – Ask it phrase. For instance: 'If there are opportunities to do that and more here, then this is a great fit. What do you think? The section above suggested approaches to some of the most commonly asked interview questions. The section was by no means exhaustive, there are thousands of questions you might be asked, however they do tend to focus on the same areas. You should also consider potential answers to the following questions and you will rarely be caught out. Even though the precise question may not appear, your thorough preparation will ensure you can cope with any “curve balls”. Do not attempt to memorise your answers, there are far too many questions and “learnt” answers often sound too practised and are inflexible, just think through how you would answer them and the impression that answer would make. Beware of the ‘easy’ questions - “Tell me about yourself” looks easy, but it is one of the most important answers you’ll ever give.

Interview Questions for Marketing Students Interview Questions about Sales ¾ How would you persuade a potential customer to choose our product? This type of question is designed to investigate both your approach to sales and your knowledge of the company’s products. When preparing, thoroughly research the products or services you would be selling if you were successful, and how these compare with those of the main competitors. ¾ In your current position, in a typical day, how much time do you spend communicating with prospects and customers? The term “sales” is very broad, and different companies approach this area of their business in very different ways. In an interview for a sales job, the interviewers will try to find out whether your approach will fit in with their company culture. At the very least, you should prepare by getting a feel for the type of selling that you (or your team) would be doing? Will you have to suffer frequent rejections as you try to make a few high-value sales? Will there be lots of cold calling, or is it more about nurturing relationships with existing customers? The more you can find out in advance, the better.

Interview Questions about Marketing ¾ Describe a time when you had to communicate complex information. What method did you use and how effective was it? You are likely to face at least one question of this type, asking you about a specific marketing skill and how you have applied it in the past. A good way of preparing is to create two lists: a list of the marketing successes of which you are most proud and a list of skills that are important to your work. Then try linking each skill to one or more successes. Then, in the interview, you won’t have to think on your feet – you will get the opportunity to give a confident answer relating to your skills, and to impress the interviewers with your past triumphs. ¾ Tell us about a recent marketing campaign run by our company and how this affected our brand. If you are applying for a position at a large company, they will expect you to understand their brand identity and to recognise the ways in which it has been promoted in the past. Again, good preparation (and research) here will give you an advantage over lazier candidates.


Interview Questions about Management ¾ What approach do you take to ensuring that your team is effective and motivated? Management calls for a whole new set of skills over and above those needed by marketing and sales staff without these responsibilities. Interviewers are likely to question you about the following qualities, among others: leadership, delegation, mentoring, strategy, peacemaking and vision. Think about any great managers you have worked for, and try to adopt the tactics that were successful for them. ¾ Describe a stressful situation you have been in and how you handled it. A management role in sales and marketing can be very stressful. There are always targets to meet and unexpected problems along the way. You need to demonstrate that you are capable of working, and even thriving, under such pressure.

Presenting Yourself A job interview is an opportunity to market yourself. This is obviously of particular importance in sales and marketing – if you can’t present yourself in a favourable light, who is going to trust you to represent their products and services to the public? Because of this, it is important that you come across as smart, creative, confident (even if you’re not) and well prepared. The tips given above should have helped you to get started. The rest is up to you.

The 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interview Being prepared is half the battle. If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year's resolution to find a new one, here's a helping hand. The job interview is considered to be the most critical aspect of every expedition that brings you face-to- face with the future boss 1. Tell me about yourself. Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extra careful that you don't run off at the mouth. Keep your answer to a minute or two at most. Cover four topics: early years, education, work history, and recent career experience. Emphasize this last subject. Remember that this is likely to be a warm-up question. Don't waste your best points on it. 2. What do you know about our organization? You should be able to discuss products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy. But don't act as if you know everything about the place. Let your answer show that you have taken the time to do some research, but don't overwhelm the interviewer, and make it clear that you wish to learn more. You might start your answer in this manner: "In my job search, I've investigated a number of companies. Yours is one of the few that interests me, for these reasons..." Give your answer a positive tone. Don't say, "Well, everyone tells me that you're in all sorts of trouble, and that's why I'm here", even if that is why you're there. 3. Why do you want to work for us? The deadliest answer you can give is "Because I like people." What else would you like-animals? Here, and throughout the interview, a good answer comes from having done your homework so that you can speak in terms of the company's needs. You might say that your research has shown that the company is doing things you would like to be involved with, and that it's doing them in ways that greatly interest you. For example, if the organization is known for strong management, your answer should mention that fact and show that you would like to be a part of that team. If the company places a great deal of emphasis on research and development, emphasize the fact that you want to create new things and that you know this is a place in which such activity is encouraged. If the organization stresses financial controls, your answer should mention a reverence for numbers. If you feel that you have to concoct an answer to this question - if, for example, the company stresses research, and you feel that you should mention it even though it really doesn't interest you- then you probably should not be taking that interview, because you probably shouldn't be considering a job with that organization.

-2Your homework should include learning enough about the company to avoid approaching places where you wouldn't be able -or wouldn't want- to function. Since most of us are poor liars, it's difficult to con anyone in an interview. But even if you should succeed at it, your prize is a job you don't really want. 4. What can you do for us that someone else can't? Here you have every right, and perhaps an obligation, to toot your own horn and be a bit egotistical. Talk about your record of getting things done, and mention specifics from your resume or list of career accomplishments. Say that your skills and interests, combined with this history of getting results, make you valuable. Mention your ability to set priorities, identify problems, and use your experience and energy to solve them. 5. What do you find most attractive about this position? What seems least attractive about it? List three or four attractive factors of the job, and mention a single, minor, unattractive item. 6. Why should we hire you? Create your answer by thinking in terms of your ability, your experience, and your energy. (See question 4.) 7. What do you look for in a job? Keep your answer oriented to opportunities at this organization. Talk about your desire to perform and be recognized for your contributions. Make your answer oriented toward opportunity rather than personal security. 8. Please give me your definition of [the position for which you are being interviewed]. Keep your answer brief and task oriented. Think in in terms of responsibilities and accountability. Make sure that you really do understand what the position involves before you attempt an answer. If you are not certain. ask the interviewer; he or she may answer the question for you. 9. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm? Be realistic. Say that, while you would expect to meet pressing demands and pull your own weight from the first day, it might take six months to a year before you could expect to know the organization and its needs well enough to make a major contribution.

-310. How long would you stay with us? Say that you are interested in a career with the organization, but admit that you would have to continue to feel challenged to remain with any organization. Think in terms of, "As long as we both feel achievement-oriented." 11. Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What's your opinion? Emphasize your interest in establishing a long-term association with the organization, and say that you assume that if you perform well in his job, new opportunities will open up for you. Mention that a strong company needs a strong staff. Observe that experienced executives are always at a premium. Suggest that since you are so well qualified, the employer will get a fast return on his investment. Say that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent. 12. What is your management style? You should know enough about the company's style to know that your management style will complement it. Possible styles include: task oriented (I'll enjoy problem-solving identifying what's wrong, choosing a solution and implementing it"), results-oriented ("Every management decision I make is determined by how it will affect the bottom line"), or even paternalistic ("I'm committed to taking care of my subordinates and pointing them in the right direction"). A participative style is currently quite popular: an open-door method of managing in which you get things done by motivating people and delegating responsibility. As you consider this question, think about whether your style will let you work hatppily and effectively within the organization. 13. Are you a good manager? Can you give me some examples? Do you feel that you have top managerial potential? Keep your answer achievement and ask-oriented. Rely on examples from your career to buttress your argument. Stress your experience and your energy. 14. What do you look for when You hire people? Think in terms of skills. initiative, and the adaptability to be able to work comfortably and effectively with others. Mention that you like to hire people who appear capable of moving up in the organization. 15. Have you ever had to fire people? What were the reasons, and how did you handle the situation? Admit that the situation was not easy, but say that it worked out well, both for the company and, you think, for the individual. Show that, like anyone else, you don't enjoy unpleasant tasks but that you can resolve them efficiently and -in the case of firing someone- humanely.

-416. What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive? Mention planning, execution, and cost-control. The most difficult task is to motivate and manage employees to get something planned and completed on time and within the budget. 17. What important trends do you see in our industry? Be prepared with two or three trends that illustrate how well you understand your industry. You might consider technological challenges or opportunities, economic conditions, or even regulatory demands as you collect your thoughts about the direction in which your business is heading. 18. Why are you leaving (did you leave) your present (last) job? Be brief, to the point, and as honest as you can without hurting yourself. Refer back to the planning phase of your job search. where you considered this topic as you set your reference statements. If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action. Do not mention personality conflicts. The interviewer may spend some time probing you on this issue, particularly if it is clear that you were terminated. The "We agreed to disagree" approach may be useful. Remember hat your references are likely to be checked, so don't concoct a story for an interview. 19. How do you feel about leaving all your benefits to find a new job? Mention that you are concerned, naturally, but not panicked. You are willing to accept some risk to find the right job for yourself. Don't suggest that security might interest you more than getting the job done successfully. 20. In your current (last) position, what features do (did) you like the most? The least? Be careful and be positive. Describe more features that you liked than disliked. Don't cite personality problems. If you make your last job sound terrible, an interviewer may wonder why you remained there until now. 21. What do you think of your boss? Be as positive as you can. A potential boss is likely to wonder if you might talk about him in similar terms at some point in the future. 22. Why aren't you earning more at your age? Say that this is one reason that you are conducting this job search. Don't be defensive.

-523. What do you feel this position should pay? Salary is a delicate topic. We suggest that you defer tying yourself to a precise figure for as long as you can do so politely. You might say, "I understand that the range for this job is between Rs______ and Rs______. That seems appropriate for the job as I understand it." You might answer the question with a question: "Perhaps you can help me on this one. Can you tell me if there is a range for similar jobs in the organization?" If you are asked the question during an initial screening interview, you might say that you feel you need to know more about the position's responsibilities before you could give a meaningful answer to that question. Here, too, either by asking the interviewer or search executive (if one is involved), or in research done as part of your homework, you can try to find out whether there is a salary grade attached to the job. If there is, and if you can live with it, say that the range seems right to you. If the interviewer continues to probe, you might say, "You know that I'm making Rs______ now. Like everyone else, I'd like to improve on that figure, but my major interest is with the job itself." Remember that the act of taking a new job does not, in and of itself, make you worth more money. If a search firm is involved, your contact there may be able to help with the salary question. He or she may even be able to run interference for you. If, for instance, he tells you what the position pays, and you tell him that you are earning that amount now and would Like to do a bit better, he might go back to the employer and propose that you be offered an additional 10%. If no price range is attached to the job, and the interviewer continues to press the subject, then you will have to respond with a number. You cannot leave the impression that it does not really matter, that you'll accept whatever is offered. If you've been making Rs 15 lacs a year, you can't say that a Rs 15 lacs figure would be fine without sounding as if you've given up on yourself. (If you are making a radical career change, however, this kind of disparity may be more reasonable and understandable.) Don't sell yourself short, but continue to stress the fact that the job itself is the most important thing in your mind. The interviewer may be trying to determine just how much you want the job. Don't leave the impression that money is the only thing that is important to you. Link questions of salary to the work itself. But whenever possible, say as little as you can about salary until you reach the "final" stage of the interview process. At that point, you know that the company is genuinely interested in you and that it is likely to be flexible in salary negotiations. 24. What are your long-range goals? Refer back to the planning phase of your job search. Don't answer, "I want the job you've advertised." Relate your goals to the company you are interviewing: 'in a firm like yours, I would like to..."

-625. How successful do you you've been so far? Say that, all-in-all, you're happy with the way your career has progressed so far. Given the normal ups and downs of life, you feel that you've done quite well and have no complaints. Present a positive and confident picture of yourself, but don't overstate your case. An answer like, "Everything's wonderful! I can't think of a time when things were going better! I'm overjoyed!" is likely to make an interviewer wonder whether you're trying to fool him . . . or yourself. The most convincing confidence is usually quiet confidence.

Interview preparation, interview process and tips for success in interviews. Below is a series of essays on interview preparation, interview process and tips for success in interviews. ¾ Interview preparation tips ¾ The interview process ¾ Types of interviews ¾ Interview questions ¾ Interview answers Congratulations on getting the job interview call letter! When you hold the job interview call letter, remember to tell yourself that you are among a select 20 per cent to get the job interview call letter. The job market is very competitive. You need to prime yourself to give your best to this crucial interview. Good interview preparation makes the difference between getting and not getting the job. Here are some interview preparation tips to help you through the interview process.

¾ Interview preparation tips: Research the organization The first step to good interview preparation is to research the organization. Learn more about the various businesses of the company, their subsidiaries, who their competitors are and what their advertising says. Interview preparation materials that you can use include company web sites, media reports, annual reports and product analysis. If the company is listed, then read the financials of the company too. This research will also give you a fair idea as to where you fit in and what interview questions the interviewer is likely to ask. Rework your CV One of the first steps to the interview preparation process is to fine tune your resume. So take a hard look at your resume. Rewrite your mission statement to match the requirements of organization and add relevant experiences or skills that will make you more attractive to the organization. A study of the company’s advertising will give you a feel of the organization’s marketing strategy, whether it is aggressive or laid back. Set the CV’s tone accordingly Reassess your skills Many job interview questions will focus on your core skills and so the interview preparation process includes being prepared for technical interview questions on your skills. So pull out your books and brush up on your core subjects again. Read about the latest findings in your particular field. Talk to people in this particular vertical and learn about recent trends. Highlight the skills sets that would be required by the organization. For instance, if you are applying for the vacancy of a copy writer in an advertising agency, take samples of creative writing you have done in college or for the community.

-2Network with the organization Once you get the job interview letter, make your sure you establish contact with the points person, usually in the Human Resources (HR) department. Tell her that you have received the letter and iron out any thing in the letter which is not clear, be it time of interview, location or what certificates/ samples of work you have to carry with you. Don’t stop with the human resources. Establish contact with people in the job functions you are interviewing for. Your interview preparation will get a solid boost if you can meet with them to learn more about the organization and their careers. Practice is an important part of preparing for an interview You might feel foolish doing this, but it is a good idea to practice in front of a mirror. Smile and say `Good Morning’ to yourself. Answer common interview questions to yourself. Better still is to get others to interview you. Friends and faculty are often a good source. You can also avail of Graduate Tutor’s interview preparation and practice services to have a professional interview you. Plan what you are going to wear the job interview based on the culture of the organization. It is better to be a little over dressed than underdressed. Select clothes which are not too loose or too tight. ¾ The interview process The formal interview process usually begins with a call for resumes. The next step in the interview process is a resume screen. Most companies have a phone screen inbuilt in their interview process just after the resume screen and before the job interview call letters are issued. If you are reading our interview preparation and interview process pages, it is likely that you have already received the job interview call letter and so we provide you a few tips to handle the next step in the interview process which is the first round of job interviews. Locate the office & Arrive early It is important to be relaxed during this critical step in the interview process. Do a dry run the previous day so that you don’t have to search for the office. Door numbers and street names can be totally misleading. It will also give you a fair idea of the time taken to reach the office. Make sure you reach the office with at least ten minutes to spare. The ten minutes will give you time to be relaxed through this critical step in the interview process.

-3Body Language during the interview process Remember to smile and stay calm through the interview process. Be relaxed but not casual. Wait to be asked to sit, before you do so. Keep your hands still and do not fidget. Above all, be excited to meet them, though not overly so. Personal hygiene is very important at all stages in the interview process. Make sure you haven’t bitten your nails through! Dress neatly. Get your hair trimmed and shave well. Others In large organizations, the job interviews are often conducted by HR professionals. In this case the interview questions will be structured designed to test specific traits and skills. In smaller firms, it could be a partner who is interviewing, so the interview questions may not be in sync with your resume or interview preparations. In the case of a bad interviewer, try to steer the talk around to answers which would highlight your strengths. Above all be honest and true to yourself. Don’t act or pretend to be someone you are not. Communicate but don’t talk too much. Ask for clarifications if you cannot understand something. Most importantly put your cell phone on etiquette mode. When the job interview is over, thank the interviewers for their time. Follow up Call your contact in the company and thank her. You can also send a thank you card or email. ¾ Types of Interviews Here are a few types of interviews you may see in the interview process. i) The screening interview: This type of job interview is not to select, it is to reject candidates not suitable early in the interview process. The interviewer will try to find reasons why you should not be hired. She will look for gaps in your resume. Remember it is not personal. ii) Resume interview: This job interview is based on the resume. In most cases, the interviewer will go through it chronologically. Click here to read more about resume interviews. iii) Behavioral interview: You will be assessed on the basis of your performance in your previous job. Be prepared to talk about the job and your contribution to the company’s success.

-4iv) Fit Interview: This a behavioral structured interview to assess the work tolerance dimensions of the candidate for a particular job. This part of the interview process starts with a pre-interview list of traits to check for. The opening, closing and the interview questions asked in this type of job interviews may be pre-planned. Each of the work tolerance dimensions will have its set of interview questions and evaluating criteria. The interviewer will also assess whether you fit culturally into the organization. v) Case interview: Generally used by management consulting firms. You will have to analyze a particular business case study within a time frame. ¾ Interview Questions Interview Questions vary according to the vertical. Here are some sample interview questions usually asked during the interview process. Tell me about yourself. (This opening gambit generally indicates the inexperience of the interviewer. Grab the opportunity to highlight your skills and how you would be an asset to the company. Don’t talk too much.) Why have chosen this subject to major in? Why do you want to work here? What do you bring to the table? (i.e., what are you strengths and weaknesses? ) What salary do you expect? What was your salary at the previous concern? Why do you want to leave your job? What are the challenges and threats in this sector? Are you a team player? Is there anything you need to know about this company? Sample Questions you can ask. Do you have expansion plans? What would be my job profile? Who do I report to? Will I get to travel? If there are adverse media reports, you can quiz them about it Interview Answers Be truthful, clear and to the point in your job interview answers. The trickiest part of the job interview is negotiating your salary. Many people feel they undersold themselves at the first job interview. So when asked about salary, answer honestly. Ask for a reasonable increase in remuneration and benefits. Remember this is the last time you will be in a position to negotiate you pay packet in this organization.

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