International Security And National Defense

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International Security and National Defense: A Guide to American, International and Foreign Resources Anthony M. Angiletta Morrison Curator for the Social Sciences Updated 17 February, 2009

Six Simple Dicta on Searching the Web, Google, Socrates or any Index    

1. When in doubt, phrases in quotes 2. When in doubt, capitalize Boolean 3. When in doubt, use Advanced search 4. Narrow humongous search results: by format, by domain suffix 5. Supplement index searches with Google Scholar 6. If it is print resource and not at Stanford, use ILL

FSI and Center for International Security

Selected Governmental or MilitaryInstitutes, Centers and Programs

  

  

Joint Center for International and Security Stud Brookhaven Nonproliferation and National Sec Strategic Studies Institute – Army War College

Air War College gateway Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Nation U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Internatio

Selected Governmental or MilitaryInstitutes, Centers and Programs (cont’d)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Nonp

U.S. Department of Defense. International Sec George C. Marshall European Center for Securi

 

CRS Reports. Arms Control CRS Reports. Military Intelligence

Selected Non-Governmental Web Resources 

EINIRAS Database Network (European Information on International Relatio

International Relations and Security Network (I SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Facts on International Relations and Security T CNS Nonproliferation Databases Peacekeeping : A Bibliography

   

Selected Non-Governmental Web Resources (cont’d)

The Arms Trade Revealed: A Guide for In  Federation of American Scientists (FAS)  Chemical and Biological Disarmament (UMichigan Docs Center)  Scout Report Archives (Arms Control, Landmines, WMD,.) 

Selected Non-Governmental Web Resources (cont’d)    

 

Google search: International Security. Lin North Korean Nuclear Crisis CRS Reports. North Korea Strategic and Military Intelligence (Loyola U. site) ISIS: Institute for Science and Internation Statistical Resources on the Web:Military

Selected Stanford-Only Resources     

Lancaster Index to Defence and International S Jane's Defence Magazine Library Worldwide Political Science Abstracts Social Science Citation Index LexisNexis Academic

Selected Stanford-Only Resources (cont’d)   

 

National Security Archives, Digital Declassified Documents Reference System Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online Policy File:

Selected Stanford-Only Resources (cont’d)   

 

Politics and International Relations: A SAGE Fu PAIS International EBSCO host Databases :Econlit, Academic Source Premier, Business Source Premier, NTIS Terrorism: A guide to web resources Stanford Dissertations online

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