Instrumental Analysis Viva Voice Questions

  • Uploaded by: K.Selvaraj
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 659
  • Pages: 4
IMA VIVA – VOCE QUESTIONS 1. What are the properties of EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation)? 2. Name the different types of EMR? 3. What is the composition of EMR? 4. What is wavelength? How is it expressed (unit)? 5. What is frequency? How is it expressed (unit)? 6. How is energy of EMR and wavelength related? 7. What is wave number? How is it expressed (unit)? 8. How wave number and energy are related? 9. What changes in the molecule occur when the following is passed: a. UV or Visible radiation c. X – Rays

b. IR radiation d. Gamma rays

e. Microwaves

10. How will you classify Spectroscopy? Explain with examples. 11. What is Beer’s law? 12. What is Lambert’s law? 13. What is the principle involved in colorimetry? 14. What is the wave length region of visible region? 15. Which is the source of light in colorimetry? 16. What is the difference between λmax and Emax?

17. What is λmax? 18. What is Emax?

19. Which detector used in colorimetry? 20. What is the sample cell made of in colorimetry? 21. What are the applications of colorimetry? 22. Name the reasons for deviations from Beer’s law?

23. What is a filter? Name the different types.

24. Explain how to select a filter? 25. What is a monochromatic light? 26. What is a polychromatic light? 27. Name a source of monochromatic light. 28. Name the source of polychromatic light. 29. What are the monochromators? 30. What is principle involved in a prism monochromator? 31. What is principle involved in a grating monochromator? 32. Name the different types of grating monochromators? 33. What is absorbance? 34. What is Transmittance? 35. What is the relation ship between Absorbance and transmittance? 36. What is molecular extinction co-efficient? 37. If concentration is changed, what will happen to absorbance? 38. What is isobestic point? 39. What are the different methods of quantitative analysis? 40. What is spectrophotometric titration? Give example. 41. What is difference between colorimeter and spectrophotometer? 42. What are the difference between single beam and double beam instrument? 43. What is band pass? 44. What is the wave length of UV region? 45. Of 200nm and 400nm, which one has more energy? 46. Name the different types of electrons? Where are they present? 47. Name the different types of electronic transitions.

48. Which transition requires lowest energy? 49. Which transition requires highest energy? 50. What is flourescence? 51. What is the use of primary filter? 52. What is the use of second filter? 53. What is phosphorescence? 54. Compare Nephlometry and Flourimetry a. Wave length of incident light b. Wave length of emitted light/ Scattered light. c. Angle of measurement of intensity. 55. Contrast Nephlometry and flourimetry a. Source of light b. Wave length of incident light, emitted and scattered light. 56. Can you convert Nephlometer to Flourimeter or vise versa. How? 57. What is Nephlometry? 58. What is Turbidimetry? 59. What is tyndal effect? 60. What is chromatography? 61. What are the principles of separation in chromatography? 62. What is adsorption chromatography? 63. What is partition co-efficient? 64. Name some weak adsorbents. 65. Name some strong adsorbents. what are the requirements for a good adsorbents? 66. What is an eluent? 67. What is an eluate?

68. What is elution? 69. Give an ideal column length: diameter ratio. 70. What is thin layer chromatography? 71. What is principle of separation in TLC? 72. What are the advantages of TLC? 73. What are the general requirements in TLC technique? 74. Name the stationary phases used in TLC? 75. What are the differences between silica gel G, H, GF? 76. What is edge effect in TLC? 77. Name a low polar solvent? 78. Name a high polar solvent? 79. What are the methods of detection in TLC? 80. Explain quantitative techniques in TLC. 81. What is HPTLC? 82. What are RF, Rx, and RM?

83. What is two dimensional TLC? When it is used?

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