Insight - September 21st, 2008

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Denver First Church of the Nazarene September 14, 2008 - Totals Giving

Candy Collection The Children’s Department is now collecting individually wrapped candy for our Children’s Fall Festival on Saturday, October 25th. Collection bins are located at the Reception Desk, Children’s Office and Children’s Welcome Center.

This Week’s Need:

$ 63,000 September Tithe Monthly Goal: $ 252,000 To Date: $ 116,606

Extreme Makeover Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Join DFC’s Adult Ministry and the Doctors of Maximized Living for an Extreme Makeover Seminar on October 4th from 1:00-4:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Info: Kristi at [email protected].

September Faith Promise Monthly Goal: $ 25,180 To Date: $ 11,131 YTD Tithe YTD Goal: $ 924,000 To Date: $ 775,449 YTD Faith Promise

Bake Out Next Week Don’t forget to bring your baked goods for our Bake Out Ministry next Sunday. We will bless the local businesses with gifts of yummy baked goods.

Tickets on Sale for the Starfield Concert Starfield will be coming on Friday, October 25th. You can now buy tickets at the Reception Desk, area Christian bookstores, or go online to Tickets are $10 in advance, $14 day of, and $8.50 for groups of 10 or more.

Mission:Denver Join us Saturday, Sept. 27 to serve food and distribute clothing to those in need! Location is 2877 Lawrence St. Meet at DFC at 8:00 am (ends approx. 1:30 pm). Info: Ron Edwards at 303/906-8299.

CBB Drive (Coats, Boots & Blankets) On Sunday, September 28th, please bring your new or gently used coats, boots and blankets to the trailers outside of the east and west foyers. For info: Lanny York at 303/806-2625.

YTD Goal: $ 100,720 To Date: $ 74,574

FirstClass 9:00-10:00 am Each Sunday “In His Steps” FirstClass targets married couples with children. The teaching is shared, with emphasis on in-depth Bible study, to discover and practice oneness with God and oneness with spouses. Social activities are planned for couples and families as well as projects to help meet the needs of others. This small class meets in Pastor’s office. Thank You The Smith family wishes to give thanks for all the prayers, flowers, cards and loving support in the passing of Bill’s father, Bill Sr.

GETTING TO KNOW YOU We want to get to know you better! After you’ve filled this form out, drop it in the offering plate, hand it to an usher, or take it to the receptionist’s desk near the breezeway. Name:_______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State: _______________________________________________ Zip: ______________

With great delight, I welcome you to worship this morning at DFC. We are honored today to have two outstanding guests with us to encourage, inspire and challenge us in our walk with Jesus. Our guest speaker today is Dr. Charles Millhuff. Dr. Millhuff has served as an evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene for over 40 years. His ability to share the power of the gospel rings with relevance and his communication skills will draw you in. Today I’ve asked him to challenge us in the area of Stewardship. Now let’s be honest with one another. As I write this note, we’ve watched the stock market drop hundreds of points and most of us are wondering what it all means. Yet, the promises of God regarding faithfulness in our giving are not compromised by the stock market. I encourage you to listen carefully and see if God might have something of importance to say to you personally. Some of you might also remember Dr. Millhuff from an unusual move of the Holy Spirit at DFC back in the 80’s when a one week scheduled revival continued for five weeks as God stirred the hearts of His people. We are also thrilled to welcome Mr. Wintley Phipps this morning as our special musical guest. If you’ve never heard Mr. Phipps sing, you are in for a wonderful treat. He sings regularly at the National Prayer Breakfast and has been our guest here in the past for our Saturday Night’s In Denver concert series. TONIGHT, Wintley will be in concert here in the sanctuary and you won’t want to miss it. I will ask him to tell the story about the hymn, Amazing Grace. That story and his rendition of the wonderful song is worth the trip. Come early to get a good seat.


Pastor Tim “My House Will Be Called A House Of Prayer” Isaiah 56:7 Join us in praying together this week… Lord please teach us to persevere knowing you are faithful to your promise. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

Birthday: _____ /_____ /________

Opportunity If you play bass guitar or the drums, we have opportunities for you to play in worship services. Please leave a message for Pastor Scott at 303/806-2609 if you are interested in participating in the music ministry.

Phone: _______ - _______ - ___________

Divorce Care Divorce Care continues Friday, September 26th at 6:00 pm. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Info: Randy Smith at 303/806-2625.

School: _____________________________________________

Men’s Bible Study Guys, join us on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in Room 201. We’re studying the men of the Bible. Come explore these men and find out God’s calling in their life and what it means to yours. For info: Ron at 303/906-8299.

Children's Names and Ages:

Singles Saturday Night Alive! Comedy Night Join us Saturday, October 4th. Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm. Bring a potluck dish to share. We will be watching two Christian Comedy videos. Info: Randy at 720/771-0414.

I prefer contact by:



Occupation/Major: ____________________________________ Marital Status: [

] Single


] Married (Spouse: _____________)

_____________________________ / ___________ _____________________________ / ___________ _____________________________ / ___________ [

] 1st time guest; [

] 2nd time; [

] regular attendee

How did you first hear about us?: ______________________ I am interested in:

Book Club for Women We will meet on Thursday, October 2nd at 6:30 pm in the Community Room. The book we are reading is called Leota’s Garden by Francine Rivers. Books are available for $11.19 in the First Edition Bookstore.


] more information


] serving


] what it means to be a follower of Christ

Women of the Word It’s not too late to sign up for the Women’s Bible Study. We are studying the Holy Spirit. Choose between 2 classes: Tuesdays from 9:30 am - 11:00 am or Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Register today by emailing [email protected]. You can pick up this week’s lesson at the Reception Desk.


] connecting to a community during the week

I have made a decision to: [

] follow Christ...


] re-commit my life to Him... ...and would like someone to follow up.

Special Guest State Senator Mike Kopp (Jefferson County) will be our special guest on September 28th in Phil Brown’s Cornerstone FirstClass (West Chapel) from 8:45 - 10:00 am. His topic will be “God and the Government.” All are welcome.

Notes for Leadership Team/Staff/Pastors: __________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Women’s Christmas Brunch Our annual event will be held on Saturday, December 13th. If you are interested in being a hostess this year, please contact Jayna Kinnamon at [email protected].

September 21st (which service are you attending?): AM Service (Sanctuary)

AM Service (Fellowship Hall)

PM Traditional Service (Diehl Chapel)

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