Inner Child Reiki Healing Project (private Process)

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  • Pages: 80
The Inner Child A Private Process

Written By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren © 2004 All Rights Reserved Email: [email protected]

Project Visionary Artist: Symbols Art :

For a group process manual and all other RHP info, join the online RHP News Group at:


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Dedication Project Materials What Is Reiki Reiki Symbols The Reiki Attunement How To Receive A Distant Attunement **************** WEEK ONE The River Of Light (self attunement) WEEK TWO Opening Meditation (OM) OM Journal WEEK THREE Choku Rei Process CKR Journal WEEK FOUR Sei Heiki Process SHK Journal WEEK FIVE Dai Ko Myo Process …What Is A Vortex Clearing DKM Journal WEEK SIX Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Process HSZSN Journal ***************** My Reiki Certificate Ministerial Certificate Reiki And Life (article) The Pendulum (book excerpt) How Does The Pendulum Work Inner Child Worksheets Copyright, License, Disclaimer Closing

3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10 11

12-15 16-17 18 19-23 24 25-29 30 31-40 41 42-43 44 45 46 47-48 49-51 52-54 55-78 79 80


for your interest in this Reiki healing project. The Reiki Healing Projects are designed to serve

people who wish to take a more active and *hands on* role in their own personal healing journey. Other projects are: Dream Job (for career/life purpose), Lightbodies (for health and fitness) and Mother Mary Project (for the parent of an emotionally challenged child). All are Divinely inspired by all the light of Heaven. Free manuals are offered at the online news group. Reiki treatments in the RHP process are self treatments performed by the participants. Please do not undertake this group process without experienced supervision by a Reiki Master. Please read the Disclaimer. This RHP will require your patience, strict attention, dedicated application, and the compassionate support of an experienced and attentive Reiki Master or Minister. Reiki Healing Projects involve use of a pendulum, programmed for healing. You do not need prior experience with the pendulum. Please register and use our extensive Library at: . If you do not wish to use a pendulum, you do not have to of course. There is some in depth info on use of the pendulum at the end of this Reiki manual and on my Pendulum Forum online group.

For business owners interested in using the private and/or group format for their offline clients, please see the copyright notice and information on User Licenses at the back of this manual. This manual is a free and glad gift of spirit for you personally. Please feel free to use it for your own personal use. Group format manuals can be found on the news group. A 34 page pdf doc. with Testimonials and Q & A are offered on the news group.

Rev. Sheree Rainbolt-Kren


A few days after I picked up my first Reiki book at the Library in 2002, I decided to go on the internet and see if there was any more free information available. I had just discovered Reiki and was anxious to learn all I could. I was a dedicated “Course In Miracles” student for almost four years. Out of the hundreds of organizations and groups online, I fell upon a large yahoo group called Grass Roots Reiki. They were the perfect teachers for me as I was just starting out. What they taught me was huge. They taught me: You are the boss of your journey. I want to say thanks to them for that most important teaching. It’s true! That bold recognition changed my life. This work is dedicated to them. Sheree Rainbolt-Kren I would also like to thank these people for their remarkable goodness, and their gifts to Reiki. I know their work well, and I happily recommend their sites/groups for further spiritual study. Peggy Jentoff James Deacon Taggart King Aaron Kumar Claudia Giovani Elizabeth Hibel Gina Eaker Karen Sullivan Deb Gilchrist

And thanks to my Light Worker friend Jag for his friendship.



1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

One candle A childhood picture of yourself (not mandatory, but very useful) A Pendulum Dedicated Keepsake Box RHP Manual (please print it out)

If you have never used a pendulum, please do not worry. For this project, we use it very simply as a way to clear and balance energy and ‘ground‘ thoughts. This will be explained as we go along. You do not need to have in-depth knowledge. The pendy is a lot of fun. If you don’t yet use one, you will be amazed at what you can learn from your sub conscious mind. If you wish to purchase one of my hand made pendulums, please visit: I do have a special pendulum I have designed called My Inner Child. It is available through my website. You are free to use anything as a pendulum. You can purchase a 99 cent, metal weighted point from any fishing tackle store. All you need do is string a piece of heavy yarn through it.

What is Reiki?


Reiki (ray-key) is a term used to refer to a spiritual system of natural healing and selfdevelopment developed by Mikao Usui (referred to as Usui-Sensei) in Japan in the early part of the 20th Century. Reiki was introduced to the West by a teacher named Mrs. Hawayo Takata, under the title Usui Shiki Ryoho. Her certificate, notarized on February 21, 1938 gave her the status of a Reiki Master and authorized her to teach the system. Mrs. Takata initiated 22 masters. Most are alive and practicing and teaching Reiki today. The term Reiki is composed of two Japanese root words. In the Japanese language there are many layers of meanings associated with words, but in spiritual context "Rei" means a spiritual or higher intelligence or wisdom. "Ki" is known commonly as a universal energy, like life force, mana, chi, prana, etc. Putting the two roots together, Reiki means a universal energy guided by a spiritual wisdom. Reiki energy is often called chi, the energy that is the foundation for oriental medicine. Others call it prana. It is brought down by intention and request by the Reiki Master and the person being treated. The Reiki Master allows their body, mind and spirit to be joined in partnership, as an instrument for Light . Ideally, the Reiki Master does not interfere in any way with a treatment session. In a treatment situation, Divine Light passes from an unseen plane of existence, through the crown chakra of the Reiki Master, and into the person being treated. Additionally, the client’s own light body is activated from within. Reiki works on all levels, the physical, spiritual, and emotional levels. Even though many people view the Reiki energy system as having Divine intelligence and roots, they understand that Reiki is not allied to any particular religious belief, so it is palatable to all people regardless of their belief systems. Reiki does come with five basic living principals that are considered the hallmark and foundation for Reiki: Just for today I will not worry. Just for today I will not anger. I will honor my parents, teachers, and elders. I earn my living honestly. I show gratitude to everything. “The Reiki Principles are the heart of Reiki. The only real mastery, is self mastery. Usui taught that dedication to the principles and living them was essential. The real intent of the principles was to bring about enlightenment, peaceful living, kindness toward all, calm in your mind, and in your life. The principals embody compassionate living. They embody the Buddhist principles of Karuna (compassion toward all beings) and Metta (loving kindness to all). Humility, gratitude, not-anger, not worry, and kindness. In healing ourselves, living the principles, we find true mastery. Not mastery of Reiki, but mastery of ourselves.”

From Vinny Amador

I have many profound personal stories of personal success with Reiki, and even more stories from people all over the world who I have attuned, and who are now using Reiki to literally transform their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lives.


It's been nearly two years since my teenage son was healed of a very serious illness called, Bipolar Disorder. I used a variety of alternative methods. Our primary healing modality was Reiki. After his regrettable hospitalization in 2002, I began to look elsewhere for the help we just could not find within the traditional medical community. There were no medications, nor doctor visits that made a significant, lasting improvement in his devastating condition. We were desperate, and I was willing to try anything. I had exhausted all traditional resources. In fact, I was becoming physically ill from exhaustion. The family was sinking. A good friend of mine introduced me to use of the pendulum at that time. She managed to get some interesting personal information on my son that only the Angels could have known. The first thing she got from someone called God was, “Tell Sheree you love her.“ Well, that roped me in pretty fast. After her lesson and her readings, I felt I could trust it well enough to use it to help my son. I needed answers fast. She gave me many charts to determine what alternative therapies my son needed for healing. After using it for a week or so, I received a message from a spirit being who identified himself to me as Archangel Raphael. Had no idea who that was. We didn’t do the Archangel thing in the church I went to growing up. Using what is called an ABC chart, AA Raphael used this circular chart to spell out, “Reiki will SOS". Yes, it was shocking. For several minutes I didn’t understand what SOS meant. Then, I realized he was responding to an earlier thought form I held about our home as a sinking ship. I never spoke the words out loud. That day I went to the Library, picked up a book, and the rest is history. He was healed in three months using Reiki, dietary changes, supplements, massage, aromatherapy, relaxation music, and a wicked effort to center in, and express unconditional love. The latter being the most important. I call it a miracle. Today, he has a B average, plays JV football, and volunteers at the local hospital. Reiki is Source Light in action. It is another wonderful, holistic approach to life on earth. Reiki was described by Usui in his manual, "The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" as being "intuitive". It goes where it is needed, or flows in response to the demand or need of the recipient. It has been life changing for me and my family. I give myself Reiki each day. I cannot imagine my life without it.


The Reiki Symbols As I was moving along my own Reiki path, I paid only a little attention to use of the four well established Reiki symbols. These symbols are an integral part of Reiki for many practitioners all over the world. Others do not use them at all. I use them often. When I was first learning Reiki, I was not particularly drawn to use the symbols. I have always had reverence for them, and honored their meaning. They held an interesting mystique. I do recognize the inherent power in spiritual symbology. I knew they had power in them. It would later dawn on me just how much. They are now the centerpiece of all RHP work. I don’t say that lightly. I have only recently come to understand the benefit of ceremony, and how pointed intent and action is very powerful. It is clear that the years of positive love and light embedded in these symbols has created a sacred tool for healing. More detailed info on the symbols, including their history, is available through my online forum. Please take the time and do your research.


Choku Rei CKR

Seihei Ki SHK

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen HSZSN

Daiko Myo DKM

9 CKR: Commonly known as The Power Symbol. Pronounced in Japanese as Cho- KooRay, it is learned in Reiki levels 1 & 2. It means Point all the power of the Universe here and is most often drawn by the practitioner’s dominant hand on each of his/her palms before sending treatment. Additionally, it is often drawn on the recipient’s Crown Chakra before a session thoroughly begins. It can be placed wherever the practitioner feels whether on him/herself or the recipient. SHK: This the second symbol used in Usui Reiki. It is taught in Reiki level 2 is most commonly known as The Emotional Symbol. It is pronounced Say- Hay- Kee. It means God and humanity become one. It is most often used when there is an emotional release or build up in the recipient. HSZSN: This is Usui Reiki Distant Healing Symbol. It is taught in level 2 and means May the Buddha in me connect to the Buddha in you to promote harmony and peace. Pronounced Hon- Sha- Zee- Show- Nen, it travels unhindered through time and space. It is most often used in distant healings and attunements and is perhaps the jewel of understanding Reiki. DKM: The Usui Master symbol, Dai Ko Myo is taught and given in the Master Level. This is the last symbol Usui used in attunements. Like it’s Tibetan sister, it heals the spiritual state of the recipient and connects the individual with his/her greatest potential. It means Great Being of the Universe Shine on Me. (symbols description above from )

Many perceive the Reiki symbols as sacred and keep them secret. Most Reiki Masters readily display and discuss them in their manuals and workshops. Each symbol holds a unique energetic signature; a vibration. The symbols are used to invoke specific meaning, and natural effect follows. Dr. Usui did not begin his journey attuning others to Reiki with symbols. He used them later in his teaching to assist students in focusing their intent on the meaning inherent in the symbol. You do not need to know how to draw the symbols. It is useful, but it will not prevent you from accessing the Divine Power of Love and Light, which lives and breathes inside you right now. You may use the Self Attunement procedure in this manual to attune yourself to Usui Reiki. I do offer free Reiki attunements at my Forum if you have yet to attune and desire an attunement from a Master. Please plan to attune to at least Level One. If you wish for me to attune you, please join our Forum.


The Reiki Attunement The what and why of it…

A Reiki initiation is often referred to as an attunement, or empowerment. An attunement is a ritual performed by the Reiki Master to help facilitate the awakening of this energy within the student. There is much written on how attunements work. It is my personal belief that you have always been Reiki. Reiki is simply Source Love and Light. The attunement will give you nothing you don’t already have. The Love and Light of Source may be hidden or dormant within you. The attunement will serve as a formal declaration by your conscious mind to heal on all levels of your being. This humble and genuine declaration aligns you with the Source of Light. It is a tuning in to the truth of yourself. The Master cannot give you, or make you Reiki, nor can an attunement magically turn you into a Reiki Master. What it can do is align the student with Highest Light. I had been on a dedicated spiritual path when coming to Reiki. I began treating my husband right away. I had not been attuned. I felt the energy flow through me. The Reiki put him to sleep and took the pain in his feet away. I never doubted that Source Light was fully present. I believed then, and now, that the Universal Life Force is a gift to all without condition. So much for attunements right? Not quite. There is much more to consider. I feel attunements are sacred and beautiful moments of true joining. For me, they represent a major life decision. Attunements represent a "green light" that says, “I am ready to know my Self.” This is not to be taken lightly. An attunement has a way of delivering on that request. To share this moment with another is very special. There are various ways to accept an attunement. One way is to locate a Reiki Master and ask for an attunement, either in person, or by distance. Most will ask you to learn about Reiki before they attune you. Some will ask for fees; others will attune you for free. Some will give you tests to take. Others ask that you study with them in person, through various workshops. Some don’t ask about your study. I make no judgments on you, your teachers, or your Reiki path. I have full faith that we always show up at the right address for learning. If you are planning a professional Reiki practice, that is a very different matter, and certain standards must be met. More about that on my forum.


HOW TO RECEIVE A DISTANT ATTUNEMENT The majority of Reiki Masters worldwide offer distant Reiki attunements. Love and Light is very talented. Science has now proven what was already obvious to most. After you find an experienced Reiki Master to assist you, you might agree to a time frame in which to receive the attunement. Traditionally, the Master will facilitate the attunement during that time. You will be attuned to the energy at that time, or according to your highest good. My suggestion is that you ask Source to manage your attunement entirely. It is also acceptable to receive the attunement when you wish. The point being, accept this gift into your awareness at your leisure. There is no time in the light. It is much more important that you are positioned to accept at a time when you will not be distracted. Simply lay down, try to spend 10 to 15 minutes relaxing all of your muscles. Call in your Guides and the Angels to assist you; all according to Divine Will. Surrender the process to Source. You might engage in a favorite meditation at this time. The more you prepare to receive, the more you will absorb. You get out what you put in. Honoring the process is just as important as the process itself. If you like, you might draw the four symbols in the four corners of the room as a way to bless your physical space with Reiki energy. You might also consider drawing the symbols in your two palms. It is all up to you how much you wish to do. You could say something like... " I now invite and accept the Attunement offered through Sheree Kren on this date. I surrender this process to Divine Will. I shall accept only what is in my best interest. I ask to be Guided from this day forward in my unfoldment, on all levels, and all things Reiki. And so it is." Lay with it for about 15 to 20 minutes, and let it soak in. Try not to judge any part of it. Just allow for whatever comes. Most people experience a peace and calm. Some see dancing monkeys with fire batons. It's all good. ;-) Go with the flow. It is important to drink more water for a period of 21 days, a widely accepted cleansing cycle, often triggered by attunements. It is advised that you Self Reiki each day during this time. Again, you will get out what you put in. If you feel any significant physical discomfort during the 21 day cleansing phase, please seek medical attention. Not all discomforts are related to detox. Reiki can do no harm as it is offered from Love.


Self Attunement or Booster - Week One

Written By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren © 2004

Before We Begin I wish to convey my deep respect for the wonderful healing modality known as Reiki. This self attunement procedure was created as an option and/or a complement to many beautiful and effective energy systems already working for many people. Indeed, my own son was healed of a devastating illness called, Bipolar Disorder using traditional Reiki. I accept traditional attunements and can witness to their distinct light. But it is my humble opinion that our Highest Self knows how to align us to the Light within better than anyone else. A self attunement makes sense. Divine Will is the most powerful force in existence. It is with honor and reverence for Dr. Mikao Usui, and other Teachers and Founders, that additional insights are offered for Reiki practice. This self attunement procedure is not intended to replace or negate any of Dr. Usui's beautiful teachings, or the teachings of any other Founding Entity, or any other healing system. There is no wrong way to call forth or experience Love and Light.

13 This self attunement procedure may help you in attuning to various modalities of your choosing. It is also useful for boost attuning, which is a simply a way to consciously renew our intentions, as often as one chooses. Please, take it slowly and absorb the energies. Drive-by attuning to many types of Reiki energies is not necessarily in your best interest. Integrity and reverence for the process itself is a huge light wave of healing. If you come across a copyrighted Reiki system, please honor the wishes of the Founder. Your healing journey must begin with personal responsibility and integrity. What is meant for you will always be given. Please feel free to use the Reiki symbols as pictured previously. You may draw them whenever, wherever, however you like during your Self Attunement process. I only ask that you give this much thought before doing so. Invent your own way. I have chosen to use the word “God” to represent the Great Light that created dragonflies, waterfalls, flowers and me. Please feel free to substitute any word you resonate with. This River of Light symbol was created by Fred Bungert.

Notice the design is in the shape of an S, representing SELF.


INVOCATION AND PROCEDURE Please prepare with pendulum chakra balancing and space clearing in advance. I __________(your name), as a perfect aspects of God, ask the Divine River of Light to wash over me, and through me, to purify my entire being for this Reiki Healing Project. I ask that Love and Light be brought forth into my full awareness now, on all levels of my being. I instruct all parts of my self to accept this Love and Light for full healing, on all levels, according to Divine Will for me. I am willing to release all unhealed parts of myself to Source. I AM flowing in the River of Light. I call upon the Highest Divine part of myself to be fully present and active within me for this attunement (or booster), and for this Reiki Healing Project. I AM flowing in the River of Light. I ask Source to attune ( or realign) my entire individual being with the River of Light known as Usui Reiki, to level _____(1-2 or 3) as defined by Source. I ask to be showered and aligned with only the highest truth, love, beauty, and joy of this attunement. I accept only that which is for my highest good and receive it in gratitude now, according to your Will.

15 Any thought wave that is not divinely intended for me,is released from my desire on all levels. I AM flowing in the River of Light. (At this time, relax into the moment and allow the attunement, or booster to be received by your spirit, your mind, and your body.) I affirm that I AM now attuned to the light of Usui Reiki. The River of Light has cleansed, purified, and aligned me with our Source. This Divine River of Light has flowed through me to touch me to my core, and now flows lovingly into the Mother Earth, and outward, to the land, the sea, and the sky, and beyond into infinity, with Divine Love and peace. I AM grateful and flowing with Love. And so it is done. Amen.

This self attunement may produce better results when aligned with the following beliefs: A willingness to believe in your inherent power as a perfect aspect of Light Source. A willingness to believe in your power to create your own reality. A willingness to believe that your connection to Divine Light and healing is absolute and is not dependent on someone else's belief system, permission or approval. A willingness to believe that all you could ever want or need is indeed within you. A willingness to have a clear sense of self and what you are in truth. A willingness to let go of the outcome of this effort and let Source lead. Special thanks To these Angels for infusing their Love and Light into this creation: Adriana Quintero, Elizabeth Hibel, Sherrie Mazzarini, Vickie Barnes, and Fred Bungert.




Opening Meditation

Week Two

Ask for the highest lights to assist you, including Source, Dr. Usui, Jesus, AA Raphael and AA Michael, as well as any other light you wish. Choose your own High Lights. All belief systems are welcomed. Please pendul chakras before starting. Please make a written list of the people in your life that have come up in your meditations, who you feel any negative emotions towards. Please focus your attention only on those that were firmly illuminated in the meditation. If they were not illuminated in your meditation, please do not make note of it yet. Affirm to Light that you wish to release these prisoners from your mind, body and spirit. Take a few moments with this. You may feel some resistance to this effort. Breathe and relax into centered stillness. Imagine unlocking heavy prison doors and ushering these people out, one at a time. Look them in the eyes and inform them that you are letting them go. Observe how you feel as you do this. I know this part will be very hard for some of you. Do what you can. Be gentle with yourself. Open the front door to the Light and let them go. See them happy as they go. See yourself happy. Affirm to Source that you are ready to Love these people and yourself. Your healing has begun in earnest.


Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up. Do not judge it. Observe. Imagine your inner space becoming lighter and brighter as each one walks out the door into the light. Imagine all of your distinguishable aches and pains floating from you to the Angels all around you. Imagine them accepting them from you. Imagine and feel their love for you. Slowly and intently draw the four Reiki symbols over your written list. Before going to sleep each night, ask a blessing for these people and for yourself. Keep this list by your nightstand at night until we are finished with the entire process.

** If you do not feel confident your Opening Meditation was fruitful, please wait a few days and repeat it. No need to repeat it more than once. Simply trust in the light to assist you, and move ahead to the next step.



Name _______________________________________ Date ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



Choku Rei

Week Three

Physical Space Preparation and Affirmation Choku Rei Palm Activation and Affirmation Self-Reiki Process and Affirmation (7 chakras) Grounding Today, spend time infusing your physical space (home), and body with the Light healing and clearing energy of the Usui Power symbol. You will invoke the Power symbol as a way to clear and elevate the energy of your physical being and your home. You will blend with it in order to boost the power of our project healing intentions. You use it to bring forth High Light Guardianship for the project and it‘s effects.

20 Please begin the process with a series of deep breaths and a prayer for centering. Please focus on the intent outlined above. Invite Source, and the Lights of Love, to be fully present and active for this process. Please do not move forward until you have done these things. If you feel led, please light a candle and dedicate the light to your process today. Physical Space Preparation Please pendul your palms to balance your energy. Draw power symbols in the four corners of your home. As you draw the symbols, please say CHOKU REI out loud, and visualize a surge of light filling your physical space. You can also place paper with the symbols on them at the four corners. If you do not know how to draw the symbols, it is fine. Do not worry. Intend to have the Power symbol placed, and they will be. If you are disabled in any way, please amend these instructions to suit you. It is also also helpful to pendul the center of your working space for energy clearing. Affirmation "I AM a perfect aspect of Divine Light and Love. I now invoke Divine Reiki power and energy, integrated in the Usui Power Symbol, thereby clearing, cleansing and purifying my home, on all levels, with Source Light, to the core of being. Only Love is present. I intend this sacred and love filled process to be permanent according to my Highest good."

21 Once you are done, please draw the Power symbols in both palms. Use the activation affirmation is you feel led. You may also simply intend to do this, without actually drawing them if it is difficult. CKR Palm Activation Sit down in the same place you plan to lay down for the CKR Self Reiki treatment. Draw the power symbol in both of your palms slowly. Alternatively, you may hold a drawing of the symbol between your hands. Intend that the Divine energy of this symbol be infused into your palms. Affirmation "I AM gratefully accepting and utilizing the full Light and Love Power inherent in the Usui Reiki Power symbol. We surrender this moment to Source, according to the highest good. My palm, which carries the blueprint for my infinite individual and collective being, is now infused with the Power of Reiki Light. May Divine Will be done." At this point please lay down. Spend a few minutes relaxing. Now you will spend time in Self Reiki of the seven chakras. If you feel led to spend time on additional chakras, please do so. For our purposes, we will cover the seven major chakras. Your aim is to use the Power symbol to clear, cleanse, purify and prep the chakras for the deeper healing process as it unfolds. You will also use the Power symbol

22 to locate and heal the specific areas in our bodies that need healing. You may not be aware of all that is brewing in the physical body. You will be working with the etheric/emotional in the next process. Allow this locate and heal command to occur if you feel comfortable. Instruct your body to receive Divine messaging brought through in any loving way, to include through the Reiki Power symbol. Please open your mind to all possibilities. Self Reiki Treatment Begin at the crown chakra. Please and work your way down the body. It is important now to let your own intuition guide you. Pay close attention. Make mental note of all significant sensations and/or emotions. If you feel a blockage, or a pain, affirm that this is now being healed. Please do not hold fast to a definition of healing. The Light (your inner light) will decide what that looks and feels like. Source may decide to simply inspire a moment of recognition of the root cause, or there could be a spontaneous healing. Try not to judge anything. Just observe closely with a wide open heart. As you do begin the Self Reiki at the crown please affirm the following: Affirmation "I willfully intend to heal my entire being according to Divine Will. I join in the Highest Vortex of Light, at one moment with All that is Loving and True. All energy present, in any way, shape or form, in my physical body is now infused with the Divine Power of Light and Love. I accept the appropriate Reiki healing according to myindividual readiness. I fully intend to be free of the unloving and unhealthy physical manifestations that have resulted from any and all of our living misperceptions of the entire past, and especially my childhood from this lifetime. I am without fear and I fully empower Divine Source to live and breathe Love' s awareness within me.”


Continue with your Self Reiki process at this time. Grounding Please arise slowly from this process, and place your feet on the ground for a few minutes before getting up. Ask the Light to ground you appropriately. Make certain that you are balanced before getting up. I suggest you journal on your experience.



Name _______________________________________ Date ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



Sei Heiki

Week Four

Relaxation And Invitation To Light Physical, Mental And Emotional Preparation Sei Heiki Palm Activation And Affirmation Childhood Healing Project Affirmation Self-Reiki Process (7 chakras) Grounding Relaxation And Invitation To Light Please pendul your palm for energy balancing before you begin. Begin the process with a series of deep breaths and a meaningful prayer for centering. Invite Source, and the Lights of Love, to be fully present and active for this process. Please do not move forward until you have done these things.

26 If you feel any pain, or other negative sensation, try to identify it, and ask Source to help you release it. Try not to focus on it longer than a few seconds. Listen to your intuition. If you feel led, please light a candle and dedicate the light to our process today. Physical, Mental And Emotional Preparation Draw large CKR (first) and SHK (second) symbols into the four corners of your home. If you have two floors, please draw one set per floor. As you draw the symbols, please say them out loud, and visualize a surge of beautiful golden light filling your physical space and your physical, mental and emotional body. Please do this slowly and with calm and centered intent. Use the affirmations (below) before you draw each corner with the symbols. You can also place paper with the symbols on them at the four corners. If you do not know how to draw the symbols, it is fine. Do not worry. Intend to have the Power symbol placed, and they will be. If you are disabled in any way, please amend these instructions to suit you. Please pendul the center of your working space. Affirmation CKR "I AM a perfect aspect of Divine Light and Love, now invoke Divine Reiki power and energy, integrated in the Usui Power Symbol, thereby clearing, cleansing and purifying my home and physical body, on all levels, with Source Light. Only Love is present. I intend this sacred and love filled process to be permanent according to my Highest good."

27 Affirmation SHK I invoke the Sei Heiki Reiki symbol as a way to clear, cleanse, heal, and elevate the energy of my mental and emotional being, on all levels. I blend with it fully in order to co-create with Source, a complete healing of my mental and emotional bodies according to Divine will. I use the Sei heiki symbol with deep reverence, and in gratitude for it' s meaning and significance in this project. I AM now enveloped by the loving and truth energy of Sei Heiki. “ Sei Heiki Palm Activation Once you are done, please draw only the SHK symbol in both palms. Use the SHK activation affirmation if you feel led. You may also simply intend to do this, without actually drawing them if it is difficult. Affirmation "I gratefully accept and utilize the full Light and Love inherent in the Sei Heiki Reiki symbol. My palm, which carries the blueprint for my infinite individual and collective being, is now infused with Sei Heiki Light." At this point please lay down. Spend a few minutes relaxing. Now you will spend time in Self Reiki of the seven chakras. If you feel led to spend time on additional chakras, please do so. For our purposes, we will cover the seven major chakras.

28 Your aim is to use this symbol to clear, cleanse, purify and prepare the chakras for the deeper healing process as it unfolds. You will also use the SHK symbol to locate and heal the specific parts of our being that need healing. Allow this locate and heal command to occur if you feel comfortable. Instruct your body to receive Divine messaging brought through in any loving way. Self Reiki Process (7 chakras) Begin at the crown chakra. Please and work your way down the body. It is important now to let your own intuition guide you. Pay close attention. Make mental note of all significant sensations and/or emotions. If you feel a blockage, or a pain, affirm that this is now being healed. Please do not hold fast to a definition of healing. The Light (your inner light) will decide what that looks and feels like. Source may decide to simply inspire a moment of recognition of the root cause, or there could be a spontaneous healing. Try not to judge anything. Just observe closely with a wide open heart. As you do begin the Self Reiki at the crown please affirm the following: Affirmation " We join together with Love in the Highest Vortex of Light, at one moment with All that is Loving and True. All energy that is present, in any way, shape or form, is now infused with the the Divine Light and Love. I accept the appropriate Reiki healing according to our individual readiness. I fully intend to be free of the unloving and unhealthy mental and emotional manifestations, including all addictions that have resulted from any and all of our living misperceptions of the entire past, and especially mychildhood from all lifetimes. I ask for Divine assistance in recalling past childhood memories, according to my Highest good only, for the purpose of forgiveness and release to Source. I ask to be aware and embraced by Angel Light during this process. (cont)

29 I ask Source to undo all that I have thought, said, or done in any lifetime, or state of being, that resulted in pain for myself, and others. I ask, and now affirm that I AM free. I AM without fear and fully empower Divine Source to live and breathe Love' s awareness into my mental and emotional body. Whatever is required of me by Divine Source for this healing, is given. And so it is." Grounding Please arise slowly from this process, and place your feet on the ground for a few minutes before getting up. Ask the Light to ground you appropriately. Make certain you are balanced before getting up. You might go outside to sit down, or lay down in the grass, and ask for the Love of Mother Earth to ground you. Breathe in the sunshine and be present. Please journal your experience.



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REKI HEALING PROJECT Symbols Process # 3

Dai Ko Myo

Week Five

Relaxation and invitation for light Preparation of space with DKM Vortex Clearing DKM Palm Activation and Affirmation Self-Reiki process (7 chakras) Grounding


What is a Vortex Cleansing?

By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren (c) 2005 All rights reserved

A Vortex, in the context of your spirit self, is another name for the spiritual home where your soul currently lives. Vortex's are fluid energy. You may be familiar with the vortices found upon the earth in certain locations. Sedona Arizona is famous for it's Vortice, researched and utilized extensively by many people over the years. I won't go into the technical elements of what the properties of a Vortex are, as there is much already written, but it is useful to know, for the purposes of this article, that a Vortex, like all living organisms, have positive and negative identities, and these can change rapidly. Personal Vortex clearing work is, in my opinion, is the most sacred healing work we do as individuals, groups, and as a human race. During a personal Vortex Clearing, the Angels will be working very gently to light all non beneficial energy in your Spirit Vortex. This clearing and purifying will bring enormous light to the shadows that lurk there from many lifetimes gone by, including this one. Some call these cords, or attachments. Think of a Vortex Clearing as a Mega-Reiki treatment to your Vortex home and the connections / ties you have to any other living organism. Vortex Work involves the Akashic Records, and specifically Archangel Meditron and rolls of Angels. You likely have other souls with you in your Vortex depending on your level of spiritual evolvement. However, this is not always the case. Some have chosen to be alone, and therefore, that is their spiritual and emotional experience. Their choice is recorded so that it can run automatic, or become *law* until such time as a new awareness blossoms and a new choice is made and recorded. Ever feel like you are on autopilot when you respond to life. Ever notice a distinct pattern in your life? Each choice you make is recorded and becomes your personal guidance system. Not all energy in your Vortex is beneficial. In some cases there is energy that is highly toxic. If you have intentionally hurt someone at any point in time, or held a resentment, etc., the specific imprint is with you in your Vortex until it is rectified and healed.

33 The unloving choices you make creates non beneficial energy in all layers of your being. This does play a role in your human experience and the Universe at large, illusionary or not. There is always a cost for our unwillingness to be what we are. The cost on the human level is always illness, mental and physical. Non beneficial energy can always be healed with an awareness of truth and a simple willingness that misperceptions be healed. Love and Forgiveness is the light that heals illusionary perceptions. The energy of any given personal Vortex at any level below the Highest Light Vortex is changeable, but not by Divine Design. Love, at the center of all Light is not changeable; it just IS. A sacred personal Vortex Clearing process opens *the gate* , or portal to the Akashic Records. It opens on the individual level, and on the collective level. The benefits to ourselves, our group, and the world at large are monumental. Believe it. By virtue of sacred clearing prayer and loving intent, we are fully protected and assisted. Think of the Akashic Records as the DNA for every living organism and the thought that created it. Your file is a record of your journey through all time space and dimension. Every thought, word and action is recorded. You have your own record, and as a human race, we have a collective record. Please know that all you need is the willingness to be what you are, which is LOVE. Source of Light and Love will then magnify your intent beyond human measure. Source power is infinite and so are you. It really takes very little to allow for the Highest Light clearing and healing. Just a love of self and an awareness of Love's presence. What creates the clearing is the intent to help yourself, love yourself, be yourself. It is this one simple recognition that you are not a sinner and deserve Love. We all make mistakes. Mistakes can always be corrected, anytime you are ready to love yourself. All of yourself. Mistakes and all. Even if you make the same mistake over and over and over. You are loved by your Creator unconditionally. Never forget this. There is nothing you have ever thought, said, or did that cannot be forgiven in an instant. But, you must first recognize the Light in you. You cannot do this alone. All you need be is willing, and the clearing and release will occur.


To many of you this process may seem *out there*. I can certainly understand. You have nothing to lose by opening your mind. Science has already proven someof what is written here. Take a leap of faith. In Love, Sheree Rainbolt-Kren

35 Relaxation and invitation for light Please pendul your palm for energy balancing. Begin the healing process with a series of deep breaths and a meaningful prayer for centering. Invite Source and the Lights of Love to be fully present and active for this process. Invite the Highest Self of Dr. Usui ( and any other Master) to assist as well. It is your team to call forth. Please do not move forward until you have done these things. If you feel any pain, or other negative sensation, try to identify it, and ask Source to help you release it. Try not to focus on it longer than a few seconds. Listen to your intuition. If you feel led, please light a candle and dedicate the light to our process. Stop the process at any time if you feel you need to.

Preparation of space with DKM As you draw the DKM symbol in the four corners of your space, please say it out loud, and visualize a surge of beautiful golden light filling your physical space and your physical, mental and emotional body. Please do this slowly and with calm and centered intent. Use the group affirmation (below) in the center of the room. You can also place paper with the symbol on it at the four corners. If you do not know how to draw the symbol, it is fine. Do not worry. Intend to have the symbol placed, and it will be. If you are disabled in any way, please amend these instructions to suit you. Whatever works for you is perfect.

36 Affirmation for preparation of the physical space “I ask that Source infuse my home, and all other living environments on this earthly plane, and all other living planes we are connected to, with Love. I invite Love to transform the energy in my home at this time to that of the highest light vibration, according to my highest good, individually, and collectively. All unloving energy, on all levels, is now transformed to Love. The Vortex of Light lights my home, my body, my mind and my spirit. By nature of what I AM, I ask and know that it is given. Thank you.”

THE VORTEX CLEARING *************************************************** Please prepare your being and space in advance. Feel free to use the preparations outlined in the SHK process. Use whatever process you are most comfortable with. Please have a candle and a light with you. Bring the list you generated in the Opening Meditation and your childhood picture please. It is advisable to spend 10 to 15 minutes in deep relaxation before you perform this process. ***************************************************** THE FOUR USUI SYMBOLS (Have the drawings with you) Begin your session by drawing, with your finger, the four symbols on your list, then over your picture. If you do not wish to draw them, simply hold your hand to the paper as you focus on them. CKR- The Power of Love and Light SHK- The Truth of Love and Light DKM - The Source of Love and Light HSZSN- intend to send this blessing to your list at this time - a visualization is powerful ****************************************************** At this time, light a candle to honor the healing child within you. The flame is intended to burn eternally. Please make sure that your candle is secured safely an in your view.


Candle affirmation

“I honor the perfect child within me, and in all those on my list.”

Opening Affirmation

Please use the pendulum over your palm as you repeat the affirmations and intend to ‘ground’ these thoughts into all levels of your being.

We Are All One. We are Light and Love. I affirm my Divinity. I now invoke the light within me and ask the Vortex of light to light my mind. I call forth all the light of Source to steer this process. I affirm in the Divine Power and Wisdom of the Angels. I have no fear of healing. I desire healing. I AM willing to heal all unloving thoughts within me. IAM ready to accept my natural inheritance of peace and joy. I release all unloving thought forms I have created into light. I affirm that I AM free of the past, and future. I affirm that this present moment is only Love. I have no expectations and release this process to Divine Will. I AM grateful and give thanks. Past, present and future, it is done. Amen.



“Source, Archangel Metatron, Michael and Raphael, please take my hands.” I ask for a complete High Light healing of my spiritual Vortex home . I ask that the souls who reside with me in this Vortex be blessed with Divine Light and Love, according to Source Will. I recognize my own perfect Soul and my beloved Soul Group with loving eyes. I embrace with love all that is. I ask for a perfect healing of the connection I have created to my Highest Self, and the Souls within myVortex home. I ask that all unloving thought forms in my vortex be healed by the loving grace of Divine Source and transformed into light. I release all misperceptions. I surrender my life to Source Will. I instruct my entire being to accept Source Light and Love. I have now asked from the depth of my being, and it is given.” Imagine the Angels using Divine light to heal the connections from your human ego self, to your more highly evolved Spirit Self. Allow yourself to *feel* this healing at the heart chakra. There are cords attached to all of your charkas. You can address the remaining Charkas in the Self Reiki process. Let your imagination soar. Closure will be consummated with the Self Reiki treatment. This process is where the full Vortex healing will occur. You will be free of ties that bind you, and free to create anew. *************************************************

Archived Statement of Light At this time, you are asked to create an eternal affirmation to close out this sacred process. This statement will be archived in the Hall of Records. It will serve to eternally imprint your energy. It is indeed one of the most important statements you will ever make regarding your spiritual journey from this point forward. Please give it much thought. **************************************************


Ideally, please engage in your Self Reiki process at this time. Take your candle with you and follow the DKM process. You cannot do any of this wrong. There is no wrong way. You need not make any corrections, and you are welcome to make adjustments of any kind that suit you. Please continue on to follow this sacred process. DAI KO MYO Palm Activation and Affirmation Please draw DKM symbol slowly in both palms. Use the activation affirmation if you feel led. You may also simply intend to do this, without actually drawing it if it is difficult. "I AM gratefully accepting and utilizing the full Light and Love inherent in the Dai Ko Myo symbol. My palm, which carries the blueprint for my infinite individual and collective being, is now infused with Dai Ko Myo Light." Self Reiki Process (7 chakras) REIKI HEALING AFFIRMATION

Say this just prior to laying down for your self treatment. "All energy that is present, in any way, shape or form, is now infused with the the Divine Light and Love. I invite Source to use my hands of Light to take charge of my personal process of healing at this time. The past, in it' s entirety, is now and forever perceived with forgiveness, clarity and love, the present is filled with Love, and the future holds only Love."

40 Self Reiki Now we will spend time in Self Reiki of the seven chakras using the Dai Ko Myo symbol only. Your aim is to use the DKM symbol to clear, cleanse, purify and prepare the chakras for the deeper karmic healing process as it unfolds. If you feel led to spend time on additional chakras, (hands/feet/etc.) please do so. For our purposes, we will cover the seven major chakras. Instruct your entire being to receive Divine messaging brought through in any loving way. Begin at the crown chakra please and work your way down the body. It is important now to let your own intuition guide you. Pay close attention. Make mental note of all significant sensations and/or emotions. If you feel a blockage, or a pain, affirm that this is now being healed. Please do not hold fast to a definition of healing. Try not to judge anything. Just observe closely with a wide open heart. Continue on with the treatment. After you have completed the full Reiki self-treatment, please make a special note of how you are feeling.

Grounding: Please arise slowly from this process, and place your feet on the ground for a few minutes before getting up. Ask the Light to ground you appropriately. Make certain that you are balanced before getting up. Please journal your experience on the next page.



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REIKI HEALING PROJECT Symbols Process # 4 Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Week Six

Process #5 is the final process in the Inner Child Reiki Healing Project. Please prepare your space, mind, body and spirit for this last and sacred process. Use whatever tool or method that resonates, or nothing at all, but a firm belief in the perfection of this moment. Your way is the best way for you. Please pendul your palm for energy balancing and the center of your working space for clearing. Please draw several deep breaths and release all remaining tension. Invite the Lights Of Source to be present and active for the highest good.

43 Please retrieve your Opening Meditation List. Go over each name from the most loving place within you at this time. When you feel you have made the best connection you can, please proceed… Draw the CKR symbol over your list and say: “The Power of Light is You.” Draw the SHK symbol over your list and say: “The Truth of Light is You.” Draw the DKM symbol over your list and say: “The Source of Light is You.” Then…. Draw the HSZSN symbol over the list and your childhood picture and activate a formal Reiki send with the following intention: “I now activate and send a High Light affirmation along our Divinely connected paths to find all aspects of you in perfect Love, Joy and infinite Peace. I am your eternal witness. You are free. I love you. As you are now released, so am I. ”

Cup your list between your hands, and beam/intend your Reiki send. Take as much time as you wish. Please remember to breathe. When you feel you are finished, please put your list away in a keepsake box. You are welcome to send this affirmation at any time you wish.




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Sheree Rainbolt-Kren Usui Reiki Certificate


" #$ She has successfully received the Attunements and Training to levels I, II, III-A and III-B Mastership, Reiki Therapy, Usui, Tibetan and Kahuna Reiki Systems, is therefore qualified to attune others, including to Master Level.

Date: July 10th, 2004

Signed: Claudia Giovani

Reiki Master in Usui, Tibetan and Kahuna Systems, certified by Reiki Master&Teacher Antonio Carlos B.P. Mello


This is to certify that the bearer hereof:



" #$

Is Selected, Appointed, Empowered, Ordained and Granted this Credential of Healing Minister

Reiki and Life


By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren (c) 2004

I have been inspired to write this as a result of an interesting discussion on my online Reiki Forum. It may resonate with you, or it may further solidify your own belief system about Reiki. In either case, it's useful to think about these things. This writing is for those who experience periodic confusion with Reiki, at any point along the way. Perhaps you have lost confidence in your abilities, or question your role as a practitioner in some way. People come to the way of Reiki from different backgrounds and cultures, from all over the world. It's a beautiful thing. I have investigated many belief systems that relate to what I am and why I am here. Reiki has answered many of those questions, just by the mere practice of it. I am a student of various thought systems and do not hold myself chained to any one of them. If it resonates with my heart and mind, I'm good. If it's confusing, or feels off in some way, I simply file it, or discard it. The minute you decide that you are not Reiki, is the minute you lose awareness of what you are. Your mind believes what you tell it. Think of the possibilities! The second you believe that Reiki; your life force, is not managed by you (Your Highest Self - equaling God/Source) , is the second you decide to lose your inherent power. You are in charge of your Reiki, because, YOU are it's Source and substance (in truth). Everything in the Universe is interconnected. We are all One. If you believe this to be true, then you understand that Reiki is the same Universal Life force that keeps you breathing and keeps the planets revolving around the sun. This Life Force knows no boundaries, therefore you cannot be apart from it. You were included from the beginning. So was I. You can easily decide not to be ruled or influenced by exterior circumstances, justifications and excuses for why your Reiki isn't performing the way you think it should be performing. First of all, look at all the information you are taking in from all sides, each day. How do you sort it all out? It is exhausting and offers further confusion. Just when you thought you had the explanation for things you cannot really know and understand, another little ditty rears it's frightful head to scare you into powerlessness. We are constantly chasing the tail between our legs, because we will not allow ourselves to let go and know that All is always well. There are many good Masters with great knowledge to share. Some will impart great wisdom, and some of that will be helpful. Ultimately, the best Reiki Master for you is you. All you must do is tune into her/him. If you take a moment to breathe, relax yourself, and ask the Voice within, you will be guided. You may not get a definitive, "Well, ya know Merna, the reason that occurred is because your sacral chakra is weak and the altoids are making it worse. That's why there's no heat in your hands." What you are likely to get first is emotional relief. Then, as the fog clears, you will get a feeling; a knowing about what to do next.

48 Prayer and trust that your prayer is answered is often all you need to get over any hump. You will get your answer, to the degree that you allow it to come forth. It may not come right away, but it will come. In the meantime, refuse to be disconnected. Be Love. If you become impatient, you risk ignoring the help offered to you. You control everything that happens to you because you control the choices you make. There is nothing happening to you that you cannot manipulate to a vibe of Love. All you have to do is see everything as a blessing because you are deeply loved and cared for by a magnificent Universe. This one single thought form is the ointment for true vision. The only remedy for off-centeredness. Quiet. Knowing. Love. The safer journey; meaning the one that is less painful, lies in the choices you make. Decide you are powerful and powerful you will be. Decide that you are stupid squishy ball to be bantered about by the happenstance of a Chaotic Universe and you will be that and less. You get to choose. You will choose with each interaction you have today with every living thing. The more you choose Love and Trust, the more Power you will invite into your awareness. Power is not a bad or scary word. It is the most humble, truthful word I know, for in that one word lies your life experience right now. Right now is creating your entire being, over and over again. Just ask yourself these few questions when deciding what to absorb into your body, mind and spirit: Will it kill me if I assume the very best of this situation? Will it kill me if I choose to be the Master and Commander of my joyful and fearless creative life experience? Will it kill me to deny all obstacles and see only open road? Will it kill me to believe I have nothing to worry about and All is well? If the answer is no, then why in the Garden of Perfection wouldn't you pick it? I understand that an elevated view of life feels dangerous to some, but it is the truth of what you are. Ask these questions, then make your decisions about how you are going to proceed on anything. Love, Sheree


THE PENDULUM ~ For Guidance and Energy Healing ~ Book Excerpt Written By Sheree Rainbolt-Kren (c) January 2004-2005 “There is nothing hidden in truth. The veil is an illusion.” ….Sheree Rainbolt-Kren

My name is Sheree Rainbolt-Kren. I am a spiritual pendulist and a Usui Reiki Master. I use the pendulum as a sacred tool for Healing and Guidance for all levels of my being, and to assist others seeking Guidance from the Highest Light Source. I use it in combination with Reiki as a healing tool. I use it to clear and cleanse my body, mind, spirit, and my earthly home. I use it to help illuminate past live trauma. I use it to peacefully and lovingly influence the earth's energy grid during severe weather. I use it to Co-Create, with Light Source, a lighter and brighter Spiritual Home in which to experience a more joyful and healed present. I use it to learn of allergies, choose vitamins, diagnose car problems, help plants and animals. There are a hundred other uses, at least. There is really nothing it cannot be used for. The potential is limitless. I fully understand that this sounds *out there*. I felt the same way when I was first introduced to the pendulum. I was the Skeptic’s skeptic. I had my own preconceived ideas about this so called, new age-y thingamabob. I was made aware of the pendulum and it’s power at a critical time in my life when everything else had failed to help my very ill son. It was the perfect time to be open minded. I really had no choice but to open to the possibility that things do not cross my doorstep by accident. As I look back now, I am so grateful for the golden moment that materialized to save me and my son, and our family. More on that later. I don’t use the pendulum as a daily guidance crutch. This is easy to do. In fact, I use it less and less these days. My own intuition has significantly strengthened due to usage of this Divine instrument. More, and more, I am able to hear, or know the answers, before receiving that answer through my pendulum. I credit my ongoing work with Reiki and Divine energy through the pendulum for this gift. It isn’t magic. It is the sincere centering in Love and light, and the willingness to believe that Love is unconditional, that allows for Truth. Fear, guilt and shame will block the Truth and hold us captive. You hold the key. I currently use the pendulum to confirm information I get intuitively. I use it when I am in crisis, to get guidance. I use it to help others as they come to me for help. I might use it if I get lost on the highway. It rarely fails me.

50 There is nothing mysterious about the pendulum. The fact is, many mainstream physicians use a pendulum in their practices. But, they keep it secret. You can understand why. I once walked into a Catholic church and saw a purple robed man in a pointy hat waving a golden lantern with smoke coming out of it. He was singing in latin. It was a little odd to me after growing up in the Mormon church. I remember thinking, "What The?". I just didn't resonate with that scenario. But, millions do. :-) Doesn't make it the right way, or the only way. The pendulum is a tool, not unlike the tools you may use in your own spiritual practice. I don't worship this tool, but it is no less valid for the work I do than the smoke filled swinging lantern. I am no longer a member of the Mormon church, or any other church for that matter. I have my own deep spiritual practice. I am a dedicated student of a beautiful text called, of A Course In Miracles. I came to the Course in 2001. I have studied it deeply and do my best to practice it. I don't always succeed. My online pendulum forum is a ministry of sorts. I see myself as a spiritual leader and teacher, but I learn just as much from my members as they learn from me. Churches are valuable in so many ways. More and more, they are coming to our aid as the federal government is unable to respond to national crisis. I believe in the beauty of shared intent and pupose offered by groups of caring people. But, I don't believe one must belong to a church to love God or practice spirituality. Early on, in my beginning usage of the pendulum, I had doubts about whether or not I was engaged in something unwise. I went with a friend to a Course lecture given by one of my favorite people, Marianne Williamson. At the end of the program she took questions from the audience and I has the opportunity to ask her about use of the pendulum. I was a little anxious about what her answer might be. She explained that any tool we use in the God's name is useful. And that was that. We all have our own way of connecting. Each way is valid. Each way is sacred. Each way is truth. If someone looks at you funny because you do this or that as part of your journey to Light, it's fine. Let it be. But, do not let it bother you, or stop you from following your heart. We were always meant to hear and experience our High Self. Some people call the Highest Self the Holy Spirit. Whatever terminology you want to use is fine. But, the pendulum has many possible applications. Spiritual guidance is just one. My belief is that the Highest Self is the One Mind. We are all One. We all share perfect Love equally. Some people believe in *forms* and that is fine. Some, like me, believe in *light waves* of energy, but I do envision forms as a way to help me focus. I paint my own canvass, and have no fear in doing so. It matters not what form you use, if it serves a light filled purpose. What does matter is that you believe in Love. I think we would all agree that our Creator, or our Source, is Love. The differences that exist are also illusions. Love is Love. There are no degrees of Love. Nor are there any conditions placed on Love. Love is perfect and knows no boundaries. It has become more difficult to hear and see Truth beyond the Veil as we choose to vibrate with the dense energy of earth. But, in truth, the Veil is an illusion, and nothing is hidden from us. Source loves you unconditionally and withholds nothing. There is nothing we cannot know about ourselves. Fear, guilt and shame create the veil and make it real for us. Release these things unto the Light of Love, and the veil evaporates.

51 The pendulum is the best way I know to open two way communication to God/Source/Creator. This includes the energy of the Archangels, Guardian Angels, High Light Guides, as well as appointed Ascended Masters. You can choose who to speak with if you like. Simply place the call. Everything you could ever want, or need was given to you the very moment you drew your first breath of life. Nothing was withheld. You only thought it was. I have let Source be the HR department. I call upon Source, and let him/her decide who to send to help me. I don’t keep files on who is doing what. I trust in Light. My only task is to enjoy each moment to it’s fullest. The pendulum is a remarkable tool for healing. The stories of healing miracles are endless. The pendulum may carry an earthly reputation that some people find objectionable, but that is often based on fear and ignorance of the unknown, or some B movie. Most of these people have never had personal experience using one. If they sat with me for one hour while I do a reading, they would change their minds instantly. Yes, there are ways to use the pendulum that would not be advisable. We are working with a wide variety of energies in the seen and unseen. You will get to decide which energies you wish to engage, and your choices will reflect your experience. I don’t use the pendulum for anything but Light filled purpose. Your experience with the pendulum will be the direct result of your intent and application. If you come to this work looking for lotto numbers, or to determine if your business partner will sleep with you, you will be in for a few surprises. If you decide to use this powerful medium in an unloving way, you will invite unloving energies, and that will never be useful for you. However, if you dedicate to use this tool to tap that part of your highest mind, in the name of Love, you will experience miracles. The aim of this book is to teach you how to use this simple tool to improve the quality of your life. You will find many pendy tips that I have written since my journey began. It is my hope that this book will help you, inspire you, and teach you that you are loved deeply and unconditionally. I offer it freely in gratitude for the blessings in my own life that were manifested by way of the guidance I received through the pendulum. Everything you need to know about using this tool is included here. The most important element of this work is the willingness to transform your selfhatred into self love. If you are ready to see yourself, and know yourself, you are ready for this work. I do hope this book is helpful to you. If you would like more information on using the pendulum for guidance and energy healing, you are encouraged to join my online forum. I have the largest, free spiritual dowsing library on the net. See the last page for links and contact information. There is nothing hidden in truth. The Veil is an illusion.


How Does The Pendulum Work? Our mind works much like a radio or television receiver and transmitter. As such, we are able to *tune in* to various frequencies of thought, throughout the physcial Universe and beyond time and space. Your current emotional set point, at any given moment, is the launching pad for your experience. Your conscious and unconscious intentions play a role. To the degree we are energetically aligned with Love (light), is the degree to which we can tap into the Highest Light Consciousness where all knowledge exists. You don't have to be Jesus. You just need an honest willingness to know Love. That sounds a little lofty and simple, but it's not. For each sincere step you take to the inner reaches of your own heart, the Light will take many more on your behalf. You may not understand what I mean just yet, but ask for help from your Angels, and you will be shown along the way. They are with you right now as you are reading this. There is a part of every human mind that is aligned with lower energy forms. That is because every human has an Ego. This is not bad. Nothing about you is bad. Our Ego, depending on our current state of being, (vibe) determines our ability to make connection to any higher light source of information using the pendulum. It is based on our personal beliefs, intentions, and emotional expression.. Fear, guilt and shame are the biggest obstacles to self realization. Of course, no one needs a pendulum, or any other physical tool to access Source. But, it is rare for humans to receive specific information and guidance using tool-less intuition. Some call the work I do, Intuition Technology. I think that sums it up well. Ideally, we will all come to a point where tools are unnecceassry. For now, they are blessings from Source and there is no harm in using these tools if they are surrendered to Divine Light. If you are going to use the pendulum for High Light Guidance and Healing, you will need to open your heart and allow for deep transformation over time. You need nothing but willingness and prayer. There is no one who can give this to you. It is a journey. Transformation is often a slow unfolding process. Having said that, the Light is capable of showing you quick glimpses of High Light along your path, and will do this as you lift your feet to take steps. You will recognize this light when you sense it, as it is what you are. It will be remarkable and you will will desire to reach for it often. The Ego will fight you every step of the way. Your work with Angels, through the pendulum, makes ego very nervous and cranky. Don't worry about it. The ego mind has absolutely no power. Unless you allow it to choose for you. Part of your work using the pendulum will be to take command of your Ego.You need not hate it, or reject it. You are welcome to love all parts of yourself, but know the difference between fear and love at every turn. Each time you choose to release your fears in favor of a loving response to life, your Ego’s influence will lessen. This takes time and conscious practice. It is indeed a lifelong application. A person who chooses to align with Light will enjoy the energetic capacity to tune into High Light energy. It isn’t a given. It is simply potential. There are other factors. We will discuss them here in this book. But, the biggest obstacle to knowledge is our resistance to Self-Love. It is important to understand that energy is constantly changing in relation to our thoughts. Your vibe on Monday could be different than your vibe on Thursday. Daily spiritual work is key to consistent penduling. Please remember that just because Tuesday may have been a bad day, Wednesday is just around the corner, and you will have a fresh opportunity to choose anew.

53 The Universe is all energy. Some of this energy is beneficial and some is not. I choose to use the words beneficial and non-beneficial as a way to steer clear of emotional judgments that can and will effect the state of your being. In order to survive, there was a mechanism created to help sense these energies for protection. Who/What created the mechanism is still up for debate. My belief is that fear itself created this mechanism. Love has no fear, and thus no need for mechanisms to protect against perceived danger. As you begin to see the truth of what you are, the Veil is made obvious for what it is. The ability to sense the various energies is fundamental to life on earth, and beyond I suspect, beginning with the plant kingdom. Plants shrink away from people who radiate non-beneficial energy, as shown in Clive Backster’s experiments. Of course it has been shown that animals sense when danger is near. Humans will always try to deflect non-beneficial sensation of any kind, in a host of ways. All living organisms seem to possess a built in antenna to help perceive beneficial and non beneficial energies. Our over identification with the intellectual aspect of our consciousness often restricts the sensitivity we need to go deeper into the full awareness of all things. Our five senses are in fact limiting our experience of the Universe. The human nervous system is the communication tool for the body, mind and spirit. The possibilities are infinite. Alfred Korzybski defines life as the amount of energy any given nervous system contains. The nervous system appears to function like a Super Cosmic Computer with endless storage capacity, and software out the whazoo. Passwords are given to all, but not everyone understands this. Imagine a password for each level of spiritual development, if you will. Let’s say you are vibing at a level 3 heart space. You will then be able to access level 3 information. If you are vibing at level two, you cannot access level 6 information. It’s not that the information is being kept from you by God, or anything else. You are the one who decides your own heart space, through the choices you make about any and all things. Please remember that it's about willingness to know love. If I was required to be Jesus when using this tool for High Light Guidance, I'd be so out of luck. An experienced pendulist also senses energy. In medical radiesthesia, the Physician is measuring the energetic interaction of a given force field with his/her own nervous system. Some use this to diagnose and treat accordingly. Some simply observe the energy, continue along, and allow for Divine Will to be the Physician. I employ the latter technique, as I am not a medical professional. The pendulum itself does not provide answers to your questions. It is your heart and mind, communicating through your nervous system, which gives you signals. The pendulum *amplifies* and interprets the signals through codes set up between your conscious and subconscious mind. You can use anything to pendul with: A pencil, a car key, or a ball on a string will do the trick. Many, like me, use crystals and stones for the most part. Just as there are many different kinds of automobiles with different colors, sizes, shapes and prices, your ability to drive a car is not affected. Emotionally, we may be drawn to red or blue, and we may resonate with the energies of quartz crystal, or we might love a piece of fine art, and this is fine. There is nothing wrong with enjoyment as long as we don’t lose sight of the power behind the instrument. High Light communicates with us through symbols, ideas, and dreams. Our conscious mind translates these communications through our own personal lens. Our interpretations are based on and influenced by many things, to include: our personal life experience, our immediate physical environment, our education, our culture, the unseen energies of those around us, and much more.

54 Lastly, please understand that it is not necessary to have objects or people present to do Light work for them. The subject could be many miles away, or even passed on from the earth plane. It makes no difference. In a dowsing article written by John Stakis, it is written that Abbe Mermet, a French Priest and one of the great pioneers in the field, was able to dowse for water and minerals in Africa, while seated comfortably at his desk in his village. As well, Vernon Cameron, a famous water dowser, was barred from leaving the U.S.A. because he was considered a security risk. Why? He demonstrated a map downing technique to the US Navy that accurately located the position and depth of all the subs and bases in the Pacific. He was also able to distinguish between American and Russian Subs. Sheree Rainbolt-Kren © 2004 2005


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Copyright Notice RHP manuals are copyrighted material. You are free to print one copy of this manual. This manual is a free and glad gift of spirit, and is not to be sold. If you wish to forward this manual to a free internet group or internet Library, that permission is granted, as long as the information contained herein IS NOT EDITED, in any way, and only if the group, or Library is free and open to all to access. This manual may not be mass distributed, in any way, shape or form, without written permission from Sheree Rainbolt-Kren . All rights will be withheld.

RHP * USER LICENSES Practitioner Opportunities

If you are an experienced and certified Reiki Master, or established medical professional, and you wish to use any RHP manual for commercial purposes in your own community. A User’s License is $175 per six week process. You can purchase a license at my website: . There is a form to fill out before the license is granted. User’s must be certified Reiki Masters. Due to the nature of this work, it is critical that certain ethical and professional Reiki standards are met. I am sure you understand. Online manuals have art in them that have been offered freely by some of my favorite artists because of the free online work I do. Artwork is copyrighted, and may not reproduced.

Reiki Healing Project network © Disclaimer:

I am not a Doctor of any kind. I am a holistic/intuitive practitioner. No medical advice is insinuated. A qualified medical doctor should treat any and all medical conditions. Information here is not intended as medical/health advice. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. I make no promises warranties or guarantees neither expressed nor implied. The information in this manual is not to take the place of a physician, or other medical advice.



The biggest question I get asked these days is this: Why don’t you facilitate online group projects anymore?

I spent considerable time in prayer before deciding to release the online groups to Light. I came to understand that my journey was complete, and it was time to leave the gift for the Universe to sort out. The manuals and news group is given with a glad heart. The year I spent in facilitating 12 different RHP groups was a remarkable undertaking for me and taught me the true meaning of Love and Light. Those who came, truly ready and willing to heal, will forever stand as energetic mountains of courage and inspiration. There gorgeous contributions to my own personal growth is huge. While I am not able to manage online groups, I am happy to work with serious and surrendered seekers, one on one. If you desire an online Reiki Master to see you through the weekly process, you are free to contact me at [email protected] . Otherwise, please locate a loving Master in your own community and work with them through this important work. If you come to this moment with real dedication, your life will forever be changed. I do my best to answer my personal email, but that is not always possible and I don’t have a secretary. Thank you for understanding in advance. Please consider joining the free, online RHP News group for ongoing updates, and a wealth of pertinent files on the subject of the Inner Child, and much more. Love, Sheree

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