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Student Name ____________________________________________ Grade 7

Page 1

practice test

English Reading Directions: In this practice test, you will show how well you understand written English. There are two selections and some questions about each one. For each question, mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Overtraining: Too Much of a Good Thing 1 Athletes work hard to train their bodies. They practice often and for long periods of time. Many people assume that the more athletes train, the better they will become. However, this is true only to a 5 point. It is possible to train too much. Athletes work out to strengthen and condition their muscles. This training is essential. On the other hand, muscles also need rest. They need time to recover from exercise. Muscles actually become torn during training, 10 so they need time to heal. Overtraining happens when an athlete works out so much that the muscles do not have adequate time to rest. As a result, performance does not improve. In fact, performance gets worse with overtraining. How do some athletes respond to their 15 decreased performance? They train even harder. They think that if they just practice more, their performance will improve. In fact, the opposite is true. There are many signs and symptoms that an athlete may be overtraining. Some signs are physical and others 20 are emotional. The most obvious physical symptom is decreased performance. Other physical symptoms include difficulty sleeping and unusual muscle soreness.

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Page 2

Grade 7 - English

The most common emotional symptom of overtraining is depression.

25 Overtraining affects up to 15 percent of top-level athletes every year. Athletes in sports that require endurance, such as running and biking, are most likely to be affected. The best treatment for overtraining is rest. Training less than usual for a few weeks or 30 months is the best way to correct the problem. Most athletes eventually recover from overtraining, but it can be a frustrating experience.

l 1 What is the selection mostly about? A training to run a marathon B how to build muscles quickly C the problem of exercising too much D the exercise schedule of famous athletes

that your friend María is l 4 Imagine overtraining. How will she probably feel? A scared B cheerful C sad D surprised

happens to muscles when the body l 2 What is resting after exercise? A They grow weaker. B They get longer. C They shrink. D They heal.

l 5 Into?line 10, what does the word they refer A sports B muscles C exercises D performances

can an athlete recover from l 3 How overtraining? A by getting a new coach B by trying to learn a new sport C by working harder at practices D by training less for a few weeks

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Grade 7 - English

Page 3

hirteen-year-old brothers TCarlos and Raúl García found something unusual on Monday. They found a bag full of money. Sophia Arroyo, a local businesswoman, had earlier taken $10,000 out of the bank. Then she ran some errands and bought supplies for her business. When she came out of the office supply store, she slipped in the rain and dropped all her belongings. She thought she had collected everything. Carlos and Raúl found the bag full of money a few minutes later. The boys said they looked around, but did not see anyone who was looking for something. Then they talked it over. “At first,” said Carlos, “we thought about keeping the money. We talked about what we could buy. Then we thought maybe we could keep some and return the rest.” In the end, however, they decided against that plan, too. “We started thinking about the person

l 6 What happened first? A Carlos and Raúl talked about what to do. B A scholarship fund was set up. C Sophia Arroyo talked to a journalist. D Carlos and Raúl found a bag.

who lost that money. What if that person lost a job because of this? What if this was all the money someone had saved for a long time?” Raúl said. “We didn’t feel good about keeping it. It wasn’t our money,” added Carlos. Ms. Arroyo’s business was very pleased when the boys brought the money back to the bank. In addition to giving the boys a reward, the company has offered to set up a scholarship fund for the boys’ education. “These boys deserve more than just a small thank you,” said Ms. Arroyo. “We hope that by setting up the scholarship fund, we will be encouraging more people to follow their example.”

on information from the passage, l 7 Based why did Sophia Arroyo probably drop the money? A Her shoes were uncomfortable. B The weather was bad. C There was a crack in the sidewalk. D Someone bumped into her.

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Page 4

l 8 The selection says the boys discussed A how big their reward would be. B how angry the bank workers must be. C how the person who lost the money felt. D how long it would take to find the owner. statement would Sophia Arroyo l 9 Which probably agree with?

Grade 7 - English sentence from the selection is an l 10 Which OPINION? A “They found a bag full of money.” B “But in the end they decided against that plan, too.” C “These boys deserve more than just a small thank you.” D “We started thinking about the person who lost that money.”

A Hard work is the key to success. B A good deed should be rewarded. C Everybody needs to relax sometimes. D Good things come to people who wait.

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Answer Key 7th Grade- English


E73.3, The student can identify the main idea.


Incorrect. The selection is NOT mainly about training for a marathon.


Incorrect. The selection is NOT mainly about how to build muscles quickly.


Correct. The selection is mainly about the problem of exercising too much.


Incorrect. The selection is NOT mainly about the exercise schedule of famous athletes.


E73.2, The student can recall sequence of events from a selection read.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT say that muscles grow weaker when resting after exercise.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT say that muscles get longer when resting after exercise.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT say that muscles shrink when resting after exercise.


Correct. The selection states in paragraph 2 that muscles heal when resting after exercise.


E73.3, The student can identify the main idea.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that the best treatment for overtraining is to get a new coach.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that the best treatment for overtraining is to learn a new sport.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that the best treatment for overtraining is to work harder at practices.


Correct. Paragraph 4 states that the best treatment for overtraining is rest.


E73.5, The student can predict outcomes.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that a person who is overtraining will feel scared.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that a person who is overtraining will feel cheerful.


Correct. Lines 23 and 24 state that the most common symptom of overtraining is depression.


Incorrect. The selection does NOT state that a person who is overtraining will feel surprised.


E73.1, The student can identify details.


Incorrect. The word “they” does NOT refer to sports.


Correct. The word “they” refers to the subject of the sentence, muscles.


Incorrect. The word “they” does NOT refer to exercises.


Incorrect. The word “they” does NOT refer to performances.


E73.2, The student can recall sequence of events from a selection read.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT state that the boys first talked about what to do with the money.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT state that the first thing that happened was that a scholarship fund was set up.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT state that the first thing that happened was that Sophia Arroyo talked to a journalist.


Correct. The passage states that Carlos and Raúl found the bag of money first.


E73.4, The student can draw inferences.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that Sophia’s shoes were uncomfortable.


Correct. This is the best answer because paragraph 2 states that she slipped in the rain.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that there was a crack in the sidewalk.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that someone bumped into Sophia.


E73.1, The student can identify details.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that the boys discussed how big their reward would be.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that the boys discussed how angry the bank worker were.


Correct. Paragraph 4 states that the boys started thinking about the person that lost the money.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT say that the boys discussed how long it would take to find the owner.


E73.4, The student can draw inferences.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT talk about hard work or success.


Correct. Because Sophia rewards the boys in the story for their good deed, she would most likely agree with this statement.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT talk about people needing to relax.


Incorrect. The passage does NOT talk about good things coming to people who wait.


E73.6, The student can distinguish between fact and opinion.


Incorrect. This sentence is a FACT from the passage.


Incorrect. This sentence is a FACT from the passage.


Correct. This sentence is an OPINION from the passage.


Incorrect. This sentence is a FACT from the passage.

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