Ingles 3 Segunda Version

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:



Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro de texto Inglés III En esta prueba usted deberá elegir la opción que completa correctamente y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan. El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta prueba se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:

PRIMERA PARTE 4. 1. Lucy _________ not ____________at home before you came. A) B) C) D)

had/been has/been had / being has/being

2. ____________ is necessary ______________ the plants. A) B) C) D)

It/ water There / water It / to water There / to water A) B) C) D)

3. This is my ring. _______ is on the table. A) B) C) D)

You Your Yours You´re

When have / worked Where have/ worked When had / working Where had / working

5. You have to add a ________________ salt. It improves the flavor. A) B) C) D)


little of little much of much

6. George doesn’t like to do ________ for his friends. A) B) C) D)

13. Please _________talking to your sister. A) B) C) D)

fun noise deals favors

14. Jane didn’t ___________answering the questions.

7. Mike has _____________ mother twice this week. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

visits a visit visited be visiting

)need finish want expect

15. We must all fight ____________ the enemies of peace.

8. _____ grandfather ____________ smoking since the operation? A) B) C) D)

keep decide refuse promise

A) B) C) D)

Has /been Has/being Must / been Must/being

upon about toward against

16. Cindy shouted ___________ hearing the news about her friends. 9. Lily won’t ________out of her car. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

go put get leave

10. He’ll never lean He’s ____________ dumb. A) B) C) D)

of off over upon

17. Jean ___________ never __________me for what I did.

too well enough hardly

A) B) C) D)

will / forgave did / forgave has / forgiven could/forgiven

11. _________ the play _______ when the bomb exploded? A) B) C) D)

18. I’ll have to read the book ______for the exam.

Had/begin Would /begin Had /begun Would / begun

A) on B) up C) over A) back

12. Mr. Andrews _____________ through with the lecture at 6:00 o’clock. A) B) C) D)

put took got went

19. I’m not able to read this book. It’s ________ difficult. A) B) C) D)


too enough almost barely

20. I never __________ painting Barb’s portrait. A) B) C) D)

refused expected finished promised

21.____________of the food was left. It was salty. A) B) C) D)

Few Much Not many Not every

22. Her beauty is superb. She is __________ beautiful girl l know. A) B) C) D)

most more the most the more

23. Don’t read that article. It’s ____________ important of all. A) B) C) A)

less not the none the least


SEGUNDA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 5 preguntas, de la 24 a la 28. En las preguntas 24 y 25, usted deberá elegir la opción que complete correctamente con a o the, especificado en cada caso. En las preguntas 26, 27 y28 la opción que NO REQUIERA del artículo a o the EJEMPLO:

24. Con “the”

26. Sin “a”

A) They speak _______English well.

A) He is baking _ delicious cake.

B) Raymond called __________ Senator Connors.

B) What__ shame it is to be so lazy. C) I had__ good time at the party.

C) Some burglars were taken to ________ prison.

D) She likes__ water with her dinner.

D) She selected_________ children for her play.

27. Sin “the” A) Anne washed all ___ new glasses.

25. Con “the” B) Lucy was criticizing ____Peters. A) You mustn’t go to ________ bed so late. C) Will Helen see____ play today? B) Turn off ________ light before leaving. D) Did you close ________ Edward’s car? C) At what time will Jane have_______ tea? D) Does ________rain always fail in May?

28. Sin “the” A) I think she lives in _____ India. B) I know _______ meat you bought is cheap. C) She will work in ________ state of Texas. D) They will get to _______ office very late.


TERCERA PARTE A continuación se le presenta un texto que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en el contestará las preguntas 29 y30.

The octopus is often cast as a villainous monster in adventure movies. It is said to hide in dark places, waiting for unsuspecting divers to pull them to their deaths. In reality, the octopus is not a fearsome monster at all, rather it is an intelligent, timid and very interesting animal.

The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as its close relative, the ten-armed squid*. One octopus will indeed attack, and even sometimes eat another octopus that enters its territory, but divers report that it will usually try to avoid contact with man. Interestingly enough, however, octopi in captivity can become very friendly with man and will seek human company rather than avoid it Octopi are sometimes playful and clever. A naughty** laboratory specimen waited for the technicians to leave the laboratory to make nightly trips to a nearby tank to eat fish. The technicians were mystified*** by the disappearance of the fish until they caught the octopus on one of its nightly raids. Far from being a monster to be feared, the octopus is another of the interesting members of nature. * squid - a marine mollusk with a long body and ten arms around the mouth. ** naughty - mischievous, playful, teasing. ***mystified - bewildered, perplexed. 29. Which of the following ideas is included in the text? A) Laboratory technicians like to play with octopi. B) Octopi like to be kept in laboratories. C) Octopi are considered shy and smart animals. D) Laboratory technicians fear octopi. 30. The phrase “The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as its close relative, the ten-armed squid” means: A) Octopi and squids have ten arms. B) Squids are more aggressive than octopi. C) Squids and octopi belong to the same family. D) Octopi become aggressive when they are near squids.

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