Ingles 2 Segunda Version

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,136
  • Pages: 7
ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:


Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro de texto Inglés II Unidades IX — XVI. En esta prueba usted deberá elegir la, opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan. El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta prueba se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:

1. The wind ________ blow gently in those old pleasant summer evenings.

4. ______ your mother ________ lunch when Lucy left?

A) can B) must C) would D) should

A) Did / B) Was / C) Did / D) Was /

2. Henry ______ be able _______ tennis again in two weeks.

5. I’d ________ not _______ that letter today.

A) will / play B) will / to play C) can / play D) can / to play

A) B) C) D)

3. I want to read _____ books.

6. _______ Harry use to ________ to his office everyday before the accident?

A) other B) others C) another D) the others

A) B) C) D)

cooks cooks cooking cooking

going / answer rather / answer going / to answer rather / to answer

Did / walk Would / walk Did / walked Did / walked

7. This is the house __________ in the story. A) B) C) D)

describe describes described describing

8. _________ your friends _________ to participate in the rally? A) B) C) D)

Will / going Are / rather Are / going Will / rather

13. David _________ a poem to Beth. A) B) C) D)

translated bought read made

14. Tom and Jennifer ________ not my friends a year ago. A) B) C) D)

did were would could

9. Berenice left _________ plane.

15. Vicky doesn’t feel well. She _______ not be able to take the exam.

A) B) C) D)

A) should B) must C) can D) may

In on at by

10. I __________ not _______ onions before. I had an allergy.

16. His new desk is completely made ______ synthetic fiber.

A) could / eat B) could / ate C) used / eat D) used / ate

A) of B) in C) for D) with 17. The children were not ________ their composition. A) B) C) D)

wrote write writes writing

18. Paula doesn’t have _________ friends.

A) B) C) D)

How /be Where/ be How / to be Where / to be

12. Certain aspects of your research ________ very ________ A) B) C D)

do / interested do / interesting are / interested are / interesting

A) lot B) a lot C) many D) many of 19. Barry and Melissa ________ not ________ lunch with me next Monday A) will / have B) going / have C) will / to have D) going / to have

20. Children ________ not ______with matches. It’s very dangerous.

26. He _______ not ________ the keys. He put them in the drawer.

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

might / play should / play might / playing should / playing

21. Peter _____ busy last night. A) B) C) D)

is are was were

did / forgot did / forget was / forgot was/ forget

27. John’s completely exhausted. You _________ not ________ him. A) must / disturb B) rather/ disturb C) must / to disturb D) rather/ to disturb

22. Rose ________ all her milk and went to sleep. A) B) C) D)

drank drink drinks drinking

23. ________ you rather ________ on the sofa? A) B) C) D)

Are / sleep Would / sleep Are / sleeping Would / sleeping

A) B) C) D)

When am Where am When should Where should

24. The postman _________ not _________ bring the mail every day before. A) could / able to B) could / use to C) did / able to D) did / use to 25. Dr. Smith ________ his patient two hours ago. A) B) C) D)

visit visited to visit visiting

A) B) C) D)

Does / eat May / to eat Does / eating May / be eating

30. We will __________ football in the park. A) B) C) D)

play played to play playing

35. I love my new ______ suit. A) bath B) baths C) bathing D) to bathe

31. I _______ going ___________ up very early tomorrow. A) B) C) D)

am / get will / get am / to get will / to get

32. Peter, please lend Christopher and Jacqueline -— pencils. A) B) C) D)

any most much some

A) B) C) D)

Did / go Did / to go Can / go Can / to go

A) B) C) D)

What Whom What Whom

33. You ________ drive fast on this road. Please, obey the rules. A) B) C) D)

rather not might not couldn’t can’t

A) What / react B) How / react C) What / to react D) How / to react

/ to / to / for / for

38. My sister ________ leaving home in a week A) should B) will C) can D) is

A) When did B) Where did C) When might D) Where might

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Am /listen May / listen Am / listening May / listening

A) B) C) D)

Can / come Must / come Can. / to come Must / to come

What / copies Whose / copies What / copying Whose / copying

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