Date: Lugar:
August 22, 23 and 24 Andrés Bello Campus Universidad de la Frontera Temuco
Robotics Competition: “Sumo robot fight”
Organized by:
With the support of:
Generate an interaction between designer groups of mobile robots, at a National and Latin American level. With basis on a friendly competition it will be possible to strengthen bonds between future engineers studying electronics, electrics and informatics, all in an ambient favourable to gather all the different participants.
Competition Description In order to participate in the competition, the team must design an autonomous and mobile robot, capable of recognizing an opponent, and be able to push it out of a previously established ring (please see the Rules section below). The teams must consist of pregrade students, coursing degrees related to the specialty (Electrics, Electronics or Informatics), with the number of members no greater than 5 people. The students can be guided by a professor of their University. In order to participate in the competition, the team members must be registered in the Ingelectra 2007 Conference. Further details about the Conference can be found at The teams must confirm their participation by email to
[email protected] before July 14 of 2007. The robots must be finished by the day of the competition, Agosto 23 of 2007, to take place in the context of the Ingelectra 2007 Conference.
Design Rules Each tema must abide by the following requisites: 1. Weight: No greater than 5 kg. 2. Control: The robots must be completely autonomous, with an adequate control algorithm (see The Fight section). 3. Maximum Dimensions: 25x25x25 cm. 4. Allowed elements: ●
Sensors (infrared, ultrasonics o similar) in order to detect the opponents. Sensors to detect the percent of the robot outside the ring.
Wheels, for robot displacement.
5. Not allowed elements: ● Water, acid, oil and any other substance that endangers people or stage elements. ● Chainsaws or other cutting elemnts.
The fight The “fight ring” will be equivalent to a black circumference with a diameter of 1 or 2 meters, on top of a white platform, so robots can detect when they are out bounds. The robots, two for each fight to be realized, will be located a given distance from the center of the circumference. The robots will be then activated, so they can seek for their opponent. When a robot gets to detect an opponent, it must try to push it out of the ring. The first robot going out of the ring, in two out of three fights, will lose the competence. In case there are several teams participating, the elimination system will be make known during the competition.
More Information Web Page: Email:
[email protected]
For inscriptions, contact with: Mg. Nelson Aros Oñate UFRO IEEE Student Branch Councelor Email:
[email protected] Phone: (56) 45 325574 Ernesto Villarroel Zapata UFRO IEEE Student Branch Email:
[email protected]
Conference Committee IEEEUFRO Student Branch Directive: Ernesto Villarroel Zapata President Claudio Soto Contreras Vicepresident Víctor Hormazábal Millañir Treasurer Katerina Mihovilovich Roa Secretary Mg. Nelson Aros Oñate Branch Councelor IEEEUFRO Student Branch Directors: Internal Affairs: Ludwig von Dossow Tellier Public Relations: Javier Mardones D'Appollonio Claudio Silva Peña Rodrigo Oñate Fox Abdel Hidd Figueroa Publicity: Ronald Beltrán Calfín Oscar Valderrama Cayumán Sebastián Ulloa Quezada